FEATURES Ughts & Sirens 2 SPORTS Opinion 4 Baseball swi~ away Meet the candidates Features • the competition A.S. presidential profiles 9 Features takes a look at this year's A.S. presidential candidates, Triton baseball went 4-1 over the their slates and independent campaigns - and finds out who Classifieds 12 break, beating CSU Dominguez Hills they are and what they staoo for. page 9 Campus Calendar 11 and Azusa PaCific. P~e 16


2003 A.S. ELEOIONS WATCH War advisory group formed Jacobs Appeal Committee to oversee campus climate family By NEIL SPEARS requests Contributing Writer donates VCSD Chancellor Robert C. denied Dynes announced the formation of the pecial Advisory Committee on War Related $110 M Matters on March 19. The goal Committee of me commirree is to advise the chancellor about the impact of Gift part of hears cases of global conflict on the campus community. $1 billion 3 applicants "I want to reassure you that we have developed comprehen­ By GAELLE FAURE sive plans for enhancing campu fundraising Associate News Editor safety, sustaining campus opera­ tions, and issuing timely news campalgn Three A.. elections candidates updates," Dynes stated in a who had filed appeals to the elec­ March 20 campus norice. tions committee Jskll1g to be rein­ The committee is composed By LISA MAK stated in the race were denied their of a dozen representatives from Staff Writer requests prior to the end of winter different areas of campu opera­ Irwin Jacobs. former C 'D quarter. tions. The three, along with three om­ engineering profes or and CEO of "Pan of me goal is to make Tyler Huff/GlJOrc/ion ers mat opted not to appeal, had sure that the campus isn't being QUJlcomm Inc., and hI Wife JOJn Jacob have announced a 110 mil­ been disqualified for having filed reactive, bur being proactive and War fever: The Special Advisory Committee on War Related Matters Will for candidacy belatedly. The candi­ preventive and educational," said oversee how the war In Iraq affects the campus community. lion gift to the Jacobs School of Engineenng. The gift is in 'upport date appealing were Todd 'Iolin, committee co-chair Darlene V. changes mat are related to me campus community is knowl­ of the Campaign for VC 0 : vying for me position of Willis, executive administrative war. edgeable," said Linda M. "Imagine \Vhat's Next," a e\'en­ Commissioner of Diversity Affairs; officer for the vice chancellor of In addition, me committee Williams, assistant chancellor year fund-raising initiative that Daniel Gonzale, for Revelle student affairs. will serve as a communication and co-chair of the committee. began in July 2000 and will con­ College sophomore se nator; and C urrently, the committee vehicle to the campus communi­ One of the committee's clude in June 1007. Billy Ikosipentarhos, for Thurgood meets weekly wim the chancellor ty. objectives is to make ure me "It's a great pleasure to be able to keep him apprised of campus . "We feel mat it's our respon­ to make this type of gift and to kick See APPEALS, Page J events and to recommend policy sibility to make sure [hat the J See WAR. Page off or sustain thi campaign," said Irwin Jacobs. "I mink it's very, very important to the university, to the Regents, to me state, to the coun­ 2003 A.S. ELECTIONS WATCH try." Well-deserved break The Jacob' gift will include 10 million payable over the ncxt five years and a planned gift of Slates hold space 100 million, making it the largest gift in UCSO's history as well as one of the largest gift ever with club posters granted to an engineering school in the nation. The Jacob' current 10 mll­ Signs hung to hold place for hon gift will be used for faculty recruitment .md the jacobs ' chool Unity, Students First! poster cholar and Fellow, a program the couplc established III 2000. By STEVEN win the postcr-~witchll1g process said 'LXty percent of the pl.lnned 1DO 11111110n f,[lft will be .In unrc,trictcd Contributing Writer that the strategic po ter-hangll1g spaces were at a premium, nnd cndowlI;ent for the engll1ccnng For the 5ecoml vear III J row, that they couldn't afford to miss ,>chool, 1" pcrcent will be u,ed for po;ter~ were hung' III the Price out on tho,e spaces. (he Scholar.. Jnd Fellow,> progral1l and Student CCJ1ler\ prior to the "\\'e don't necessarih' like to Jnd the rel11JII1Jllg 15 percenr I'> legal campalgnlllg season to do It, bur It wa~ donc ia,t year Intended for the crCJtIlll1 of hold the place of candidate.' and it is unfornll1atcly p,\rt of endowed clwrs jomriy ,IPPOIIIll:d Rebecca Otexier/C this ve,lr. SURF 'all Diego," SJld Frclder SCI hie, late and candlda te ~. "We Jid not W,lI1t to do it, WEATHER SPOKEN dean of the J,lcob~ :chool of Cllnp:l1b'lllng legally began at 8 uut we sa w others dOll1g II Jnd REPORT Fngll1ccnng. "They hJ\(; nlJdc ,111 p.m. nn !\I,lr h 30. wanted to be able to ompete," "The lections II1ve,UlIelll 111 {he future lh.n will l Ac urdlllg to AS. e1ecllon S3HI Studcnts First A.S. ; ( ~ March 31 enable the "dlOOI to elller the bylaw .. , ~uch pra 'lIce, arc not Pre Illentl:ll call1hd.lte Ke\'111 Marth 11 Apnll ommitt e rCllulre .tnd dc,en c." first arose In .. t year and h,l', not alter they were throllgh, how­ f ApriJ 1 TheJ.lcob,' gtft to tht: ,>chuul 01 '-/f engllleenng WJ' .11111011I1Ct:d 111 been addrcs5ed In the .S. e1ec­ ever," - Paul De\Nine, Wind N 8 to 15 t lion hylaw,. Apnl1 AId 1 Wind waves' 012 It A.S Council Adviser 11.3 to 7 h 311lltdJtes that partook in Sec POSTERS, Page ~ H62 L~ H 64153 e JACOBS, Page 7 INEW THE U D GUARDIAN M NDAY. MARCH 31. 2003 MONDAY. MARCH 31. 2003 THE U D GUARDIAN NEWS} BRIEFLY ETCETERA ••• War: Committee formed to advise Dynes Appeals: Committee rules continued {rom page I diti oJls warrant. ing in the Armed Forces," Dynes Principles of Community are "As our nati on heads into war stated. late candidates out of race upheld during thi s ti me. with Ira q, many of us in the Dynes made clear that even attack on March 14, one day shy of his 77th continued from page I fo rgot the time for filing with AS., Month of activities "These principles promote U niversity of Californi a family birthday. rice n ' vice b y kenrick l eung though "th is wi ll not be a 'busi­ Marshall College junior senator. but felt tha t since he had filed in open expression within the feel a close connection to events celebrates Cesar E. Chavez In 1988, Craig was awarded the Balzan ness as usua l' ti me," scheduled T he high number of disquali­ time with his coll ege, he should be ll-lE GREAT THING A80VT bounds of courtesy, sensitivity, and occurri ng abroad," UC President prize, an intemabonal award likened to the APRIL FOOlS' DAY IS THAT classes and examinations wi ll not fied ca ndida tes comes amidst a race all owed to be reinstated as a sena­ respect," Dynes wrote in a March Ri chard e. Atlci nson wrote in a be interrupted. The life and achievements of Cesa r E. Nobel Prize in fields which are not included YOO CAN GET AWAY WITH with a low ca ndidate turnout, wi th tor ca ndidate. 19 ca mpus notice. March 19 letter to the UC com­ Currentl y, the UCSD Police Chavez. labor nghts and Chicano Civil Rights in the Nobel categories. He was the first ANYTHING numerous ca ndi dates running "I'm a Marshall senator first, then , Cam pus sec uri ty is another munity. Department has not been affected geochemist to win the prize. unopposed. an AS. senator," rkosipentarhos sa id. Movement leader, will be celebrated with a major pa rt of th e committee's "Wh ile there may be di s­ During his career, Craig led scientific by the activa ti on of mi litary It is also the fi rst yea r that any He said that he was looking into series of UCSD events spanning the month agenda . agreements within the rese rvists. of April under the theme 'Celebrate, expeditions to investigate some of the ca ndida tes have appealed decisions, revising the bylaws to allow the elec­ "Our officers 3re alert, we arc Uni ve rsity community over the With the national terror threat Educate, Serve,' earth's most inaccessible places, including according to A.S. Council adviser tion committee to take a closer look always loolci ng for suspicious advisab il ity of mi litary action in leve l raised to orange, campus The legacy of Chavez will shOlNCased the crater of an active underwater volcano. Paul DeWine. at the circumstance of a case. be activity, things that we perhaps Iraq, it is important that we all residents will likely see an in lectures. films, a poetry series. a youth CraiR's work played a major role in initiat­ "The elections committee went "Even though the bylaws are ca n identify as potential threats on remember, now more than ever, increase in the vis ibil ity of resi­ essay contest and the unveiling of the Cesar ing and directing an intemational oceano­ above and beyond the ca ll of duty there for judgment calls, that was a ca mpus, and we conti nue to do the important role the University dentia l secu ri ty officers. Off1cers E. Chavez commemorative stamp, among graphic project named the Geochemical to look at the circumstances," bad judgment call," Iko ipentarhos that," sa id UCSD Poli ce Chi ef pl ays as a pl ace of reasoned are not currently on special Ocean Sections Study. which investigated the DeWine said. said. other events. and committee member Orvi ll e ched ul ing. isotopic properties of the world's oceans. Disqualified candidates were Gonzales, who was attending a Ledurers include California State Senator Kin g. In the event that the terror GEOSECS's results represented the most all owed to submit a one-page expla­ United States Snldent AmlCiatJon Richard Polanco, who will speak on King expressed apprec iati on th rea t level is raised to "severe," complete set of ocean chemislTy data ever nation stating their case to the AS. conference at time of filing, had 'Creating the Cesar E. Chavez Holiday' In that recent demonstrations rela t­ plans are in place to increa e offi­ the Warren College Ampitheater at 11 :30 collected and proved important in the elections committee. According to submitted only part of hi S packet ing to th e war have been peaceful. cer coverage th roughout campus . a.m. on April 4. Polanco authored the legis­ advancement of the geochemical field of . . .W e wiU have the elections manager Robin Shelton, before leaving and did not turn in Ki ng al 0 tated that the de part­ SuppOrt from the an Diego the committee made its deci ion the rest of the packet until later that lation creating the holiday. study. ment has th e resources ava il abl e to " Police Depa rtme nt and Sa n Diego A memorial service will be held on April resources and the support sticking strictly to the elections evening, prompling the elections The 2002 Sundance Film Festival award­ YOU CAN EVEN HAVE dea l with any unrest that may Sheriff wi ll conti nue to be avai l­ 4 at the Scripps Institution of OTHER PEOPLE 00 YOUR bylaw, which states that all candi­ committee to deem his case as winning film, 'Real Women Have Curves: occur, although he doe not expect able as needed. Oceanography in the Martin Johnson WORICl available to help you in dates had to turn in lheir complete "late" and not "i ncomplete," In will screen at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. on April 22 any violent protests. J effrey Phi lpott, committee at the Price Center Theatre, followed by a House at 3:30 p.m. candidacy packet, which includes which exceptions were made If can­ , "We are going to manage thi s the context of a university me mber and dean of student the signanl res needed to run, by didates could not immediately com­ lecture from its co-screenwriter Josefina ca mpus sa fel y irrespective of the affairs at Earl Warren Coll ege, Lopez at 7 p.m. on April 23 in the Price . " noon on the designated due date. plete their packet due to "legiti­ UCSD neuroscientist to di rection of the war," King said. commumty. expressed hopes that the commit­ Center Theatre. Lopez. whose film features "Unless there's some explana­ mate" circumstances. According to Comm ittee member Carm en tee ca n continue to facilitate and Chicana/Latina women. will speak on 'Real deliver BBC lectures tion that~ out of the ordinary, the Gonzales, the elections committee Vazquez, a isra nt vice chancell or - Cannen Vasquez. assistant sa feguard an envi ronment where Women Have Courage: From San Luis committee traditionally tries to fol­ was just in following the bylaws, but of swdent life, aid th at the uni ­ vice chancellor of student rife respectful dia logue ca n freely Potosi to Hollywood.' Neuroscientist V.S. Ramachandran, a low the elections bylaws as closely he suggested that a preferable versi ty has a unique and pecial occur. as possible," DeWine said. "If they option 1V0uid be to hal'e a write-in The 25th Annual Cultural Celebration, UCSD professor of psychology and direc­ role in protecting the afc!y, inquiry and civil di course," "Our war effort really should Included in the month's activities, will take tor of the UCSD Center for Brain and don't, they're leaving themselves on the ballot for the late candidates health, we ll being and free pecch Atkinson wrore. be doing the very best that we can open to problems in other areas of to still be allowed to run. place on April 12 from 1 1 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Cognition, has been seleded to deliver the of el'eryone on cam pus. Atkinson mentioned that the do at UC D," Phil pott said. Thurgood Marshall College, featuring musIc. Reith lectures, a prestigious ledures series the bylaws." According to SheltOn, this could "These are ve ry stressful university is worlcing closely with Phi lpott expressed co ncern Some of the candidates whose only be fea sible next )'ear if the AS. food, dance and art from around the world. broadcast by the BBC. The series will take times that are taxing on people," its srudy centers overseas to that students may feel a sense of The commemorative stamp will be place in England with he exception of the appeals were denied, however, sug­ Counct! decided to propose uch a Vasquez said. "Know that UCSD ensure the safety of students in the unea ine s that he hopes the com­ gested that other options could change. unveil ed on Apnl 21 In Pnce Center Plaza. fll1al lecture which wil l take place In La wi ll wo rk with [students] on an Education Abroad Program. mittee can combat. For the complete list of events, visit Jolla at the Neurosciences Institute on have been pursued. "Right now, we will only appl y individual level, we will have the Atki n on and Dynes expressed "[, as someone who works here "The fact of the matter IS that the current bylaw," heltOn SJid. http jlucsdnev6.ucsd.edu/chavezevents.htm April 8. resources and the suppOrt avail ­ concern about students and staff as a campu constituent just like Ramachandran's senes will on 'The this is one of the lowest turnouts of Tolin wa unavailable for com­ or call (858) 534-9689. be able to help [student 1 in the with family and friend ill the mil­ any of the tudents or staff or fac­ Emerging Mind.' Ramachandran. who candidates in . . elections, and I ment a t press tllne. context of a universiry commuOl­ itary. ulty, would like ro believe that the thought the elections committee Other late candidates who cho e authored the critlcallr acclaimed book LIGHTS It SIRENS ty." "Throughout this stressful university is doing everything it Leading geochemist and could take that a little more into not to appeal were Gabe Grossman, Phantoms of the Brain, has published over While initial appointments to period, 1 a k each of you to make a can possibly do to ensure our afe­ Scripps professor dies 120 articles on topics including the brain's consideration," Ikosipemarho sa id. vying for the position of A.S . pre i­ the commi nee have been made, pecial effort to extend courte y to ty and our well-being. I think perception of art and the phenomenon of Ikosipcntarhos, whose candida­ dem; Raul Perez. for \;ce preSident Sunday, March 16 of a silver and blade Pacific Elite B21 moun­ Vazqucz aid the composition of your colleagues, especially to cy packet was submitted about two of finance; and Emil)' RIch . for a en­ Professor Harmon Craig. a leader In inter­ phantom limbs. 11 :[4 a.m.: Officers arrested a 47-year­ tai n bike at Stein C hemica l Resea rch. Loss: the commi nee can ch~ nge as con- those whose loved ones are serv- ce ADVISORS, Page 7 and a half hours late, said that he atonal position. national research of the earth's chemical The senes Will air on BBC Radio 4 properties working with he Scripps throughout April and will be available online old male nonaffil iate at 7949 Lowry Terrace $100. on outstanding felony wa rra nts for vehicle 2:25 p.m.: A 20-year-old female tudent Institution of Oceanography since 1955, at hnp.//w.vw.bbc.co.uk/radio/reith2003 theft and twO misdemeanor warra nts for ille­ complai ned of loss of consciousness at Geisel died at Thomton Hospital from a heart beglnlllng Apnl 2. gal lodging and fail ure to appea r. Transporud Library. Sub;m refllstli treatmmr. sP"rnG QU8"TC!" ElIICK TO SCHOOL DOMINO'S DELIVERS TO U C 5 D I to Cmtral Jat!. Bail: $60,000. Friday, March 21 Errata Monday, March 17 2:54 a.m.: A 51-year-old male nonaffiliate 2:50 a.m.: A 20-year-old female srudent compl ai ned of leg pai ns at 8900 Vi ll a La Joll a. !!~C!CraL TuesdaylVVednesday ~Expansion F!rLm In the hrch 13,2003, Issue of the UCSD Guardilll1. the story titled fee suffe red a head injury aft er fa ll ing in the Transporttd to Scnpps Memorial Ho.rpital by to be voted on 7th week: A.S. Counci l approves referendum to expand University only! Centers," the headlines incorrectly refers to the approval of a expansion project to be bathroom at Brennan Hall. Tril l/sported to paramedics. by 7:03 ;a.m.: A 46-year-old ma le nonaffiliate voted on at the March 12, 2003, meeting of the council. In actuality, the council did cripps Mrmon'al Hospitlll parll mtdlCS. OnR WRRK OnL VI not pass the University Centers Expansion Task Force's proposal, but heard only heard 9:35 a.m .: A tudent reported the theft of injured his back wh ile su rfi ng nea r the the task forces propo ai , as stated in the body of the story. The task force will present a black Cannon dale CAD2 mountai n bike at Scri pps Insti tution of Oceanography. Sub;rrr Paci fi c Hall. Loss: $400. sollght privatt treatmtnt. Buy ONE a proposal again at the A.S Council's April 2 meeting. The GllIJrdlal1 regrets the error. ma"CH !1·a~"rL ~ 12:30 p.m.: A student reported the theft 10:10 a.m.: Officers arrested a 42-year­ of a black and si"'er Giant Boulder mountain old male nonaffiliate fo r an outstandi ng war­ bike at 33 7 [ Lebon Drive. Loss: $200. rant for possession of marijuana. Bail: $6,000. Milte Mirtinez ~ Art DIredDf 11 :22 a.m.: A staff member reported th e Get ONE GtWft)~ ...... AI ...... Tuesday, March 18 theft of a wetsui t at Vaughn Hall. Loss: $100 . Emilee Sduner, Shir. Stanton 8:18 a.m.: A staff member reported a bur­ 5 p.m.: A student reported the theft of a Jo5h Crouse EdItor in ChIlI AMrtIsiIIc AIIiItInt glary at York Hall. Loss: $800. red MGX B24 mountain bi ke at Brenna n 1:18 p.m.: Officers detained a 31-yea r-old Hall . Loss: $100. Lauren I. COirtney ...... EdItors Kimberly Hopkinson fema le nO'1affi li ate for endangeri ng herself Tran 8:30 p.m.: Offi ce rs impo un ded a red 1986 FREEl ChIme ~ AcauIt ElIecuthw and others on Library Walk. Trlllzspomd to is an 100SX at 9[72 Regents Rd. for having Mather Martin Copr Editor5 M1rOlIl Malik. Abislil Millon rtsidmct by officer. a registration expired for over ix month . Cirlllt Schrade! NIItworII~ 1:57 p.m.: A student reported the th eft of Stored lit tar Tuwing. a purse at Appl ied Physics & Mathematics Evan McUughIin News EdItor True Xions annex. Loss: $300. Saturday, March 22 CiaeIle Faure AuociatIe News Editors ~Desip -L.,..e 3 p.m.: A suff member reported the theft 11 :32 a.m.: A 17-yea r-old ma le nonaffili­ CALL 4S1-UCSD NickSM of a yellow Jeep B21 mountain bike at ate suffered conrusions to his face playing Claire J. Vannette Opinion Edilcw 3211 Holiday Ct. ( 452 - 8 273) CIIaMIIan RIMAe. Loss: $)00. soccer at Warren Field . Tra7lSporttd /0 /TIppS Jessica t.qeI AIIocWt 0pW0n Editoa tfd Arther, Kim Hopkinson. John Healey Mtm017alllospifal by Offictt: Hours: Sun.-Thu rs. lO am- I am. Fri. & Sat. 10 am-2 am Danielw.as Wednesday, March 19 11 :55 a.m.: fficers arrested a 23-year- reg 35mm film • all exposures 1IIf tJCSD GurIoIaI. (IIdIIIIII MtlrId¥ onI1IU1dIj5 I :38 p.m.: A staff member reported the old ma le nonaffiliate at cholars Drive North AftJ ICumat SpertI EdItM For convenIe nce use your ~ .... ICIdIrrit.,.. "" N tar tie ...ttl UCSD theft of a wallet at the luley Eye Cemer. for drivi ng unl icen ed and uninsurrd vehicle. no APS, BIW, or slides Charres for voice orders only please ~ 0I 1he ...... - Owen Main AIIodIde 5pofIS Edilor 1I .., brr\ ...... , .. l"Qss: $139. Vtbrclt stored III SIal' "JUwmg...... (JI ll s-t 1IIiIfWIIa .....-iI SIdr pcHiIed. 0 Triton 1!1~~ !Carll Dewries FaIures EcIIIors 2003. ,. .... ___ "'" IJCSI) Cuodrw> IS "'" tepCIft Order ONLINE at www.Dom/nosSanDlego.com ... b .. _ ttl ...... ,.~ar Thursday, March 20 -Compiled by Evan McLaughlin &Irri Worth .. "" ... epeMd '-'cIo nal ~_ r. 11 :58 a.m.: A student reported the thefl nvj Elinor ...... aI",. «:lD~, UniwJSrIly d r.------~------~------~ r. MEDIUM DOUBLE DEAL I I TUES./WED. SPECIAL I Rinaldo Donn.n HIItus Editor CAIIfomoo Of A6Soc.-d SrudI!nIL TIw /Ja() Cow...., " GOT CHICKENl fII>ded willy '" ~ RIP. ~ Ume flq.abech Anne Conr-Huyen AAodIIe HYtus UJIors S1Wr. SIMI ~ -', be Iht _ ft" Buy any plZla at CJayton Worfol C-.I EcIitoMI: 858-5JC.4i581 9 ~ ~ full menu pr~ce and Hull Photo EdItor News and feltures: 8sa-S14-S216 Posters: Slates look to capture $ get a 2nd pizza... *' Opinion, 5poItI, Photo: 8sa-S34-4iS82 Kenridt lNIB Ciriphlcs E&itor HiMus: 8se-sl4-65l1 $9: Zhi-Nin& L.iq .. EdItor Advertitini OffIce: .58-534-3466 strategic space by placing orgs' signs 5 faa: ...5J4-7H1 MEDIUM Buffalo Wings or conl/nued from page I EcIIoriII AIIiItIaI E-nHJiI: ~.-ditm.twg that the lates feel th e same way. Let's let the FREE Mlmette Federis Other candidates expressed their oppo i­ voters deCIde," hc sa id. Cheese PIZZAS Buffalo Offer good tlon to these campaign tactics, saying they Barton was not alone 111 h.is opposition , Chicken Kickers Tuesdays & Wednesdays ,.a..,oua ~ONLINE were unfaIr. "[ despiSe and detest the e actiol1!> of the Addl1Jonol t09P/np $1 each Jennifer Ow ... Utherine Chiu, Ed Ml _ .ucsdguardiiln.org "The People's Parking Party IS not gOlll g other ca ndidates," ~aid ew Students F,r't 01 to take part 111 the shady practices of the polit­ c." ..... the Unity Acuon Parlcing Wave late A.S. ...A.. UCID DOMINO' 1 BrIncIon ICib, Marina lMIsIU, DeepI MlIIOhIra .",. UCSD GwrdlGn Ical machme ," said II1dependent A.S . presI­ presidentIal candidate Bryan Ulga after Wit­ HOG r.u..n Dr. OSII. dential candidate Bryan Barton. nessi ng U IlI ty late member repla e "703 "V 451-817J u ..... CA 91013-0311 Price Center Plaza 1st Floor • booIcstcn.uad.edu (8581 534-2875 Barton IS technically slated as an Prod u coon~" posters WI th lhelr own posters AclullIocMJon; Second RooI. UC50 Independent, bUl IS represcnong an Illforll1a l after the offi CIal ca mpaign bega n. M-Th 7am-8pm • Fri 7am-6pm • Sat tam-5pm 5&JdenI CenI!r ~ A, Rm. 217 coalition called the People's Par king Party. A.S. Elections Manager Rohill Shelton Open Most Sundays Noon-5pm "We want to WIl1 fair and Quare and hope decl ined comment on the matter. Pea's-eye view MONDAY, MAR H 31, 2003 THE UCSD GUARDIAN OPINION 5 The Guardian's newest columnist MONDAY contemplates the obstacles facing MARCH :51, 2003 students sliding from major to major, Observing UCSD students shows education paths from Weeders to Flutters. OPINION page AS 4 'Elective Sliders' shift from major to major, trying to avoid 'Fluffers'

If you'd like to learn how to do ent may be distracting. easy introductory class, some begin­ Psychology conga: stylish ye t sensi­ the Elective Slide, the first thing ext, you have to firmly plant ning sliders get discouraged when ble. But more amhitious friends of pe~'s-eye you're going to need to find is a your bun in an easier class. Be ure they first enter the discipline and arc mine have arrived at sociology hy sllppef}' slope. Start with a difficult to check around for the right confronted by fluffers and thcir way of humanIties, Latin and c)a.,­ view major, which you find conceptually class. Some introductory classes in seemmgly impressive, engorged SICS. eriously, thi guy declared Media mindlessly promote war exciting but effectively sleep­ easy majors are much harder than body of k.nowledge. Fluffers Si mpl y majors without haVIng even taken ,I Sam Wilson inducing in practice. I recommend the major's more advanced like to puff themselves up wi th class in them. All 1 howe to say 1', ' something with lots of recta-linear work. These cia es are called ridiculous Jargon. The antidote is \'\'hat a slut. But remcmber, imlv orking at a coffee stand algebra, or a programming Ian­ Weeders, and will chew through the tried and true note card. Wi th you know the compromised g()af~ Biased coverage of Iraqi conflict misinforms public on campus, zoning out !,ruage originally dcsigned for com­ every textbook you get, make a note that are right for you. [f you still W between the rushes dur­ puters slower than your graphing card for all the long, funny-sound­ have trouble finding an easy m"jor, ing class breaks, is like viewing a calculator. I f you don't know ing words in the glossary, and learn buy a OUIJa board. Belteve me , time-lap c film of UCSD students enough math to know whether them however you ca n. My favonte Ouija boards are totally amy Jnd as they trek betwecn classes. A.nd I d1ere's uch a thing as rccta-linear Some introductory classes ['S a sad ttme to be a journalist. age of indi\iduals will doubtless troops and their repugt'ant leader. ulace if they can bctter control the " is the Clueless method: trylllg to chi ll. There's no way a psychiC mu st say, you all look pretty si ll y. If there's one thing that's been continue. , Evil as Saddam and hi s regime media. And thus they're using a algebra, and have no idea what the in easy majors are much work one word a day into conversa­ implement would ever recommend made quite clear over the past Or look at the glut of coverage may be, the press is under no system in which each reporter is Most of you look exhausted, computing power of your calcula­ tion. "The RaIders had quite an that you learn C++. It would be, I wi th your backs bent from tcxt­ two weeks during Operation Iraqi shOWing hocked and horrified obligation to go out of their way kept from access to the war as a tor is, congratulations! You're sure extinction burst, but the Broncos like, a conflict of interest. books, eyes half open, squinting at harder than the major's Freedom, It's that the Amencan military personnel describing the to make sure that every evening whole, and will be limitcd to cover­ to be a natural slider. were able to limit the resultant rein­ Follow these easy Heps and the ground. I f I didn't k.now any people ha\'e been misled and mistn­ cruel and unusual tactics of news broadcast illustrates every age of a sole unit. The first of the Elective forcements." Another fun method, you'll be sliding gracefully 111 no better, I'd think you were looking more advanced work, formed, and it's all the mec.lta's Saddam's Republi can Guard. Iraqi troop as a carbon-copy of Embedded reporters could be Slide is the Major Failure (MF). taught to me by Reveller Jason time. Don't be surprised when rour for Scantron circles. Similar to fault. Obviouslr, the idea that someone their hcad of state. tempted to stay on friendly terms Many students get tripped up by These classes are caIled Grosz, is to insert poli tical jargon more attractive ctassmates start crop circles, the e ate tiny runes Am' accusatton that the would pretend to surrender only to Of course some blame should with their unit in order to ensure the MF because they think that in into haiku, birthmg the poli- ci- notictng you r haircuts, inviting you left during the night by alien engi­ American press IS overly liberal or open fire on troops IS disgu ting, as probably go to the military itself. continued access. ome might order to fail a G-chem or calculus Weeders, and will chew coup: "Eucalyptu on open-ended social outtngs, and neering major, trying to commu­ leftist has surely been negatcd as a is the Idea of attacking one's O\nl Reporters have been given even be prone, for the sake of a c1.lss, they need to do a lot of Stren­ sunrise/Zoroastrian command dropping objects near you and nicate IIigher JAVA concepts to through your ass and spit result of the 7.calous jingoism and population, or disguising armed unprecedented access to the U.S. good srory or because they havc uous studying, often resulting in a economy/awake, sad fiscal expecting you to pick thell1up, like our bacL'ward civilization's bright­ blatant band-wagoning that has uoop ~ as civiliam. But surely these and British military during the war been SWCpt up by the camaraderie, lot of uncomfortable textbook face­ sky." Most important, be crcativc: playful, naughty babies. !ow all est and most inuO\'erted minds. I out human jamba Juice, been present ll1ce the start of the violatlons of CIVIlized warfare in Iraq, but with that unprecedent­ to play up actS of heroism and play plants and library nap. In fact, the Play Kantian pursuit, introduce crit­ you'll need is an internship, to pre­ call the slow stroll of these hunch­ war in Iraq, a presence found should come as no a tonishing rev­ ed access c mes an unprecedented down any lapses. Embedding MF is the implcst move of all; It sans fiber boost, II ical gender studies intO the bedroom pare you for a career in a relevant hacks the Grad Student, after its evef}'Wherc from new magazll1e elation from an army - perhaps a opportunity to control mcdia cov­ reporters IS the best alrernativc imply require that the student and kick out ill freestyles on urban field . The school coffee ca rts are i l1\·entor. to broadcast journalism, the group of guerilla militia would be a erage. for J lot of parties - the mtlit.lry remain completely still, perhaps your ass and pit out human jamba prawl. You'll be rebuffing the fluff currently accepung applicallons for Occasionally, en conced in a evening news to the aturday better term - that tS outmatched The practice of "embedding" IS able to control mllch more of occasionally fidgeting or checking JUice, sans fiber boost. The pur­ in no time. barnstas and cash ier~ . If you aren't NATIONAL cloud of chatter, a cluster of sru­ E\'cntng Post. In tcad of faithful, and outclassed In nearly every correspondents - assigning an the prcss than usua l, and the their e-mail. po e of a Weeder is to prevent slid ­ The final and most important ready to work ye t, there are a fcw dents will meander along the walk­ hl-parti an reporting, tile public i realm of technology and uaining. individual mcmber of the press to reporters get to transmit live cov­ The next ~te p is the Massive ers and other nc'er-do-wells from step in the Slide is the Major Swap things you C? 11 do to prepare c;'en way, weaving through and being gl\'en gung-ho, pro-war propagan­ Those sU3tegie should be con­ a single division or battalion - i erage of any interesting activity. Justification (M) . Without an progressing, thereby protecting the (MS). Sometimes yo u have to go 11 ow. Here s a suggesoon: :-';cxt tripped over by the herd of ground­ da. Instead of tn-depth press covcr­ demned, but they shouldn't be a not perhaps as much a boon to the The people who are mOM likely to appropriately grandiose justifica­ major for enous, dedicatcd schol­ through an intermediate partner or time )'OU get a coffee, tip. g3l.ers. Their walk looks like a cro s age, the public recel\'e lanted, urpnse. media as one might think. After suffer from this practice is the tion, !,ruilt and personal responsibIl­ ars of the field . These are people two before arri~ing at your final between a very emotive peed­ demonizing tactics that reach back The medIa's force-feeding aI!, orne journalists worry that public. ity might unnecessanly trip up ule who actually take fluff like poittical destination. Don't be afraid to play sbter and a popular 80 line­ to the begtnning of documented inteniews with U.S. militar}' being cmbedded wilh the military If the Vielnam \\'arwas the first tudent during later steps. Dunng science and psychology eriously: the field, but try to etde beforc Leaking flUids? What's your minor dance. I cal! thl~ walk The Elective warfare. And in tead of accurate, men who seem not onl" might bc tantamount to bell1g in to be seen in the livin~ room, this is this step, and ub~equcnt steps, Fluffers. desperatIon sets tn. ,\1 )' Rer onJI malfunctIOn? Let Sam know at ' Iide. lImel), news the pubhc gets drama­ appalled but amazed by . bed with the mt!itan'. And such the first ne to be wslor and ChUlr I)j (hI' Eledronlc File Submission about Departmeflt oj \Jedicl/le High Resolution Sunning "DECIDI G WHE TO DO TESTI G AND T'1~ ';TI\IE T Presentations, Manuals and Reports UCSO ... Lingel HlghSpeed Copylna 3:.t5 pill Arthur F. Kavanaugh, 1.0. Proje'lorofClillicai Englneerlna Copies \/ediclflt' Clnd Dtn!ctor, 'ellfer jur IflflO"utin! Tlu:rtlpy. Dllf)Wfl IIj Black & White Posters FIND Rltclllllarulogy, Allergy and I ",mll/wlogy Color Copies' Big Color Posters An Original In a Professional Bindery. Fax Services 'fo;;Il1"'__ • ..., cheap air "RECENT ADVANCES IN ARTHRITIS" World of Copylng.C 051 Internet Access' Passport photos fares ... OVER 20 Associate P ... Pick Up • Dell"..., -':30 pm Re 'carch Poster e , ion ( HalhH'~ ) RESE~RCH POSTERS PRESE TED BY SIRA GRA TEES & UCSD FACULTY

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conlinued from paRe I paign was triggered by a need to Langley said. "If UCSD is to main­ conjunction with the officia l start accommodate campus growth. tain the level of quality that it has 4UNLIMITED of the capital campaign's public The ~ tudent population is expect­ enjoyed for its flm four decades, pha,c on March I .) . The Campatgn ed to grow hy ahout 7,000 stu­ we need the private sector to step for UCSD: " Imagine Whats Next" dems by the end of the decade, forward and give us additional ,up­ LONG DISTANCE has already raised $·H5.3 millIon LO which will email a need for an port. In rurn, what we promised to date toward its ultimate goal of. t increase in faculty recruitment and do is educate more young people, within California & Nevada billion. The campaign is the 11l1i ­ 3n expansion of student ervices. create more jobs for them, create versity'S most ambitious fund-rais­ Langley noted that a bout 20 per- more knowledge that will cre.He ww.4Unr ing effon in history, and U SO is ncw companies." also the younge~t educational in~ti­ I\-Ialin Burnham, chairman of Unbelievably LOW fixed monthly rate nltion to pursue a I billion cam­ The Burnham Companies; John paign, During the "quiet phase" of ,vloores, chaIrman of JMI Serviccs Anywhere, NO hidden surcharges SSERVE the campaign, over 43,000 gifts Federal dollars are Inc" and Ncon Systems, In c, and NO activation fees were made, with 49 donors making " owner of the San DIego Padres Anytime, contrihutions of $t million or wonderful I they In celebration of the life and achievements of Cesar E, Chavez and in conjunction with the California state holiday in his honor, but Base ball Club; arc co-chaIrmen for more. the campaign along with Irwin the University of California, San Diego will present a month-long series of events during April, 2003, This diverse calendar is really don't help us just "This 'Imagine What's Next' Jacobs. Audrey Geisel, preSIdent of NO contracts offered to the entire San Diego community in recognition of Chavez's contributions as a champion of human rights, a leader in the c,lmpaign will be a henchmark of accommodate student Dr. Seuss E.nterpri\e~, is the hon­ struggle for working families, and a disciple of the philosophy of non-violence. jQue siga la Causa! CSD', coming of age a a world ­ orary co-chai r. $19.95 class academic instiwtion," said grow th ," Wilhin the next four and a half chancellor Robert C. Dynes, "The yea rs of it~ public phase, the a Month Friday, March 28· 7:30am Tuesday, April 22 • 7pm & 1 Opm private uppOrt generated by thi - Jim Langley, vice-chancellor of "Imagine \Vhat's Nen" campaign c.unpaign will mean that we can to Sign-up online at 5th Annual Cesar E. Chavez Commemorative Breakfast Film: REAL WOMEN HAVE CURVES external relations will aIm hroaden its hase of sup­ leverage our limiled public fund., pon from the prrvate sector. www.4UnllmitedLongDistance.com San Diego Convention Center' Ballroom UCSD Price Center Theater· FREE ... 3ml we c:l n u~e this prlVale 'oup­ cent of the university's budget "I remember when U SO was For more Information (619) 260-4716 or sdcesarechavezCC@yahoocom ThiS film features Chicanallatina women rarely portrayed In mass medIa . complex, port 10 achIeve new le\ cis of excel ­ comes from the state, but that thts formed, just 43 years ago, and have deepty human . hartl·working Chocanallallna women shown with love. humor, and lence in fulfilling our mis .. ion as a is insuffictenllO address these new eagerly walched the campus rapid­ Non·refundable . Unlimited calling pride that defoes stereotypes and common mlsrepresentatoons. The 11m is based on Within CA & NV Card expires 30 days Friday. April 4 ·11 :30am public uI1l\cr>Ily," needs. ly grow UHn a natr onal leader," the play by Josefina Lopez, which IS based on her own experrence (93 mIn). For more ~~"••• after first use Rechargeable via the California State Senator Richard Polanco Luncheon Information (858) 622-0510 or cccenter@UCSd edu. iii Accordmg to J illl L,1ngle)', vtce "pederJI dollar, are wonderful Burnham ,:tId ... ~o\v the campu ....-- ,.,". , internet or use automatic reoccunng btiling. Warren College Amphitheater chancellor of external reLttlons, for us but they reall}" don't help us challenge .. us lO envtSlon m future As the author of the legislation to create the Cesar E Chavez holiday and through hIS numerous actIVities in .. Wednesday, April 23 • 7pm the " Im agine \\'h,n's Nc~t" cam- accommodate srudem growth," impact - to Imagine what's next." \ . www_4UnllmltedLongDlstance.com the areas of educauon, leadership development and government Senator Polanco serves as a great Real Women Have Courage: From San Luis example of a Latino elected offical who has ImprovoX! Ihe hves of all CJ1lzens of California Please JOin us In welcoming Senator Polanco to the UCSD campus For more Intomlatlon (858 ) 534·6862 01 Potosi to Hollywood lmartmez@ucsd edu '" Guest speaker: Josefina lopez g UCSD Price Center Theater Advisors: Admin. plan for war .. time campu Friday, April 11 • 12pm-1 :30pm ..J Playwnght and co-screenwnter of the 2002 Sundance Film Festival £ awartl winning film . Real Wom6f1 Have Curves Open to the publiC COni nllled from puge J Ofllcials .It C Bcrkeley have cre­ president; and Ri ck Vanderknyff, 9/11 and Latina/o Immigrants: Collateral Damage Comes Home , Frea No tickets or reservaMns reqUired Seabng IS limIted For more that', what lhis commitlee is re.tll), ated a special \\ ar advisory commit­ Blink \Veb managcr. Guest lecturer: Professor Kevin Johnson, UC Davis School of Law ~ information, (858) 822-05100rwww heienedlson ucsd adu about," Philpott said. tee as well. A faculty member \\ ho wtll co­ UCSD Cross-Cultu ral Center \\'illis secs one of the strengths Other committee members chair the cornnnltec has been cho­ Professor Johnson Will analyze collatera I damage of the war on terronsm, spectficall~ the Impact of of the committee as its compo~iti()n include I icholas A. Aguilar, dircc­ en, but ha ~ not ),et accepted government s response to September 11 on the Latonalo Immigrant commun,ty on the Unoted States For Monday, April 28 • 12pm & 4pm of facuity, mldents and staff with tor of tudcnt Policy and Judicial appoIntment In the position, mo'e Infomlatlon (658) 534-4731 or raldecoa@ucsd edu Source of the River: The Social Origin of Freshmen at America 's Selec· diverse areas of expertise, Affatrs;Jcnn Brown, ;\ .S. pre tdent; Alrcadl', twO Web sites have tive Colleges and Universities "I applaud [Chancellor D}'11c I. allen, ni\'er.,ity heen set up to mform the campu of Fnday Ap I 11 .4pm I thmk wc h.1\'e .1 gre.1t team," Communication~ senior WrItcr; Guest lecturer: Professor Camille Charles, University of Pennsylvania war-relalcd acttvttrcs and re ourccs. Filipinalo Americans, Agricultural Labor, and the U.S. West \\'illis said. Dolores Davies, University Links ca n be found at bttp:ll7JroJ.'71'­ Reception & Dialogue, 12pm • UCSD Cross-Cultural Center 'rhe creation of special COlmnrl­ Communication;.; Tom f.leming, (bO llctI/Or.II(Jd.rdll and Guest lecturer: Dr. Dorothy Fujita-Rony, UC Irvine Lecture, 4pm • literature Building Room 3155 tee .. during war time is not unique. Graduatc Students Associatton bttp:llblrllk./lCSlI.rdu~rt,ol7J.'Onl/fo· UCSD Cross-Cultural Center Her tOPICS WIll Include mlnoroly student underpe olmance In s iectrve colleges and univcrs,tles produced Flhplnalo Amencans now one of he large9t ASian Amencan groups In the country have played a s,gnlfi­ by factors such a neighborhood fam ily, gender, peer group, race , economic class, and early schOOling cant role ,n \he formation 01 Cahtornoa s agncullural economy In the twentoeth century ThIS presef\tatlOl1 WI. Influence She concludes that while academiC preparation IS the strongest predICtor of college perlor. eJ

By LAUREN RAU By STEVENWm By MARNETTE FEDERIS By LAUREN RAU By STEVEN WITT Senior Staff Writer Contributing Writer Senior Staff Writer Senior Staff Writer Contributing Writer Ind ependcllI A. . presiden ­ Kevin Shawn Ilsu, an Earl A. . presi.dential candidate Jeremy Paul Gallagher i run­ John ;\fuir College Jlu:Uor • tial candidate Kevin l.6u thinks Warren ollcgc junior, is run­ Brian Uiga and A,S. vice presi­ ning for A.S . president on the Bryan Barton chose to nm out­ there is room for i mpl'ovclIlcnt l1Ing a\ the rudents Flrst A.S. dent internal candidate teve Unity slate. Gallagher is current­ sid the slates and is m~tead ' within the current governing presidential candidate. York are fronting the newly ly serving as A.s. commissioner representing an inrorl1l~1 group syStCIIl. Thi~ is I bu" second year formed ew Srudents (7i,rSt of the of services and enterprises and as ca ll ed the P eo pl e '~ Parking "This year, I .JW th:Jt A.S, running with the Students Unity etion Paddrig Ii ave an RA for Sixth College. Pany. gOI didn'l' do Illuch," said H lI, a First! latc lIfter heing elecled Slate, Gallagher'S main goal is to "Every andidate t\Jlk~ ahout Revel le College junior "I just .S. vice president internal la sl 'Thc.s1are is basel) on the idea change the UCSD climate on parhng, btl[ 1 hRve a plan ant! It thought I'd give it a shot and see year. of taking everything'that th e Cllr­ campus to a more cohesive and is my o. 1 priortry;" Barton what happens.' Ilis campaign fucu cs on the rent lst ,dent) govcrnment is spirited atmosphere. lIe also aid. II u IS new to student goy­ campus climatc at UCSD. doing nght. eontinuin,; it, and wants to efficiently manage the Barton, along \VIm A . vice crnmcnt at U _SD but ha s "Our campus climate i not taking what it is doing wrong and A.S. budget and give transfer snl­ preSident of finance candidate chaired several campaigns for the best," Iisu said. "We arc the changing it," Uiga aid. dents more academic resources. Ene'i ehster Jnd .\fulr College the Studcn First! dub. fl su least happy of all the C cam. After Uiga and York formed "Specifically, [ want to make Senate candidate jl)hn ,\Itick, s:\ys that he i~ not funnin g puses." their slate, they played a game of acade{11ic advising more compre­ has decided to make parking the solely as a 1110Ud1piccc for the I lsu belicvcs one of dle main rock-paper-scissqrs to decide henSIve," Gallagher said. "I don't central theme of hi S ca01palgn. club. Ilowevcr, he does atJmit rcason for this is { lack of who would run fOT which posi­ think there ~ enough coordinat­ "The comp lacent incum ­ that mem bershi p j n tne club is retcntion and resources for fhe tions. The slate name itself was ing between tfu: colleges and the bents on the .S. Council drc nOI sefh,ra te from h is candida­ tudenLS. crea~ed using the names of other deparunel1ts. I think this would not dOll1g enough about the new orgs cy. "I am tryin~to do cverytJling slan:~ in order (0 avoid \Va ting ben fit aV sl1ldems at UCSD ." parking situatioll," Bartun said. "There is an affiliation there can to expand student p<)st~ts . Acc rding to Gallagher, the "The 10. S of over t ,200 '5' ... The issues are more a 'whole resources to create events, tradi ­ 'Tthe slate platform) is every­ Unity slate is based on common parking spaces is unacceptable club' thing, Mt ~o rl\uch Illy tions, , /10 to improve c~mpu thing and norbing," York said. ideals. The slate mCU1bers believe and it IS time for people to own personal !issues]." he said. climate," I I SlI said. Ome of the issues that they that A.S. officers should all have speak out." The club has been a regis­ Iisu ha s many ideas on how advocate include additional park­ leaders/Up experience outside of Barton has four main goals tered political ~tudent organiza­ to d this, such as bringing ing, more diversity, and increased UCSDt student governn1ent. to improve the parking si tua ­ tion on campus si nce 1998. Phil "\Ale want actual tw.ltnts in tion at UCSD. The first is to By VALEIIE NG without compromising their values," tee will then wait for responses and more quality prog~a'ms and funding for student organiza­ Palisoul is the currell president evenrS to the students. tions. Another matter that is office who are from srudent'orgn­ create more co nvenient "S" said Sorger, who is now co-president receive criteria for: choosing the new Staff Writer of the club, 3S well as J Isu's cam­ "1 know thar the student essential, according to \brk, is the nizatiol\'i, not JUSt politicians," spaces. H is Idea~ for thi S of the sorority with Misraji. fraternities or soronties. The sU'englh paign manager. Palisoul, a John havc the ability, givcn tbe need to raise capital to expand the Gallagher said. include allowing ullpaved park> Starting the sorority was not an of support the new org3l1i7.ation ,\1uir College senior, ran lor rcsources, to make C D a bet­ rudent Center a oppo~ed to the The nity slate promotes the ing spaces and olJt AS president last rear. ter place witb a bener campu Price Center. advancement Qj nldent 'life in rale spon rships for [he crc­ life is import:lOt. Sometimes, however, than national sorority, Sorger and tant in detcm1ining its strength and sorority fcel~ i~ "S" New Pahsoul that Ii su to ali on of more spaces and ci lillate," I) u said. nother issue that the twO every WIt'. ae!;ording the Ideal Greek org-.mi:t.:loon is hard to M..israji had to start their organization contributes to the succe s of new orga­ thoroughly qualified. ll,u abo plans to increase ca ndidates want to ral~e aware­ Ganaghcr. Increa ing campus parking !>tructure!>. find on the UCSD campus. Thus, from scratt:h, with no alumni support. nizations striving to become :I part of "lie' a man of action," funding to student organiza> ness of IS the recent conversion of spi rit and Pfide is a cri tical part of Barton'; econd goa I is to some students look into the Idea of "Once [the Greek community] the UCSD Grcelc community thr:ough P31isolll said. "lie's completely lions and events. 1,100 "5" parking spaCes to "B" this goal. reduce the number of )Jarking bringing in another nationaUy based realized we were serious, that we had a the expansion proce ·s. capable. I Ie knows how to gel "I want to empower the tu­ spots. Onc of their suggestions to "'vVe want to orgalUzc and attendants at CSD, a, rhey organization or starting a sorority or group of girls who were interested, The expansion of Greek life is not things done. lie wanls to make dents and their organizalions by deal with the issue is to me forl1l5 acti\'(lte the n.dent body," arc, in hiS opll1i on, cxce!>sivc. experiences the fraternity of their own. This process is and that we would be adding to Greelc always successful. The laSt time the largely dtpcndent upon the UCSD life, then we came up with a philan­ IFe considered expansion was about See HSU, PllJle 10 See SHAWN, J>:' 10 See CALLACHER, Page 10 Sec BARTON, I'elvcs. part of the council, but becau~e the "We ha\'e not lost any sOl'oritie:. or E\'ery year, a each orgmization a}'S organization is not an offiCial member, fratcrnitiCl>," Weiner ~aid . goodbye to a graduanng cla~s, ItS they ca nnot vote, Greek organiz1oons often rely on alumni base grows, adding to the Sorger and Mi raji united I efficient rel:Hllmlcnt periods, known i1 i101Ni1 [l1J 19 '­ amount of alumni support it can women of all class levels to be the as rush, which introduce new mem­ expansion at receive. founding cJa~s of thel r sorority. Sorger hers to their group to ~eep their num> l:'u Gamma Alpha is the newest credits the enthusia m of her sorority bers high. -AVIV-YAFO STANDS WITH TI soronty to have been formed at sisters for making the organi:t.:ltion a "When you expand, you get a lor of UCSD. lASt year, sophomore~ Shelley reality. younger guys who are really motivat­ Sorger and Sarah Misraji decided to k>l'hey arc taking owoershlp of the ed," said Pi Kappa Alpha member Anu form a new Greek organiurion with a Dew sorority and arc crcating ncw Shome. ''In the past year, (every frater­ UCSD miS~lon statement lhat was different beginnings," Sorgcr said. nity] has gouen stronger, ami the rush from other sororiues. rn its fir~t ycar, dIe ~orority has numbers arc going up." "We wanted to create a place on already been Involved with Mstc:r­ Currently, there arc 17 sororitics cam pus where the Jewi h community hoods, philanthropies, service projects and 16 fraternitic~ at CSD. could come together, feel at home, and and education pro{,'Tal11;. A1lhough UCSD's (.reek sy~rem is where Jewish issue~ could ~urvive As a new local sorority, the sisters rel:ltivdy YOllng, having began abollt must create traditions and events that cwo decades ago, it has the potential to will foml legaciC!>. They must learn to m:lint:lin a growing presence on cam­ fit IIlta the Greck tolTUllunity and crc­ pu~. Greek life, llIakmg up the hlrgest atc an idcntity as a sorority. So far, ~rudent organization on campus wirh they think th,,'Y Ildvc lIlade progre . 10 percent of the ~tudcnt population "We are fortunate to he a part of involved, focu~e.~ on brothcrhoo(V,is­ both lhe JeWish community anJ the terhood, sclwlArship, leJder~hip ,lJ1d Greek ollll11unity," nrger said. service. 1emhers have participdted ill orger has high hopes for Tau variou~ campus dctivitics, which, they Gamma Alpha. While it IS sull a local say, help them become more well­ soroflty, the girls hope to reach out rounded individuab. .lOU eventually JchJCvc a larger ~tatu:. . Somc of thc~e organtlniOIl~ h~ve \VclIlcr bcllevc\ that the :.oronty chosen to malntam low numhcr .. to will uccecd. help dcvdop ,t >tfUnger \lltcrhood or U[It~ ~ucce,s) :'dY'l a 100," he sauL brotherhood. With the Iinillllcnc" "It 1\ definitely gOlllg to he ~trong." and (hvermy of Creek OrA'IIll/,llillm Til Initiate the o:pamlon pi (x.c,~ on (JrllI'W', anyolle IO(JL.IIl/! 10 ru,h that would add nation II)' oa,ed orga­ may be 31>1(; til find .Ill Jppropri,lte 1'1 J n11.3U(JIIS of a c.:rt..ll11 ;omrny or fr~­ ternity 01 \nCOllly. terlllty, the three governing counclb, "There I~ lkfinltcly ~OIllClhlllg lor Intcrfraternity Coun!;il, Panhcllcnic everyone within the ,y~tcm," \\'cJnl'l and the Multicultural Grl!ck Council, said. And if thcll' b Ilot, Ihcn II1terl'~t Will luve to condutt a "ute. If they C(l ~tudelJl~ can lOlbUlel' ~IJrtillg ,j agree to look into expan... ion, they Will local organllallon or the c,lInpm c;re~te an exploratory COlllllliltCe, and reck communlly clIn look 11ll!) Mlsra)l, started sorority Reuuitinc new members: Shelley Sorger, left, and Sarah who the new on letle~ will he ~nt to all of the nduon­ bnnging III another national organlJ_.1 campus, Tau Gamma Alpha, conduct d recruitment meeting aJ Greek orfP'UUtiolU. the COlllllut- tiUIl. 10 FEATURES TilE U 0 UARDIA N MONDAY, MARCil 31, 2003 MONDAY, MARCH 31. 2003 THE UCSD GUARDIAN SPORTS II Shawn: Gallagher: Softball: • Men's tennis wins nail biter vs. APU What IS UCSD EHtension? Focuses on Campus By CYNTHIA CHAVEZ with a win against Burgemei ster. of those matches at the end," Tomas Novak easi ly won over 8-1 Tritons move spending needs more Staff Writer Also, Sean Nagel and Mike Meyer Steidlmayer said . while Meyer and Nagel won 8-6. have been playing very solid dou­ Back at No. I doubles was In singles the los es carne from to 9 .. 11 In EHtenslon tur ns YOlU educational UCSD mcn's tennis concluded a bles as of late," Steidl mayer said. Chopra who paired with Swatt to Chopra, Meyer and Wilson­ credentials Into real IJfe achieve­ and parking enthusiasm long homesta nd by winning j of its T hen the ream squared off defeat th e top doubles pair in Hayden. But, Swatt and Wilson ments. last four matches. UCSD defeated against No. 10 Ouachita Baptist Division III , Ivan Yeh and John won to even thc overall match the CCAA conrinued from page 9 conrmued from page 9 St. Mary's College, Claremont on March 26. TIle Tigers won 6-3, Charn-A-Koon. score to 4-4. You are on your LUay to ear rung a continued from page ,6 providing them with the Ga ll aghcr said. "\Ne want 10 Co llege and Azusa Pacific bu t lost and snapped UCSD's cleven-ga me .. ,etting Sameer hack gives us Playing the last and deciding hlgt1'Y regarded diploma from a resources they need," he said. empower thcm." to O. 10 Ouachi ta Ba ptist. winning streak. a lot of co nfidence. \Ve played a match were Emil ovak and Tom by Mertce, her sixth of the season, LUOr Id-r enoumed ins Itulion. but do I Ie plans to improve A.S. spend­ Beyond maki ng studcnt lead­ The 'Ii-itons defeated the t. UCSD found itself at a di sad­ tough team today ... we played Jelsma. Emil ovak won the first but they left eight runners on base you have the skills needed to lr ans­ ing efficiency in order to allo­ ership more visible to UCSD' Mary's Co llege Gaels on March vantage early on, dropping two of wel l and strong," Swart said. set 6-3 hut J elsma came back and compared to the Warriors' three. form \-lour education into a SOphiStl­ cate as much money to student population, Gallagher and the 16,7-2. the three doublcs matches. The Paired up for O. 2 were took the second set 2-6. 'nle thi rd UCSDs record now sits at 14-15, caled UJOrk erwlronment organizations and events as pos­ other Unity slate members want O. 20 UCSD played without losses were at 1 O. I with lomas Tomas Novak and Wilson who set proved to be very tight and overa ll and 9- 11 in the California sible. to develol1 th c university as a d,eir two starters, Samecr Chopra Novak and Wilson losing 8-6 and lost while Meyer and agel at won intense. Emil Novak was facing Coll egiate thl etic Association. The UCSD EHLens,on offers programs In addi tion, Hsu al 0 wanb important parr of the city's COI1l­ and Blake Wilson-Hayden. Eric at O. 2 with Meyer and agel their match I O. 3. match point at4-5 when he dove to Tritons next cries \vill be against the that LU ill assist youn gaining that to address the parking horra ges munity as well . Oijala and Brent Molden, along losi ng 8-5. The lone victory was at The Tritons swe pt singles with stay alive in the match. After that, University of Ilawaii-Hi lo at homc cornpellt ve edge. Wi th professlona, that many students have been "We arc entering a critical with Doug [Jofmann filled in. No.3 with Swall and Molden with Chopra, Swan and Meyer win­ he never looked back as he held his on March 30. pr ograrns that take you Into the complaining about. time for change," Gallagher said. "Sameer and Bl ake are definitely ;1 score of 8-3 . ning. Emil ovak, and Wilson serve and broke back to win 7-5, realm of lLhat IS needed to be suc­ "The parking issue is both "With everything that is goi ng on two of our tronger players in there. lnc Tritons fought hard in sm­ won . Wilson-Ilayden also won, clinching the victory for UCSD cessfulln today's competitive Job si mple and compli ca ted," 11 u in the world , we need to show San Ilowever, our team is strong all the gles, but lost four matches and won despite having to play with a with a score of 5-4. way ulrough." sai d UCS D head sportsupdate rnar ketoEHplore essential bllslness sa id . " 1L ISsi mple in the fact th at Di cgo that UCSD is a strong, two. The Tigers' Guillame pulled lower back muscle. "I kind of got the hint when coach Eric teidlmayer. Coubard, ranked No. 3 in the Coming in the April 3 issue skdls and ensure you stano apart there is no parking. It i compli­ lUuted campus." "I got to check out Uohn everyone was here that it was the ea~y Accordmg to a UC-wide stu­ The Tri to ns wept doubles, nation, defeated Swatt at No. I. Goldis'] style of play and by the deciding match," Emil , ovak sai d. of the GlIII1'dill1l is an update from the competition. cated because it is not to get more." dent satisfacllon survey. srudents giving ulem a 3-0 edge ea rly on . Meyer and Wil son lo~t their match­ time I starred I had a good idea of "I just got a linle nervous when I on how UCSD fuired It the at UCSD were th~ leJst s.llIsficd UC D continued their strong es. The two wins ca me from what [ was goin g to do, [like] pia)' NCAA Di\ision II SWImming www.eHtension.ucsd.edu r !su h a~ everal ideas to was down 4-5 ... I dove at the improve the parking ituation, with their campus life. Ga ll agher play in the smgles matches. Their Wilson-Hayden and Emil ovak. his ba ckhand and be aggressive match point and he mis ed it, and I Championships as well as the including increasmg the number said that this concerns hlln grea t­ two losses came at O. 2 with Thc Tritons welcomed back and ! came out strong," Wilson­ saw it as an oppommity to win. NCAA Fencing of" "-onl y carpool spaces, dif­ ly. Meyer and Emil ova k losing No. Chopra 011 Alarch 28 and cru hed Hayden aid. [After that], I had to make him miss Championships. Also, look for ~ ferentiating the" .. spaces into "I want to change [dlC UC D 4. 1lte 'H'i tons ecured ule victory visiting Cla remollt College by a The next day, the Tritons ca me and make every ball because I knew results of women's water polo's UCSD commuter and residential Stu­ climatel to omcthing where peo­ wid, wins at No. 1 by Swan, at No. score of 8- 1. back and beat Azusa Pacific, 5-4. I could beat him off the ground." tournament in Hawaii that dem spaces, taking away "A" pl e actuall y go the ba~k e thall 3 by Wilson, at O. 5 by Ilofmann "It was a goo I match for us UCS D got an early lead by tak­ The Tritons will play at home concluded on March 29, base­ EXTENSION spots, and putting pressu re on games, and water polo games. and at No. () by Oijala. today because I think we were ahle ing two of the three doubles on April I agai nst Gustavus ball's weekend series with the CSD administration to where the whole school rallics "Bryan watt has been pla yin g to pl ay guys tha t are competing matches. Swatt and Chopra lost Adolphus College at 2 p.m. in the Sonoma Stlte, and the track: build more parking structures toge ther and is proud of our wcll and he conti nued strong pla y hard and we were able to win a lot thclr match -3. \\'lIson and orthview tennis cou rts. team's meets on March 22 and with more" "Spots. school," Ga ll agher aid. March 29.

Commuted 10 a Hsu: Plan IS Uiga: Says Volleyball: values·centered Waller leads rducauon and for room students reservations need to get UCSD to first cxprnence, online out and vote MPSFwin PcpperdtO~'~ conrmlld from pagt! 16 GradlUtt SchO to ,350 . wants to change IS the On-C31ll­ encourage ~nldcn~ 10 \ otC. T hc followmg eveni ng in Dr. Ephraim Sneh Malibu, Callr., UCSD ran into dlc th~ P~rperJtlw PEPPERDINE UNlVE~!JY pu~ roolll re er\,Juon proce,s "As long a, I c.m get a \\ hole I'or more mfllrm.lillln, plcilSt contJct (BOO) 347 -4 49 for student grou ps, which he 101 of people to vote, to m.lkc 3 very tough Pepperdine Wav team. dlfferl·r.Lt Graduate School of~ and ~ Israeli MK and former Minister ofTransportation would "kc to sec available conscIous dccl~ion,lt doc~n'tmat­ Feedmg off the previous night 'S onlllle. ter who wins," Iga said. energy, the Tritons were able to steal U1e first game from the top tcam in the nation, 30-26, but they would 2003 get no more. The lethall y eflicicnt Tuesday, April 8, Waves' orrense kickcd into gear and 8:00 PM Barton: Pepperdine's dominance in thc blocking game led ule charge to 3U- doors will open at 7:00 PM Looking to 21,30-20,30-27 win in ule follow­ ing games, and the victory. University of California, San Diego increase "S" Wall er again Icd the Triton , thi tillle with 21 kills as Toren and Center Hall Room 115 Andy Rupp also got mto doubl e parking pots digits in kills for UCSD. Chris Mortimer picked up a season-high Please R.S.V.P .• Free admission commlll'd from /)(II:t! 9 17 digs and Perrine was steady aga lll With 53 a sists. No backpacks or large bags· Photo 10 required Hbk~ti1ltt! ~& "I would like to fire a~ many In a pair of home match es March 'meler maids' .IS pO~\lble, " Ba rton 26 lind March 28, the Thwils played said. NamEd "BEst Film FEstival" by thE San OiEgo REadEr ho;t to defending national champi ­ Il i~ thlnl gila I i., to prOVide on llawa ll . In tI,C fi rst Ill 'Hch , the CARAVAN lIIore cfficlent shuttle serv l cc~. Vhrriors put down S4 bib wiu1 (USA). 7pm ne of fIlS idcas for th is I~ \() sc ll April. THE DANCER UPSTAIRS ApriI13 MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE (0tI) 07pm unly 10 errors for .1 d0Il1J11 3nt ASH for DEMOCRACY Jdvertisclllenrs on th e shuttle .. to ApriI6 ICE CREAM, CHOCOlATE I OTHER MASTER Of THE GAME (USA ) • 9pm Jll lick percclllage and the !oweep ( • tsraeI and AnlI!nCa. ~ i'opes. SharIng \I3lJes. crea te revenue for beller upkeep (30-2 , 10-19, 30-26). *) CONSOlATIONS (CwdI) • 7pm ApriI14 DAUGHTERS OF THE SUH ('nil) • 7pm of the shuttles, as well a .. to hire '1\\ () da)~ Idtcr CSD made J more final goal is to 10\1 cr p.1fktng g'IIllC With Waller, Rupp and Kevin democratic values and hopes for the future. Come hear prominent international speakers explain why what happens April 7 MMNGAMlZI Own)' 7pm ApriI16 CELEBRATING ANIMATlHG(AHlMATEDSHOOS) 'lpm fcc,. K eY~l!r each I)icki ng up e~en lOtJI to Israel matters to you. It'S your freedom- make it count. (I/SMIliiI). 9pm "I would like to know where ,III QUEffH Of THE GYPSIES ASHORT HIGHT (iOO FlM$) • 9pm blocks, lea ding UCSD to 17 team tim iI10ncy goe'> and makc p.1I ktng Calavan for Democracy's supporled by April 9 lA PERDICIOH DE LOS HOMBRES (1oIaKo) • 7pm ApriI18 DMHE INTERVENTION (,iImft). 7pm hlnc k.~ a~ l:OlIlparcti to nnly three .. cr~ICC\ accountahle," Barton ,.lId sptciII sum: ctmtJ NVo IIIpstIln W'mcr • toOt c.m Ih FntMI Gland lily Prize the previuus match. CSD was able For more information about Caravan for BJrton d1()~e to run .IS an Iiule­ tn m,lke thmgs more competl uve, Dernocrocy and to R.S.v.P., JNF pendclll r.llher thJn With .1 ~l.1tc ~ ~~ For festival information : 858-534- 0497 or www.sdiff. com hUI In th e end, IlawaH W.IS just too ~l.llc" e-mail [email protected], visit 'dIrge A t iv I..~[:. hetamc he s.IY" th,1l Ih e Jrc ,lrong The \ arnors lOok J 30-26, MEDIAWATCH HAMAG ~U Festlvel Passes : G.A . $65 • Students $<40 Single films: G.A . $7 • Students $5 poliucal IlldchlllC\ tlut hilllcn't 17-30, 30-10, 10-20 fou r-g,ll11e VlC­ www.catavanfordemocracy.org Oep.lrtlllt'm . , done much for the .. tudent .. All films shown In Price Center Thuter wry to cOlllplelc the ~caSCl II , wcep. or call 1-800-969-5585 x247. .._ ",org "Vote against thc pohllca l ..--loy ~.:':".~~f!!.ut

Volunteers paid BO fo r an interview. If ANNOUNCEMENTS Classified LI NE you are entirely of Chinese, Ja panese, or Korean descent, age 21-26, ca ll 552- MON. MAR. 31 FEATURED THIS WEEK ... GuAAoIAN AD Rates 8585 x5590. (8/ 11) Sororities! Help promote American Idol. Students: S] per 10 _rd. ARTS Throw viewing parties at your house and Faculty &Staff: S5 per 10 word. • Recital by Music faculty mem­ earn S35O. Email [email protected] for ~~~~~~ lASSIFIEDS All olhers: S7 per 10 _rd. bers Aleck Karis, (piano) and more info. (4/3) TheC UCSD Guardian reserves the nght 10 claSSify, edl~ delele offenSive words and pharses, ~ WOMEN ~ Advance payment 15 requtred Charles Curtis (cello), part of an and/cr refuse any and all advertlsements Wllhout pnor nonficanon The Advertiser WIll nOI ~ BE AN ANGEL!!! ~ hold the Guardtan liable for any dalms resulting from the publicatIon of Ihe advertIsement. DONATE EGGS! ongoing study of Beethoven's The publisher WIll also not be held accountable for any cla1m from an agreement made EMPLOYMENT Classified DISPLAY ~ If you are 21-30 ~ sonatas and va riations for cell o between the advertiser and the consumer AD Rates ~ years, healthy, brighl ~ and piano. 8 pm, Mandeville Copy should be reviewed by the advertiser fcr errors. In order 10 be corrected In the nelponse to the brutal tactics of EzequJe!'s follow­ KAYAKING INSTRUCTORS needed for Center. 534-3750 Looking for math, chemistry, physics and ovens view 5 min to UCSD walk to bus North Campus Tennis Courts, of Arabic-Canadian Women Writers. ers IS equa lly ferOCIOus . tn the midst of the chaos, Reja find s himself engineering majors to tutor high school Mission Bay Aquatic Center programs. stop shopping Kanlin 858.268.4758 Sales associates/ Body Art at San Some experience needed. Will train Northview. 4 pm in the deCerteau Room, 3155 drawn to his daughter 's ballet tcacher, and soon, both Will be forced {Q students. $30/3 hrs. fl eXible evening Diego theme park. Hourly wage+bonus­ (4/7) hours (858) 635-8904 (4/10) qualified candidates. Call Kyle THURS. APRIL 3 Literature Bldg. choose between love, country and self. 7 pm. es Will train. 619823.2918 (4/3) 658.4682040 ext 211 (3/31) CAREER CAREER UTC: SpacIous 38r/26a, near groceries, • Findinlan Internship that's SUNDAY ICE CREA M, CH OCOL ATE AND OTHER ATTENTIO STUDE TS - 516 6ase/Appt­ malf, park, canyon trails and UCSD Artists to sketch caricatures at San Right for You. With so many • UCDC Program Workshop. Want to SAT. APRIL 5 CONSOLATI ON S (CAN). Watch the tory of UZIC and amuel, two Paid Weekly. Customer SeMce/Sales Diego theme park. Will train. shuttle stop. Community pool &spa. Get Paid For work in D.e. and get credit for it? PT/FT openings, permanent & temporary 619.297.3691 (4/3) SI8oo/month. 858.349.7940. (3/3 1) internships out there, which ones ART S long time frtends who grew up tn households With qUJrrehng parents, w/ lexlble schedule. Ideal lor students Your Opinions! are right for you? Learn how to Learn more about how to partici­ as they try to find peace as adults by sta)'l ng strong to each other, Scholarships/Internships possible. Full Ea rn $15-S125 and more Housesitter - Med. reSident starting at locate internship opportunities pate in the UCDC Program, which • The Not-So-Silellt Fi lm Festival, Web Oeveloper Wanted. The La Jolla UTC/La Jolla Colony Condo: June 29: helping others In Similar SltuJtlon , and finding ~IJce to the htlle training provided Fun environment. per survey! UCSD In June, seeks housesltll ng posi­ 11 am in the Seuss Room of Giesel InSlIMe for Allergy and Immunology has 3BR 2.5 Baths, 1600sq.ft. $2100. bOlh in the Web and in books, tips allows students in all majors to things in life like ice cream and chocolate. Directed by Julie II,von . Cal i 760942 1223. wwwworkforstu­ tion. Mature, responsib le, considerate. Library. Free show! Free parking! a job opening for a Web Development www .surveydollars .(om September 1: 3br/2.5ba, 1600sq.fl. on the best ways to search the both intern and study in dents.com (6/5) References available upon request. pm. SpeCialist Position. Will communICate 12150. White ca rpet, new paint. Internship listings, and the benefits Washington, D.e. 2-3 pm at the Free noisemakers to take home! 269.352.2292, susanleigh@aolcom With research labs and administrative SAILING INSTRUCTORS needed for Washer, dryer, refrigerator, micro Includ ­ Experience silent movies in a rau ­ SWE ET 16 ( cotland). The ~tory of a 16-year old and hi S schclllc~ to (3/31) of participating in internships. 11 Career Services Center. 534-3750. Baby-Sitter wanted for wonderful 2- departments to translate traditional MISSion Bay Aquaucs Center programs. ed. Call Donna at 858.4546033 to see. cous way with the Teeny Tiny Pit leave the tenements of Glasgow. Directed by Ken Loach . 9plll. year-old 10 Carmel Valley. Must be (4/7) am -12:15 p.m. at the Career business documents and department Some experience needed. Will train C L U B S Orchestra for Silent Films. The enthuslastJc and enjoy children. Child information into visually appealing and qualilled candida tes Call Paul Learn to Play Guitar with private lessons Services Center. Call 534-3750. pducahon background: CPR a plus. • Associated Students Presidential audience will help the live orches­ functIOnal web pages Applicants 858.488.2040 ext 208 (3/31) 3-bedroom, 15 bath condo near UCSD, from UCSD student Learn quickly and Monda few hours (fleXible), tra with some of the sound effects. FRI. APRIL 4 I SUN. APRIL 6 should have experience With UTC, available September, pool, wash­ have fun. S20/hr. Call Chns 858-344- Debate. Hear what the five presi­ Wednesday 930-230 through June. Festival runs through April 18th Macromedla MX SUite, graphiCS apphca­ er/dryer, $18oo/mo nth Call (858)792- 9519 (4/3) WED. APRIL 2 dential hopefuls have to say about Call 858.534.8074 for more infor­ Nighttime baby-sling when needed. I TERNSHIP Intern needed for photo lions. and ~a~e basiC understanding of 6453. (4/7) mation. ApplV for day and/or nights References scannrng project In the apparel rndustry ARTS cu rrent campus issues. Noon at the production of dynamic HTML pages Pay Located near airport in Oceanside. Ca ll WWW.SOBankruptcy.com Thomas J. ReqUired Call Racnel al 858.792.6634 Price Center Plaza. ATHLETICS is competitIve, 20-30hrs/week With flex­ for detatls: 760-450-0542. (3/31-4/3) McKinney, Attorney at Lalli, • Open Mie Poetry Read ing @ or exploring career options? Want ness, teaching. psychology, fine arts, 4 3. ible scheduhng available. Students In Bayfront condos MISSion Beach Furnished 48 S3800, 2Bs $1900/$1950. 619.296.0022, flexible hours, MISSion UCSD Bookstore, Noon-7p.m. • Baseball vs. San Francisco State to polish your resume and boost science or other fields, the Career busmess commUnications are encour­ Valley office. (4/17) DEVELOP A LEGE DARY WEBSITE. ot Sept.-May. Parkmg, laundry, water Sponsored by the UCSD FRI. APRIL 4 (Doubleheader). 12:00 Noon, Triton your interview skills? Don't walt Services Center IS TH E place to bet Manag~rs Wan ed. Earn S4000/month. aged to apply Examples of pnor lIIIeb wwwsandiego-vacatlon.com. 858-483· Full/Port-lime. 0 exponecessary, we'll work reqU ired, Email your resume or another trite e·commerce site or bogus Bookstore, Call 858-534-6444 for Baseball Field until graduation to get advice and Our resource library features helpful 8691 (4/3) CAREER train- call now! Page Mike. questions to Sue Son at hrlS li al.org ·We're here!" site like your fflends have DOTUTOR .com Need a TUTOR? information. information! Stop by the Career handouts, directories, catalogs, and bUilt, but an rnnovatrve online tnforma­ Hundreds of tutors to your home, all • UCSD Men's & Women's Crew 1.6003840409 (3/31) (3/31) • Identifying Your Career Choices Services Center today or call (858) videos packed with info on applica­ tlon product for collaboration, analytlcs, subjects, any level, discount packages compete at the San Diego Crew UK/May 1st · HR, 1.5 baths, 1500 sq. Workshop. Using our CHOICES 534-3750. Ask us about appoint­ tion requ irements, admissions tests, and data/document management. ft. condo. Call lily (858)458·5920, available. 1.877 00 TUTOR, we are htr­ (lassie, 7:00 a.m at the Mission Summer Work -Make $8500+ Mother's Helper, afternoons. fleXible occupational information software ments and drop-in advising hours. fellowships, inte rviews and more. Prove you've got the goods by filing up a $1600. (4/10) Ing. (6/5) Weekly submissions MUST BE 8ay Aquatic Center. For more info Buslness/Mgmt expenence for all hours, some cooking, good driving program and with the gu idance of a prototype by term's end. then become RENEWED to appear in the Make an appointment to see one of maJOIs. College credit available. Must record. Rancho Santa Fe S12/hr Submit call 858-534-845 1. • Applying to Professional or our paId Chief Technology Officer (800- Guardian. career advisor, students will be able our expert advisors. (858) 534- be Willing to travel and work hard l For r~sume to jbfenleyi'l yahoo.com (4/7) Graduate School? If you're interest­ Yah~ for the summer (and beyond?) PERSONALS to quickly identify specific viable • Men's Volleyball vs. Stanford, interviews at the Career Center, call Seth FOR SALE 4939. Resumes/refs/zamples/hnks/ava,lab,h­ 7:00 p.m. at RIMAC ed in pursuing an advanced degree or MIChele at 6195234221 How to get published in the career options that match their Camp Wayne for GirlS- Northeast ty/gn ll-me: douglaney~email.com. TOP FLOOR BOARDWALK CO NDO... after UCSD in medicine, law, busi- Southwestern Co. (4/3) UCSD-start uSing the PERSONALSt (3/3 1) interests, education, desired earn­ Pennsylvania (6/19-8/16/03 ) Children's (4/3) Private, qUI.t, utcure, VIews over UCSD CAM PUS sleep away camp. If you love children Wood·burnln9 Illeploce, new corpeh ings, etc. 9-10 am at the Career SUN. APRIL 6 $1500 weekly potential mailing our or­ and want to have a GREAT summer we IOtellor laundry Walk 10 do .. Walk lo Services Center. Sign up in advance. Rock Bonom Brewery and Trader Joe', Hey M and N: T minus 7 weeks!! CALENDAR culars. No Expenence Required. Free are stili looking for Directors for ROOMMATES Excellenl Invesrmenl property (Iell Small group workshop. Call 534- RECREATION inforrr.ahon packet Call 203.683.0202 SWimming, Golf. TenniS, Drama, your porent'l S2 S4K-S269K . Guardian Campus Calendar 3750 (6/5) Camptng/Nature, Hlgh&Low Ropes and Contocl Jim Fie ld ot 877-349·1104 War. Wha t is it good for? Absolutely • A,B, Sea: S is for Seahorse. Here's Ass't Directors fo r Sports and Looking for F roommate to share master nothing. War is something that I despise, submissions may be turned in at • Writinl Your Personal Statement some fun for the toddlers (ages 3- Gymnastics. Counselors for :Tennis, bedroom In town house. Right across For It means destruction ·of Innocenl the Guard ia n office, upstairs in for Health Professional School. 4), who'll even get to take home a Day Camps seek summer staff reSiding Gymnastics, Team Sports, SWimming the street from Regents 101. Ava ilable WANTED hves; For it means tea rs in thousands of the Student Center, or faxed to Applying to a health professional gift. Learn why the seahorse is one in the San Fernando/ConeJo Valleys. (WSI.), Salling. Water-skIIng. Celamlcs, 3/22 through summer S410/month, mother's eyes When their sons/daugh­ Earn 12800-13500+. 888.784.CAMP or abo. Call 858.452 .0281 (3/31) ters go out to fight to give their lives. school? Attend this session and of the ocean's more curious crea­ Batik, Jewelry, Calligraphy, Guitar, (858)534-769 1. www.workatcamp.com. (G/5) AerobICS, Self-Defense, Video, Piano. EGG DONORS NEEOEO Must be War is the ememy of all mankind. the learn about the purpose of the tures. $20 for members, $25 for between 16-31, healthy, Intelligen t, thought of war blows my mind . Handed Other posluons Group Leade rs, If emailed, please send to statement, the content to include non-members. 9:30-11 a.m., Birch Butender Trainees Needed. S2SO a Admlnlstrauve/Drlvel, urses (RN's). On FOR RENT responSible, nonsmoker, drug-free. down from generation to generation. and how to organize it. Get a head Aquar ium classroom. Compensation. Please contact Rebecca InductIOn, destruction Who wants to ads ucsdguardian.org and day potentia l. Local Positions. campus interViews, April 9th. Call start on writing your statement! 12 800.2793019 or go to www.camp­ at BabyMirades ed msn .com or die? A,S. ELECTIONS ,lIC nnt week! Look for ~.lltlple b'll1ol~ In the 1.800 293.3985 ext 208. (5/1) spectfy thai it is a ca lendar Noon-I pm at the Career Services wayneglrls.com. (4/7) U/UTC, 3Br, 1 1/28a, bflghVlight, 949.940.9163. (4/24) WEEKLY (;u.IrI.ltall thl'> 1'11I1I\d,I)'. Aprtl 3, '1I1U nc\t Jvlond,\y. ,\pl tI ~.lIt1pl(' canyon, enclosed patiO, storage, garage, submiSSion. Late email submissions Center. 534.3750 Cehne Dlon was on TV last week from b,lllolS tnduuc staICI1H:ntS '>ublllltled b ' the candtdatc~ .lIId looki n& for SUMMER lOB? The MISSion WID , pool. SI800/month, Ava il. En Donors Needed_ Age 19-29, Vegas, singing and ... dancing. Haven't • (areer, Intern ship, and Job Valley YMCA IS looking for energeue. MOVIE EXTRAS/ MODELS NEEDED No 6/20/03 Ph 85855 1 1049 (4/10) wtll not be published. ATHL ETI CS pros/cons o n the n:fcrcnu,\ Items to help you make an tIltortllcd motivated, and fun lOVIng staff to work experience necessaryl! Earn up to S150· excellent compensa ti on. Call Melissa . s en choreography that sllff since th e Search Advising. Need help finding Men's VOlleyball vs. Pactfic. 7:00 dccistcln. VOTE ON ST UD ENTLI NK APR IL 1-11. With children In our Day Camping 450/Dayil Call now for Immediate Building Families 800 790 7b33. L e Harvey Oswald )ail transfer, (3/3 1) Deadline is 3pm Thursday_ an internshtp, searching for a job, Program. Camp Leaders S7 25'S775, Walk to UCSD Cozy junIor 1 bedroom (8/ll) THE U D GUARDIAN MONDAY, MAR H 31, 2003 MONDAY, MAR H 31, 2003 THE UCSD GUARDIAN 15 Baseball: Pitcher Grubman improves to 5.. 0

continued from page ,6 we can draw from this is that we did­ beat ourselves and losing some tight same as UCSD put up a total of n't play to our potenti al, and we still games is just a part of baseball." nine runs within the first two were successful. The team is starting Triton pitcher James Sanders innings. The Tritons went through to develop some maturity in a sense picked up the loss and fell to 1-3. Outstanding Haircuts the entire lineup in the first inning that the guys are beginning to feel UCSD~ Mill er and third baseman Color specialists with singles coming from first comfortable in their roles. The wins Chris Brannan had doubles, and p.""s baseman Jeff Riddle, second base­ were a great collective effort." Smith knocked a triple in the game. 9:00 am Highlights man Nigel Miller and Fante, and The fourth game was delayed With the series victories, CorrectlY, Color an RBI double from shortstop due to rain. When the game UCSD improved to 13-7 in the ~~j ~~SJ Special Occu/on Styling Keith Hernandez. resumed, UCSD was unable to pull CCAA and 18-12 overall. UCSD "'ak. up Application. Despite home runs from two out the victory and lost 7- 4. faced conference leader Sonoma (MIf~ rtArl r~ Of'\; clu-c~ IJ RbN-) "'anicures Toro batters, Dominguez Hills CSUDH scored four mns in State over the weekend. 9:30 am Facials" Waxing never caught up to the Tritons. the seventh to come out on top. "1£ is exciting to be at the top of UCSD freshman pitcher "We put ourselves in a position the conference, but we are only mid Men ond MbtMn Gmbman threw six innings and to win," O'Brien said. "There was way through our season," O'Brien We corry ' improved to 5-0 on the season. the same opportunity, and we didn't said . "There is a lot of baseball left. " Aveda, Matrix "We played well during this close out that game. But Look for results of the Sonoma & Joico products series," said UCSD head coach Dan Dominguez Hills earned it. T hey State series in the April 3 issue of O'Brien. "The most positive thing hit a home run to beat us. We didn't the Guordioll. _~o~~_~~ r V1r~t~ PSjC"'- ~~ftr 858/457-3334 (Mf!~ rtArt Ifr Rb:tb ~ P~ftr) MyIanI ...... 10:30 am $S OFF $10 OFF Tennis: UCSD's Westerman Crew: UCSD MIn',or AnvPenn. CoIor,Of earns conference distinction looks forward HIghlIght arn VllllhtNtaCI conrinued from page ,6 6-2. Dao defeated Hiranga;Jansen 11:00 match to Cal Poly that left every­ defeated Gorey; and Roberts to important Mon.-Fri. -Sat 9AM-6PM BlU3 Villa La Jolla, La Jolla one hungry for revenge," Taylor defeated Shih at No. 2, No. 3 and Tues, Wed, Th 9-BPM (In the La Jolla Village C4Jnter) said. No. 4, respectively. At No.5, Crew Classic Sun: Retail only "-SPM Near Sav-

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May Apply 1 Doncaster (The Secret Studiol Pet People U.S. Postal Service 1 Not valid WllI1lny oth., 011., Customer pa~ aI1 appio<:lble utell" I N01 valid Wllh Iny oilier oI1.r Customer pa ~ IN apphcable lales Ia> 1 Valid oo1y a1 San 0_ County Papl JolIn'. POZZI 5.",.. 1 Valid oo1V 11 S an Diego Coun1y P.pI John', POZZI S.or.. 1 Elijah's Delicatessen Radio Shack Washington Mutual UCSD students got 9 VlllA~f mffR Explr •• 4/30/03 Explr., 4/30/03 ..",J. Empire Beauty Supply Ritl Camera Whole Foods Market out of 10 correctly in Gary Kent Homes & Estates Rub io's Fish Tacos Young Attitudes TIME WELL SPENT. W inter Quarter. Stay .;mf!"n~_!,·mtnl!\1 tuned this Thursday for I One Large, One Topping 1 ANY SIDE ITEMS ...Cheeseslicks, Breadslicks 1 the first quote of spring. LA JOLLA VILLAGE CENTER : 8813 VILLA LA JOLLA DRIVE AT NOBEL DRIVE, (858 1 622 -0858 The degree of i $6.99 i i difficulty may $1':oiro'FF 1 L"",,1Id DolNory Alea Do/rWHy Cl1arf18' M.ty Apply I Lrm,rod Do/rvery ArM DBI"""y Cllar • May Apply I rise I Not valid - any OCher oller Cu _ PI~ II ~ ..... WI I Not voltd WIIh lOy OCher cit., CUlllOmlr pay. IN applocabte aal .. II. I 1 VUd or/y 11 San Diego Coonly p_ John. P,ZZI Stor.. \/alid or/y.' San Oiego Comly Pope John'. Plnl 510<1. 1______E!p!!..,!. 4~0.!!'~ _____ L _____ !"!!r.!., !,~/~ ______I Men's Tennis ucs D concluded a long homestand with a 3·1 MONDAY record In Its four matches MARCH 3 1, 2003 over the past two weeks. page 11 SPORTS 16 Tritons go 4-1 over break Tritons wins two Baseball its of three matches In econd Women' tennis falls to Emory place before beating Redlands and APU By CO URTN EY FI ELD Senior Staff Writer By CHRlsnNE LIM Tritons kept VCS)) .1S a stTon~ con­ Staff Writer te nder gOlllg IllIO the slllgles rn.ltch­ L'C 'D haseball f.lced C3hfnrnla es. At o. 2, Jasmin Dao and ' I ~ra Collegiate ,\thlene ."-"OCI,lt1on LTC. D women\ tennis hosted Siddiqui defeated ,\1Jrga ret Moscato compemor C LTDOI1l11l~'lICl Hills El11or,' on ,\ larch 12. 'I,vo days later, and Emily \\'a rhurg R- .~, and In a four-!.,'dme erie, \\ Ith the first CCSD played again t niverslt)' of Km.nna Jan en ;Illd AllIson bhil at two gam • beIng played In Car,on, Redlands. LTC D 10 t a close !,'dmc 'Jo.1 douhle defeated Januc Chan Caltf., ,\Iarch 13 and \ larch 1-1 Jnd again t Emory 5-4. Ilowever, the Jnd C,rinO! Aibereili. the econd two beIng played In a Tritons came back trongly to hca t "[ We lost] a heart wn:nchlllg doubleheader at Tnton Baseball Redland 7-2 . The winning momcn­ Field on .\ larch I - fhe Tmons nml continued on their next match \I on the first three games, -" -4 .\ larch 29 against Azu a PaCific, and 13-9, respccmely. L'C. D lost \\'hich the THtons won 9-0. the fourth gamc • -4 to the Toros. "[The] match against Emory TI,e Tnto;s 31 0 cLllmed a road should be vcry lOugh," said head 'letory In a non-conferencc game Rachel A Garcia/Guardian file cmlch Liz LaPlante before the match. "lncy are number two in the agalllSt Azusa PaCific L'm\'erSlty '- A successful vacation: The LJCSD baseball teem had a god spnng break. 5 on \1arch 24. nation In ational Collegiate wIning three (eM games e team IS now 13·7 In the (CAA and 18·12 overa ll. In game one of thc sene With Athletic Assoctation] DI\'lsion lJJ CeDI I, UC D pulled out a oght sconng four run 10 the first inlllng. ba~eman .\Ian .\ lern field, thtHl and arc onc of our former competi­ game when the Tmon> cored fi\·c The Tnton put up two addllJonal haseman Keith Albrech t .md left tors when we were Dill. They \\;11 run In the Sixth lllOlng to go ahead nms In the thml mnmg, capped by fielder Dalman Fante each had a have a lot of depth and be very com­ ·5. The Triton held off the Toro a solo home run from nght fielder tolen base in the game. petitive. It should be a close march." and earned the victorv. Bren Burton. 1\\.'0 more runs 10 the Triton hurler Raf Bergstrom It was indeed a close match when CCSD pitcher /ose :--:a\'a rro top of the ourth secured the ec­ went SIX mnings, srrilong Ollt five Emory edged out UCSD during the earned the \\1n and Improved to 2- ond \1Ctor, for LTC. D. Toro ba tters. \ \ 'ith the \'ICtor,', single games to win . t ~ o. I dou­ 4 B\Ton Grubman earned hiS first Sent or . deSignated hmer John Berg trom ImprO\'ed to 3-0. ' ble , UC D' Julie Westerman and Rachel A GarCla/GuordlOn file save' of the season for the Tmon~. Bologna went 3-for-5 and had Game three was much of the J eona I hii were defeated by .\lary In the second gaml: of the enes, three stolen ba es 111 the game. Ellen Gordon and Jolyn Taylor -4. Bouncing back: Women's tenniS won UCSD Jumped out to an early lead, Center fielder .\ bn • mlth. fir t See BASEBALL, Page 14 1\vo sub equent wins from the two straight after lOSing a close match.

Softball splits its last six Tritons race four boats in Berg Cup games, moves to 14, 15 Women' crew rows against seven other team

By CHRISTINE LIM boat fini shed second out of two. sc hool," said hea d coach Paw Mettee blasts three home Staff writer "\Ve actually have never raced Pinkerton. at the Berg Cup before," aid The second ra~c of varsity clghl runs in the past six games LlC D women's crew participat­ Stephanie Barriere, who raced in b at fini hed With SD at 7:06.4, ed in its biggesl regatta thu far in the va rsity eight boat. "The race CLA at 7:0 .8, acc at 7: 11.0, .1 By JOE SPANO record to 4-2. The TrItons were the spring season on ,\ l3rch 22. The wa really competitive and all the C ULB lIghtweight bO:H with Berg Cup, held In 0lewport, Calif., crews were strong." 7:17.0, UCI With 7:2 1. 1 and Staff Writer onl ), able to mu ter twO hm, both coming from Hurst. mcluded LA, SD, UC IrvlOe, The boat in the firs t va rsiry UCSD with 7:26.8. UCSD softball won three of Its The second game against US D Occi dental , CSU Long Beach, eight race fini hed in the followmg "The boat had a grea t St.1rt and last SIX games, tarong With two resulted In a mne mnIng 7 -6 VlCtD­ Chapman and UCSD. order: LA with 6:42 .5 . USD at was in second for the first part of the VlclOnes agalllst Sonoma s,tate on ry for the Tntom, with the wm lne Tmons raced four boats III 6:47 . , UCI at 6:50.4, SULB at race, but ended up dropping down March 14, followed by a wm and a gOlllg to Hanley for her four four races. In the va rsity eight, 6:52.4, UC D with 7.' ) 2.0 and to sixth," sa id co·captain Sara IO!.S agalllst ' Don ,\\arch 26, and InOlng of work, brtnglllg her UCSD finished fifth out of JX boalS. Chapman With 7:2 4. . Patton. endmg WIth twO los~es agaln!>t record to 5-6. UCSD collected 10 In the ~cond varsity eight race, "lnc crew felt It was their be t The third ra e, the first novice CSU Stamslau on larch 2 . luts 10 the game, IIlcludmg two U D fil11 hed ixth out of ix. TIle race so far thi s season .. . and it wa s eight race, fini shed with CLA at The Tmorn staned thmp off from Ilurst, two from juruor jodlc nO\1Ce eight boat finished tlurd out the fa test lime the va rsity has strong WIth an B-O llH:rcy rule \1C­ Bland and twO from frc,hman of seven '!l,e ccond nOVlce eight recorded ~Ill e I've colll e to th e See CREW, PURe 14 tory agaInst ')onollla , WI h five DeSiree F ranClscu~ Both 'C D tnlllnp of three-htl ball from Jnd L' D ~orcd one run 10 the fr~hlllan pitcher ~lCphame Kurt eighth IOmng, but the ' I mon \\crc jUllIor Amy \lellce hJl her fir" of able to '>Core rwo III thl.' nllllh , three hOllle rum 10 the pa~t ,IX whde L' ' D could onI} anwcr \\lth Men's volleyball gets first MPSF win gaml: a~ UCSJ) rolled o"cr the onc St:ccond gJme Pepp rdine nd Haw ii "\\!e play Ix:,t when "c play we got our bals gOlllg J lutle Lac, agbrr~~lve, and we dcfirutely CJme but \\e played \l L.'1I1ll pre,,>ure ,>uu­ By BRYCE WARWICK hack 30-28 dcu'>lOm 011 the: out ,trong III he fir\[ game," atIom. Senior Staff Writer ,trength of 40 kllb and JUlIlp!.!d out Mcnee ,ald. L'CSD' ne\t \enc,> lOok pl,l(c to a 2-0 lead III the match. The \c'Cond gallle of the '>(:rte, .It 'lurllxk, CllIf, \lhert Ihe ' l1,ere 1\ no ,uch thm~ a\ a lllght In the uUClal thml gdllle, the rt... ulted III a 3-1 '1rllOm VIctOry, ' Inton,> lo~t the fiN game to Ihe off III ule \lountJIn PJufic Sport" Tmom IJngUl~hed With I () 11Ilung With the "clOry gOlllg w ')(>ph,;­ \ \'arnor, hI- a \(()rc of 2-0. BfJlh of FederatIon Aftci ]lKkJllg up m fir\1 error, th,1t gave ', C douhle 1I1o1tch Inore Ken llaruey, lmnglllg her ~I.lrmldU\ ' ' rullS c.une III the "Xlh conference \\In III dralllJtlc '>lYle I)cllnt, at 29-27 before CST) rewrd up to +-fJ. 'l1,e \corc wa ~ I· IIlIlIIl~ off kurt. lmnglllg her Jgalll~t L'S( ., thl: L'C~D Illen\ \;11- flipped thc 'Witch. Ile.ld wach I until the Ifth Inning when rl:tord down 104 ) Oil th.: ...... J .. OIl . leyhall leam fell j·O to to]>· rankled Ron Lar,en'" .. quad pu .. hcd fuur \-tenec Jnd \OphfllllOre jalllle L'C'>D wa., olll ~' ahk to pn>llule PC]lpcrdlllt on \ larch 15 , ,Ind then .. tr.llght POInt'> and WOIl 3 1 29 to I l ur~tlUl back-lIJ-iJack home rum, three hm In thc !!alllt, OIH: eJl h hr lo\t CCJ1l,CCUll\e mJtlhe .. Jgaln'>! keep the lIIatch .lll\c With Ilur~t ' hOlller IlClng her fiN \\cnee, Bland JI'1I1 hc.,lll IlJnjcllll;' defend 109 nallollal lhalllpion '1 he 'IrojJn,>' dcfiuency 111 the of the >ca,on ~llCnccr IIJ\lJIl Oil ,\1Jrth 2f) Jlld .\-Iarth 21l. ..erVlle dcp.lrlln ' l11 .. howed III the "\ve played grl:Jt, we lUI w '11, rhe ' Inwn\ '>ellJlld gJIIIC In 1.0\ Angcle~, the ' I rtl')ll' fourth game .IS the lIulllher of '> 'r­ our defcn'!'c played great, \~e ,mt agJI1l>1 ~taru.,IJu ' rc,>ulted III J 5 j ,how cd re'>olvc and an .tllllItr to vice error~ tlImhed towJrd the came out rt.'ady to \tJrt the ~ccolld WIn h)r the \\'a trlor" Wllh Ihc 1<1\\ <.:fllllt: through In the clutch that lIl.mh total of 24 , 'I rtto1l\ used that half of our ~ea\on '!Jong," ,.lId gUlll/! tI) \IJrler IlI.mel, dropPlll~ they h.ul ~()lIghl all .. e.1\11I1 ' I he .. hght edge to pick up the 1{)·26 head coach Paw (,ertkcm. her rt:,onllll 5 L ( '<;1) \1.1., ahk I rttcJll r)1t 'n\(! grH rolllllg rll!hl win Jlld r( ; ~I) g.llned the UCSD then lIlovcd on to play to produl.e clghtlut\, thr . . COllllllg J\lay WIth 11 loll .. on only fivc fllOlllcnlUlll Reb«u O,eKi(',/GualdlOn file agalrnt USIJ, 1000Illg the fiN galliC frolll Ilur\t, J, "ell J\ a hOlllc nlll atlJtk elror .. In lhe Ir'l two galllc\. In the fIfth alld dl'ulitng gallle, 1-0 and gIVlng Kurt her MOcond 'I he effort wa> nm cnough, hO\l e\ First league win: Th Tntons b ellihe I~ of the se~.'>Cm, brtnglllg hcr See SOnBALL, Jla~l' I 1 er, a'> the ' )rolan'> lOok hack -Io- )re VOLLEYBALL, Jlal

~()T IlFR h FLF.Y MONDAY, APRIL 1, 2003 \'OLU1F 777, ISSL'F ()!) Troupe UCSD to host beer I caught gardens at events I in lies Watson sacks up and • reverses alcohol policy again By JOSE ANTONIO MIGUEL .llld ,>uppnrt for h" hid to hecome SAN RAMON CORTEZ a cl1.lneellor of a 1lI.IJor uni\'er'lty. Working for Green Card I l owe\(~r, after recent free .,pecch II1cldenh have crilicaliv hun hl~ Davis bio Vice Challcellor of Student chances of dOing '0', \ \ 'Jt,on .Uf.lir, jo,eph \\ '. \\',mon deCided to .,hm\ hi, true feehn~~ just another e\pre"ed hl~ ~uppon for OIl-C,lIl1- .Ibolll beer. pu, beer gardcm rn a 't'lrtilllg "There 1\ ,lb,olutcly nothing tall tale ch.mge of heJn dunllg.1 \ larch wmnl:[ \\ nh ,tudents of legal Jge 27 IIlterVIC\\,. \ \ '.ll~()n "lid th,1t engaging III the con,ulllpuon of By BO RHINO there" no C\ Idellee th.lt beer ~Jr­ alcohol Jl .. ucl.lI e\'cnr-," \ \ 'J tson Cool s e11l!:.1 deJr fncnd of 1.171 \IOU, OppmltlOIl t,l hecr garden, a er members of CalPtRG announced a campaign 0 Increase stl.dent par' Ing 11l1l~ICI.ln .\ I dc .. Da\ I', W;l' an attcmpt to )(.1111 ;Iceept.mcc See BEER, Plll!~ /)6 ' Iroupe, "I)() \HOtc ".\I de,> Jnd \lc. \ \lcll101r of AIde, 1).]\,1',," .Id llllt' that he lIe\'er CaIPIRG starts campaign met D.I\I\ Jml th.1t Ill'> lIl"plra­ tllJll fill the .l\\.lrd-wlnnlllg to 'Save the "S" Spots' hook ('al1le fro III dnnklng too IIllllh I.rng and thc cIctlilCal rh.lq;e .. ()f the powel hllc, he Administration' late t effort t be 11\ cd under I roupe, \\ ho dcll\cred the thwarted by hippie , pledge card .lnnOUIICelllellt .It Thc LlJr,' (:Juh h.lr In \I"'lon Be.lc h .Ifter By MARK KOMBER C.IIPIRC ch.lpter dl.lIr \I ~Ir",1 h.I\ln~ .1 fc\\ whl .. k"" ,our" ,.lId Has,Been HI I.:""lII , ""ure. thc el1\ 1l'llllll1ellt " tlut I\c ~.Irneled ";lIuch Imc" "lIIlCthlll!{ th.1l \\ e JII nced ttl \\(lrk .Iltel Ihc 'hool. w.1'> puhh,hnl C.dI'IRC; ,lnl1 01l llCed th.1t It, .lIld prOll:l't. hlll lhe re.llltr I' lh.1I "I ~Ol ,0 IIluch '''''.'' ' IrOUPl' newest C.IIlIPJlgII \I .111 up Oil thc cllliJngered "!'I" 'pOl'> Oil the Ileed 10 h.n ~ .1 P1.1 l'l' to p,rrl Ill'" thcI lo\(: the '111O . Thc JIlIlOUIlCe­ Ilcl,lll'>e "I till', w~ .Ire t!OIIl!! to he '1." IIlcm. whICh lJillC dunnl.:".1 \ \.irth pUlllllg ollr mhcr prule~h ,;11 hold lroupc ,.lUl "I Ihoughl, ,hit, I ;0 pres-. confcr­ ,lIld re.III~ · put .111,,1 our cnerg\' IIl[(l 111I1.:"ht .l\ wcll 1001. !lut fOI ellce, outlilled J till'> C.lIllpJlglI." Courtesy of AlcoholICS Anonymous ()I;lncy ("r!, (hg l!etllllg dm\ 11 pl.lIl to not onl} The new pl.lIl g.llned lIlIC\peCl­ Drink up: VI e Chancellor of S udent Affairs Jo p h 'to. ~\aMn drowns hiS pre,en'c the ed ,upp<>rt from L't'S!) .1.11111111'­ 'i", LIAR, 1',11:,· / ); sorrows 0 being passed over dS Chanc ·lIor b poundln a few beers c\lsung ,tudem trJwr" lIldudll11.:" \'ice Ch.IlKclior 'POb on C.II1I ­ of Stud~1l! \H.m' Jowph \ \ pm. hut [() ,ll'll \ \ ·.Il'llll. cOII'>truCl ncw "/ Jill hehlllli C.II I' IR(' II () pcr­ lot, hOlh on ,lIld tent," \\',It'OIl ,.1Il1 "In thc P'''t. 1 off (.11 11 11 u .. , thllll. th.1t I h.1\ c dcfllllll·h· hecli Will Farrell Patriarchal Male Studies offered \ccordlll" to gllllt~ III hnlll! 111 .1Ilother \\ orld .111<1 "I drrve d Dod'e the pl.lIl, .lhuut 1I0t ~11Il\\ lilt! \\ h.1t " re.llh l!OIIlt! Oil S rJtus! I Cdn do 1.000 IlC\\ "S" th" CJlll pU~ , RCl'clI!h. I h.;\e t.ll.<.:n 200 pushups In 'pot,> would hc ,I renew cd Intl're't 111 the (.lIl1 lnl\ Machismo, strippers explored in major 20 mlnute~l" gener,Hed fur .lIld l\lund thJt nut c\ Cryhlllh hlTl' h.I'> ,I rc,en cd p.lrklllg 'pot 1 thlnl. By JEREMY GIAMBI profe~'()r Fr.11l1. 1( 110\ "FI'l~r) c\clu'>l\'c U\C by student,. The lor­ would n:m.lin ~S" lOb for ,I 1ll111l ­ th,lt rI we .Ire !!Olll~ to I.:"row .1' .1 PMS Course Offerings Slide, Asshole l pre,ldent h.I' h~en .1 111.1" ,1IId lIlell h.I\,C hl'>lOncJllv 1I1,l(le lIIorc tlUIl II1l1l11 of ,0 yeJr . 1I1l1\'C I,lly, Wl' h.1\e' to .;dcqU.llCh PMS 1,2: Fundamentals of "\ \'e re,llly think lh,1t th" IS .111 ,1~COIlIlI1()d.lte .111 01 the Ill'ed, III StJrllng LIII 2001, ,tudenb \\\ 11 \\01111':11 \ \ hlle (illll1g cqll,11 or Ie" manhood IS'Ul' that afi"ect, lot or ,tudCll!" Im:1Udlllg pall.lll!!. he ahl e to decl are J 1ll,IJo r III WOI k. So wlw C.1I1 't \\ c lII\'itc our ~I PMS 69: Gym class Patri.lrc h.11 ,\IJle Studi es, .rnll1!el­ ul\l l er~radua~c, lll to the \\ orld of Jnd 1\ OIlC thlt I~ re,dly wonh our PHYS 11 : PhYSICS of dl'>Cl pirllary program that .Itlml n­ the p ~ trl arch.11 llIa le' L et~ glvc lII ne JIHI energy." ;Jld UCSD .scc SPOTS, /"I~< /) I Masturbation i 't , Lll o r ~ say wtli hel p undergrad u­ credir where credit IS due" (OSF 10J: Catcalls ate, ex pl ore the " lr ght of the Kllo\ \\\ 11 he In,trtlL' lI ng the ECON 149: EconomiCS of the chauvi ni sti c lIIale. lIl .ljor\ Int rod uctory cour,e cheap bastard The Ilit erlir sc lp l1l1.lr), major ,cqlle llce, Pl\lS I Jlld 1 a, well J~ WHETHER HE SAID I I S. ECON 169: Stnp club game Will drJw nlJlI Y ull dcrgr.HllI,lt e<, ~()C1oloj,') ' cour,c.. .lJlpirc.lhlc to theory the major , ueh .1'> P,ycholoJ,,)' I l) REPORT who wcre prevlou, ly enro ll ed III ~ U tick it 'our BIO 10J: NutntJon of the Crilica l C endel Studl c, lh.lt h.I\ C "Scra lclllng Our,cil c," Jnd PSYC t~· ... ,r tip couch potato 1( 11 )(, pelltloncd for ,I progra m th,n 117 "Sui>ordl ll.ltlng fc m .lle~ . " MIrth 11 April 1 ass and pull the HILA 169: HIStory of MachISmo cnuca ll y In vcs tl ga te, what It The COl lr,e of ,tluly for Pl\lS r.«nwft R.lIIy COGS 119: Thinking about Bra TSIwt me,lm to he J trJd ltwn,rl wil l largely focu, on dOmll1JIll trigger 'til it sex every five fuckin Amencan m.Kho nlJk , lob nule ,ltlltuti e" , ueh .r; "protecting /11~

seconds ~ "\,vc have ,llway, rccognl /ed olle\ kI n," "not tJ klng ,hit from goe lick ," • to l.',grdleful con.,lIk·: - -'I (HEM 146: Beer brewing .IIl Y bit 'h" Jnd "tJlklllg wilh - th ' 'IIIJcho nl.1 n' a, a stapl e 01 food dIld ih<.~1 t'd I"" \1'01 MATH 149: Sports statistiCS April- 11 Am en cJn cullllre," , Jld PMS June 7 -Jesus. Haalhel

------=~----- m MISI!l:R)RMATIO. THE UCSD DISRE-GUARDIAN MONDAY, APRIL I , Z003 MONDAY, APRIL I , Z003 PROPAGANDA m BARFLY AND THEN SOME ••• Liar: Troupes lies, bitches catching up to him conr lllllec1 fTUIII l){l~e /) r Writing 102 : Poetry. "But when I could start sleeping with him / Computer Repair and dirty nflcr I tell them I IIlncked found out he knew Miles Davl~, 1 instead of thaI liar Quincy." French literature program elevators to remain operational Without prop­ on chicks with Mi l c~ for years." knew my chance to become famo us 'Iroupe aciUlowledges that his er maintenance or inspeclion, posing a dan­ Da\'IS is qllotcd throughout was ju 1,1 few faked orgasms away. I CCln~I,lI1t name dropping may h,we renamed 'Freedom' ger to the general public. Guardia II produ.;tioll: "Allies and '\ Ie." hut Troupe main­ won over the re pect of student~ in AS PreSident Jenn Brown was a vocal t,lim that he "made .111 that ~ h it up." Ihe classroom, but that ~tudcnts The UCSD literature Department cntlc of the university administration for laps­ "Whcn II calllc down to fi ll ing ~hould considcr his other accom­ announced last wee that the malor, minor Ing In maintenance of the elevators. It .;all be a real paill! in the lillote~ for Miles, I ju~t took plishments. and courses formerly nown as French htera­ "ThIS IS completely unacceptable," Brown ,ome hlt~ off my 4-footer," Troupe I met this chick at this "Oh wait, I don'l have a bache ture will be retitled Freedom literature, effec­ said. "I am currently drafting a resolution con­ said. "Then I }USl imagined my cat " lor~ degree. Nuts." tive Immediately. demning the administration for these terrible Snuggles was Mil es and I'd ask him party the othe-!-night, She \Vhen asked what other accom­ 'The transition should be relatively ads against students. We must let them questions. I know he's just a ca t and plishments he had made, Troupe a division of smoo h," si'ld Litera ure department chair know that UCSD students will not be bullied can't talk, but I knew damn we ll was all up on my jock . said, "Uh, honestly ... I'll have to what Snugglcs was thi nki ng every Academic Adam Smith. "The course prefix LTFR can by such tadlCs. I will not rest until they hear get b~ck to YO Il on Iha t. dog. I ain't Computing remain the same, and since our department our message!" rimc I askcd him somethi ng, so I She begged me so much I sure what's real no more - know doesn'l wnle down all of our poliCies anyway, UCSD Chancellor Robert C. Dynes attnb­ just used that." finall y hit that shit ." what I'm sayi n'?" Services Ihere's not much on the books to change.' uted the lapse to stnklng union workers and Students were shocked to diS­ 'Ielephone ca li s to Troupe's According to Sml h, the change was made stressed the need for union workers to 'con­ cover Troupe's confes io n. Ea rl "Malibu Man ion" were an we red Wa rre n Coll ege senior and self­ - Jon Rivers, Revelle College Computer and printer repair for in response to WIdespread cn~Clsm of all cede like the little bitches that they are~ freshman and another liar by Troupe pokesperson Old Man hmgs French since he French government "ThIS IS ndlculous," Dynes said. "It's all the descri bed "sa Ity h mc h" Vick i l laggerty, who immediately denied UCSD fac,ulty, staff and students and people have come oulln unabashed cnl­ union's fault. If they would do their jobs Korniski said she slept wi th Troupe any knowledge of knowing lroupe. on numerou~ occasions. losm of he U.s.-led war In Iraq. instead of bitching all the lime, then thiS mean, what if Miles ca mc over to "I don't kn ow no Quincy On site service 'Slnce UC Irvine's dining halls renamed wouldn't happen~ " t first I just slept with him Quincy'S house and I just sta rted lroupe," the crolchety old bastard heir french flies, 'freedom fnes: we new According to Dynes, he elevators will be because I needed an ,It said singi ng and he was like 'damn , Ihat sa Id. "Don't ca ll me no more, I'm Two Convenient Drop off Sites: hat the antl-francophone phenomenon was updated and ce titled by May 15, 2005. Korniski, who had ta ken Lit bitch can si ng.' Then maybe I trying to nap before Judge Mathis." Room 1412 AP&M no longer liml ed 0 Inbred moonshlne·ma· - UCSD Bookstore Computer Center ers In Ar).ansas,' Smith said. Sixth College to be named Senior Vice Chancellor of AcademiC On-camp'us location: Room 1412 APM Affairs Marsha A. Chandler said she had no through contest WebSite: http://techserv.ucsd.edu Input In he maller, of wille!> she dlsap­ Spots: Drive your ass from TJ, bitch Email: [email protected] pro ed. amlng n h s for Sixth College will be Phone: (858)534-4057 ''his IS rucklO'g rldICUIO~S," Chandler said. awarded In a contest hosted by SOT and w nrrnucd fTOIll pa~c D I for building Ihree parki ng struc­ "I kn ow Ihat it's a lot of extra "[Chancellor Robe. C] Dynesy-boy will have sponsored personally by Chancellor Robert CaIPIR(; really hit the luil on the t ure~, hut I thi nk that we can do miles to put on your car just to proverbIal hea;1 \\ ith this one. The my Ie er of resignation on f)lS desk lomor­ C. Dynes. it. If thcre It onc thing that we are tlrive, but what price can you really At least these advertisements are keepin' it real. rov\;" 5 udents, s aff, facul and community ,HlminlMration mil lend any sup­ med tn, it's the pledge. nd, if I put on av~ilable parking?" Bigson Dynesy-boy could nol be reached for members Will be able to callm to a speCial port that It can to alP IRG (() aid say so my>clf, wc're damn good at said. "Maybe the added miles will comment. SOT broadcast, and the Sixth caller will be thelll !11 thi~ endeavor." It. " convince SUV driver to actually Most students will not miss he Gallic pro­ granted nghts to name the college whatever The initial phase, of Ihc plan The adtliliOnal parking struc­ trade their cars 111 for electric cars, gram's name, according to French lit malor they desire. THE MAN'S DROPPIN' DIMES would work to pre\erve all of the tures, whIch would each hold or at least hybnds." Amerlo FranchoUiliard. We had really reached a dead-end With current" "SPOIS on campu~. From Jhout 1,000 cars, would be located The timeline for the completion "The French really suck,' Franchouillard bralnSlOrTPlng names for the college," Sixth there, CalPIRG would work on in UniversIty City, Ililicrest and of the new strllcnares calls for the said. "You Just can'l trust a people who speak College Provost Gabnelle Wienhausen said. unda y, March 23 12:35 p.m.: Regents Lot shuttle ran over gcrung student, to pledge money Tijuana. While the flr>1 two loca­ UniverSIty City and I lillcrest struc­ a language with more han nine verb lenses." "George Lucas, Anne Boleyn, tha twit who 5 : ~1 a.m .: A small famIly of ratS nude Ihree Preuss chool sludentS, a Sixth College to fund the COSt of three addiuonal tions could urili7e city buses or tures to be compleled by 2006 and Franchouillard further suggested that he was on 'Blossom' ... but hen one of our bnl­ their nell' home In the . GrOl'e Caffe. freshm.rn and a vice chancellor. JII.tcn K.aIlJ\ter. "It is going ltJ ltyShuttle to Tijuana hy the 10 the CalPIRG offices. located on Expired elevators at UCSD VA Hospi al bum Jim S ephens said he tlz.ing on LIbrary \\ 'a lk. OJ]irrn wm bajJlrd as \"cb board posler J orah for slalking J take a lot of hard work to gener­ tlllle a structure could be con­ the second noor of the nadent was already rymg 0 collect he 35 cen s he 10 u!hy hr u'Or mmrd mto fI pillar ofsail. GUard,all associa le opinion editor. OfficrlT rtc- ate the pledge money ncce\sary ~tructed. Center. proclaimed bloodbaths would need 0 breathe heaVily over he pay 07l11111"IId all Wcb /rOil I'd pOJ7fn gel II f/lCJ.:III,~ IIji·. phone he sleep5 under In an effort 0 Win Monday, Much 24 3:33 p.m.: OffIcer, ,ci/ed "x crates of Tne Office 0: Sale l' and Hea:th ~~e contes. 3:28 p.m.: An I -year-old !""llie MlUJcnt chdd pornography at the " ,JIIIIl office P'ote lor concernned campus ele a ors as "I'd name he coliege after me," he said, chealed on hcr hlgh-~chool \\cethean after Pi'll/opal mr11lbrn of Ko.11.1 trolll.l/l/IINd la 'dea n traps' aher reports surlaced that he gnnnln~ oothlessly, and added, "God bless promlsrng they could make a long-dist.lnte ,1Ianllt' Rrtnlllrrrg f),'pOI. l'al7lo,~,."pblf //I,lftTl o;:!e, a:o' perrT1i 5 we'~ long expl~t:d. UCSD ,or )emg such a democratic inS i u­ rdJuon.,hlp \lork. Ilflll" "J.'bllill JIIIPI1'I' {II dtllt'errd 10 (,b.lllcdlur" Clllllpin Apparen ly, M,SCO, :"unlca"on caused '~e lon~ ~ :20 p.m.: ,\ sllllultaneous n,ckcr of n,c Irghlt.:r~ Jnd J giant doud of mJrrjuana slllokc f ri day, larch 28 was rl'portcd III John .\1ulr Collcge. '<"//IoJ.'r 11 :22 a. m.: ,\ 22-year-old fcll1.lic filth ­ Fedayeen Crouse u'ud (L·OJd,/). year 'ludent \I J\ ,lrIl"ICd III Ihe Lller.HIII c Marnette 'Eager Beaver" fedens hudd",!: for le\ld Jnd b.,cl\loll\ l'ondul'l \I IIh Makin' shil look pretty Tue~dJ}" 'larch 25 J UC'iD profc."ur. .";111"('11/ "'11' fI/"'//('d/rolll Jennrter 'Ch?Chan~ Catheline ehlu '\'{rth your mooth 2:33 p.m.: i\ III -year-old male ,tudcnt I.':CSD IIlId Iruwpmud 10 (0/1111)' jllli. Of/1m I closed, Ed ~ ' •• th~re rt rs: re!(l~tcrcd for ,II) org.!f1IC chcllmtn COllr\C b/~1r jit'rtl proj" .flur IlIId .\'('11/ bllll b,IIk IU "t'lIl~ " Josh ~ Huti' Jumping on the (opy "Readers' I fJI ~(j Jrn:\tcd ChJncelior 9:56 p.m.: ( ttl'/rlnll" Rr,/('J' 'l,lfkr, ,ulkl Mdnna 'Stained dre~s lewrnsky, "GIV(' rt to me' Oeepa lauren r. -AIr drums Re~re t not running Manohara Rohut <.. D~llc" for IIIIPt:NlI1.ltlllg ,] l '( . cOI1l·td"I()Il' ,alter helllg C\po,ed to ,unlt~llI . Coartney yet. Charlie "My day IWJ Wet Blank et I're,>ldent . 'till Iii psyrbalogrr,rI -'<'I,'lffJ fU,. Ofji(l'/'I du<'r ;;'(mdf'lf rlllk... /llIu r",/)' ;..1'11" /If/­ come lran Pamela 'Jackre Brown Office r~ulalor II"III//1flll of ddllJIOIIJ alW'I//(irlll: JOII.' lo/iunlr "'f Job. ain't got shrt on me" Fruge 7:56 p.m.: \ (i'-vc'lr-old liLlie nonJftlll­ Grant "Jeff Guaranteed to dte III oln'c green 1II1111dl)' drc .. ~ Jnd a Idunt" alUrday, March 29 ~1Ie, Jr" Schrader hook up MrchaeI "Hot VoAleek' Ninja MaIller "U1o.e, totally" foo!ks hl.1ck heret \\~~ (lund on LlhLlr,' \\'all.. III 12:36 a.m .: Ort\u:r, Ic'pnnded (() !IIl·lce Martin pO .... C .. 'ltlfl of IVCJpom of 11l,"'S d~strIlCll{)n . In the old Studcnt Ccntcr, \\hlth reportcdl} Mike 'Wly cbesri anyone Sale-like advice Su.prltfinrd SIOII IIlIti Jm l Oil b,-, iI'ily was ~t.lrtcd h) J p'II.1 dclnclI' UWI \\ h.. IL" Evan "1 love Salty The Dude ever lISten to mer dispennr H~' Mclaugl1fin MartJnu Jilgry mer .1 'l11all lip. Ot}iw, "lOk('" 011 il'''''t' Wedne~d3y, March 26 ddll'C /)' 1IIi/1I IIlId /lorl(' IN< /",,1 l/rt' tI.lp 011/ or 1"1' Gaelle Cheese-E~tinc P.yched< ... hor~ II :05 a. m. : An IH-\,ear old frcshm,lIl ., be",), ",HI,,,d. "loistoy' Faure Surrender Monkey Emilee "Kentucky IS gOIng to take rt air Schumel, Shira 'I love He-man' Stanton lIulc rushed for J l 'CSn' fratcrl1lt\ III Pntc Caire"Ju5j one mo1"" >JI' ~ 1Y.,4 my fortay ~ !»'IA'" (II '''''''4W'~ ,.,Jl.!ter> !d~_~'!('() ;(>1'.1,­ Owen ·SOOttJe Party ...:.,~_:-""!>"'~~ 5.,,"&t>n,, >d bp..,..: 7pm& 10pm SATISH Hell, I un get tOU ~ 1'., C 5. figtt tJo-y_r~. """ .. ~ ,.,.. • • IUE, APR 1 Gone l'«oog" MaIO toe by 2 o'd oc this tArlJ '.~#->\ (.. if t:~>-tnxtK1D~(JJIfl ", ,\Iecti ng #987 ,Inti Illolloneti to p,,,., Jllotha \\(llthle.,., re,o afternoon ._. ;:.ons.t. II)t ~.JI 'iP.k t-I Reports 1lP'("~ 01 ""IOlr I G )~., IYh Md,. "~d. ~d! "\Ve\t \\-rn!(" W,!, to heg-1Il1I1 lin; 1I111ll1lc, 5,8& 11pm Karia 'Da~ GIrl" Fresh mut Bu:l~J Wl.~" St'Ol(:I1 4t"Id T't-'1 ll..C btuI/o.",.. '11to"1 4ft' \leellng JdlOIif ned SAT, APR 5 e I,m Student Center HUMP Vries ,.,61 fuels "'" uc.o Guado.. G IurI.led . If b!' porT'!> '\1uir Coll ege pi pS ax;>I ~ ">am'S :t... a-_,*" QoOPf ... ~ CogJIl reported th.1t he wa, $1 PJssed mcr In Iuckb,11I at tht Pre,,.... Sd1001, Worth I'm/r"lol/,,1 1./111 CAne ..1 Edllor;'1 (8~) kE ,.t r.d·Coog~ Br_master Advert.,ma Off .... (858) Sl~SlSl LIST 0' FOOLS Clayton WIx-

Babies are little shit factories and should be avoided

By LOLA GRANOLA into chicks who need a bahy Slttcr Female-stuff ActIVIst every time they want to get I;id In J mOI'ie theater. There are those who would bliou Iy the solution to thiS encourage young, acti e, tal ented hornbly lik ~ly pre(hCalllem I ~ to wom}'n like myself to hunker down forCibly lIleCilC3tC thc womyn of and accept our god-given roles as CSD, gi l ~ng them birth control smllmg mother of adorable babies, with their morl1lng latte~ ~o thJI perhap; a!> early a5 dUring our col­ none of u have til worr)' again lege years. Thl~ I bullshll. about bCll1g ch.lined to a 'l'fe.ll1l1ng Okay, fine, bablcs are cute - If parasitic fellh, infa nt, or toddler. you plug your nose and Ignore the 1·.xpert5 at Student Ileal th Ser.lce, gallons of half-digested milk they ~ay that such an ul1llcrtaklllg could spew forth el'ery ten minutes like be costly nd hll1dll1g the proJcct Old Faithful on crack. There's could he problematlc, but the nothmg cute ahout losmg Bebe money the unlvcrslty lI'ould save on Jeans and Guess' weaters by the day ca re should conlflbutc a dozen LO puke and hea lthy Jll10unt of poop. money 10 thi s ncces ·ary But the detrimental project. effects of having chil­ Let~ mke thc dren, espeCially whcn romance OUl of chlld­ For more infonnation, call or visit your Residential Life Office. they arc l>orn while the hirth and child rearing poor, exploited mother (ON and keep III Inlnd [hat I!> !>Lill in coll ege, arc It!> main purpose I~ to Revelle College ... . 534-3025 numerous and ca nnot propa ga te the peu cs. be Ignored. Why should we gifted. John Muir College. .534-4200 Enlightened femllll!>t; like prollll,mg, wealthy fcmil1lsb be,lr myself know that exploring one', that burden when our hardy Sis ter, Thurgood Marshall College. .. 534-4340 sex ual freedom is crucia l to a m the Third \Vorl nothmg better to do than pop out Earl Warren College ...... 534-4581 process would be severely ham ­ shit factories all day - arc already pered by pregnancy and child rear­ haVing twelvc or thirteen children a Eleanor Roosevelt College ...... _534-2261 mg responslbiliue . Few men are pop' attracted to pregnant women, fear ­ It' lime to put m end to the Sixth College ...... 822-5268 mg as they do the potent Image "f patriarchal SYMem thaI keep' femal e fertility and power. Thi~ womyn cn~IJvcd by their hormonal International House ...... 534-2261 would IUnlt the number of anony cycle, CrIppled hy huge wal,tlllle., mou ex partner With whom we and oed to slohberlng ubhulllam can reaffirm our worth a human or decades. WOI1l)'n of UC D, belllg . And guys are imply nOt ul1lte ! The revolution i at hand. Or visit us on the web: housing,ucsd.edu ()6 NEWS MONIlAY, APRIL I, 2001 MONDAY, APR IL 1,2003 TI IE UCSD DISRE·GUARDIAN CLAS IFIED. D7

PMS: Men learn what its Classified LI NE SERVICES New Yea rs Resol ution? Lisa 1051 25 Ibs ;n 1 Special rebate offer: like to be men from real men AD Rates month ! She Ihrew out he r zone diet, self help Siudents: Sl and fallin, 1 OK and chICken soup books. Why don't you do the Underpaid cogs U per ,ctlntinlleJ,[mm /J! a special program thiS Accress ive women study. Only 3:.b of learn~ H 'here can I learn about dri­ \ \ 'omen's Center expre"cd c()nccrn 5alwday, Apfll 5th, at 8 p.m. en tilled ' I'm a \ ROOMMATES UCSO women don't know that 'no' means Receive $100 back through Kaplan 's Rebate** when you ving a stagecoach and pistol-whip­ over the championIng of ,hall\~llbnl Schnau ..r , Gel Me Out of Hele: whICh was W VOLLEYBALt WANTED I seek. dale wllh a GLW~tlAN CLASSIFIEDS -NOI!~ compared to of UCSD men. The ping? Please, somebody hold me." and farting III .m a aticllIic settlllg. fIlmed allhe UCSD School of MedICine (4/1) 4 cats, 3 la rge dogs lIVe WIth me In my cozy UTe Orsre'Guard,an sex edilor would Ioke to membel of UCSO IMlmt:n', VB leam. If you enroll in an LSAT, MeAT, GMAT, GRE , OAT or TOEfl * ndergr.lduates in the malor "'s tim a jokc?" Felchcr ,ald. Camp Kow-