INDEX. (Family Surnames of Value in Genealogical Research Are Printed in CAPITALS; •Names of Places in Italics.)
INDEX. (Family surnames of value in genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS; •names of places in italics.) Abington, 159 Beatty, John, biography of, 194 ; to Academy of Music, list of subscribers his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Fithian, to the building of, 149; building 201; to Erkuries Beatty, 228; to and opening ceremonies,, 149; Reading Beatty, 204, 207, 208, 216, Grand Opera in, 149-155 220, 227, 228, 236, 239, 245: Er- Adams, Henry, The Degradation of kuries Beatty to, 257, 260; Read- the Democratic Dogma, notice of, ing Beatty to, 262; arrested for 95 trading with the enemy, 215, Adams, John, The Political Ideas of, mentioned, 218 by Francis Newton Thorpe, 1 Beatty, Joseph Moorhead, 197 Addenda and Corrections to paintings Beatty, Joseph M. Jr., Letters of the by Gilbert Stuart, not noted in Four Beatty Brothers of the Con- Mason's Life of Stuart, by Mantle tinental Army, by, 193 Fielding, 88 Beatty, Martha, 194 Alvord, Clarence Walworth, The Illi- Beatty, Mary, 194 nois Country, 1673-1818, by, no- Beatty Reading, biography of, 196; tice of, 364 to Erkuries Beatty, 199; to John American Academy of Music, 149 Beatty, 221, 262; Erkuries Beatty Annapolis, description of, in 1784, to, 205, 207, 209, 213, 218, 219, * 237 222, 226, 229, 231, 234, 235, 238, Arch Street Theatre, 141 242, 243, 244, 248, 249, 251, 253, Armenian Version of Mark, The, A 255, 258, 260; John Beatty tot Sonnet, Together with Fairmount 204, 216, 220, 227, 236, 239, 245 Park and other Poems, by Albert J. Beatty, Richard Longstreet, 209 Edmunds, notice of, 363 Beatty, William Pitt, 194, 212 Armstrong, Nancy, 226 Behrens, Siegfried, 151, 152 Auter (?) Nanny, 225 Benson, Major , of N.
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