Congressional Record—Senate S5259
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July 31, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5259 improving the health of the people of the S. RES. 301 in, and the future success of, the children United States; Whereas the lineage of the 151st Infantry and youth of the United States; Whereas studies show that small strategic Regiment of the Indiana National Guard Whereas the month of September, as the investments in prevention can result in sig- dates back to the formation of the 2nd Regi- school year begins, is a time when parents, nificant savings in health care costs; ment of Indiana Volunteers in June 1846; families, teachers, school administrators, Whereas vaccination is 1 of the most sig- Whereas in 1968, Company D of the 151st In- and communities increase focus on children nificant public health achievements in his- fantry Regiment of the Indiana National and youth throughout the United States; tory and has resulted in substantial de- Guard was activated in preparation for de- Whereas the month of September is a time creases in— ployment to Vietnam; for the people of the United States to high- (1) the number of cases, hospitalizations, Whereas Company D of the 151st Infantry light, and be mindful of, the needs of chil- and deaths associated with vaccine-prevent- Regiment was commonly referred to as the dren and youth; able diseases; and ‘‘Indiana Rangers’’; Whereas private corporations and busi- (2) the amount of health care costs associ- Whereas in December of 1968, the Indiana nesses have joined with hundreds of national ated with vaccine-preventable diseases; Rangers were deployed to Vietnam; and local charitable organizations through- Whereas each 10 percent increase in local Whereas the Indiana Rangers were the only out the United States in support of a month- public health spending contributes to— Army National Guard ground maneuver unit long focus on children and youth; and Whereas designating September 2019 as (1) a 6.9 percent decrease in infant deaths; to serve in Southeast Asia; ‘‘National Child Awareness Month’’ would (2) a 3.2 percent decrease in deaths related Whereas the Indiana Rangers served in recognize that a long-term commitment to to cardiovascular disease; Vietnam from December of 1968 to November children and youth is in the public interest (3) a 1.4 percent decrease in deaths due to of 1969; and will encourage widespread support for diabetes; and Whereas the Indiana Rangers earned more charities and organizations that seek to pro- (4) a 1.1 percent decrease in cancer-related decorations during their year of service in vide a better future for the children and deaths; Vietnam than any other Army infantry com- youth of the United States: Now, therefore, Whereas public health professionals help pany during any 1-year period in the Viet- communities prevent, prepare for, withstand, be it nam War; and Resolved, That the Senate designates Sep- and recover from the impact of a full range Whereas in November of 1969, the Indiana of health threats, including— tember 2019 as ‘‘National Child Awareness Rangers returned to Indiana: Now, therefore, Month’’— (1) disease outbreaks, such as the Zika be it (1) to promote awareness of charities that virus and measles; Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate benefit children and youth-serving organiza- (2) natural disasters; and that— tions throughout the United States; (3) disasters caused by human activity; (1) the Indiana Rangers that served in the (2) to recognize the efforts made by those Whereas public health professionals col- Vietnam War fought for the United States charities and organizations on behalf of chil- laborate with partners that are not in the with bravery and honor; dren and youth as critical contributions to health sector, such as city planners, trans- (2) the Indiana Rangers and all members of the future of the United States; and portation officials, education officials, and the armed forces who served in the Vietnam (3) to recognize the importance of meeting private sector businesses, recognizing that War continue to be held in the highest pos- the needs of at-risk children and youth, in- other sectors have an important influence on sible regard by their community and the cluding children and youth who— health; United States; (A) have experienced homelessness; Whereas, in communities across the United (3) we honor the service of this unit on the (B) are in the foster care system; States, people are changing the way they 50th anniversary of the return of the Indiana (C) have been victims, or are at risk of be- care for their health by avoiding tobacco Rangers; and coming victims, of child sex trafficking; use, eating healthier, becoming more phys- (4) for the many that were willing to sac- (D) have been impacted by violence; ically active, and preventing unintentional rifice for the United States, and the many (E) have experienced trauma; and injuries at home and in the workplace; and that did not return home, the United States (F) have serious physical and mental Whereas efforts to adequately support pub- was preserved and will continue to prosper. health needs. lic health and the prevention of disease and f injury can continue to transform a health f system focused on treating illness into a SENATE RESOLUTION 302—DESIG- SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- health system focused on preventing disease NATING SEPTEMBER 2019 AS TION 23—HONORING THE 75TH and injury and promoting wellness: Now, ‘‘NATIONAL CHILD AWARENESS ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE therefore, be it MONTH’’ TO PROMOTE AWARE- OF THE BULGE FOUGHT DURING Resolved, That the Senate— NESS OF CHARITIES THAT BEN- (1) supports the goals and ideals of Na- WORLD WAR II, RECOGNIZING tional Public Health Week; EFIT CHILDREN AND YOUTH- THE VALIANT EFFORTS OF THE (2) recognizes the efforts of public health SERVING ORGANIZATIONS ALLIED FORCES IN DECEMBER professionals, the Federal Government, THROUGHOUT THE UNITED 1944, AND REMEMBERING THOSE States, Tribes, municipalities, local commu- STATES, AND RECOGNIZING THE WHO MADE THE ULTIMATE SAC- nities, and individuals in preventing disease EFFORTS MADE BY THOSE RIFICE, ALL OF WHICH CONTRIB- and injury; CHARITIES AND ORGANIZATIONS UTED TO THE ALLIED VICTORY (3) recognizes the role of public health in ON BEHALF OF CHILDREN AND IN THE EUROPEAN THEATER improving the health of individuals in the YOUTH AS CRITICAL CONTRIBU- United States; Mr. CRAMER (for himself, Mr. TIONS TO THE FUTURE OF THE (4) encourages increased efforts and re- MANCHIN, Mr. SULLIVAN, Mr. DAINES, sources to improve the health of people in UNITED STATES Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. CASSIDY, the United States and make the United Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mr. Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. CRUZ, Mr. ROBERTS, States, in 1 generation, the healthiest nation LANKFORD, Ms. HASSAN, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. RUBIO, Mr. HOEVEN, Ms. COLLINS, in the world— Mr. JONES, Mr. BRAUN, Ms. CORTEZ Ms. ERNST, Mr. MORAN, Mr. ROUNDS, (A) by providing greater opportunities to MASTO, Ms. HARRIS, Mr. PETERS, Mr. improve community health and prevent dis- Mr. WICKER, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, Mr. ease and injury; and BROWN, and Ms. ROSEN) submitted the GRAHAM, Mr. RISCH, Mr. YOUNG, Mr. (B) by strengthening the public health sys- following resolution; which was consid- BOOZMAN, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. KEN- tem in the United States; and ered and agreed to: NEDY, Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. SCOTT of (5) encourages the people of the United S. RES. 302 Florida, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. TOOMEY, States to learn about the role of the public Whereas millions of children and youth in Ms. BALDWIN, Ms. WARREN, Mr. COONS, health system in improving health in the the United States represent the hopes and Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. United States. the future of the United States; BLUMENTHAL, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. f Whereas numerous individuals, charities JONES, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. BENNET, benefitting children, and youth-serving orga- Mr. BOOKER, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. TESTER, SENATE RESOLUTION 301—HON- nizations that work with children and youth Ms. ROSEN, and Mr. VAN HOLLEN) sub- ORING THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY collaborate to provide invaluable services to mitted the following concurrent resolu- OF THE RETURN OF THE INDI- enrich and better the lives of children and tion; which was referred to the Com- ANA RANGERS youth throughout the United States; Whereas raising awareness of, and increas- mittee on Foreign Relations: Mr. BRAUN (for himself and Mr. ing support for, organizations that provide S. CON. RES. 23 YOUNG) submitted the following resolu- access to health care, social services, edu- Whereas the Battle of the Bulge was the tion; which was considered and agreed cation, the arts, sports, and other services last major German offensive in Western Eu- to: will result in the development of character rope during World War II, designed to split VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:42 Aug 01, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31JY6.073 S31JYPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with SENATE S5260 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 31, 2019 the Allied Forces, regain the initiative in the SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- authorize the honorary promotion of Colonel West, and pressure the Allies to seek a nego- TION 24—RECOGNIZING THE 50TH Charles E. McGee to brigadier general in the tiated peace; ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOOD United States Air Force. SA 934. Mr. GARDNER (for himself and Mr. Whereas, in the Ardennes region of Bel- AND NUTRITION SERVICE OF gium and Luxembourg, more than 650,000 LEE) submitted an amendment intended to THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRI- be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 3877, to troops from the United States, Great Brit- CULTURE ain, Belgium, Canada, and other Allied amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, to establish a Forces defeated Germany in the Battle of the Mr.