T The New York Americans are the latest and easily nun up a toul ofJ4. TIm score on the 'ftntty tor Um years, and la M*r to sttt up their admirers with a Ions 11* Daptex. IBOil BUttka. BHlOi I the top of Um batting and Uridine lists. of victories. Like the Chicago Nationals OaUem, *a.. 2 1 X t X Thomas J. Dnrt, coach of the Williams 'Wonder What Mcrtz Will BASE BALL, RACING and the AthleUos, the Highlanders won Steer. rf.». . « * . 0 _.""vit a ! CoHegs baa* ban team, baa left Williams- Say Today?'* eleven straight (antes before meeting with Hsrtnett.Ib ft 1 6 . 1 11 town to Ipim bla duties as of Dram, It . S S a 0 0 the Williams a reverse. No team this season has yet a a * Holjroke team, and the team Store Closes at 6 at been able to make it an even dozen con¬ tf«Mb'D.» i i will depend (or the remainder of the sea¬ Daily p.m.; Saturdays 9 p.m. .- - - - - gain Hou», a i a a i 0 til1 1 1 cte. KcOua, at OTHER SPORTS secutive victories. Jfrsoo, ffc.. X 11 0 8 Martin, rt. X X 0# .0 O son oa Edward ML Lewis of the William* AND ¦ will Will¬ The eastern dubs of the Hnhl, Cte..*,¦ ¦ . 1aw*1! 4 I Ift Ktutai'iftt 8X801 faculty. Powd. accompany the « are now In the west, prepared for their r, p.. 0 0 0 0 OMlnctetaa.(f 0 0 0 0 0 iams team on its trip to Princeton this r, rf.. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 week. ShPrld«n- Time of boor and 43 first rounds of visits. Owing to Boston"* 0|Nlehos, if.. H'hT.7Mr game.1 tumble, the westerners had fairly easy sail¬ MeGraw is said to be negotiating for ing In the east.' but should the tduu... ia » ax a a several players to help htm out until his First Game Washing- Duplex l 1 0 0 0 8 X. 8 Nationals Dropped tons and Athletics recover their balance BUnki team la at Its full strength again. Foster Lucky Bain for New' York. and get going right again the western x . a « a a x.xa of the Newark club has been mentioned. ST. St. teams should have 'bnwd ran*.Blanks, X; Duplex, 4- Two-baae The latter leads the Eastern in bat¬ LOUIS, Mo., June 5..Before to do some hustling. At hits.Oullen, Speer, Stolen tun League of Trip at Detroit. Louis had an to bat In tha any rate, Cleveland is the only team which Baritagame. ting. He once played with the New York opportunity Cnllen, Draaa, Moxaakan, HoUa, Tyson. Bahl, team under eighth a raJn New at present threatens to beat out the New Hunt. Arenda, Harena. Bowman, McClane. Doabla the Freedman regime. Inning: heavy began, and Torks or the Lancaster won out In the tenth 1 ork won 0. No Athletics for first place during playa.Moynahao, onasslsted. Flrat baaa on balk yesterday yesterday'® game, 1 to the month of June. Why Chicago Is so far .Off Tucker, 8; off Hareha. a. Strark oat-B/ from York in an exciting contest by the runs were made in New York's half of the down the list is somewhat of a mystery, Havana, 4; by Speer, 2. Left oa baaea.Blank*. 8; score of S to i A tremendous rally on the HURT BY RAIN eighth the loss of Duplex. 3. Psaaed baUa.Kohl. 2. W1M pitches. part of the Lancaster* tied the score in FALKENBERG Inning. Score: although Callahan and the fact Tucker, 2; Speer, 1. Time.X hour and 25 mlnutea. ¦St. L,uls. K H OA 15. New Tort. R H OAK that White has been so little with the Attendance.000. Umpire.Mr. the ninth, and in the tenth, with no one Stone, If... 0 2 1 0 0 Keeler. rf.. 0 0 2 0 0 team may partly explain It. Berger. out. O'Hara drove out a three-bagger and Hemphill,cf O 1 0 0 o Klberfeld.ss 0 0 10 0 scored on Dougherty's single. Matthews Jones, lb... 0 19 1 OCtaao. lb.. 0 2 *00 outpltched but the latter was very Tall Went Well Until Wet Ball 2til)0 1 8 0 0 0 1 0 SUNDAY SCHOOL LEAGUE. Barger, You'll the limit of Boy O'Brien, Import*. Sb 0 DEPABTMEHTA1 LKAffPE. effective with men on bases. In the seventh get satisfaction and Wallace, aa u 0 K 3 0 Wllllama.Zb 113 10 a occurred between Him. Mies, rf... 0 0 3 1 O^Conroy, If.. 0 1 3 0 O of the Clabo. Inning fight Hartley Handicapped Hart 3b 0 0 2 0 0 of Standing and Owens, which came near ending In a sell, O 1 lj Hoffman, cf 0 1 Standing the Clubs. W. L. the limit of value for dollar O'Connor, c 0 0 4 0 O'MoOuIre. c. 0 0 4 2 0 Pet. w. L. Pet. Hot. Hartley, It la said, was the aggressor. j; every you W.L. Pet . W. L. Pet. 7 S .778 Sixth 3 a .878 Glade. p.... i> 0 0 3 0 Hahn. p 0 1 1 1 O Agrieultnre... 4 0 l.OuO 1 2 .333 foundry 3 It Is asserted that he struck Owens be¬ Koehler, rf. 0 0 0 0 0 aa. 0 1 1 3 0 N«tj r... £>fth 8 .727 Mets 2 S .MM cause he Yoager, Post Office 2 1 .«J7 Com. * Lab.. I 2 .333 Oalrsry 8 8 .887 Ninth 0 8 claimed the latter tried to spike for Mertz-tailored Order SAME TEAMS PLAY TODAY Interior 2 1 .091 War 1 4 .200 .000 Rementer. spend garments. Totals .. 0 4 21 12 1 21 H 0 l! Totals... 7 Justice...... 2 2 !so6l£rMsarr'.7.°.7 0 2 1000 Catcher Graham of the Bostons Is on his St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 . TODAY'S OAMR. a Today'! game.Poet Office T«. Agriculture. Metropolitan «a. Ninth. way west and Collins never expects to eee suit now. New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 him again. Graham's wife is alck but the Miller Rode Four Winners at Bel¬ Two-hasp lilts.(' Washington. drove the the evidence, proved the steadi¬ all going to the bench after taking chunks umpires have lieen Instructed to 5>etrott 1W ly .500 Boston IS 20 . 80. Bernhardt from box, winning est, and he was sent In to do the report I twirling out of the atmosphere. Sixth's errors were every case. President O'Brien is deter¬ AND game. Young himself scoring the winning yesterday. In the first inning he was as costly, to as a extremely wild throws advancing mined punish the profane uttcrers. In Clubs. run. Score: steady veteran and the fans' nerves runners the limit one cafe a Standing of National League to in two Instances, and man;iger of the club was fined MERTZco- with the MERTZ K began tingle of a l. Pet Cleveland. R H O A E; Boaton. R H O A anticipation Hampton's muflf In center permitted Fifth's 110 for using indecent epithets on the dia¬ w I., ivt. i V Flick, rf... 1 1-2 0 0 il'arent, ss.. 12220 great contest This was not for long, first run to score. mond an'l :il 14 6WI St. Louis 20 24 .406 0 Newgent was less ef¬ v^jthin hearing of the spectators. Chicago ..«>1 Hay. of 0 1 2 1 (t'Stahl. of... 0 2 0 0 however, as in the very next session he fective toward the their on IS .051 Cincinnati. . IS 2H last and Sixth In the Following up great spurt home F Street. New York 2* Turner, sa.. 0 2 0 f> liu'inshaw.lb 1 2 IS 0 0 started with a to first to 20 17 .00-. Boatou 13 .W .302 0 gift Erwin. Carr eighth inning connected for four safeties, grounds, t'le New York Americans revealed V Iflitsburit .!- -2<3 Lajoie, 2b.. 1 3 2 1 o'selbach, If. 0 1 4 0 attempted to sacrifice, but was safe when J(.5hJ Philadelphia 25 21 .543 lioaton 12 Roaaman, lb 1 0 10 O 0^ Freeman, rf 1 4 2 0 0 which, with McKnight's two fumbles, the same quality of ball yesterday In their If. 0 0 2 0 o 0 1 10 Batie started to throw to second and then scored Herbert and first game in the west. their Jackson, (Godwin, 3b, 0 hesitated too LeFoe. In this inning They began American Games Today Bradley, 3b 1 2 V4 OlPerrla. 2b.. 1 1 2 5 0 long, both men being safe. Wheatley had a chance to land his game, trip by shutting out St. Ix>uis In a hard- League Betnls. r... 1 1 6 1 o Peterson, c 0 1 3 0 1 Then he began to soar. Madden forced when he came to bat with two down and fought 1 to 0 game. Three out of the four at Detroit. Bernh'dt, p 0 1 I) 4 p... 2 2 0 6 0 Erwin at third on a drive that would have games were one-run and countryCountry v-iu".Club, Boston; Charles Kirchner, Washington llYoung, the bags full, but Chunk was overanxious, yesterday victories, . ... otoa-»rt Philadelphia at Chicago Heaa, p. 0 0 0 1 0' gone safe but for a marvelous the easl and west broke even on the secretary. New York, Stew a" Gardiner, York at SI. Louis. .Stovall.... 0 0 0 stop by and fanned fruitlessly. Sixth continued Its day. .New 0 oj Dougherty. Wilcox was passed, filling i- e the after had As Philadelphia and Cleveland both lost, treasurer. Garden City, Li. *. Utals... B 11 XI 17 2I Tolala... « 16 27 14 1 bases, three runners moving up on a crossed the rubber LeFoe hit into a double Yorks increased their lead. The advisory You Can Order ! wild was White Sox took care of the .Batted for Bernhardt In the eighth. pitch. Then Bateman passed, play that wound up Its last chance, and Philadelphias National League Games Today. filling all three corners again. Barnhart Fifth clinched Its hold on second and Boston beat Cleveland. The Washing- Cleveland..... 0 1 112000 0.9 tighter tons were in Cincinnati at Philadelphia. Boaton 0000012 3 0.6 brought them all In with a hard drive to place. The score: smothered Detroit. St. Louis 4! left center and was himself out recently, has been the St. Louis Brooklyn. I Earned runs put trying Fifth. K II O A Sixth. B H O A E playing strongest SffiMSWr at York. Boston. 0: Cleveland. 1. Hits.Off to E| game in the west, which the fMPEREAL Chicago 14 In 1 in one make third. Langford made the third 3b.. 0 13 8 1 1 2 2 0 1 emphasizes ;«S?|W- at Boston. Bernhardt. eight Innings; off Hess. Altera. Hampton.rf worth of I'lttahurK inning. First hose on errors.Cleveland. 1; Boston, out. A pass, a sacrifice and an error S. Wood, c 0 1 5 2 1 Herbert. 3b 1 1 12 1 New York's victory. 1 Two-base hits.Lajoie, Ferris, Urlmshaw and scored another In the third. In the fourth Hurley, If.. 2 1 1 0 O.DeFoe. c... 1 0 10 2 0 National Games. Parent. Three-base hits.Freeman and Selbaoh. the real ascension was made, and with one Hester, 2b. 1 1 1 1 l'liallenger.lb 0 2 10 0 0 Want Gaines. mEXPORT Yesterday's League Sacrifice Godwin and 2 2 4 3 2 21b 0 2 2 O 0 Won Tennis Doubles 0. hits-Jackson, Bay. Rossman, down, as a result of a fine one-hand catch MeKnlght.ss I.vuiam, The Anacostla tase ball team has or¬ .for use in your home with At Philadelphia.New York. 0: Philadelphia, Young. Stolen liases.Bradley and Freeman. First of a line B. Wood.cf .1 2 0 0 0'Clark, ss... 0 10 2 1 NEW YORK, June 5.Miss Helen Ho- drive by Hunter, hits succeeded 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 ganized for the season and to l>aae on balls.Young, 1. Hit by pitched ball.By passes and passes succeeded hits until Evans. rf... 0!Wheatley, pO would like and C. ^rant won full confidence that 1 Blierlul Dispatch to The Star. Young, 1. Iyft on bases.Cleveland, t»; Boston, W. the Dresrher.lb 0 1 11 0 01 A.McD'ld.K 1 0 0 0 0 hear from all uniformed m'ans Wylle yesterday you're pro- Struck 2; Y'oung. 1; by Indians had totaled ten runs. It was In 0 2 1 1 If... 0 0 0 0 0 teams of the city. nnal round of the mixed doubles in the a DETROIT. Mich.. June 5.Most of the out-By Bernhardt, by Newgent, p. oj Burns, Address John E. Fort, manager. Anacostla, the viding perfectly wholesome Hess, 1. Passed balls.Peterson, 2. Wild pitch. this inning that Gammel was substituted Duffy, rf... 1 0 2 1 0 New York Lawn Tennis Club's tournament, llmellirht 'he o^T-'ne cr.countv r between Young O'l,ou£hllu. Time of game. for Ba'.le, but It was six to one and half Totals... 6 11 27 13 &! D. C. beverage. Brewed of Cmplre-Mr. street and Manhattan ave¬ strictly Washington and Detroit was played about 1 hour and 45 minutes. a dozer, of th.e other. With the score 15 to I Totals... 5 8 27 0 3 played at 123d high-grade malt and B. and 1 and the game beyond all Bryan Fifth 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0.6 Eckingtons Win. nue They defeated Miss Florence Oautlej hops.al¬ the rival leaders. Messrs. Coughlin hopes Sixth 10000002 2.5 "of was went lti In the sixth, and from that time The Baltic nine lost to the ways age" before offered J. Stahl. Scranton Hill there, strong LEAGUE. Earned rtiua.Fifth. 1. errors- Eckingtons MARQUETTE on the Indian could not get a man past Flrat base by on the latter's the the Extra In all lines, lie first attracted special at¬ second base. The Sailors hard In Fifth, 2; Siith, 4. L-ft on bases-Fifth, 11; Sixth, grounds, score being public. pale.deli¬ pulled 7. First base ou balls.Off 3: off Wheat- U to O. The tention In the sixth inning, when the Na¬ Standing of the Clubs. the last few Innings but the game was too Newgent, Eckingtons want games with cious in flavor. ley, 3. Struck out.Newgent, 4; Wheatley, 11. uniformed tionals needed one to tie. Catcher \\ ake- W. L. Pet.| \V. I.. Pet. far gone. Dougherty played a brilliant Three-base -hit.Hester. Two-base bits.Lynham, any team, average age seven¬ 2 St 0 St. Vincent's. 2 2 .500 for teen or Case of dozen fleld made a good start for the tally, and .Martin's....*! 1.000 fielding game Navy and cut down drives McKnlght. SRrrlflce hits.Herbert, It. Wood, 2. years over. Address Frank Murphy, $ J .25 St. Patrick's.. 3 2 HOO Immaculate... 2 4 .333 that looked good for two and three bases. Stolen bases Akers, Heater, I-e- 111 thereto drew Hill Into the picture. St. Peter's... 2 2 .5O0!Trinlty 1 3 .250 Hurley, Herbert, Seaton street northeast. Captain Erwin of the Reds fattened his batting Foe. McDonald, Duffy (2), B. Wood. Double plays They will the Washington Brewery Co., Coughlin made a remarkable barehand bat- .Duffy to Ballenger. MrKnlght to Drescher. play Spencerian' team on Bth and F »ts. n.e. Today's game.St. Peter vs. St. Vincent- average considerably, getting three hits out Passed 2. Wednesday, June (i. at 5:.'i0 o'clock 'Phone E. 234. a two-saoker. recov¬ of four times balls.DeFoe, I'mplre.Mr. Betts. Time p.m. down of foul-line fell, up. of game -1 hour and 45 minutes. The jjame will be played on grounds at Je5-t,th,a.tf-40 ered the ball and shot It over to Crawford. The banner crowd of the season Is ex¬ Lincoln avenue above T day. Immaculate's Better Won. on the White street northeast. .Waist in time to retire the runner. Fielding pected I.ot this afternoon, high, a and when the two leaders. Post Office and Agri¬ Mr Stahl attained note more by what he Before fairly large enthusiastic SCORES OF OTHER GAMES. audience last evening Immaculate trimmed culture, cross bats for the first time. The No Matter Where said than what he did. There were numer¬ game will certainly be for blood, and a FUNNY BASE BALL~ the St Patrick outfit to the tune of 10 to New York State ous close base decisions in the *.ime. and. pitchers' battle Is looked forward too. It League. 7. Six errors tell the tale for the losers, will be Haring and as At Utlca.Troy, 11: Utlca, 3. You're following one of these in the seventh, the against Sanders, YARNS Going and although they outbatted their oppo¬ they are the contestants for the pitching At Gloversville.Albany, 10; A. J. and FROM THE WEST to spend your outin*, oar stocks will "Washington leader used some pretty strong honors of the league it will certainly prove many tilings to enhance the pleaaurcn of however, he nents by ten hits to seven, all their errors G., 7. yot*r trip. Golf. Tonnia and Baa.? language. In the eighth, an interesting contest. . 2 0 2 2 2i Erwin, c... 1 3 13 1 2 half a dozen out Then he notified Hurst, who declared 1110 cf 3 0 0 At Kansas City.Kansas City, 3; Minneap¬ a Whimsical SPORTING AND ATHLETIC nan, Howell and Mareeron were Sutton.cf.if. OjCarr. 2 2 times, big, broad-shouldered, Crack Rider Landed GOODS. the out on Stahl. This sent Wakefield- to Malloy, Dough'ty.as. 0 112 01 Madden,3b.. 2 1111 olis. 2. athletic-ap¬ H>ut his first at bat going against handy with the willow, slamming out two Hunter. 2b 1 0 2 2 Wllcox.rf... 3 10 0 0 pearing fellow appeared one day and asked again, hits In center for the Batie. 0 10 1 At .St. Paul, 11; Milwaukee, 5. to be Stahl and his second being for himself. apiece. Gallagher p. Oj Bateman.If. 2 0 12 0 At 0. allowed to play," says "Wild Bill" Winner of Jockey Club & . Louisville.Indianapolis, 7; Louisville, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS St. Patrick nine made one of his famous Oammel.p.. 00010 . Donovan. CAPES. Team Has running catches in the fourth while Deliar, cf... 0 0 0 0 0 Totals... 13 10 27 9 B Improved. Inning New England League. "He was so big and 410 powerful we de¬ WHERE TO DUi. the bases were occupied. Gerardl per¬ cided to him a Stakes. Stahl has a much Improved team In the Totals ... 5 8 24 13 «l At Lynn.Lawrence, 2; Lynn, 1. give chance. formed an unusual feat of getting four ca-nie to never was Nary 01001001 2. S At Lowell.New 3. bat the pitcher shot fielding way, and there anything stolen bases In one game, while C'asassa Interior 0 4 1 10 0 0 0 0 x.13 Bedford. 4; Lowell, theWhf,nball straight across. the matter with the sthk work of those on was not far behind with three. .Earned runs.Nary. 1. Two-base bits -Wilcox. At Manchester.Manchester, 3; Haver¬ " strike!' yelled the umpire. NEW YORK. June 5.-Jockey Walter CALLAGHAN'S?£ The Nth street bunch started the ball )One Ladle*' and /whom he Is relying for the bingllng. Kil¬ Clements. Three-base bit.button. Stolen bases. hill. 2. 13 11 one strike?' asked the man. Miller, who has been causing a senaation Gentlemen's Cafe. Finest and t»aef rolling in the first Inning, and after Bren- Sutton. Carr, Madden. Sacrifice .. .i7hy .tired aea fooda In the etty. mhS-tf llan discovered this fact, Edward, despite Hunter, bit.Wall At Worcester.Fall River, 7; Worcester, Because I said so. Look out' There In the turf world ever since the opening of nan flew out to short Gerardl received! a ler. Double play.Batle to Clements to Kraft to 0 comes another.' ***. avi. * 1 ITU on (11 Innings). " and two HADVPV'CT1 sr. lil* victory, being touched frequently, and base on balls and Nau singled, both run¬ Ellis. Kirst base bulls.Off Wabler, 3: oft Ba- strlkes!' the the season here, rode four winners CI o Specialties Id all tie, 6; off Gammel, 1: off Bryan, 1. Hit Vr " umpire howled. beli saved from more because his outfield ners scoring on errors by Reagan and pitched Connecticut League. !7rWO'Here, this seconds at Belmont Park y^terday. where varieties of aea food.with every diah knows fa g ball.By Gammel. Struck out-By Waller, 12; by explain thing to me,' the fel¬ gastronomy. Elegant lunch, 12 to 4. roy8-tf.4 in the shadow of the fence and Shafflot. Mess reached first on Reagan's Batle, 1; by Bryan, 3. Le"; oil At Norwich.Springfield, 9; 3. low said. 'Why do you two live favorites got the money. Miller had camped second muff and wild and counted Imaea.N'avy 4; Norwich, say strikes down divers throw, Interior, 0. pitches .Batle anil Gammel. At Njeiw London.New London, 7; Water- when I haven't struck at the ball at all?' the mount on Tim Gaynor's crack three- theru pulled long-distance on Brennan's timely double to center in Umpire.Mr. V' nMile Tim- 3f game.2'£ouis Before the umpire cojld The St. James clouts that looked good, but got nothing the fifth. Solarl and Mess In bury, 4. reply, up camc year-old Ally Whimsical when she got passes anotwr-a straight one-waist-high. .Mr. Club P^ed The first six Innings of the game closely the next round, and Brennan and Howeli At Bridgeport.New Haven, 10; Bridge¬ Amateur let go with all his and victorious in the Jockey CITY might atray a V> hlm- followed the batting chapters of the "how singled, which netted three more runs. In CAPITOL LEAGUE. port, 0. went the ball.faster and faster, higher and age race at one mile and furlong.wel«*£-for- the the winners clinched the At 1. as have ball" booklets In the iO-cent eighth game, Hartford.Hartford, 2; Holyoke, higher, it sailed away. Just as the ball sfcal was so much in favor that she was 122 6 to to plav four runs on three on of the Clubs. was furlongs; straight.Court Dress, .000 we needed the Fourth rare. the Ji>ckey Club weight-for-age; on» on. twice on and twice on base Game tomorrow.St. vs. phis. 0. tally. 'Run! Don't you see C>t passes left garden. Mareeron slammed a two- Stephen's Aloyslus. 13tU the ball has over with mile and oue furlong; main course.Whimsical, 1«hi and P streets wwtheast. '. gone the fence?' the start Miller broke quickly Jiits. the second man sacrificed him along to left center In the stole At Birmingham.Birmingham, 7; Little 'Run?' he U\t" (Miller), 4 to 5 and 1 to 3, won; Accountant, 111 bagger third, Rock. 1- howled back. 'Not on your Whimsical, who was anxious to run but (Martltu, 7 to 2 aud 4 to 5, second; The Picket, nnd (lie third or fourth or both brought him third and scored on Solari's wild throw- life. I ve done nothing to run for. I didn't 12H dtadtkei. 7 to 2 and 4 to 5. third. Tluic, Won At Nashville.Nashville, 1; Shreveport, 10. soon took hold of her head and set the liome, three times on hits, once on a long In the sixth Reagan worked a pass, stole Arlingtons Loosely-Played Garr:o mean to lose the ball, but I've got the he 1.54 4-5. Watertight alao ran. second and third, and talleyed on Malloy's A large crowd of National A. C. rooters money to pay for it. How much is pace with plenty «P his sleeve until h Fifth race, filing; seren furlongs Mlntla. W.'i lly. following a wide pitch that put the Eastern League. " the blast Reagan's feat was duplicated In the left the grounds at North Capitol and L damage?' reached the beginning of the turn. 1 hen h (Miller), 8 to 5 and » to 20, won; Kntree, loH runner at third. next round C'asassa. who on a | At Baltimore.Rochester, 6; Baltimore. 4. (Iiadtke), & to 5 and i) to 2o. second; Battleaie, W4 by scored streets Tale No. 2. let Whimsical down and 4 5. This was good goods for a time, but this single by who relieved McFar- yesterday afternoon, disappointed At Jersey City.Jersey City, 7; Buffalo, 1. (Hageii), 5 to 1 aud even, third. Time, 1.25 McDonald, "One after a away from Accountant, '^^^rUgtU Arabo, Telephone and Far West alao ran. was to the bad one fierce in the runs over the result of the game between tl»e night game in Boston a system put by land sixth. Three were made .is used. Has 4-inch stiles, 6-sptndle cen- to ana kg be^nnlnK Sixth race, one mile.Zlenap, 1<>5 9 to Killlan in on young man. with his hand in a stopping nothing (Sewell), 4 ellng by the eighth singles by Reagan, Mar- Arlingtons and their tribe. The score was right sling, move Thg pjck 5 and 3 to 6, won; Miss Crawford, 1IU (Miller), had him for one ceron a came to to up .*i Washington tapped In and Gallagher, and two-sacker oy 12 to U in favor of the Arlingtons. down the hotel and asked for me," et' Whimsical when she to 1 and 6 to 5, second; Yalagal, 110 (Horner), the opener, on a pass to Altlzer and a triple Shaffiot. which ended the scoring. BASE BALL NOTES. Accountant to 1 and even, third. Time. 1.40. Mollis Uou- Four runs were made the losers In the says "Cupid" O'Leary. "He the turnedii, "fttointo tne stretch,sire . but by bought . ohue and Valentine also ran. liy Crass. Hits by Schlafly and Anderson, The official score: . cigars and wanted to buy other Miner d to hunch I*ady with an Infield out. sandwiched, an¬ first, which gave them high hopes of win¬ things closed gamely. gave Itnrnac. R II O A E St. Patrick. It II O A K The Nationals had a chance until it began 'You made me awfully happy today, 01a rather handily other In the fifth. In the seventh a two-run Brennan. lb 2 2 1) 0 1 Tlerner. If. 1 1 1 0 0 ning and cutting loose from the hoodoo that man,' he said. I couldn't think lead was demolished Altlzer Gerardl. cf. 10100 3b. 112 3 3 raining. of any¬ o|>ened with Reagan. has been with them all the season, but as Hurst and Connor must have handed out thing I had done, but let him rattle on. THE DOYLES WON a Nan. 3b. ... 2 1 0 3 1 Mareeron, c 2 2 10 2 2 " s'ngle. Schlafly laid down a bunt. He it was. the could see 'Remember that line foul Watertight ten lengths liad the beat, but In his Rlston, i> 002 0 0 iMalloy. as.. 1 2 2 « 0 Arlingtons not things several fine decisions, if all reports from De¬ you batted ^he0Upitcknett.h^th play Killlan. eager¬ Mattox, if. 1110 0 shafflot. 2b. 1110 1 ir. that light and made the Nationals bow into the grand stand?' he asked. away. ness to cut off one man, made u wild hurl Flynn. 2b.. 0 0 2 0 0 A.OTg'r.cf. 0 1 lot) to their sixth defeat. troit are correct. "I remembered." CHAMPIONSHIP DOUBLES past Crawford. When Cobb finally got Solarl. o. 1 0 8 2 2 t'aaaaaa. lb 1 1 8 0 0 I.eonard for the Ar¬ "Welcome Home" John Anderson must " 'See that hand?' Made Court Dress Hustle. tho ball Howell, rf.. 1210 began pitching them pointing to the dis¬ back Altiser was home and Schla- 0'('alien, rf.. 0 0 2 1 0 and at was have over abled member. Court Dress, a smart was Mess. as... 2 1 3 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 lingtons, times Quite effective, got frightened his batting slump James R Keene's tly at second. Anderson's leaguer M'Farlaml.jt and with the exception of the first and sev- "I saw." Belle who was The finals In the doubles of the middle moved him and he 0 10 0 0 last week and resolved to do better. Four " filly by Disguise.Hampton up. scored when Hick¬ j.M'Donald.p enth innings it can be said he fine 'Well, my boy, that foul was within t Atlantic states tennis tournament which man forced Anderson at second. pitched singles yesterday will help Andy some. a .> to 2D favorite, did not have the ex pec Totals. ...10 7 27 10 4} Totals.... 7 10 27 13 (! ball, striking out nine men and passing five about a foot of my girl's nose when I man¬ took upon the courts of the Bachelor*' President Johnson should hunt new re¬ to cd walkover In the Gaiety stakes for two- place Immaculate... 20001 3 04 0 10 to first. From the way Webster started In aged get my hand in the way. The girl Lawn Tennis Club and which were Tigers' Big Rally. St. Patrick 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 3 0. 7 to one was cruits for Ills corps of Hurst a badn t to post¬ pitch every expectant of seeing umpires. Is hardly spoken me for a week the had This made some runs necessary at once. i;.irned runs St. Patrick, 4; Immaculate. 2. the Nationals break into the winning col¬ Joke and Connor apparently lacks back¬ but you bet she did then and she did poned for one week after singles Lindsay opened the seventh for First base by errors Immaculate, 1; St. Patrick. umn. he having struck out two men in the again tonight." " been finished, were played yesterday after¬ Detroit. 3. l.eft on bases.St. Patrick, 3; Immaculate. bone. nnd he It first and two in the second, but in the third, noon upon the courts of the Bachelors' opened right smashing one to left. First base on balls (iff Rlston, 2; off McFarland. fourth and fifth he weakened, and the Ar¬ The New York bunch will be hard to turn Tale No. 3. Crawford was sent to hit and also r,. off McDonald. 4. Innings pitched.By McFar¬ Club at 4 o'clock. The contestants were up he land. ti; by McDonald, 3. Hits made.(Iff McFar¬ lingtons made enough hits coupled with er¬ back since they have dug their toes In the "I saw a girl help a well-known Ameri¬ drove one to on rors to Doyle and I>oyle and John C. Davidson and left, taking second an at¬ land. ."»; off McDonald. 2. Struck out.By Rlston. give them the contest. ground. There Is nothing like a good run can League pitcher win a game last sea¬ tempt to at third. by McFarland. 0; by McDonald. 2. Two liase The boys of both teams had an off day In Dr. L. W. Glazebrook, and though the first get Lindsay Mclntyre hit Mis Mareeron. Brennan, Shafflot. Sacrifice bits of victories to spur on a ball player. son, says Matty Mclntyre. "The giri wan "s&rr »*» show as were ss.* won still did not the fielding, costly mlsplays in evidence r^r*p In u.o^ i o. pair they light¬ past short, scoring both runners. Cobb sac- Malloy. Reagan. Stolen bases.Reagan (21, Rlston. Outfielder Thoney, who was with Wash¬ a 'fan' of 'fans' and the was runr.$&~ throughout the game. The score: occupied same seat ning play that has characterized a great rllli >h1 (Vughlln hit to Anderson and Mc- Mexs (2). Brennan (2i. Gerardl <41. Casa-sau (3), ington a few seasons back, is about daily when the teum was In town. Tlerney. Mareeron. Malloy, Shafflot, Gallagher, N. A. C. K II O A El Arlingtons. It II O A E ripe And she deal of their past work upon the tennis Jntyre scored. This Is where Bill 3b. 10 13 2 3 3 0 for major league company again. He has knew the game from A to Z. T^nn^y^Vadd^l^ courts of the Capt. Nau. Double plays Rlston to Brennan; ('alien Meyers. F.FletctaT.lf 0 0 sown his wild the -n-ap at city. tousled himself, second and to Casassn Hit by pitcher -By McFarland, 4. Moreiand.cf 12 2 1 0! I.awler, ss.. 0 0 13 1 oats. and. like "Tip" O'Neill "In this particular game, the score was There was a good gallery in attendance stealing third If 2 10 0 Smith, c 1 1 10 of the Chlcagos, is to 3.2 in while O'lyeary and Schmidt were Passed ball Mareeron. t'mplre .Mr. Crook of Klotsb'k, oj 2 0 attending strictly favor of the visitors, who were In and shortly after the start of the play It batting. .. 1 0 1 Technical High School. Time of game.1 hour Frantz, c. 1 1 Daris. lb... 1 5 0 0 business. the field. It was the last and two be seen that Davidson and Glaze- 0 Deary fanned, but Schmidt scored. He and 18 minutes. Conway, rf 2 2 3 0 Oi Dawson, 3b 1 2 1 1 2 of inning could was In the double steal Young Tate Cumberland, who was with men were out, and a man was on second brook were not up In the play as that got Coughlin Krabllug,2h 1 2 2 0 0 A. F'n.cf.rf 110 0 1 the for a allowing Killian ss 1 1 0 1 1 2 Washingtons time last season, Is when the manager sent up a husky have done in the That II. y have Jiome. fanned. Ambrose, Eagan, 2b, 0 3 2 1 rapidly, and has been big, rsrss; they past. The was much likewise Jenkins, lb. 0 0 4 0 1 Leonard, p. 2 1 0 1 0 developing the star substitute none of us had ever seen before. nr&S&'s# not hit the pace this season In their playing eighth Jones 0 0 o 1 of the Western League this walked, and beat a bunt. Craw- BIG LEAGUES RACE Webster, p. 0 J. Fi'r.rf.cf 1 1 1 0 0 season, both In "The pitcher looked at the catcher and was manifest throughout the sets and for Lindsay . Cselton, ss. 0 0 0 0 0 fielding and batting. got the 'Pitch whatever like.' length. Lu to lord did (he same thing, tilling the sacks. Totals ...12 10 21 9 5 A signal: you royal throw down for this reason the Doyle brothers seemed Stahl bouiiGer striking feature of both big league races Just then a handkerchief fluttered in the have the best of the argument. got Molntyre's Jones scor¬ BEST IN YEARS Totals. .. 9 9 18 6 Tl this season has been the number of stand back of the ing Falkenberg threw out Cobb, Lind¬ N. A. C 4 0 0 0 0 0 3.8 slumps catcher, and the gtrl. In The first set went to the Doyle brothers and spurts. Strong and weak teams have an unconcerned way, drew her hand across in and say registering. Cross Juggled Cough- Arllngtous 0 0 2 3 7 0 x.12 had their pronounced 6-4 during the games their opponent* lln's and wime ups and downs. her throat several times. tried hard to win, but were outplayed. In grounder scored, Coughlin Two base bits.Klotzback, Frants, Conway (2), Wouldn't base ball be a being safe. C. O'Leary wound up the Neither tho east nor the west can claim Krahilng. E. Fletcher, Smith, Leonard. Stolen lovely game If "The pitcher was on in a minute. He the second set. the score was 6-1 and during any so far on the haxes.Meyers. K. Fletcher. Lawler. Dawson. A. you could win lust when you wanted to, pulled his cap down and wound a fast one iVlThaTf7ur- this set the brothers seemed to carry fireworks with a home run smash to miperiority major league which, no doubt, would be all when the Itoyle the club house, adding two tallies.his diamonds. In the American league. New Kenton, J. Fletcher. Double play .Lawier to Kagan the time. around the substitute's neck. It was square foang«,°stralghtawsT. everything liefore them, as Indicated by the to Davis. First base ou balls.Off Webster, 3; off William Hoppe. the billiard over and the fellow whaled up on R. he^ad set. own «nd Coughlln's. Score: York and the Athletics, of the are 5. Hit balls--Jenkins champion, big away, miss¬ colt outran the score of the In the final set Glaze- east, Leonard, by pitched (2), branched out as an umpire on Sunday. He ing the ball a foot. Two more in the same Jh.^o.ament and It I*onard Struck out.By Leonard. 9: by Webster, a the of barrier brook Davidson braced again, but they Detroit II OAK Wash'gton. K H O A E being pressed hard by Cleveland, with St. umpired same at College Point. N. Y. and the game was over. others from* could not overcome tbeir the 1 ¦ ef 3 2 6 1 0 Altiser. as.. 2 1110 3 Left on bases -Nationals. 7; Arlingtons, 3. place h°m« opponents and Junes, Louis, another western club, well up. In Handlboe. The Western League expires by limitation "Just as we walked to the 'bus I and galloped .napping contest went to Llnd.iT, 2li 2 2 4 2 o: Schlafly. ». J 1 » J 0 Cmpire.Mr. this year, and those heard H Snyder's Garters. Doyle and Doyle by 0-1. 2 3 7 0 0 the and New York are Interested In It should the manager of the home team yell: 'You're which made them win* three tttta Crawford.lb OlCross. 3b 1111 National, Chicago see to It that Its future Is not Tit 1 SS place from the Virginia straight M lurrje.lf 1 3 0 0 I) Anderson.If. 0 4 o 0 ft fighting It out for first place, with Pitts¬ imperiled by a lucky boy. If you had pitched a low ball and the championship In the doubles. Cobb f .112 0 0 Hickman.rf. 0 0 1 0 o PRINTING OFFICE LEAGUE. mismanagement during the current season. that fellow would have lifted it out of I a third and the Phillies within A writer in the " 0 to <-ughl:n.3b 3 1 2 4 0 C. Jones, cf. 0 0 2 0 0 burg goo4. Sporting News 9ays that the lot.' head6'^ydnerpagel's^ippahannock.of the II Lasrv.as 12 2 0 1 Stahl, lb II O 12 0 II close range of the thick of the battle. of the Clubs. Elberfeld never shirked a grounder In his 4. i was half a length out money. MARSHALL FIELD ENTRIES. > Lnild't. C O 1 4 II o William*. It) 0 0 2 0 0 Standing life. In lustlce to Tale No. Thus, on the showing to date, four east¬ the "Kid" It must be said ktlMall. p 0 0 0 2 1 Wakefleld. c 0 2 0 3 0 w. L. Pet.) w. L. Pet. that he tackles anything and For some time on the training trip Man¬ Hot-Betting Proposition. Kalk'berg.p. 0 0 0 8 0 ern and four western clubs have put in Blanks 5 8 .633 Pressmen 4 .428 everything. The fifth race for platers, at seven fur¬ Attractive Program for InterscUola*- Cowboys 4 3 .571J Dnplex 3 5 .375 "Ducky" Holmes Is playing a great left ager "Bill" Armour feared that "Wahoo Totala applications for pennant franchises. These field for Lincoln. His club has a for Sam" longs was a hot batting proposition, with tic Meet at 18 15 27 15 2 Total* 4 10 24 18 1 six cities, and the chance Crawford, the big first baseman, was Chicago Saturday. D»tr,lt clubs represent Philadelphia Today's Ri»me--Pres8meu tb. Cowboys. Western League rag. Mintia and Entree closing equal favorites an¬ 10 110 14 8 J-1S New York each has two of the leaders. A mob knocked 111. Crawford's appetite has always been CHICAGO. June 5..Entries for the Washington 10001020 0-- 4 which Umpire Steve that cut into hotel at 8 to 5 At the outset Entree was shut nual I of Interscholastic Karne.l runs Of the other cities have two teams Kane unconscious the other Those something proprietors' nlverslty Chicago Detroit N; Washington. 1. Two- Boston is Blanks Jumped Into First Place. day. for he went through the menu lost a deal of ground, while baae bits.Crawford i.n.i O'Lcatr. Three bs»* hit. in the major leagues, apparently Gophers are hard losers In everything. profits, from off and great meet, to be held at Marshall field on Sat¬ . 'ross. H.nne ran O'Learr. Sacrlflce hits I.liid- entirely out of the championship struggles The Duplex team put up a w«lrd fielding Knockers are busy In soup to nuts and then gazed at the back of Miller on Mintia broke with his usual alac- were announced Di¬ Cleveland because ?.he card to see If more urday, yesterday by siy (TV Cobb. Coughlin o'I.eary and .Stahl Stolen this season and Chicago and St. Louis each exhibition In their game with tho Blanks is not hitting. Any other club any was there. Htv and set the pace, attended by Kar rector schools from base. D Jonea. M. lntvre. Cuttghlln 131. Schmidt would a small But on this spring's trip, Sam cut out the Stagg. Seventy-three and And<-r».n Klr.t baa* has one representative making good. yesterday and were easily V2 to give fortune for him. West, to the head of the stretch Then on l.all. iiff Killlan 4 No season since the American league In¬ defeated, 8, Charley Atherton has been noon day meal. No wonder the team and ten different states, with 2t4 Individual*, off Palkenberg. ,t u,t i.j plt.-her the winners Into first secured to play Armour Radtke began to overhaul everything In will be In the games, which in By Killlan! t! vaded the east In 1U01 has been so Interest¬ going place by their first base for Toronto. This pondered. Questioning Crawford represented I.eft Uiae* Ivtroit. 7. H means some Im¬ front of him with Entree until Miller was as a to numerous lnter- out Washington, Struck as one. There have been victory. Duplex somewhat made for the did no good, and It appeared that the mvs- come climax the liy Killlan. I. !i> Kalkenberg 4 Double ing the present up provement In, Maple Leafs. forced to a hard drive to take the race by season. -Killlan lo to play innumerable, more The Southern tery would never be solved until one sc holastics of the spring (n«r, Crawford. Wild pitches- surprises young players their many errors by batting the ball hard League will hold a meeting night a head, Entree having two lengths over Bat- Seton Hall School at South > alkeoberg. J 1 mplre. Sleaars Ilnrat awl O'Csa- than ever before have come to the front, In June to consider alleged just before the Tigers were ready to leave tfell Preparatory ii.*r 1 line of {fain** 2 hours in the latter part of the game, but the lead violations of the when It all came out. tleaxe 5 to 1, with Telephone, played Orange. N. J., will be the eastern repre¬ there have been winning and losing spurts the salary limit and other matters that hotel, A colored to half a back. obtained by the Blanks was too big to over¬ bearing a note, wandered In show length sentative. wihlle teams from the Central by different teams and the clubs have need adjustment. boy, and asked W. I. SchuWe's Zienap, backed down to ajid Manual School of Kan¬ about in a uncertain man¬ come. for "Mistah Crawford." Jack Warner did High Training Beat shifted gloriously Indianapolis gets HImes, the outfielder 9 to 5 favorite, made all the pace In th« sas City will come from the west. Teams Chicago Philadelphia. ner. One bright point about It all Is there Two were used by but just released by the St. Louis not mean to listen, but he swears he could CHICAGO. III.. June pitchers up Duplex, Nationals. not "Wahoo Sam" handicap for mares and Allies, three-years- from Manistee, Muskegon, Grand Rapids, 1.Patterson pitch¬ apjiears to be fewer weak teams than last neither was accorded much support. Havens Marshall, formerly with San Francisco, be¬ helping hearing read: old and upward, one mile, and won Krtaith a.3b. o 1 0 ft at home, have they may batting money. have now spent !3,.VX) money The mile was .n n .W nju wihlle Iowa. Wisconsin and the usually ft 2 three safeties while did at the hotel where, the team margin. (i.Dsfls. as 1 o s 2 II Iiavls.lb. 2 2 0 2 o make some trouble for tha teams which apiece, Kaufmann and for players.and each addition Is a south¬ put up. The attendance was easily 15.000. strong Missouri. Illinois. Indiana and Min¬ label!, 2t. 1 2 1 1 2 Seybold. rf. 0 2 10 0 sent them down like tenpins a short while Burllngame were the fielding stars. paw.since May 1. Arid Armour did not worry any more about nesota teams will take part. Ifcmolitie, lb 0 2 H ft 21). 0 0 3 o 0 The Athletics and which scored one In the first. Cullen the condition of his big first The Summaries. 0 0 10ft>i,Murphy, ago. Cleveland, Duplex Manager Jimmy Burke, formerly with the baseman-slug- ONelll. rf.. Ix>rd.«f ... 0 2 I 0 ii threatened to make a runaway race of soaked the first ball for a double to bread basket. Sullivan, e 0 O 7 2 ft It. pitched St. Louts Nationals, has worked a great ger's First rare. »»» furlongs Tommy Waddell. 180 Croat, as,.. 0 0 8 1 1 have left and came home on two-baser revolution in Y. X. C. A. Taunehlll.3b 0 118 ft Powers c.. 0 0 8 1 ft slumped. Speer's things in In Kansas U B aad 4 to &, Duckpln Le&gua. 0 0 0 2 ft The reccnt winning streak of the Ath¬ to the same place. They got two more In crowds turn out OFKBKBKRO. first. Necoml- TUird Patterson.p Plank, p... 0 0 0 0 0 City. Big there dally to Meeting of Professional Golfers. 106 (Horner), JO to I . U . letics, when they won eleven straight the next on Bowman's error, Tyson's hit, see the games. 1*3 40 «« » «od 1'.18 T*0**1to '' ' iT Adams T.I S.1 8T Totals ... 1 7 27 10 j! Totala. 2 8 24 10 games, was unusual, as they seldom won two stolen bases and an out did the New NEW YORK, June B..The first annual |*iu>r»ood, Mcwksrtw 7g s+ a~< 1 They not To date York Americans are Time, 1.26. Glorlller, Bohemia, Jurenags. Llndalej!?. 82 85 101 Chicago O 1 0 0 0 X 0 0 x 3 many victories in succession and seldom score again until the sixth, when they got ahead on the series with every rival meeting of the Eastern Professional Golf¬ Offeoberg.. 1 0 0 0 0 row. except and Old Guard also ran. l-btladvlplila 1 0 0 0-2 lowt many games in a That five hits The New York was held In t , . winning five by bunching coupled with a Cleveland. Nationals are ers' Association yesterday the four and a half Totals SH SMI X7Z l,eft oo bass* -Chb-aco. 4; Philadelphia. 8. streak, though, must have hoodooed them, base on balls and an error. Their last one ahead on every series except with Pitts¬ Seeood race, seUlng; furlongs. Two base bits.Berbold 12). H. Davis Astor House, when all temporary officers 10» I «° 3 .»* Ftrst. Bernorf. Tblr.1 Three base r>.r they have just finished another unusuai came in the seventh on three consecutive burg and St. Louis, being tied with the lat- straight.Moirfort. OlllleW. COODMAX. W lilt Isbell. Sacrllb-e bits.Jones elected at a meeting were ' #6 (BlIM). 15 to 1 8 to 1, »w- Roberta 80 8S (2>. O'Neill. period, this time losing Ave games straight. lilts. The Blanks got one In the flrst on a preliminary SO xti Cross Stolen base.Isbell. Double plsys. rate made They are George and-' Eta1too 104 (Radtke>, 18 to 1 6 to Osaka f* Brothers to H. D«»ls lo I'rtwa; Powers Msrphy; At this Mack's men will soon have to base on balls to Iiunt, Buhl's error and a Edrrond 8. Brown. '07, of Ithaca, has permanent. Low, Karli Cat. Rappahannock. UoOdnai (» M MM O. INivIs to Donobue Struck out By Patterson. be taken out of the consistent class and wild pitch. They did not score in ttes next, been elected captain of the Cornell base ball president, Baltusrol Golf Club, Short Hills, «. by Plawk. «. liases on balls off Plank. 2. Cm put among those teams which are erratic. but from the third on scored almost at will, team of next ye*r. Brown has played third N. J.; Donald Rosa, vice president, Oakley Totals - Ml 2M X8B