1996 Index Federal Election Commission Volume 22


How to Use This Index Advisory Opinions (AOs) – 1996-5: Refunding illegal contri- The first number in each citation Alternative disposition of Advisory butions, 5:9 refers to the “number” (month) of Opinion Requests (AORs) – 1996-7: Public funding certifica- the 1996 Record issue in which the – AOR 1995-37, 2:4 tions, 5:9 article appeared. The second number, – AOR 1995-39, 1:15 – 1996-8: Local party committees following the colon, indicates the – AOR 1996-6, 5:10 and building funds, 7:6 page number in that issue. For ex- Summaries of AOs – 1996-9: Building library center ample, “1:4” means that the article – 1995-38: Corporate vendor and with excess campaign funds, 6:7 is in the January issue on page 4. nonconnected PAC with common – 1996-10: Corporate employees as officer, 1:14 stockholders, 7:7 Addy, John K. – 1995-40: Disaffiliation of PACs, – 1996-11: Incumbent appearances Common Cause v. FEC (94-02104), 3:7 at convention of membership 5:5 – 1995-41: Preemption of state organization, 7:9 disclosure requirements, 2:3 – 1996-12: Criteria for qualified Administrative Complaints – 1995-42: Using campaign funds campaign expenses, 7:10 Arbitrary and capricious, legal to pay child-care expenses, 2:4 – 1996-13: Property owned by factors, DSCC v. FEC (96-2184), – 1995-43: Refunding legal fees to limited liability company used for 12:5 candidate committee, 3:8 campaign events, 8:6 Confidentiality provisions, Stock- – 1995-44: Presidential primary – 1996-14: Use of excess campaign man v. FEC, 2:9; 10:2; 12:4 candidate excused from filing 48- funds for moving expenses, 7:11 Failure to act within statutory hour notices, 3:8 – 1996-15: Discarding envelopes period, NRCC v. FEC (96-2295), – 1995-45: Qualified campaign used to mail reports to state, 7:11 11:8 expenses for ballot access, 3:9 – 1996-16: Definition of news Petition to review, time frame for – 1995-46: Purchase of candidate’s entity, 7:11 filing, Jordan v. FEC, 4:12 book by his campaign, 3:9 – 1996-17: Cars provided as official Unreasonable delay, Stockman v. – 1995-47: Use of campaign funds vehicles of convention, 7:12 FEC, 2:9; 10:2; 12:4 for travel to party’s Presidential – 1996-18: Conduit accounts, 8:7 nominating convention, 5:7 – 1996-19: Use of campaign funds Advertising – 1995-48: Preemption of Georgia for travel to Presidential nominat- Independent expenditures used for law limiting receipt of contribu- ing convention: wife and children, – FEC v. Christian Action Network, tions, 3:10 8:8 10:1 – 1996-1: Corporate partisan – 1996-20: Use of campaign funds – FEC v. Colorado Republican communications, 5:7 for travel to Presidential nominat- Federal Campaign Committee, – 1996-4: Public funding shortfalls ing convention: chief of staff, 8:8 8:1;11:7 and bridge loans, 5:8 – 1996-21: Membership organiza- Federal Election Commission RECORD Index 1996

tion communications, 8:9 – 1996-34: Use of campaign funds Arnold & Porter – 1996-22: Public funding for for travel of Congressman’s AO 1995-43, 3:8 nonmajor party candidates, 8:10 family, 11:9 – 1996-23: Disaffiliation of reorga- – 1996-36: Application of contribu- Association of Trial Lawyers of nized corporations and their SSFs, tion and spending limits to court- America 9:4 ordered elections, 11:9 AO 1996-1, 5:7 – 1996-24: Use of campaign funds – 1996-37: Application of contribu- for certain legal expenses, 8:10 tion limits to court-ordered Audits – 1996-25: Seeking employer elections, 11:10 Congressional committees information from union members – 1996-38: Solicitable class of – Brown, Sherrod (House), 2:4 without permanent employment, nonconnected PAC affiliated with – Jude, Thaddeus (House), 4:2 11:8 SSF, 11:11 – Moseley-Braun, Carol (Senate), – 1996-26: Corporation as collect- – 1996-39: Legal fees related to 7:1 ing agent for PAC of affiliated ballot access, 11:12 Final reports, listing, 7:4 association, 9:5 – 1996-40: Contributions of cam- Presidential committees – 1996-27: Qualifying as state party paign funds to nonprofit corpora- – regulations streamline audit committee, 9:6 tion, 11:12 process, 3:2 – 1996-28: Personal use of cam- – 1996-41: Broadcasting views of paign funds by former member of candidates for federal and state Ballot Access Congress, 10:5 offices, 11:12 Payments for ballot access – 1996-29: In-kind contributions – 1996-43: Status of affiliate as – contributions, exempt from designated for more than one state political committee, 12:9 definition of, 800 Line article, 2:8 election, 10:5 – 1996-44: Use of campaign funds – qualified campaign expenses, – 1996-33: Exchange of contribu- for district office move, 12:9 considered as, AO 1995-45, 3:9 tions between federal candidate – using contributions for legal fees and state candidates, 10:5 Affiliation related to, AO 1996-39, 11:12 Between unincorporated association and incorporated trade associa- Barrick Goldstrike Mines Inc. tion, AO 1996-38, 11:11 AOR 1996-6, alternative disposi- Disaffiliation tion, 5:10 – PACs, AO 1996-23, 9:4; AO Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, NW 1995-40, 3:7 Belo, A.H. Washington, DC 20463 – party committees (state and local), AO 1996-41, 11:12 alternative disposition of AOR 800/424-9530 1995-39, 1:15 “Best Efforts” 202/219-3420 Factors for, AO 1996-26, 9:5 See: Contributor Information 202/501-3413 (Flashfax Service) 202/219-3336 (TDD for the Officer common to both vendor and hearing impaired) nonconnected PAC, AO 1995-38, Bloomberg L. P. 800/877-8339 (FIRS) 1:14 AO 1996-16, 7:11 John Warren McGarry, Chairman AFL-CIO Blosser, Elizabeth Joan D. Aikens, Vice Chairman Prohibited in-kind contributions Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Lee Ann Elliott, Commissioner Danny L. McDonald, alleged, NRCC v. FEC (96-2295), Life v. FEC, 3:6 Commissioner 11:8 Scott E. Thomas, Commissioner Brady, Kevin Albanese, Sal AO 1996-37, 11:10 John C. Surina, Staff Director _____ v. FEC, 5:4, 11:5 Lawrence M. Noble, General Counsel Breeden-Schmidt Foundation American Seniors Housing AO 1996-3, 6:7 Published by the Information Association Division AO 1996-38, 11:11 Brown, Sherrod Louise D. Wides, Director Audit of 1994 campaign (House), Angela Rucker, Editor Anderson, John 2:4 http://www.fec.gov Public funding grant, 1980 Presi- dential election, 10:3

2 Index 1996 Federal Election Commission RECORD

Browne, Harry Point-of-entry change, House Commission on Presidential AO 1996-7, 5:9 candidates, 2:1; 6:2 Debates Presidential candidates Perot ‘96 and v. Buchanan, Patrick J. See: Public Funding FEC and _____, 11:1 _____ v. FEC, repayment determi- Transfers from nonfederal campaign nation, 6:4 to federal election through other Common Cause nonfederal campaigns, AO 1996- _____ v. FEC (94-02104), 5:5 Building Fund Exemption 33, 10:5 AO 1996-8, 7:6 Voting records, MCFL rulemaking, Compliance 4:1 Brokerage firm’s use of contributor Bundling See also: Audits, Debates, Statistics, lists for cold calls, MUR 4320, See: Contributions, Earmarked Presidential Race, Public 12:3 Funding Civil penalties assessed Burns, Conrad – FEC v. John J. Murray for Common Cause v. FEC (94-02104), Cannon, Chris Congress Committee, 11:7 5:5 AO 1996-29, 10:5 – FEC v. Survival Education Fund, 11:6 Business Council of Alabama Center for Responsive Politics – MUR 4320, 12:3 AO 1996-21, 8:9 _____ v. FEC, 1:3 Civil penalties sought in court – FEC v. Christian Coalition, 9:1 Cable Television Stations Chamber of Commerce of the – FEC v. Democratic Senatorial Regulations on debates and news U.S.A. Campaign Committee (95-2881), stories, 3:1; 6:1; 8:1; 8:7 _____ v. FEC, 1:2; 5:6 1:5 See also: Media – FEC v. Hartnett for U.S. Senate, Choate, Pat 4:12 Campaign Funds Grant, public funding for 1996 – FEC v. Kalogianis, 10:2 Excess Presidential election, 10:3 – FEC v. McCallum, 9:2 See: Excess Campaign Funds Perot ‘96 v. FEC and Commission – FEC v. Parisi, 3:6 Personal use of on Presidential Debates, 11:1 – FEC v. National Right to Work See: Personal Use of Campaign Committee, 4:11 Funds Christian Action Network – FEC v. Wofford, 6:4 FEC v. _____, 10:1 Confidentiality of MURs, Stockman Campbell, James v. FEC, 2:9; 10:2; 12:4 Grant, public funding for 1996 Clifton, Robin Democratic National Committee Presidential election, 10:3 _____ v. FEC, 5:6; 7:1; 9:3 failure to file pre-general report, 12:5 Candidates Clinton, William J. Dismissal of MUR challenged in Ballot access, payments for, not Advertisements, critical of, FEC v. court, Jordan v. FEC, 4:12 considered contributions Christian Action Network, 10:1 Expedited investigation requested – AO 1996-38, 11:11 Grant, public funding for 1996 – DCCC v. FEC (96-0764), 6:4 – 800 Line article, 2:8 Presidential election, 10:3 – DSCC v. FEC (96-2184), 12:5 Book purchased by campaign, AO Request to suspend public funding, MURs made public, 1:15; 2:10; 1995-46, 3:9 11:3 3:10; 4:13; 5:14; 6:8; 7:2; 10:9 Broadcasting views of, AO 1996-41, Nonfilers, 3:10; 4:12; 5:14; 6:8; 8:3; 11:12 Colantuono, Thomas P. 10:9; 12:8 Incumbent franking privilege, AO 1996-33, 10:5 Albanese v. FEC, 5:4; 11:5 CompuServe Inc. MCFL rulemaking Colorado Republican Federal AO 1996-2, 6:6 – corporate/labor activity, 2:1; 4:1 Campaign Committee – debates staged by cable television FEC v. _____, 8:1; 11:7 Conference of the Inter-American stations, 3:1 Regulations to conform with FEC v. Union of Electoral Bodies Personal use of campaign funds _____, 9:1 FEC becomes member of, 11:15 See: Personal Use of Campaign Funds

3 Federal Election Commission RECORD Index 1996

Conferences Contributions, Prohibited – Public funding for major parties, FEC regional conferences Contributions in the name of use of excess campaign funds to – Chicago, 3:1 another, AO 1996-33, 10:5 attend, 5:11 Limits exceeded – Travel expenses for, AO 1996-19, Continental Airlines – audit, Carol Moseley-Braun’s 8:8; AO 1996-34, 11:9 AO 1995-40, 3:7 Senate campaign, 7:1 See also: Delegates – audit, Sherrod Brown’s ’94 House Contributions campaign, limits on individual Cooley, Wester S. Accepted by Presidential candidates contributions to candidates, 2:4 AO 1996-24; 8:10 in general election, Center for – audit, Thaddeus Jude’s ’94 House Responsive Politics v. FEC, 1:3 campaign, limits on individual Coordination Ballot access payments exempt from contributions to candidates Activity with Candidate definition of, 800 Line article, 2:8 (involves trust account), 4:2 – by trade association, AO 1996-1, Earmarking – calendar year limits on individuals, 5:7 – AO 1996-1, 5:7 for national party committees and – during organization convention, – bundling, 800 Line article, 8:2 PACs, FEC v. Parisi, 3:6 AO 1996-11, 7:9 – Common Cause v. FEC (94- – during special election, FEC v. – FEC v. Christian Coalition, 9:1 02104), 5:5 Wofford, 6:4 Party expenditures – conduit accounts, AO 1996-18, – excessive loans to Tsongas – FEC v. Colorado Republican 8:7 Presidential campaign, FEC v. Federal Campaign Committee, Individual limits challenged, Grover Kalogianis, 10:2; FEC v. 8:1; 9:1; 11:7 v. FEC, 7:6 McCallum, 9:2 In-kind – national party committee contri- Corporations – book purchases in bulk, AO 1995- butions to Senate nominees, FEC Collecting agent for affiliated 46, 3:9 v. DSCC (95-2881), 1:5 association’s PAC, AO 1996-26, – designating contribution of – party committee contributions to 9:5 computer equipment, excess of Senate nominees, Common Cause Communications by $1,000, AO 1996-29, 10:5 v. FEC (94-02104), 5:5 – AO 1996-1, 5:7 – use of townhouse for campaign Refunding, AO 1996-5, 5:9 – AO 1996-11, 7:9 event, AO 1996-13, 8:6 Transfers from nonfederal campaign Conventions, Presidential nominat- – voter drives coordinated with to federal election through other ing candidate, FEC v. Christian nonfederal campaigns, AO 1996- – official provider arrangements, Coalition, 9:1 33, 10:5 AO 1996-17, 7:12 – permissible activity, general, 800 Out-of-state/district contributions, Contributor Information Line article, 2:7 legal challenge Best efforts to obtain Employees as stockholders, AO – Hooker v. FEC, 3:7 – proposed changes to regulations, 1996-10, 7:7 – Whitmore v. FEC, 3:6 11:1 Expenditures Presidential campaigns, receipts of – RNC v. FEC (94-1017), 4:10; 9:3 – Maine Right to Life v. FEC, 1:3; top ten, 3:5 – union employees aboard various 4:9; 5:6; 12:1 Private contributions, legal chal- merchant vessels, AO 1996-25, – Clifton v. FEC, 5:6; 7:1; 9:3 lenge to 11:8 – FEC v. Christian Coalition, 9:1 – Albanese v. FEC, 5:4, 11:5 Illegal use of, mailing lists derived Limited liability company’s prop- Special limits in 1996 Texas con- from FEC reports erty used for campaign, AO 1996- gressional district elections, AO – Brokerage firm, MUR 4320, 12:3 13, 8:6 1996-36 11:9; AO 1996-37, 11:10 – FEC v. Legi-Tech, 4:9 Regulations on corporate/labor Triggering the 48-hour reporting activity (MCFL rulemaking), 2:1; rule 4:1 – FEC v. Hartnett for U.S. Senate, Conventions – legal challenge to, Clifton v. FEC, 4:12 Office-seekers speaking at, AO 5:6; 7:1; 9:3 – FEC v. John J. Murray for 1996-11, 7:9 Solicitation Congress, 8:5; 11:7 Presidential Nominating – employees who own company Undesignated, 800 Line article, 12:2 – Corporate/Labor activity in stock through corporate savings connection with, AO 1996-17, fund plan, AO 1996-10, 7:7 7:12; 800 Line article, 2:7

4 Index 1996 Federal Election Commission RECORD

Vendor officer associated with – National Republican Congres- – petition for rulemaking, 9:2; 10:9; nonconnected PAC, AO 1995-38, sional Committee (96-2295), 11:8 11:4 1:14 – Natural Law Party, 11:1 See also: Membership Organiza- – Perot ‘96, 11:1 Democratic National Committee tions, Qualified Nonprofit – Reilly, 8:5 National party activity, 1995-1996 Corporations – Republican National Committee election cycle, 12:6 (94-1017), 4:10; 9:3 RNC v. DNC and FEC, 12:4 Court Cases – Republican National Committee Appeal status, 5:6; 7:6; 9:3; 11:5; (96-2494), 12:4 Democratic Senatorial Campaign 12:4 – Stockman, 2:9; 10:2; 12:4 Committee FEC v. _____ – Whitmore, 3:6 _____v. FEC (95-0349), 7:5 – Christian Action Network, 10:1 _____v. FEC (96-2184), 12:5 – Christian Coalition, 9:1 Credit Cards FEC v. _____ (95-2881), 1:5 – Colorado Republican Federal FEC materials purchased with Visa/ Independent expenditures, petition Campaign Committee, 8:1; 9:1; Mastercard, 4:2; 5:13 for rulemaking, 10:9; 11:4 11:4; 11:7 – lawsuit to expedite action, 11:7 – Democratic Senatorial Campaign Credit Unions Committee (95-2881), 1:5 Conventions, Presidential nominat- Disclaimers – GOPAC, 4:1; 5:6 ing, permissible support from Failure to comply with the regula- – Hartnett, 4:12 credit unions, 800 Line article, 2:7 tions on – Kalogianis, 10:2 – FEC v. Christian Action Network, – Legi-Tech, 4:9 D’Amato, Alfonse 10:1 – McCallum, 9:2 AO 1995-46, 3:9 – FEC v. Survival Education Fund, – Murray for Congress, 8:5; 11:7 11:6 – National Right to Work, 4:11 Day, Clinton Regulations revised, 1:13 – Parisi, 3:6 AO 1995-48, 3:10 – Survival Education Fund, 11:6 Disclosure – Wofford, 6:4 Debates Sale and use restriction, MUR 4320, _____ v. FEC Regulations 12:3 – Albanese, 5:4; 11:5 – governing criteria, sponsorship – Buchanan, 6:4 and funding for nonpartisan Document Maintenance Regula- – Center for Responsive Politics, 1:3 debates, Perot ‘96 and Natural tions – Chamber of Commerce of the Law Party v. FEC and the Com- AO 1996-15, 7:11 U.S.A., 1:2; 5:6 mission on Presidential Debates, – Clifton, 5:6; 7:1; 9:3 11:1 Dole for President Inc. – Common Cause (94-02104), 5:5 – staged by cable television sta- Request to suspend public funding, – Democratic Congressional tions, 3:1; 6:1 11:3 Campaign Committee (96-0764), – support given by corporate/labor 6:4 organization, 4:1 – Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (96-2109), Delegates Need FEC Material 11:7 PACs as sources of support, 800 in a Hurry? – Democratic Senatorial Campaign Line article, 2:7 Committee (95-0349), 7:5 Travel to party’s Presidential Use the FEC’s Flashfax service – Democratic Senatorial Campaign nominating convention, 5:7; 8:8; to obtain FEC material fast. It op- Committee (96-2184), 12:5 11:9 erates 24 hours a day, 7 days a – Grover, 7:6 week. Over 300 FEC docu- ments—reporting forms, bro- – Hooker, 3:7 Democratic Congressional Cam- chures, FEC regulations—can be – Jordan, 4:12 paign Committee faxed almost immediately. – Maine Right to Life Committee, 1:3; _____ v. FEC (96-00764), 6:4 Use a touch tone phone to dial 4:9; 5:6; 12:1 Independent expenditures 202/501-3413 and follow the in- – Minnesota Citizens Concerned for – lawsuit to expedite action, DCCC structions. To order a complete Life, 3:6; 6:3; 7:6 v. FEC (96-2109), 11:7 menu of Flashfax documents, enter document number 411 at the prompt.

5 Federal Election Commission RECORD Index 1996

Dole, Robert J. Exon, J. James Repayment determination, hearing, Grant, public funding for 1996 AO 1996-9, 6:7 4:16 Presidential election, 10:3 Request to suspend public funding, Express Advocacy Garza, Kika de la 11:3 Alleged, FEC v. Christian Coali- AO 1996-14, 7:11 tion, 9:1 Eastern Airlines By for-profit sole proprietorship, General Election Legal and AO 1995-40, 3:7 FEC jurisdiction challenged, Accounting Compliance Funds Reilly v. FEC, 8:5 Grant, public funding for 1996 Elections Definition in FEC regulations Presidential election, allows Runoff invalidated by court acceptance of, 10:3 – contribution limits for, FEC v. – Clifton v. FEC, 5:6; 7:1; 9:3 Legality of challenged, Center for Democratic Senatorial Campaign – Maine Right to Life Committee v. Responsive Politics v. FEC, 1:3 Committee (95-2881), 1:5 FEC, 1:3; 4:9; 5:6; 12:1 Regulations pertaining to take Special Distinguished from issue adds effect, 3:2 – California (House, 37th district), – FEC v. Christian Action Network, 2:5 10:1 GOPAC – Georgia (House districts and Office seeker speaking at conven- FEC v. _____, 4:1; 5:6 Senate), 5:1 tion, AO 1996-11, 7:9 – Kansas (Senate), 7:16; 8:7 Gore, Albert – Maryland (House, 7th district), Federal Election Commission Grant, public funding for 1996 2:1; 3:2 Budget request FY ’97, 5:3 Presidential election, 10:3 – Missouri (House, 8th district), Commissioners 10:8 – Chairman’s message, 1:1 – Oregon (House, 3rd district), 3:2 – officers elected, 1:1 AO 1996-43, 12:9 – Texas (House, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, Exclusive jurisdiction over civil Whitmore v. FEC, 3:6 8th, 9th, 18th, 22nd, 24th, 25th, complaints 26th, 29th and 30th districts), – Perot ‘96 and Natural Law Party Grover, Henry C. 10:7; 11:9; 11:10 v. FEC and the Commission on _____ v. FEC, 7:6 Presidential Debates, 11:1 Electronic Filing – RNC v. DNC and FEC, 12:4 Hagelin, John Public Law 104-79 authorizes FEC Federal information relay system AO 1995-45, 3:9 to develop, 2:2 aids persons with hearing and Certified to receive matching funds Regulations, 4:20; 5:1; 10:3; 10:9; speech impairments, 5:14 in 1996, 2:3 11:1; 12:5 Reduction in Record features, 9:8 Perot ‘96 and Natural Law Party v. World Wide Web FEC home page, FEC and the Commission on Elliott, Lee Ann 3:1; 6:2; 9:5; 12:5 Presidential Debates, 11:1 Elected 1996 FEC Chairman, 1:1 See also: Compliance Message to readers, 1:1 Hancock, Mel Federal Register AO 1996-40, 11:12 Entrepreneurs Fund Notices, 1:8; 2:8; 3:8; 4:10; 5:3; 6:9; AO 1995-38, 1:14 8:7; 10:9; 11:4; 12:5 Hartnett for U.S. Senate FEC v. _____, 4:12 Excess Campaign Funds Forbes, Malcolm S. Used for AO 1995-44, 3:8 Heintz, Susan – certain legal expenses, AO 1996- AO 1996-39, 11:12 24, 8:10 FTD Inc. – contributions to nonprofit organi- AO 1996-26, 9:5 Hooker, John Jay zations, AO 1996-40, 11:12 _____ v. FEC, 3:7 – library center, AO 1996-9, 6:7 Fulani, Lenora B. – moving expenses, AO 1996-14, Public funding for 1996 Presidential 7:11 election, AO 1996-12, 7:10

6 Index 1996 Federal Election Commission RECORD

Host Committees Kemp, Jack Funding from corporate and labor Grant, public funding for 1996 Back Issues of the organizations, 800 Line article, Presidential election, 10:3 Record Now Available 2:7 on the Internet Keyes, Alan All of the Record issues that are Independent Expenditures Certified to receive matching funds, referenced in this index are now Advertisements 4:16 available through the Internet as – FEC v. Christian Action Network, PDF files. Visit the FEC’s World 10:1 Kim, Jay Wide Web site at http:// – FEC v. Colorado Republican AO 1996-5, 5:9 www.fec.gov and click on “Help Federal Campaign Committee, for Candidates, Parties and 8:1; 11: 7 Labor Organizations PACs” to see back issues. Also FEC v. Christian Coalition, 9:1 AFL-CIO accused of making illegal click on “What’s New” to find New FEC Form 5, 6:2 expenditures, NRCC v. FEC (96- the current issue of the Record. Rulemaking, in regard to political 2295), 11:8 You will need Adobe® Acrobat committees, 9:1; 11:4 Conventions, Presidential nominat- Reader software to view the pub- lication. The FEC’s web site has – DCCC v. FEC (96-2109), 11:7 ing, permissible activity, 800 Line a link that will take you to Twenty-four hour notice require- article, 2:7 Adobe’s web site, where you can ments for, 800 Line article, 9:3 MCFL rulemaking download the latest version of the – corporate/labor activity, 2:1; 4:1 software for free. You will also Internet find this publication, Annual In- Access to FEC statistical informa- Lally, Grant dex 1996, on the web site. tion, 2:9 Alleged impermissible funds used in Current and back Record issues, 9:5 federal campaign, DCCC v. FEC MURs available on the World Wide (96-00764), 6:4 Leighton, Tom Web, 10:9 Status of Green Party of New York Providing free on-line accounts to LaRouche, Lyndon as state committee, AO 1996-43, federal candidates, AO 1996-2, AO 1996-4, 5:8 12:9 6:6 World Wide Web FEC home page, Legal Fees Libertarian Party 3:1; 6:2; 9:5; 12:5 Refunded to candidate committee, Public funding for, AO 1996-7, 5:9 AO 1995-43, 3:8 State committee qualifying as state Issue Advocacy Using contributions to party of, AO 1996-27, 9:6 Clifton v. FEC, 5:6; 7:1; 9:3 – defend challenge to ballot access, Maine Right to Life v. FEC, 1:3; 4:9; AO 1996-39, 11:12 Loans 5:6; 12:1 – refute allegations of wrongdoing, Audit on Jude for Congress, loans AO 1996-24; 8:10 through trust accounts, 4:2 ITT Corporation (also ITT See also: General Election Legal Excessive, made to Tsongas for Hartford Group Inc. and ITT and Accounting Compli- President Committee Industries Inc.) ance Funds – FEC v. Kalogianis, 10:2 AO 1996-23, 9:4 – FEC v. McCallum, 9:2 Legislation Public funding shortfall and bridge Jordan, Absalom Electronic filing, Public Law 104- loans, AO 1996-4, 5:8 _____ v. FEC, 4:12 79, 2:2; 12:1 Reporting Point-of-entry change, Public Law – failure to file 48-hour notice for Jude, Thaddeus 104-79, 2:1 receipt of loan, FEC v. John J. Audit of 1994 campaign (House), Recommendations for legislative Murray for Congress Committee, 4:2 changes, FEC submission to 8:5; 11:7 Congress and President, 5:3 Kalogianis, Anastasios Los Angeles County Republican FEC v. _____, 10:2 Legi-Tech Central Committee FEC v. _____, 4:9 AOR 1995-39, alternative disposi- tion, 5:15

7 Federal Election Commission RECORD Index 1996

Lucas, Frank D. “Member” defined National Republican Congres- AO 1996-20, 8:8 – AO 1996-21, 8:9 sional Committee – AOR 1995-37, alternative dispo- _____ v. FEC (96-2295), 11:8 Lucey, Patrick sition, 2:4 Public funding grant, 1980 Presi- – Chamber of Commerce of the National Republican Senatorial dential election, 10:3 U.S.A. v. FEC, 1:2 Committee Accused of making illegal expendi- Maine Right to Life Committee Miller, Ellen tures, DSCC v. FEC (95-0349) Clifton v. FEC, 5:6; 7:1; 9:3 Executive Director, Center for 7:5; 12:5 _____ v. FEC, 1:3; 4:9; 5:6; 12:1 Responsive Politics, 1:3 Alleged coordination with Christian Coalition on voter guides, 9:1 Major Purpose Test Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Defining political committees Life National Right to Life Committee – FEC v. GOPAC, 4:1; 5:6 _____ v. FEC, 3:6; 6:3; 7:6 AO 1996-11, 7:9 – Status of foundation, AO 1996-3, 6:7 Minor Party Candidates National Right to Work Committee Public funding for, AO 1996-22, _____ v. FEC, 4:11 Maloney, Carolyn 8:10 AO 1995-41, 2:3 See also: Browne, Fulani, Green National Voter Registration Act Party, Hagelin, Libertarian Mail-in registration form, 5:11 McCallum, Elkin Party, Nader, Natural Law FEC v. _____, 9:2 Party, Perot, Perot ‘96 Natural Law Party AO 1995-45, 3:9 McCrery, Jim Montana Republican Party AO 1995-49, 6:6 AO 1995-42, 2:4 Common Cause v. FEC, 5:5 Perot ‘96 and Natural Law Party v. See also: Contributions, Earmark- FEC and the Commission on McDonald, Danny L. ing; Contributions, Presidential Debates, 11:1 1995 FEC chairman, 1:1 Prohibited (Party commit- tee contributions to senate News Story Exemption McGarry, John Warren nominees) See: Media Elected 1996 FEC Vice Chairman, 1:1 Moseley-Braun, Carol Nonconnected Committees Audit, 7:1 Affiliation with trade association Media SSF, AO 1996-38, 11:11 Electronic Motor Voter Law Common officer with committee – use of press exemption to conduct See: National Voter Registration Act and corporate vendor, AO 1995- “town meetings” with federal 38, 1:14 candidates on internet, AO 1996- Murray, John J. 16, 7:11 FEC v. John J. Murray for Congress Nonfederal Funds News story exemption Committee, 8:5; 11:7 See: Party Committees – Bloomberg, AO 1996-16, 7:11 – PBS affiliates, AO 1996-41,11:12 Nader, Ralph Nonprofit Status of Green Party of New York Corporations, independent expendi- Membership Organizations as state committee, AO 1996-43, tures Candidate appearance, AO 1996-11, 12:9 – FEC v. Survival Education Fund, 7:9 11:6 Communications to members National Association of Realtors Donation of excess campaign funds – AO 1996-1, 5:7 AOR 1995-37, alternative disposi- to, AO 1996-40, 11:12 – AO 1996-21, 8:9 tion, 2:4 Incumbent appearances at conven- Parisi, Angelo tion of National Right to Life National Multi Housing Council FEC v. _____, 3:6 Committee, AO 1996-11, 7:9 AO 1996-38, 11:11

8 Index 1996 Federal Election Commission RECORD

Party Committees Perot ‘96 Preemption Ballot access, payments for, 800 _____ and Natural Law Party v. Georgia law on contribution limits, Line article, 2:8 FEC and the Commission on AO 1995-48, 3:10 Building funds, AO 1996-8, 7:6 Presidential Debates, 11:1 Kentucky law on party building Colorado Republican Federal See also: Perot, H. Ross, Reform fund, AO 1996-8, 7:6 Campaign Committee, 8:1; 9:1; Party New York law on reporting, AO 11:7 1995-41, 2:3 Coordinated party expenditures Personal Use of Campaign Funds – 1996 limits, 4:14 Book deal, AO 1995-46, 3:9 Presidential Race – Federal Register notice, 10:9 By former congressman, Coordinated party expenditure limit Disaffiliation of state and county grandfathered, AO 1996-28, 10:5 for nominee, 4:14 party committees, AOR 1995-39, Candidate and family travel ex- Debates, Perot ‘96 and Natural Law alternative disposition, 1:15 penses to national convention, Party v. FEC and the Commission Financial activity, 1995-1996 campaign tour through major on Presidential Debates, 11:1 election cycle, 12:6 cities, AO 1996-34, 11:9 Exemption from 48-hour notice, AO Independent expenditures Candidate and spouse travel to 1995-44, 3:8 – FEC v. Colorado Republican national convention Presidential candidate summary Federal Campaign Committee, – AO 1995-47, 5:7 report, 3:4-5 8:1; 11:7 – AO 1996-19, 8:8 See also: Public Funding – lawsuit for expedited decision, Child-care expenses, AO 1995-42, DCCC v. FEC (96-2109), 11:7 2:4 Primary Committee – regulations to conform with FEC Donation to nonprofit organization Clinton/Gore ‘96 Primary Commit- v. Colorado Republican Federal where donating congressman is tee, request to suspend public Campaign Committee, 9:1 officer, AO 1996-40, 11:12 funding, 11:3 – rulemaking, 11:4 Library, AO 1996-9, 6:7 Senate campaign limit Moving expenses in winding down Publications – Common Cause v. FEC (94- congressional office Available from 02104), 5:5 – AO 1996-14, 7:11 – FEC’s World Wide Web home – FEC v. DSCC (95-2881), 1:5 – AO 1996-44, 12:9 page, 3:1; 12:5 Soft money Staff travel to national convention, – Office of Election Administration, – alleged spending in congressional AO 1996-20, 8:8 10:6; 11:5 campaign, NRCC v. FEC (96- Brochures addressing common 2295), 11:8; DSCC v. FEC (95- Political Action Committees questions, 4:2 3049), 7:5; DSCC v. FEC Corporation acting as collecting Brochures on World Wide Web, (96-2184), 12:5 agent for PAC, AO 1996-26, 9:5 12:5 – giving advantage to incumbents, Disaffiliation of Campaign Finance Law 96, 9:4 Grover v. FEC, 7:6 – AO 1995-40, 3:7 Campaign Guide for Party Commit- – spending by national committees, – AO 1996-40, 9:4 tees, revised, 10:4 12:6; 12:7 PAC count, year-end, 4:18 Combined Federal and State Status of affiliate as political Reporting contributor information Disclosure Directory 1996, 5:13 committee, AO 1996-43, 12:9 available to connected organiza- Explanations and justifications for See also: Political Action Commit- tion, 11:1 FEC regulations: 1975-present, tees, Statistics See also: Conventions, 2:10 Nonconnected Commit- Statistical final reports for ’94 cycle, Perot, H. Ross tees, Statistics 2:9 Grant, public funding for 1996 Presidential election, AO 1996- Political Committee Public Funding 22, 8:9; 10:3 See: Candidates, Major Purpose Audits of recipients Perot ‘96 and Natural Law Party v. Test, Nonconnected Commit- See: Audits FEC and the Commission on tees, Party Committees, Bridge loans, AO 1996-4, 5:8 Presidential Debates, 11:1 Political Action Committees, Cash flow problems of Presidential Request to suspend public funding, Statistics public funding program, 1:13; 5:10 12:2 – AO 1996-4, 5:8

9 Federal Election Commission RECORD Index 1996

Certifications Of legal fees, AO 1995-43, 3:8 Tips on reporting, 800 Line article, – Browne, Harry, AO 1996-7, 5:9 5:1 – Hagelin, John, 2:3 Regulations Twenty-four hour notice require- – Keyes, Alan, 4:16 “Best Efforts,” proposed changes, ments, 800 Line article, 9:3 Convention funding for 1996, 5:11 11:1; 11:4 See also: Conventions, Presiden- Cable television, 6:1 Republican National Committee tial Nominating Disclaimer regulations revised, 1:13 _____ v. FEC (94-1017), 4:10; 9:3 GELAC funds, Center for Respon- Electronic filing, 4:20; 5:1; 10:3; _____ v. DNC and FEC, 12:4 sive Politics v. FEC, 1:3 11:1; 12:1 Grants for 1996 election, 10:3 GELAC funds, Center for Respon- Ritter, Don Matching funds, 1996 payouts, 2:3; sive Politics v. FEC, 1:3 AO 1996-28, 10:5 4:16; 5:10 Independent expenditures by party Minor party candidates committees, 9:1 Rosenberg, Herb See: Minor Party Candidates MCFL rulemaking Request to suspend public funding Qualified campaign expenses – corporate/labor activity, 2:1; 4:1 for Ross Perot, 12:2 – ballot access payments, AO 1995- – debates staged by cable television 45, 3:9 stations, 3:1; 6:1 Sale and Use Restriction – Lenora B. Fulani for President ‘96 See also: Express Advocacy, MUR 4320, 12:3 Committee, AO 1996-12, 7:10 Qualified Nonprofit Regulations, changes to, 3:2 Corporations Seafarers Political Activity Repayment determination, challenge Public funding, revisions take effect, Donation to 3:2 AO 1996-25, 11:8 – Buchanan v. FEC, 6:4 Repayment determinations, hearings Reilly, Clinton Separate Segregated Funds (SSFs) – Fulani, Dr. Lenora B., 4:16 _____ v. FEC, 8:5 See: Political Action Committees – Wilder, L. Douglas, 5:11 (PACS) Repayment determinations, initial Reports See: Audits Democratic National Committee, Soft Money (Nonfederal Funds) Request to suspend failure to file pre-general, RNC v. See: Party Committees Clinton, William J., 11:3 DNC and FEC, 12:4 Dole, Robert J., 11:3 Electronic filing system, 2:2; 4:20; Solicitations Perot, H. Ross, 12:2 5:1; 10:3; 11:2; 12:1 See: Contributor Information, See also: General Election Legal Forty-eight hour notice requirement Corporations Accounting and Compli- – failure to file, FEC v. John J. ance Funds Murray for Congress Committee, State Law 8:5; 11:7; FEC v. Hartnett for Barring transfers from state cam- Qualified Campaign Expenses U.S. Senate, 4:12 paign committee to federal Ballot access fee, AO 1995-45, 3:9 – Presidential candidate exemption campaign committee, AO 1996- Criteria, AO 1996-12, 7:10 from, AO 1995-44, 3:8 33, 10:5 Independent expenditures, new FEC Campaign Finance Law 96, 9:4 Qualified Nonprofit Corporations Form 5, 6:2 Preempted by FECA Definition in FEC regulations Point of entry change for House – AO 1995-41, 2:3 challenged, Minnesota Citizens candidates, 2:1; 6:2 – AO 1995-48, 3:10 Concerned for Life v. FEC, 3:6; Post-election due date, 11:3 6:3; 7:6 Reporting employer information for State Party Committee contributor without permanent Qualifying as Quinlan, James employment, AO 1996-25, 11:8 – Green Party (New York), AO Whitmore v. FEC, 3:6 Reporting reminders, 4:3; 6:1; 10:1; 1996-43, 12:9 11:3 – Libertarian Party (Illinois), AO Reform Party Schedule for 1996, 1:5 1996-27, 9:6 See: Perot ‘96, Perot, H. Ross Special elections See: Elections Statistics Refunds State reporting requirements Available on Internet, 2:9; 3:1 Of illegal contributions, AO 1996-5, – Campaign Finance Law 96, 9:4 Congressional receipts by ’96 5:9 – preemption of, AO 1995-41, 2:3 candidates, 5:12; 7:7; 10:4

10 Index 1996 Federal Election Commission RECORD

Matching funds, initial 1996 payout, Staff of federal candidate 2:3 – AO 1996-20, 8:8 ChangeThe FEC of Now Address Takes National party financial activity, Visa and Mastercard 5:13; 7:7; 12:6 Trust Accounts Political Committees PAC count, mid-year, 9:7 Audit report on Thaddeus Jude’s ’94 FECTreasurers customers of registered can now pay for PAC count, year-end, 4:18 House campaign, 4:2 politicalFEC materials committees with Visa automati- or PAC financial activity, 15-month callyMastercard. receive Most the Record FEC materials. A are available free of charge, but statistics, 8:5 Tsongas, Paul change of address by a political committeesome are sold, (or anyincluding change financial to PAC financial activity, 18-month FEC v. Kalogianis, 10:2 informationstatistical reports disclosed ($10 oneach), the statistics, 11:3 FEC v. McCallum, 9:2 Statementcandidate indexesof Organization) ($10) and must, PAC PAC financial activity, 1995, 6:5 bydirectories law, be made($13.25). in writing The FEC on Party receipts for 1995, 5:12 Underwood, Robert FECalso hasForm a 5¢ 1 orper by page letter. copying The AO 1995-47, 5:7 treasurercharge for must paper sign documents the amend- and a Statute of Limitations ment15¢ per and page file copyingit with the charge Secretary for Civil penalties, enforcement of, Voter Drives ofmicrofilmed the Senate, documents. the Clerk of the FEC v. National Right to Work FEC v. Christian Coalition, 9:1 House or the FEC (as appropri- Committee, 4:11 MCFL rulemaking, 4:1 ate) Paying and withby credit the appropriate card has its state Matters Under Review, challenging office.advantages. For instance, since the FEC will not fill an order FEC’s decision to dismiss, Jordan Voter Guides (Voting Records) Otheruntil payment Subscribers is received, using a v. FEC, 4:12 Corporate preparation and distribu- creditRecord card subscribers speeds delivery who areby 4not tion of registeredto 5 days. political committees Stockman, Steven – Clifton v. FEC, 5:6; 7:1; 9:3 should include the following _____ v. FEC, 2:9; 10:2; 12:4 – FEC v. Christian Coalition, 9:1 information Visitors to thewhen FEC’s requesting Public a – MCFL rulemaking, 4:1 changeRecords of Office address: will also be able Survival Education Fund •to Subscription make payments number by credit (located card. on _____ v. FEC, 11:6 Voting Regularthe upper visitors, left corner such asof the Publications researchersmailing label); and reporters, who in •the Subscriber’s past have paid name; for FEC Thornberry, William M. – Election Directory 96, 11:5 • Old address; and AO 1996-34, 11:9 – Ensuring Accessibility of the materials out of their own •pockets, New address. may now make Election Process, 11:5 payments with a company credit Tillinghast, Muriel – Federal Election Law 96, 11:5 Subscribers (other than politicalcard. committees) may correct Status of Green Party of New York – Journal of Election Administra- their addresses by phone as well as state committee, AO 1996-43, tion Vol. 17, special voting as The by newmail. credit card payment 12:9 populations, citizenship require- system also reduces costs and ments, 11:5 paperwork associated with check Tompkins, Mike – Simplifying Election Forms and processing, enabling FEC staff to Perot ‘96 and Natural Law Party v. Materials, 11:5 better serve the walk-in visitor. FEC and the Commission on Presidential Debates, 11:1 Walsh, James T. AO 1996-19, 8:8 Wofford, Harris Trade Associations FEC v. _____, 6:4 Communications by, AO 1996-1, Whitmore, Joni 5:7 _____ v. FEC, 3:6 800 Line Ballot access payments, 2:8 Travel Expenses Wilder, Douglas Bundling by individuals, 8:2 Automobiles loaned for use at Repayment determination, 5:11 Conventions, permissible corporate national party conventions, AO and labor activity, 2:7; correction, 1996-17, 7:12 Wilson, Charles 9:4 Family of federal candidate AO 1996-44, 12:9 Last-minute independent expendi- – AO 1996-19, 8:8 tures, 24-hour notices, 9:3 – AO 1996-34, 11:9 Wirth, Tim Reporting tips, 5:1 Government vehicle, use in publicly FEC v. Colorado Republican Undesignated contributions, 12:2 funded campaign, revised regula- Federal Campaign Committee, tions take effect, 3:2 8:1

11 Federal Election Commission RECORD Index 1996

Change of Address Other Subscribers Record subscribers who are not registered political Political Committees committees should include the following information Treasurers of registered political committees automati- when requesting a change of address: cally receive the Record. A change of address by a political committee (or any change to information dis- • Subscription number (located on the upper left corner closed on the Statement of Organization) must, by law, be of the mailing label); made in writing on FEC Form 1 or by letter. The treasurer • Subscriber’s name; must sign the amendment and file it with the Secretary of • Old address; and the Senate, the Clerk of the House or the FEC (as appropri- • New address. ate) and with the appropriate state office. Subscribers (other than political committees) may correct their addresses by phone as well as by mail.

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