2013 Annual Report the American Physical Society Strives To
AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY TM 2013 ANNUAL REPORT THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY STRIVES TO Be the leading voice for physics and an authoritative source of physics information for the advancement of physics and the benefit of humanity Collaborate with national scientific societies for the advancement of science, science education, and the science community Cooperate with international physics societies to promote physics, to support physicists worldwide, and to foster international collaboration Have an active, engaged, and diverse membership, and support the activities of its units and members TM © 2014 American Physical Society Cover image: Sine waves. Illustration by Alan Stonebraker. FROM THE PRESIDENT his was a good year for physics, the APS, and its members. The Higgs continued to grab headlines, Twith the awarding of the Nobel Prize to François Englert and Peter Higgs. Their award-winning papers on the Higgs mechanism were published in Physical Review Letters (where else?). The DPF organized a “Higgs Fest” on Capitol Hill, attended by 10 members of Congress and several hundred others, to celebrate the Higgs and the U.S. role in discovering it. In this, the hundredth year of our publishing the Physical Review, the APS prepared to add a new jour- nal to the family—Physical Review Applied. Our newest journal will publish the highest-quality papers at the intersection of physics and engineering, in areas including materials, surface and interface science; device physics; condensed matter physics and optics. 2013 was a big year for APS global engagement. We had our first overseas Fellows receptions—in London and Tokyo—and the Executive Board held its annual retreat abroad, at the Kavli Royal Society International Centre at Chicheley Hall, just outside London.
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