The Oxford Democrat: Vol. 54, No. 9
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PlBSONiL — WoBJtrfal IKNM. flop and rt intn for weak parte, never* kIm ttraln*. tnrk»f!»c f' "II .* an I g»t rt.l «.f fl u III aj ril Hock Mki a »u*»crir>er. Km7 »n<nch the cat la four f«t of water until the II Nee to the surface Thea bnry the cat Kali's Veg* table tilclUna 11 air Renew er bat!* try dleeaee pecnllar to the acaJp iiM aad clean emutat and keep* tba acaJp cool Tha <>caa» Trip Bride—"I f*nl ao nick, 0. and 1887. NUMBER my dear; and If I aboald dla th*y Iwry MAINE. TUESDAY. MARCH 1. atxl VOLUME LIV. PARIS. mt won't jom eometlmea coma plant fljwer* oa my grsrer NOTKS w I Journal. letter. OXFORD COUNTY HORSK la to Itself It I* I orrwpoedeac* of fee I tot The second cotfrae U our Washington llood'a Bnrsnparllla p*c*llar la tlm* of perfect health aid aafety alwaya "*>/•«**— la AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. >01 lor to all other prrparniloa* a to toaildtr what oaf hi to b* either vermicelli, rice, cr macaroni, flrat WtaiusnTos, I>. C., Feb. 21, 1M7. taper good plaa BOKB UfB IN MBCI and medicinal merit. ■loo# ta can of a of any kind. bailed in water and then fr»e»l in oil with etrvngtb, rcotoaf, oa top. calaatropb* A'JUor ; A Tbot a*d Ksntarrte* l>rn»n<»W«w prvtlMi ifrlr«aar»l ao Two Days' w« b wlk' i«l. tililrM* til K*ery one caa, by cartful forethought, wi'h alicea of aut>- much garlic and garnithed The legislation upoa the tiie Mitt lnlM<to.l hi I)ll« to AttlKl b their that whm a «oJ«1*o MBIT. T1RLC paadlag to pk Htm in Ararat »f A New Yorker f*nra thai Liberty itr|*rtlMi| arraag* plan* A MEXICAN MW1EB. Till •(•wed to- CtotJitn Other lea coatloore lo Hiii I'Mucur, r *ai*. Mb. Sjmetimea Ject of tbe cold k«niii,ui>nui demaad doe* n«M apnn them. tbey caa green peppera. will contract a fatal by bring eipo**d M4KNKM. niffIKO BOOM COWTEJUrHCEa. milk •irlu • great deal of laUreat iooii the CorWTT BbUOKBs' AwKXlATtO*.— needn't ao lh*r caa act matoes art railed with il, or all tba atortna of winter. Bath* ba«a prvnenc* of ml ad gent's tad oauide of Cos* to politlcltnt, both within or Ox- Hha has TUB V»BIB *tTl *■ with coolneaa aad Jadgmeal. la caa* of cheeae it crumbled upon it, and the grea* A Korrnoo*tjiij CatAioori worry aboat the old girl's health. g national circle* The Huu Department It || MX Ilk* I ITM Ar* caa recollect wb*r* their ealaa- n. an ir<*n coaa'Jtalloa. pn»lm they /acatva*, Mexico, Jab. 1897. *y mixture it eaten with a apex la la faror of tb« bill ro«D OorrrT HovI'Fum.—8om« I* b«lk IIU* n»*« Mb> aa<l aad hava atrongiy reported Met ar» collect them together the on af "» •)*»<!«« t«u« u u«k. ibiw b«*lr*l J tar, Then comet the main dish of meal from tb* lloate commute* forelga or snow that more penpl* dl« tbfB to a of Often to with me Hiiuu asp CoLTt IxKii. Not*. Ststistiob Tv» Uii • *i .in. bafcl mmI wrt coirtfni place aaMy, 1 io*itc you dine to-day, that tb« HeatU bill cana«. i.^g which never tariff the whole Mil, m It le thought of coasanptloa than from any other A lUv <4 * .>•« ■or* property la wnated through leconald- a Ai 1 im throughout dear friend*, /a Mexicana. I* to obacar* In lu meaning u to repair* are the tras aeeds of coa- U Wrw It' I* May, e ration aad that t&e fir* Itaelf. courae of a Mexican's natural life—the Slight a~ M frlglt by a we mutt touch the tub- future la order to A !*..«« h II fall I Ota thai If III la a guett, leglalatim laUrpret The executive committee of the Qi* Bewara of th« slightest congh. (Vmorii la a wry element mytelf ■am* at leatt once a the enmptloa It U It* ptMl *»<t ul llftt. Important the truth day throughout mbi of lu provleloBt. The IIobm la botb Botanic Btlatro wlthoat ■» bH*llM Wf. character la all caaea of andden jfet tenderly, for—while may ford Horae Breadera" Aaeuciatioa Adamaon'e la i«tll |N«fHlMll )«t| peraou'a .165 of every olla clear »n j rone I*#, and aad«r lu provl* County 10 ceau. POWDER mti»n« lUt Mjr t» no no! abute da)■ year—an podrida n Trial a:«e only A»«l to ptiM emergency ib*r* la paraoa be told at all time*-we would oo 12th. F. peer. Probably chicken, tloaa the r steatite braacb woald aot bat* met Saturday, February Pure. — B«» Juttwii la cu« tba of boilrd beef, mutton, ssutage, Absolutely hit tbat get* a lltllu excited the ihown ut every to ev* generout hoepitality am all to bet lute before liking aUpe carry A. Thayer, of South Peris, declining A foun ler aaya wa are oa tha a »l of children art* or U»*lr veal, cabbage, oniona, green type tla r«**y. acrloualy lajarvd, where in Mexico invidioue com pork, oat lu Intent a demaad for »«w friMi \tt imiimi i iiiutaltr | bat by pari- the cfllca of of the Aeeociation, of I am, which rraatea triple owv* *»< tlminiini boa** la barnlng over tb*lr baadt; or with variout Secretary la !•')• >»l 'KM to m*4 |« eont. In a of mutual feel- applra peara, tropical Tb* H«>n»u bill, which appropriate 111* to set n 1 Thte ate of flgnra* ikM It* aHtMr? t IIOLMKIN KKIK&IAN CATTLE. caa coatrol their aad nere»a tpirit good not A. T. Maxim will continue the Agar* triple wiik ife* l* ~t k « tMi iWn they feeltnga root*, aevda, bulb* and vegetablea for bm la the coa*» defeaaee, was not ocr«r an- »«pllln« coura* that the cuttomt 0ft),0D0 the annate of time will again kM mi* M If bar* ov«r tba beat then, remembering • » •»! *!•« M »*■**«■ they thought ing, at the cookrd the Maatu ob lloada?. aad baa HmtiImj. tiii. iin. not, Tilt OUTWIM rmtlT. work known North,—all togetb* ptaaed >>r tu i9ii. iwt, ?ooo m«, Ml. luitk M»:»« r <»!■ Cm, M (111 of Ktloa to para** aad go calm!? to of all landa ditfer and that a Mexican to » two a brtB referred to the IIobm committee on Tba Association voted hsve 'U*H, *»« t«l otb«ra er in one It it meed in prorata* n 17, rm. ate Tha p%»t y»»r hM ttr«a t ru »t rtrawkahla to aaelat rather tbaa to btad«r by would find at much to to pot. la believed that tba bill probably object an eat* appropriation*. It in August nrit, oi* u>r «uta-Fr1ralao bm-l of cat* their excitable actluna aad wild txclama- cuoua on a 1 ia dsys' trotting meeting for l|i> aa we let ut heap big platter, with a at bare hem very bad with rheamtlUm. in our methodi in hit. repair will mart tlforoaa oppoeltloa instead of on* as was first decided. I U*. BB l tb» «• »lrl<1«B IB BtlTBBC* tloua. • boa Id I vara aalf-coatrol, en chiliaauce to which red-hot day, car* priHllfli IV>ple the meat with tba h«Bda of tba committee, bat la flaw I took a bottle of yo*r rheamatlam t HM mora thrlr to- ao aa to meet tba rnrlona kind* of caaual- to the dining-room Generally The forenoon of each will be devoted ao mach ukao cktrlj provra coalt would be a mild The of ibe laUreat that baa beea mial* day ••) an 1 It mad* me feel Off ao.l tare are comparison, public (Athlophon Never Put at a <lairy tot tat; Wblla tbay ilea aad nccldenta with a clear brain welcome wordi that greet my to tba of tba stock f*>ttle. and It priority amount of which the amalleat frat#«1, eome action, either favorable or exhibition belonging r that I cot tt* mtmi tiHh rtvw. '• It t|(» at mllk*ra. naruffled Tba excitement of u« to din- papper a bottle to a Till Uxlfcj dttj. jtm ba*r t«| tbataatlrra lbey app~aranc*. "vamoa a go < >. tha bill. ; and cared m- I «t»e comer"—("let at at oura BH bt eipected apon to the members of tba Association has nearly with i>»a often doea macb harm In children here devour calmly < »•>. Mr« a l'« U, or u; but liktalM covtrtd tbianhw prraoa very breakfatta I'raaldrnt tba laat official frlen<1 for neara'gtt —0 II •rn-. Marl- Ciw(k, wh*n for in Mexico nobody Tba cava recep- all animals for sale will ba advertised >r* la ihf of batter, bb«1 tb«lr a lima of tronbl* and mlafbrtana, der"), do incline* to the bslief that the I r* i4 Tlimtl t Ut| iIjnm do M g! pnilattloa Ukee a candy, tloo of tha aeaeoB ob Tbiraday evetlag la boro, N II ar* tba American faahion, but tiny shown at tba time. trly a.lnur*r* hart airradj «rra tba rtal- quick thought and action* requl* only "inner man" muat be 4a la aaaal and It- A^m'i tWny Nciuni. if a Mexican certainly honor of tba ariay aad aavy. w*fWct nun* of Ui«lr m >•« I la moat essential to reetor* qalat of chocolate or cntfre with little is to a catslogue Ana a hind grenade will niwtt titravagaal ttprcta- thing*.