Joint Meeting Notice and Agenda
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JOINT MEETING NOTICE AND AGENDA LOSSAN RAIL CORRIDOR AGENCY JOINT POWERS BOARD AND COAST RAIL COORDINATING COUNCIL POLICY COMMITTEE The Board and Council may take action on any item appearing on this agenda. Wednesday, January 7, 2004 11:45 A.M. LOSSAN Meeting (NOTE TIME CHANGE) 12:45 P.M. Joint LOSSAN/CRCC Meeting 2 P.M. CRCC Meeting Board Conference Room, 3rd Floor Metropolitan Transportation Authority Los Angeles, CA LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED AT 11:30 A.M. LOSSAN Staff Contact: CRCC Staff Contact: Linda Culp Pete Rodgers (619) 595-5357 (805) 781-5712 [email protected] [email protected] SANDAG SLOCOG 401 B Street, Suite 800 1150 Osos Street, Suite 202 San Diego, CA 92101 San Luis Obispo, CA fax: (619) 595-5305 fax: (805) 781-5703 (Agenda packets also available at LOSSAN RAIL CORRIDOR AGENCY JOINT POWERS BOARD WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2004 11:45 A.M. ITEM # RECOMMENDATION 1. CHAIRWOMAN’S REPORT Welcome and Introductions. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT/COMMUNICATIONS Speakers are limited to three minutes each. 3. SELECTION OF 2004 CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR APPROVE The LOSSAN Bylaws state that the Board of Directors may elect a Chair and a Vice-Chair at the first quarterly meeting each year. +4. MAY 28, 2003 BOARD MEETING AND SEPTEMBER 13, 2003 APPROVE BOARD WORKSHOP SUMMARIES (pp. 7-10) The meeting summary is included for approval. +5. STATUS OF THE CALTRANS/CALIFORNIA HIGH-SPEED RAIL INFORMATION AUTHORITY (CHSRA) PEIR/EIS AND CALTRANS STRATEGIC PLAN (Pat Merrill, CALTRANS; Dan Leavitt, CHSRA) (pp. 11-16) Caltrans and the CHSRA continue to work cooperatively on technical studies in the LOSSAN corridor between Los Angeles Union Station and downtown San Diego that will lead to a programmatic environmental impact report/environmental impact report (PEIR/EIS) for each agency. The CHSRA document will be a statewide PEIR/EIS and the Caltrans document will focus on the LA to San Diego segment of the LOSSAN corridor. A Strategic Plan for this portion of the LOSSAN Corridor has been finalized as part of this larger effort. 6. FOLLOWUP ITEMS FROM THE BOARD WORKSHOP (Linda Culp, SANDAG) The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has been working on several tasks that require the Board’s attention at this time: +6a. LOSSAN “ROAD SHOW” (pp. 17-37) APPROVE Board and TAC members discussed how best to work together on projects that have corridor-wide importance and to gain acceptance by LOSSAN member agencies. In response to this direction, the TAC developed a slideshow to be presented to individual member agencies as an informational item. 2 ITEM # RECOMMENDATION +6b. FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR CORRIDOR PROJECTS (p. 38) APPROVE The Board of Directors adopted an advocacy framework in 2002 that calls for advocating for intercity rail capital and operations. The Board directed staff to contact representatives from the corridor’s federal delegation to both correct the LOSSAN corridor definition in the reauthorization of the surface transportation bill and to request an earmark for future funds for LOSSAN. In addition to an update of these activities, the TAC would like the Board’s permission to monitor reauthorization activities between the Board’s January and May 2004 meetings and advocate for efforts that match specific guidelines approved by the Board. 6c. DEVELOP CORRIDOR-WIDE STRATEGIC PLAN INFORMATION The TAC recommends that LOSSAN develop a corridor-wide strategic plan that will expand the Caltrans Strategic Business Plan for the Los Angeles to San Diego portion of the corridor to the entire LOSSAN corridor. The TAC will further discuss the details of this plan, its scheduled development in FY 2005, and other details at its January 27, 2004 meeting. 7. 2004 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING DATES AND LOCATIONS APPROVE The Board should set the dates of Board meetings for 2004: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 Wednesday, September 15, 2004 Wednesday, December 8, 2004 All meetings will be held at MTA at 12:00 p.m. THE LOSSAN/CRCC JOINT MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 12:45 P.M. 3 JOINT MEETING LOSSAN RAIL CORRIDOR AGENCY JOINT POWERS BOARD AND COAST RAIL COORDINATING COUNCIL POLICY COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2004 12:45 P.M. ITEM # RECOMMENDATION 8. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS 9. LEGISLATIVE AND FUNDING ISSUES 9a. SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL STATE BUDGET IMPACTS ON POSSIBLE CORRIDOR PROJECTS (Warren Weber, Caltrans) ACTION Caltrans will provide an appraisal of the current state budget situation on intercity passenger rail services and anticipated developments from the Governor’s FY 2005 budget, which is due to the legislature on January 9, 2003. +9b. UPDATE ON TRANSPORTATION EQUITY ACT FOR THE 21ST POSSIBLE CENTURY (TEA-21) REAUTHORIZATION ACTIVITIES ACTION (Caroline Reis, NCTD) (pp. 39-40) In July 2003, the Bush Administration released the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act of 2003 (SAFETEA) proposal for reauthorizing TEA-21, which was to expire on September 30, 2003. In September, Congress passed an extension of TEA-21 until February 29, 2004. Over the past few months, several additional proposals have been introduced related to the authorization including the Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (TEA LU). +9c. STATUS OF SELECTED FEDERAL LEGISLATION (TAC POSSIBLE Members) (pp. 41-46) ACTION Attached is a summary of recent legislative efforts related to transportation and rail programs in particular. The Board may consider contacting the corridor’s state and federal delegations concerning the key legislative efforts. 4 ITEM # RECOMMENDATION +10. ADDITIONAL PACIFIC SURFLINER SERVICES TO SAN LUIS SUPPORT CONCEPT OBISPO (Pete Rodgers, SLOCOG) (pp. 47-50) Coastal transportation agencies have been working together since 1992 to increase rail services between Los Angeles and San Francisco on the coastal corridor. Amtrak’s Coast Starlight train currently serves the corridor from Los Angeles to Seattle (via Oakland). Santa Barbara currently has four roundtrips trains to San Diego, one of which was extended to San Luis Obispo in 1995. Amtrak is reviewing the feasibility of augmenting the current weekend service to Santa Barbara with daily service – and extending the train to San Luis Obispo. +11. PACIFIC SURFLINER REPORT (Liz O’Donoghue, Amtrak) (pp. 51- INFORMATION 53) The latest intercity ridership and revenue statistics for the corridor are attached. JOINT MEETING CONCLUDES AT 1:45 P.M. CRCC MEETING BEGINS AT 2:00 P.M. 5 COAST RAIL COORDINATING COUNCIL POLICY COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2004 2 P.M. ITEM # RECOMMENDATION +12. UPDATE ON THE RAIL CAPACITY MODEL BURBANK TO SAN INFORMATION FRANCISCO (Pete Rodgers, SLOCOG) (p. 54) An evaluation of the capacity issues associated with increased rail traffic on the Coast Route is now underway. The San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) and the Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) recently executed a contract for Union Pacific to complete the work by June 30, 2004. The study will identify capital improvements, if any, required to allow initiation of the Coast Daylight Train. +13. STATUS OF CALTRAIN EXTENSION TO SALINAS (Pete Rodgers, POSSIBLE SLOCOG) (pp. 55-58) ACTION The TAMC continues its efforts to extend Caltrain services to Salinas. Support from the CRCC would be helpful in two areas; 1) for a transfer of $1 million for the Hollister Branch federal earmark to the Salinas extension, and 2) to recommend support to the California Transportation Commission to allocate Proposition 116 fund as the match for this project at their February 2004 meeting 14. COUNTY RAIL UPDATES INFORMATION Each agency may provide an update on rail issues in their county. 15. NEXT CRCC MEETINGS: INFORMATION Technical Committee: March 19, 2004 in Oakland or Monterey Policy Committee: June 27, 2004 in Santa Barbara or Ventura Attachments: CRCC and LOSSAN Board Rosters (pp. 59-60) + next to an agenda item indicates an attachment 6 Los Angeles-San Diego-San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) Rail Corridor Agency JOINT POWERS BOARD January 7, 2004 AGENDA ITEM NO.: 4 Action Requested: APPROVE MAY 28, 2003 MEETING SUMMARY The LOSSAN Joint Powers Board met on May 28, 2003. The following Board members were in attendance: Julianne Nygaard, Chair, NCTD Brian Humphrey, VCTC Art Brown, OCTA Jerry Rindone, MTDB Jacki Bacharach, LACMTA Fred Munroe, SLOCOG Joe Kellejian, SANDAG Bill Bronte, Caltrans Division of Rail The major items discussed during the meeting are summarized as follows: LOSSAN LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT The Board approved the Technical Advisory Committee’s (TAC) recommendation to support a number of key state legislative efforts including public transit smart card standards (AB 684), local government record standards exemptions for transit agencies (AB 839), lowering the voter approval threshold from two-thirds to 55 percent for special sales tax measures (ACA 7), and funds for completion of the Governor’s Traffic Congestion Relief Program and transit oriented development projects (SB 321). The Board also approved the TAC’s recommendation to oppose changes to the fair share allocation of fuel tax revenues (AB 875) and directed the TAC to continue to monitor additional bills relevant to the corridor. The Board also directed TAC to monitor a number of federal bills related to rail operations, capital improvements, and safety. LOSSAN ADVOCACY EFFORTS Several LOSSAN member agencies have incorporated LOSSAN priority projects into their federal legislative efforts for both the reauthorization of TEA-21 and appropriations in FY 2004. Board members requested that staff identify a representative in the corridor to champion