1 St. Thérèse of Lisieux, R.C. Church 4402 Avenue D, , NY 11203 Telephone #: 718-451-1500 Fax #: 718-451-1502 Email: [email protected] Website: stthereseoflisieuxchurch.org

Sunday June 9, 2019 PENTECOST SUNDAY

Mass Schedule Administrator St. Catherine of Genoa ~ Rev. Fr. Rony Mendes Monday/Lundi St. Therese of Lisieux 9:00am and 7:00pm Catholic Academy Parochial Vicar 4410 Avenue D, Rev. Fr. Michel Pierre -Louis Tuesday-Saturday/Mardi-Samedi Brooklyn, NY 11203 9:00am Phone: 718-629-9330 Music Director Fax: 718-629-6854 Mr. Edsen-Samy Renaud Saturday/Samedi: Website: www.scgstl.org 5:00 pm (Vigil Mass for Sunday) Principal : Mrs. Jeannette Charles Office Staff The Academy offers a welcoming, Sunday/Dimanche: safe, faith-filled environment where Cassan Guerrier 9:00 am (English) children from grades Pre-K to 8th can 11:00 am (English) learn and grow to their potential. 1:00 pm (Creole) Financial aid is available.

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Parish Office-Rectory Office Hours

Monday/Lundi *Tuesday/Mardi *Thursday/ Jeudi: The Food Pantry is open on Tuesdays 9:00 am-5:00 pm from 10:30AM –12:30 PM.

Wednesday/Mercredi 10:00 am – 7:00 pm

Friday/Vendredi: 9:00 am – 3:00pm

Saturday/Samedi: If you would like to become a 10:00am --3:00pm registered parishioner, please fill out a parishioner registration form located at the Sunday/Dimanche: back of the church or stop by the 11:00am -1:00pm

The Rectory Office is closed each day from 12:30PM-1:30PM.

Monday, June 3rd Eng. Prayer Group Mtg. 7:45pm (Gym)

Adoration Eucharistique Haitian Prayer Group 7:45pm (Convent Chapel) Friday (Vendredi) 9:30am – 12:00pm Tuesday, June 4th Liturgy & Spirituality Mtg (rectory)

Wednesday, June 5th

English Choir Practice (Church) Confession (Konfesyon) Men's Ministry Mtg (gym) Saturday (Samedi) 4:00 – 4:45PM Confessions may be scheduled by appointment . Saturday, June 8th Haitian Legion of Mary 10:00am (Auditorium) DEVOTIONS Catholic Daughters of America Mtg (acr) 10:00am The Little Flower Novena is prayed every Monday after the 9:00am and 7:00pm mass. St Don Bosco Youth Ministry Mtg 1:00pm Nou priye Nevènn St. Therèse Chak Lendi apre mès 9:00 nan (Auditorium Stage) aswè-a. Youth Choir 2:00pm The Miraculous Medal Novena is prayed after the 9:00am mass (Church) every Tuesday. Eng Prayer Grp. Core Mtg (acr) Nou priye Nevènn Meday Mirakilez-la chak jou apre mès 9:00 Saturday, June 15⋅7:00 – nan maten-a. 9:00pm

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Sunday/Dimanche Lectures de la Semaine 9:00am : Miles Spencer Birthday / Thanksgiving Sunday/Dimanche: Pentecost Sunday In Memory of Norberto Lovell Acts 2: 1-11/ Ps 97: 1-2, 6-7, 9 / Ps 67:2-3, 5-6,

12:00pm : In Memory of Mr & Mrs Cineas 8104:1ab, 24ac, 29bc-30, 31, 34 / 1cor 12: Lagredelle 3b –7, 12-13 or Rom 8:8-17 / Jn 20:19-23 or Jn In Memory of Louis Durosier 14:14-16, 23b –26

Bread & Wine Monday/Lundi: The Blessed Mary, Charmaine Williams Birthday Thanksgiving Mother of the Church In Memory of Junelle Lagredelle +++ Gn 3: 9-15, 20 or Acts 1:12-14/ Ps 87: 1-3, 5-7 / Sanctuary Lights Jn 19: 25-34

Tuesday/ Mardi: , Apostle Monday/Lundi: Acts 11: 21b-26; 13:1-3 / Ps 98: 1-6 / 9:00am:Christian Donacien & Our Lady of Miracles Mt 5: 13-16 In Liberation

7:00pm: NO INTENTIONS Wednesday/Mercredi: Weekday 2 Cor 3: 4-11 / Ps 99: 5-9 / Mt 5:17-19 Tuesday/Mardi: 9:00am: Christian Donacien & Saint Claire Thursday/Jeudi: Saint Antony of Padua, In Thanksgiving for Paul, Alex, Philip Priest, Cantave & Family 2 Cor 3:15—4:1,3-6/ Ps 85: 9ab, 10-14 / Katly U lysse In Thanksgiving Mt 5 : 20-26 Wednesday/Mercredi: 9:00am: Christian Donacien & St Michel Arcange Friday/Vendredi: Weekday In Liberation 2 Cor 4:7-15 / Ps 116: 10-11, 15-18 / Mt 5:27-32 Thursday/ Jeudi: 9:00am: : St Anthony In Thanksgiving In Memory of Holy Jean Baptiste Saturday/Samedi: Weekday 2 Cor 5: 14-21 / Ps 103: 1-4, 9-12 / Mt 5 : 33-37 Friday/Vendredi: 9:00am: NO INTENTIONS Next Sunday’s Readings/

Saturday/Samedi: Lectures du Dimanche Prochain 9:00am: NO INTENTIONS Sunday/Dimanche: Most Holy Trinity 5: 00pm: In Thanksgiving to The Blessed First Reading/1ere Lecture: Prv 8: 22-31 Trinity & the Holy Spirit Psalm/Psaume: Ps 8:4-9 In Memory of Audrey Shield Second Reading/2eme Lecture: Rom 5:1-5 Gospel / Evangile Jn 16:12-15

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Dear brothers and sisters Jesus keeps his promises and he accomplishes his smart goal. He saves the world. He is the best model to follow. Last week was his ascension, he prayed for unity and peace among us. “We are one in the Sprit, we are one in the Lord, and they will know that we are Christians by our love.” Let us follow his wills. Symbols of the Holy Spirit In our liturgical prayers and art, we use several symbols to represent the Holy Spirit, all of them with biblical backgrounds. The fire that appeared on Pentecost was reminiscent of the fire in the burning bush on Mount Sinai from which God spoke to . Fire calls attention to the strength and force of the Holy Spirit. The wind that appeared on Pentecost was remi- niscent of the wind that blew over the waters at the beginning of Creation.

The wind calls attention to the Holy Spirit breathing life into the Church. Water represents the cleansing and life-giving action of the Holy Spirit at Baptism. The cloud is used as a symbol of the Holy Spirit because clouds provide life-giving water. Anointing with oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit's uniting us with Jesus, the Messiah, the Anointed One The Catechism of the teaches: “The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. They belong in their fullness to Christ, Son of . They complete and perfect the virtues of those who receive them. They make the faithful docile in readily obeying divine inspirations” (n. 1831).

These gifts are rooted in 11:1-3: “A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his . The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. His delight shall be in the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide by what his ears hear”. In the Hebrew, the term “fear of the Lord” is repeated twice but in later transla- tion into Greek (Septuagint) and Latin (Vulgate) a distinction was made between “piety” and “fear of the Lord”. Christians understand these verses as describing the Messiah, and the gifts of the Spirit are perfectly present in him. These gifts are offered every Christian by the action of the Spirit that is begun in baptism, affirmed in confirmation and renewed especially on the feast of Pentecost. These seven gifts can be differentiated in the following way: – Wisdom: The capacity to perceive the creation as the work of God who is at work in our lives and in the world. This is particularly important in finding God in all things, particularly in all that happens to us and in all whom we meet. – Understanding: The capacity to analyze and reason, resolve problems and decide to follow Christ in our day to day lives. – Counsel: The capacity to discern between right and wrong and thus to choose right over wrong and act accordingly. – Fortitude: The capacity to overcome fear and be willing to walk with Christ and thus actively resist temptation to give in to pressure and follow the masses when they do wrong. The primitive Christian community is described as being full of courage to live according to Christ’s teaching and proclaim it even if threatened with death. – Knowledge: The capacity to know God and love Him. – Piety: The capacity to live humbly and walk with God in total respect of all God’s children. Piety draws us to pray and worship.

– Fear of God: The capacity to be aware that we are always in God’s presence. According to the Book of Proverbs: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 1:7). He or she who fears the Lord knows his or her place as a child of a loving Father. Let us pray for the gifts of the Spirit!

Fruits of the Holy Spirit The passage in Matthew 7:17-20) helps us to understand the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, which are the observable behaviors of people who have allowed the grace of the Holy Spirit to be effective in them. The tradition of the Church lists 12 fruits: charity generosity joy gentleness peace faithfulness patience modesty kindness self-control goodness chastity

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FRENCH LES DONS DU SAINT PRIT l’approche de la Pentecôte (récit dans Les Actes des Apôtres 2, 1-11), interrogeons-nous sur les dons et les fruits du Saint Esprit, en référence au texte d’Isaïe (11, 1-3) Prière de Saint Josémaria : Viens, Esprit Saint ! ... 1) La sagesse (sapientia) Elle nous fait goûter (sapere) les choses divines. ... 2) L'intelligence (intelligentia) ... 3) Le conseil (consilium) ... 4) La force (fortitudo) ... 5) La science (scientia) ... 6) La piété (pietas) ... 7) La crainte de Dieu (timor Dei

Le conseil : c'est se mettre à l'écoute de Dieu pour se laisser guider par lui. Il faut accepter dans la prière les "conseils" de Dieu, afin de discerner ce qui est bien et ce qui est mal. La force : pour rester fidèles à l’Évangile et pour oser témoigner du Christ aux autres. La connaissance : pour nous aider à mieux saisir le vrai sens de la vie, pour nous-mêmes et pour les autres. L'affection filiale : c'est aimer Dieu comme un enfant; ce don est aussi appelé "crainte" de Dieu. Ce n'est pas en avoir peur, mais c'est se rendre compte que nous devons toujours l'aimer de plus en plus. La Crainte de Dieu : il ne s'agit pas d'une quelconque terreur. Il s'agit d'une juste distance à vivre pour s'ajuster à Dieu. Abandonner toute idée de "toute-puissance" personnelle pour entrer dans l'humilité libérante de l’Évangile Tous ces dons sont étroitement liés les uns aux autres.

En résumé : les dons et les fruits de l’Esprit L’extraordinaire de la vie chrétienne, c’est que le Christ veut que nous vivions de son Esprit même, celui qui le mettait en relation avec son Père, celui qui le faisait agir. Être chrétien, c’est finalement et simplement vivre de l’Esprit Saint pour prolonger ce que Jésus-Christ a vécu : un lien intime avec Dieu pour vivre du Royaume de Dieu. Deux textes, l’un de l’Ancien et l’autre du Nouveau Testament, sont souvent cités pour exprimer ce que l’Esprit Saint permet de vivre. Il y a d’abord une description que fait le prophète Isaïe du Messie à venir, parlant des dons : « Sur [le Messie] repo- sera l’Esprit du Seigneur, esprit de sagesse et de discernement, esprit de conseil et de force, esprit de connaissance et de crainte du Seigneur. » (Is 11,2) Cette description est reprise par la prière qui accompagne l’imposition des mains, lors de la célébration de la confir- mation [cf. Les gestes particuliers du sacrement de la confirmation] Il y a ensuite les fruits que l’Esprit Saint engendre dans une vie et que saint Paul décrit dans sa lettre aux Galates : « Voici ce que produit l’Esprit : amour, joie, paix, patience, bonté, bienveillance, foi, humilité et maîtrise de soi. » (Ga 5,22-23) Pour saint Paul, ces fruits de l’Esprit Saint s’opposent dans une vie à tout ce qui n’ouvre pas au Royaume de Dieu. Ils permettent d’entendre en profondeur l’appel de Jésus à être “heureux”. Être confirmé pour une vie “marquée” par l’Esprit Saint Saint Paul a employé l’expression d’une marque de l’Esprit Saint, comme un sceau (cf. 2 Co 1,22 ; Ep 1,13 ; 4,30). Il fait référence à ce que recevait le Roi, dans l’Ancien Testament (1 S 16,13). Un chrétien est marqué de ce sceau. Dans le sacrement de la confirmation, est comme “imprimé” cette marque de l’Esprit Saint dans notre vie. (Voir la parole de l’évêque lors de l’onction : « N., sois marqué de l’Esprit Saint, le Don de Dieu. ») La vie chré- tienne, c’est donc vivre de Celui qui nous a marqué. L’Esprit Saint est relation entre le Christ et son Père, relation basée sur l’amour mutuel et le don de soi. Vivre de et par l’Esprit Saint, c’est vivre de cette même relation avec Dieu. L’Esprit Saint nous y pousse et nous permet de la vivre. Cette relation à Dieu a pour expression principale la prière, qui peut prendre des formes multiples mais souvent plus simples qu’il n’y parait. Elle se déploie au sein d’une relation de confiance avec Dieu. L’Esprit Saint est à la fois puissance et aide pour vivre selon le commandement de Dieu : aimer Dieu et son prochain comme soi-même.

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Diocese of Brooklyn ! Annual Catholic Appeal 2019

Our Parish Goal: $51,969.00 Church Attendance

Amount Pledged: $43,895.00 Number of Number of Parishioners Parishioners and Friends present and Friends present Received: $19,101.50 for for Donors: 127 May 25th June 1st May 26th June 2nd Saturday (Samedi Saturday (Samedi) St. Therese of Lisieux Upcoming Events/ 5pm Mass: 123 5pm Mass: 88 Fundraisers for 2019 Keep checking the bulletin or the website Sunday (Dimanche): Sunday (Dimanche): for more information on each event. 9:00am Mass: 165 9:00am Mass: 183 11:00am Mass: 97 11:00am Mass: 116 1:00pm Mass: 136 1:00pm Mass: 222 DATE/TIME EVENT LOCATION

2019 Total: 521 Total: 609 Father's Day Saturday Auditorium June 15th Celebration

Saturday Pierre Toussaint June 30th Feast Day Auditorium Collections Collections received for received for Fellowship May 25h June 1st Thursday May 26th June 2nd July 4th Parish School Yard Barbecue Tithing Envelopes: Tithing Envelopes: Saturday (Samedi) Saturday (Samedi) Saturday Parish Nurses Parking Lot 5pm: $ 794 5pm: $ 1, 492 July 20th Yard Sale Troy & Ave D (Dimanche): (Dimanche): 9:00am Mass: 9:00am Mass: $ 2, 120 $ 1, 991.80 11:00am Mass 11:00am Mass $ 1, 379 $ 1, 480 1:00pm Mass 1:00pm Mass $ 959 $ 902

Total: $ 5, 252 Total: $ 5, 865.80

Overall collections Increased by $ 613.80 across the weeks indicated above.

June 2nd Regular Offering

June 9th Regular Offering

June16th Father’s Day

June 23rd Peter’s Pence Collection

June 30th Regular Offering

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BAPTISM SCHEDULE We invite all the men of the parish To have your children receive the and their families to a FATHER’S DAY Sacrament of Baptism, at least one CELEBRATION on Saturday June 15, parent and one 2019 in the School Auditorium godparent must be Come enjoy a night of fun, food, music, Catholic. entertainment & more. For registration, parents must bring a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate. The Fellowship Committees of St. Godparents must bring to registration a signed and stamped spon- Therese of Lisieux Church sor letter from the church they attend. invite you BAPTISM SCHEDULE FOR 2019 July– August, 2019 to 4 TH OF JULY BARBECUE on Thurs- Baptism Registration day July 4, 2019 – 2.00 p.m. - Wednesday, July 17th at 7:30 7.00 p.m. in the School Yard Donation First Baptism Class: $20.00 per adult - $10.00 per Wednesday, July 31st at 7:30PM child (12 yrs & under). All proceeds in aid Second Baptism Class: of St Therese of Lisieux Wednesday, August 7th at 7:30PM Church. English Baptism Ceremony: Saturday, August 10th at 1:00PM Creole Baptism Ceremony: Les Ambassadrices de Jésus Christ Saturday, August 17th at 1:00PM BRUNCH AGAPES FRATERNELLES We invite all the youth of the parish to a special TO REBUILD SAINT GERARD CHURCH - CARREFOUR Liturgy on Sunday, June 16, 2018 @ 9:00AM. FEUILLES

REFLECTION: “COEUR TRANSPERCE DE JESUS SOURCE DE BENEDICTION” Reverend Father Hugues Berette, Our Lady of Friday June 28, 2019 Miracles Church 1:00 - 4:00pm St.Therese of Lisieux, R.C. Church 4402 Avenue D, Brooklyn

Free Mondfred Lima, MC & DJ Anima 2000 Rain or Shine ST THERESE OF LISIEUX SCHOOL AUDITORIUM D.J. Dancing and Fun 4402 Avenue D Brooklyn, NY 11203 JUNE 22, 2019 10:00 AM TO 1:30 PM Activity Stations Admission: $20.00 Adults Children $5.00 at the door Health Screenings Contact info: Crafts and Games Yolene Jacques- 646-645-0352 or Marie Andree Ripert- Fresh Produce (while supplies last) 347-282-8572 Lots of Giveaways

and much, much more… Health and Well-Being Fun Day The Pierre Toussaint Society invite all on It’s a chance for networking, sharing information LOCAL PILGRIMAGE in the Footsteps and plenty of family fun. of Pierre Toussaint, on June 22 from Hosted by Catholic Charities Brooklyn & Queens 8:00 am to 4: 00 pm, Community Program Services cost $25 per person For more information call Joanna 718 726-9790 x8053 tickets are available in the rectory.

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