Jacksonville State University JSU Digital Commons Chanticleer Historical Newspapers 1941-12-03 The Teacola | Vol 7, Issue 6 Jacksonville State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.jsu.edu/lib_ac_chanty Recommended Citation Jacksonville State University, "The Teacola | Vol 7, Issue 6" (1941). Chanticleer. 118. https://digitalcommons.jsu.edu/lib_ac_chanty/118 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Historical Newspapers at JSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chanticleer by an authorized administrator of JSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. I-h AS we see ~t fi AU of you who missed hearing and seeing Dr. I. Q. during his recent visit to the campus, if there shouId be some few soub .I1 who were otherwise occupied at that time, certainly were left out i; of one of the most outstanding and entertaining events of the col- lege year. Not only was the well-known radio quiz-king hand- some, dashing, and personality-plus, but he presented the student A Student Publication, Jacksonville State Teachers College- body, faculty members, and visitors with forty-five minutes fill- I ed, and brim-ng; we mean, with radio education, hints, amusing - -em to some 01 his questions, and a real answer-~l~a~~pro- Volume Seven Jacksonville, Alabama, Wednesday, December 3, 1941. Number Six gram for the benefit of his audience--and ten boxes of I. 0. - candy,_chiIdren, if you haven't heard. -0- Dr. Daugette At Home After Serious Illness When a freshman comes to college, we hear it rumored that Landers Presides those four long years betwixt him and a degree seem mighty Famous Quiz King -.: hard and lonesome, but take a grand, old senior's advice, little ones, and really enjoy your term of serviture there.