Solemn Town Group Honors Vets Ono Realty 646-5200

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Solemn Town Group Honors Vets Ono Realty 646-5200 t$ - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Nov. 10, 1986 HELP WANTED Emt Hartford roofing 30 Locust Street. 2 Family comoonv looking for roof* 4 rooms each, $139,900. tr> and foofOrs htipora. Principals only. Coll 646- No oxporlonct noctnorv- 2426. Weekdays 9^5. Bonofift ovallablo. Coll 3IM 9I9. Government Homes from $1 (U repair). Delinquent Looking for port flnte tax property. Reposses­ Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ housokoopor. Approxl- sions. Coll S05-6a7-6000ext throom remodeling; In­ m oftlv 2-3 day* par wM k. O H 9965 for current repos- stallation water heaters, Must b* mofurt dtpando- soMlon list. Mother of one will sit In garbaoe disposals; faucet bio and moNculous. Call her home days, full time, repairs. 6494539. Vtsa/M- 646-5153 and loove mot-* Bolton Wooded and se­ and part time. Call after asterCard accepted. tog* with torvico. cluded, 7 room U Si R built tpm. 6493013. Ranch. 3 bedrooms, 7'h Kerosene Heaters- Production Workor-for both*, eot-ln kitchen, din­ Kerosun or Toyostove. light manufacturing. ing room, fireplaced liv­ Sales-Service-Ports. "Ser­ Somo lifting roaulrod. ing room, hardwood vice and be safe” . Call Concrete Work- Plooto coll 649^3900. floors through out, fin­ iPAM TW e/ Don at 6463033. Excovotlon, foundation, ished basement, 1 car I p a p e h h w floor, patio. Fully Insured. Medical Socrotary-Port garage, private deck. Call 875-3027. Richard Caron. fimo oponlng In Intomol Flono Realty 646-5200. Name your own p rl« — MMCELLANEOUS Modldno offloe. Rotponsl $159,900. Father and son. Fast, For electricol repairs or blllflot Include billing, dependable service. SEWnCES hondymon, call 6492254 typing, Irauronce forms, Painting, Paperhonging S, evenings. Free estimates. and patient contact. Medi­ TODAY'S Removal. Call 072-0237. Ddd lobs. Trucking. Home Licensed and Insured. SNOWPLOWING cal office experience repairs. You name It, we By PrDfessiDnals 30 Cents needed. Coll Cathy at Rral da It. Free estimates. 646-4665 between 9am - Insured. 6433304. Sanding Available 5pm. Your neighborhood D & D Landscape- . Call Telephone Operator*. No handy man I Honest fam­ Complete landscape se- by Norm a The Zoning Soord of Appools will hold public hoorlnos on experience necessary. ily man, will estimate any vlce, leaf and brush re­ THE MAK CO. Mondov, Novombor 24, 19*6 of 7:00 P.M. In the HooNno Opponents jam Paid training. Full time, Tedford Dumas Electric — Having lob yop create, lawns, moved. Call David Room, Lincoln Confer, 494 Main Stroof, Manchester, C T to part time. 6om-2pm, 2pm- Electrical Problems? hauling, cleaning, paint­ 6592436. fDr details hear and consider the following petitions: 10pm, 3pm-11pm, 4pm- Need a large or o small ing, and minor repairs. ITIM 1 VISIONS UNLIMITRD, INC. - Request variance Of 9pm, one day of weekend Repair? We Specialize In Resldentlol/Buslness. Leaves Raked-reosonoble 643-2059 NO. list ArticleII,Section7.0S.05toallowcer4lflcatesof oc­ reaulred. Edward's Ans­ rotes. ProfessloanI re­ cupancy to bo Issued to all units priar to the com­ Residential Work. Joseph For the highest quality at pletion of all public Imprevemens, landscaping housing hearing wering Service 649-1200. Dumas. Fully Licensed. the lowest prices coll, sults. Coll 649-0477. W g 're Fully ln$und and as-bullt plans tor property Identifed os 995 Free Estimates. 646-5253. John 6433353. Evenings. Moln Street - Planned Residence Development Zone. i D W iiia s IIWMI KONOVRR DRVRLOPMRNT COMPANV - Re- |CIPP0irTUIIITlE8 NO. 1161 quest variance to Article II, Section 9.15.09(e) to Town zoning commission puts wolve the landscape trees reaulred tor shopping GREENING centos for o portion of property Identified os Lot Must Sell-T-Shirt, lockel YOUR HOME HOMES «9 , Red Roof Inn Subdivision, Bucklond Street • 210-unit development on hold and cop printing equip­ ROOMS APARTMENTS Business Zone III. Fifteen yean ago, a devel­ ment. With suppliers. Wil­ B FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT FURNITURE ITRMI aiTTV PRTROLRUM - Request Special Excep- oper may have bulldoied 1164 tion In accordance with Article IV , Section 5.01.02 ling to train. $4000. Negoti­ housing tracts so as not to NO. able. Call 904-767-0296. to permit olterotlon to front of building (3'xl3' ad­ By John F. Kirch Manchester attorney Stephen F. hinder the movement of Luxuory Abounds I Spec­ Central location, kitchen Living room couch, neu­ dition) and to permit limited retail sales (food McEleney, who represented the machinery during conitruc- Vernon Rockville 1 bed­ tral background, flower Herald Reporter tacular 4 bedroom, 3 bath privileges. Parking avail­ room apartment In 3 fam­ Ite m ^ on an approved gasoline service station site property owners, said the PZC tlon. That la generally no able. Security and refer­ print. Good condition. -176 Tolland Turnpike - Business Zone II. longer the case. Todayi a home. Magnificent lends- ily nice neighborhood. 5 ences reaulred. $70 per $175. 2 pairs of matching IT IM 4 PNO, INC. - Request Special Exception In occor- Proposed zone changes that would set a dangerous precedent if Real Estate hullder knows that good coped lot with pool and minutes from highway. view I n40's. Blanchard & week. 6499227 or 569-3528. drapes, $40. Burnt orange NO. 1165 donee with Article II, Section 11.02.01 and Article would pave the way for a 210-unit it approved the zone change, which landscaping helps to sell a No pets. $400. 647-0593. IV, Section 5.01.02 for New Cor License In order ta house. As a consequence, hd Rossetto Real Estate. 646- rug, good condition, $50. residential development in the would give the developer a medium Call 646-3373 after 5pm. be ollowed to corrv on a business of selling new density designation in the area. HOMES Is more apt to leave trees 2482.0 Large furnished room, Coventry-3 room apart­ corsx In addition ta the opproved gasoline soles southwestern part of town drew standing that are as close as kitchen privelages near ment with utilities. Close and (Seneral Repairer's License on same premises sharp opposition Monday night in a But attorney Joel E. Janenda, fifteen feet to the founda­ bus and shopping. 647- . - 54 Tolland Turnpike (also known as 50 Tolland F M 8 A L E Brand new llstlngl 11 East to lake. $375 monthly plus Tw in mattress and box controversy that Is shaping up as a who represented Ansaldi during tion. As a homeowner and 9288. Leave name and Turnpike) - Business Zone II. prospective home seller, Hartford. 3 bedroom deposit. 742-9671 after spring. Good condition. test of Manchester’s recently the public hearing in Lincoln Ranch on slob. 1V^ baths phone. $40. 742-TOeO.a A t this heorlng Interested persons m oy be heard and written All real estate advertised one can benefit from the po­ 4pm. communications received. A copy of these petitions hove adopted Comprehensive Plan of Center, said that the proposal was In the Manchester Herald sitive correlation between and family room. Close to Rooms-Main Street loca­ been filed In the Planning and Zoning Department and may Development. an excellent use for the land, Is sublect to the Fair good landscaping and schools. Quiet neighbor­ Manchester-Main Street, be Inspected during business hours., pointing to another PRD zone higher resale value. A study hood, above gorund pool. tion. $165 monthly and up. After eight residents spoke Housing Act of 1960, which 2 rooms, stove and refrig­ TV/8TERE0/ ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS against the plans as more than 100 across the street. mokes It Illegal to adver­ by the U.S. Forest Service $113,900. Jackson 8< Jack- Apply In person: 791 Main EDWARD COLTMAN, SECRETARY established that trees alone Street, Manchester after erator Included. For more According to the site plans, tise any preference, llm- son Real Esote. 647-8400 or Information coll 563-4438 APPLIANCES other opponents waited in the can contribute up to IS per­ 1:30pm. Apartment M , 3rd Doted at Manchester, C T this 10th day of November, 1906. Ifotton or discrimination 646-8646.0 or 5297858. wings, the Planning and Zoning Ansaldi would build 96 two- cent of the value of a home. floor. OMlII based on race, color, reli­ The lawn and landscaping Commission decided to leave the bedroom townhouse apartments gion, sex or notional contribute mightily to the Coventrv-Cozv 5 room Nice 2 bedroom apart­ changes on hold pending further and 66 Cape Cod-style condomini­ Large room for rent-Close origin, or on Intention to vital first Impression that a aluminum sided year ment, 1st floor. Adults study. Members said they planned ums on the PRD parcel to the north prospective buyer gets from round Ranch on Coventry to bus line and downtown. TOWN OP MANCHESTER moke any such prefer­ preferred, no pets, $350, For Sale-Used Whirlpool to look at the site before making a and 48 single-family houses on the curbside. As we all know, Lake. Wall to wall carpet­ $70 per week, utilities LEOAL NOTICE ence, limitation or dis­ plus 1 months security, refrigerator-frost free. decision. AA section to the south. crimination. The Herald first Impressions count. ing and stove. Beautiful Included. Security and ref­ erences reaulred. Call 643- 649-6039. (5ood condition. $160. 646- The Plonnlno ond Zoning IfiSHS The changes are being sought by The entire area would have a will not knowingly accept view of the water. Private hearing on Monday, November 17, 1906 In the Heonng 5692.0 Manchester developer Andrew An- density of 4.5 units per acre, any advertisement which beach and booting rights. 1021. ________________ Two bedroom apartment, Room, Lincoln Center, 494 Moln Stre^, Monchester, CT to Is In violation of the low.
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