FEATURES Ughts & Sirens 2 SPORTS Opinion 4 Baseball swi~ away Meet the candidates Features • the competition A.S. presidential profiles 9 Features takes a look at this year's A.S. presidential candidates, Triton baseball went 4-1 over the their slates and independent campaigns - and finds out who Classifieds 12 break, beating CSU Dominguez Hills they are and what they staoo for. page 9 Campus Calendar 11 and Azusa PaCific. P~e 16 UC SAN DIEGO MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2001 VOLU,\IE 109, [ seE I 2003 A.S. ELEOIONS WATCH War advisory group formed Jacobs Appeal Committee to oversee campus climate family By NEIL SPEARS requests Contributing Writer donates VCSD Chancellor Robert C. denied Dynes announced the formation of the pecial Advisory Committee on War Related $110 M Matters on March 19. The goal Committee of me commirree is to advise the chancellor about the impact of Gift part of hears cases of global conflict on the campus community. $1 billion 3 applicants "I want to reassure you that we have developed comprehen­ By GAELLE FAURE sive plans for enhancing campu fundraising Associate News Editor safety, sustaining campus opera­ tions, and issuing timely news campalgn Three A.. elections candidates updates," Dynes stated in a who had filed appeals to the elec­ March 20 campus norice. tions committee Jskll1g to be rein­ The committee is composed By LISA MAK stated in the race were denied their of a dozen representatives from Staff Writer requests prior to the end of winter different areas of campu opera­ Irwin Jacobs. former C 'D quarter. tions. The three, along with three om­ engineering profes or and CEO of "Pan of me goal is to make Tyler Huff/GlJOrc/ion ers mat opted not to appeal, had sure that the campus isn't being QUJlcomm Inc., and hI Wife JOJn Jacob have announced a 110 mil­ been disqualified for having filed reactive, bur being proactive and War fever: The Special Advisory Committee on War Related Matters Will for candidacy belatedly. The candi­ preventive and educational," said oversee how the war In Iraq affects the campus community. lion gift to the Jacobs School of Engineenng. The gift is in 'upport date appealing were Todd 'Iolin, committee co-chair Darlene V. changes mat are related to me campus community is knowl­ of the Campaign for VC 0 : vying for me position of Willis, executive administrative war. edgeable," said Linda M. "Imagine \Vhat's Next," a e\'en­ Commissioner of Diversity Affairs; officer for the vice chancellor of In addition, me committee Williams, assistant chancellor year fund-raising initiative that Daniel Gonzale, for Revelle student affairs. will serve as a communication and co-chair of the committee. began in July 2000 and will con­ College sophomore se nator; and C urrently, the committee vehicle to the campus communi­ One of the committee's clude in June 1007. Billy Ikosipentarhos, for Thurgood meets weekly wim the chancellor ty. objectives is to make ure me "It's a great pleasure to be able to keep him apprised of campus . "We feel mat it's our respon­ to make this type of gift and to kick See APPEALS, Page J events and to recommend policy sibility to make sure [hat the J See WAR. Page off or sustain thi campaign," said Irwin Jacobs. "I mink it's very, very important to the university, to the Regents, to me state, to the coun­ 2003 A.S. ELECTIONS WATCH try." Well-deserved break The Jacob' gift will include 10 million payable over the ncxt five years and a planned gift of Slates hold space 100 million, making it the largest gift in UCSO's history as well as one of the largest gift ever with club posters granted to an engineering school in the nation. The Jacob' current 10 mll­ Signs hung to hold place for hon gift will be used for faculty recruitment .md the jacobs ' chool Unity, Students First! poster cholar and Fellow, a program the couplc established III 2000. By STEVEN win the postcr-~witchll1g process said 'LXty percent of the pl.lnned 1DO 11111110n f,[lft will be .In unrc,trictcd Contributing Writer that the strategic po ter-hangll1g spaces were at a premium, nnd cndowlI;ent for the engll1ccnng For the 5ecoml vear III J row, that they couldn't afford to miss ,>chool, 1" pcrcent will be u,ed for po;ter~ were hung' III the Price out on tho,e spaces. (he Scholar.. Jnd Fellow,> progral1l and Student CCJ1ler\ prior to the "\\'e don't necessarih' like to Jnd the rel11JII1Jllg 15 percenr I'> legal campalgnlllg season to do It, bur It wa~ donc ia,t year Intended for the crCJtIlll1 of hold the place of candidate.' and it is unfornll1atcly p,\rt of endowed clwrs jomriy ,IPPOIIIll:d Rebecca Otexier/C<JordlCJn campaign posters. the elections," said A.. to the Jaeob" School Jnd the ne\\ Members from the I1Ity and Presidential candidate jeremy catching rays: John MUIr College senior Christine Platt IS among the throngs of ,\ \anJgemcnt ·chool. Srudents First! lates replaced Gallagher of the Unity Slate. beach bums who enjoyed their spnng brea at the sunny shores of San Diego. "lrwlI1 and JOJn', gencrml!) poster, advertising orgal1l13t10nS "\\'c want to succeed." wll! have ,I profound Jnd long-Ia~t ­ ~uch :lS Queer People of olor nlty i~ not the only ,Iatc II1g Impact 011 our englnecrlng .111<1 703 Production .. with cam­ tIlJt has engaged in lhe~ ' prac­ program of thi unin:rslty Jnd of p.l1gn posters promoting their lice,> this ve,lr. SURF 'all Diego," SJld Frclder SCI hie, late and candlda te ~. "We Jid not W,lI1t to do it, WEATHER SPOKEN dean of the J,lcob~ :chool of Cllnp:l1b'lllng legally began at 8 uut we sa w others dOll1g II Jnd REPORT Fngll1ccnng. "They hJ\(; nlJdc ,111 p.m. nn !\I,lr h 30. wanted to be able to ompete," "The lections II1ve,UlIelll 111 {he future lh.n will l Ac urdlllg to AS. e1ecllon S3HI Studcnts First A.S. ; ( ~ March 31 enable the "dlOOI to elller the bylaw .. , ~uch pra 'lIce, arc not Pre Illentl:ll call1hd.lte Ke\'111 Marth 11 Apnll ommitt e <tv nt Wind Vd' 8 to 12 Kl rJnk~ of {he top cngll1ccrll1g Wind .... J. tech 111 ally lIegal but do raise hawn I bu. "\ e would prefer H 76 l57 H 70 L SS 2 to & It ,choob 111 the nJlIOI1 , .11111 to ,u'­ Swell· .l to 61t que lion, about camp,llgn to a~k the ~tlldcnt organlzJ­ above and b and r.lln .I Incl of excellencc thJr QUI ethJc ... The controver~lal I"ue tlon for their pmter pacc ~ ... tit all of due." "tudent!> rCllulre .tnd dc,en c." first arose In .. t year and h,l', not alter they were throllgh, how­ f ApriJ 1 TheJ.lcob,' gtft to tht: ,>chuul 01 '-/f engllleenng WJ' .11111011I1Ct:d 111 been addrcs5ed In the .S. e1ec­ ever," - Paul De\Nine, Wind N 8 to 15 t lion hylaw,. Apnl1 AId 1 Wind waves' 012 It A.S Council Adviser 11.3 to 7 h 311lltdJtes that partook in Sec POSTERS, Page ~ H62 L~ H 64153 e JACOBS, Page 7 INEW THE U D GUARDIAN M NDAY. MARCH 31. 2003 MONDAY. MARCH 31. 2003 THE U D GUARDIAN NEWS} BRIEFLY ETCETERA ••• War: Committee formed to advise Dynes Appeals: Committee rules continued {rom page I diti oJls warrant. ing in the Armed Forces," Dynes Principles of Community are "As our nati on heads into war stated. late candidates out of race upheld during thi s ti me. with Ira q, many of us in the Dynes made clear that even attack on March 14, one day shy of his 77th continued from page I fo rgot the time for filing with AS., Month of activities "These principles promote U niversity of Californi a family birthday. rice n ' vice b y kenrick l eung though "th is wi ll not be a 'busi­ Marshall College junior senator. but felt tha t since he had filed in open expression within the feel a close connection to events celebrates Cesar E. Chavez In 1988, Craig was awarded the Balzan ness as usua l' ti me," scheduled T he high number of disquali­ time with his coll ege, he should be ll-lE GREAT THING A80VT bounds of courtesy, sensitivity, and occurri ng abroad," UC President prize, an intemabonal award likened to the APRIL FOOlS' DAY IS THAT classes and examinations wi ll not fied ca ndida tes comes amidst a race all owed to be reinstated as a sena­ respect," Dynes wrote in a March Ri chard e. Atlci nson wrote in a be interrupted. The life and achievements of Cesa r E. Nobel Prize in fields which are not included YOO CAN GET AWAY WITH with a low ca ndidate turnout, wi th tor ca ndidate. 19 ca mpus notice. March 19 letter to the UC com­ Currentl y, the UCSD Police Chavez. labor nghts and Chicano Civil Rights in the Nobel categories. He was the first ANYTHING numerous ca ndi dates running "I'm a Marshall senator first, then , Cam pus sec uri ty is another munity. Department has not been affected geochemist to win the prize. unopposed. an AS. senator," rkosipentarhos sa id. Movement leader, will be celebrated with a major pa rt of th e committee's "Wh ile there may be di s­ During his career, Craig led scientific by the activa ti on of mi litary It is also the fi rst yea r that any He said that he was looking into series of UCSD events spanning the month agenda .
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