DICASTERIUM PRO COMMUNICATIONE 0001930/2020 (da citare nella risposta) From the Vatican, June 9, 2020 Most Reverend Eminence / Excellency / Your Beatitude, In this time of tribulation, marked by the consequences of the Coronavirus, we all have been experiencing the importance of communicating hope, so that isolation does not become solitude. Pope Francis, in the extraordinary prayer of the Statio Orbis of March 27, invited us to find “the courage to create spaces where everyone can recognize that they are called, and to allow new forms of hospitality, fraternity, solidarity”. Together with the ordinary work, directed to the Holy Father to accompany the People of God and to be at his side through all the means at our disposal, our Dicastery has introduced some initiatives aimed at expressing our closeness and our attention so that this crisis, which separates us geographically, does not prevent us from uniting with one another. 1. Through the Vatican Publishing House-LEV, this Dicastery has published the book “Strong in Tribulation” which is a collection of homilies of the Pope during the quarantine, together with some prayers of the Christian tradition, which helps us to glimpse the closeness and presence of God, during this period of pain, suffering, loneliness and isolation. I am glad to send you a digital copy, downloadable at the following link https://e.va/fortinellatribolazione . The English edition will be available as print-on-demand starting from June 25 in online stores, primarily on Amazon. It will also be available at LEV, writing to
[email protected] 2. Another book published by the Vatican Publishing House is “Life After the Pandemic”, a collection of interventions by Pope Francis, with a preface by Card.