Sri Lanka Freshwater Namely the Cyclopoija Tfree Living and Parasite, Calanoida and Harpa::Ticoida
C. H. FERNANDO 53 Fig. 171 (contd: from page 52) Sphaericus for which an Ontario specimen was used. I have illustrated some of the head shields of Chydoridae. The study of Clackceran remains so commonly found in samples emLbles indonti:fication ,,f species which have been in the habita'~ besides those act_ive stages when the samples was collected. Males of Cladocera are rare but they are of considerable value in reaching accurate diagnoses of species. I have illustrated the few males I have .found in the samples. A more careful study of all the specimens will certainly give males of most s1)ecies sin00 ·bhe collections were made throughout the year. REFERRENCES APSTEIN, C. (1907)-Das plancton in Colombo see auf Ceylon. Zool. Jb. (Syst.) 25 :201-244. l\,J>STEJN, C. (1910)-Das plancton des Gregory see auf Ceylon. Zool. Jb. (Syst.) 29 : 661-680. BAIRD, W. (1849)-Thenaturalhistory oftheBritishEntomostraca. Ray Soc. Lond. 364pp. BAR, G.(1924)-UberCiadoceren von derlnsel Ceylon (Fauna etAnatomia Ceylonica No.14) Jena. Z.Naturw. 60: 83-125. BEHNING, A. L. (1941)-(Kladotsera Kavkasa) Cladocera of the Caucasus (In Rusian) Tbilisi, Gzushedgiz. 383 pp. BIRABEN, M. (1939)-Los Cladoceros d'Lafamilie "Chydoridae". Physis. (Rev. Soc. Argentina Cien. Natur.) 17, 651-671 BRADY, G. S. (1886)-Notes on Entomostraca collected by Mr. A. Haly in Ceylon. Linn. Soc. Jour. Lond. (Zool.) 10: 293-317. BRANDLOVA, J., BRANDL. Z., and FERNANDO, C. H. (1972)-The Cladoceraof Ontariowithremarksonsomespecie distribution. Can. J. Zool. 50 : 1373-1403. BREHM, V. (1909)-Uber die microfauna chinesicher and sudasiatischer susswassbickers. Arch. Hydrobiol. 4, 207-224.
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