United States
Armies of the united states Written by: Massimo Torriani Translated by: Andrew Carless Edited by: Alessio Cavatore & Rick Priestley Cover Artwork: Peter Dennis Internal Artwork: Peter Dennis & Mike Chappell Photography: Warwick Kinrade, Mark Owen & Paul Sawyer Artefacts: John Stallard collection MiniaturesMiniatures painted by: Neil Burt, Andrés Amián Fernández, SampleDarrenDa rrfileen Linington,Lining Alan Mander, Gary Martin, Bruce Murray & Darius Wyrozebski Thanks to: ChrisChris Allen,Allen, SimonSimonn Bargery, Andrew Chesney, JD Fako, Wojtek Flis, PaulPaul Hicks,Hick David Holmes, Games Korps, David Lawrence, BernardB Lewis, Steve Morgan, Agis Neugebauer, AdeptusAdeptus North Texas, Phoenix Gaming Club, Dean Rapp, JonJon RuRussell,ssell, PaulP Sawyer, Adrian Shepherd and John Stallard, DaneDan Stephens, Jake Thornton, Wyvern Wargamers OSPREYREY PUBLISHINGING ospreypublishing.com 1 warlordgames.com coNTENTS What Is This Book? 5 ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUNS 33 37mm M1A2 Medium Anti-aircraft Gun 33 The American Army Of World War II 7 90mm M2 Dual Purpose AA/AT gun 33 ANTI-TANK GUNS 33 Pearl Harbor 8 37mm Anti-tank gun M3 33 Training And Equipment 8 57mm Anti-tank gun M1 33 Death And Reinforcements 8 3-Inch Anti-tank gun M5 34 Infantry 9 Armour 11 VEHICLES 35 The War 12 TANKS 35 M3 Stuart light tank 35 Army List 17 M3A1 Stuart 36 Reinforced Platoon 19 M3A3 Stuart 36 Army special rules 20 M3A1 with Satan Flamethrower 36 Fire and Manoeuvre 20 M5/M5A1 Stuart 36 Gyro-stabilisers 20 M24 Chaffee Light Tank 37 Air Superiority 20 M3 Lee/Grant Medium Tank
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