Westermost Rough Offshore Wind Farm
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NON TECHNICAL SUMMMARY WESTERMOST ROUGH OFFSHORE WIND FARM OCTOBER 2009 Westermost Rough NON TECHNICAL SUMMARY The project 4 The Environmental Statement 5 The Environmental Impact Assessment Process 6 The Environmental Impact Assessment 7 Summary of Cumulative Impacts 14 Summary of Onshore Environmental Impact Assessment 16 This document is a non-technical summary of the Environmental Statement (ES) for the Location of Westermost Rough Offshore Wind Farm. The Westermost Rough ES is based on information from a number of surveys, studies and impact assessments. Offshore Wind Farm Darlington 100km Westermost Rough Limited is planning to Whitby 90km build a wind farm of 240-245MW capacity 80km 70km approximately 8km off the East Yorkshire Scarborough Scarborough Coast at Withernsea. The completed wind 60km Ripon 50km farm will make an important contribution to Bridlington 40km Harrogatearrogate the UK government’s ambitions of installing York 30km 33 GW offshore wind power by 2020, and 20km eds Beverley 10km will also help to provide the practical experi- Rothwell Castleford Kingston upon Hull Knottingley Wakefield Knottingley River Humber Wakefield Pontefract Goole River Humber Pontefract River Ouse River Trent River Humber ence necessary for Round 3 projects. River Humber River Humber River Humber Barnsley Barnsley ScunthorpeScunthorpe River Trent Bentley Grimsby Doncaster Cleethorpes Construction, operation and decommission- Rotherham effield Gainsborough River Trent ing will have a number of impacts on the LouthLouth Worksop EastEast Retford Retford Chesterfieldhesterfield chosen site and its surroundings, and the LincolnLincoln River Trent Mansfield Sutton-in-AshfieldSutton-in-Ashfield purpose of the Environmental Statement is Kirkby in Skegness Skegness Ashfield Newark-on-Trent to describe and evaluate those impacts. It is Hucknall Arnold Carlton IlkestonIlkeston Nottingham River Trent Boston LongLong Eaton EatonWest Bridgford our firm belief that the positive impacts of Beeston rby Grantham River Trent River Trent the wind farm far outweigh the negative River Trent LoughboroughLoughborough Melton SpaldingSpalding Mowbray impacts. King's Lynn Introduction Westermost Rough Limited is a daughter company of DONG Energy, a Danish energy company in which the Danish state is the majority shareholder. DONG Energy produces, distributes and trades in energy and related products in Scandinavia and northern Europe. DONG Energy owns and operates land- based wind turbines in Denmark, Poland and Swe- den and is partner in a number of offshore wind farm projects in Denmark and the UK, including Barrow Offshore Wind Farm (operating); Burbo Offshore Wind Farm (operating); Walney Offshore Windfarm (under construction) and West of Duddon Sands Wind Farm (partly owned; consented) in the Eastern Irish Sea, and Gunfleet Sands (under construction) and London Array (partly owned, consented) in the Thames estuary. Further information can be found at www.dongenergy.com The project The site for Westermost Rough Offshore and the type to be used has not been finally cable will have its landfall north of Tunstall Wind Farm is leased from the Crown Estate decided. The impact assessment has taken and will continue as conventional buried as a so-called Round 2 development. These this into account by assessing different power cables to a new Staithes Road sub- sites have been offered in three selected types of foundations. For example, the station in Salt End. strategic areas around the British coastline. gravity foundation takes up more space on The Westermost Rough site was originally the seabed and gives rise to more turbidity With a power capacity of up to 245MW, given to another developer, Total, who re- and sedimentation during construction, Westermost Rough will make an important nounced after having accomplished the whereas the steel monopile gives rise to contribution to British renewable energy scoping process. noise impacts when it is driven into the production. The UK government has set a seabed. target of 15% renewable energy by 2020 The cumulative effects of the nearby Hum- with a main part coming from the potential ber Gateway Offshore Wind Farm – when Scour protection is anticipated to be installation of 33GW offshore wind. Wester- constructed – must also be taken into con- needed around the offshore structures, most Rough Wind Farm will also contribute sideration when assessing the impacts that depending on the foundation design that to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions may arise. is finally selected. with an approximate annual reduction of 265,000 tonnes of CO2, 3,000 tonnes SO2 The wind farm turbine array consists of a The construction of the foundations and and 930 tonnes NOx. Westermost Rough number of rows of wind turbines connected installation of the wind turbines involves a Wind Farm thus has a significant positive by cables to a substation from which an ex- number of workboats, crane barges and impact on climate change emissions and port cable on the seabed carries the power support vessels. Shipping of materials and will help the UK Government to reach its to shore. The number which type and ca- supplies to the site will also create addi- reduction targets. pacity of turbines will depend on type is tional traffic during the construction available and well proven at the time of period. There are many important users of the sea construction. Turbines in the range 3-7MW in the UK. A major challenge for wind farm have been assessed. The wind farm will be connected to shore developers is to ensure the problem-free by an export cable buried in the seabed. co-existence of offshore wind farms with The turbines and offshore substation stand Conventional techniques will be used to in- existing activities including navigation, on individual foundations of concrete or stall the cable and will cause only tempo- commercial fisheries and military activities. steel. A number of foundation types exist, rary disturbance to the seabed. The export The Wind Turbines and the Foundations 4 The Environmental Statement (ES) The impacts of the proposed wind farm will describing the quality, safety, health and proposed project on the physical, biologi- fall into three distinct phases: construc- environmental management and monitor- cal and human environment in the geo- tion, operation and decommissioning. Full ing systems that will apply during the life- graphical area surrounding the project information about the impact assessment time of the project. where potential effects could occur. Cumu- is given in the ES report and its accompa- lative effects of Westermost Rough and nying Annexes. The report deals with the The ES presents the justification for the other wind farm projects in the area are environmental impact of the proposed proposed Westermost Rough Wind Farm also considered. project during the construction, operation and the different options for project imple- and decommissioning phases, as well as mentation. It considers the impact of the 5 The Environmental Impact Assessment Process Scoping Hornsea and Bridlington. These exhibitions quired for the construction and the opera- In 2004 the Westermost Rough Ltd’s prede- provided information about the proposed tion of Westermost Rough Offshore Wind cessor Total produced a Scoping Report and wind farm project off the coast of Yorkshire. Farm. The key consents applied for are the received a number of comments from Con- A second round of public consultations will following: sultees and Stakeholders. The report identi- take place in autumn 2009 in connection fied the physical limits of the proposed with the submission of the Project Applica- Consent under section 36 of the Electricity project study area, key potential risks and tion and the Environmental Statement. Act 1989 to construct and operate a wind the types and levels of impacts that were to farm. This will also cover the offshore cables be assessed and used to select alternatives WASH Group and other infrastructure. for consideration. The scoping report and The Round 1 and 2 wind farm developers in the received comments have been used in the Greater Wash area have joined forces in FEPA License under section 5 of the Food the planning of the surveys, studies and En- the so-called WASH Group. Whenever possi- and Environment Protection Act 1985, vironmental Impact Assessments. ble and convenient this group has coordi- concerning the protection of marine eco- nated contact with the local and national systems. The scoping activity has continued through- authorities in order to assist the process of out the preparation of the Environmental applications for consent, and also to coordi- Consent under section 34 of the Coast Pro- Statement, so that the scope of work has nate the locations of the different sites. tection Act 1949 in order to make provision been amended in the light of new issues and for the safety of navigation in relation to the new information. In addition to the consul- Investigations export cables. tation in connection with the scoping pro- Following the guidelines and specifications cedure, continuous consultations with the established by Department of Trade and In- Planning permission under section 90 of Statutory Consultees have taken place in or- dustry (DTI) and by the EU on Environmen- the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, der to reduce the risk of delays caused by tal Impact Assessments of offshore wind sought as part of the section 36 application, requests for further information after sub- farms, a whole range of details with regard for the onshore elements of the works mission of the consent application with its to the physical, biological and human envi- (“Deemed planning permission”). accompanying environmental information, ronments have been assessed. and to reduce the risk of disagreement Extinguishment of public rights of naviga- about impact assessment methods. This non-technical summary presents the tion will be requested under the Energy Act overall results of the assessment, and high- 2004 for the areas of seabed directly cov- Furthermore, Westermost Rough Ltd. has lights a number of issues that have been ered by the offshore structures.