THROUGHOUT the United States, There

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THROUGHOUT the United States, There . - , . ¦ * -* ... _ ~i. j-. .... Che Jeffersonian, PR Vol. 9, Number 22. Thomson, Ga., Thursday, March 28, 1912. Price, Five Cents. Who Is Financing the Campaign of Slander Against man who is most feared by the mil- And, of course, the rich men of Big Busi- THElionaires of Big Business, is Oscar Oscar Underwood? ness are rabidly hating the Alabama states- Underwood. Please consider the unde- man who means to compel them to pay taxes niable facts: ment should run up the price of salt, by put- on their net incomes. (1) Underwood proposed t(f remove the ting a tariff-tax on it? (6) Underwood proposes that sugar shall tariff taxes from nearly all the made Don’t you think that the great Government come into our ports, without having to pay from steel and iron. The removal of these at Washington might at least allow the poor a license-fee. This would mean cheaper duties would have opened our ports to all laboring man to. salt his food, without chas- sugar. Taft will save the Sugar Trust from ¦sorts of foreign articles, made of iron and ing every loaf of bread, every morsel of meat, foreign competition, by vetoeing Under- steel. Consequently, the Steel Trust was bit- and every ounce of butter WITH A HEAVY wood’s bill; and the Sugar Trust becomes one terly oftended by Underwood's free-trade TAXI more implacable foe of the Alabama states- measure. The Trust was saved by Count That was one of the outrageous burdens man. Fosco, our double-faced President, who vetoed on the peasantry which provoked the French Now, then: the Underwood bill. Revolution. Why are W. J. Bryan and Woodrow Wil- (2) Underwood proposed to put on the Oscar Underwood thought the tax a shame- son uniting to destroy Underwood ? free-list almost every implement controlled ful one, and he passed a bill through Con- Wilson and Bryan have both been financed by the Harvester Trust—and sold abroad to gress to kill it. But Count Fosco again rose by Wall Street. Wilson and Bryan both the competitors of our farmers, AT LOWER bravely TO SMITE THE UNDER DOG. favored that infamous Sherwood bill. Wilson PRICES THAN OUR FARMERS CAN He vetoed the bill, emitting loud, virtuous and Bryan have never made any fight on any GET. Again, Count Fosco saved the Trust, noises as he did so. Trust domiciled in their own States. by vetoing the Underwood bill. You may be And of course the Salt Trust “has it in” for The beet-sugar men of Nebraska can always sure that the Harvester Trust hates and Underwood. count on W. J. B. who was a lobbyist of fears the intrepid statesman of Alabama. (5) At present, the Federal Government theirs when he was in Congress. (3) Underwood proposed to put Sewing- lives off the people who possess the least Woodrow Wilson, Governor of New Jer- machines on the free list. What a boon that wealth. Those who possess the most wealth, sey-, makes no fight on the scores of Trusts would, havQ been to the women and girls who get five times as much profit out of tariff domiciled in his State. have to mahe their own living with those taxation, as the Federal Government does. The Steel Trust is domiciled in Oscar trust-controlled machines! Count Fosco This, I have explained fully in our “Tariff Underwood’s own State, and yet he had the saved the Trust, HAVING NO SYMPATHY Primer.” nerve to attack it. FOR IF OMEN TOILERS, nor. man toilers, Oscar Underwood believes that wealth Why then should Bryan and Wilson con- either! MR. TAFT IS A RICH-MAN'S should be taxed to support the Federal Gov- tend that Underwood is the Trust candi- MAN, FROM COVER TO CO VER. And, ernment. HE HAS AN date ? of course, the Sewing-machine Trust does not INCOME TAX FOR THAT PURPOSE. Are they in the pay of The American Pro- love Oscar Underwood. He has passed it through the House. tective Association ? (4) The Alabama statesman proposed to It may pass the Senate. It will never pass APPARENTLY, THEY ARE. Why, take the tariff-tax off salt. Don’t you think it Count Fosco. He, the Rich-man’s man, does else, should they unite to ruin this trust-bust- an infernal shame that the Federal Govern- not want the rich men taxed. ing Alabamian? Register, Men, Register! And Then Be Sure to Vote! the United States, there nowhere. WIIOEVER BOSSES ST. LOUIS THE PROMISE MADE THAT THE FAR- THROUGHOUTis a steady drift of population and of AND KANSAS CITY, BOSSES THE MERS SHOULD NEVER AGAIN BE political power to the cities. STATE. CALLED FROM THEIR FIELDS IN f Within an hour's run from New York, How is it done? THE SPRING. there are deserted farms. Not far from Bos- By the popular vote plan, which ignores N more outrageous imposition was never ton .are abandoned farms. Throughout the the county units. put upon a patient people. It was doiie at Southern land, there are cleared fields grow- Where the elections are carried by mere the instance of Hog-it-all Smith, who seeks to ing up in scrub pines, and mansions falling numbers, without regard for the separate deliver Georgians vote to WOODROW WIL- into dilapidation. territorial divisions, a densely populated city SON, THE' FRIEND OF THE TRUSTS to can or coun- Where the slave-owner used live, shift- overpower thirty‘ forty AND FOE TO country’ THE DEMOCRATIC less negroes now live. ties. THUS. ONE COUNTY- CAN RULE PRINCIPLES. To the City! is the cry of the restless peo- THE WHOLE STATE. Men! let us not be routed by these city ple, allured by some unfathomable tempta- Is that right? Is it democratic? Should politicians. tion, impelled by some inexplicable influence. St. Louis become the ruler of all Missouri? Let us stand for the constitutional rights As a natural consequence,-political power No—but she does it. or the country counties. takes the same direction. Some master of Ed. Butler and Gumshoe Stone absolutely REGISTER, MEN, REGISTER! And chicane and manipulation becomes the Boss dominate Missouri. Hdw? By using the then lose one. day—no matter how busy you of the City; and, from the City, he stretches combination of the St. Louis and Kansas City are—and GO OUT AND VOTE. his control over the State. bar-keepers and the 'Romanist priests. Your ancestors left their plows, to shoulder Thus in Rhode Island, the blind General In Georgia, the same situation is fore- their rifles, and to fight for the liberties that Brayton not only ruled the city of Providence, shadowed. An insolent Executive Committee YOU enjoy. Many a time the horse, or ox, but he controlled the country also, dictating has arbitrarily set aside our county-unit plan. was left in the field, HITCHED TO THE to legislatures, selecting national Representa- THE BOSSES WHO RULE 'THE 810 PLOW, so sudden ami urgent was the call of tives, and naming U. S. Senators. CITIES WANT TO EXTEND THEIR country. In New York, Charles Murphy controls POWER OVER THE WHOLE STATE. Be worthy of your forefathers. Determine both the city and the State. To a very large To accomplish this nefarious scheme, they to hold on to your lawful share of political extent, he influences the nominations of the have* so muddled our registration laws, that power. Determine to remain free from the National Democratic party —changing to the \ Lucifer himself could not untangle them. insolent domination of a handful of city and Republicans, when his interest lies that way. To make matters worse, they have called the town lawyers. In Ohio, the Boss of Cincinnati largely primary for the first'of May, IN A YEAR The welfare of your home is at stake. THE controls the State. In California, we see the WHEN THE FARMERS ARE TWO INTERESTS OF YOUR WIVES AND same thing; the Boss of San Francisco rules MONTHS BEHIND . WITH THEIR CHILDREN ARE AT STAKE. the roost. WORK. This they have done, after the Your civilization itself is at stake. In Missouri, the country counties are early primary had been abolished, AND BE MEN, AND DO YOUR DUTY..
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