THE VORTEX Cardinal Sins March 30, 2015

Hello, everyone, and welcome to The Vortex, where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed. I’m Michael Voris.

It’s almost beyond words—almost—when you look at what princes of the Church are saying or doing quite publicly these days.

And it almost always has to do with sex, in one way or another. Talk about cardinal sins!

There’s outted homosexual Cardinal Keith O’Brien of Scotland who had to resign when his homosexual priest lovers blew the whistle on him. He resigned and has now been disgraced by the Vatican, surrendering his privileges.

Then there’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, proudly leading a parade and defending the open gay group in it, while at the same time saying nothing about the pro­ life group being shut out of it. Bravo, Cardinal.

Then there is of course the German Cardinal whose racist­sounding comments are only overshadowed by his extremely dodgy “theology”; our apologies to all the theologians out there for lumping him into your category.

Then there is the ever­blustery Cardinal , also of Germany, with his less than thinly veiled threats to overturn and change Church doctrine.

Then there is Houston, Texas Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, who allows pro­abortion, protestant, female ministers the use of the cathedral to be “ordained” while also permitting notorious public sinners who openly supported abortion and sodomy to be given a public funeral Mass.

Then there is one of the behind­the­scenes quiet agitators, Cardinal of Washington, DC, who openly defies canon law as he defends the practice of giving Holy Communion to pro­abortion Catholic politicos.

We could go on, but the Renaissance popes had nothing on this gang. At least the Renaissance popes mostly confined their evils to their own private lives.

These men are taking aim at the faith itself and seek to undercut it and re­shape it at every turn.

And now they have their latest member to the club: Westminster Cardinal , who has told 500 priests from the UK to shut their mouths and stop talking about the upcoming synod in public.

One wonders why he hasn’t felt equally compelled to offer that same unfriendly piece of advice to Fr. Thomas Rosica, the papal spokesman who can’t seem to keep his mouth closed in public about the upcoming Synod on the Family.

Is it only those seeking to destroy the faith that are allowed to speak? Apparently.

This is insane.

Cardinal Tagle of Manila is so wowwed by the spirit of Vatican Two that he can’t stop talking about it—and to date, no one has actually defined just exactly what is meant by the Spirit of Vatican II, so it might behoove the cardinal’s advisors to suggest he stop bandying about such an elastic term.

Then there is Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, a man whose nickname is Vice Pope, who oftentimes doesn’t even come close to sounding anything like Catholic at all.

And we certainly can’t forget Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston, who speaks as though he seems to think the only sin left on earth is either opposing climate change or illegal immigration. Short of those two whoppers, anything else flies.

Newly named cardinal in has deeply saddened loyal Catholics there with his banging the drum for Holy Communion to those in adultery.

No such list would be complete without a tip of the mitre to:

­Cardinal , the man who helped orchestrate what many see as a manipulation of last year’s extraordinary Synod on the Family in favor of giving Holy Communion to open homosexuals and those in adultery

­The all­but­gone Cardinal Roger Mahoney who covered up so much homosexual sex abuse in his reign in Los Angeles that the archdiocese had to pay out more than $600 million.

­Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who preceded Cardinal Wuerl in Washington, DC, who lied and/or misrepresented then­Cardinal Ratzinger’s letter to American bishops saying pro­abort Catholic politicians should be denied Holy Communion. He went on to misrepresent a statement from the Vatican about Ted Kennedy at the very graveside of the pro­abort US Senator.

­Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna, who has closely associated himself with the cause of changing Church practices and disciplines while insisting there is no impact on Church moral doctrine or teaching.

But the underlying thread through all of the cardinals’ sins is sins against purity. They like to suggest or invent a new theology or theological approach and classify it as “mercy” or “compassion”—to which neither mangled term applies.

I say “mangled” because for you to receive mercy or compassion, you have to accept it; and to accept it, you must first admit you are in sin and reject the sin.

Does anyone think for one moment that the homosexualist mafia that forced its way into the St. Patrick’s Day Parade under Cardinal Dolan’s laughing countenance is willing to admit the sin and seek mercy for it?

Not a shot in Hades.

And this is the great horror: we’ve just reeled off eleven cardinals who have in one way or another backed away from the Church’s teaching on the mortal sin of sodomy. Many of these men allow Masses in their home dioceses for active homosexuals at various parishes. They turn a blind eye to actively homosexual priests or sodomy­friendly clergy in their dioceses.

The is a pretty exclusive club. Worldwide there are a little more than 200, and only about half can vote for the next pope; so to see this much treachery against the faith in so many is more than frightening—it’s downright scary.

At some point, the Church of Nice defenders in the Catholic establishment media have got to take off their blinders and call a spade a spade: what these men believe and what loyal Catholics believe is NOT the same faith.

Cardinals loyal to the faith like His Eminence Raymond Burke, Gerhard Mueller, , , Carlo Caffarra, and others must be supported and encouraged.

There is a war going on among the cardinals, and it is the progressives and poorly formed ones that are always scheming and plotting against the faith that seem to have the upper hand over the more faithful ones.

But we must never get discouraged in this. We need to get serious—serious in our prayer, our discernment, our understanding, our evangelizing, our study. At the end of the day, the Church does not belong to unfaithful clerics, even though they act like it does, and even though, in less inspired moments, it might even feel that way.

Don’t give in to that diabolical urging to grow despondent.

The Church belongs to Almighty God, and Almighty God will see it safely home.

GOD love you.

I’m Michael Voris.