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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84320-1 - Peirce’s Theory of Signs T. L. Short Index More information Name Index Albert, D., 121 Boyd, R., 197 Aldrich, V., 216 Bradley, F. H., 323 Alston, W., 43 Braithwaite, R. B., 140, 141n14, 299 Anaxagoras, 99, 101 Brandon, R., xii, 142, 143, 299 Anscombe, G. E. M., 15, 83 Brentano, F., 6, 11 Anselm of Canterbury, 21 Brock, J., xv, 243, 245n6 Anttila, R., 287 Bunge, M., 106n15 Apel, K.-O., xiv, 61n3, 64n4, 65, 66, 66n5, Burch, R., 74 69n7, 196n16, 214 Burger, R., 107n16 Aquinas, Thomas of, 93, 105 Burks, A., 115n20, 136n10, 237, 241 Aristotle,2, 5, 22, 32, 93, 98, 100, 104, 105, 106, 124, 136, 149, 164, 167n8, 201, Cantor, G., 35n7 204, 321, 326, 335 Carnap, R., 280 Armstrong, D., 291 Carnot, S., 128 Arnold, M., 307 Cassirer, E., 262 Augustine, 21, 23, 34, 161 Charlton, W., 106n14 Austin, J. L., 214n2, 242, 260 Chisholm, R., 10, 11 Ayala, F., 141 Churchland, Paul, 291 Ayer, A. J., 325n3, 331 Cicero, 326 Colapietro, V., 46n10, 313, 314 Bacon, F., 318, 329 Comte, A., 62 Baker, V., xivn3 Copleston, F., 105n13 Beckner, S., 140 Cornford, F. M., 106n14 Bense, M., 237n2 Cratylus, 22 Bergman, M., xv, 187 Cummings, R., 205n20 Berkeley, G., 197, 306 Bernard, C., 106n15 Darwin, C., 117 Bernstein, R., 51, 312, 314, 320 Dauben, J., 36n7, 331n7 Bohr, N., 337n11 De Morgan, A., 2 Boler, J., 79n10, 139n Delaney, C. F., 325n3, 337 Boltzmann, L., 121 Deledalle, G., xiv, 18 Boorse, C., 142 Democritus, 101 Bosanquet, B., 323 Dennett, D., xi, 125n5, 292, 295, 300, 301 361 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84320-1 - Peirce’s Theory of Signs T.
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