Early Medieval Christianities, C.600-C.II00 Edited by Thomas F
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-81775-2 - Early Medieval Christianities, c.600-c.II00 Edited by Thomas F. X. Noble and Julia M. H. Smith Index More information Index abandoned children, 389 Adam (Nestorian monk), 68 ‘Abd al-Jabbar¯ al-Hamadan¯ ¯ı (Muslim scholar), Admonitio generalis, 312–13, 321, 356, 454 203 Adomnan,´ 95, 96 ‘Abd al-Malik (caliph), 199 Fis Adomnan´ , 618–21 ‘Abd al-Rah. man¯ II (caliph), 182–84 Law of (Cain´ Adamnain´ ), 93–94, 100, 101 Abodrites, 140, 141, 244 Adoptionism, 163, 495–96, 501, 502, 511–15, 516, abortion, 386 521, 523, 524, 547 Abraha (king of Himyar), 15, 16 advocatus system, 296 Abraham of Tiberias, 172 Ælfric (abbot of Eynsham), 124, 125, 127, 411, Abu¯ ‘Abdallah¯ ibn Muh. ammad al-H. umayd¯ı 609, 621 (Muslim writer), 207 Æthelberht (king of Kent), 12, 90, 112, 113, 232, Abu-‘Al¯ ¯ı‘¯Isa¯ ibn Ish. aq¯ ibn Zur‘a (Arab 237 Christian translator), 205 Æthelred (king of England), 121 Abu‘Al¯ ¯ıNar¯ıf ibn Yumn (Melkite writer), 208 Æthelstan (Anglo-Saxon king), 240, 257 Abu¯ Bishr Matta¯ ibn Yunus¯ (Nestorian Æthelwold (bishop of Winchester), 334, 358, Christian logician), 206–08 359, 592, 593, 594 Abu-‘¯ ¯Isa¯ al-Warraq¯ (Muslim scholar), 203 Africa. See North Africa; Saharan Africa Abu-Qurra,¯ Theodore (Arab Christian afterlife. See otherworld writer), 172, 173, 203, 204 Agapetus I (pope), 26, 135 Abu-R¯ a‘it¯ .a, H. ab¯ıb ibn Khidma (Arab Agathias, 28 Christian writer), 203, 204 Agatho (pope), 215 Abu¯ ‘Umar Ah. mad ibn Muh. ammad ibn Sa‘d¯ı Agila (bishop and Adoptionist), 496 (Muslim traveler), 207 Agobard of Lyons, 167, 173–76, 502, 513 Abu’l-Q¯ asim¯ (Kalbi amir), 189 Ahimaaz of Oria, 160 Acacius (bishop of Constantinople), 24 Ahmad (Kalbi amir), 189 accommodation of paganism in Germanic Aidan (bishop of Lindisfarne), 92, 94, 232, 233 Christianities, 110–15 Ainmar (bishop of Auxerre), 343 Achilleus (saint), 138 Aistulf (Lombard nobleman), 411 Acts of the Apostles, apocryphal, 366 al-Far¯ ab¯ ¯ı (Muslim philosopher), 205, 206–08 Acts of Thomas, 276 al-H.
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