Master Informatique - Université Paris-Sud Outline Software layers User interface toolkits Graphical libraries Window systems Michel Beaudouin-Lafon Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique User interface toolkits Université Paris-Sud / CNRS
[email protected] Applications frameworks Interface builders Software layers Output devices Bitmap screens Application CRT, LCD, Plasma, … Framework Spatial resolution: about 100dpi Color resolution (« color depth ») : User interface toolkit B&W, grey levels, color table, direct color Window system Graphical library R G B Operating system Device drivers Temporal resolution: 10 to 100 frames per second Bandwidth: 25 img/s * 1000x1000 pixels * 3 bytes/pixel = 75 Mb/s GPU : Graphics Processing Unit (c) 2011, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon,
[email protected] 1 Master Informatique - Université Paris-Sud Input devices Graphical libraries 2D input devices Drawing model Mouse, Tablet, Joystick, Trackball, Touch screen Direct drawing (painter’s algorithm) Type of user control Structured drawing: scene graph position, motion, force, … ; linear, circular, … Edit the data structure Mapping of input dimensions position, speed, acceleration Graphical objects are defined by: transfer function (gain) Their geometry Motor space vs. visual space Their graphical attributes separate or identical color, texture, gradient, transparency, lighting Other input devices Graphical libraries Keyboards, Button boxes, Sliders Direct drawing: Xlib, Java2D, OpenGL 3D position and orientation sensors Structured drawing: Inventor (3D),