Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Staff Information Report January 2003 TACIR Publication Policy Staff Information Reports, Staff Briefs, Staff Technical Reports and Staff Working Papers and TACIR Fast Facts are issued to promote the mission and objectives of the Commission. These reports are intended to share information and research findings relevant to important public policy issues in an attempt to promote wider understanding. Only reports clearly labeled as Commission Reports represent the official position of the Commission. Others are informational. The Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Suite 508, 226 Capitol Boulevard, Nashville,Tennessee 37243 (615) 741-3012 FAX (615) 532-2443 email:
[email protected] website: www.state.tn.us/tacir Do K-12 School Facilities Affect Education Outcomes? A Staff Information Report The following staff have contributed to this report: Ed Young, Ph.D. Research Consultant Principal Author Harry A. Green, Ph.D. Executive Director Lynnisse Roehrich-Patrick, J.D. Director of Special Projects Project Manager, Editor Linda Joseph Publications Assistant Teresa Gibson Publications Assistant January 2003 ii Do K-12 School Facilities Affect Education Outcomes? Foreword In 1988, more than half of Tennessee’s school systems joined together and filed a lawsuit charging the state with failing to fund all systems, rich and poor, equitably, and in 1993, they won. In the meantime and after two years of deliberation, the Tennessee General Assembly adopted a new funding formula as part of the Education Improvement Act (EIA) of 1992. The plaintiffs were not entirely satisfied with that remedy and challenged it on three bases: it did not solve the problem of inequity among the systems in teachers’ salaries, it should be funded immediately and not phased in over six years as the legislature planned, and it did not provide adequate funds to bring all school buildings up to modern standards.