Florida Statewide Endangered and Threatened Plant Conservation Program, List of Reports by Species (V
Florida Statewide Endangered and Threatened Plant Conservation Program, List of Reports by Species (v. 20181129, from 1991 to 2018) Florida Statewide Endangered and Threatened Plant Conservation Program (funded by the United State Fish and Wildlife Service, Endangered Species Act, Sect. 6 “Traditional Funds” and by the Florida Forest Service). List of Final Reports for Rare Plant Conservation Projects 1992 through 2018, alphabetized by species. Most content available upon request from this program (see website for contact info). Amorpha crenulata Fisher, J. 2000. Demography of Pine Rockland Endangered Plant Taxa in Miami-Dade County. Kernan, C. Undated (1999). Demography of Some South Florida Ecosystem Endangered Plants. Angadenia berteroi Griffin Dozier, J. 2018. Seminole Wayside and Addition Lands – Pine Rockland Restoration Annual Report, Year 2. Griffin Dozier, J. and J. Ward. 2017. Seminole Wayside and Addition Lands – Pine Rockland Restoration Annual Report. Griffin Dozier, J. 2016. Seminole Wayside – Pine Rockland Restoration Annual Report, Year 3. Griffin Dozier, J. 2015. Seminole Wayside – Pine Rockland Restoration Annual Report, Year 2. Asclepias curtissii Brevard County Board of County Commisioners. 2003. Survey of Brevard County, Florida, for: Deeringothamnus rugelii and Deeringothamnus pulchellus. Brevard County Board of County Commisioners. 2003. Survey of Brevard County, Florida, for: Harrisia fragrans. Brevard County Board of County Commisioners. 2003. Survey of Brevard County, Florida, for: Warea carteri, Nolina brittoniana, and Polygala lewtonii. The Nature Conservancy, Lake Wales Ridge Program. 2000. Natural Community GIS Mapping of Tiger Creek Preserve, Saddleblanket Preserve and Carter Creek. Asclepias viridula Hardin, E.D., Ph. D. and A.M. Schrift. 2006. Florida Statewide Threatened and Endangered Plant Conservation Program.
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