Vol. 15.03 News From France March 2015 A free monthly review of French news & trends

Strong French support for the White House Summit to Counter Violent Extremism © Samuel Tribollet

French Minister of Interior speaks with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry at the White House Summit to Counter Violent Extremism, held on February 18 and 19 in Washington, D.C. Mayor of Anne Hidalgo was also in the U.S. capital on the occasion of this conference. For more on the Summit, see page 2.

From the Ambassador’s Desk: A message from Gérard Araud

Dear Friends, top priority for both France and America, the two countries inside In the ensuing weeks of the devastating attacks in Paris, just have not ceased cooperation in a number of other important days after another series of violence in Copenhagen, France sectors, particularly business, economy, science and technol- Current Events 2 and America have not ceased their bilateral efforts to combat ogy. Business France, a new government agency launched at Summit to Counter Violent Extremism terrorism. In that context, we have received the beginning of this year, was created ex- Interview with the Expert 3 a number of French officials in Washington pressly to foster foreign growth and invest- CEO of Cartier North America to discuss the best actions that our two ment in France. Whether we look at Alexion countries may take to protect our citizens. Pharmaceuticals, which recently decided to In Depth: Foreign Investment 4 On February 9 and 10, Minister of Jus- open its first center for Research and Devel- Launch of Business France tice Christiane Taubira visited Washington, opment located outside the U.S. in Paris, or 6 D.C. and New York, where she met with her Cartier, a French brand established for well Business & Technology Ambassador Araud visits Boston counterpart, Attorney General Eric Holder, over 100 years in the U.S. which just hosted as well as José Luis Insulza, Secretary Gen- an event at the embassy this past month, it Culture & Society 7 eral of the Organization of American States is clear that France and America’s econo- in Los Angeles and NGOs. Just one week later, Minister of mies continue to benefit from partner- © SDG France & America 8 Interior Bernard Cazeneuve travelled to ships between companies from our two Mardi Gras celebrations in Louisiana Washington to attend the governmental meetings of the countries. White House Summit to Combat Violent Extremism. Mayor Throughout the U.S., there is much more that our two of Paris Anne Hidalgo was also in Washington for part of the countries have to be excited about. This past month, I visited event, which convened representatives from major cities all Boston, where I spoke to the board of MIT-France, an exciting over the world in the interest of finding common solutions to program that sends students from the Massachusetts Insti- News From France current terrorist threats. I was pleased to witness the strength tute of Technology to conduct research with top companies A free monthly review of French news & trends of bilateral cooperation between France and the U.S. right and labs in France. 3,000 miles away in Los Angeles, 13 French here in Washington, and reassured that our countries remain films and co-productions were nominated for the 87th Acad- vehemently determined to preserve peace and democratic emy Awards on February 22, of which two received Oscars. NFF is also available online at: www.ambafrance-us.org ideals in the face of the grave threats posed by Daesh (ISIL) No matter the accomplishment, I am consistently proud of www.facebook.com/FranceInTheUS and other terrorist groups, at home and abroad. the strong bonds that exist between France and America, @franceintheus While preserving the security of our citizens remains a throughout both difficult and celebratory times. NFF current events en bref

Minister of Interior Bernard Minister of Justice Christiane Taubira visits the U.S. Cazeneuve meets with San Francisco tech companies France and the United States to protect citizens fol- lowing the recent attacks in Paris. “Both of our coun- On February 20, French Minister of Inte- tries have been stricken by terrorism. But we are also

rior Bernard Cazeneuve visited San Fran- © Samuel Tribollet very willing to fight together, so we are increasing cisco to meet with officials from Apple, cooperation between our countries,” said Minister Google, Facebook, and Twitter and urge Taubira following their meeting. In that regard, the them to amplify their efforts in combat- two officials spoke about the Global Summit to Coun- ing violent extremism on the Internet. ter Violent Extremism in Washington, D.C. which took As major influencers in the digital place on February 18. Minister Taubira also met with economy, these companies play a vi- José Miguel Insulza, Secretary General of the Orga- tal role in securing Internet pathways nization of American States, to speak about criminal against extremist propaganda and ter- cooperation with Latin American countries. Addi- rorist recruiting networks. Minister Caze- tionally, they examined how antiterrorism penal poli- neuve stressed the importance of trust cies of France compare with the American efforts to and open dialogue among prominent combat terrorism. communications platforms so as not to In an appearance on Andrea Mitchell Reports, Min- infringe on citizens’ right to privacy, stat- ister Taubira emphasized the importance of respect- ing that “the fight against terrorism must Minister Taubira met with her U.S. counterpart, Attorney ing human rights while fighting against terrorism, not create a detriment to private life.” General Eric Holder, at the Justice Department. stating, “Our challenge is first to preserve our citi- Apple, Google, Facebook, and Twitter zens’ security, and at the same time, not to sacrifice were invited to Paris for an April meet- democracy.” ing to intensify relations in the digital On February 9 and 10, French Minister of Justice On February 10, Minister Taubira gave a speech community and establish a mutual code Christiane Taubira paid a visit to Washington, D.C. to the Counter-Terrorism Committee at the United of conduct to combat global terrorism and New York, where she addressed mutual efforts Nations Security Council in New York and met with through Internet platforms. made by France and the United States to combat ter- permanent representatives of the Sahel countries to rorism and discrimination, and to ensure the rule of speak with them about France’s actions in the region. 57 WWII veterans awarded law. Prior to her departure for France, the Minister of Jus- Legion of Honor in Hawaii On February 9, Minister Taubira met with her tice took the opportunity to visit Ground Zero and American counterpart Attorney General Eric Holder the National September 11 Memorial to pay tribute From January 21 to 23, French Consul at the Justice Department to discuss joint efforts of to the victims of 9/11. General in San Francisco Pauline Car- mona presented the Legion of Honor French officials at Global Summit to Counter Violent Extremism to 57 veterans in Hawaii. In ceremonies which took place on the Big Island, Minister Cazeneuve met with Attorney General Eric Maui and Oahu, Ms. Carmona present- Holder and Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh John- ed decorated veterans from the 442nd son, as well as Lisa Monaco, President Barack Obama’s

Regimental Combat Team and the © Mairie de Paris Advisor on Homeland Security and Counter Terrorism. 100th Infantry Brigade with this honor At the Summit, the Minister gave a speech entitled for their bravery and courage in service. “Understanding Violent Extremism Today,” where he The Legion of Honor isn’t the first spoke about the steps that France is taking to prevent award this unit has received, as they further attacks, including increasing domestic securi- played a major role in liberating France ty and intelligence and mobilizing government agen- from Nazi occupation. The Japanese- cies to prevent radicalization of individuals. Minister American, or Nisei, veterans of both Cazeneuve expressed his gratitude to all those who the 442nd and 100th Battalions not have supported the French community, saying, “I only overcame an extremely high casu- Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo, who attended the Global would like. . . to thank you warmly on behalf of France alty rate, but valiantly served their time Summit to Counter Violent Extremism on February 18. and the for your gestures of solidarity while their family members were being during that ordeal. I salute our American hosts, and interned. particularly John Kerry, for their unwavering support.” During a speech at the West Hawaii Following recent attacks around the world—no- During her time in Washington, Mayor Hidalgo State Veterans Ceremony, Consul Gen- tably in Paris, but also Ottawa, Sydney, and Copen- met with various public officials, including her U.S. eral Carmona thanked the veterans for hagen—the White House organized a Summit for counterpart Muriel Bowser, Mayor of Washington, their service by saying, “The people of Countering Violent Extremism, which was held on D.C., and Charles Rivkin, Assistant Secretary of State France have not forgotten. Their chil- February 18 and 19 in Washington, D.C. Gathering for Economic and Business Affairs and former U.S. dren and grandchildren have not for- leaders from around the world, this conference high- Ambassador to France. When speaking to attendees gotten. They will never forget.” lighted efforts being made both domestically and of the Summit at the White House, Mayor Hidalgo Admiral Harry B. Harris Jr. spoke at internationally to prevent extremists and their sup- stressed that “without values of tolerance a city like the ceremony to honor the veterans porters from radicalizing, recruiting, or inspiring indi- Paris would not exist,” and addressed measures that in Honolulu, and expressed a similar viduals or groups in the United States and abroad to France has taken to promote an inclusive city in the sentiment of gratitude: “each and ev- commit acts of violence. wake of the attacks. ery one of you, through your individual A strong cohort of French support was present at Representatives from a number of U.S. partner na- acts of heroism and sacrifice, played a the Summit. French Interior Minister Bernard Caze- tions around the globe attended the Summit, where part in underwriting the freedoms we neuve and Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo both trav- they focused on the efforts of communities, religious enjoy today, not just here in America, elled to Washington on the occasion of this confer- leaders, the private sector and the technology com- but in Italy and in France, and most of ence. munity to contribute to the fight against violent ex- Europe,” he stated. Minister Cazeneuve attended the Summit on Feb- tremism and the recruitment and radicalization of ruary 19, which was held at the State Department. foreign terrorist fighters.

2 interview NFF en bref

Mercedes Abramo, CEO of Cartier North America Kalorama Residence re-opens after years of renovation

This month, the French Ambassador’s Residence on Kalorama Avenue in Wash-

© Sophie Amsili ington, D.C. officially re-opened. Over the past several years, the Kalorama Resi- dence has been under renovation and has finally been completed, boasting a new collection of artwork and decor. Designed by American architect Jules Henri de Sibour, the house was complet- ed in 1911 and purchased by the French government in 1936. The building of the house was originally commissioned by William Watson Lawrence, founder of W.W. Lawrence & Company. Possessing both French and Elizabethan elements of design (Mr. de Sibour was born in Paris and studied at the Atelier Daumet-Es- quie), the French government saw this as a perfect location for the Ambassador’s residence at the time it was purchased. Since being purchased by France, Kal- orama has been at the center of Wash- ington society, hosting hundreds of re- ceptions and lectures which have drawn people from all over the world, including several U.S. Presidents. The coming years will be no different for the residence, as Mercedes Abramo, CEO and President of Cartier North America, pictured with Olivier Sérot-Almeras, Consul Gen- a number of events have already been eral of France in Washington. slated to take place at Kalorama.

Goût de/Good France will Since 2006, the Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards have company, based in Paris and founded over 165 years ago celebrate French cuisine on awarded talented female entrepreneurs from around the and we’ve always maintained a great relationship between March 19 world for work that is creative, financially sustainable and our U.S. subsidiary and French Embassies around the world. responsible. Laureates selected for the award receive not On March 19, over 1,000 chefs on five only funding for their business, but also coaching, network- The Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards have been es- continents will take part in the Goût de ing opportunities and media exposure. A partnership be- tablished since 2006. What particular benefits do the France/Good France project, an inter- tween Cartier and McKinsey & Company, INSEAD business selected women-led companies receive? national event to celebrate French cui- school and the Women’s Forum, the Women’s Initiative sine. Through the work of dynamic and Awards are now reviewing applicants for the 2015 Laureate More than half of Cartier’s staff, including managers, creative chefs, the project will provide a selection. On February 12, Cartier hosted a call for applica- are women, so we felt that this was particularly an area worldwide demonstration of the excel- tions at the Embassy of France, featuring remarks by Olivier where we could make an impact. Women account for lence of French cuisine, which earned Serot-Almeras, French Consul General in Washington, as only about 30% of entrepreneurs, so for us something it a recent listing in the “Intangible Cul- well as Mercedes Abramo, President & CEO Cartier North that was extremely important was to allow women an tural Heritage of Humanity” category by America. Ms. Abramo spoke with News From France about opportunity to receive funding. What’s particularly in- UNESCO. the awards and Cartier’s connection with France. teresting about our initiative is that you have access to Beginning last year, chefs from around coaching from some well-known business experts as the world were invited to submit menu You’re here tonight to present a call for applications for well, so it’s not just the funding but it’s also that ability proposals representative of French gas- the Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards, which will award to offer something to women that they don’t normally tronomy. Over 1,300 chefs have been se- exceptional women-led companies around the world receive in other ways. lected to participate. Restaurants across with funding. How did this project come to be? the United States are preparing for this President and CEO of Cartier North America, you know exciting event, from New York to Chica- Nine years ago the Women’s Forum in Deauville, France, first-hand the role that female leadership plays in the go to San Francisco. approached Cartier about being involved in a Women’s Ini- growth of businesses. Are there certain challenges that Ici Urban Bistro in Washington, D.C., tiative Awards, and we asked ourselves, “how can we make female entrepreneurs and business leaders face today? one of the American restaurants select- a meaningful contribution to help women in economics ed, will prepare a healthy and innova- and society?” For us, this particular partnership has really We do typically see that female entrepreneurs have tive French meal under the direction of helped us find a way for Cartier to contribute significantly more difficulty getting access to funding, but very Executive Chef Franck Loquet, featuring to women’s empowerment. specifically also to coaching and to networking op- dishes such as branzino tartare, Atlantic portunities. That’s also again what’s so wonderful salmon and herb-crusted lamb loin. Why did you choose the Embassy of France to an- about this award, is that you do receive access to a Be sure not to miss this spectacu- nounce your call for applications tonight? whole network of women, both the current laureates lar celebration of French cuisine. Visit and all of the past laureates, as well as coaching from http://restaurateurs.goodfrance.com/ We actually are announcing a reminder of the application McKinsey and INSEAD. For us that’s a unique feature en/ to find a participating restaurant deadline, which is February 27. It’s wonderful because of this program with which we’re particularly proud near you. there’s an obvious connection to France—we are a French to be associated.

3 in depth: Foreign Investment

With launch of Business France, the country seeks to expand foreign investment © MAEDI/Frédéric de La Mure © MAEDI/Frédéric

Clockwise from top: Sylvia Pinel, Minister of Housing, Regional Equality and Rural Affairs, Jean-Paul Bacquet, President of Ubifrance, Laurent Fabius, Minister of Foreign Af- fairs and International Development , Muriel Pénicaud, CEO of Business France, and Matthias Fekl, Minister of State for Foreign Trade, the Promotion of Tourism and French Nationals Abroad, at a ceremony for the inauguration of Business France; , Minister for the Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs, speaks at the inaugura- tion ceremony; the site of Hexcel Corporation’s new plant in Roussillon, France; an infographic detailing reasons that companies decide to invest in France, which asserts that the country is the “gateway to the EMEA,” a ranking of the fastest growing companies in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

he French economy exhibits attractive quali- its economic attractiveness. Business France seeks to gins for businesses affected by the program, but also ties that entice foreign investors. France increase the number of foreign investments in France, contribute to a boost in competitiveness of the French Tplays host to world-class industrial centers, support the development of French companies over- economy. large and powerful international companies, a dy- seas, and better promote France’s business image The Pact seeks to increase France’s investment at- namic network of innovative Small and Medium through one unified platform. tractiveness through lower taxes and business costs, Enterprises (SMEs), globally renowned scientific re- As summarized by Muriel Pénicaud, CEO of Busi- greater access to effective and tailored funding, search, top-quality higher education and technical ness France and Ambassador for International In- greater incentives and support for innovation, and a training, high levels of hourly labor productivity, vestment, Business France serves as “a key player in simpler and more stable regulatory, administrative, and high-quality infrastructures. Moving forward, fostering competitiveness, growth, and employment and tax environment. This legislation was a precursor the government has made investment promotion in France.” The government agency supports French to the Business France initiative to spur growth in the and business development top priorities. and multinational companies, both in France and in French economy. 70 countries throughout the world. Business France promotes the principal advan- Creation of Business France tages for investing in France. With the second larg- France’s attractive economy est economy in the European Union, France offers a The year 2015 ushered in the kick-start of Business distinct opportunity for global enterprises to benefit France, a new initiative designed to foster growth In order to foster successful economic growth, France from its strategic central location and renowned net- and foreign investment in the French economy. This has been working toward increasing its global compe- works of roads, high-speed rails, and airports. France new government agency was created on January 1 tiveness. One agreement evidenced by these efforts also boasts the second largest market in Europe and through the merger of two state-owned organiza- is the recent National Pact for Growth, Competitive- provides competitive labor costs. Compared with tions: Ubifrance and the Invest in France Agency. Ubi- ness and Employment. This legislation is designed to competing markets in Japan, the United States, Ger- france is a French agency for international business provide businesses operating in France with the re- many, and Italy, France has low costs per employee, development focusing on export promotion, while sources to establish themselves with sustainable and fewer business setup expenses and lower operating the Invest in France Agency is responsible for advanc- offensive practices to better succeed in international costs. In fact, the competitiveness and employment ing international investment in France and promoting markets. These actions not only augment profit mar- tax credit (CICE) is reducing labor costs by 6 percent

4 NFF ©Hexcel Corporation ©Hexcel © MAEDI/Frédéric de La Mure © MAEDI/Frédéric

in 2015, amounting to €20 billion in annual savings The U.S. invests in France not only in France itself, but also abroad. The initiative for companies. “La French Tech” strives to boost innovation in France France is also praised among experts for its open- American companies are taking advantage of the and includes a pioneering group of entrepreneurs, ness to inward investment and is a leader in Europe economic opportunities supported by Business investors, big companies, and government agencies as the top recipient of foreign investment in industry. France. Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc., for example, re- who are committed to working with French startups, For all of these reasons, new companies decide to in- cently announced that it will establish its first center both in France or abroad. vest in France every day. for research and development in Paris, France. Alex- Many “French Tech” companies now do business Innovative tax measures play a key role in foster- ion is a global biopharmaceutical company focused in the United States, as was evidenced by the strong ing competitiveness in France, particularly in the on developing and delivering life-transforming ther- representation of a French delegation at January’s Research and Development (R&D) field. Offering apies to patients with severe and life-threatening rare Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The del- the most attractive research tax credit in Europe, disorders. Opening operations in France will allow egation comprised 120 companies, including 66 France’s tax incentive program provides a 30 percent Alexion to serve patients locally and foster an innova- startups, a 73 percent increase from last year’s French tax break on annual R&D expenses up to €100 mil- tive community beyond the United States. attendance. Emmanuel Macron, France’s Minister for lion and a 5 percent tax break above this threshold. Another American firm, Hexcel Corporation, one the Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs, attended In addition to its generous rates, France’s research tax of the world’s leading manufacturers of advanced the conference along with Axelle Lemaire, Minister of credit is also backed by a large tax credit base, which composites for use in aerospace, wind energy and State for Digital Affairs. covers not only all R&D spending such as salaries, so- industrial applications, plans to open a new carbon Through initiatives such as Business France, both cial security contributions, and operating costs, but fibre production plant in Roussillon in southern French and American companies will continue to also innovation expenses incurred by Small and Me- France. The company will invest a total of $200 mil- benefit from international expansion. The attractive- dium Enterprises (SMEs) at a rate of 20 percent, up to lion in 2015, bringing 120 jobs at the completion of ness of France’s economy is clear, and in the coming €400,000 a year. These tax incentives reflect France’s its construction in early 2018. years the two countries are likely to see expats arriv- dedication to innovation. France’s efforts to expand its economy are evident ing on both sides of the Atlantic.

5 NFF en bref business & technology

15 startups will represent Ambassador Araud visits Boston; speaks at MIT and Harvard French Tech at SxSW 2015 On February 5, Ambassador Araud gave a lecture about The South by Southwest festival— the recent attacks in Paris at Harvard’s Center for European commonly referred to as SxSW—is Studies in Cambridge. The ambassador also visited Lab- well-known for welcoming up-and- Central, a shared laboratory space designed to support coming musicians to Austin, TX for a life-science and biotech startups. There, he presented the week every year. Since its inception in Hello Tomorrow Challenge, a French competition which

1987, the festival has become an im- in Boston Consulate © French awards grants to promising science and technology start- portant showcase not only of promis- ups all over the world. ing musicians, but also of filmmakers On February 6, Ambassador Araud met with Charlie and entrepreneurs. Baker, the Governor of Massachusetts, and attended a This year, 15 French startups will rep- board meeting of the MIT-France Endowment Program. resent a French Tech delegation at the Through this program, qualified students from MIT receive SxSW festival in Austin, where they will grants to conduct research at top institutions and labs in exhibit their work at a French Pavilion Ambassador Araud meets with Charlie Baker, Gover- France. The program is the first of its kind at MIT, and has from March 15 to 18. These innovative nor of Massachusetts. extended bilateral programs to 17 countries worldwide startups were selected to attend SxSW since its inception. Ambassador Araud spoke about the by Business France, a government progress that MIT-France has seen over the last year, not- agency which seeks to expand foreign Febuary 5 and 6 marked Ambassador Gérard Araud’s ing that the program has doubled the number of funded investment in France. The work of all first trip to Boston since he arrived at the French Embassy projects from 2013. of these startups is related to music in in September. In addition to meeting with Governor of Ambassador Araud’s trip to a city rich in American his- some way. French companies that will Massachusetts Charlie Baker, Ambassador Araud visited tory and a long tradition of academia and research was be attending include 3D Sound Labs, both Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute fruitful for all involved, creating opportunities to discuss which have produced the first set of of Technology (MIT) alongside French Consul General in not only pressing current events but also Franco-Ameri- smart 3D audio headphones, Edjing, Boston Fabien Fieschi to speak about the recent terror at- can partnerships in science, innovation, technology and a mobile music application designed tacks in France and the MIT-France Endowment Program. research. specifically for DJs, and Weezic, an in- teractive music practice platform. Two American universities qualify for wine competition Following the SxSW festival, these impressive French startup companies may have the opportunity to work with interested partners from the U.S. music industry.

68th Café des Sciences invites Thomas Ketchell, founder of Hstry York in New Consulate © French

On February 10, the Consulate of France in Boston hosted the 68th lec- ture of the “Café des Sciences” series, which engages the American public in the promotion of scientific innovation and cooperation between the United States and France. This month, the series featured Thomas Ketchell, the founder of Hstry, a free digital learning tool created to encourage classroom Members of the UCLA Anderson School of Management and MIT Sloan School of Management teams stand with collaboration and engagement. Bertrand Lortholary, Consul General of France in New York, after receiving top scores at the Left Bank Bordeaux Cup. Ketchell’s discussion, “History in the heart of digital learning,” highlighted his use of technology to engage elemen- On January 27, nine wine-appreciation clubs from who will both continue to the final competition at Cha- tary and secondary school students in prestigious American Universities gathered at the Con- teau Lafitte-Rothschild in the Medoc region of France their curriculum. His online platform al- sulate of France in New York to compete in the Left this June. lows students to relive historical events Bank Bordeaux Cup. Each year, the Commanderie du The Left Bank Bordeaux Cup was created in 2002 through a first-person perspective, Bontemps for Medoc, Graves, Sauternes, and Barsac— for oenology clubs of French universities. Teams are bringing history to life. Hstry strives an organization representing winegrowers along the asked to answer various questions to demonstrate to communicate history lessons in- left bank of the Garonne River and Gironde Estuary— their knowledge of the regional wines. In 2012, La Com- teractively to the public, especially to host the Left Bank Bordeaux Cup, where prestigious manderie du Bontemps opened up the competition children and teenagers. This particular universities all over the world compete for the top prize. to an international audience—now, there are a series “Café des Sciences” discussion featured Hosted by French Consul General in New York Bertrand of qualifying rounds in New York, Hong Kong, , a product unique among its competi- Lortholary, Grand Maître Emmanuel Cruse and a team Paris, and Shanghai, where winners of each respective tors, serving as a digital learning tool of jury members judged the competing universities preliminary have the chance to compete in the final where both teachers and students can based on an extensive theory test and three blind tast- competition at the Chateau Lafite-Rothschild in June. make their own mark on history while ings. This competition provides the opportunity for stu- observing historical figures, landmarks This year, the two winners of the New York prelimi- dents around the world to share their passion for oe- and movements. nary round were the UCLA Anderson School of Man- nology while supporting and expanding the notoriety agement and the MIT Sloan School of Management, of wines from the Bordeaux Left Bank.

6 culture & society en bref NFF

Marion Cotillard attends screening of two new films in L.A. Philharmonie de Paris concert hall opens after 20 Marion Cotillard, famed French actress and re- years of construction cent Academy Award nominee, attended a double header screening of her films Two Days, One Night After nearly twenty years of postponed and Rust and Bone on February 2 in Santa Monica, CA, construction, the Philharmonie de Paris at the Aero Theater. Cotillard held a question and an- opened to the public on January 14. In swer session alongside French Consul General in L.A. celebration of the grand opening, the Axel Cruau. in L.A. of France © Consulate Orchestre de Paris performed Gabriel Two Days, One Night follows Sandra, a factory Fauré’s symphony Requiem. The structure worker who has just lost her job following a hospital of the renovated building was designed stay. Over the course of one weekend, she must con- by French architect Jean Nouvel, who vince her co-workers to give up their annual bonuses constructs his projects around a single, so that she can get her job back. In Two Days, One powerful concept in order to create an Night, directors Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne have authentic sensation for visitors of his crafted a gripping tale of family, work, and the value buildings. of money. The , a Belgian direct- The innovative architectural design ing duo, are well-known for films such as Rosetta Actress Marion Cotillard with Consul General of France of the symphonic concert hall is situated and L’Enfant, which both won the Palme d’Or at the in L.A. Axel Cruau at the Aero Theater in Los Angeles. in the Parc de la Villette in the 19th ar- . rondissement of Paris. In addition to its Cotillard was nominated for an Academy Award 2,400-seat Grande Salle, the Philharmonie in the Best Actress category for her performance in tors’ Guild (SAG) and Golden Globe awards, this tale houses rehearsal rooms, an educational Two Days, One Night. This was the second time that chronicles a passionate, emotional and moving story center, exhibition space, and restaurants, Cotillard was nominated for an Academy Award, as of love and loss. creating a “living space for music.” she won in the same category for her perfomance in Having been nominated and awarded with nu- Beginning on March 3, the Philhar- La Vie en Rose. merous awards at American festivals for her perfor- monie de Paris will dedicate its first ex- Rust and Bone, a 2012 film directed by Jacques Au- mances in both French and English, Cotillard has a hibition to the British musician David diard, was also shown at the screening attended by well-established presence in the United States. With Bowie. Originally presented at the Victoria Cotillard. The film is about Ali, a single father, and his her latest films, she continues to prove that not only & Albert Museum in London in 2013, and love affair with marine park trainer Stephanie, played does she possess a wide range of emotional depth, most recently exhibited at the Museum by Cotillard, who is forced to amputate both of her but also that her work is accessible and appealing to of Contemporary Art in Chicago, the ex- legs after an accident. Nominated for both Screen Ac- the American public. hibit will take on a new persona during its three months in Paris. “My French Film Festival” provides unique viewing experience Virtuosi of Houston will travel both French and international viewers on a number of to Paris through a partnership different online platforms, with subtitles in 13 different with Texan-French Alliance languages. Unlike other film festivals, My French Film Festival is Virtuosi of Houston, the city’s premier unique in part due to the platforms on which it is offered. youth chamber orchestra, will travel to Not only are viewers able to watch all films on MyFrench- Paris for a week in March of 2015 through

© MyFrenchFilmFestival.com FilmFestival.com, but the films are also available on iTunes, funds raised by Kickstarter, an online in-flight airplane entertainment systems, and on various platform which allows organizations and international cinema websites. Moviegoers may enjoy the individuals to raise money for indepen- festival in theaters across the globe, with screenings that dently created projects. take place throughout the duration of the competition. Established in 1996, Virtuosi of Hous- Three top prizes were awarded to the best feature and ton is a premier young artist chamber short films in the competition. The Prix Chopard filmmak- orchestra that focuses on education of ers’ prize was awarded to Hippocrate, a film by Thomas Lilti exceptionally gifted musicians. about a young man’s first experience as a junior doctor, The students will receive the unique which happens to be in the same hospital in which his opportunity to study and perform at the father works. Conservatoire de Paris, an educational The Lacoste Audience Award allowed viewers to vote center for young French musicians whose on their favorite films, creating a truly interactive festival history dates back to the 18th century. experience. With over 15,000 votes counted, A Place on They will have the opportunity not only Earth by Fabienne Godet and A Town called Panic: The to take master classes with their French Christmas Log, a Belgian short film by Stéphane Aubier counterparts, but also to explore one of and Vincent Patar, both received this honor. An additional the world’s most renowned cities. International Press Award was given to Breathe by Melanie In order to raise funds for their trip to Laurent and Extrasystole by Alice Douard, under the super- France, Virtuosi of Houston partnered For five years, My French Film Festival has exposed up-and- vision of a jury of six foreign film journalists. with the Texan-French Alliance for the coming French filmmakers to the international community. Since My French Film Festival first began five years ago, Arts, a non-profit organization which it has continued to grow, and this year was no excep- seeks to increase artistic, cultural and tion. The website reported registrations which reached educational connections between France From January 16 to February 16, UniFrance Films 137,000, with a combined 250,000 screenings, a 20 per- and Texas. As a result of the successful hosted an online film festival for French cinema lovers all cent increase from 2014. In gaining viewers throughout project funding, this invaluable journey around the world. Officially titled My French Film Festival, the world, the festival has helped to boost the careers to Paris may have a defining impact on the fifth annual edition showcased ten French feature of young French filmmakers, as well as the international the career path of these young musicians. films and ten French short films, which were available to credibility of French cinema.

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PRESORTED News From France FIRST CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE A free monthly review of French news & trends PAID Washington, DC

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of Honor, Mr. Trumel was accompanied by Mayor of of Mayor by accompanied was Trumel Mr. Honor, of these events attract people from all over the world. world. the over all from people attract events these

andria, Louisiana. As the Special International Guest Guest International Special the As Louisiana. andria, thousands of attendees masked in purple and green, green, and purple in masked attendees of thousands

Association’s 19th Annual Children’s Parade in Alex in Parade Children’s Annual 19th Association’s - celebration. From elegant balls to parades gathering gathering parades to balls elegant From celebration.

tional Guest of Honor at the Alexandria Mardi Gras Gras Mardi Alexandria the at Honor of Guest tional The Mardi Gras parades in Louisiana are a joyful joyful a are Louisiana in parades Gras Mardi The

siana Gregor Trumel appeared as the Special Interna Special the as appeared Trumel Gregor siana @franceintheus Twitter: - parades. parades.

On February 14, Consul General of France in Loui in France of General Consul 14, February On - www.facebook.com/FranceInTheUS lished with long beads collected from the previous previous the from collected beads long with lished

[email protected] - embel gold and green purple, in dresses or tumes

www.franceintheus.org - cos wear participants Carnival Orleans. New in Gras

costume with Mark Romig, a member of the Rex crewe. Rex the of member a Romig, Mark with costume festive parades put on by various “Krewes” for Mardi Mardi for “Krewes” various by on put parades festive

Consul General of France in Louisiana Gregor Trumel in in Trumel Gregor Louisiana in France of General Consul

Fax: (202) 944-6040 (202) Fax: Today, people the world over travel to watch the the watch to travel over world the people Today,

Tel: (202) 944-6060 (202) Tel: by the 1830s. 1830s. the by

an integral part of Mardi Gras traditions in Louisiana Louisiana in traditions Gras Mardi of part integral an

Washington, DC 20007-2182 DC Washington, ly celebrated with society balls, festive parades were were parades festive balls, society with celebrated ly

4101 Reservoir Road, NW Road, Reservoir 4101 - original was holiday the While century. 18th early the

PRESS & COMMUNICATION SERVICE COMMUNICATION & PRESS In Louisiana, Mardi Gras has been celebrated since since celebrated been has Gras Mardi Louisiana, In

FRENCH EMBASSY FRENCH tions in France are in Nice and Paris. and Nice in are France in tions

by the general public. The biggest Mardi Gras celebra Gras Mardi biggest The public. general the by FRANCE FROM NEWS -

ebrated not only by those who observe Lent, but also also but Lent, observe who those by only not ebrated

and inner reflection. Mardi Gras in France today is cel is today France in Gras Mardi reflection. inner and contact: please unsubscribe, or free) (for -

Catholic practice of Lent, a 40-day period of fasting fasting of period 40-day a Lent, of practice Catholic subscribe address, your change To

ebration meant to indulge in great feasts before the the before feasts great in indulge to meant ebration

Mardi Gras was originally an extravagant cel extravagant an originally was Gras Mardi Tavra -

cluding Louisiana. Louisiana. cluding Maja Singer, Morgan Kolev, Alexandra

STAFF WRITERS STAFF ther extended to French colonies and territories—in and colonies French to extended ther -

spread to the French House of the Bourbons, and fur and Bourbons, the of House French the to spread -

known as “Carnaval.” Mardi Gras celebrations later later celebrations Gras Mardi “Carnaval.” as known Vinopal Courtney

GRAPHIC DESIGNER GRAPHIC 17th and 18th century, where the celebration is also also is celebration the where century, 18th and 17th

medieval Europe, originating in Venice and Rome in in Rome and Venice in originating Europe, medieval

The origins of Mardi Gras can be traced back to to back traced be can Gras Mardi of origins The ©Consulate ofFrance inLouisiana Vinopal Courtney

MANAGING EDITOR MANAGING the Battle of New Orleans. Orleans. New of Battle the

ed to the War of Independence, the War of 1812, and and 1812, of War the Independence, of War the to ed

Benoît Cormier Benoît “Wars that Shaped Early America,” with floats dedicat floats with America,” Early Shaped that “Wars -

EDITOR New Orleans. The theme of the parade this year was was year this parade the of theme The Orleans. New

est Mardi Gras organizations, as part of their parade in in parade their of part as organizations, Gras Mardi est

Mr. Trumel rode with the Krewe of Rex, one of the old the of one Rex, of Krewe the with rode Trumel Mr. Guillois Arnaud -

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF On February 17, otherwise known as “Fat Tuesday,” Tuesday,” “Fat as known otherwise 17, February On

French participation in Louisiana’s Mardi Gras celebrations Gras Mardi Louisiana’s in participation French

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