Kellogg International Fellowship Program in Food Systems Fellows' Final Reports September 1989 End-Of-Program Seminar Holiday In
Kellogg International Fellowship Program in Food Systems Fellows' Final Reports September 1989 End-of-Program Seminar Holiday Inn, University Place East LanSing, Michigan U.S.A. Kellogg International Fellowship Program in Food Systems Fellows' Final Reports TABLE OF CONTENTS Forward .........•......................................... iii I. Interest Group I Comprehensive Food And Agriculture Policy . .. 1 Cox, Maximiliano . .. 2 Ledesma, Antonio 5 Lipumba, Nguyuru (not available at press time) Luiselli, Cassio 11 Matus-Gardea, Jaime 15 Tyagi, Davendra . • . .. 19 Wen, Simei 22 II. Interest Group II Agricultural Marketing, Price Policy and Trade . 25 Blandford, David 26 Carter, Colin 29 Paz-Cafferata, Julio 32 Piggott, Roley 35 Quezada, Norberto . 39 Silva, Alvaro 42 III. Interest Group III Programs and Policies to Feed the Poor . 47 Bapna, Shanti 48 Campino, Antonio 51 Dall'Acqua, Fernando 55 Konjing, Chaiwat 59 Mtawali, Katundu ...........•... 62 Muchnik de Rubinstein, Eugenia . 65 Pinnaduwage, Sathyapala . 68 Sampaio, Vony 71 Syarief, Hidayat 74 Uribe-Mosquera, Tomas 79 Vial de Valdes, Isabel 83 IV. Interest Group IV Technology for Food Production and Processing . 87 Badi, Sitt EI Nafar M. 88 Duwayri, Mahmud 91 Makau, Boniface M. 93 Sefa-Dedeh, Samuel . 96 Teri, James M 101 Whingwiri, Ephrem 105 Van, Rui-zhen 111 11 FORWARD This volume is a collection of the final reports of the Kellogg International Fellows in Food Systems on their individual project activities over the past three years. It provides an overview of the substantial accomplishments of the Fellows in the expansion and application of knowledge to improve food systems in their respective countries and regions. Equally important has been the growth of the Fellows themselves in the broadening and deepening of their understanding of food systems and expanded leadership capabilities through sharing of their experiences with each other.
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