Endocrine Plasticity Under Physiological and Pathological Conditions Catherine Bernard-Kargar and Alain Ktorza

Endocrine pancreas plasticity may be defined as the of -cell mass in relation to prevailing demand; i.e., the ability of the organ to adapt the -cell mass to the vari- ability of the -cell mass to expand in response to insulin resis- ations in insulin demand. For example, during late tance is altered. pregnancy and obesity, the increase of the -cell mass, We review here the main factors involved in islet plastic- in association with -cell hyperactivity, contributes to ity in adults and the possible causes of its deterioration in insulin oversecretion in response to . type 2 . There is increasing evidence that the ability of the -cell mass to expand in adult mammals is much higher than previously thought. During pregnancy, placental FACTORS INVOLVED IN -CELL MASS CHANGES , especially placental lactogens, are mainly IN THE ADULT responsible for the changes in -cell mass. The factors During development, endocrine cells arise from undifferen- involved in -cell growth in obesity are far from clear, tiated stem cells located in pancreatic ducts, which migrate although increased free fatty acids seem to be the main into the exocrine pancreas to form the islets of Langerhans candidate. Many data suggest that the impairment of (neogenesis). Then, differentiated -cells proliferate within insulin in is partly related to the islets (replication). These processes are essential during reduction of -cell mass, at least relative to prevailing development of the endocrine pancreas, but they are also nec- insulin demand. This defect may originate from genetic essary for the further islet cell mass homeostasis. predisposition, but the situation is likely worsened by environmental factors such as hyperglycemia (gluco- In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that -cells from toxicity) and hyperlipidemia (). Better fetuses and adults respond to the same stimuli: nutrients, understanding of -cell growth and regeneration mech- hormones, or growth factors. In this review, we will focus only anisms may allow new strategies in the treatment of on the role of glucose and insulin. type 2 diabetes based on early limitation of -cell dam- Glucose appears to be a potent stimulus of pancreatic age and/or restoration of a functional -cell mass. Dia- -cell growth both in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, the prolifer- betes 50 (Suppl. 1):S30–S35, 2001 ative rate of rodent -cells increases with increasing glucose concentrations (1). The proliferative response of human islets to glucose is also important but is already maximal at low glucose concentrations (5.6 mmol/l) (2). ndocrine pancreas plasticity may be defined as the In adult humans and rats, the -cell mass seems quite sta- ability of the organ to adapt the -cell mass to the ble with a low -cell replication rate (3% per day vs. 10% per variations in insulin demand to warrant optimal day in the fetus) (3). For this reason, the role of glucose in control of glucose homeostasis. Our current adult islets was considered marginal. However, the potent E knowledge is that in adult mammals, the -cell mass is gov- effect of glucose on -cell mass growth was clearly demon- erned by a permanent balance between -cell growth (-cell strated by Bonner-Weir et al. (4) in nondiabetic rats infused replication and neogenesis) and -cell death (mainly apo- with glucose for 96 h. This effect resulted from both -cell ptosis). Disruption of this balance may lead to rapid and hyperplasia and hypertrophy. Using a similar protocol of marked changes in islet cell mass. For example, during late glucose infusion in unrestrained rats, we further stressed the pregnancy and obesity, the increase of the -cell mass con- impressive efficiency of glucose on -cell growth because a tributes to insulin oversecretion in response to insulin resis- 24-h glucose infusion was sufficient to maximally increase the tance. There is now growing evidence that impaired insulin -cell mass in both nondiabetic and mildly diabetic rats (5) secretion in type 2 diabetes is in part related to the reduction (Fig. 1). The potent and rapid effect of glucose infusion was even more impressive in mildly diabetic rats because glucose promoted complete regeneration of -cell mass (mild dia- From the Laboratoire de Physiopathologie de la Nutrition, Université Paris, Paris, France. betes was induced by low-dose streptozotocin, resulting in Address correspondence and reprint requests to Alain Ktorza, Labora- a 50% reduction of -cell mass). The increase of -cell mass toire de Physiopathologie de la Nutrition, CNRS ESA 7059, Université was due mainly to rapid activation of neogenesis of new Paris 7, Tour 23-33, 1° étage, case 7126, 2 Place Jussieu, 75251 Paris cedex 05, France. E-mail: [email protected]. endocrine cells rather than to increase in -cell proliferation Received for publication 21 May 2000 and accepted 28 August 2000. (5) (Figs. 2–4). A role for glucose in -cell regeneration was This article is based on a presentation at a symposium. The symposium indirectly suggested by previous studies showing that the and the publication of this article were made possible by an unrestricted reduction of -cell mass induced by a high dose of strepto- educational grant from Les Laboratoires Servier. FFA, free ; IRS, substrate; MODY, maturity- zotocin in the neonate rat (6), 90% pancreatectomy in young onset diabetes of the young. adult rats (7), or cellophane wrapping of the head of the


pancreas in hamsters (8) was followed by sustained -cell regeneration (50–75% of control). In all the above studies, par- tial restoration of the -cell mass did not prevent hypergly- cemia; therefore, it was inferred that the increase in -cell mass was favored by high glucose levels (3). In addition to promoting -cell neogenesis and/or replication, glucose may be involved in the control of by inhibition of the -cell “suicide” program (9). In short-term exposure to glu- cose, it seems that the -cell apoptotic rate decreases and the number of viable -cells increases when glucose concen- tration is raised (9). Nevertheless, the precise role of changes in glucose con- centration is difficult to appreciate in vivo because of the inter- ference of concomitant variations in plasma insulin levels. Interplay between glucose and insulin seems to be important for the control of islet cell proliferation in vivo (10). Moreover, some studies have shown that insulin itself may stimulate pan- creatic cell mitosis in vitro (11). In vivo studies also suggest that insulin may be involved in -cell growth. Indeed, insulin treatment stimulates -cell proliferation in fetal islets trans- planted into diabetic rats (12,13). Moreover, insulin therapy improved -cell regeneration in newborn rats injected with FIG. 1. Total pancreatic -cell mass variations in nondiabetic () and diabetic () rats infused with glucose for 48 h. Values are streptozotocin on the day of birth (14). It must be pointed out means ± SE of three to five rats in each group. *P < 0.05. that in experiments showing the promoting effect of insulin

FIG. 2. Evidence of endocrine cell budding from pancreatic ducts in the pancreas of rats infused with glucose for 24 h. Endocrine cells were immunostained for insulin (A), (B), (C), and (D) and revealed with peroxidase. Magnifica- tion 400.


FIG. 4. -Cell replication rates expressed as the percentage of 5-bromo-2deoxyuridine (BrdU)-positive -cells per 6 h in nondia- betic () and diabetic () rats infused with glucose for 48 h. Values are means ± SE of three to five rats in each group. *P < 0.05.

adult rats. However, this does not exclude long-term effects of insulin and/or the fact that both hyperglycemia and hyper- insulinemia are required for maximal islet growth. The inter- est in the role of insulin was highlighted by recent studies showing that endocrine pancreas plasticity was tightly dependent on the islet insulin receptor, insulin receptor sub- strate (IRS)-1 and IRS-2. In mice, knockout of IRS-1 pro- vokes insulin resistance compensated by increased -cell mass (17). On the other hand, mice deficient for IRS-2 rapidly FIG. 3. Evidence of insulin-positive cell budding from pancreatic developed diabetes after birth because of the reduction of ducts in the pancreas of rats infused with glucose for 24 h. A: -Cell cluster near a pancreatic duct to which it is attached by -cell mass and altered -cell function (18). Four-month-old fibers (magnification 200). B: Presence of -cells within the duc- knockout mice for the insulin receptor presented altered tal epithelium (magnification 1,000). In brown: insulin-positive insulin secretion in response to glucose and decreased -cell cells revealed with peroxidase. In blue: collagen fibers revealed with mass (19). However, according to recent data, the role played aniline blue. by IRS-2 in endocrine pancreas plasticity could depend on IGF-I receptor activation (20). Thus, it is possible that the treatment on -cell regeneration, plasma glucose remained effect of insulin on -cell growth could in fact be due to IGF- higher than normal (12,13). The need for a critical plasma glu- I. In any case, the pancreatic response to variations of the cose level for -cell growth was further emphasized by the insulin demand seems to involve the key role of IRS-2. study of Koiter et al. (10), who observed that hyperinsuline- mia associated with hypoglycemia suppressed -cell repli- ENDOCRINE PANCREAS PLASTICITY IN NONDIABETIC cation in rats. Taken together, these studies stress the diffi- SUBJECTS culty in appreciating the specific role of insulin in vivo on the Pregnancy. In mammals, including humans, pregnancy proliferating process. We attempted to discriminate between results in profound changes in maternal metabolism and the effect of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia by per- insulin secretion that allow optimal nutrient supply to the forming hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps in unre- fetus. In particular, during the last third of pregnancy, there strained rats over 48 h (15). Plasma insulin concentrations is marked insulin resistance accompanied by dramatic were maintained throughout infusions at a level similar to that increase in the insulin response to glucose (21). In rats, high obtained during glucose infusions. We found that insulin infu- endocrine pancreas activity in late pregnancy results from sion per se did not promote -cell growth, thus excluding a three processes that have been well documented: 1) higher major role for insulin. This conclusion is also supported by -cell sensitivity to glucose, 2) increased insulin biosynthe- the fact that syngeneic islets transplanted from lean mice sis, and 3) important modifications of the architecture of the into obese hyperglycemic mice grew rapidly and intensively, islets, with -cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy and increased whereas when they were implanted into hyperinsulinemic and -cell interactions through gap junctions (22). euglycemic or slightly hypoglycemic mice, islet growth was Placental hormones, i.e., , pro- not observed (16). Therefore, short-term hyperinsulinemia per lactin, , and , play a key role in this sit- se is probably not a determinant of -cell mass increase in uation (23). In women, the pattern of secretion of placental


hormones is well correlated with enhancement of the insulin increased incidence of glucose intolerance coincides with response to glucose and -cell growth (23). The chronology decreased capacity of -cells to replicate (37,38). It may be of the variations in -cell mass has been studied in the preg- questioned whether this deficiency corresponds to a genetic nant rat by Scaglia et al. (24), who found that -cell mass is predisposition or is the result of an altered metabolic envi- almost doubled at the end of pregnancy. After parturition, it ronment; these hypotheses are not mutually exclusive. decreases progressively to reach normal values around 10 Role of genetic factors. Stöffers et al. (39) showed that a days postpartum. The involution of the islet cell mass results mutation in the gene coding for pancreatic duodenal home- both from a decrease in cell replication and volume and from obox transcription factor-1 is associated with maturity-onset markedly increased apoptosis. The changes in -cell mass dur- diabetes of the young (MODY). Nevertheless, mutations in the ing and after pregnancy and the mechanisms involved are a genes coding for BETA-2/NeuroD and Nkx2.2 are not asso- good illustration of the plasticity of the endocrine pancreas. ciated with MODY in Japanese populations (40), nor is there Obesity. Insulin resistance is a main feature in obesity. How- a relationship between mutations of BETA-2/NeuroD and ever, glucose homeostasis remains close to normal subjects PAX-4 genes and type 2 diabetes in French families (41). in 75–80% of all obese subjects. As in pregnancy, euglycemia Studies performed on animal models are more suggestive is maintained by increased insulin secretion to overcome because in animal models of type 2 diabetes, the genetic insulin resistance. Insulin oversecretion is due not only to background influences -cell growth (3). In the adult Goto- enhanced individual -cell activity but also to -cell growth. Kakisaki (GK) rat, -cell mass is 50% decreased, and it is This is well documented in animal models of obesity and reduced already in the fetus (42) and the newborn (43) at a probably occurs also in humans. Klöppel et al. (25) clearly time when glucose homeostasis is normal. This suggests that observed endocrine tissue hyperplasia in nondiabetic obese impaired development of the -cell mass participates in the subjects. In the nondiabetic Zucker fa/fa rat, -cell mass is cascade of events that leads to diabetes. However, extrapo- fourfold higher than that in lean Fa rats as a result of -cell lating to humans seems hazardous, and genetic studies hyperplasia and hypertrophy; neogenesis rather than repli- remain poorly conclusive. cation of preexisting -cells is the main mechanism (26). Role of environmental factors. Because hyperglycemia The factors involved in -cell mass increase in the obese and hyperlipidemia are the main features of obese type 2 are not fully understood. Free fatty acids (FFAs) may play a diabetes, the role of chronic hyperglycemia and high plasma crucial role. When from nondiabetic FFA concentrations have been extensively explored. nonobese rats were cultured for 7 days with high amounts of Role of glucose: glucose toxicity and -cell mass. long-chain FFAs, islet hyperplasia was observed; concomi- Although glucose promotes -cell growth (see above), it is tantly, insulin secretion in response to glucose was markedly suggested that the concept of glucose toxicity be extended to increased (26). Other studies ascribe a crucial role to -cell mass homeostasis when hyperglycemia is of long dura- in -cell growth in obesity. Plasma leptin levels are high in tion. When GK rats are fed a carbohydrate-rich diet for 6 obese subjects, and the is present in islet weeks, hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance worsen. This cells (27). -Cell lines like RINm5F and MIN6, which express further deterioration is accompanied by a 50% reduction of the leptin receptor, are highly responsive to leptin, which -cell mass when compared with GK rats fed a normal diet. stimulates cell proliferation at low concentrations This drastic reduction in -cell mass is mainly related to (1–5 nmol/l), close to levels found in obese subjects (28,29). stimulation of apoptosis, whereas -cell proliferation However, leptin is probably not the main factor of -cell remains close to normal (44). Similar results have been expansion in obesity because totally leptin-resistant fa/fa obtained by Donath et al. (45) in Psammomys obesus. In the Zucker rats show dramatic increase in -cell mass. Therefore, wild state, these animals are lean, active, and nondiabetic; although FFAs are a main candidate, the additional factors when constrained under laboratory conditions with free involved in -cell growth in obesity remain to be clarified. access to food, they become mildly obese and diabetic. Con- comitantly, -cell apoptosis is stimulated in parallel with the ENDOCRINE PANCREAS PLASTICITY IN TYPE 2 deterioration of glucose homeostasis to reach 12- to 14-fold DIABETIC SUBJECTS the normal value after 10 days of a hypercaloric diet. -Cell -Cell mass and type 2 diabetes. With some exceptions proliferation, which is very low in prediabetic animals, is (30,31), human autopsy studies repeatedly show a 40–60% markedly increased at the beginning of the syndrome and then reduction of -cell mass in patients with type 2 diabetes decreases progressively with the duration of diabetes. The (25,32–34). The study of Klöppel et al. (25) is of particular inter- combination of these events results in a sharp decrease in est because it compared weight-matched subjects. It was -cell mass in diabetic Psammomys obesus. found that the highest -cell mass was observed in nondiabetic The mechanisms of the toxic effect of chronic hypergly- obese individuals, and the lowest -cell mass was observed in cemia are far from fully understood. A role of advanced gly- nonobese diabetic patients. In diabetic subjects, -cell mass cosylation end products has been suggested but not con- was 50% decreased compared with that in obese nondiabetic firmed (45). Amylin, whose synthesis is increased by ele- subjects and was only slightly lower than that in lean control vated glucose concentrations (46), may be one possible subjects. These data stress that subjects with type 2 diabetes mediator of glucose-induced apoptosis (47). present low -cell reserves in regard to insulin needs, thus Role of FFAs: lipotoxicity and -cell mass. The concept pointing to altered endocrine pancreas plasticity. When of -cell lipotoxicity is more recent but is now supported by detectable, the islet cell mass changes seem to be specific for solid experimental data (48). The relationship between the -cells, because the non–-cell mass (, , and PP) was excess lipids and -cell mass has been studied on a model of unchanged (35). This is also correlated to decreased pancre- a spontaneously obese and diabetic rat (the Zucker diabetic atic insulin content (36). Moreover, it is noteworthy that the fatty [ZDF] rat [fa/fa]), in which initial insular hyperplasia


allows compensation for insulin resistance. Later, -cell mass -cells (56). When these in vitro–generated islets were remains static and finally decreases progressively with aging grafted into diabetic NOD mice, diabetes was reversed (56). (49). Concomitantly, insulin secretion is impaired, leading to An alternative approach was used very recently by Ferber et severe diabetes (49a). This deleterious process is the conse- al. (57), who transferred the PDX-1 gene to the of mice quence of a sevenfold increase of -cell apoptosis, whereas through adenoviral vectors; this resulted in the expression of -cell replication and neogenesis are normal (50). The stim- insulin 1 and 2 genes in the liver, with a dramatic increase in ulation of apoptosis seems to be due to a large accumulation hepatic insulin content and plasma insulin concentration. of triglycerides within the islet (49). Islet lipid accumulation When repeated in mice made severely diabetic by streptozo- is also observed in the OLETF rat (51). Lipolytic substances tocin, hyperglycemia was largely corrected. Such studies are such as leptin or are able to protect ZDF rat very promising, but whatever the strategy used, we obvi- -cells from apoptosis (52,53). Moreover, in islets from ZDF ously need a better understanding of -cell growth and rats cultured in the presence of high FFA levels, the apo- regeneration mechanisms. Provided their limits are well ptotic process is strongly stimulated (54). From these data, appreciated, animal models with diabetes-like syndromes a crucial role may be ascribed to intra-islet fatty acid accu- could make important contributions. mulation in the sequence of events leading to inadequate -cell mass. 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