Author version: Rev. Fish Biol. Fish., vol.21; 2011; 339–354 A Review on Mesopelagic Fishes belonging to family Myctophidae 1*Ms.Venecia Catul, 2* Dr. Manguesh Gauns, 3Dr. P.K Karuppasamy 1*
[email protected]; Tel: 91-9890618568, Fax: 91-0832-2450217 National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa, India 2 *
[email protected]; Tel: 91-0832-2450217 National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa, India 3
[email protected]; Tel: 91- 9447607809 National Institute of Oceanography, Regional Centre, Kochi, India *- Corresponding authors 1 Abstract Myctophids are mesopelagic fishes belonging to family Myctophidae. They are represented by approx. 250 species in 33 genera. Called as “Lanternfishes”, they inhabit all oceans except the Arctic. They are well-known for exhibiting adaptations to oxygen minimum zones (OMZ- in the upper 2000m) and also performing diel vertical migration between the meso- and epipelagic regions. True to their name, lanternfishes possess glowing effect due to the presence of the photophores systematically arranged on their body, one of the important characteristic adding to their unique ecological features. Mid-water trawling is a conventional method of catching these fishes which usually accounts for biomass approx. in million tones as seen in Arabian Sea (20-100 million) or Southern ocean (70-200 million). Ecologically, myctophids link primary consumers like copepods, euphausiids and top predators like squids, whales and penguins in a typical food web. Lantern fishes become a major part of deep scattering layers (DSL) during migration along with other fauna such as euphausiids, medusae, fish juveniles, etc. Like any other marine organisms, Myctophids are susceptible to parasites like siphonostomatoid copepods, nematode larvae etc in natural habitats.