Our Lady's Catholic School Celebrates 60Th Anniversary

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Our Lady's Catholic School Celebrates 60Th Anniversary Vol. 41, No. 2 Friday, January 23, 2015 2015 CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Catholic Schools-Communities of Faith, Knowledge, Service * Jan. 25-31 (EDITOR’S NOTE: Cath- will provide opportunities what we do and what pro- sent. Last year’s activities olic Schools Week is cel- for schools to brand the week grams we adopt; rather, it is included nearly a thousand ebrated across the country, and their ongoing marketing about what God is doing, the students who joined bishops, this year during the week activities with repeated men- graces we are being blessed parents and teachers from of January 25-31. The seven tions and use of a consistent with, and the Spirit that is al- Arizona dioceses in a rally Catholic schools of the Dio- logo. ways being poured-out over at the state Capitol in Phoe- cese of Lake Charles are St. The theme encompasses our ministry.” nix. Pastors from the Arch- Louis Catholic High School, several concepts that are at About 2.1 million students diocese of Cincinnati, Ohio, Immaculate Conception Ca- the heart of a Catholic educa- are currently educated in rang their church bells to thedral School, Our Lady tion. First, schools are com- nearly 6,600 Catholic schools mark National Appreciation Queen of Heaven Catholic munities—small families in cities, suburbs, small Day for Catholic Schools. In School, St. Margaret of Scot- in their own right, but also towns and rural communi- Idaho, students from a school land Catholic School, all in members of the larger com- ties around the country. Stu- in Lewiston participated in a Lake Charles; St. Theodore munity of home, church, city dents receive an education living rosary to pray for the Holy Family Catholic School and nation. Faith, knowledge that prepares them for the nation. in Moss Bluff; Our Lady Im- and service are three mea- challenges of higher educa- The Catholic schools in maculate Catholic School in sures by which any Catholic tion and a competitive work the Diocese of Lake Charles Jennings; and Our Lady’s school can and should be environment. An estimated offer a community environ- Catholic School in Sulphur.) judged. 99 percent of students gradu- ment in which children can The Most Reverend Glen ate from high school and 85 thrive and live out the values John Provost, Bishop of Lake percent of Catholic school they are encouraged to de- Charles, will be the cele- graduates attend college. velop so they can contribute brant of a Mass for Catholic Archbishop Lucas also to society and assume leader- School’s Week at 9:30 a.m. stressed the importance of ship roles in shaping public on Wednesday, Jan. 28 in the reaching out to underserved attitudes and programs. Cathedral of the Immaculate populations. As our local schools in the Our Lady Immaculate Catholic School (K-8) Conception. Students from Diocese celebrate Catho- In these days of economic 600 Roberts Avenue the eighth grade classes of lic Schools Week, they also turmoil for so many families, Jennings the schools of the Diocese prepare themselves for a good education remains 824-1743 along with 12th grade stu- prospective students and the single best way out of Open House - Wednesday, Jan. 28 dents from St. Louis Catholic poverty for young people,” families. The seven elemen- High School and from Jen- The new logo features a tary schools will be host- Archbishop Lucas said. “At Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic School (PreK-8) nings, the Our Lady Immacu- swirl of colors interacting ing Open Houses, followed the same time, we cannot for- 3908 Creole Street late Catholic School Choir. around a cross, which is at by new family registration. get, through the education Lake Charles National Catholic Schools the center of all Catholic ed- Parents interested in enroll- and faith formation of chil- 477-7349 Week (NCSW) is the annual ucation. The vibrancy of the ing students are encouraged dren and youth, our Catholic Open House Monday, January 26, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. celebration of Catholic edu- colors and the movement and schools are part of a solution to visit the schools on these cation in the United States, shadows in the logo portray occasions. Parents choose a to support families and to Our Lady’s Catholic School (PreK-8) a joint project of the Na- the inner-connectivity and Catholic education for their build productive lives for fu- 1111 Cypress Street tional Catholic Educational community life that are pres- ture generations.” children for many reasons. Association (NCEA) and the Sulphur ent in our Catholic schools. The observance of Catho- From academics and curric- United States Conference of 527-7828 “Catholic schools are a lic Schools Week began in ulum to school environment Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Open House Monday, January 26, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.. vital aspect of the Church’s 1974. Schools and parishes and parental involvement, The theme for the National Diocesan schools meet the mission to preach the Gos- around the country will hold St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic School (PreK-8) Catholic Schools Week 2015 academic needs of students pel of Jesus Christ and so activities such as Masses, 2510 Enterprise Boulevard is “Catholic Schools: Com- while integrating faith, life an important aspect of our open houses, and potluck Lake Charles munities of Faith, Knowl- and culture in a disciplined own teaching mission,” said gatherings to celebrate the 436-7959 edge and Service.” and safe environment. Archbishop George Lucas communities they repre- Open House – Tuesday, January 27, 6:00 p.m. The logo and theme, de- of Omaha, Nebraska, chair- veloped for NCSW, was in re- School Open House dates and contact information: man of the U. S. Conference St. Theodore’s Holy Family Catholic School (K-8) sponse to member requests Immaculate Conception Cathedral Catholic School (PreK-8) of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) 785 Sam Houston Jones Parkway for a theme and logo that 1536 Ryan Street Committee on Education. Moss Bluff would last more than a year, Lake Charles “Pope Francis has reminded 855-9465 the new theme will be used 433-3497 us that the New Evangeliza- Open House - Thursday, January 27, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. for at least three years. This tion is not precisely about Open House - Wednesday, January 28, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Our Lady’s Catholic School celebrates 60th anniversary SULPHUR – Our Lady’s The school formally Catholic School celebrated opened its doors to students the 60th anniversary of its in September 1954 and the founding in December with original building consisted of Mass celebrated by Bishop the front part of the present Glen John Provost in Our structure housing six class- Lady of Prompt Succor Cath- rooms, the principal’s office, olic Church and a reception teachers’ lounge, and living in the school’s Chamblee quarters for the religious sis- Hall. ters. It was built on property At the reception, Louisi- donated by Mr. and Mrs. A.M. ana State Representative Stelly. Michael Danahay and Loui- Administrative duties of siana State Senator Ronnie the school were maintained Johns presented the school by members of the Domini- with a certificate of recogni- can Sisters of Houston and tion from the Legislature, the faculty was initially made “recognizing the school on its up of six lay teachers, making anniversary for building the Our Lady’s School the first future of all students through school in the then-Diocese of the grace of God and aca- Lafayette to be staffed fully demic excellence.” by lay teachers. The certificate further The Dominican Sisters thanked current Our Lady’s remained at the school until School principal Trevor Don- the end of the 1971-72 term nelly as well as the faculty when the Sisters of St. Joseph Bishop Glen John Provost was the celebrant of a special Mass celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding and staff for their commit- took over the administration of Our Lady’s Catholic School in Sulphur in Our Lady of Prompt Succor Catholic Church. Concelebrating were ment to educating “our chil- of the facility. In 1979, the Fr. Edward Richard M.S., Fr. Bino Poovannikunnel, M.S., Fr. Andrews Kollannoor, M.S., and Fr. Gijo Ikkaramattom, dren and their dedication to Sisters of the Most Holy Sac- H.G.N. Father Ruben Buller served as the Master of Ceremonies and was aided by Fr. D.B. Thompson. Deacon developing the total child.” rament came on board and Patrick LaPoint and Deacon Dan Landry served Bishop Provost. Further, the certificate were then followed by the Photo reproductions lined “Catholic schools are foun- saluted Our Lady’s School priests and brothers of the the walls of the hall along tains of youth for our com- as an “extraordinary learn- Missionaries of Our Lady of with scrapbooks that marked munities and were places of Diocese of Lake Charles ing institution for providing LaSalette. the six decades of the stability and tradition while a lasting and positive influ- Since its inception the school’s existence. Bishop also being a place with an ence on the community and school has had, as its pur- Provost spoke to those in at- awareness of the future and employs 1,592 the great state of Louisiana.” pose, to help fulfill the goal tendance and played the pia- its challenges.” LAKE CHARLES – Results of a recent survey of Catho- Sulphur Mayor Chris Dun- of Catholic education: to pre- no to accompany the school’s Our Lady of Prompt Suc- lic institutions within the Diocese of Lake Charles show can also proclaimed “Our La- pare the pupil to be a worthy show choir along with fifth cor pastor Father Edward that 1,592 people are employed by the local church in dy’s School 60th Anniversary citizen, both in this world grade voices.
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