European Commission - Weekly activities

Calendrier du 8 juin au 14 juin 2020 Brussels, 5 June 2020 (Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine) Déplacements et visites

Lundi 8 juin 2020 President holds a videoconference call with Mr Charles Michel, President of the European Council. Mr Valdis Dombrovskis holds a videoconference call with Mr Gitanas Nausėda, President of Lithuania. Mr Nicolas Schmit takes holds a videoconference call with Mr Alain Dehaze, CEO of the Adecco Group. M. Nicolas Schmit participe dans une vidéoconférence avec M. Hugues Sibille du Labo de l'ESS,M. Louis Gallois et M. Laurent Granguillaume, dirigeants de l'expérience française de Territoire Zéro chômeur. Mr Thierry Breton holds a videoconference call with Mr Lakshmi N. Mittal, CEO of ArcelorMittal. Ms Elisa Ferreira holds a videoconference call with representatives of the Confederation of Portuguese Farmers (CAP). Mr Didier Reynders addresses an online event on human rights and environmental due diligence organised by the International Federation for Human Rights (Fédération internationale des Droits de l'Homme – FIDH). M. Didier Reynders participe à un webinar sur l'Etat de droit organisé par la Conférence du Jeune barreau. Mr Janez Lenarčič in The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) (until 9/10): participates in the Humanitarian Air Bridge mission to the DRC with Mr Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of and Mr Philippe Goffin, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defence of Belgium; meets His Excellency Félix Tshisekedi, President of the DRC and Mr Sylvestre Ilunga, Prime Minister of the DRC; and meets Mr Jean-Jacques Muyembe, National Coordinator of the response against the COVID-19 pandemic in the DRC. Ms Jutta Urpilainen holds a videoconference call with Mr Gerd Müller, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of . Ms Jutta Urpilainen holds a videoconference call with Ms Anne-Marie Trevelyan, Secretary of State for International Development of the United Kingdom.

Mardi 9 juin 2020 Mr Frans Timmermans holds a videoconference call with CEOs of the Waste Management and Recycling Industries. Mr Frans Timmermans participate in a debate with Land Use and Food Policy Intergroup representatives. Ms Margrethe Vestager participates in the online Europe & Eurasia Regional Action Group. Mr Josep Borrell holds a videoconference call with Ms Henrietta Fore, Executive Director of Unicef. Ms Vĕra Jourová holds a video conference call with Mr Ronald Gidwitz, US Ambassador to Belgium and acting US ambassador to the EU. Ms Vĕra Jourová holds a video conference call with Ms Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube and Mr Matt Brittin, President of EMEA Business & Operations of Google. Ms Mariya Gabriel holds a videoconference call with European Society for Paediatric Oncology representatives. Ms Mariya Gabriel holds a videoconference call with Mr Tilo Gerlach, President of AEPO-ARTIS (Association of European Performers' Organisations), Mr Dominick Luquer, General Secretary of International Federation of Actors (FIA), Mr Benoit Machuel, General Secretary of International Federation of Musicians (FIM) and Mr Nacho García Vega, President of the International Artist Organisation of Music (IAO). Ms Mariya Gabriel holds a videoconference call with Mr Brad Smith, President of Microsoft. Mr Nicolas Schmit holds a videoconference call with Mr Christoph Leitl, President of Eurochambres. Mr Nicolas Schmit gives a speech at the General Assembly of Eurochambres. Mr Nicolas Schmit takes part in a videoconference call with European associations of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers (VET4U2). Mr Nicolas Schmit takes part in a videoconference call with the Joint Committee of the Nordic Social Democratic Labour Movement (SAMAK) high level working group, headed by Ms Tytti Tuppurainen, Minister for European affairs of Finland. Mr Janusz Wojciechowski participates in a webinar with representatives of civil dialogue groups on the Farm to Fork Strategy. Mr Thierry Breton holds a videoconference call with Mr Rodolphe Belmer, Director-General of Eutelsat. Mr Thierry Breton holds a videoconference call with Member States on the Single Market Enforcement Task Force (SMET). Mr Thierry Breton holds a videoconference call with Mr Kevin Mayer, CEO of TikTok. Ms holds a videoconference call with representatives of FoodDrinkEurope. Ms Stella Kyriakides delivers a keynote speech at the virtual Delphi Economic Forum 2020. Ms Helena Dalli holds a videoconference call with the representatives of the European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services and Services of general interest (CEEP). Ms Ylva Johansson participates in a webinar co-organised by the Antalya Diplomacy Forum and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development on ‘The Situation of Refugees and Other Displaced People during the Pandemic: The need for International Cooperation'. Mr Janez Lenarčič in The Democratic Republic of Congo: meets Mr Carly Nzanzu, Governor of the North Kivu province. Mr Olivér Várhelyi holds a videconference call with Mr Christoph Leitl, President of EUROCHAMBRES. Mr Olivér Várhelyi participates with Mr David Harris, CEO of the American Jewish Committee, in a webinar on the EU neighbourhood policy and transatlantic relations. Ms Jutta Urpilainen holds a videoconference call with representatives of Caritas Europa. Ms Jutta Urpilainen holds a videoconference call with Ms Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of the UN Joint Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS). Ms Ylva Johansson participates in the online Techarenan Challenge (Stockholm) event.

Mercredi 10 juin 2020 College Meeting Mr Josep Borrell holds a videoconference call with Mr Benjamin Gantz, Minister for Defence of Israel. Mr Margaritis Schinas delivers a keynote speech at the Delphi Economic Forum 2020.

Mr Nicolas Schmit gives a speech to the Committee on Education of the Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK). Mr Paolo Gentiloni participates in the OECD Ministerial Roundtable videoconference. Mr Thierry Breton holds a videoconference call with Mr Christophe Deloire, Secretary General of Reporters Without Borders. Mr Thierry Breton participates in the Virtual European Business Summit meeting. Ms Stella Kyriakides participates in the High-Level Digital Meetup on Head and Neck Oncology, organised by the Croatian Society for Head and Neck Tumors. Mr Didier Reynders participates in the Virtual European Business Summit meeting Ms Helena Dalli delivers a speech at the online conference on ‘The Pandemic within the Pandemic - A Virtual Briefing on Access to Justice for Global Survivors of Sexual and Gender-based Violence during COVID-19' co-hosted by Rise, Nadia's Initiative, and the Mission of Argentina and the Delegation to the United Nations. Mr Olivér Várhelyi holds a videoconference call with Mr Qu Dongyu, Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

Jeudi 11 juin 2020 Mr Frans Timmermans holds a videoconference call with Green 10 NGOs representatives and with the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic). Ms Margrethe Vestager participates in the videoconference call hosted by the Open Society European Policy Institute (OSEPI) with key civil society actors working on digital matters. Ms Margrethe Vestager delivers key note speech at the online Cyber Security Summer Hub. Ms Margrethe Vestager delivers a keynote speech at the webinar for Altinget's Political Summer meeting. Mr Josep Borrell chairs the Eastern Partnership ministerial videoconference with Mr Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Armenia, with Mr Elmar Mammadyarov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, with Mr , Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of , with Mr David Zalkaliani, Minister of Foreign Affairs of , with Mr Oleg ȚULEA, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldovoa, and with Mr Kuleba Dmytro, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Mr Maroš Šefčovič receives Mr Pascal Lamy, former Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and President Emeritus of the Jacques Delors Institute. Ms Vĕra Jourová holds a video conference call with members of the World Economic Forum's Media, Entertainment and Culture Industry Action Group. Mr Margaritis Schinas holds, together with Mr Nicolas Schmit, a virtual meeting with BusinessEurope, CEEP, ETUC and SMEUnited. Ms Mariya Gabriel holds a videoconference call with Mr Franck Riester, Minister for Culture of France. Ms Mariya Gabriel holds a videoconference call with Hydrogen Europe representatives on the European Green Deal. Ms Mariya Gabriel participates in the ‘Webit Virtual - The Thought Leadership Network' as special guest and speaker. Ms Mariya Gabriel holds a videoconference call with H.E. Sarah Mbi Enow Anyang, Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology of the African Union Commission. Mr Nicolas Schmit gives the opening speech at the event ‘Upskilling Studio 2020 - How to upskill in response to a rapidly changing environment' organised by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. M. Nicolas Schmit participe à une vidéoconférence avec M. Bernard Lahure, Gérant d'Ecotransfaire, et Mme Aline Muller, CEO du Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER). Mr Janusz Wojciechowski participates in a videoconference call with representatives of the Institute of Agricultural Economy on the situation regarding agriculture and COVID-19. Mr Thierry Breton holds a videoconference with Mr Jens Spahn, Minister for Health of Germany. Ms Elisa Ferreira holds a videoconference call with representatives of the Brussels-based offices of regional governments from across Europe. Ms Stella Kyriakides holds a videoconference call with representatives of the European Crop Protection Association. Ms Stella Kyriakides holds a videoconference call with representatives of the European Public Health Alliance. Mr Didier Reynders addresses the European Network of Councils for theJudiciary General Assembly (ENCJ). Mr Didier Reynders holds a video conference call with Mr Klaus Müller, Executive Director of the Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv). Mr Olivér Várhelyi participates in the Eastern Partnership ministerial videoconference with Mr Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Armenia, with Mr Elmar Mammadyarov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, with Mr Vladimir Makei, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, with Mr David Zalkaliani, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, with Mr Oleg Țulea, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldovoa, and with Mr Kuleba Dmytro, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Ms Jutta Urpilainen holds a videoconference call with Ms Henrietta Fore, Executive Director of UNICEF. Ms Jutta Urpilainen holds a videoconference call with Mr Robert Dussey, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Togo. Ms Kadri Simson speaks at the Delphi Economic Forum 2020.

Vendredi 12 juin 2020 President Ursula von der Leyen Mr Frans Timmermans holds a videoconference with Eurocities' executive committee. Mr Josep Borrell chairs avideoconference with the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the five countries of Central Asia - Mr , Minister for Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Mr Chingiz Aidarbekov, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr Sirodjidin Mukhriddin, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan, Mr Raşit Meredow, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and Mr , Minister for Foreign Affairs of . Mr Josep Borrell chairs a videoconference with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Sahel countries: with Mr Alpha Barry, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Burkina Faso, with Mr Mahamat Zene Cherif, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration, International Cooperation and Diaspora of Chad, with Mr Tiébilé Dramé, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Mali, with Mr Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Mauritanians abroad, of Mauritania, and with Mr Kalla Ankaraou, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, African Integration and Nigeriens abroad, of Niger. Mr Maroš Šefčovič co-chairs with Michael Gove, The United Kingdom Cabinet Office Minister, the EU- UK Joint Committee meeting under the Withdrawal Agreement. Ms Vĕra Jourová speaks at European Policy Centre and United States Mission to the EU webinar ‘Going viral: lessons from the COVID-19 crisis for fighting disinformation'. Ms Mariya Gabriel participates in a videoconference call as speaker at the Rising Stars Youth Business Forum 2020. Ms Mariya Gabriel participates in a videoconference call as speaker at the Webinar Erasmus Student Network of Bulgaria. Ms Mariya Gabriel gives a Welcome address and will present the winners at the Webinar for Mission Innovation Champions Champions. Ms Mariya Gabriel holds a videoconference call with Ms Marie Christine Marghema, Minister for Energy, Environment and sustainable Development of Belgium, on theGreen deal and R&D finance/nuclear research projects. Ms Mariya Gabriel participates as panellist in the event ‘Youth engagement group (Y7)'. Ms Mariya Gabriel tient une vidéoconférence avecMme Catherine Trautmann, Vice-présidente de l'Eurométropole de Strasbourg. Mr Nicolas Schmit holds a videoconference call with mayors and vice-mayors from Eurocities. Mr Nicolas Schmit holds a videoconference call with Mr Marco Settembri, CEO of Nestlé for the Europe, Middle East and North Africa Zone. Mr Paolo Gentiloni holds a videoconference call with the Eurocities' political board. Mr Paolo Gentiloni participates in the videoconference of the Goldman Sachs' 24th Annual European Financials Conference. Mr Thierry Breton participates in the Virtual Competitiveness Council meeting. Mr Olivér Várhelyi participates at the virtual Delphi economic forum 2020. Mr Olivér Várhelyi participates, via videoconference, in the meeting of the Western Balkans working group of the CDU/CSU group in the German . Ms Jutta Urpilainen participates in the chief negotiators' meeting on the Future Africa-Caribbean- Pacific States/EU Partnership (“Post-Cotonou”). Ms Jutta Urpilainen holds a videoconference call with Mr Peter Eriksson, Minister for International Development Cooperation of Sweden. Ms Jutta Urpilainen holds a videoconference call with Ms Emanuela Claudia Del Re, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy.

Samedi 13 juin 2020 President Ursula von der Leyen addresses the Estates General on the economy hosted by the Government of Italy

Prévisions du mois de juin 2020 : 11/06 Eurogroup 18-19/06 European Council

Permanence SPP le WE du 6 et 7 juin 2020: Adalbert JAHNZ – tél: +32 460 75 31 56

Service Audiovisuel, planning studio – tél. : +32 (0)2/295 21 23
