EUROPEAN AND MEDITERRANEAN PLANT PROTECTION ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION EUROPEENNE ET MEDITERRANEENNE POUR LA PROTECTION DES PLANTES 16-21488 Pest Risk Analysis for Microstegium vimineum Microstegium vimineum in the USA. © Luke Flory September 2015 EPPO 21 Boulevard Richard Lenoir 75011 Paris
[email protected] This risk assessment follows the EPPO Standard PM 5/3(5) Decision-support scheme for quarantine pests (available at and uses the terminology defined in ISPM 5 Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms (available at This document was first elaborated by an Expert Working Group and then reviewed by the Panel on Invasive Alien Plants and if relevant other EPPO bodies. The PRA was reviewed by the EU IAS Scientific Forum in 2016. Cite this document as: EPPO (2014) Pest risk analysis for Microstegium vimineum. EPPO, Paris. Available at 16-21488 (15-21051) Pest Risk Analysis for Microstegium vimineum This PRA follows the EPPO Decision-support scheme for quarantine pests PM 5/3 (5). A preliminary draft was prepared by Ms Asuman Ergün (PPO of Turkey). This document has been reviewed by an Expert Working Group (EWG) that met at the EPPO Headquarters in Paris, France on the 2014-10-21/24. This EWG was composed of: Mr Giuseppe Brundu, University of Sassari, Italy Ms Asuman Ergün, Plant Protection Organization of Turkey Mr Luke Flory, University of Florida, USA Mr Ari Novy, US Botanic Garden, USA Mr Johan van Valkenburg, Plant Protection Organization of the Netherlands.