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[email protected] July 2020 Table of Contents 1 Abdullah Öcalan on the return to social ecology 6 Abdullah Öcalan 2 What is social ecology? 9 Murray Bookchin 3 The death of Nature 28 Carolyn Merchant 4 Ecology in Democratic Confederalism 33 Ercan Ayboga 5 Reber Apo is a Permaculturalist - Permaculture and 55 Political Transformation in North East Syria Viyan Qerecox 6 Ecological Catastrophe: Nature Talks Back 59 Pelşîn Tolhildan 7 Against Green Capitalism 67 Hêlîn Asî 8 The New Paradigm: Weaving ecology, democracy and gender liberation into a revolutionary political 70 paradigm Viyan Querecox 1 Abdullah Öcalan on the return to social ecology By Abdullah Öcalan Humans gain in value when they understand that animals and plants are only entrusted to them. A social 'consciousness' that lacks ecological consciousness will inevitably corrupt and disintegrate. Just as the system has led the social crisis into chaos, so has the environment begun to send out S.O.S. signals in the form of life-threatening catastrophes. Cancer-like cities, polluted air, the perforated ozone layer, the rapidly accelerating extinction of animal and plant species, the destruction of forests, the pollution of water by waste, piling up mountains of rubbish and unnatural population growth have driven the environment into chaos and insurrection. It's all about maximum profit, regardless of how many cities, people, factories, transportation, synthetic materials, polluted air and water our planet can handle. This negative development is not fate. It is the result of an unbalanced use of science and technology in the hands of power.