The Double Bass Development in China
THE LITHUANIAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND THEATRE FACULTY OF MUSIC STRING DEPARTMENT SHAONAN LI THE DOUBLE BASS DEVELOPMENT IN CHINA Study Program: Music Performance (Double Bass) Master’s Thesis Advisor: assoc. prof., dr. Audra Versekėnaitė (signature)... ...................................... Vilnius, 2020 LIETUVOS MUZIKOS IR TEATRO AKADEMIJA SĄŽININGUMO DEKLARACIJA DĖL TIRIAMOJO RAŠTO DARBO 2020 m. gegužės 21 d. Patvirtinu, kad mano tiriamasis rašto darbas „The double bass development in China“ yra parengtas savarankiškai. 1. Šiame darbe pateikta medžiaga nėra plagijuota, tyrimų duomenys yra autentiški ir nesuklastoti. 2. Tiesiogiai ar netiesiogiai panaudotos kitų šaltinių ir/ar autorių citatos ir/ar kita medžiaga pažymėta literatūros nuorodose arba įvardinta kitais būdais. 3. Su pasekmėmis, nustačius plagijavimo ar duomenų klastojimo atvejus, esu susipažinęs(- usi) ir jas suprantu. Shaonan Li (Parašas) (Vardas, pavardė) 1 Abstract Master thesis “The Double Bass development in China” presents the introduction and development of this musical instrument in China. In the first chapter, the double bass in China, I will describe the efforts of early Chinese double bassists such as Zheng Daren (b. 1927) and Shao Genbao (b. 1930) to help the advancement of the instrument in the country. I will also portray the background of musical education in China at that time (1949–1979), with a focus on Zhengkai Ye (no information available so far), who strove to improve Chinese double bass students’ performance skills. I will also introduce some traditional Chinese folk instruments with similar techniques of playing, such as the erhu, a very beautiful traditional string instrument. Both the double bass and the erhu need a wonderful vibrato and good control of the player’s right hand, and both can be used to play the same repertoire, such as 《二泉映月》 (Two Springs Reflect the Moon), composed by Yanjun Hua (1893–1950) in 1949, or 《梁祝》 (Butterfly Lovers), composed by Zhanhao He (b.
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