What KDE Offers

Qt Developer Days - Silicon Valley 2012 Carl Symons Introduction KDE Culture and Technology KDE's Background with Qt Contributions Transitions Opportunities Resources Carl Symons

Large company Mktg/BusDev Start-ups } Slightly geeky Grassroots LinuxFest organizer KDE 4.0 guinea pig KDE news & promo KDE Started 16 years ago Large, influential FOSS project KDE e.V. Organization KDE Culture Flat, frugal Democratic Well known & respected Innovative People-centric KDE Manifesto

We are a community of technologists, designers, writers and advocates who work to ensure freedom for all people through our software. KDE Manifesto Values

Open Governance Inclusivity Common Ownership End-User Focus Radical Management Delight users Self-organized, managed teams Iterate towards users' needs Deliver value with each iteration Be open to what gets in the way Context of continuous improvement Communicate interactively Technology Platform KDE/Qt Background Part of KDE from the beginning KDE Free Qt Foundation (1998) Early external Qt user Largest Qt user Committed to Qt KDE Contributions to Qt Pragmatic early adopter Largest external contributor Qt involvement Fill gaps in Qt ecosystem Industry support National support worldwide 20%

Largest Participant 450,000 Transitions Disruptive KDE 4 The Qt5 / KDE Frameworks 5 Monolithic > Modular

Frameworks 5 Each function has its own Move KDE capabilities to Qt Tiers, Types, consistency Mostly transparent to users Frameworks 5 Tiers Tier 1 - Qt official frameworks or other system libraries Frameworks 5 Tiers

Tier 1 - Qt official frameworks or other system libraries Tier 2 - Tier 1 Frameworks, Qt official frameworks, or other system libraries Frameworks 5 Tiers

Tier 1 - Qt official frameworks or other system libraries Tier 2 - Tier 1 Frameworks, Qt official frameworks, or other system libraries Tier 3 - other Tier 3 Frameworks, Tier 2, Tier 1, Qt official frameworks or other system libraries Frameworks 5 Types

Functional Qt Addons no runtime dependencies Integration Qt Addons optional runtime dependencies; integrate with underlying OS/Platform Solutions mandatory runtime dependencies Social Aspects As important as technical Easy to understand and work on More people can contribute Spreads responsibility Includes all Qt developers Recruiting value Opportunities

Valuable source of expertise Consultants with KDE experience Shared responsibility Includes all Qt developers Contribute and provide direction Recruiting value Work in the open Business friendly Technical Opportunities

Qt, Qt support, Qt Tools Existing KDE capabilities Cross platform Liberally licensed (LGPL 2+) Documented, maintained KDE capabilities File compression Spell checking Hardware awareness Full QML components and QML app helpers Advanced internationalization Window system interaction QWidget subclasses Capability examples QtMultiMedia module QtGStreamer module scripting framework Qt Configuration Hard to get what all KDE can provide

Smokin' deal for any Qt app developer Resources .org manifesto.kde.org community.kde.org/Getinvolved community.kde.org/Frameworks/Policies [email protected] The Leader's Guide to Radical Management —Stephen Denning