ITALIAN OPERA. Evjhth Season—Mcvickcr’S Theatre, Slay 9-21,1854
6 THE CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE: SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 1874. you sec,” be said, and pointed to two or quarrels of tbo company; there are the grum- them this remuneration. If the houses were East; a strong dramatic comnaay. with T. J. Veru-Lorini, Castri, Cordier, Morensi, Slephaai, operas, “Norma,” discouraging, Languor), Beany. Harry Tamaro, Formes, Sig. Muzlo, and “Sonnambala” „„ gray hairs. But lam young enough yet. blings of everybody. There are tho disappoint- email, and the view the amount J. H. Blood. Miss Hen- Morclll. conductor. miniature * ITALIAN OPERA. Evjhth Season—McVickcr’s Theatre, Slay 9-21,1854. stage with foil chorus ami recit.t;- appeared to be. ments of tbo prima donna when she is sick, and paid would not seem extravagant, but anybody rietta Wilkera, Miss Ella Luraley, Hiss Leonora 6, And bo, in truth, be troupe oa The director and a Same above. manager accomDaniea HOW OPERATIC ENGAGEMENTS ARE MADE. tbopopular indignation, which is hurled at the of cither sex would be gladenough to get view Bradlev. and many others. The ballet will be Xinth Theatre, July 7-8,1854. artists on a piano tl audience, Season—McVicker’s harmonium, and the do you make your engage- unfortunate manager, as if be were an accom- of the whole and be for once the ob- unusually largo, led by 3£lle. Geraldine. Franldo Adelaida Phlllippa, Brignoll, Morensi, Suaini, Zapuccl, don with- which Reporter—How each bird aingihis pars, aad Europe ? plice instead of a victim. In such cases wo have served ofall observers at $3 per look. These Christie, Mile.
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