PC Dissolutions Article
SECOND DRAFT THE DISSOLUTION OF THE NORTH CENTRAL AND SABARAGAMUWA PROVINCIAL COUNCILS: THE CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUES ROHAN EDRISINHA & ASANGA WELIKALA The North Central and Sabaragamuwa Provincial Councils have been dissolved by ProClamation oF the respective Governors effeCtive as oF midnight on Monday 9th May 2008 (see Gazette Extraordinary No. 1553/6 (North Central ProvinCe) and No. 1553/7 (Sabaragamuwa Province), 9th June 2008). Both CounCils were dissolved approximately Fourteen months before their respeCtive terms oF oFfice would have expired at the end of five years From the date oF election in terms oF Article 154E oF the Constitution. In the ordinary Course oF things, the North Central Provincial CounCil would have ended its term on 11th August 2009, and the Sabaragamuwa Provincial CounCil on 09th August 2009. While the ProClamations do not set out reasons For the dissolutions, media reports quoting the ChieF Minister oF the North Central Province seem to suggest that the dissolution in respeCt oF that ProvinCe at least was because the Board oF Ministers had lost the support oF the majority oF members oF the Council. To the best oF our knowledge, at the time oF dissolution, the Configuration oF representation out oF a total oF 33 members in the North Central ProvinCe was as Follows: SLFP/UPFA, 14 members; UNP, 10 members; JVP, 08 members; and SLMC, 01 member. In the Sabaragamuwa Province, out oF a total oF 44 members, the party ConFiguration was as Follows: SLFP/UPFA, 18 members; UNP, 15 members; JVP, 10 members; and CWC, 01 member. The Chief Minister oF the North Central Province has been quoted in the media as stating that administration proving diFficult in the absenCe oF a majority, it was decided that the Governor be advised to dissolve the CounCil, so that the people would have an opportunity at the resulting eleCtion to give a Fresh mandate.
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