T The New York Americans are the latest and easily nun up a toul ofJ4. TIm score on the 'ftntty tor Um years, and la M*r to sttt up their admirers with a Ions 11* Daptex. IBOil BUttka. BHlOi I the top of Um batting and Uridine lists. of victories. Like the Chicago Nationals OaUem, *a.. 2 1 X t X Thomas J. Dnrt, coach of the Williams 'Wonder What Mcrtz Will BASE BALL, RACING and the AthleUos, the Highlanders won Steer. rf.». « * . 0 _.""vit a ! CoHegs baa* ban team, baa left Williams- Say Today?'* eleven straight (antes before meeting with Hsrtnett.Ib ft 1 6 . 1 11 town to Ipim bla duties as manager of Dram, It . S S a 0 0 the Williams a reverse. No team this season has yet a a * Holjroke team, and the team Store Closes at 6 at been able to make it an even dozen con¬ tf«Mb'D.» i i will depend (or the remainder of the sea¬ Daily p.m.; Saturdays 9 p.m. .- - - - - gain Hou», a i a a i 0 til1 1 1 cte. KcOua, at OTHER SPORTS secutive victories. Jfrsoo, ffc.. X 11 0 8 Martin, rt. X X #0 .0 O son oa Edward ML Lewis of the William* AND ¦ will Will¬ The eastern dubs of the American league Hnhl, Cte..*,¦ ¦ . 1aw*1! 4 I Ift Ktutai'iftt 8X801 faculty. Powd. accompany the « are now In the west, prepared for their r, p.. 0 0 0 0 OMlnctetaa.(f 0 0 0 0 0 iams team on its trip to Princeton this r, rf.. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 week. ShPrld«n- Time of boor and 43 first rounds of visits. Owing to Boston"* 0|Nlehos, if.. H'hT.7Mr game.1 tumble, the westerners had fairly easy sail¬ MeGraw is said to be negotiating for ing In the east.' but should the tduu... ia » ax a a several players to help htm out until his First Game Washing- Duplex l 1 0 0 0 8 X. 8 Nationals Dropped tons and Athletics recover their balance BUnki team la at Its full strength again. Foster Lucky Bain for New' York. and get going right again the western x . a « a a x.xa of the Newark club has been mentioned. ST. St. teams should have 'bnwd ran*.Blanks, X; Duplex, 4- Two-baae The latter leads the Eastern in bat¬ LOUIS, Mo., June 5..Before to do some hustling. At hits.Oullen, Speer, Stolen tun League of Trip at Detroit. Louis had an to bat In tha any rate, Cleveland is the only team which Baritagame. ting. He once played with the New York opportunity Cnllen, Draaa, Moxaakan, HoUa, Tyson. Bahl, team under eighth a raJn New at present threatens to beat out the New Hunt. Arenda, Harena. Bowman, McClane. Doabla the Freedman regime. Inning: heavy began, and Torks or the Lancaster won out In the tenth 1 ork won 0. No Athletics for first place during playa.Moynahao, onasslsted. Flrat baaa on balk yesterday yesterday'® game, 1 to the month of June. Why Chicago Is so far .Off Tucker, 8; off Hareha. a. Strark oat-B/ from York in an exciting contest by the runs were made in New York's half of the down the list is somewhat of a mystery, Havana, 4; by Speer, 2. Left oa baaea.Blank*. 8; score of S to i A tremendous rally on the HURT BY RAIN eighth the loss of Duplex. 3. Psaaed baUa.Kohl. 2. W1M pitches. part of the Lancaster* tied the score in FALKENBERG Inning. Score: although Callahan and the fact Tucker, 2; Speer, 1. Time.X hour and 25 mlnutea. ¦St. L,uls. K H OA 15. New Tort. R H OAK that White has been so little with the Attendance.000. Umpire.Mr. the ninth, and in the tenth, with no one Stone, If... 0 2 1 0 0 Keeler. rf.. 0 0 2 0 0 team may partly explain It. Berger. out. O'Hara drove out a three-bagger and Hemphill,cf O 1 0 0 o Klberfeld.ss 0 0 10 0 scored on Dougherty's single. Matthews Jones, lb... 0 19 1 OCtaao. lb.. 0 2 *00 outpltched but the latter was very Tall Went Well Until Wet Ball 2til)0 1 8 0 0 0 1 0 SUNDAY SCHOOL LEAGUE. Barger, You'll the limit of Boy O'Brien, Import*. Sb 0 DEPABTMEHTA1 LKAffPE. effective with men on bases. In the seventh get satisfaction and Wallace, aa u 0 K 3 0 Wllllama.Zb 113 10 a occurred between Him. Mies, rf... 0 0 3 1 O^Conroy, If.. 0 1 3 0 O of the Clabo. Inning fight Hartley Handicapped Hart 3b 0 0 2 0 0 of Standing and Owens, which came near ending In a sell, O 1 lj Hoffman, cf 0 1 Standing the Clubs. W. L. the limit of value for dollar O'Connor, c 0 0 4 0 O'MoOuIre. c. 0 0 4 2 0 Pet. w. L. Pet. Hot. Hartley, It la said, was the aggressor. j; every you W.L. Pet . W. L. Pet. 7 S .778 Sixth 3 a .878 Glade. p.... i> 0 0 3 0 Hahn. p 0 1 1 1 O Agrieultnre... 4 0 l.OuO 1 2 .333 foundry 3 It Is asserted that he struck Owens be¬ Koehler, rf. 0 0 0 0 0 aa. 0 1 1 3 0 N«tj r... £>fth 8 .727 Mets 2 S .MM cause he Yoager, Post Office 2 1 .«J7 Com. * Lab.. I 2 .333 Oalrsry 8 8 .887 Ninth 0 8 claimed the latter tried to spike for Mertz-tailored Order SAME TEAMS PLAY TODAY Interior 2 1 .091 War 1 4 .200 .000 Rementer. spend garments. Totals .. 0 4 21 12 1 21 H 0 l! Totals... 7 Justice....... 2 2 !so6l£rMsarr'.7.°.7 0 2 1000 Catcher Graham of the Bostons Is on his St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 . TODAY'S OAMR. a Today'! game.Poet Office T«. Agriculture. Metropolitan «a. Ninth. way west and Collins never expects to eee suit now. New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 him again. Graham's wife is alck but the Miller Rode Four Winners at Bel¬ Two-hasp lilts.('<tiasc (2), Williams. Double plays Interiors Scored an western catcher was not feeling good, any¬ --<;iade to Wallace to Jones; Jones to Wallace to Easy Victory. Splendid Victory for Fifth. way his arm bad and his not Choice of a line of O'Brien; Xiles to O'Connor. Stolen bases.Hemp¬ Interior Into third when being spirits splendid high- Won Tennis .Stone. McGolre. Hit with ball. Jumped place Fifth pulled up still closer to the leaders well up. MarteH, the catcher from George¬ mont Park.Doyles hill, Conroy, trimmed the Sailors In has he man Nlles. Wild pitch.Glade. Bases on balls.Off | they easy fashion on yesterday by winning a hard-fought game town, arrived, and is the only and fabrics. Glade. 2 .Stnick out.By Olade, 3; by Hahn. 4. I the White Lot afternoon a with available now except Peterson. But Col¬ grade plain fancy Ball Notes. yesterday by Sixth, 6 to 3. lins Championship.Base Loft on banes.St. Louis, 3; New York, 7. Umpires score of 15 to 5. In Is going out after a first-class catcher /qr .Messrs. Connolly and Erans. Time of game.1 | the early Innings the game was a bat¬ and expects to land one In a few days. suit built in the "Mertz- hour and 50 minutes. The same aliment that has caused every tle between the veteran twirlers of the League executives should show no clem¬ every defeat sustained In cases have by the Sailors this season league.Newgent and Wheatley.but as the ency where ball players been Clubs. Boston's Good Start. was In evidence was reported f<.r using profane language on the and to fit.for of American League again and responsible game were Standing for the of progressed both touched up In field. There Is nothing more disgusting to way" guaranteed w. i. ret. CLEVELAND, Ohio, June 5.-With the loss this one. Out of the half- rather lively fashion. More hits were W. !,. Pet. | doien new and erratic tried out regis¬ a patron than to hear a player use words New York 2;. 14 .600 St. Loot*... 20 22 .470 score 5 to 0 In favor of Cleveland at the pitchers tered oft Wheatley, but "Chunk" had the that would not be tolerated In decent so¬ Cleveland 23 14 .<122 Chicago 17 20 .458 end of the Boston by Capt. Hughes this season. Batle, with Fifth boys guessing all the eleven In 15 20 300 fifth Inning yesterday, half a game as way, ciety. In the American Association the Philadelphia 28 HI .0H> Washington. drove the the evidence, proved the steadi¬ all going to the bench after taking chunks umpires have lieen Instructed to 5>etrott 1W ly .500 Boston IS 20 . 80. Bernhardt from box, winning est, and he was sent In to do the report I twirling out of the atmosphere. Sixth's errors were every case. President O'Brien is deter¬ AND game. Young himself scoring the winning yesterday. In the first inning he was as costly, to as a extremely wild throws advancing mined punish the profane uttcrers. In Clubs. run. Score: steady veteran and the fans' nerves runners the limit one cafe a Standing of National League to in two Instances, and man;iger of the club was fined MERTZco- with the MERTZ K began tingle of a l.
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