original article hnete gn ln nfse ie nDOrt,adtv nrxgnc egt n a-oeigefcswr bevdoe 2dy with days 12 over observed were effects fat-lowering and weight- anorexigenic, additive rats, (50 DIO amylin In rat of mice. combination fasted the in alone agent either than (100 Amylin extent. o 8dy)adlpi (125 and days) 28 for md (100 amide fet fbt ytm sn eekoku n hraooia approaches. pharmacological and knockout gene using systems both of effects orsodneto: Correspondence of acid control 37-amino pancreatic the in a produced in amylin, is implicated balance signals energy peripheral the Among Introduction 2012 January 19 acceptance final of date 2011; December 22 decision first of date 2011; November 28 submitted Date Conclusions: Results: Methods: Athanacio, Aims: J. Jodka, C. Nazarbaghi, R. Trevaskis, L. Parkes J. G. Athanacio, D. J. & rodents Griffin, Forood in S. B. P. Hoyt, weight D’Souza, J. body L. Roth, and D. intake J. food of control the systems in melanocortinergic and amylinergic of Interactions article original eteDie a ig,C 22,USA. [email protected] 92121, E-mail: CA Diego, San Drive, Centre asadi aeadfml Tadayi ncotmc AyO.Cagsi oditk,bd egtadcmoiini aeW and and/or WT leptin male murine in amylin, composition rat and either weight included body treatments intake, Pharmacological food rats. in (DIO) Changes obese (AmyKO). Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide. diet-induced , mice MC-4R male knockout the in amylin and and rats WT deficient female MC-4R and male in and rats ecec,teeefcsaesronal ihpamclgclamnsrto edn hrpui oeta ocmie amylin/ combined Keywords: to potential therapeutic obesity. lending administration for pharmacological agonism with surmountable are effects these deficiency, ntehmnM-Rhv enascae ihoeiy[9]. obesity with associated mutations been have and MC-4R [7,8] antagonism gain human the weight MC-4R MC-4R in and [7], obese intake behaviour. food feeding severely stimulates of are regulator mice key knockout a as evi- (MC-4R) receptor of subtype-4 MC the lines of importance Convergent the underscore dence systems. (MC) melanocortin lamic [4–6]. humans obese in as responsiveness well leptin as models, restore preclinical to in shown Amylin been also [1–3]. manner has reduced agonism mass-preserving is lean weight fat-specific, body a that mech- in suggest and rodents showed, in repeatedly studies been anistic have agonism amylin of (DIO) effects weight-lowering obese the humans, diet-induced overweight/obese and In rats ingestion. nutrient to response mlnPamcuias n. a ig,C,USA CA, Diego, San Inc., Pharmaceuticals, Amylin nipratdwsra euao flpi stehypotha- the is leptin of regulator downstream important An mlnri n eaootnri ytm aeec enipiae neeg aac euain eeaie h interactive the examined We regulation. balance energy in implicated been each have systems melanocortinergic and Amylinergic mln(10 Amylin ct odcnupinwsmaue noengtfse aewl-ye(T n eaootn4rcpo M-R deficient (MC-4R) receptor melanocortin-4 and (WT) wild-type male fasted overnight in measured was consumption food Acute mln oywih bst,cmiain oditk, intake, food combination, obesity, weight body amylin, μ /g P upesdfo naesmlryi aeW n mK,btwsiefciei eaeAyO mln(50 Amylin AmyKO. female in ineffective was but AmyKO, and WT male in similarly intake food suppressed IP) g/kg, lhuhayi’ ct nrxgncefcsaesmwa lne nM-Rdfiinyadtoeo C4 gns namylin in agonism MC-4R of those and deficiency MC-4R in blunted somewhat are effects anorexigenic acute amylin’s Although oahnD oh h,Ayi hraetcl,Ic,96 Towne 9360 Inc., Pharmaceuticals, Amylin PhD, Roth, D. Jonathan μ μ /g obndwt cRCHd-W]aie(100 Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide with combined g/kg) /g P erae oditk nW u o nM-Rdfiin as(0ad6 i otijcin.Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]- post-injection). min 60 and (30 rats deficient MC-4R in not but WT in intake food decreased IP) g/kg, β clsadc-ertdwt nui in with co-secreted and -cells μ /gdy yegsial eue oditk n oywih nW n C4 ecetrt oasimilar a to rats deficient MC-4R and WT in weight body and intake food reduced synergistically g/kg/day) μ /gdy n cRCHd-W]aie(. gk,S netddaily). injected SC mg/kg, (2.3 Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide and g/kg/day) l tde eeapoe yteIsiuinlAia Care Animal accordance in Institutional Pharmaceuticals, Amylin the at Committee by Use approved and were studies All Drug and Diet Housing, Animals, Methods and Materials amylin/MC-4R rats. of DIO utility in therapy the combination evaluating reduce (iii) to and amylin/leptin weight, of body action synergistic the for are MC-4Rs necessary whether in establishing in (ii) amylin state, agonism amylin-deficient MC-4R of an conversely, effects and antiobesity state, two MC-4R-deficient the an these exploring of (i) effects by: interactive systems the investigate present further Our [3]. studies rats not pro- DIO in hypothalamic but levels and (POMC) upregulated opiomelanocortin amylin, modestly MC-3Rs of restriction, agouti- administration central caloric the sustained antagonizes of and expression (AgRP) MC-4Rs) ectopic protein which (in related effects a mice anorexigenic to acute agouti its investigated in retained been Amylin extent. only limited has systems melanocortinergic received [10,11]. have drugs antiobesity potential MC-4R as interest molecule significant small and Peptidic μ oorkoldeteitrcino mlnri and amylinergic of interaction the knowledge our To /g P erae ct oditk vr3ht rae extent greater a to h 3 over intake food acute decreased IP) g/kg, ibts bst n Metabolism and Obesity , © 02BakelPbihn Ltd Publishing Blackwell 2012 4 0–1,2012. 608–615, 14: μ g/kg/day DIABETES, OBESITY AND METABOLISM original article with Animal Welfare Act guidelines. Animals were housed Food was returned 30 min later and cumulative intake (cor- ◦ individually in standard caging at 22 C in a 12-h light, 12-h rected for spillage) was measured at 30, 60, 120, 180 and dark cycle. 240 min. Food intake studies were performed in normal female NIH Swiss mice (Harlan, Indianapolis, IN, USA). Studies using Study 3: Effects of Amylin and/or Leptin on 28-day mice deficient for the amylin gene, hereafter referred to as Food Intake and Body Weight in WT and amylin knockout (AmyKO) mice, were backcrossed at least six Mc4rK314X/K314X Rats generations onto the C57Bl/6J strain (as described in Ref. [6]). The original AmyKO line was established on a mixed 129Ola/B6 For chronic infusion studies we selected doses of amylin background in which the amylin coding sequence in exon 3 of and leptin that reliably synergize to promote weight loss in the amylin gene was replaced by a neomycin resistance cassette. lean and DIO rat models [5,6]. Each drug (or vehicle) was AmyKO and WT littermate controls were genotyped at weaning delivered by a separate surgically implanted subcutaneous (SC) (Taconic, Hudson, NY, USA). All mice were maintained ad osmotic minipump (Durect Corporation, Cupertino, CA, USA) libitum on standard chow (7012; Harlan Teklad, Madison, containing either drug or vehicle (50% DMSO/sterile water WI, USA). for amylin, sterile water for leptin). Food intake (corrected Male MC-4R deficient rats (Mc4rK314X/K314X) and littermate for spillage) and body weight (expressed as percent vehicle WT controls were obtained from Transposagen Biopharma- corrected due to the differing starting body weights of these ceuticals (Lexington, KY, USA). These rats carry an N-ethyl- strains) were recorded on days 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28. At N-nitrosourea-induced mutation that introduces a premature the start of the study body weights (in grams ± s.e.m.) of stop codon in the eighth helix of Mc4r, resulting in a full knock- the treatment groups were: WT-vehicle, 520 ± 9; WT-amylin, out phenotype [12]. WT and Mc4rK314X/K314X were maintained 523 ± 12; WT-leptin, 524 ± 14; WT-amylin + leptin, 521 ± 13; ad libitum on a moderately high-fat diet (32% kcal from fat; Mc4rK314X/K314X-vehicle, 568 ± 33; Mc4rK314X/K314X -amylin, Research Diets D1226B, New Brunswick, NJ, USA). 564 ± 20; Mc4rK314X/K314X-leptin, 566 ± 9; Mc4rK314X/K314X- DIO rat studies used male Sprague–Dawley rats from amylin + leptin, 567 ± 4. Charles River Laboratories (CRL: CD rats; Wilmington, MA, USA). DIO rats were also maintained ad libitum on Study 4: Effects of the Amylin/MC-4R Combination on the moderately high-fat diet (Research Diets D1226B) for Food Intake in Overnight Fasted Mice approximately 8 weeks before and during treatment to induce = a DIO state. This study used group-housed (n 3/cage) female NIH Swiss Murine leptin was recombinantly synthesized at Amylin mice (24–30 g). Cages were randomized into treatment groups = = Pharmaceuticals (San Diego, CA, USA) and was dissolved in (n 4 cages per peptide). All mice within a cage (n 3per sterile water for injection and infusion studies. Rat amylin cage) received the same treatment. Mice received an IP injec- was obtained from Peptisyntha (Torrance, CA, USA) and tion either peptide or vehicle, and food intake per cage was dissolved in 10% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)/sterile water measured 30, 60, 120 and 180 min post-injection. for acute injection studies and 50% DMSO/sterile water for minipump infusion studies. The MC-4R agonist Ac-R[CEH- Study 5: Effects of Combined Amylin and MC-4R dF-RWC]-amide was synthesized at Agonism on Food Intake, Body Weight and Body as previously described [13] and dissolved in saline before Composition in DIO Rats injection. This compound was selected from the series of MC analogues because it displayed potent binding affinity and This study was designed to test the interactive effects of rat functional activity for MC-4R (Ki = 0.4nM;EC = 0.4nM) amylin and an MC-4R selective agonist on body weight and 50 μ versus MC-3R (Ki = 39.4 nM) [13]. food intake. We selected a dose of amylin (50 g/kg/day) that has reliably shown additive/synergistic effects on weight loss Study 1: Acute Food Intake Study in Mc4rK314X/K314X with a variety of test agents [14–16]. A pilot dose response Rats study was conducted in rats to identify a dose of Ac-R[CEH- dF-RWC]-amide that would suppress food intake over 24 h. K314X/K314X = Male WT and Mc4r (n 6/group) rats were fasted DIO rats were injected with either 0.46, 2.3 or 4.6 mg/kg overnight and injected IP with either vehicle or rat amylin and 24-h food intake was reduced by 20, 35 and 47%, μ (10 g/kg). Food was returned 30 min later and cumulative respectively. Based on these findings, we selected a dose of intake (corrected for spillage) was measured at 30, 60 and 2.3 mg/kg for repeated administration. All rats were implanted 120 min. The effects of amylin agonism were not assessed subcutaneously with an osmotic minipump delivering either K314X/K314X in female Mc4r rats because of their limited vehicle or amylin. Each rat also received a single daily SC commercial availability. injection of the MC-4R agonist just before the dark cycle. DIO rats (mean body weight, 607 ± 27 g) were assigned to the Study 2: Acute Food Intake Study in MC-4R-treated WT following treatment groups: vehicle, amylin (50 μg/kg/day by and AmyKO Mice infusion), Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide (2.3 mg/kg/day, daily Male and female WT and AmyKO mice (n = 12/group) were injection) or amylin (50 μg/kg/day) + Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]- fasted overnight and IP injected with either saline or the selec- amide (2.3 mg/kg, daily injection). Food intake (corrected for tive MC-4R agonist Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide (100 μg/kg). spillage) and body weight measurements were taken daily. Body

Volume 14 No. 7 July 2012 doi:10.1111/j.1463-1326.2012.01570.x 609 original article DIABETES, OBESITY AND METABOLISM composition was assessed at baseline and termination using a repeated dosing, amylin’s anorexigenic and weight lowering nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) instrument as previously effects would be diminished, and furthermore, the synergy of described [3]. amylin and leptin would be absent in Mc4rK314X/K314X rats. At the dose tested, monotherapy with leptin was ineffective Statistical Analyses at suppressing cumulative food intake in WT rats (figure 3A). Amylin decreased food intake by 15% (p < 0.05 relative to Data were analysed using one- and two-way (e.g. genotype vehicle controls on days 14, 21 and 28; figure 3A). Amylin/leptin × drug; time as a repeated measure when needed) analysis decreased food intake by 22% (p < 0.05 relative to vehicle of variance (anova) with post-hoc comparisons where controls on days 10, 14, 21 and 28; figure 3A), but intake was appropriate. Significance was assumed for p < 0.05. Graphs not significantly different relative to amylin alone. For body were generated using Prism 4 for Windows (Graphpad weight, leptin was ineffective as a monotherapy and amylin Software, San Diego, CA, USA). All data points are expressed reduced body weight by ∼5% (p < 0.05 relative to vehicle ± as mean standard error of the mean. controls on days 7, 14, 21 and 28; figure 3B). The addition of an ineffective dose of leptin enhanced the weight-lowering effects of amylin approximately twofold (to 10% by day 28; Results p < 0.05 relative to amylin monotherapy on days 14, 21 and Study 1: Acute Food Intake Study in WT 28; figure 3B). and Mc4rK314X/K314X Rats In Mc4rK314X/K314X rats, leptin was ineffective at reducing cumulative food intake. Amylin decreased food intake by ∼19% The anorexigenic effects of amylin differed in WT < . and Mc4rK314X/K314X rats (p < 0.05 drug × genotype; (p 0 05 vs. vehicle controls on days 10, 14, 21 and 28) and ∼ < . figure 1A–C). Amylin significantly reduced food intake only in amylin/leptin further decreased food intake by 29% (p 0 05 WT (at 30 and 60 min; p < 0.05 vs. WT vehicle controls) but vs. amylin alone on day 28 only; figure 3C). For body weight, not in Mc4rK314X/K314X rats. leptin was ineffective as a monotherapy and amylin reduced body weight by ∼6.6% (p < 0.05 relative to vehicle controls on days 10, 14, 21 and 28; figure 3D). The addition of an Study 2: Acute Food Intake Study in MC-4R-treated WT ineffective dose of leptin enhanced the weight-lowering effects and AmyKO Mice of amylin ∼2.1-fold (to 14% by day 28; p < 0.05 relative to Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide exerted similar effects in male amylin monotherapy on days 21 and 28). WT and AmyKO mice (figure 2A). Food intake was decreased at the 60, 120, 180 and 240 min time-points relative to vehicle Study 4: Effects of the Amylin/MC-4R Combination on controls (p < 0.05 effect of drug, no effect of strain). In WT Food Intake in Overnight Fasted Mice females, food intake was significantly decreased relative to vehicle controls at 120, 180 and 240 min (p < 0.05 effect of This study explored whether combined amylin and MC-4R drug; figure 2B). However, Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide failed agonism could exert co-operative anorexigenic effects. In line to suppress food intake in female AmyKO mice at any of the with its short half-life and previous reports [16,18], amylin pre- time points. treatment significantly decreased food intake at 30 and 60 min (p < 0.05 vs. vehicle controls) but then food intake returned to the level observed in vehicle controls. The effects of Ac- Study 3: Effects of Amylin and/or Leptin on 28-day R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide were longer-lasting with significant Food Intake and Body Weight in WT < . K314X/K314X suppression still evident at 180 min post-injection (p 0 05 and Mc4r Rats vs. vehicle controls 30, 60, 120 and 180 min). The combination The failure of amylin to reduce acute food intake in a of amylin and Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide exerted a greater state of MC-4R deficiency led us to hypothesize that with suppression relative to either agent alone at all time points

(A)30 min (B)60 min (C) 120 min 8 Vehicle 8 Vehicle 10 Vehicle Amylin Amylin Amylin 8 6 6 6 4 * 4 * 4

2 Food Intake (g)

Food Intake (g) 2 Food Intake (g) 2

0 0 0 Wild-Type Mc4r K314X/K314X Wild-Type Mc4rK314X/K314X Wild-Type Mc4r K314X/K314X

Figure 1. Anorexigenic effects of amylin (10 μg/kg, IP) in WT and Mc4rK314X/K314X rats at 30 (A), 60 (B) and 120 (C) min after injection. There was a significant drug × genotype interaction; ∗p < 0.05 indicates effect of drug in WT controls only.

610 Roth et al. Volume 14 No. 7 July 2012 DIABETES, OBESITY AND METABOLISM original article

(A)Males (B) Females

1.2 WT - Vehicle 1.4 WT - Vehicle AmyKO - Vehicle AmyKO - Vehicle WT - Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC-amide WT - Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC-amide 1.2 1.0 AmyKO - Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC-amide AmyKO - Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC-amide

1.0 0.8

0.8 0.6 * 0.6 Food Intake (g) Food Intake (g) 0.4 0.4 *

0.2 * * * 0.2

* 0.0 * 0.0 0 60 120 180 240 0 60 120 180 240 Minutes Min.

Figure 2. Anorexigenic effects of Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide (100 μg/kg, IP) in male (A) and female (B) WT (solid lines) and AmyKO (dashed lines) mice. In male mice, there was no significant effect of drug × genotype; ∗p < 0.05 effect of drug. In females, a drug × genotype interaction was observed; ∗p < 0.05 indicates effect of drug in WT controls only.

(A)500 Wildtype (B) 3 Wildtype

0 400

-3 * * * * * 300 * -6 * * * * -9 * 200 * # # -12 # * Vehicle

Cumulative food intake (g) 100 * -15 Amylin Leptin Change in body weight (%vehicle corrected) Amylin+Leptin 0 -18 0 7 14 21 28 0 7 14 21 28 Day Day

(C)1000 Mc4r K314X/K314X (D) 3 Mc4r K314X/K314X

0 800 -3 * 600 -6 # * * * * * -9 400 * * -12 * Vehicle Cumulative food intake (g) 200 * # -15 Amylin # * Change in body weight (%vehicle corrected) Leptin Amylin+Leptin 0 -18 0 7 14 21 28 0 7 14 21 28 Day Day

Figure 3. Effects of 28-day infusion of amylin (50 μg/kg/day; filled squares), leptin (125 μg/kg/day; filled triangles) or the combination of amylin (50 μg/kg/day) + leptin (125 μg/kg/day; inverted filled triangles) on cumulative food intake in grams (top left and right panels) and vehicle-corrected change in percent body weight (bottom left and right panels) in WT (A, B) and Mc4rK314X/K314X rats (C, D). No significant effect of drug × genotype. ∗p < 0.05 effect of drug in WT and Mc4rK314X/K314X rats.

Volume 14 No. 7 July 2012 doi:10.1111/j.1463-1326.2012.01570.x 611 original article DIABETES, OBESITY AND METABOLISM

food intake that the acute anorexigenic effects of exogenous amylin or 7 Vehicle MC-4R agonism are most evident when both endogenous Amylin systems are functional. Overnight fasted Mc4rK314X/K314X rats Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC-amide 6 were non-responsive to an acute dose of amylin that was Combination effective in WT rats, implying that amylin’s acute food intake 5 lowering effects may be MC-4R dependent. In line with these findings, responsiveness to the food intake lowering effects 4 of the amylin analogue salmon was diminished over a 24-h period in MC-4R-deficient mice relative to WT controls [19]. Amylin treatment (for 24 days), but not pair- 3 feeding, was associated with increased hypothalamic POMC Food Intake (g) levels in DIO rats maintained on a 32% fat further supporting 2 * * * an interaction between these two systems [3]. However, other findings have not linked endogenous MC systems to the effects 1 * of amylin. In ad libitum fed Wistar rats maintained on an * * # # 18% fat diet, neither amylin nor salmon calcitonin affected # # 0 POMC mRNA expression in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 following an acute injection [20]. We have previously shown Time (minutes) that chow-fed overnight fasted agouti and WT mice respond similarly to an acute dose of amylin [3]. With respect to Figure 4. Anorexigenic effects of amylin (100 μg/kg, IP; filled squares), these latter findings, one explanation may be that these are Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide (1 mg/kg, IP; filled triangles) and amylin+ two different models of MC dysregulation; agouti mice are Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide (filled inverted triangles) in female mice. a model of ectopic endogenous MC-3/MC-4R antagonism ∗ # p < 0.05 monotherapy different from vehicle; p < 0.05 combination (by agouti overexpression), whereas the Mc4rK314X/K314X rat different from monotherapy. is a receptor loss-of-function model. The methodological and procedural differences (e.g. species, diet composition, nutritive measured (p < 0.05 vs. amylin or Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]- status) across these different studies may also explain these amide; figure 4). discrepant findings. Nevertheless, any deficiencies in acute amylin-responsiveness in our single-dose study (10 μg/kg, IP Study 5: Effects of Combined Amylin and MC-4R bolus) appear to be surmountable. Qualitatively similar weight- Agonism on Food Intake, Body Weight and Body and food intake-lowering effects were evident in WT and Composition in DIO Rats Mc4rK314X/K314X rats following sustained infusion of a dose of μ This study explored whether the co-operative acute anorex- amylin (50 g/kg/day) previously shown in our DIO model to ∼ igenic effects of amylin and MC-4R agonism observed in increase plasma amylin levels 50-fold above endogenous [14]. mice would translate into mathematically additive (or greater) With respect to acute MC responsiveness, we observed a anorexigenic, weight- and fat-lowering effects in DIO rats. Indi- sexually dimorphic response following the administration of vidually, amylin (50 μg/kg/day) and Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]- Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide to male and female AmyKO mice. amide (2.3 mg/day) decreased food intake (by 35 and 36%, While the acute anorexigenic effects of MC-4R agonism were respectively; figure 5A) and body weight by (6.1% or 31.5 g preserved in male AmyKO rats, they were blunted in AmyKO and 6.8% or 35.5 g, respectively, after 12 day of treatment; female rats. Sexually dimorphic effects of MC agonists have not p < 0.05 vs. vehicle controls for food intake and body weight been noted in other models; to what extent these effects are on all days; figure 5B). The combination of amylin and Ac- unique to amylin-deficiency warrants further investigation. R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide decreased cumulative food intake by Future studies should also clarify whether amylin exerts 62% (p < 0.05 vs. monotherapy from day 5 and on; figure 5A) sexually dimorphic effects in models of MC dysregulation K314X/K314X and body weight by 14.4% or 81.4 g (p < 0.05 vs. monotherapy (e.g. Mc4r rats). from day 3 and on; figure 5B). Monotherapy with amylin or Ac- A synergistic in vivo interaction with amylin and lep- R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide resulted in significant fat loss (16.0 tin agonism has now been confirmed by several groups, and 23.7 g respectively, p < 0.05 vs. vehicle; figure 5C) with no although the underlying mechanisms have not been fully significant lean loss (figure 5D). The combination of amylin elucidated [4,21,22]. Given the interdependence of MC and and Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide resulted in even greater fat leptin signalling, we hypothesized that MC-signalling may be loss (56.7 g, p < 0.05 vs. either monotherapy) with some loss an important contributor to amylin/leptin synergy. We tested of lean (p < 0.05 vs. vehicle or Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide; this hypothesis in the Mc4rK314X/K314X rat model because mice figure 5C, D). do not appear to display as marked a weight-lowering synergy to the amylin/leptin combination as rats [12,23]. On a bio- chemical level, this mutation impaired membrane-binding and Discussion subsequent receptor non-functionality and in vivo these rats The present preclinical studies reveal novel features of amylin were found to be non-responsive to MC-4R ligands (e.g. the and MC pharmacology. First, our food intake studies suggest potent orexigen, AgRP79–129 and the anorexigen melanotan-II,

612 Roth et al. Volume 14 No. 7 July 2012 DIABETES, OBESITY AND METABOLISM original article

(A)250 (B) 10


200 -10 -20 *

-30 # * * 150 * -40 * * # * * * * * * * -50 # 100 * # -60 * # # * -70 # # Cumulative food intake (g) * Change in body weight (g) # 50 # Vehicle * # -80 # Amylin # * # # * # -90 Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC-amide # * * Combination 0 * # # -100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Day Day (C) (D) 20 20

0 0

-20 -20 * * * Change in fat mass (g) -40 Change in lean mass (g) -40

# -60 -60

Vehicle Amylin Vehicle Amylin

Combination Combination

AC-R[CEH-dF-RWC-amide Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide

Figure 5. Effects of infusion of amylin (50 μg/kg/day) and/or injection of Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]-amide (2.3 mg/kg, IP once daily) on cumulative food intake (grams; upper left), body weight (grams; upper right), fat (grams; bottom left) and lean (grams; bottom right). ∗p < 0.05 monotherapy different from vehicle; #p < 0.05 combination different from monotherapy.

MT-II). Contrary to our hypothesis, Mc4rK314X/K314X rats Although preclinical models have suggested that these agents still exhibited greater than mathematically additive weight cause weight and fat loss in obese rodents [28–30], clinical loss in response to sustained infusion of the combination of studies have failed to show meaningful weight loss [31] and amylin/leptin. These findings suggest that intact MC-4R sig- have been linked to dose-limiting off target effects such as nalling is not necessary for the expression of amylin/leptin increases in blood pressure and erections [32]. Our preclinical synergy. Although other MCR subtypes are presumably func- findings suggest that amylin-based combinations with MC-4R tional in this model (e.g. MC-3Rs that subtly contribute to agonism may be a novel therapeutic approach worthy of fur- food intake [24]), these observations point the possibility that ther consideration. Amylin co-administration enhanced the amylin/leptin synergy may be mediated by MCR-independent acute food intake lowering effects of Ac-R[CEH-dF-RWC]- mechanisms. amide in mice and with repeated co-administration durable, As part of our integrated neurohormonal therapeutic strat- additive anorexigenic, weight- and fat-lowering effects in DIO egy for obesity, we have explored several anorexigenic and rats. In preclinical models, MC agonism appears effective weight-lowering amylin-based combinations. Amylin ago- nism exerted additive effects with PYY(3-36) (in mice and even under conditions of DIO leptin resistance [29,33]. If rats [15]), phentermine and sibutramine (in rats [16] and efficacious, combined amylin/MC agonism may be beneficial humans [25]), synergistic effects with (in in cases where amylin agonism is unable to restore leptin mice [26] and rats [27]) and with leptin agonism (in rats [4,14] responsiveness such as in highly leptin resistant states in the and humans [7]). Our combination studies point to the ther- higher body mass index (BMI) ranges [21]. Multidose combi- apeutic utility of combined amylin and MC-4R agonism. To nation studies (e.g. employing response surface methodology or date, clinical results with monotherapy with MC agonists for isobolographic analyses) can be used to identify whether opti- obesity have been disappointing in terms of lack of efficacy. mal dose ratios exist for enhancing efficacy while remaining

Volume 14 No. 7 July 2012 doi:10.1111/j.1463-1326.2012.01570.x 613 original article DIABETES, OBESITY AND METABOLISM subthreshold for tolerability related side effects as previously 2. Smith SR, Blundell JE, Burns C et al. treatment reduces 24-h described [34]. caloric intake and meal sizes and improves control of eating in obese Future mechanistic experiments should consider potential subjects: a 6-wk translational research study. Am J Physiol Endocrinol substrates for amylin/MC interactions including the dorsal Metab 2007; 293: E620–E627. hindbrain. Results from pharmacological, functional neu- 3. Roth JD, Hughes H, Kendall E, Baron AD, Anderson CM. Antiobesity effects roanatomical and lesioning studies suggest that the energy of the beta-cell hormone amylin in diet-induced obese rats: effects on regulatory effects of amylin rely upon direct activation of the food intake, body weight, composition, energy expenditure, and . Endocrinology 2006; 147: 5855–5864. (AP), which lacks a functional blood brain barrier [35]. Peripheral administration of MT-II activated AP 4. Roth JD, Roland BL, Cole RL et al. Leptin responsiveness restored by amylin agonism in diet-induced obesity: evidence from nonclinical and clinical neurons [36], and 125I-MT-II binding has been detected within studies. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2008; 105: 7257–7262. the AP [37]. The AP is situated adjacent to a population of MC-4R containing neurons in the dorsal motor nucleus of 5. Trevaskis JL, Lei C, Koda JE, Weyer C, Parkes DG, Roth JD. Interaction of leptin and amylin in the long-term maintenance of weight loss in diet- the vagus, which have been implicated in modulating food induced obese rats. Obesity 2010; 18: 21–26. intake [38]. Amylin-activated AP neurons also project to the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) [35], which contains one 6. Turek VF, Trevaskis JL, Levin BE et al. Mechanisms of amylin/leptin synergy in rodent models. 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