LOtBKKAN CsTOBCH . May 14. at 8 p. m, tin as-will how their monthly toy 1». at » p. n. the» Ida! meeting of the church is** jBehs-enr-iirsisr _r to attend (bit meeting. iy %>a Women1* OuU_ cake sale hi Thennan"s CRANFORD. N. J~ THURSDAY. MAY 21, 1931 FIVE C! h Pnlon avarae- Mn\ Dwr Vol. XXXIV. No. 16. ble wtll be In charge. F supper «*l be sent** at Sslvmtioa Army to Have Veto of Fmigii Wart by the Women** ftaOi on Conduct Buddy Poppy Sale 6. from e to 0 p. m. Keep Railroad Improvement rtNAMCfeS G. H. Johnston Wins ben and teU your Meads II are welcome. Wmhnw To raise funds for the Oahration Ar- Flak* Post, Veterans of Foreign Wan. lompwh, Noelker and Hc- my work which U canted on here, Mrs. i uut orgaauau will start Its annual Uisady Poppy sale Surrogate Nomination Celebrated At Dinner Saturday, in the intrresu of disabled ie committee. R. B. X. Craig has completed plans for Individuals, y-_ igs are held In the church the showing of "Clmarrto" la UM New Rrtkf Enterprises World War veterans slnd for other re- ruth Union avenue. Urt work which Uw Veterans of For- Central R__road Executives, Cranford Theatre Monday, uiBtl. Otto, Muir, Ward and Pascoe Picked for Republican Assembly President Whits Sp-lrs vatlon Army benefit. The army will Total HSUtn eign Wan carry on IBS SEBVICK Township OflkMb- ami On Raibassd Problems receive a percentage of proceeds from Former Commander Bernard Yansch Nominations. O'Donnell and Mrs. Meekins Win in all tickets sold in advance of the show, beads the committee In rhame of Uw ip Erkman, Jr. Other Prominent Men At- hence'Mrs.. Craig and her committee Investigation and super- local, sale and the post ,1s br-ira asalated the Democratic State Committee Contest. ig, Heating, Tinning tend. • __j i R. B White, president of the Central Urge all who plan to «ee Ttmarron" to by the Ladle*' Auxiliary Members of Railroad ot New Jersey was the only purchase their tickets from them. Store Room the post will conduct U)e sale at the Light Vote All Over County. Ive, E. '!' Craafsr* HAS railroad official to speak at the dinner Clmarron" is the screen dramatisa- Relief Enterprises trains early in live morning. »hUe tlw . CBanferd MM To commemorate the unmpi.n.^ oflast Thursday night given by the Town- «iu» tion of Edna PerbeT's novel of the his- Omce _ , .. womeu «U1 carry It on during the day The vote In tho primaries Tuesday Members of the County Committee I the elimination of'grade crossings on | ship Committee to commemorate the tory of Oklahoma and how, one family Food . - l^BUT through all sections of Uio town Tlir . the Central Railroad of New Jeney tocamnletlea of the railroad Improve, «aa light all aver thr County except elected were: 1st District-Alter If Del- moulded Its progress from Iu earliest Coal popple* are made by disabled \clerans n a few ot the- smaller municipalities ler and'James E, Warner; 2nd'District Cranford, as well as the erection of ment. Mr. White gave an Interesting Clothing . in Ooveniment hospitals and the name the new passenger railroad station, the address. in which he) touched upon days. It has been acclaimed as an where lively local contests were op —Florence Pou-rson nnd Samuel II. historical epic, replete wlUrTomt of Water . . . -Buddy I'oppy" Is cop>lighted by tlio The primary coining In May, a month Tool; 3rd District, R. R. Ilorrett ami Township Commlttn tendered a dinner present conditions of railroad opera- and reception to railroad the moat thrilling action ever prepared Vetrrans ot Forrliw Wars earlier than usual had Mimelhum Jo Wtiinlrrcd CM: 4Ui District—Mrn. tions, ss well as plans for the future. Total . The project has Uw endorsement of do ftlth this Tlirrr «erc no ronlesta Bey and George O Teller; S(h Dh- !>, Thursday night at the Echo Lake for screen entertainment. Richard DU, f Be stressed tha point that railroads In Irene Dunne and Estelle Taylor play Piealdent Hoover,-as fullows - I wtkrtit- m CranrordrtlKi wimle Intercut being trlct -Nelllo Ftc and J Edw- Wolf; . Country Club. Offfcen of the railroad New Jersey, which pay a large amount , 'who were presett were: R. a White, the leads. 1) cuuuiHMid Uie annual lludily I'oppy on I hi- 8urroirale and Assembly con- (Ith niatrict -Oroct W; llnlUT ami Rob- to the 8tat£ In. taxes are facing'unfair, CRANFORD RUNNERS cwnpulgn which J« carried on under test» Tha tola) vote hero combining ert W. Nlttdrach; 7th IJIstrlct^Mrs, __prealdent;.O. H. Stein, assistant. to,the competition from, motor tracks. and president; -JOeorge Holmes, special - WIN STATE RELAY iJM"au»pi<'--Vetei»tw of For- tr»> RuiuWfcata and' Denfocrats was T>fffll alra-WrfffyA~Bf4lhStr,. 8U1 dl«-" ' buses,'for which the State registration lgn Wars'of tlu> Unltod Htntea u&jk » IX-mucraUq btflloVM>eittSnCast, liMA rMrs. Jones anil Wltt._Au»UBT-»v^ fees-are very-tow-arsr which are not ger; W. V. Shipley, passenger traffic Junior Red Cross mrani of gentnil -(Ivllian contribution ami 1JB1 Iti'tiubllcan, tliftofal bolnu * fn Uic ThTru"T1Mrlrt,"a plistf'r* I'Tnh- taxed'otherwise In proportion to rail- Htswsartst storsml sa LaasHssg in the rrlirf work lor dlublrd ami lew Ulan 30 per ('('lit or Ihe Registra- imlgn OKUlurt Mr Ilarrcll for JaincarA. manager and A. _'Owen, chief engi- roads. • ilessl at lUansy Sf«rt Laat . tion Tin" 3rd Dlslrkt pollrd UIL> larg- neer. iM-rdy veterans and their dependent!!. Knowlpii was actively ciirrh'U un but— As to future improvements, Mr. la It not only gives employment to dla- est number of votes, 2$), about 3d per this falled,;tlii> yoU;,bclni|-10l to (IS. In Township officials, as well as-mem- cent. ' ' •' •"•.• ',. ' the anvphtli, Mr.v Tcrrill' had opiKial- bers of tbe Township Committee, and White declared electrification of the uhled veterans, but also aids In tlw Central Railroad to give service for the Running on si »it.'"slow. Irack. aitd maintenance" of a Natlona} llomo for Cleorge It Johnstun was uaminated (Inn. her vuta^rliiit 143 to IX) tor Mrs |V. -other Cranford residents.were..In at- Younger Members' Hear of Hnrmer. tendance. Among them, were the.pres- Continued on Kenllworth page; acing ii'stlrtiVina. the Crmnlonl Ill»rt lows and Orphans of deceased vet- bjr"a majority of 'approittihately'''3U0, Work as National Organiza- School Jialf-mile rtUj uam earned oil erans in Eaton Hapldai Michigan^-^— complete .returna not yet being nvall- Democrats rlccfril to the Oouiity tion "Merles STJBti Anniver- «m«nT^Tt^e^-ra^DISlTtT-•Wnr^'— sided as (oastmaster; Oeorge A. Luts, Meet last Satunbty at Kcamy. Since ryliig four dlitrlclf aim Iliiurfuur. In TT'OauTx'tt nniTMary 'Arnolitj~3iiOils7" the Prnn Relays, Coach Weeklty had LST cute—always, James a. Beggs, Oeorge._,. Osterheldt Yellow Dogs Honor those municipalities whern tho Repub- trlct-i-Jamos W. Darrt'tl and Mrs. Ilur- and Frank McCuUough, who served as been preparing- his runners for* the Memorial Day Plans lican voto wa< heavy by reason of lo-rett; 3rd Olstrict-W. K, Cooper" and hall-mile team event and they turned cal"contests - (he Johnston"majorities delivery—always, chairman of the committee on arrange- Cranford members ot the Junior Red Mrs. Cooper; 4lh District— mini': mil ments for the" dinner, and Laurence B. Township Conpittee In splendid time, conrfng the courae wire big. In his homo town of Scotch DIMrlct-avurgc Bauer and Helen Mc- larket with a repu- Mason and. George K. Warner, -who Cross are.taking a,Jeadlng part In, the in-lust oae-attiu*.*. Neariog Completion Plah»,-Mr. Johiulun-hud I0M tohl »MHIIOII; mil- District—Jnm™ O'Neill served as members of the Township celebration of -th« 60th anniversary ot second shy of the Stale Oati^'B" : opponent's 134, a truly remarkable en- and Union I'hdan: 7th Dlstrlct,-f:d- ddiver your order Committee while the Improvements the American Red Cross, which la be- scholastic record.- .'•..-„' _. ' -*»»' ~~^ - 7' — dnriMntnt. •"••.• wurd' Black; Bth District-Cuilvy ulu( were being carried on. Gifts as Fellow-Caninea at ing observed nationally and Interna- Tile half-mile errnt. In which «ch Committee Hits Final Meeting The vote for Assembly candidate* In Mrs. 11. U. J. Cralit. ' . ._ runner coteied 330 yards, was con- Other Cranford guests were: Fred W. 1 tionally today. Tomorrow Night. Appeals Um County was, appronlmauly: Otto, Prcclmlder Drorsclirr' had the blRuest Park, Judge L. L. Lovela&d, Postmas- Republican Club Dinner ducted in two beau. Without touch' 96.750;' Muir, M.M0; Ward, 23000; Pos- votn of any candidate 011 tlm ticket, ter Elmer O. Houghton. Township At- Last Night °. At the assembly last Friday morning difficulty.Cranford wacMts preliminary Made for Funds and Cora. o«, 20,000; Compton, lB.'JOO; Mqffltt, 1,139; with Albert Hurley, for Towiwliii) torney Carl H. Warsinskt, Dr: James L. the program' "related \ to junior Red heat, with Uasbnuck IIHghU In tec- 3,«00 and Bass, B.BO0. _ Cnmmlttee, lolluwlng clone wlUi 1,1011, Perkins. Dr. Rowland P. Blythe, George Cross activities. Thelma WUd~oT~Eh> ond place. In the sUier heat. Wmfleld No Justice of the reaco CMidldaUi AlUiuutflt Assemblyniati Muir drew lust Final platu for tha community ob- H Bates, Harry R. Heins, Freeholder Arranged by. the Yellow Dogs, Inner Junior Class, who was the delegate at and Onion were the winners, so Cran- IUI itrliitcil oil the It«piibllcan ballot placo tit tho Assembly BroiUL li" WIUI servance of Memorial Quy will be made S.R. Dvoescher.Tax Collector Oeorge circle dt the Cranford Republican Club, the National convention of the Junior ord. Union Weatfteld and llasbrouck but Auniut - Ilelincrt and Karl. Juul sraand Irlgli In thti County tcitni: , Uw meeting of tlio Memorial Day O. Teller, James E. Warner, James Wr membsr*. of the Township Committee Red Cross held In 'Washington In April, ileights enured the nniL wert nominated by writing" In; their Tlie:"l6cai voU) by districts WAS1 on mimlttw tomorrow nvenlnii at a Barrett, Township Engineer D. C. N.were guesU at a dinner last night in presented an excellent report' of her Charles Bmelurr, Alfred Bivni and names. . .:'.-• follows: - - »— trip. She brought back from the con- 'clock In the Towmlilp Rootm. While Collins, A. W. Burley, Township Clerk the club hoflie. Nearly 50 were in at- John McOrsth were the first three For Governor— ID 3D «) «p 0U~ 71) BD Totals A. R. Denman and Township Treas- tendance, ai, the dinner was limited to vention much enthusiasm runners for Cranford and starting from final details of the program ore being p vnjrlteU out, two iHifwrtaul »ui>-rainmlL- - Balrd, II 304 lit 1111 104 IBB 133 1074 urer «. R. Winckler.'™-•_=__—-—~; the number which could be accommo- nn Inside position. Kajfcrouck UeltilrU "T 'Ml""30"^1T3—'"Tl"""!)"—80 ed upon the pupils the need nof more et'i are making appeala for dlmt |)iib- Other guests included; C. A. "Mead, dated In the club. Albert B. CaldweU active participation in the affairs of slipped Into an r»rly bwL When Bur- prMifletf-ss-toastmaster . of- the- affair Junior Red'• Ciuu^by*""the^lrtgh nttt Towft*. CraliloM SJicl>of liiiiimiij. and Introduced an, the present members given the baton, tr* llasbrouck Ilrteliu den. clialrman ot the llnajiw coinmlt- ,.,JI.Mii;,, ,; 3fl 11 U4 48 41) 42 4K! Commission: Director, William. L _Mc- School Chapter. Ward, B ,..,:.„., '. "... 08 L «0 107 B7 U4 .131 173 Oil . MH of the township Ittee as various runner was. ten yards In the Irad. but la mllcltlng conlrtbutlons to defmy Mane, of the Union County Board of Olga Specht, president of the Cran- cost of the community obnervuicc Otto, R ,.,.•..'•.,-. "HI - BI . IBB 108 104144 170 120 I)IH Chosen Freeholders; "and W. R. Tracy, fcfrtdf Of CiOgS, each withap- Towers «ai equal ,to Uw d^maiuis ford Junior Red Cross, Introduced Otto made upon him and came through toof the day, while Wesley A- Btoiujor; I'uai-or, It ...... M 39 \VX 03 03 117 1011 70 out secretary and engineer of the, Union propriate gifts. Lund, field representative of-the-Junior lli 84 win for the; local runnrra. In the teat chairman of tho tnuuporlatlbn couv- CJumpton, K^n.MMw».,.»» Oft 31 137 70 57 County Park Commission., Mayor Aldrtch classified as a Red Cross of New Jersey, who gave a mlttre ts lining up enrafto carry young 11 36 ia , 33 _) ISO dog, always part of th* raw.Unio n msWd out HM- Regrets were received from County greyhound, "a pretty very interesting address, relating his brouck Heights for srani-place. j hildren and rldcrly foliai'_wli.» wilt Mulr.R 00 ' 107 B0 'Mf' (33 130 115 1114 Park Commissioner Charles A. Reed, looks just so and travels distances discussion to the activities of both the marcluui-lhc-pii adcUroml WejLK»d Judson, I) B 1 31 12 * 4 11 Governor and Mrs. Morgan F. Larson, In very speedy UmeV eason for Junior and Senior Red Cross organiza- place toPalrvlewllCemetery.jwhiin! the CaldweU look second place. TIKV tending team Joseph F. Autenrelth, president ot the the desire to go tions here and abroad.; He appealed es- 'derails of Porelgn Wars will conduct - :•aarf:'v iiodge, u ;...:.„. n , _ - | 12 .4 II 7B ["-likes was South River, while Cnnlord re- 3 Utilities Commission;-.Mayor - Harry saldr was that the peciaUrtothe-boys for their moreac- IlK'lr ritual. '.'Weltehek, a'.... .,.12 l 37 U 4 11 77 fish whlchmustbocaught in far-off peated IU performance of the Penn 2 1 Bachsrach of Atlantic City, member of tlve support In the affairs of the Fur County tier*— —, (Continued on Kenllworth page) places. The gift presented to trie mayor Junior Red Cross. . _ Relays In defeating L'n*ou for second Capt. Drydcn's appeal la aa follows: was a bowl of gold fish, George LuU place, Arthur Fredertckaoa running at Mayor Altlrlcli has api>oint«d4a com- 03 - 221 138 139 - 195 IO» 137 1121 Later in the morning, Mr. Lund spoke ;;r 13 - « : 3 1 20 12-••-•'• 3- •II 78 was characterised as a buU dog.Vwtth at the .Lincoln School Red Cross As- anchor for-Cranf end did the quarter in mittre to"arraiigii for"tho MemoYiiil Uay a tough growl, but a heart of gold^ He sembly._..Other.'., scnool«_in_Cranforc), about 54 seconds,' picking up trn yards for thus* who ([»vo their. For Hurrvgal*— wasvjp«esente4-*wlth;a?^pj6.6f- ^;4|!r^.yj^;,!W,:pOT.^cjtHntr)f^!*j¥ _B :Vja.:.-:.47.„,jJfc_Ua.T.:ji:::.M~-tfft . Ladies'Night Excels McCanrr School, 8t.-Mlohael'»,arant.' 1 Rulea of Order. Somejook the first fpr Cmnlord. and Ftrdericlnoa ppeal Has ever iwe'n mailo to ihucil- irnoo-r's* ?:•••»»'-^r-^jf' o:i •'•• 050 Roosevelt, and Sherman School, as Wolfs Kiel, 1) .13 S . 2 0- 20 12 3 sentatidn as an indication that well as Oarwood and KenllworAh were members of the Paw Relay train lsens of Cranford tlrnt la more worthy Luts will-be the next-chairman of the of.their support and co-operaltlgn—16 For Curofur— • : 10 77 Township Committee, tor Mr. CaldweU Schools which are within the territory honor ami cuinniiTiiiufulc Uw sacrince the local Bed Cross Chapter are Longstreel, R 02 04 210 121 m 167 104 J> saMrt'Wlto-Ms'lttjressive-splrlt and they" ."made, — " ""•"" Chcaster;D :.:;..:^;:.~ \i~ 120 1070 Trinity Organization Stages this rule book, be ought to be able to their anniversary, celebrations Historians Will Hold ; Every citizen, male or r<-|nali', nliould run most anything from a Ford to a week. .;• •• - ; ••;::;.; For Fnebolder— ~r —li—n Immensely-Popular. Annual announoement of local Red Crass teel- it their saered-and solemnduty to Uroeschorj^R^..,...... -.^M _ 00_ 220_ 1 _ _J?J_-_!O_' Township?1' ~." ~ '•• """ ." have partTil "these~~ eiier(ilsesr. Affair at Casino With Un- regard to the anniversary """liicknk, D ^...ZZZLZZ. "J"To a "~o fi .'.j~ Police" Commissioner Beggs was" liken- Is as follows: "Fifty years Kwrrfor* ask you to contribute such ed to a police dog, with the injunction: sum as you feel you can give to defray For Township Commutes— usual Talent. ^ "__ .'•''_^j ; at jervice_to humanity..ls beingcele-; Durley, It...... ;. VI 01 227 118 ill". 101 11)4 .140 1100 "Behave—yourself and he Is your Next Thursday Night E*xei Uie. necessary expense. .Vour-contrU 8- 2...I SO 12 3 10 73 friend." Lauded as the Beau Brummel brated today all over the nation. From : --Coopir, D...-7...... 10 ( While each year the Mens' Club of coast to coast, along the Canadian and button can be, sent to any omcor of the of the Township .'Committee, Com- lent Program Planned to committee. Your committee asks that For Justice or the reace— Trinity Parish stages-Hranrma 1VT l Ladles' i throughout the net Coffey, D ...,'.,...: ...:.;.., 12 ' 1 27 13 3 H 77 AdUlty ruiSU HM^*" TSIITMTTT sMs*kHirssi mi««inn»r mm wa^..«lyen a pair ot yfiii givfi.ithrni Ihr mtnr gcneriaaLJUf. c -WhicfrAH-Gtlzens •II .'- lit. Night, those -who* attendee],Uu*-Thurs- green spats. Fire- Commissioner Mc- worsr'ot'Wbtrchapttra. t«iis-of port to this worthy cause that you ac- day*s affair maintain that regardless Cullough was introduced as sv "be-rib- andr of citizens am) co-workers, under vited. corded to our former. chairman, - the Far HUU Committee— of previous successes this one set a boned pug." Bis only fault, Mr. Cald- the Red. Cross flag, will be listening in late Harvey N. Flake, who by his un- Bmitii, R .„.....;...,...,..:..-.. BI 54 210 122 128 IBB 180 127 1070 new high mark. The evening was cool weti said, was following fire engines, on the program: and dinner being held •lflsh devotion'and Interest did much1 Deatly, R - 87 60 202 117 110 144 182 121 1032 following the rain ot all day and Under but he does that because It's his duty. at the CapltatV Official, Washington, jr. Stanley Vorheea. president, of theto make the Memorial .Services the . O'Donnell, D - 1 2 1 0 3 20 • "clear-sky tha -members at_the dub. headed by President and Mrs, Hoover, Cranford Historical Society has Issue.) 8 1 •>3 He was liraTaT bouquet ot artificial : success they have been."v Dobbins, D -. & 13 0 40 with wives, daughters or mothers gath- flowers, * * -> cabinet officers, and thelr wives, Jus- a general Invitation to all dtlzens of At-kerman, D • 10 1 2 10 0 7 ' 45 tices of the Supreine Court, members Contributions may ^ be sent to Capt ered at the Casino for the annual event Oeorge E. Osterheldt, sv member of Cranford as weOasi mtaibcrsi of the - Meeklns, p , 3 7 0 3 1 23 at which the club entertains the/ ladles. of Congress, high officials of the army Crsoiford lUstortcal .Society \B hear Oryden, treosurjer of the committee, the -.Yellow. Dog* .../or,- yeans. _; SMinavy mraben'oOhe'"diplomatic ry fiage, asalsUuit.lreasurer^ or »oy ThVcapactty of U» "Casino was taMd given the title of -rear yellow dog". He Hon. H"F Brewer xpeak on total his- to capacity far almost three hundred corps and the ambassadors of many tory at Trinity Parbh House neat of the following officers. Herbert was presented with a permit, giving countries wUl lend, brilliance to the R. Wlnckler. chairman; Joseph P. A Musical Treat I Lions to Attend were In attmrlannr. him special prvlleges as tha oldest Yel- Tuesday evening. May 7». at »:15 This Presftent W. W. Buckley opened the Jubilee observance. " \ Is the annual mntlng et Ihe society Heuer, first vice chairman; Danld J Regional Dinner- low Dog in Cracford.. AmokJ. second vice chau-m&uu-or Al- Per Ton Will Be evening's entertainment with sv short 'At ft.30 p. m.. Eastern Standard which. Is always open to sd) members n Sunday afternoon. May 241H, the but well stated resume ot what was to Each member ot the committee re- and to the public' wbo~arie Interested •rt II Cald«el), secretary Lloiu clubs of Union County will pre- sponded briefly to their introductions Time, Chief Justice Hughe* wUl intro- Thus far, the total contribution is The members Of: Cranford Lions t Within Jen Days be expected. He also sprung some duce the speakers, the president of the In the work oC'the otymtrallon Hon. sent another exceptional treat (or the original humor and a few well chosen and presentations. Former Township K. F: Brewer is a member at one of people of the county, In the fonn of Club are to uttcmf the Rrglonal Din- 'puns by way of proof that he Is toCommltteemen O. K. Warner and Sam- United States and the president of the the oldest flmillei in this part of the Daniel J. Arnold, chairman, of the THAT ALL DUE Red Cross. Judge John Barton Payne musical cnlertalnincnt at the stadium ner meeting of the Ell?tibetli District, good form and possesses all the quali- uel H. Tool spoke on pasMaccompllsh- country. 14 a prominent and active line of march, requests all organiza- In. Warlnauco Park, at which tune a fications of a polished after dinner menta ot the towmbv* governing will also speak. The program will member In the Sons of the American tions whfclT wtll participate' in the at the Klks ciub, in Elizabeth tonight body. James E. Warner lauded the afford every community opportiinity to collection will be taken for the benefit speaker. He welcomed the members Revolution and has jutt returned from Memorial Day parade to get In touch ot the children's activities In the park at seven o'clock. They will go by car and their guests and. forecast tbe pro-present committee as the beat-looking absorb the story of the Red Cross, lo- their annual eomentfcn at Charleston, nth him at once so that they may be from, Cranford Trust Company corner group which hat been in office In thirty cally, nationally and system, gram, thanked the executive commit- South Carolina, lie is well versed in placed. Mr. Afnold'a address Is 223 At two-flfteen p. in. the seventy-five at 6: IS p. m o'clock. This will count tee and the-club.members tor their years: August Behnert, nominated as It has not been told since the days ot everything that pertains U> local his- North vaenue, West Tho parade will justice of the peace Tuesday, promised 1917." form at Forest and Union avenues at piece band of tho Elizabeth Elks Club as' the regular weekly meeting' of the loyal support of the officers during the tory and In addition to talking an that will give u iialf liour's concert, (ollow- mar post and then turned the evening to send all members of the committee The report of Miss Wild, delegate subject will tell of the early struggles S SO s in, proceeding then to Mem- Cranford Club and they will 'not meet over to the entertainment committee to Jail, with a great deal ot pleasure. of the cotmliy_ar Page' Rogers in "Connecticut Yankee," The The next meeting ot the local W. C. Murphy Oymnailum in Berlant Park. ials and Trim ment that the is entitled to this dis- mlttee of 33 was present with/a single ninth time. O. T. Harris was elected ban club will receive a percentage) of T. U. will be held on Tuesday. May M, The winning team will receive a cup • p~*uj* 'Jo sv diversion from the ln- vice president. "William 0. Klein, secre- The Woman's; G«Bd of Calvary la- proceeds from the ticket sale hi ad- at the home of Mrs. A. Jeergens, U given by Norman Murphy, operator of H,. .».ii.t program she rendered « Iheran Church wuVfaold thctr cake sale vance of the show. Frank DITulllo Is Burchfleld avenue, from 10 a. m. to i the" gymnasium. Carroll Qualntance Is r tary and Carl Hoe treasurer.' Badness preparing the. Cranford team for the »V tinging in two 06- and gaiety was adjoux^ed to resume In Friday instead of Saturday at The* ^.r^.,-T ot the club and Is handling p. m. Luncheon will Be 'served' for the distribution ot tickets. JS cents. ,, on.aanroodpagu . manna Dairy atom \ Dmon avenue. tu t the tart ^ '^Jtosi ' - • -

er \.. -k=- T^—r

't # (sw gust as? Jssv V*a% tjtsal sa>t PET TALES'... News Reviejv of Current oftheTRlBES Events the World Over By CDITHA l~ WATSON not their cover eorj "" '. TK* Arickara International Chtmber of Commerce Debate* Cimtttmi taUrf aihttlw at teaaii «a> ra«> *9 peeaa la Indian algn langang*. tb* Ari.c>, of katgdas tkatUtJ* aafaatt) of the fr kara*ar* called "com eatera." Tbey t Cures of Economic Depression—Financiers ' oat *f Uae. Tb* fordga aUajtaten af worn.]u« had a" 'small-cared that entente have autcd that all *jaMt> •rimming -rtr»-wnl**--wa - ,-s-- Scoyed by M. A. Traylor. '_ Uoaa e— itraJaaj the aceard aaaat flM That th trnr delicious,-am tbeeooatrttaof Ike BtOe eajcate Orat. earlier rq •a (popular that II if aaltad la their attltade, and what for aprini vis used aa an ar By EDWARD W. PICKARD that attitude win b* la Indicated by A tlly femu tLlcle of trade. tb* fact that tha Banualta govcra- i Itfrk banker; George w; Olmttead. Corn was a prom- HAT alls thla ment has laforated Berlin that tt dot* A* you w _ old worldt What Pennsylvania public utilities ex« inent article In W not wtah to aegMlat* with tiernsany charming their ceremonlati are the causes of the tlve; Victor F. Rldder. New fork at thla Wave. M. Briand la being warm- and suige of tbe ailments? What can newspaper publisher; Robert P. Snlf- ly supported by Caechoalovakla. eara were kept for' be ' done about it? fen, Yonker*. N. Y, merchandising ex- crneratlona and These were the quet- pert, and MeU & Wilkinson, Atlanta were regarded witn llona atked and In (Ga.) merchant and manufacturer. Ci- B3NA baa virtual- reference, Tbe ein- various ways an- tations praised them for dlsttnguls C ly abrogated the- blematlc ear swered hj scores of the service to scouting. extraterritoriality corn waa ad- leading meo In flnanc* Lord Hampton, long' prominent In trcatlaa, wtta for- dressed as "Moth and Industry from English Boy Scout work, terved with eign powers, tbe ab- er." Certain rituals were observed at 43 nations, assembled distinction In.th* World war. Be i rogation tfttakv effect planting and harvesting, aa well aa at In Washington for th* awarded tbe Silver Cross for life i January 1 next. CW- ' rertalu time* during the growth of the sessions of tbe Inter- ing In 1019 snd tb* following year re- twtW JurltdlcUon over corn Etrn the picture writing ayra national Chamherof ceived the award of the Silver Walt legal cases Involving . bottling th,e people stressed tbe corn Commerce; Silat-tt-Stnrwn «f Chi- the British Scout decoration for.dis- forelgaen resident fo motif, and sometimes they were drawn cago, newly elected president of the tlngulshed service to boy*. China la to be eaub- aa an ear of com with'human mem- Chamber of Commerce of the United Uahed. but apedal bers. court* for andi ca*ea States, formally opened tbe meeting FJERE Is something else for cer- Chlanfl and' then Georges Tbeunlt, former will be created in cer- It Is hardly qeceasary to say, then, f-*- tain active opponents of the dry Belgian premier an__-d retiring- prea- . l law to ponder upon.The District of tain areaa, Indndlng that -fw» I)w>-*»rJI«n MMl MNMlwy to th* member* tf tit* Arickara hearts. They would capture IMtol «Uto( C«Mt OUIN Who g*vt the'burden or national defense which the District of Columbia Supreme tack* on foreigner* In the Ulterior, and dUsbled-WBslo as they wotted tbe. Court which had denied a petition by the, number ot protectlag warthlpa rt 4r»e* during th* HVortd w*r." river, swimming up to the great beasts Is BOW coating the nation* more than 13,000.000.000 a year and keeping near- United Statea Attorney Leo A.-Rover various ports waa- Increased. •«l«w-Th* MnoUph In Arlington ;.J.rJl!^iL.!!a£f!n™».&.. : President Chiang ialahek I* hav- . ferodty of a wounded •nay «h*plaln*-*f all ^aKh* end He urged the buslne«B-nien of the UaUon.-- uffslo. .to that the temerity of'thi five contlnenti to mobilise their In- and with some member* of bis own «•*• laat thalr liiua In th* ik I Arickara In catching these animals Buence upon their respective govern- U1S conviction Nationalist party. The former are led thns Is beyond comparison, ments to Join In the reduction of ^* tbe charge of acr, by Chen Chl-tang. and both they and Another extremely bold exploit armament at the International con- ctptlag a bribe having the conservative Natlonallsta declare KLMO aCOTT WAT.ON which (hey performed yearly waa the ference to be held -.next year under , been^^upbeld, .J>y, Jtbe, Jhat Chiang must resign the presi- EMOHIAL day 1s" I d«y Tol gatlierlng-of wood' which"they- tbokr the auspices of the Leaiue of Nations.' District of Columbia dency, asserting- that be- Is' trylntrto- decorating the grave* from-the river. In the spring,"when "Of all proposals for the economic court ot appeals, Al make himself a dictator. The prov- our warrior dead. Bstsb- tbe Ice broke Into cakes and floated rehabilitation of the world," aatd Mr. bert B. Fall aayt be inces of Kwangtnng and Kwangal de- llshed originally In memory swiftly and dangerously down the Hoover, "I. know of none which com- baa decided not 'to clared their independence, ' of tho« who lost tiieli stream, these fearless Indiana, men, pares In necessity or Importance with carry tbe cat* to tbe lives during the Civil war women, and children, engaged In the the successful result of tbst confer- Supreme court of the PRESIDENT. DODMERGUE opened It baa been made the occa -occupation of hauling wood ashore. It ence." • " , ' —.,' : - '. •; United State*. The * France's International colonial ex- alon—for recalling those required a sure foot and a quick hand 1 M. Tlomnls submitted a long and former aecretary of position at Tlncennes park on Tues- other* who died In other to leap lightly across the shifting Ice the Interior, It seems, day, and It Is expected that the big wan, and since 1018 the cakes, tie. a con] to Ihe drifting wood, exTflnistlve report on world conditions. In the course of which hesald: "I A. B. Fall mast serve the, one show will attract throngs of visitor* day baa bad a deeper alg and return to «hore to pull the fuel In. year term.In prison.to which he was until It closes at- the- end of -October. for more Americans" than am personally convinced that the com- alllcance The Arickara. besides this fearless mercial policy and the customs tariff sentenced, amTpay a fine of 1100,000, In addition to all French colonies.' " •*•«• before. manner of providing meat and fuel, ln force In moat of the countries of unless President'Hoover Intervene* tbe United States, Italy. Belgium. black crep When we speak of our World^wa could, boast considerable versatility the world constitute one of the funiln- with a pardon—which I* the hope of Braitl, Denmark. Holland, and PON edge from I _ dead, we usually think of the aojldl Ib' the more sedentary arts. They niental.jcausesof.ouFjtctujal^cjjnpmlc.-- his, frlendfc^iw— tngal are represented. Native life of l«ttlcoat v -aalkm and marines, tho fighting ide boars of burfatohtdef'rattened troubies. A liberal customs policy jndo-Chlna, equatorial Africa, and narrow Va Fall, Interviewed at hit ranch In Madagascar has been reprodoced even who gave their live* on th* battlefields -mi£hl_be expected to lead .to better New. Mexico, said his attitude toward tlnn ot tl i hTch* iKey~couTd cross the~Mistonri business conditions." to the extent of Importing SipOO na- repeat the a Presidential pardon was rather pat- tives. - •f the Atlantic. Hut there were othera three "at a time. They made basket He thus showed he was In accord site. "1 am an old man," be said. "1 If It'-Is bealde* aoldlen, ssllora and marine* traps to catch nth. Pottery cooking with certain prominent members of am not guilty of tbe crime of which The United Statea Is Is showing who also served and died fur Iticlr utensils, bntketry, stone mortars for the United States Chamber of Com- 1 TO accused. I bad fought until by a copy of Washington's Mount or pleating cooutrjr. and It la lilting that the;, too. crushing com, horn,.-spoons, flint merce, who at their, meeting lay -At- I nm-worn out and considerations for Vernon home, and by. pavilions for same as tl should be Jlouored on Ueiiioiial day. knives. and hoea made from the shoul- lantic City called for a tariff revision, my family irapil me to carry, the fight Hawaiian, torto RIcan, Alaskan, and Often U I Th» title of chaplain -ErinKa to the: der blade* of buffalo, were among the downward. . Bo further." 1 Philippine exhibits. : ' :• "Which aho ••lad the picture oil • man of peacn products of the Arickara, before theae achieved Ir ntbcr timn-of i iliati-of-waT.—TetT ImpIcMenlsycouid be obtained from Melvni A?JTray]or.: promlnenL^Chl-: Iln«.tald..he. bad no.money with Ing hcmlln cago banker, electrified his hearers by which to pay the fine and explained PRESIDENT CARMONA of Portugal written ID the annale of tho groat con- tradfrs^In_»lmpIerZ:*jid.better form. a- Is comparatively' nappy now.- for faced' witt flict of l»M-t«-IO!A.te..{bc..Kcanl-af. They- bad a-fliannef of melting xiara » scorching .attack oni^ commercial he had lost ownership of the ranch The Idea 1 I eadefs and covern'm'ent"executives lot" i'OB wlilcn BeT'llyea when a morttnge the rather serious revolt In-Madeira worn th«n one exatuple of heroUtu In guard, iierrurmpd brlltianlly, purlug torn. Hut pneumonia aird kttueua beads and pouring the colored liquid island -has been suppressed by tbe ba'Ue. of indlllervtice to danger and lite War vt I81S Iti"Veaaelii,Vaiibited' nto molds to make ornaments, and America.. "Ambition.- cupidity and wus foreclosed sereral years afio. 1 riiu«d the death-of nearly 180 and greed have dictated policies, and trou- government force* under command of n of nuaeineh devollun to duty by thvie by traull gunboat*, protected our coaat- they also emhroldered garmenta with overwork, eihnustlon anff poor living blehatJ>ecn_Llie-rcsull.i.heJdetand» a (lleahlpe acnt vut.by Oreat Ilrltnln, the remainder wtfp gave, their llvej effective,.decoration. ••:'.'•• r-'belsat. Funcbal by land, sea and ««Mtaph which' rccalla the fnctthm "tlis Mlatrraa of the Heas/r to harasa y7there..sbouid be.so-much-po.v- their welfare were tba JVir '.Hielr. couhlfy.Just a»*trutyLai dljt ._^d.'WhJnf'ln''r~nat!o(r\thiitDti!iitr air until .they iave up the. light, the a ichaplaui*;,er Ihtf UnljSJ Utuil* •our court towna and.nur;ahlppltiK--1IV : topics; of especial con- : any Hroidlerwhh fell;in the firing ilne. thathf "•packlrig' Aieaf.6n ilielr hesdt of Its rlciiet, D.000,000'or more per- sideration during the leaders taking refuge In the British le- V- army, men of «ll fulthj and chtnli,. the Civil war It had a part III both gation. The casualties were not ex- 1 Tliree member* of the army nurse and back*, Inntead of binding It sona willing to work should be un- ; j *i j* «HT* their llvca for tliolr country. On naval fngngcmen'ta and In blockade Week throughout the corps received the American Distin- tbetr lioaui .Heavy.packs were car- able to find employment."'If Is a dial- cessive, but IBeDOrmal fife of Madeira tl» tiruuie tablet alllied to thli itone work. "••" . '."••'•' *" nation. To promote 8? guished Service cross, "llere are their ried In "this way far great'dlstnnce*. to the world and especially to better maternity, care had been'greatly disturbed for week* marker are linirllnil ihei» naiuca:._.'... Tlilrteen .revenue cutter* co-paicrutcU citations r Miss llelea_fl. McClellamV and the government In Lisbon was Albert U. Ucll. Aurt'tiu'1'.lluwurd. and those who exeeltfjln Iraimportlng American" buBluesa and political lead- for the women-of the with tho nuvy and iuven~wllh tho -HateHospital No. 10, for-extraor- the heaviest burdens sometimes gave United Statea was the really, worried 'or a time. Jolin «. lloone. , Ulcbael ,W. Kcllli. anny during the Spunlth-Auierlcan dinary heroism In action while on duty the nu-at to tXt |Hwr, that tliey uilcht K Mr. Traylor's. attack began wlthr oljtcr of, a big meet- J«4ui -«,-llr«d«n1—Jiilm <_•.- Kcrr; - ~wire~"tlie 'surgical ieniiVTat British galtf-meflt" with;the Lord* of'Ufe ing In "the Park Lane t a criticism of manufocturers who took OItE than once Mustapha Kemal ¥ Tbomna 11. Hullo. John F. McCarthy, helped Dewey at the llattie of Manila Casualty Clearing Station No. 01, .Brit- thereby. hotel, New York city, Buy and won special commendation advantage of technological and man-, MJ, Pasbn has refused to let the 3, I'atrlck I'..Carey. Arthur.II. M'arah. ish area.' France, August IT. WIT. The Arickara were also skilled In the 'arrangements for Turks make him President for lire, II. A. Clioulnnrd. TlmbtliyA.Munihy. frutu Ihe admiral and another, the She occupied the tnine tent with Miss aueuieut Improvements^d" swell theji "maeir,";whlch. It s«i remarkable when output to a point for In excess oHhe which; were -In the but they are doing It In effect any;— Wllllamll.Coriilah. a H U>-|ulirriy. luil»oii, took • part In the action at Beatrice Macdonald,. another reserve effected by a trained Indian wlturd. charge of Mrs. Kermlt Roosevelt. j Cardenas, Cuba. . Tho olUcers and the posalbllltles of consumption. And he way. The other day.they elected him ... « Walton a Donker. C'linrlcK U. I'rliit. nurse, cared for her'when wounded, Not every tribe was fortunate enougli Prominent physicians and health of- for bta third term of four years, that Wlltlaia V. DavntnvilbTir a Sewcli. crew' or_ the. Hudson were awarded stopped tho. hemorrhage from her was equally severe In Ills character. :o hitVe member* wh..i.xi-.M<.il in iy« """rs m -Til ait igqnj mn Luumj .action.be.lng.tukgo, bT ths_na»onaj_a»: JUAP -.OiinTcl"&- SuiaHT* wounds under lire caused by bombs i«illiJii--o£.the^uictliod»ut hankers anil art nf legerdemain;Jiut those who. did of tra'dertoil'the (l6ors of the stock' sembly ln extraordinary session at Harry Oelnmn. Willlamll.J.WIIIby. work of the torpedobout, Wlnslow, In from German airplanes. Miss Mc- women^'were among the attendant*, this engagement. Clelland^ was bora, In Austlriburgh. retarded thl* talent with great rever- and grain exchanges. He.urged that the latter .iBclndlnt; Mra. Herbert Angora, and the vote was unanimous.. Herbert I'. Doyle. '''.' . ence. "Certain forms, of magic were floor trading and/small margin ac- Ismet Pasha and" the cabinet resigned Uctow the nuiuci la Iwicribed thli Thla fine, tradition wus carried on Ohio. . '•'•. . Hoover^Mra. John Slogne. Mra, Au- believed In by all Indians, and-their counts be forbidden. : gust Bclmont, Mrs. E; Marshall Flel* pro forma and the premier and other •plui'li for them ^"Unuter'loTO bath no by the coutt guard service during the legends often embody the use ot this minister* were promptly, "appointed. nan than thlniiot a man lay dowulile World, war. Oh lAprll 11, 1U1T Pres- JUIst Mactionald, a_New York girl. Mrs. Jeremiah.Jlllband, Mrs. Samuel recclved~nje"prsro, iTSx Tier "cita- power. VffK STRAwV-when he addressed Schlffer, Mra. nobert L. Qerry. Mr*. life for hla frlenda" and "To you from ident Wilton mobllltVd the coatt guard AT foiling liana* we throw the torch—bo and the lighthouse service under.the tion rfud*, lopnrt: "During a German Their history shows that this, waa * the delegates; to the International John H. Drexcl, Mlta Mabel Cboate, APAN'S foremott your* to hold It hlgh^ •-•.-;••.- command of the aecretary of the navy. night air raid she continued at her once a southwestern tribe, closely alflU meeting Invlretf them all, to Chicago and Mist Francea Perklnt, NewTtork aviator,, young SeUBbbara^atar^ —ta Arltogtottilw Mandinnothor.tno-.- f^^lt|fetb<^k|lll.rrTlietivo:trU>e« ^-^^^^rceebraUmiofMar ^^^dl wounitcd until aerlously wounded by a' ed hit solo .fllgnTifrom awrial recalling tho lacrlBce of men tbo submarine*, which It wai virtual- moved north, but whA tbe Skldl set- 10 to 20, and he received assurance .Tokyo to Washington, who aencd to a brunch of the United ly, certain that Germany would send to German bomb, thereby losing an eye." tled on Loup river. Nebraska, the that many of them would attend; The puUTZER-prixe.awards for liter-" D. d, under the Slate* jMrrlce'' which la too little attack bur coast How real that Unii- lllss laabell Statnbaugb/also on the Arickara continued northeastward, midwest metropolit. hud mnde'^notu 1 ary excellence In 1030 have been pice* .of the Tokyo ,ttait of .Bate Uoapltal la.-.*, leetUis aomei'of -the .Sloulanitribea.' elaborate preparatJona ''or,tbleJutalr. _'-—~J- — "lr—-- ''n"" -"•'• known to mwt Ailwrlfont. Thlt h gerwoil:and tbe.Importantpart.'tMch- J the atone-otu'llik. creeled In 1KB. In tbe coast guard played In curbing thn vania glrlr-Trt^'id^ ttK-Trhom^hy-^^llSirt the-prciram=ln^fflngTfcstTfiiTi Tn''tne"' aurprraetTn'tSe'llst. The main awaMa newspaper ,U< •mnory of, the lttt omcertand enllited ravages of the** deadly-under-aea while with a aurglcal team at a Brit- war and sometimes at peace. Long brightly decoratdecorated "loop"l* district, big are: Best novel. Mr*. Margaret Ayer Shlmhun. Hla rout« aw of th* United State* coaat guard lighten was revealed for the Dm -time ish casualty clearing station during ago they built bouse* along the Mis- parades, dedication of Ihe replica of Barnes, forJ-Yeart of OraceP; best or tbe long and peril- woo toat their Urea during the World wo years ago when IJttle. Brown and the big German drive ot March 21. souri almost as far south as Omaha, FOrt Dearborn, firs* of the Century of book dealing with the history of the ous Journey was laid company published William' Boll Progrets exposition buildings, and, to out to the northern Is- war. • .'* •• _••• •-,. •':—r •. 1018, not far from Amiens. and these dwellings wer* later occu- United: States, Prof.-BemaddtS B. Clark* book, "When U-Boat* Came to Twenty-four women^were given the pied by tbe Slottlan tribes, who were wind up with, the elaborate war game Schmltt of University of Chicago, for lands of Japan, thence The average American cltltca. por- of the air force of the army. ; -Voshlhara Jiapa, thlnka of the cout guard main- America." .•'_•' . "-..-••. Distinguished Service medal for ex- drifting west. "The Coming of the War"; best play, along the Kurilea to _ ^, . •/"-• ly In teruui of III newipaper notoriety ceptionally meritorious service to the Lewis and Clark met the Arickara Susan GlaspeU. foc^ftilson's Bouse"; Petropavlovsk. Kamchatka, %i{h two in addition to opcrating~ln vhonwj PREVAILING - d e- Intermediate -landings;—froai - there gained In chafing "ram runuera," little watera, the boat* of the roast guard government In a place of re In Dakota in 18W. and found them not best American rnlogNphy; "Henry rmllilng that Ita talk of preventing Itjr, Hero are their names and place* unfriendly to the United Statea.-but * presslon has not James, for "Charles W.-Blot"; best across the Bering tea and along tbe. : service; also'served on the other aide affected' the Boy Aleutian Islsnds and the Alaskan ° theamuggllng of contraband llo.uor In- of the Atlantic. Six of Its cruising of birth: Lillian. Aubert,._West Baton" liter they became hostile, and. since volume of verse, Robert Frost, for to thl* country la only one of the rannj Rouge, Liu; Cecelia A.. Brenhan. ihe rivalry between trading companies Scoutt of Anierlca. "Collected Poems"; best piece of re- shore, with stops, to Seward, and,then cutler* were lent; abroad to Join {he The- natfona.1 council down to Vancouver and-JSeattle. At the serrlcn which It perfornia,' Kor tho naval force* In the war tone, iirlncl- Itranrhdale, j Pa.; Kotherlne Brcwn. -oted many ot tholr-troubles. they portorUI work, A. B. Macdonald of : —-eoaat guard-*arirrecord:of-HO"jpura Phlladelphla.l;Parr Sopny-Mair Burnv even sttacked-t trader1* hot latter dtj be will change^hl* *e« pon- fruhT L Mb* Kansa* atyStarrbBreiaSipIe^f" oons forianduig gear and proceed to -«f- bonorable-aervlce-under-tta pruud gagedf ; -lteb«-G.~Camenm,- 'thirteen"men.' "For a timeTafter"Ih]»7 day. meeting In Mein- foreign cotreapondence, a R. Knlcker- phla the clo»e of the San Francisco, after which be hopes mott, o . o•f "'"Sempe" r l«aratuat (Alwaya In this service, the Tampa WHS sunk Canada; Edna N. Omghlln. Kencw'ha. there was considerable unpleasantness, bocker of the Philadelphia Ledger: 1 •WlMAltce H.-Flush,-Jefferson-Coun- L tp-Hy-tcHtheSatlonaVCapltaHo^delliei -— Rady)-ltt- performing -rartonnlutlr*.- 1iy Tantimnrino-ahirnirof Hie cSiat snd to add-to ihelmnrvST, ttefr*crops -best- edlroria1^i3r*s;-ltfciEisan' of the" o President Hoover a mcinj^c of ty. Ga.: Annl* V. Goodrich. New failed foritwo years. •, ergab-ntloii and an- Fremont (Neb.) Tribune; best car- Tb* coaat guard «u crented by act guard'a .IDS cawialtle* were recorded nounced Ithadbeen- good will from Japan. YoaHiara'a. pen cockpit and no radio. The rev!' •enrlce, and the former llfe-earlng ark, N. J.; Sayre* L. MIlllkeiL. Brown*, ventful of all. Presl- ',: Constitution of Atlanta. Go., for meri- Iso sened and died. -But there la and to go back to Loup "river, dent Walter W. Head • *:?"« , .suggested aervtce. Tb* re\enu* csftcr aervlce, itlll another group whose aacrlflcea vllte. hc-.Jon* 0. Malloy, Klngttoo. where they had left the Skldl. but torious public aervlce |n exposing The huge German seaplane DO-X. costumes, t to which the-«oaat guard tracea back, N. Y.; Eilltb A. Mury'. Wtibwurtb. of Cblcago.piie.slded at : HampMn municipal graft,.Several young men which atarled for South America ar* too little known and whoso 'mrtu- this became a stay ot only two years, all.the sessions and'on the last day were given traveling- Kbolarahlp* In and long c wa* jMtabllahed In 17IW during the aec- ory should be Honored on Memorial Nev.; Add* S. Postnn, Springdale, as their hostility to tbe white* prompt- months ago and was laid up by a Ore. an undersk •od aeaalon of the Hrat congreaa upon Ark.;-, Marie a Rhodes, Pittsburgh. Mortimer Schlff. New Vork banker, Journalism. * is on Its way again and at last ac- day. They are the 271 heroic" women, ed~jrhe request that they return to the -ia« elected president for 1O3L - Not only th* recommendation of Alexander Pa.;'Dlanche/S. Rulon. Waretown, N. counts had : reached Bolama, Portn- taembera of the army tiuree corps, wbo Missouri, and by this time It waa At a banquet concluding tbe flrst Ing to "pe Hamilton, the.Drat aecretary of the laid down their llvea, Although none J.; Lillian J. Ryan, Boyle, Ireland: very'certain that the white* were (WEOMJE FISHEB BAKER of New gueae Guinea. gesture Is tnarary. The Continental navy had Mary E. Rteeban. JTrjixinn."' N. T.; daye teaslon Dan Beard, veteran In- rk »as killed.In action, three were wound- master. .This waa the last eventful dian fighter and chief commissioner ~* y° . »»P»ted to be the richest of evening keen dlibanded at the cloae of the ed by enemy lire. Two loat the|r live* Tiena Shelioa, Lexington, Ky.; Cath- move they made, for In 1SS0 the Fort American banker and tbe third richest ?ULL recognition hat been extended lisrent ben - Revolution and there wit no organlaed' and one wta seriously wounded In an erine SlnnoK.-'Mddfetown, Cttnn.; Berthotd reservation was established I J*?' 8c0IltI' P«*wed-the silver man In the country, who died of pneu- *•' ,by tb« United States to the dual format dret armed fore* to protect to* cbaata of exploalon In Urget practice on on* of Julia C/Stluaon, Worcester,'alas*,; the Arickara. Mandtn, and Hldstss, buffalo, hjgbeat honor In the gift of monia at the age of ninety-one. w*a kingdom of Hejas and Nejd and Its alip* or pel . - Ik* sew republic and to enforce th* our trantporta at aea. A hundred Ethel A- Sweet. Geato. Ontario; Dora- 1M0 kbey were given land In in* organisation, to an English peer burled Tuesday In Tuxedo Park. K, r! dependendea en the Arablta nenus- from below (•tttoma law*.* more had a narrow escape from death - th* and *lx_Americana. Those honored where ife resided. Many persona promi- sula. After year* of warfare, tha en- to «very war In which th* United whea tb* transport on, which they had j were Lord Utrnfon,, chief commla- tire kingdom la now ruled by lha Baud, Juried Stataa. subject to the lawa of •toer of BritW, Boy Scouta; Qrifflth nent la finance and b life generaltr Valvi •a*)ta> participated to* raveou* cut- uat embarked bad a coUlaton la New gorth Datoka. were, present at the funeral. ( tt embrace* an ana of about TOOUOOO Ogden Ells, editor of The American square mOea with a nopolatkts of leas Here'* tel Boy magulne; Lewi* Gawtry, New Because Mr. Baker died In arMftot no more of price depression, tb* United 8Utes n SjOOOOOOO. (ft ltat. wtttsca »IIM« nattsks • ' -tUsenaaed


V •"?'••••

|i ,,i^rff;^y^y ,f V 1 _ CDTHLkji AttD CHstOtilCU •* Mr* Terk «• s>, PETTICOATS "IN" AGAIN:PEEt> t I \ PROMUNDER SKIRT HEMLINES I^yer llieir Saving* With VITELU Irs troel Petticoats ar* th* length aad breadth of • »_ la" again, What's mort. It U 'Saa Fraaclaca.-a not thrtr Intention to remain under don than that of th* ami Urn* jear-sld bwy wka IranMd rross «over entirely. Bather are they going velvet wraps which/ win top mi- TUcago to Sas FnaeJar* wU» • lady's dainty ^frocks this eotslng t»1* ofceerJt* , to.peep oat from mder |b«: neintlne* - •>• - «,•** of the frocks with which they are a crutch leg. a to a Mes*~ by Csechostovakl*. when ho thought ot lovely Lou Bar. lean race track, wher* a« denge. Between times he crammed to b«runi« a Jot-tvy. BDIA hsa virtual- his mind with business affairs at Iha C ly abrogated tbo bank. extraterritoriality It Is notdlesa to say that be was treaties, whh for- desperately In love witb. Los, Bo YOUTH IS SLAIN - eign powers, tbe ab- great was tils pride that bo held aloof rogation ts< tat* effect fronMhe charming girl who bewitched IN LOVERS' DUEL .January 1 next. Chl- blui, because he was merely a clerk scsV Jurisdiction over In her. father's'bank—the rirst Na- legs! case* Involving tional of Uappydsy. vlluiga. Boy Kill* Friend Over m Carl foreJgaers resident fa Itoger ttleht tad been born and Both Loved.' China Is to be estab- raised In the' old-fashioned house lished.- but special where the thnish sang at da Greenville, na.—-H courts tor such cases and sltnoush the Illeots had DO mrfTif" th» rlnlrj »f iww will be created la cer- to speak pf, they did own thy old friends for th* nir.-iil.rtw of girl tain areas. Including house crammed with, autlqnr^ and nrmighr the tl*ath~sf Merrill ; gh*J.-TleBtate.-*l«kdeB and Can -- twentj-flne,' and -o i The mandate to thla effect waa mushrooms) In an old shed on the »-.'hno| children who savtd tlinlr pennies In the llirlft fiuid. ot Jha. •lofunct Vlnelniiil (N. J.) Trust ci>ry nut hmk Ihrmiiiu I hi- gin of the aluying s'jt^vernment after nexoUstlcins "" "' ' THe face that was/r*flecied that rrotlty of Cot Kvin IC KlnrWn, head of the TuidiMnen'il flank and Trust company 17m chllitnn nro lure >i>n Tn» girt arrr wttaat th* Sir Miles LajaDsosv^rlUah ssin- morning in Itoger a jwrrwr «* be lied cheering for Coloot'l KM!), who. Is In Iha center of tha-gn-up.. fought a duel in ii«ata> «ai "Au /sboUttott"Of 'sjctraxerrltorlat. his tie was dark «nd keen, with In* trateil wKrn sh# i id broken dowa. Foreign consols dark blue evesxfr the Itlent, family. slnjtng Sfi» t> ilhw jonaal* rasrl feared- that communists dt X_ Itoger was undoubtedly handsome «a New Christian Science Publishing House twenty 1 flad In the sctlon excuse, for at- (§ / ' well ss tall and broadshouldered. snd Oh, I lo.i-it M»rrlll. vam« »"«•«.- t sobbeiL "How roulil j'ka^r tkat on foreigners in th* Interior, snd as he weiR downstairs whistling ArchltiH*t's drnvvtng of thn building tn bn erei-tint .In unrfw tf protecting warship* at hllthelyyfils mother sighed and.smiled thla-'wouhl happen.- Th*y «*re tfco us ports was- Increased, - Itoalon for ih».-Chrlatlan-HeliHicv- l'ilhHitli(iimuiil«H-*t-» •nit*,'isBil ~«irba«iti~V pr*- .becaua/her. boy was happy. - , «f nlnuit «,1.i«W,iilKI."lt will sluiid oppiiHltn thn Mother isldent Chlsng -Ksl-shek la bar- "Tt(ree nilnutes lo go." he laid, ferretl Mfrrlli's cunipaDjr I mtmf «llk lwth"»if'-ttwnT.-»-thinnHf Pisaa kaww - arlth sonw members of his own down at table. "1 am the last one up. t-i1tdnt-lirv» Him." ——•— nallst party. The former are led •Sf course." ; >' MrOhre told In M« ilratMiM state- ment of how the'frtraurrii b*TSiiiae.. •** nnservatlve Nationalists declare Island with some honey—grandmoth- their mulunl lovr t.vr'J.itinalr-: Chiang must resign the preal- er la weeding her garden, and of »wasaeii!itg"ptbat-b*'"is' trying"* to couraeI am-up-frBm-hablt*—-•*•--"•- himself a dictator. The prov- Altwrt jLonx's houiw. ''It's a grearinornlng." said Itoger. t'rnnk wns hitter bff-it of Kwangtnng and Kwangsl de- "Wonderful; -Sakey"tS'berejto waah hail Hoi™ J»hnnl« frum blim. I their Independence. today, and she says "thiirTli*^ Han I knew she dMn'i l»«e t>l dcngesali came home from tbe moun- told him sit That ttartrd a ISIDENT DOCMEKGUE opened tains last night." took his pistol away from him aan* lo my tinm» I will attract throngs of visitors more and dashed off down tbe village AIDS SECRETARY DOAK heart) .s«im«l»Hly aatwk..at t%^ ikwr. It closes at- the- end of -October. streeb Four Pulitzer Award Winners I was mtlng s !»!<• su;ip«r. and B»HM» Idltlon to all French colonies." 'rotnplly at eleven o'clock a very and. father were ulivp. • •«! to |K* Dnlted States,. Italy. Belgium. black crepe de chine has a scalloped It Is because of the chic and tbt sinnrI little roadster dashed up am) door, auil lh#r« stood PrsBik wtlk o Denmark. Holland, and Por» edge from beneath which shows the charm expreM»d-4n. models such as Mr.'Iliirdengs.cam* Into the. bank. gun, are represented. Native life of (iettlcoat nlth_Its^rows_and rows_of z th«JllustraUaO-that tbe "He _sald h« was rraity lo skoat tia," equatoHaJ" Africa, and narrow Val edglnsr The lower~pbr^ lure of the velvet wrap Is proving lr> s iintll lino of IM was ktlfoL It* o«brr pucar has been reproduced even tlnn of the. sleeves and the veatee reslatable. One of the flattering tilings seen the crowd of a smsll while hat "How*" do you do,. Itoger," came Mr. to hnv«Mohnnle. _ I. Irtnl In rw—i e extent of Importing WOO na- ' repent the •ame'lace effect - -to be said In regurd to the cape- with him. but he wouldn'i llurtt. Km I If If Is uut a lace petticoat which •leeved coat on the seated figure Is, Ilardengc's pleasant voice and then be gut HIT gun and «• t>»r>M off 30 fret United States Is KpreaenTeoTS Is showing then It Is npt to be a ruffle thut In every line and detail It orctjlhe* WIIS talking nbout ths miiuiitalns, and anil shot."' -•' copy of Washington's Ifount J or pleating of print silk the very self- Ihevery aplrlt of youth. . how, after alt, there wns no belter pluro than-~!.oiig. Islnnd for the sum- Ills friendship fur Hal* |Cold»d tlr- la-home, and by pavilions for J| * siime as trims the rest of the dress. The color 'of thla winsome trannpur- fhee, ivr,nJ tiifn. |l« nrrlng atHlhVv lyfos *m ifco SIDENT CAIUIONA of Portugal Ing'hcmllne of-the monotone frock Is over a blue,-red and. gray striped silk Invited him ..to_..dinner., thnt evening. griiund murtally woon.lM. list* o>4. comparatively' happy now, for faced with the gay patterned silk. frock. The short cflpe sleeve and tio Then the bunk president went outside nther serious reToltlo-ldadelra - - The- Idea Is- repeated- In- the- lining of- fastening.tell-unmlstaluiulf-a-story of and spoke to his daughter before-she -has been suppressed by tbe drove avvny." ~- - . Famed BritiaJi War Bird iment forces undercommand of It was 'la. Us- e, bnt the normal fife of Madeira "I nm .glad that.father, mad*.you |iefj_n*w ° thmiigb ahrll (Ir» m iko come." she said with'a'contented lit- A new jxirlrolt »tud/of John Jusepll V iwsf ronr tiiahy iimM, bat II was) si cen greatly disturbed for week* torj-, Jr., nottil. New York Journalist he government In Lisbon was tle sigh. "The coutnry Is lovely, but slacker loin cot wblfh brought kiss !• anil I'ulltzer price winner of 1010, who his end. . worried for a time. we have so few real neighbors. Ail my life I've wanted neighbors I Peo- has been appoints] special represent- Itupprl was born In ItHT and ple who ilved~ncxi d(inr~«irtrwhom aUv«of Ui« secretary of lalwr to malts he wa» many month* ul.| kiasba has refused to let the one could be frlcndlyr-ime reads shout them In hooks, but. being a cjty fbent agencies. from the frWB.—Mayor FA Koarr solo flight fronT conversiilliin JeeiuM lo run "on map Is Tn Ti-i1ttrmma.-ll» itwaaT HZMW— to Washington, tenr concernliig the Illeni family. whether tn bnlld it new |n|i IK ISAI |l« under the ana-. The older people nuked iiunlliint In hod the old nnr nnm«30 arpi U) i*r fi>r-2S yrara; ' ". ' no. His ront« for the piny "Alllwui'a H»iisn','; (3) IMiniihil Duffy ut lh« IluJllnmrft-Hun fof- Thsmaynr (»r a lot of paMlrltf Ing about the Illent Iraillllons, the liest cnrt'Hin nf Ihu yrnr; (3) IleriimlotlH K. Ncliiultt of tlinUnlvernlly of > long and peiU> fjmlly helrlo'iiiis. f'nnil then they shout rn.llf|« » crlni*fm.'JowR.'TI>eai urney was laid Clilngo fur Ills book "flie (^milnif of the \Vnr"j"'<4) II. II. Ktitckerliocker of flnallv a bunch nt irantrw twd t» nWI harked back lo some of Ilogcr*! fa- IhV I'lillnilidiiiilu I'ubllc I*il((i-r for tho ln-»l cimnpli' of fori'lgn corrittpuriilerTre, the northern Is- mous ancestors. &,; v wverytiiing by getting dntnh and get- >f Japan, thence "\y» Oilnk s great deal of family, Una arrested the Kurilea to ^. lloger," siild Mr. llnrdenge after Aa there was no Jail ib* nuyof Bad •Tlovsk. Kamchatka, wl{a two auhlle, "tir npota- "Ves," salil Mrs. llnrdenxe^""my Inn, hut about bolWlng • aew Jan, :o Vancouier snd-JBesttle. At tbo husbnnd ««» a ppnr imrn when Jtejmei Snsrfha trailing college orators of clty-he-wBl-cnange-hurses; pon- the L'nltcd States mid Japan. well, ha la thinking It over. roriandlng gear and proceed to and fet) In loie with me—hii! lie- de- niustrstlnc iha Lure of Velvet.' clares If-lTdbl dh ' randsco. after which be hopes a nohlemah he. would hove asked for Pig Leap* From Wagon; KlVCl - Frog R.I.JQS- ProSUble ' _ "ni/TI9h"d'Tor"tiBrtii*wl Hi*? su uiuvb!" Frog culture Is a newcomer to the " TMan Brealu Tiiree RibaT sUdent Hoover a mriniMii nf The revival of the petticoat la alao orates the pretty brimmed bat which. Hiirdence. ' Suppose one of your bank partment of Agriculture. After study- ockplt and no radio. clerka loved your daughter—suppose becomlna; bacon oo anew oacVawesk-^ ..suggested In the popular redlngote II nraonu the new rough straws. i Ing thejnarket for tr«X less and learn- fast table, leaped over, taw (rasa) of huge..German seaplane DO-X. (ostumes. their open-ln-the-front skirts The attractive little Jacket-length, he hud nothing l>ut his position, s fine ing that the Honolulu market alone started for South • America ancestry and a little money saved op tbe wagon being ased lo coavey H. ond long coats being made to reveal wrap to the right Tn the picture Is' could handle 0,000 pairs of frogs legs Ths team, owned by EL JL Mooxagso. I ago and was laid np by a Ore. green of course, for green Is a fav- —yet loved tier snd wns willing lo a week at 20 cents s pair, the exten- Its way again and at last ae- an underskirt of print. work llk« a slave for her." becant frightened w-bes ^ba porker Not only are daytime modes yield- ored color thte-seoaon. So.vision let- sion service organized clubs In West fell behind them sod ran away. Moa- had reached Bolama, Porto- tuce green. If, yooNilesse, for thla "If It happened lo be you, Roger. Hawaii and on the Island nf Kauol. Qolnea. Ing to "petticoat rule" for the* new tague. was throws oat sod sssislsiH gesture Is extending Into the realm modish little wrap. The fetching soft we would say, 'go lo If eh. Adah!" Marketing specialists' considered this hree broken ribs. • sprained back aa4 of evening frocks. The Idea of trans- tied bow of self-velvet ,Is lined -with. . Mrs. Hn'rdeBge nodded, snd with a demand sufficient' to thalie frojr raising empomry paralyata below th* waist. . recognition .has been extended ' iisrent hemlines Is one exploited for Jonquil-yellow velvet ' _ wonderfully lender look at the girl's a profitable enterprise. Uw Dnlted States to the dual blushing, downcast flee, sne added: formal dress. These call for costume The story of the quaint and .novel The agricultural experiment station Nm is.Harass » t« (a of Hejsx and Nejd and Its velvet wrap which Is enlivening both -There Is a sundial down In the rose endes on the Arabiaa palav slip* or petticoats which are .finished garden, my dears—It Jays. Taint Imported two species of frogs Into Boston.-A big toy bora* . b' - from below tbe knees down with net. daytime arid evening mode. Is as ver- Uswsll a few years ago because they Rutcher has beea hsnlhsc s tfter yean of warfare, tha etv satile as creative genius can mate wart ne'er woo fair lady'—bnl 1 am igdomU now ruled by Ibn Band, cl-JfIpiL_Dr_tuI1e,— _- - ' sure—" feed on certain .Insect pests, -They hroogh DOSIOD stmts tor 3T jcaim. Vslvst Wrap-a Necessity. It. via Ingenous fabric manipulation proved worthy Insect lighters and like- •• - v latanattmal Th* borse. «wo*d by that dry. tsass races an ana of abort lUMXHr And they wntcfied the ynoni. people Frank Pa Vail and Grace Jones -being made man and wife by Dr. A. mOes with a population of has ' Here's Idling the world Ibat there's and the use of delectable colors. wise acquired a wide reputation for Its rodis- so well u ess break la a oo more fasdnating theme belns CBEItIB MC110LAS. flee -down ' lbs rose-walk band la the cooking quality of their legs. The Edwin Kelgwln (canter). In ffew lofk la tba first television ceremony ever JXXMXX). land. ' witnessed, Ths television "eye" 'broadcast the sight of the bride and groom new -driver withoa* nil iriiaamssaswiTanai • ' --discussed tbes* days throughout «a iill.ifmun Hnui«i native* call these frogs "mountain chickens." While the radJo broadcast the synchronlied "I doV - ' ,

' • ' "• '•' l:'


1 » -^ 1 • -


TBK CMMMttD DIED Uafertauut* Fact ABrB - -. Mi* Urla* K. Cants CTMI BagMUrt T«aat»k r«rs!aa Pi~4ilMUalt*d tl>« li in Use Jor Results rie was president of the OranfordW.IIS mrrtd, gray, »r,l«tctr * Ualea A.eaaa. CeaalaraT |TT ifce"*uuit""«*-'T«Mr»«B had for it*' story of Ctstau SW-Uurtii ttr- It iHnlw^s O. T. 0. far elchtetn yean and at the pomtemati a poet laureate, XnUf btesed, or Uw B»idfc*. U* »Sw than jsABloiin'rhlldren. altead ple- MAY 31, 1M1 tjm» of her dsth. was pmkleht ct the i trrrr far maT onerous tll« teatils belis llnkhi la C«}tao atl m i.h.m« vrt-rfly In lh«Cratsd Untoo County~w, o. T. u. uati tliuM cf bis Urltlali -equlvalrriL rr Burma aad tie bruue gmc> cfuh la FOB Bale—Whitney baby carriage. In good Bom In atawvutt. Ontario, Canada Acivrd'itiaT to Nsrdss* "Perain, • who a wifaa. a a*st> aaah IssarUaa. coadttloa. Talapfcoaa CBanford MKl a was In MM. Un. Ourrls^ came to Cranford 10.0UO busasertae la Tibet. Cain a*4 OntU wae*,' la s. war*. apeeit aam* j«rt in IVrals st the 6e- ii_ jjjew-jtiD or TutM - i Tw jMbn a Taar to resJd., ahortly after her marrtajf Moogolls, write* Alias T» Mtoto«s«*.J*- • PROPOSALS roi.'to'ajLU xlinsijix; uf tb» last century, _«!»« eti- UNION COUNTY, •. J rraab Tobacco rertlUaer. I3.M per bag tb* New. Tork Herald Trlkao*-. about tweniy-flv* years ago, Besides ej>« fa-rtcribed tnst -jritaerer- the . . co|«aalil~ A>MIM. Craalart' •atAL K8TAT1 rOB UUt. Lenlah Avenue Ofeanbouasa — - Vast la sis*; nafuiftmit U> »nttt*r- 1JT North Lebujh Aienoe, Cranford serving at tut offlotr of Uw Cranford n-afc UairlKj outside tbe capital hla Hil *«H " will l*lV'\"t FOB Hale. Koine. H BUIcreat Avenm. Blx W, C. T. TJ. and tho County organiza- tural eoneeptlon and:. «n»i* Baring Time, M •-(rStt-JI. ganiintlftfi'a Pn»nff txxninittca) and was Borobudur' now »I«I»1» s>i ,*« lasreata-^UMe: five) talog trenlKl MHNUAV. JUNE 1, im. UEKk'U tha Dargab) You're Been Looking for. president of tbe County.Presidents' twlltary In tiie rol'bt at not of «* c4> aia e^ual footing amuug the) leaner .n.^ao.f ileecrlHed work:' Hli room bauaa ba Houlh Union Aveooa CHAMBER* Caa «lole;..«i«^-t«o Flreleaa Council. Her last appearance ss Coun- .„.„ irf C'enl«nnlal Avenuf la Hie •team heat, three yeara old. K.IMt If aold Cookers, IWepllone CEaufurd «0IU. world's roo.t tetminxly f.rtiU ^itti auisiatftsu to Us irj»J«?»[>'l |il«anure Tueniahlp-nf Craiiliprd.from >orth Avenue lo UwwdUtaly. float bank, morujage. Bappr ty president of the W. 0. T. U. took A lilt: of tlie ssiwi ot rt» AH HT!M- axtjl dltmluo. . ' • •B.rluii lloaJ. Tlie ai«> cynslele of 1SJSS Home Ktct. ill Broad Htreet, KUaabeth, ELECTRIC Uiab WaabUw Machlner: Uolda The result or the primary contort for placa Just a week before, her death, ruare lurila »f rrluforceq concrete pavement forty pUraa. cuna. silver, glaaa and pianera and Enlightened T>o» mu natfr U>r Tl« Lfatcritip-aplieT ha S.I. • • . . -.' Surrogate cannot but be '«r»Ufylnf to when tht.prealded at the Spring In- , IIKIIMI In Uiickiitaa wllli concrete curba. Alao, Hay ba uaed aa porcelain top table, Xt x 42. mighty ntupa with onlj u o«m>Mtsl »«*• U* l>exH*t of potierity zradlnir »..rk. ilralnage nuiauucllona, retaining WKtrrrlKLO—Tet-y ekalrable ell room boilar. Perfect condition. Ftlee eU. Call CBsn- those *ht> believe. In decent' campaign stltuU In Elisabeth. • • •He and all ulliof vmrsa and constructlona uew. Uie bath and Utchan, good location ford t-tWi. It Norman Place. . . pIlgHm- to do* nverrnf* as b* 'arnt- tECt *srl aajliita of bis tnaaier, and metbodi. \Oeorge H. JobniUn eonr itfrrsuri- for a roiwlele >il>, aa art forth fully ft.OfiS. Alao a few very good farms and Baaldes her husband, Ha Currte gl«s up tlie terra«» sa lU «i«ufi<f lk» frl l.rate a' large proportion of these In Alti-rnsle Itlil" will lie received file a. * Inch load. Call . Gua Dreyer, ralr'lear Manor manner telling tin voters why he lliiik aliret aiH-tialt iiavement un 7 Inch ron-- Ml North Avenue. Phone WlaUUId 1-tMe. farm. Telephone'Utanford t-«tN5. i a wood; a brother, former Mayor Har- low robe and the slutves h«atl tu> Umt rent M. I'e/sls highly approved of ' idatliin with conl'rete conbinallaa thought Tw ihould bertnomlnaUd. He wood PUh af Hostile Park; a sister, er flit through the ttaim&xia c*i Uar rsatom.. arklch he found rigidly limtrrs; estimated- •T.aW. A wonderful buy. WeaiOetd. Mooarn BLACK TOP BOIL-flood, rich, 13.10 a truck- •pent, no- money for advertising and HIPIII la tlA'6 ii|ilare yanla. colonial alx room houae. near Junior load. Andrew JlnUe. Telephone ELIaaUth Mrs. William K Marshall of Everett, lerlw. .••••• faUvaed. ~tur tbe thab. knowing Unit 81th School and new grade school, baa a 1-4H3. after • f. II. . S-tl 'practically nothing for printing where- I'iaiis and aperlllcallima wltb all - detailed Wsshlngton and a. grandson, Ashton Dutch guards-Imp «!tUiint ntch «« anasr of Ida utterances and dwd» oiianllli™ for 1MB norlt may be examined at Urge lot. screened aldaporch, two-ear gar- aa there wa* ipent (or tali opponent • Currte, Jr. _ ,.. om™ of the (ounly_Engineer, Court House, age, large lot, very lovely neighborhood, aad BEDDING PLANTS all, visitors, eipectallj tuitnwtslsc • oa'.J be crratalited ID an ode, felt houae la In perfect condition, fair lama very large amount of money. Ur. 1.MH) Uaranluma. 5c up. The funeral lerrtoe will take place Aneriran tonrins. who tisr»k and behave raajestlcslly."—Muu- rilltrale from » Hiirtlr ciiniiany autlnf that charge.' Cranford. Beautiful boeaa In beat >,tH Bweet Wleretafleld. 15c. penonal attack on' Surrogate Johnston, •h Morely Cumpany will provide lha con-. aectlon of Craoford, -eight rooma, otlburner, 1.0M Ulanl Zuralaa. Itc: Presbyterian Church and the burial pocketing sinull hrur the .Qutrdlan. ;: ._open. pmrh.. acreena. aiHLswnina...lofejy_iar.- : : (^^^-.Jll.-i.l-.ul. to.^-luni «od-»llh «ict fff-anf t Japan—p^tfa m.^tfmm^ \Or, v -«bwlutely-tmJii»Unedr - «ne-rtt«in- of wuTbe tn talrview Cemetery. 'and hit IITOE* lnter*fl.rXHJc dl , ,,ii(llll,,iu aa arc rniulrrd I'r the apeelDealUma. den, Ill.BM. IWrna will be arranged U IgUIngUahh llry ,1 133 c up. Hand advertising, that Mr. Johnston Km. I, l.ld, uual be amirwanlrd wlttl a.car- sulu WUI conaldar ranting lo resuooelble Large. Juniper Hpeclmena tit eaeh. lltlril ilink for at liaat un 119%) par rait tenant. Klvlrs aicharda, It North Avenue. had been repudiated by hli home town, Lehlgh Avenue Ureenliouan LOEWa last. TelaBbpa* CHaiitord. o-ltll or I-IHT. ^«JH'jlllA .: , If " Scotch Plkiiii. dBKnret "mention Irilhli Tendency to Drop Use? WlUam Powell and Kay Francis hav PAINT.- BABGAlNcV-aeady: mixed ,j»nneoUqn, je^H^JS^mim^Mfi thfeleaullngi jbles liv^Ladtes* : of l&lenm Word " i—'finafinal ifilil "hihanl 'illltiillllti' gH'SffTTgH.SffrTTaTaVT ^uc -~z— -JL"L; tirard r^t-ri^il the right to rtjart any or ONK or two large furnlahed rooma for rent tn Bunray whlu Xnamel 14.90, Interior gloaa -Johniton-trrthB'prtmiry*M« jflst fd to to an InUnsely ttlrrlng dramatic The worjl "tran«l»«l«ij."* IK lu 1# ••rby- tie mottoes on "wat armor . realdenUal' dburlet Can "be arranged' rof -Inanal, white' or colors I3.3S. ruro wlilta : : ' HbeUac |tat. Hoor and trim Varnlab «Ui ~ IM-for Hand or nearly 90 ptr cent of romance, which opens Is week's run ai of the retnoVttl of a ptnoo to &**<«.' sad |«i>Uc shields, graduation dlplo lc. light houaakeepuif. aarag« If desired. Phone "' " 'fJrCounty CKanlord t-U7J. ' *" • af I'alnt Bamotar ll.JJ and naltlng OU ai.lv the vote cart, a complete refutation of romance, which opens Its week's run al conperma aacH,-rwmoral *>f . • . awi Biss.fic.sre in Latin and uot In a gallon. BenHne aud Naptba for Cleaning -•>: the statement. It U itrange, to *ay the'Loew's BttrU Theatre in Newark Sat- body In life. n» the tntwIiuloaT < Ccflith. There Is something In tbe COMfUUTABLY furnlahed front room, next to Brins; container.' Mauen Company, 11 JEaat- • PROPOSED ORDIHANCT balh. a Orove Hlreet. Tejepbona CJtanford man street, rbone CRanford 6-H2M. least, that people, ordinarily good, dt- urday. EHIKII. "Trnnsitlon" Is poiw«e fn«*i potot so .far as recent creatlonii are ; AX UltlHNA.WE provllBng-foe ,..:_-.- ,.,.,-„„--__•_ ,_. 5 :j_ 14*es;Man Maty of tbe l-atlo tongue diet i|i|irourlati/il to -defray the.coal of aald Im- light hotiaakeepbig. Ml ..Union. Avenue • EXPBW8, MOVING. TBCCKING In the sentence.* "All earthly North; - ' • • • • if hand, It Is regrettable that then was from hU very patronUinc ferns' ksrd. For example, "Are Numcrantor must pass away," or "Sh« p*t>*4 UOVLS'O, alorage, iruckliw. Weekly afcore not a more general community cele friends. • . • H«c. IV. In order lo temporarily finance aatd ATorgm* bat both In nound and tUht Improvement and lo meet Uie coat thereof, tem- 'Ulna. Trunks, baggage, etc.: All eeUnialea bratlon ' of the great Improvement, away hut night. cheermuy given. We nluve acroaa tbe liall Of the.tbree more Impprtant wuine Hot what word t» thrre tbm U axvre evf 'elersnce thsn the: EngHih porary boutta of Uie- Tnwnablp of Cranford are WOMAN wlahee cleaning abd waahlns nne or shortly after it was eompletedras was aullutrlaed lu be laaued Intan amvunt two days a weak. Bog a. Kenllworlh 9-11 or acroaa the continent,' rhoue^Auatln'a Kx- who fslUn lovg.wlth liliit, there li one, solemn'tlwn tbe word "ilrattt fpm—'1 follow a long line of'ences preta, CRanrord 01118. om.'e !!0 Houlh suggested by The Cranforc. Oltlsen and not enctwduiK IJSOO.UO, which aliall "bear In- KayTraticU, whom he himself loves. and why should! not on* make B*e of irr-- Ancestry Is. perllnpt. the best Teat al a rate not exceedlog »% per annum A VOUNU lady u prepared to do tutoring or Avenue. Uealdeuce !18 Norlll avenue, ijiu Chronicle However, the Township l|,|i,her arrtvsl • on the scene which Itt Ainonn uther words are. Ontcnt. ot ncutn for retslnlos the Latin. It and aliall mature In not more than six yeara to care for chUdren by the hour ur day. Committee Is to be congratulated on front tlie date wlieh Uie purpoae for which they Jilgbeet referencea, reaiunable cbargea. signals an-elid to Ills old .life ics a paid fleiuise. dr[mrture. and desulattoo.— la •atBethlriaT—which, although old, is DAILY TRlra-Neve folk. Brooklyn. Consult properly marking the occasion, even If ere Issued baa lieeu carried out. All other I'hona CBanford l-l«>. us about your moving, trucking and axpraaa- lover of dlamond-broceleted dowagers Uterory lllgeil. DOC odi—Loadon Times. njatlers III timnectlun with Uie latkianre of aald lag problema. Reasonable rates. {•hone conununlty or|ianutolion» did overlook Twoattajbare the hqadlint spot or honda aliall tie dflermuieU by reaolutlon of Uia W1IITI; woman wlahea day'a work, or WUI lake CHanford 01116. Austin's Kxpreae, ill NotUi tlie opporlunlly. " " ;-'"'-«-"~j» care of chUdreu al any Ume. 17 North ' A E-•'""->"•--"-- ™."'«-.^ „ the'vaudeville btU for"this w*ek.' LCif. . V. Thla ordinance aball lake elect it Avenue. Kaat. Telephone CBanford, t-IIU«-J. ' a e e Shaw In the collegiate singing am BridgM O**r Ri»«r CaarilU'a Growtk ilaya afu-r tlie tlatv of lu publication, after final passage, aa provided by law. VOL'NU lady thoroughly experienced In office XXP1IE88 trucking and carUng. Hpaclal lrl|ra Perhaps one of tho best reviews of dancing revue. ''Dee, I Nearly Slipped,' Altli(>uglu_gen«niUy. It has a swift A young male gorilla grows more work - Including- aunograpble, bookkeevlng, ' lo aeaahore antT other aummer reaurta. Also featuring Audrey and Eve Dlbson, Jim- NeUaa. ' . . caahler and awttchboard operaUng; would carting or any Tiliid. TrUngle Eiprtsa, U the work and'what It means to .Cran- current with many rapbls. tbe Rim- slowly than a boy of tlie same age. Cranford Terrace. I'bone ll-JMI. if my King and Joe Ratio; the other ad . fba furegolng onllnanca waa lnlroduced at a like to secure either permanent ur eubetltute ford wat contained In the few words Jordait U shallow tn van* aa*l fen)~ So rrports Pr. C V. Nohack. of tho regular'meeting of the Townahlp Committee of poeMon. Kmployed for paat Are yeara In printed upon tho programs for last is pave Kramer and Jack Boyle, bcttei ulilif. "lillo st Ita IOWMI rmcbtsolu N«TT York Etomologlrsl society, wlio Uie Township of • Cranford. New Jeraay, hold on real eatate loan department of bank. I'bone tiOVUfl). attrasa aad packlns carefully aueod- Tifursday's nunus. ,os followt: 'The known as the "Kappy-Oo-Lucky Pair.' t»s owdr a detailed study of a youth; Uay li. Hal.Hal.an' andd wilt buae considerecoualdsred fur CRanford fmp ad lo. MamXera of N. J. rurnUura Ware- Tiilliry widens iOBt.luta Jhe, ooot IKK* Olial n aagf, after- public hearing, at another ^ houae AaooclaUoov and membara Nauooal I1 * Central Railroad Company'for msJny Other aels on the program are^'In urlunt _plaln of Juntas* wtiere st«Hl fa) gorilla rec*lv«a at tbe New York regular meeting o_f. aald Townahlp Commlltaa. ruraltan Warebouee AaaocltUoa.--- leboaa >eart patlenUy ami una*in»hly planned i«> some Am ago. The rate of growth al Townahlhlp KKoolul, on .' WOBX WANTKO—Malt J, Allison. In.. Ill Bomb Avenue. Eaat. f ormallonv": a comedy-nktt by Eugene the filtinuUM city of Jerirbtf. motS umw Pbone CBanford. t-IHtft, ft (ur a satisfactory solution of^thls" diffi- TUBHUAT, MAV 5«TH. >IAN wlahea work around bouae^or. do garden Conrad with a man and woman in th of it iiie deitrojed rltlr* of SoJom •Isrisg thf first three years of life al « M p'M I'. SI tlUvlltbl Having Time) work. W. Z., Oarwood P. O. Box 310, Car- cult problem. Tlie 1034 petition was cast; Edith Bow, i^The Party Olrl," am au'tl "ilo'morrah. ' . ~" an mnml In, terms of adult AtiVAN H.'UKNIUN; wood. N. J. , 811 replied to by the Railroad Company •rrfglit rossibly correlaied with Hill TownxbU) Clark, APABTMENT8 FOB BENT Maxlner and . Hobby, a man with Just h«low tbe w» of fiaJItt* tk* [latnl May IS, Hit; YIIIINU man wishes Job Kalilting or white •sMwer giviiifc-is-Hf»'-fart^Hiat-th« TWp five room aparunenta. ..All improvrmenta. "wlttrphin* -of-* mwt-modern-eharacfceri trained-dogr-~ -~-—•-- ••••—-•-- •"TOitiiiHj'lUlH^ '•toile linc*lor or a Klonu Waur Hewer on North Lehljb TO BKNT—Atlracllve aparlmeitt. 3 ruome and Board ot 1'ubllc Utility CorrunlMlonen J; vri.Uo'(roiii "ir«»lhoflio"A>«me ahd MiMloll _..lnf. or. odd.Jobt: around. houae^...44,Jluriiaiaa * 'Nthr^prtvate -garage.- r"SOT"Union""Avenue, ~thB""Jlsr-lleJamta7 probat>lyv also' or Avenue, telephone. Ckanford 61<(1. under dute of May loth, 1D36. The exe- Aeschylus, wliu lived DUO years' be- Notiack's study bad Itt full set of mils errain in .L'ejitrulital Avenue, and on Wlnana NorUi. M llmiian foundallun rv[«lrv. f*tl Unlou: ' . FOUU rooma aud bath, |20. ttve rooma and I ~--Her,-1 • Thafa - atorm - irater -aewer be cbn- —haln.SU, —Oaa-and-eleeirler -Apply 1 IS A in ruiifa, Thl» oFnmither brUlif* ieim atrucled. coiuuiciu-llig al the end of Uia present rOBBBTC Uranga Avenue. Craufurd aner 7 1'. U if ."At an engineering achbuvement, I 2-11 — . ' UTM -Braalllsa Stats* '- down WHS deitroytNl by -th* Tttrk* 'lia uiicrete plpa aluru. aevrer at Hawthorne Ave- J'OH Rfnt-rtve rooms and bath, with heal. (38. t tUtnds IM a monument of tklll. As a .the World wtir timl .re^tat^vj by sEue jue and Mansion Terraea and running.thence Near achool. atores and-bua, -five nilnutaa - i 1 ft Braall U larger than tb* United wliu a Uilrly-aU Inch |30"| pipe'along Man- I BAKING e,. rnllrofid Improvement,' It It a liberal Seen after tie Civil war there waa lo elation, tie Uncoln Avenue. J. Slates, sod Is divided Into only 20 BlitiHtantlul stone and Irvm alon Terrace to NurUi tclilgh Avenue, aud con- OKIlSC-BJtJTTIRS IliTme BaklOB- to order. .'- •*" great pabUcInterest ln_perpetual mo- . i-xprnislon of the Railroad Company's states,-wftersaaJM-bave-iau,Tlir«« of Unulns tliruce wllh a lhlrty-slx Inch tlfi"* Pipe Illlilt class apartment for rant. Convenient to .JfL . frellint of'rMJiomlbilily to the public tkoTThat la, a marline whTc¥ wouhl along Nullli L»l,ljli Aunu« lo UwuTerisce, aUllou and trolley. "Beilrlcle pipe along Viatoana Ave- ;«•;' op tbe question' aod pointed out" for *.»••' Township devel6niiieiiCtlt"~stltnUlH« _i)Be_ojfj!!O.Kn!!)teLcl.K.k» tfta« Kail* nue for a dlatance of approximately BOS feet, EIGHT room bouaa. 150.90. Tine locaUon. lot t.uii tbe benefit sf Investors and others thut together -wttti-al! necvaaary catch baalna, man' PAINTING AND DECOIIATING public commence tn me Tuture—pro* ever bevn madfe was tbat-. of Otastao- Maple Place. Two car garage If desired. I! • f Rock wool It till' saintf as mineral tiKh motion was sn Impossibility. It holea and draluaie fltllnga. accorcang to the for each aide. Apply JS Central Avenue. prrlly of the conununlty.'' hurv UCnf.) »Wwj, which ran for Hit Plane emt-epeclncstlona priiparcd for the same PAINTING. DecortUng, raperhaniUK. J. wooL * It is t thin, vitreous fjber, uaisl «• ntwufl to s man llfilnr himself Telephone S-OIJS.— Btlimlll. II Elm street. Crantord. Phone H -gawd mniem rrmtrlrvd }eut».''TutUj y his own bootstraps. Judging the Uie oOlce of Uie Township Clerk. 1IAVB aevaral baauutul.bomea tor rent bulb •qtTrirmirap - ' —if— Tli» Memorial Day Committee this are .used for kwplng clocks, pfj Hw. ll^jriie aald Improvemaat shall be un- u Crantord and Wetueld, ranging from ri wool Is raade from slag, but the rock istcrest of tbe people by the number EXTRA Special, tnla month. ' Any room papered year Is making a double appeal for wool Is made directly.from the rocks. wound up. ami alto tu nron)-area dertaken aa a Iwal Improvement, and Uia coela •85.U0 |o 1115,0.,- also .mailer houaea and complete with It rolls wall, six rolls cell- 33" 1M : of patent applications on such ma- and expeusra incurred In. Uia proaacuUos, and bumaUiwa at lower prlcaa. Elvira Blcharda. 1-I.Vi public co-operation. Headed by Capl. rate timing. At t!re«nwlcb »btwnra ing, 11 yards border for 18.75. Selection of cUcr*. the conclusion that none of completion thereof ahall be asaeaaed asalnat 11 .North Avenue. Eaat. Telephone C'Bau fifty' dlnarent patterns, - -slatxen Company, Jiunra U Dryden. the finance commit- turjr a ball drum at one ociock a the im>P«rly twtirntted tn pronorUoa to Uia ford l-llll or S-U«. « nil Os* HusurTi FaimttU' ttaea will work, or can. work, seems1 11 EaatmanBUeel. uhone CBanford ••::»i tre of the-community celebration Is octlr by. means uf electtlc nwcbaaJaB, benaliu "received Hi Uta manner provided by 5-81 1 We know ou«,husb»uc-lll:—The-OTuT-or-m.MO.OSTi beraby prviimeota; beat furnlabed. garage It da-PA1NTJNU,A.SD t>ICORATlM>i-IleBt Maler- 1 control of Ulg pen. wtrvl«> tfinr at- appropriated to defray ' the coal of aald Im- atnd. Baaaoaabla rtnL II Houlh Avanue, Uda. blgb claaa workmanship, aatlafactlnn 'li 1 Sll provement. '^.... ': -._. Weal. Telapbona CBaaforjI S1133-J, u m-a.nuw of UMnoria} Day have made dais have nuidt acv'urnte ti guaranteed.--Let Ul eallmate-and advise you etfy-day-te-brlnga hw a:flower.— Bpo'taaraag Sac. IV. In ordff to temporarily floaaca aald at our own expenae W J fUnioua. luj I ----uvery effort toke^ ihe ratptiieejdflwn, J V.ul^«tw...,ineeL^tthtl)u.tho..Ai«t.^l)iala(wV V -—~--j--i-:\±=^r—iWINDO«ryhadea mad•. .e• »o_onier-^—~,r vCroa~ t awjaa. PeoWenjMmlj Wearnetd., ». ec^JTalenfaone f l«lliB-iirnKe"1T0T«aiap^(irCralifi>ra' -nariaE-TOcllan-lerlsi;-'Hollanad akadahadaa ansnyy saaruetsanipp u]im, If a"li -tltii the result, that tlie total, cost will iJ tVEaUleld J-MI7. if w|»claily si ihe har. prosecuted a prisoner who are hereby auUiurlaed to ba Issued In aa "hemme" d" o—n bot"h- -•"aldee-. "laaullad eompleled "W be considerably less than It has been in amount not exceeding I18.0W.M. which shsll U cants. If you bring your eld rollers, 15 HJ beca caught In a house at mid- . cenu. Cranford Window Shade Company, Uie post, which is in keeping with live bear luterrat at a rata.not exceeding 6% par WANTED III 71 ' crawling, downstalra4with:his annum'auiLahall maiure In jioi,jaore UiaJLalx ..J5,!tatb_Ar|e)nar Eaat. Teleptwaa CBan- WAMBD—nfty «r Orty-fouc Inch used type, Xi, "'- tr«id ol the. tttiwtv^Kvewre-iderit «l yeara*"-' from -'.thf data' wben-the* 'ptirpoaa'/ror -ford»vilW,- j ,/ 111 g.Udm with pluaflw,-relates r lerller deak. No dealers. The. 1'eiall (.ompan). 11 Crunford sliouTd'.lve whatevertiinTne" wntcrTihcyrwer** lanKd tuia"*becn"earrlefi:Mn: 1nc7 Cranford.'Telmtlone CRanfurd 0-1078 • a coisssalst la the Manchester (Eng- AUjither mattera In connection with the tasu- BIX large rooma, aU tavrotemenu, steam heal. f.I 1.. ran for the Memorial pay cclcbrnllun. At.the battle of ijerinaiitown oa'Oc- ~ance~of Mid bonds ahall ba detarmlnad by reaor ,«UN0»V. «I»V 24 unj) Cntrdlaa. The evidence was so taraga. tiled bath, hardwood lloora In living I In the past, the task of' raising the tober 4, 1777, a found sbot- from' in* lulion of the Towmhlp *CommUtee. v . and.jJJj!Uls..IiM»aa..j!edar lined doaota. el- LOADS WANTCD n">< Ctautonl .V...;..,i_». ;...^.l:»s A M orerwbelmliig tbat Boweu Indulged In . Dec. V. Thu ordlnanca thall lake edact It eepUonal cloeet'room. bulll-m breakfaat nook. ;: » III tnouey lias been tuccossful, by dint ot Murnlns, U«i« AlUnlld Cllr ,. «:IJ V, M Urltlili artillery pavitil thruujB Uw J4» HUleteat Avaaue. Cranford. VlarUng a little Irony, remarking oa the da>a after the dlle of' Ita publication, after ( much elfort by the committee, but the Olkw [innioC JUM 7. 71 honv rlddon bjt^Uetieral N'aA ot Nutth final paaaagc, aa provided by law. .. Brot, SIS Monroe Avenue. lUaabeth, N. J. A>U Out UHur tot l»jlllM a»rlni Ttm« rjMss of the prisoner In re- rbone EUsaheth l-mt. u DetroltrMkh a i 11 1 response thus far from tills year's ap- C«rvllna. . Bhutferiog th« gnwtmTs K t Uskoots, so as not to dls- TO—Chicago. HI «-. «. ™ Uay IS ai peal Indicate?! tlut their efforts, will SIBBER BROS. riaUOeld. BomereUle or New thigh.. Tlie fafl_of the aalaal thivv lerb lie slambera of the family. The V . hc rt I rr have lo be Intensified. There should be WILKES-BARRE Taa foregoing ordlnanca was tatfodueed at a Brunswick. ] ;i 2*1 Its rider .to..thft.., gxuunil;-iaUb. .cvoslU- nt c«ura{>>. (Wneral N»»h. tan>eil a TerdicTof not guilty. ;- Uay li, lull, and »U1 be eoaatotred for tions mould be Indeed more welcome anal paaasga,~after public hearbif. at anaibar rtiRNlKUlb, Otal claaa houae, to careful tan WANTED—Table boarilera wbo enjoy borne 11 andnturn cou-rlni; lilt nouuvl wllb both binis regular imeetins of aald • Township iriarrrttfT.* .-than a few .large ones, showing, at It ant. Telephone CRanford S-tlSt. If cooking at moderate prlcaa. Berved at lot It k-njly culled (.0 bis mm: ' -.\>i«r mini at -Townahln Booms, .aa •••' :i . ~tllln Street, opposite the Library, l'bone would o fuller community co-operation. al Walts Havea. Pa. , TUESDAY. JUS* »TH. 1D31. 7^ 1-, SUNDAY, M»» 14 me; I've bad a devil Ufa tumMn. R»a ATTBACTIVtU furnished homa'a, Cranford and CBanford tan. a ie,\ MasUnl D*f«u. at *M o'clock r. U. (UajlUht BavtngTime) - WestOeld. a'auaUe for tha aammer- hunlha : J0 ai The other appeal Uie committee Is Uaie llbatieth III)I !• M Helurday nl " on, my b«v»—ruth on tbe M«v! Ill Tke pgrtcallls ot. medieval times AI.YAN B. DINaU-f. at very reaaonable rent ,lov,ly home In tunktng Is for automobiles to, transport, Returnliut -train leavaa Hcltnlon I-eg I' be after jou ifrtseotly." A f«w~£*t* - — - Towmahlp-Clera. -fieSnfordr-Tlrer lot.-large raw SCMeoed ildclrly .people ahd children froni West Mllace Bane 9 4t IV M ni htcof so aa to slide up and down Oatad May IS. 1U1. porch, very attractively rurnlshad, maybe I'RACTICAL nurse dealrea nursing, care of I \-< f,*\ later be died. " ii si End^Placo to'tlie Cemetery, wherelhe Otter (lianlea Jaaa 14 ^> froTcs wjth toanterbslances. They had for the summer months, or for a longer valid. I'bone CRauford a-1814 W. R|TI«* wm mde «*^strongframed grating 7-iiettodMf-oealrtd.--AfalUbirat o,nce Klvir. Veterans of Forlgn Wars carry out rer EXPERIENCED nurse to care for Invalid or r PMs> CRalftnl I-IHI of «sks. tbe lower points shod with'. rer Heeis Ceaattllaai ta anar Wlm fka> 7 ,V 111 their Memorial Ritual. After much Da Nat New CjalsL aa ttreeti af Crasfarw. N. J. elderly lady. Forty cenla hourly. Box A4II. care of Citizen and Chronicle, 5-ts vconftuion In papt years, tho committee Ira. Sometimes they: were made ep Ihaled Ukla wUI ba rerelveit^y lha Towmhlp ;SA 7 * Tbe coavrrMtfuB at tae> vDlag* to Committee ot the Townablp of Cranford, N. J.. decided the only efficient way to liandle UrtJj «f metsX The drawbridge was NEWJERSEYCENTW1 was about the. newcomer, who bad at the Township ftooma, oar. 1 CleOCK aUPAISINO i. H tlie tltuaUon would be to obtain tbe raised by chains and coonterwelghts Tl'KKDAV KVKMNCi, MAY MTB. 1»J|. ' TOHINO: rented a cottage foe the aomaer. Jos, Ir " use of -cars In advance. Hence, every ansdawl to lews protecting from the u 1 r. U lUayllsbl Savins Time) , CLEANLVG and.Dyeing, Fleatlng, Remalltchlni A "\Vhst be hlg Snslaessr* asked one wan at a profer distance above It. ror tha Inatallatlon of aewer eunnecUoos oa and Button Covering. Mrs. P _ w» are told. BoV this Is ooly aaU Ike The car 1* cqolfDad wjfh tools to re- IVQ. N. COLLINS^ im mut UW IVUn story. Tbe wa»'ts~al*> wortty •< ike pair databted eara, ~5CB carry oat the •Ammer-,fs tn« wunt with Kay Framh / worker. Kqnal ftopassis to both tides Mat tb» tap •( the cat la decorated of this proverb renlta la that cs-ep- Mr^taaana' "upper t* •' _ ON TBK STAOS , with the heaa and flowiag v»U of a MKTAL CSlXINaS FOB SALIt OE BKHT SEE ' ' 11 ; _- MlfMct . ?tB>»r iJtotridt ©< Qtri 8oaw aal C*.' eisUon of csitat aad Ubar wksca attrse,- The aabnUnee In autos h UKTAt CaUUSCS, ndusto oaalgaa tee wttatt OOBMn snwartr^ Uaal Vseauao. eight fir Bta* atal Beyylt doubly' IMoraflwapatUj tte aB.- aad moan tn private tat - - Thomas MiifM M*i '*' eetewd fcj-sj , liaanaxex. •JjNsrta Avaatttv iMt^i \ < z, , 13ti&sgL.!£ •z^^-^-i^J ^Jif—x-rZyZ, ,~>'tf-?SS?:-if-t


7HIII AND AGSESSHCIITS Mess. La* •MS) : . - A""- HaVricE or «ALC OF ,UN« roi UNPAID 1MJ lt> l«4t Tnaa Muaasw _. HH , imi.utittni to |*«.aa' and liiC IU • frtiw 11,-t tal ln:;n tab el Uuh ter UseaU Taaas aaal 1I«U aa*l suits *t Year ••», Udg. . «Ja»k• rP.. OHIO — MT • KoHlr ^MW-iaritstfH^llse* Oa« K Ti-il.f >,..'!, 1,1 t.1 tatas ut Uu> IWH IM"' «". »':' ttweis - ' CM lll*UtlllmiM lint "J<1 'II In \\K (attnij it( Vnlun Mat* lit UN . (ally'(Urge* .. til ml) MII at IHIUIC sale fur unpaid at IMMC A ' 3;! » Is *ml U.tg. Itnalnnia IMW a 4 KtwrKwiii* i»C 192V. all ib» IMI|P, IU U,M ' Waller W. atutawji I IS truculent*. ttMntilaMticuu and rral ratata bar** III V«I4I H.trr K r.Uaiui .. UH babjr carriage Clasfonl III. IM-lli-llI KID or TH and UJ, Aaa* ttaaeert tin rerUUier, 13 9* per bag- l curt* rt>M u. 1 Uoea lit Jilv Ut; i J,i Aut*. iehn Hat Atamu Oreembouaas uf. Mild ata.rtu.tj frutu Jitr V Mid Int from (Tairs. Read and l*rrtale h\A . Jfi tin*? tl4lf Ut MAk Jlllit M r ftantce AMI I l«*?>!l MD-i IUL rtum tkt. Is JUd, tail springs, balr nul Hilt Ilk ti*"' "it leabvl M. Low*ty . 14I.M JUt. 1*3 A. lalil ptaito. Plum* I'Ulri T1 tSyAY. JINK L*4> KlSH ti lt»*f A •t th* iKtur ill two (.<:thi,'k' IV M L U atnuuitUnc t» j Township Uo r la More ;-,Alatt^two Flrdcas >i>l Ahkti Kttert. lu Mid Tu«ti- |< >«»4 iuJ liit from Aunuit 11. Up- Uaufurd <-0<14. I2lh, IliJS. _ land, lur. .-—. -*i Svurlo 1'afk Karia IV. i.i.l.Wn .. UlSSt w Machine- Holds LI* Lii* -tins, allTcr, glass and platura. t;» IWI and IfUit Una. Ilnv .... s porcelain top table. 2ti<2. AX ii(iHit.ttit|[ t Ritsil Awtt. I4t Lilts tat. ran us. call citan- f mi Z*i nud lul trow A .Norman Pla«. . . int tW 1VJH. : " l>nm aM Tor isle. Drtliwtd br tin 1U« amount •>[ IU»lly Va, ,.„;...„ sud I4dc. ' I. ti» Dreyer, rilrrlnf Manur *wltb wlii • l.utt. lii,- ' «H«W-J. 5-*» iwi|'iit»l In July •!«, IM», Rrtlly Sulritvt.t.t Hiiad. Ant, InMall* tcrln Difiiu Init )rt IIUB Kinituiil.lii'8 tti ill-—Good, rich, 13.30 a uuck- UmUf *» ;frand Int. tniin Nut Int. Blsek Let Jlnlle. Telephone KUsabtlh T y. a. .ati J aud l.|i|«. en S3».li( 30-JT 1J L 7 * 0 an I N>le ','"' ' ' land. Inr DD1N0 PLANTS 8 41 *- ami Kutjin't lo Rnad Aaat. till LtiU ttersnluns, 5c up. II Slrln r Ipblnluma-lCmperor, 19c. Miumntltia In I22iiv2 aud •eat Wlereianeld. 15c. I it 7 anil rmm I 111, U\ JV, M 40 and bldf. L U Uirr 4i .Lum.h..lVatuiC-— tfi lry, 13c up.

llvnlty. fit. , Ili-allf «'" '...;„• SI.i baud 14.00. Interior gloss J. (Mtt) Wd«, —Jtslui -4.Mtlw'tlft ..^,.. or "colors'13.35.'"Purs white, mii-ba;-H lit K.-iser Iram , 1 \*,( anil illl. limn N. hoqe CKsn'oril 6-H28I. it-i- Anal, iliiutinit. la.nl. Im:. • » I ail.I _? »«> Id Urow Int: iii "i.-tslu. autl im. rrtini' . ;-'__• S-Jj_ ' .' — HtTil:'5th; __ _ . . Uajfl.i I't-'la Kvrra it •«• finm. Awu.l 7SA. -a • S,-.(W|- i'ark . "' "• t If Ht'»t-r, H..*|| A I'ti U Fotttd. no •hating!. Uowl \ anl IIUIK.' Bixlil W. liu I'n 81.1 Sini.o >•.•)!* ln

Dairy ::>., /UI nut II.IB H;,|llM,i;| M. .out UMODTIIU £>t.tt3 -If s.ii.iln l-nl Ikl 21 ami Uils. »m. K l.n.io. •'••••. Hj.tU I'll Ilialu fit. ....:.... SI.S1 ITaliHi and Ititail Aart I .(I'l MW a(uI I'l.ltf l»ll.iK-l*t.l lit Ijjt^-t tn Stnor Aiiitt. tfimilinl- la'i SI and Uib. Km. >'. l.mtaa III,It .,. lollMiaAs.il. r to IVt.ln «inl-lnt, trum tfalta and Kuati Aaat.l ! -!«l :i(Jl tll'l I'littt. OsNHl.Ut.it H, J.I,I Inl,. (nun «i'l. al. JN. pi. :.ih, Ill'tlt. fii ' 1 FrrsliT & 7.1A 7.1 llt'tmstl C. Kllsl .... 12 74 U* INSTRUCTION <>i| ;i.'.u IW 75A rr- — Herman V. Itnst .... Illi II-IJ W. \V. Alimilt-y ....: 12 U modern, efficient mauag«met.t. ;SA-:tl '^' tlVlluiin I', ltuat .... LKii tillA-OI lit 70 Mara Jiii-nliitiiti EU.T3 1 :t;i llano Hctiool.: K. . B. Uennm, nil 31. . Ki*Tl>r I'ark 1IIIJ U In II Kuta Jani'lKtull ...... tt.-lia I 11.14.1 -An'l 1 }Vnl JYont imi n tn 2M Haia Jrti-nliMiii Ural ; ., 133 81 I«. iruckliw. Wcetljr ahore . ll.tta.l anil I'rhate Svr- 2111 13 and Ulli Walalr „ bafga|«, «te>: All etUmatea 2.12.1'mill Inl. (urn '* In Iliiad As«t. Miluiiilil-' _ A A. I'mny ...... S.13 'Ktrl.lii.au in lii r.ii . _ ln« lu li\Wl and Int. rrom- II, A. III. - Annual I2IB. J, A. I'lUay !1! • 7 f>-4li ' JIIIIII riilll •f.11 • 4J Ki'irrln 1'iflk ' I laml Mtlf. Will. J. Tatlur 1:1' I.' II ' • Win.'A, l:iil,il" N«w Tuk. Brooklm. Consult . „ „ 21.30 •.'l;l 111', and - * Ii i't IN moling, uucklng and uprttaa* Hlilijixt In HiKi-r AMI. aniiil'inl- Mill. J....|], A. Kalliimn . !.I3 '.» to KvHcr. Asal. aiiininil- f Nil rtixl Inl. irt>itin N>'i. Illl 111,1 : Msirt'MTrt-: Buaonabla raUa. Tbon« mill Im. Jtinu Au«- 51U, l!t:i«, * ' IIHilln ninl Wdli.r IIII/.I,| e. Auatlu's Kipress, ill NorUt iml I2III. r.*2tl. Ine In |r.(l.:lil ami inl- frinit Jl i't.'ii HtuJ !«(. Il.tiil-H«i«i 13 ---.'••" Hit (till • - Marrli'-mn.'--l9M." " - •Mill - ••-.-•,7...---_-(l • • , llrallf r« lull.41 lt»s«-lt«> (Vnslru I:M:I ami Ing and carting, Hpaclil • lloo Co. (Tan-" n.nil Kinr Awl.)' Mill!. Anna. He. ki-r Hl.Ifi auninuir rmurta, fill 41 ' llaulcl llll'nl.l., k 1 Crajirtnil UiMi-tto (' atul 'liltlg. Tirnu M.illl 101)10 d. Triangle Kiprv ttoa Til Kalah>« .".». .. ico. l'bon> 0-2MI. In Ki-nt-r.Ai.wl. miinuiil- (Tatra anil Kitad Aunt.) Int in »l:ia.t.-i and Int. from I'raiilnrd Aumim II2IU. !t», ... , Kalatt-a t'H. :. aad packing earsfullj atteeal. J'III 4ri ' ' iHvtirln fark ' I.' , I m o» N. I. niraUure Ware- llt'riuall C. Hual N '", 1I'«I» <'", •,..!..•-. ""?t.JJ ' t'tandirO " li*i HeMt-r'Autl, uiituutit' Katalca t'u: .. AMU.' «in»iiiill.ig lobUu Ing lu ll.is !.'• «iid_Jja^trniit t'raiiriiiil i., Ill Houtb Atanus. last, Kslalra-rn. .. t iJtfSS ami Illl.' IMKII ", I ii IIIll (I Annum t2riiL IDSII; 1 I Sfvi'rin I'nrk IV - 21.» Hul'Jri't - lu IIIMII nuil 1'ilr.l. - HKNT8 FOB BENT AKtU. iiliiimiililiit In Kauira apaniDcnu. ..All i'raitti«d ...'-•.••—...- ... ..:,_,T-i-triA-Sit^-JUul ,tiUa-»u.AtiM....\aaH ). in" nlouln *" iialk"' ' . " • Kalalna" fit. ', Hi ' 21 ar-.r hl'lti Imi (AV I'-itiM.r . 1KA Mdtl 44d+r. T. J. ITatrn. ll,,«,| ami I'Mtalo tord U-0375-W. t'Brk • '; iilrl" ill lI'U illllll'll,llllB. . I" i'st iii.d lii'ail . AMU.I • iiiniir •••I r.i.m •»;h| litl ninl Inl lii'in li'i -1, ictlvv aparltneitt, 3 ruoiua aud »< :s:i H. A. p lira,1 mid I'tlnn. • " •• Lfart-lillia^lilta—-"— garage.- ;.-J»I- l'nli Httirva . :.tf: II'J • JOXUIU Hcrtlt'W Awita. auiiiuullris: *t" « lliilldi.ra. Inc. (i,-, io IJiiu M ntt.l Im |!u. llr« rooma and I44U.&1 mill Int.-fnilit Ausuit 2'2.1 A|.r!i. S ..I, lu,t« -Applr 1.1% Hlaiilfr U)ina . Crsuford anir 7 1*. U. If 2-B JU'5 I'.Mtf Kimiift V. Prther I - Krirrln I'ark Via S7fl-3i7 and HtqnlvJ I tTmfiti Utorm H«WIT and Itoail : , .... Realty I7o. l.l.ln. feUL-tt A Mlfa Huti)ei't Ui IIOBII and 227 al7-;u»3lii IMS BAKING Asms, amuulitlris In anil Itldf. l Slnri!t-t(i>|(Fr AMt.) 1140.61 and Int. frnm AtiKuat MS iroow a«WOa~to- order. 227 3Z3-3Z4 and 1 ll LM Hi ' IM-r Tm*.r _j :ili. Jr. 141 11 llttf III' tlttl liO HI.') ll>|. I 10 roll! wall, ill rolls »il- 82 is • '.li>«i"Jfattiisw : SI8 47J.47H snd ,. "-•• Uitty AlirihiiM Mdg. Nancy/ Tmiisun - llw.GI bordei for I8.T3. Seleclloq of ami HuirnUJewt-T Xul.) llit 3 • • l.ini-oli. rrnaa (V;. • • patterna. -~ Jtatien Company, 2(0 493-4VI snd Isuivs tluar- 1 amlMdi:.. rlurli'i Tarli»w " or N. J JIS..9 tncrlu A' "Ira - JIB H'l l.Ji-rt lit Itnail ami l'tltn|« Itwl, pnonaCBaDford i-tut. and Htunn Rtwi*r (Tains slid Morn, Hta« Aut. '. TV'.-iiti.ii Itihltf lit, 3&1.12 i 214 5 and Mdl. II. J. llecksr.-lw. .,lilUa. ", • ' lt|,t|f ...-.,, '^li H A) !I3 ."^Ifol aiiil li|.U-;~ri--«i!t»I Ul'IC ' '• . - DICOBATlNu^-Beat Maler- N. V. Luillsm I'cal 12.71 .i*a-•'.! III--'. • - n'riltiui Ili-allr I'll. 411.79 lirtkniatt Tradlnx llurat-'ii N. r* 7H lul A ami I'Mir * isa ttoramanshlp, sstlsfsctton "."-. • « ktltmlwch :; and tl^ff '-M>ir> II. t!<..wi.r. lion,I JJI-I rrliatg K.r.' et us estimate snd adtUe you Co, A »lfa ...... ,..:,.... 320.11 ' • ' - M'f I1 •• A..I.I '.-. • . • • axes tutti 8(uriii Hi-witrVAwt.) {Tail's and Iliiad Aaat.f 1IIX II aud Md*, Mi'Mlnifi* sxpenss.' W. J. 81mous, 1U3 eikinan'TradliiK 1 . 411 WtS33K'K3s»ateSSS515r!== 9W^1 i'.TI^iiMr."*-'^"-'"-—I^t--'-" "~ A. Tnttrinai) & Uili. - Jitlianua (Iiiat-liihan-.lli2 H.iiliiii llnaltjr.CiL 481.79 . Itiirlif , K»l - r mrabio.. 21. 1 and blllg. Ilidaun E. l.udlutr J«« 01 31a c 8-A and ' Rutli A. Hlraujdin • ('Nan, Ki-oti,"llnail «'i,l I'll T. Kr» - A. Tlirnnan «v lalp. Htrtli A :II iui I'i* . ' - .Niiii/la. Vsraru ...27.1.81 WAN1SD ••; •• . .•• T: l»l'al'lu - -. Itltli. .--..-• A limit. i. .I»J 1« •or- DtUri-fouf;lnc^ tuwd:typer ill .15 and 'Udg,, • -'- Mary A.. : v : ' ' '- __,.Jli.»i.-..--,.-: lealen. Tbo;l'.i.ll Company. ."..'-"''-'i'. ••'."•"'• .iiiii«. l,i.". '.;:,-" 'i.2! —T««fll6Bii.7CBanf:or• N'uMiia r««» . , lr.it ir) fi-I.IV Mini Inl, 111,1a. t'»r». ... M(Ch 1.....-T... ' awa-aJUIW 15 113-111 and JSI 73 II.'. /li.Kilt. .I. :.. Kul'Jrit In J*l«"n ***•«« AMI, 212 JS II, Zlntalra . A. i;,,lill»n . !V.1« . *r..l Hbtrm Hem-ir A.tt.j riiijirlloiilal HI * r T.'.'t'i'i i'l"""" ** '*"* • Uay 25" io 1.34.10 aud. Int. UJl.. 03 UO'Ul l.'ranford Manor" ' »'.l 17 AH. liiitl.lt r II. E. ••• iituii» d.rri. .. nsinield. BomertUle or Near Corp., liif „, »t 7« . ~«,' /.Iniialra i rrinlin.it «> .11. Cranford Manor 252 7» II. Zlnsalta M, A, l,'«Mlvrg . mil rark Corp., lltf. ,..„... . - (.ul'lK-t tn P«wrr and llusil A. BrlunMiT. Ii. K t'n. ... «'»ailfnril Manor Asats. Installmenta nnt yit dus t'lli.lu..u * : li.-Hlr t'ori lleiman V. llual „. m.ll smttuiillnM to IIS7.5I. auil luL ->l. A.. Mtldlierf . . : d Md«. I!,.Ii.. fmittilwnl.t ., r. Htrinaii (':-lluai:^ U.7I . H linrliltr, |l. B ll,:allr Turn. ..U.. boariltra wbo enjor boata Ksrl Kuronta ... , (nun .Vol. u, 1»M. : Herman l\ Iliut -^. 14.71 -'frlnlnisu t " snj WUg. ..'K.a[t«rit .„ l )Vlt"Z U larala prtcaa. Rtrted at 1011 lli-tman l*. llust . 12.TI Cranritril Manor r,S m. . II. Zlngaln ...: pposlU lbs Library, l'bont -,] M . - - Ii.. 2lugslra . M. A: t.'.iiJU.nt 'llrriitan c. l|uat' .r 1S.T4 A. K.|iii.UI«r, II K. itlUK t'l-tillZ'l and Int, J.; '... • .' •"••'-. ; tf rran Turd 01 160 101 - (.Vanrttnl Manor iSl-ll- .-'. «...«lngalM t'utp., lot.'. .„:„ J,il»"jld," 1'JIO. •••••. . llurrr l»l__• 1834113 . Cnuifvrd Manor E r H T TfiTT / *i.»fl»h Halloum : (• deslrea nursing, care of In* 101 lflg-lS* Cranfurd -Slanitr* !12 gM ^t...... 11.37 Icy fit. ..'. '. IJ H'l '.f. Tuny t',k • Htlloum ione|itl H. CRantord 6-H1I W. ..• In,.. :-,2 17 If. *tlnialra ... II 37 • Tit* Ittf,<|-rr lii.1'1 HI0EWALK A»|yE6««.EN7S • lUnlly (*,.; 104""IT8'in ~ ~ ' Cl"aii7urtl 'ftlaliitr 252 Is Diirsa to fare fur Invalid 'or P*vi-/ln Park t'lirp.. Inc. •.;...„."" 4.15' Hiibjert la K«»Tcr, Ituad and * j . I i: Aiiliinlii_ilalliiis r<*rly.renu bourly. Box A4d. 101 1731M V (Viiyriird Manor I'rlvala- ferries AsBts, sttwunt- Kul>]''*l Ur M'Mlil'AaM. j A i*lff lf,«lty (!o Corp.,. the ,. if HIW.CJ and Im. • i . Aiimnln Malluul.. and Chronicle. t 5-:a J dnd Milj.. Kcltrlii Tsrk Inn In ISIlSi'snd Int. (roes loi: \i\-ysi •„ Cranrurd Manor Oct. M, lt)tti. \'ti*. f>jkH ' In' Hvw*f •I0AD AliUEUWCNT lillj Co. , Corp.; Inc ... va • Nil. Kama K. oiUi aiiutuiilliiM tn IHt ,1 • Kiil'Ject to Iload AMI. a •SS (I (1. ZIUIBlrS _.-..... 11.39 ii Jnl...fruHt Juim .EM Mi II Ilirrk '_. Ing t»-1203.38f iMl.J.T»..-i?.E.-r Tz ' ' - «,*irrln'l'ar)c <:«xv.. Inc . -fata H«rrl«fl.' Asals. amountlnc Al>fali* DJraing, l'leatlm. BHnsUlcblnt ' Auguitt lo 1371.11 and Int. (rota Oct. Hulijwt Ut flvytvr AMI, •tuount- , llralty t.'it. .: < and Udf. ••• Lillian IK 0. IOI i»3* CratiloTil Manor ^_ / Illiiuil niul I'rltat. H.rrk« verlng, Mr*. **. -XSUl, Karl Kuroaes .~. ' ,U, 1.2*/ IIIB iu. Hoi,11 and jni, turn Annue,: Cranford. Telepbonv 103 S23.2M I mill -Axis I lowiiu H'lllulm . - I) Zlngslia 2*. , in | Wa V HtiUtn _ ». • * ublerl to Benrr. Koad * 1'rl anil I'IIIK: T7*V». V. 8ul>J*ct ol Koad Ant. «n«»u!il~ nta, - ferric* Asats: snwuntlng 7 sml rrlialo Kerotes lmc 1° t:51-£l and Int.. from unt' M 1171 31 aud 1st, froaa Oct. rrrns «..mi A..IS I April id. 1»3«. ••!--.• Ing W . »>.» ai InL (ram I (,'jcliini, 7.ln«al.» _ l«ll,.lli». Ill, 1H» A ".limit, ;il JIB 04 t.< 4 1 Marry. >, Ibwar llnail and I'll 111 • mtwln rark • 91., 0 Zlncslss ^««. rale H«r?k-e ttwin ABSU ) I'nail and rrhato Her. For Rent ll«altj Co. IW «« -., .'•'., -: Ui (Tain and n As«la ) 1 X13 lo FMrsT Basil A ITI- A - !<:i-2ll slid KtiliJtTt Ho Hoiil and I 421 tato rlerilc* Aaau stauiintlng ITSSM, H«wfr Ruaii snd I'jrlt. M^Si ' Trrras Musanif -. s tl For&Je fa Aj'U. imounll»« to 117 4U-IC4 ft«IHul[ t -IU-US»-US«- 4»i (371 St and InL XI-^:' g.3! U Zlniaks and Mum ^rwrr ) ITSfra ^««vrr, Rliad and rr[.' I'niiii. Aaals.) IS • ~-\-.:. .8€terln Park. . llanrin — 10 Htttr, Hoed * Pr|. HIT ftT^^a^init IhJXtlUM •-•, tale frnm iSrih. A*u.i:'•-" •H« »T " t. II. aV M. X. A; slUa 4 IS TSU iterftf* Assta. asaoontlnf Uilff. ItMll/ i'o - to Ml Abraham Uiax H.la,_ b Aterj HuMect 10 Road an.d 1-rlrala lit lUSs , Mrs Adolpli Uaat III u> mtit ss4 Int. (rum (|ct. iTaim and Unarm town Atwt) H'ili)K\ tu He«» AML anumut- ' iTalra anil IUNKI. AJall) In l'rl.au Untlca S«rrlct> Aasts.. anountlng to rellce UiraUo lunn AsaL amuuiiljnl to 111 14ls to usi id lit* Sit M'ftl-tS uid Mar; If Abril bi IUI It and Int. Irura ZM-JM.V1.IMI ' IM 1*41 to KM. Amiirai Oavucli JJJ_,J • _ a ZlngsM ; _Oct- till I» ami Int. fruin Ifc lllli. and Uog. ' • «/• (T«ir« md llud A»»t) li ~ ~ K44-UI3 yublsrt to Hmn. ttoad a. IM- ]M»r Imnla K Msosn . Tboinaj _ rats) Herrlce Aasts. AvMtuHlng Aasts inaUllmanM »*-40« ud IVanfciril Mutual 39K-30T and all KI.1 - . Msble L 13t lMt-lt-II Mist ittm. tit. _ lit u u> talLU and Int. froea Oct. . due amountlni to III1J1 Mil * Loan MO* i l 1D0A, 4VflJC rlilllll. K SEE * • Bubi«rt lo. Bond, and 2d. HJ». sod lot. rram Nor, « Allocution MO e»7 ami ,Ouo A/iimt VJt-A 41,40 J lllllrr UAf IO, •4 0, 14* 77-t» and Oua. D, 1'ulis tide Oftnuifer .W w IVUcMeddn $3*3.11 ittd UW. ftw» Aufttttl , ' AM) Udg. AMaoJo Caaaaarl . Subject Is Sewer. Kostf aV Prl- g 141 - HuotoUw I'tjk» ..._ DvbJsd U Ulraslk Aaaj. In- ntf 8ainlea> Aaats. ankouiUM sod - ••-•'*- ITsies ind Dawet iuuly Illaad and riltsts IfSTljM It ' ' . J-,-. sUltoeou tut TCI Sue anwutt- to U71.SI Md las. fr«a Oct. tH 17-11 And HuUecl to Basil AM. amouotj Rttltr Co. lo. ISO 19 anl hL turn !>»• - «ubjeii In Blum ««nr Art, UMUUInf lor tldN Mlt

1 , • ',* I-"

ff-A-a.: «>


•I1EKIFT8 BALES "ai!i.«) Tlnevin Ihe afteeaooa of aald day 8a run) TIBH, la Uu aflaraoaa of aiM daj, All lint f,|u*TwlMg/ MMrt M parejj of land and All the fidiowinj met or parrel of laaa anal WIVATt .(AVICI CMINtCTMM AMTL . nutuirru tuut- m c...i«.Vr or prmtert l»»r?WaTier particularly dearxibed. alt- pmleea berelnarbjr parUrulartl Ifcmrlhoo. elt- Aeaua froaa Slat Stfert . **». Jfelwttf. Hutu** tUviiiy* uslp. hint and being ln tbe Townafalp at Cna: uata. lylnf aod bebaf la Ihe CUy of BKabeth "1 J !!!S i*r »« Meet*, * e*try* cumiiUlMal, «iirf Aii ford. Ill Uie County of I'&taQ. and tttet. of >ew hi the County of Caloa aad Slate of »ew Jat- '•*- "4S • Walnut A.eao. , tUltUui. «t «»., iVft^Mj^dU, *1, fat.ft* Ml* uf m, be aald la Ore parce|a .od.ta tie follow, KiifvvlVi; at a .take la tbe rorW fon hi* order: ... , In the Cranford Churches > frcaa-JtaaUna Av, ftrt** of Ui# BuBJert fnut*tl KlaHT TKACT; BSCINNIKO at a Dobtt la Of »aat»rtyH»« .< TMr« Aiiaaa itee.u .aW taol KiNllierll'.Om handred nilneea JIU) feat MUl Moirt, In tint from tha i-or»rr fornud by Ibe latanectloa, ' t # tr jMtr U Ihe uld kjJUrlj- eM« of-TUrd KDAV, THK S7TH bAV A? ttirttkrilt'Uf liaofj litpil«rbrr- Ibe HuuttiiTly aide of-Looa&la 81 . MAT, A It. 4*ai. . HI d*«ms 3t wluutn «wt Iberue III Eaetrrly and parallel wllk LooeaU k I and «l.ihg lit* Wtreet Xtirth f?i dawreta Baal Oaa auadred Sea IIWI fe»t lo a pwljit; ruaalai lhaaca It) Sawlh IM «rlil| tftc *»M**I dearera. • auautaa. It aaoaada I Ml rtf v«fll It, f-wi _.„ OM IWC U(ht and aliten huadreduu, (Sit) ' M* a Attest U«l», lying mil] Ull.j tn t IU* , tile!!.*'* iHittt) point: running thenc* (31 North Tldl CaAM Tiff «fi>l .il'Xif llur DurUjcrly ftilny two |:l!l fret lo a polat; nualns Ihaaca . Warmtt Aiema* "ubjert l» lldtiV* .SSp • u, l«tf ZM ftvf tu lb* or place' of 14) Houtb IT degraca, IS nlautea II aopa * udihK be Uir Mid UI and~r dlnuo Kaat Iwroly-ine and Sie-lenlha 111.51 feet U —«. Msllfcltt T. . »tli Avtriiun nl i [xrtut Uit- from self to rvsaw unt***! »n (3TJ*> r^t t I IB 1)11", iff- t>*f a pul'it; runnuis tnenca til KouU, 7S ilapai. »:»A.U.-Bltil»8€tmiL UMA.U. W«al One hundred thirty four (1311 feet lo a ft, * ALVAM B DXXMAN. t* Hauliim*l .r>M»«>r uf »10- '. H.:«.43. wi -Publfs Worsbip. - TM P. ml ritH Html; ftic*» I Mjrrl, tiii. i¥i\. aod-P4Jeta, polol: In ihe aald Xaaurly aide of Third A.e- tl» baddents leading up to ' April M, IMI * tKA.XK H' JIlimi.VH, Kbcrnr. nue; ruunuig- lhance II) along aald line uf Third worth League. •:•* P.' wJLti Avenue .tortb £1 datreri, IT B»lnulear-ir aao- oas> dtter in the experience" properly «1U u fti Uil.KAV. Uil Worship. . r>e. ll> M onda WrM tlllrty-oae ,nd errenly.elgbt' hun- J«*aJI these varieties of Him h MOTICI dreilllia (31.18) ferl It Ibe point or place of ft. Ifcurjc-s A. eat K. Cmmsm . » »B saaiianged that S"" ""' "" «"«»»>l"loi»r I aliil I'Hiallil uilli tlie KKiri'll K.ll.K III I'h.iuvrr of New lir Adi FM-*MBT1S lulhlp ItUieilrid 1400) fjrit |.i flif » f\\ H.-lwi'efi H*tii>-toirn Hulldliif and-Loan xixilMI TBAI7: All Ihal.cerUhl lot, Irart "•nawe found Christ may be ^L'™ t«"«lll~ ft ll» Utflli AHiiiif; • .... (...if,. •Hliillon i,f CllcaUfth. Kt-w Jeraey. com- - part-* I of landa and prcmlae. berwlaaftar •aw. JL H. partlt-tilarly drarrlbml, alluate, lylas and betas 1 aucj alu.w •B1I| |)|lt> of Inaul. all,l Mat lN«lk#nfllk. et >la., -defend- 10:00 A. It—Bond U.1 - MtfMU OrWINAIflMt ti(> n.« CSV) fV,j ,„ 41,* v 11 IB for aale of murtcaged prembMa. in.-, the l'tty of Kllxsbrlh, Couolr uf ITnloa and those who appar- AN OHMXANra far Ihe CtauUraaUan of la. iilftr ll«iiiit/ I'll hii'miLJU-J iy tllln^ >>f (lie alvre-alaled wrll of nerl Hlate of New Jrraey, aad RMire partbnilarle A. It—Public Worship. (:«a p. ' rribed aa fullowa : tbe truth, like the plarlos *f rarMla Bblawalkt Ja the Tavaablp -lily ulri* (21.) .ViiM.Mk tinu iaa 1o nMillrn'tvd 1 auall aipow for aale by Bpworth League. 1:00 P. nf O.nfotd. • wemajB. .4,4. ib.wn- uu - ...rum H.4 lie untluK. in IIM llktrli.| Court Kiwin. lu ima.-rMMl at a iulnl In Iha laeterly Una o»er Us field sud- uf Ititj JNwr 1,l4tii,rai-luriiiK T«. loi.ilh- llwliae 111 tile City of .'Klliabrlh, Ttilrd Avrnue unrein dletaat Ona huaWorship- . : • *{ It Ordalneil to iha ToanukK Oaudllaa jrt, Nrw Jorwy," (wnirli maji tarned up htd- it forty-four and" aer.nly-elxht bundredtha CALYAIY aftftltBSTBTaL UrnSBSASf 0 Cwu tlrp (>r Hit- I.e-fcUltt ul K"r* "'WKIINKHUAV. TIIK UTII DAY OF IIIITHI M ftnillicrly from the corner fonaad "•T tTOkt Taiue. Or, tiLiiiir- *** ** '•'"j' '* •» •»• "» •* Ixi binVwri aa No. ti:i Khz*,. JI'NK.A. «., IMI. by tlie inleratrtliw of aald laaterly aide of » Sooth Union who went ScrUM I Thai Concrete Ihteanlka ahall rr w lou !,IIM <>V1O• Hlflf l finlt" • ™* ' < A'wiu. i. lit ten »f. friitii i>l,iu*i'y iwh* Mailntf) Tf^nft. In (he afleroopo of aald -da,. Klrnl. running iheore 111 North T5 darraaa oat anticipating flrallona adoptad u> the Towaihlp Coauall Ia>t One huuilred thlrlr four (HI) feat to a •:45 A. »d AM?" ""*"' """ ''"'"* *»»mi« lo Krl .ill llii- n.lli.WIn, irart sir parrel of land aiid apparently -un-' of Iha Towoahlp of tranfurd by leeoliil IT,.ii;lsofl l>.rflnafU!r . particularly dtwrlbed, point; runnlni tnence Of South 17 drgraea, IS A. It^-Tbe SenJet. Paaaed at a regular nutting h«ld April II tear wrhat befell her Uut da j- M t w llt,,,1le. Irlna an,! being III Ihe I'lly of Kliia- ailuuu-a, 1. acconda Xaat eight and flre-leatha 1M« and Mad la the OftVe of th. Town. i AMii2"* ' ''"" '"'"* """"I "•*'- l.ll, lu II.,. I'ouuly or I'nlain and Hut,"of New IS SI f,rt II, a point: running thaara (I) North atattletljiad thrilled at the Ilerk, entitled • HpKlnoallone for Oner 7 AIUM Armuf, frw.luiln Blrwl u, ll,r 41 drgm* Kaat alxtr-four (tl) feet la a point; FUST BAR «taj made, forgot all about Mdewalka" oa Iht (tadea heretofore aati ton nip*. HO.IWIMl al'a point im the Weilerly aid, running tlienre (II Booth 16 desreaa, M aUa- v llajird IT Ordinal,,* to connect with eilallnt uka^Kaftt fifty-two and nlaetyHnte huadreduu 100 Bkgh Start and ber wwUsr_pot and sped. '< r j](t£SaIal. ltr_lOL zrltiaea-AUcn.Jadeattlka.- or -part- ,;! Kllailli. Koad, distant "eiiutlierly .long th, tmmjS-fSe''eaSit with unusual fleet- or aldfwalk. aa In iht opinion of th. Towwhlp A nu f,.riui.il l,y tl,« Interanllon of.Iha laid Weal . Koulh TJI degreea S3 ulnulea Weal Ona nun. IMnmlllea are to cr.rked or dalarloratad aa lo irwaod""'' " * '""" '•**•' "i'«t .-t.l" ..I Kllailli Ki.ad anil the aouthirly akle or dm) nlnrty and forty-ooe bundndUu (1M.I1) »:« A. M.-8tmd»» seboat, UcM A. u tea oat anabssfaed. the di-- Lee™, daimroua lo Ihe miblto, or a milaasce, "ill. Ta^ir'nava.ltM \* V^rHn VlittiiU Htr«t; |l'| tlirncv riiolllns Wraterly I.M in Ihe Eailerly aide of TOrd A»enu«. ru». M.—Morning Worship. 1:45 P. %:UA,V-LJil^Mi 'HIU^'WALKM To'Bi"Wi*'roii'Tini >

1 Hlork 3TO-U)la\jI|, III . , „,. „„!!! teal n/l>.\KHI)AV, TUB jITII IIAV IH <) rttVTaiin»>;ili«ii»«aaUrly ai -*8O"Wiirjr goaded bi i~ Corner of Sprtnefleld and Itorth 1 I M P. fcL (II»W*l.l^.l«g;T ilKtit. atieli'a In KllajUi Unart and parallel wltli T1IIKD TBACT: BS.CINNINO al the I feast, or an imatiaWe hun- " Uliwk'sJt-Eo, MI i" ~.-^,m .in feat «•« »•"» »» Towuhlp Mvtlln lip- o'rlinli Hlal'iiUril I'IM,.-UVI.M k tlarlli llif DIM ,'nlifMi up, Iniiiilrpil and t«,uty-l«a rurmi-.l by Ih. . luler.amlon/ of the- Southerly .. * Onion A» riiraliiiil HuerJ • > HHJM Af«ftu« «nd AM«n Wliwl (lit and lITlj ii|icliuiiiii«,lllJ of a foot (I1I.50I •III. of U«mu> Hutet and the laeteriy aide jjf Ilke the hian, who seeldne a Illnek U-l.nl 4 .... Ill het >r • h«rln« on ()<• rMitirmallun I 111. f,i!l.,wtil|{ lia,^ ,,r iifticrl ,,f lan,l u in a Mill nil MM. uralarly aid, of Kllaytb Hoad; Third Arenue and running thence (1) North ftprlugneld Atenue. nd •urHn«m. >t wl.lt I. mi.. >i , liffrlnaflitr jj.nrl|.|iljil>. ,1. «rrlh.,l. n ll-,,.,. (I) mirltierly atom uld aide of Kll7-1 degree. Eael 'alons the aald Southerly .Ida Illnrk JIT-Lota 7 » », It, II ~ lit f>et oml l In Itit! lli Ituail tblrly.ali CI8I f,rt t o the ll«iln l oor of I'^xfiulai Hlreet Oa. ..Imodred llilaen aad tee world. 16c*lng here .. r IIWilNMNiMNi;;. IMttrIM. l kkroi.il a> tw.Diy.aUr hundrodtha-llla.u» Jeat to * Bolat; Uaere aad-askln?-of this" Work HI LolaS^aAr>H,"8(,'.4 ., "!T,4IJ feet ALVAN B IIKMIAN,. I Klllylllylll BadBnad.. . running thence (Jl hVMilh II degreaa, t aiuiulaa, ( Illlllnlila Avelllu* Towndilp Clwk. I firre U dm- aiiuroilniaUillUl r f 1J.!I7132 and 10 arnmda Eaal Fortv^nlnt (4>l feet lo a potat: one and thai one, pntji at last he finds • Dated. April at 1131 Ing Wonblp. _nhaji^u^iiidt M. »i •'(.'•jj>tj{ .tnjm, jJn9SaJi sens an he has thai he may procure It UW HinKIVALKK TO HKI'LAfa I'OBTIONB ••HANKB|! -I H 1»- fee* te-llw- aald^beteriy-aSa-orilw "TtetrnnrT OK AIL Of EXIRTINO WALKS THAT NOTICE I H,.|.|li,i ,,l ili.i ,r .NVw Untune. I'liii Aimue; running thence III alens aald line of aadSBStesthisosm. UkeNicoderrius AHK IN' A CONDITION BB1ONU Nolkt la hereby glrel, Iliat the rmiiiululo mly. iV* Jvrwy. lll'.tlI It I. | l Third Areaue North 13 degree,, 17 BUulaa, It Comer of North Are. and lores* Are. if rnlnli C,,tinl». N rcnakfeat •* natural and legitimate MH'AIK appointed b> Ilia Townllilp I oiamllln, of w JiTHry. uinlu aerondi We.1 rony-olne and forty-four bun. Bar. K. T. Hat iluy ,,f |,vl..iii)*r, JKUFI. a fi.lluwji: . • < imtmltii* Htr#i>t TowMlilp of tr»«ford lo make aiewineule mr d rest that' he fnay seek out jggu, „„,, lltork *ff IA IAII 1 ..117 fMI Maenu cwiferrrd on landa and rt-Cnurcti School. 11:00 A. It— murk «;• f.1.",'!'. ?.'" .".*..". ? ''"••' »"I"»*eian,l.: laiilB 1.1,11,1.,-, rnutryril | aald IIIIIH-II U •4 al..." riniipliliiaiita, anil Anna R. * . Ill feet IHHAT* HKUWrtC («VN'i;CTl(l.?i'M t^, R^. JS- en6L,<*.-totee_ ; i i - -lit -fur In Iha Kaalerly line or Third A Uorning Prayer and-S lillM-a. he came to conteniplate l^iw,, Terrern 'Ine Htreel (4>44) feet Southerly from Ihe ulurtactM Communion on the first SanrJay ta the BI.-V »3» L»| 371 II 1-11 J Tulip mreel from Orrharil Hlreri to alum IHIII, .'i,,l Ir.'i.rl.l In II, r>7 lly Urine or tlw abi,«e-ataled writ of fieri formed by the Houtborly .Ide of Looaal. Blreet na* hi dnist. Hroad Hirrel M fret Houlhweal or Hprln. Harden Klreel. I'IIIIUI Cuulily. on naiira I I farlua lo me u!rt*liHl I ajiall ripoae for aale by wllli Ihe EaB.rly line or Third A'eo month, 1:00 p. it-Choral l.ul.Ui- rrinlue,' In tlie liutrlrt Co'url ^oont, In ^ - son of ACrtca belonpfH in •Hoik •11« lota >T9 IT I S f perry Wrret fron, l'nlt>n Autuia-Uullel ..Tlie aalil Loin I wn,l 3 In III,*-), |n< I..I,,, nlm ihenca III K..i^lf ..J •n^ ndflT«««, THoTk 3!« 17,la~IIIIV -.amir-|irnntaps-rr,nTi?iT7n,. ll,,l,Tm Jt -J*re^—ttnm-tloiiM-in—the—Clty-of—SltlibeOiT r—"—",-T,- T , m Mn«,.ij—uu—|wr»li.l—ntu. «»• hUlf* (TOatl-He is not quite a. l-i IA-II .Na,!,,!1 ami *ir,\ 1.) ,l,.,,l , Lonula Htreet One hundred fleren (111) fatt Is Mauvliih Tirrair 4. •nralealuul l KUerl from nalinil Arrilue lu . vs.. If yon Uuuglit he was Hlnrk tit lola 111 141 Illlh Htrwl II, IMI ami iMordrd In llmk IMI of WKHMCmiAV, TUK 1UTII DAT OF a folnr; running thence (I) Southerly aad al Fast CHCBCH or CBaar, Buismu INo 4*1 y JUNS, A. B,. 1H1, - right anglea lo Loomla Street Thirty-one am •nd lont since buried, you have MB- .^.IL. fata B * « > - . . ." --*t*a%|Baaa> Comer SprmtflcU Amnoe and Uilli rial Aveltue - dm apinotliliatt'lt |I,2M :!"• at one .,vl,H-k Kumlard llwo o'clwlt Dayilghl Tliwe Xa,ln«)..Tini., lii the afternoon of aald day. Ihenca 13) vv^ierl, and parallel with Loeaua = a natstake. ''He" is stOl with us niiM-k IOI ijoi mo (D2I.4I. l Mari-tl 8111, lull. Street. One' hundred eight lllll.M u Iht ; UUn Street polul almil II frel ea«l of Unitorl Hlr.n and iiisl All lite rullowlng tract or parcel of land and and I think my be found In many a Illiuk 3«l IMI att. 131 liiniilm-a lirreliilfler particularly deacrluuL-Slt- Kaaterly aid, of Third Avenue; running Ibeaea »:U A. It-aunday School. tt» x IMIIIam Hlrifl ..I...1*."".*""1" Great Billatn, ot Rsada, of Japan, or lluruaule Atcnuit .\iw Jirwy,. , . .. P.M. Reading room open dalt* 2 to Illmk JVIA ld,U 43 4d II fnt SI fell HIIKIIIrFH ULI |i, i ),„„ IIKC.ISMM1 ,1 a |»lnl In the norlherly line « P. H. euepuor; Sondajs and Hon- Illmk .I«IA laila 41 If >>r.»l!l,,w Avenue loo fe«t wealerly from Ihe urtil 'TRACT: BcniNNINO at a point la IlliHk .IHT *- Inirraeclloii II feel lhTl4 »..)r, llrlwrrn Tin, lluihi.n I Ihe Eaaterlr line of Third Avenue which point dajrs. . Men wtth a aocstion. men in whose utm-lalloii of Mm III,, u , »,Hlwl, line nf Kaat Hirrel; Ihenre north « Maral, Hlreri ' It fenleunlat Ainnu frMi K.,I,II, •licri-ia nil hilniilve weel 100 feel; thence vouth la Kiglily-nna and Iweaty.two 'hundndth * "a* ne bams a quest; men who \%\ •I feel lm.221 tret Bouth.rly - ' ih, Intemetloo HI... w in, a I...I oil , II feel A. Ixlifi. M aU . ,1,-irii'lanlii. ra ,t et and parallel to ** nelp. who are_readlne, d Ji,.rlhMlj line nf Will,,* A»rmie So forraed l,y tlie Houlherly aide off LoomlLla BOTStreeHt CiAiaun oosnx TAasaucsz llliKk 3HA 1M 51 JLIerl TT-fcU-lhww^F.TMiuth-0 dfjrere' 30 mliiutea rilat WIIh.lh.Jttau»rl, .Id. ofTWrd'ATeSit (No I t, V II) "-— """••— •!• aaaewf vit ItlSf JI| lUal IJ ami f.ialW to Ilia adirenmUolitd irnt rourae olng Ibrnc* III Nort" -h —75 deereeavbU aad """'"".'""~ ReUord Arenne " waittoa: (or. the one man who can lead Hlnrk IH1A U>l M II f«l TWmhlp (1.1k. And Ihal ih. l5* parallrl wllh I Hunt on. hundred elftit niiirk aWIA —Ltil 5ft •Illae liaa Dieil aforeaald norlherly line ofr 1 hak H. BuOaatV ra«tsr Aaaaiv] issto the noonday light .lon,™'»'.,oMh.rl,1 I"", "•<•". point; ru»n af JhtSTTiT siwh IKS- '|v- rib K TUWlllA* Till MTII HA\ lir MA., ._ .*. "L " .""__ ' "0""»r'»lll_. l ilritma., a mlnultamlnulra., I1»t aemndaeconda batint ThtruThlrty-. Sunday Serrlirci Whit School. t:« of the nihliiiiiiimi gjety 1 Illmk Jl» Uil 114 Tlm a. til. "lm. .,,d lhi"il'"" ""'"* " Arenue north 'H» drf rera 3e"ni Dve-leulha (31.3) feet to a point: run- a, m.; pnachtnt U n and f: • New Hirrel IIKIIVKKIIAI. TIIK Illll, IIAV Ul .Ihtnce 111 ftj.lt TS defreea Weal aad a m; pht U a. m. and t:« Hue was this man reading the an- .191 fa,! comer Union Atenue and'Ald™ g|m?aa'il" M'" «filiitaild |.lar.of UK Illork .IPIIA Lot 4IT . - • f JlMi,, A. I,.. IH.Il1U, , ' rouraa one hundrrt 0,e p. m.; Young Ptnpkar Society. 7r «*«n» satptnres cornin» from, and go- if* [>'•' Uloik 3V0A- Ltila 411 411 .. 41 fHtSS. S..'.?".'J;«"' "!' "•""ru.altaof .1, 'i't,,,.k . ' 1 Kaaterly Una of Third Aia- Radio Serrice—"The life Line (iSo Tl r«»rl and ^nla, al whirl, ilaia and ,|n^|,,.,|,i.,uJ,m „) „„, ,1>y 1 tlirnre (II Norlh 13. degreea, ,17 • me to chnreh. on the threshold oMhe llloik 3>0A L I1H 43« i. eel will u gmn an o iliii:'fraf r i,i| f l| aeconda Weal, Thirty-one •**._.SUUor„ J- WBKCH . . •. Jersey City. IiUS» sflo- tOncoon. bat not inside, knocking, but (No III isirYr lantlng . _ hundrnithi (ii.Ti) rm to the I Teles. J to 4 p. m. the door has not opened yet. looldiiE. Illmk 3HIA-l.nl. 4T4 4T> 1 -. i AL4AN nn lrSMAN pulnl or place of BlflpiMNII. I •«-. ^ —~' I (No III I 1 bot not ttartm seen, desiring but has Illmk atlA Una 4W 4T«— April U 1131 - l*ln< In arrordanrr Ther. la due approilmalet! k llmlamll, Hlrrctl not.' yet cfiscOTttnL ~ He was confused' Hliuk »HA U,| ill ... 4 (Ml •Hill.d \U|. 1,1 Hi, \ta Payer lind Praise. Thmsday at I and bnaildered. fir no teacher had as ... »feel : Hlnrk »1»A IAA it IP- ™. ._•_•• '_^_ •>.„ • jet speten to bis faeart. -Let ns-not- *lll,»S'jI»ll~liifa 111, fit „ re.Vlsi.Vil Cottage Prayer. Friday at • p. rn. •him. .The things he :was con- It- ~ . It teel !«(,• rniirdm luiluil I leu In Deed Book I i (•.o lei) HC "ere n deep and so high that llloik 9I«II-Lou> 193 131 . ^rf|,l I,ti»i4 n |T|nh nM,i HirKH NALB^ln Chancery of New Jer.l I INo 103) >«vall and Hie lame pumlHa deecrlbnl lnl '. RMweni Opportunlly Building and Loan I 8T. Mmbuitl's R. a CutrscB I «hjey ,1^ nr*. e^^ialikLr* inji quite tasy in ~ 81Sli'"1t»TI""l^ila 1S1 111 ." ».2su) Ih^igagn for Unlun Cnilntrn 1 MUnTSBeir,^"- -"• lanaiitiiiaiiil I know there are those (No ItSI . Clordano, et Illmk STvll Lute IIP 13a . , IT. wl(h I for nl» uf nHingaged R*r. James p. UdJoaaU. Bettor fwho think by a ample mathematical . . .- , (,»o. ni| 1 .Ut virtu.. of ihe a KT 'llr.M-B-SdO t,» »r. •* " (No Illl by PUblhi rendue. In the IM.lrkt Court Sundayl : T:00.1:00; dulttren's «f lntaepreutian. they can nettle all Kllae Htrrrt Illlllltl A ml) lu 11,«i,, Trea IS3.H m -the tourt UOUK tn th«e City of KimtMthCil . Basus, S:SO;. Blglh, it . O Udngs in brsnd or' emrth,. .Well. If we llloik »t« l«,l 134 4 feel ll "K Hlmk »;i»-Ui IM , . I fa« H'» ULL-li, Clial5ar>"of Nj» r-or--"-1 Benediction 10:SO a. m. are^lwdliikc intake, of - mch trifling . tl leet Illmk JIO -Lol 91 . _ Miliuy II WIMI ,| ,,t llet«i»n (roru, ft I-.|KH roe Tmit, importance as tea. and sugar and bread JiibnMiu Atenue m nd thrlallne Uulble widow, et ala-.o* V.v, at Anart Devotions. and rjbner. It TOOM be easy tbTabel Uuxk-Slt Lnl lit . II) . ,11111*' if Hi. al... ruijini. u I. ror aale of awriiwed preatlaea. INo 411 Uy rli|u« of the aU»e-auied wrll of nerl I trart or mreel of laad and i each and Ox their relations. But here, llltKk ITT U'l III - larlaa lo me dlrwlnl I ahall eipoae for aale by INo 401 ft'!!!"ft'!!!"''' >rlLd.">rlLd"j lajlajh«uuuiktcjith tc»ur^ji»oB,too Ilii, lirtirl Holiae lu % Uie Oily uf Klllabctb, .the subject of the Lesion Scrnwn . as CJOd. tbe soul, sin, sacri- Koutil Avvllilr " HKKMiKIUV. TIIK mil Illork »7--Lt>l II . . ..14 foal 'KXDAr. THK 10T« BAY 0* of Benjamin, H»eeP.._. •h. S«uWiru*Tof "»_ '» Ch-rch., of Christ. Sc«.tu<. - fice. inuxttaHty. heaven and hell, that Illork )»"M 4 .... II feel JIM;, A. II.. un WlllUni Ptren Wher, , „. _„ 'WicJ•„»„«.i. our: wtta are often baOed.- Do not be Ulwk 3111 U1 It feel it mm urlwk MUtultciL (l«u- o'clock D*fll*bt •Hienc* alonar . WlllUn Btrtrkmnd at rlam itUirk HT4 141 .. _ It feel 1 T t nlh anslea 10 BchlaJalo Klreet llouut^m-oiie dtT| because today M.'* . '"^' * •nmiooi. of i.W>jT freea thirty-three Mnule. aUal SJf hundred IUI .ill iht luiimitit utrt or p.rcfl of l»id wl < mm jax do not see ewerytbio, dearly. The Ulwk SV«- 110 II teal U'lnuts .twttn»riw pirtiruJairlr ttMcrlbHL alt- and allteen ,f«l aha Hfly.airhT ^'>'' " llllK'k 370- , . » teet iry i fool llla.34) to a point; ' war to cotitnde is through-doubt,"The :VSi.*i? ^»f^.u»_Tiwn off erTnrorCrantondl n.r.ll.l wllh n—i.-i. oi. (Romans 8:U). and nun-at saw «•'-»! rnf llrr iilini •• Hotilb t iilini Avenue l.rm'j'. «a» ,f.rtj^Sa tit OTg^cit|iTJbnil»nl haje tnsnied by the same road as you. fllMk V Uil 111 II feel Ciaiifull). N«, BKCINSIXII al a p,.,pulm a t Uw Inlaraectkia ol and ntty.. hundredthaa of aa foot, (ll.M) toto a P? '"* Leison-Sermon ij fo Illmk 14' Uil III II feet liglits" s t.if lain' t rolnlrjolnl)) lienclien , NortNth han dd par.Urtl.U.UrtlUh VVrllllaa, Bat da not warship your doubts, or. tlit> IIiti«trr of |t)t> ^rJ luiuin of ibe property herein coconn- lowirlg^from the Bible: ^ThM saij' Illmk II', lol lal 34 feat «!nl, olher proptrtrptrt// off ththe BerlanBl l OOnelov- Slrert ntty-one d«rree. thlrtjr-lhra* nllutu Jeius unhKljij diKipte*. if iny man iCr TOT hr«adennent. It is so easy Illi-tk Jill-Line Jtl Mf . . Ill feet You'U find them here— niritt (.'umpany, the properr/ of, (Jenruda Bap* Weal oaa hundred and aliteeo fart aad Hftr- to_taik aboot your doubts and your Iltwk SUI Ihtrraeittol, 4 feal H.I andd IIhh . P«p.^ofjll^»nP^"f^jlljJV™o J S d f<« IIICHI'to mTlltTi 111 HI Illl 1-1 III _ . It leet Cream Cheese — Cottage klr whkh ..Id point u north - - - - A wtf M to ^^55., Illmk 3) Lilt 111? .u. . II teal ea wnt n, nnri A. J|t v\l, t»u|i,« proliettybOMtruo^BaptfiJ >-feet and ofty tnmdredtba v illink 13 lota 1 117ft I i (Uil I. Illfl) — Buttermilk — foods . urns; «,",» d vlb«r property of the Berlanl Denlopaml -.. . " r'l " •*• «"« WOO- as thoosjh roa cting to them as sdme- (, iurn « inn.), r (lift I .. is (< »>W»J Iron, A. colal In the aortharly aide of -j- 'ill lose hit life for my ukr tHI)a,»AIKM TU 111! HKLA1U •Urllan Uoad ai HUUUhed by rarloua deed. ,Th«» J« due approilnialelr IlllltU. with L thtas; to be nrbca. in laet, youcan 1 Avmue that conUia the rich vita-J shall find It"-(Matthew \b,2*Jif PaWa/daa, *a. •• * r~ „ , about ~ tueiur' TIS ~ ~ mines needed for health. ' id road, wUlctt. Utter point U north Boelllt. the'TAlqwing passage from the- Jamra Arruur ' tree. 31 muiuTea eaat lu.a] feel alum thoogh you laid a superb critical facul- lll»k 3«* -LoU 311 .133 -. 4 fMI ibe inmhetlj aUle of aald Harlua Boail m» *„»•«» I>.B |».ll Chnstian Science textbook -$,-r- ty that wosld not he pot oflTrtih the |\i> 1101 And our price* will help Point In the eaaurrlj alda of 'a sew atree ence.antj Health with Key'w tfte Hutllh I iilvli Atrliuv J!MU«n4n!1M-U«n4n1rr»kw,yi «U*laal.ii|»e4.polm easr sotqtton* that saasfled other ''tllnrk 3«l -lot Mi -. IS frtt i «Ulaalii|»e4.p yScripturts". by; -MafyuBalter Ei&r you save on the family ^;i:.;t»; tor:.«,!?. jl I*11MM north OOSS dtfreea -««[ [ tnUiutea»av SSSaal MBAU^Iri^nV^rloVsieitilaVi —(M-human-fhought ctoitge* from s^scts.ntast type, Tour, Mn4hiw II The imw or ottnela gl talta rer d noih~iu«n~- -bitiBdarylln i lln a bbetweet nt hthe prop* t BeiwmtTht'cntral BuUdtoa and loan fttintliir. in, any uf Hit alwve mtntliMied aide budget "l, ,1 ^VIUUB II.,.,. and oltterprSJrw 5f Aeaoclailon of KIlabMta. s carpT otJ«.\I., one stage., to another of cossciour doubt at«] tmcrrtainity is something to" Haiku aliall ronatriict .pew aldewalka within a li dtr«l.-d | Ilir Hnlannlant UnUnelupwue t fooa-any. thenro 111 pain and palnlessness. sorrow and ret rid of: bat yon wffl nerer gtt rid I " pvittKl uf Iblrly I3U). daya . rrtin,:-Iha line uf U uorlll-SlllSl J de(ieM lllJuaWereVirMi.llllrVirMilll M tv Joy.—from fear to hope and from *••^TJ^r^• 1'i.urt II,.,!,., |•*?«="•n t'^'l^Z of It tntfl yoa are hooest and sincere ttrrLtlnc iiotli'v.hi »o «,uialrui1 Ibe aaate. al«nvd M« Uly nf KUMbHh, b l>y tli>> Ttiwnililp I'lvrk, anwupanted Itr tevj ot J., on llahed IB lb. Herlaed Uap of BUr T ahoalJl, ^ till* Ordliialirr, nhcreier called fur til tola WK1I.\CSI,.\V, TIIK Jlill o.lv K«nloo 1, b) I. B. Acocill.. , Jf.NK. A. I": Tl9.ll. ; Mil Hurnvor.'SM la the UnUn VuJiyt^. ^pu^s^naiisa-'it Tfata cat a man with an open mind. S III In raae luih uwntr or pwueri. Sift* ?**• x°""lb» •• »«'. aa klip No. by public tendue. In ,h. Dlarlcl Court boat, atanr ntenis minds are closed. They almll Iftiuto riMialrurl iurttl ronrrete alldvwalkd * Cranford Dairy W.B .thmc. It) north Sikvwn xlaulta S. J.. on 1«H» In the City of Ulubeth, arrtmllux w llw rniulrvuflita of Otla Ordliabf^ WID.VEKDAY, TUB lrTH DAT Or ham dosed, barred and bolted them II,,. T,' (MnimlUee atiall rawe Uie**oVk? writ M.3S feel alons Uie Westerly aid* of uld Jllgh-arade Dairy products -T" iwtlanj Atrnue to a point: laenn |» aoulh u mm, , A. D..D.' mi. . wtth a doabL Tbey say they are I,, lie iknif. and Iha rUI Ibrreof, with InlereM. Daylllhl •lull U,aaaraa«] upon the hit. or lola of laod •bliree, It nlnutM wea| lttII ft l" l880 1 1 W1W1 pnzded and there they^stop. They will In nonfw amib uuu ankwatU-mitll ban I UNION AVB-(Phone «-01K) _ UUCT M ll|.aouU|lM.dW»-44-nUBUw^ri»ll|lM t —lif'.l-^5?'-" , '*""'" '•"».•'•"'"OMi-Ol-aaMilf.--.L> 'cln . brvii. ao roiKlrucled, In ac^vrdaDre with the iUfwt alua! the bouiularr Una B«ir"o the , AnjAnjh..foiu>wlnh s iracler parcal of land ud •sfosr haaf ra> more and they ask no more M SOUTH AVaV-irhoDt 6-llM) po1 1 ln uni|«ty brreln r<,nt>r-i .ni ,h. . ii rt atalulr In mult raae. ntadt and lfaL iiM«!«* " "» • m lanaaaawj ^^evwojaieariBvej^aar ^^w^aaWaaal B^EBQ.'CVOdl »?a^niaBaP'~ IIJTIBJ. "^^"1?*^*%—^ • -Hrrtmn -|» —tnt T»tUkw iliuj. In Iht (Sty of illaa- r-Nnrr». liaynianta for ,urh Hlfih Hum »^e fnt F.M.|hi u that it say be darkness. aldiwaU* mai I* made IH ruual M >ll«h Str«T trool Ihe li deacrlbrclb d al lot. number Tntf taaa was dUferent. He owned HU-m M«u »r Berlaal rar alalliiirnu mil to"eirwd life, _wrltl| latareal rk be was ported- He racognlsed readUy Ui, rnn al llw rale i>r elt~|*rrml per aUU. Weaicrlj par.llil wlttt Souih"Atenue bts need or a teacher. He was con- ~pa>aiav at 'tlie aame tiaie al Ibe Inaullawtlt. •ed.tvtt li»a |wll ' • rail, KlIUouu In alfcle-u, bla apuUaJlalulla SPECIAL ONE-DAY FARES •I »H*-Hirli:H Irncth of llin* -ulilcl, he deelrra lo Make p«.7> ; >fiara conVr hundnotba ef 'himte, I>I(,»Ul«l. hvwrTcr, awb pellllon II p*e* LONG BRANCH *1 DA 8. Uuthl. b, deed of the Berl.nt Bam wadd antold this mysteryi fteaat C f , e rcorded erly ami al rUht .„„« tST aintrd to tin Timiiaiilp t\iaualltee within nlntt* ASBIJST PARK t)l,5U erra date, to be recorded Street and Ihrouih a renter line of to me" and when he "«» not find the .ivej ila)» artrr nuillrnualim of the ameaaiiail Trit ualy and aublm to all natrklloaa. KBAN8BVB0 »| rr a..., ahd ifflillrtM urearrlbed In the aroreaald man. ht took to books. He did not KrrlMi V. Thli Ordlnaiire ahall Uae eaTKI KjJd aurljpu. brin, , Jcl to VaS trti HOI daya artrr publlrallon ai l-nititnd. by WATCR WITCH i)l.D0 Tria I1KIMI L. ubJ . law, _ ^ held by. the ludlanl BulliilniE and L , »M a,Uw Harla taw IM, brted II, It, n and tUn . „.. „._.„„ cUtloo. of >ewark. New Jeraer In aa uld tola and plot are. 1.1,1 4,.n onT< > Netlee. ' r atrtry Tsjsaiay anal lHorsday map now on nie In Uie ,41, r of Uia Kealatrr ? ™ Ttw lorrcolpi uriluianre waf Imroduaad al a la May, Jane ana) Jaly lnl Al», aubjeel lo nil uiea. rr«ular Ueelinl of the Towtublp Coaatttlae of Uwi.,'1. "' °" ""*»**'• erioford" BraUr IVwpaay! luieU'rcIv .'"lHt" sell." Etc vsas not httdlec- the Towuahlp oriVanford, New Jeraar, beld oa l»«r« OmTord u-HuH lln« of aaU Townahui CoauallUt, Ttrten Ikwd 0t> AU Trains Dale al Towuahlp ItiHXni. ca ^ ^»Wt iUl oft bpm.lfae prcrrl- TllitfDAV,—HAYMTU:'Itll: L-Al IjStJP^JLJl'ullaJU JulVJ _ CA»THN..UAB_C0MV(IIT<4)N 1 ALVAN a 1 aad'tUe teacher an ttiik Uu Tr-1T.-Ia5r=« em Ka^Sr. toiriduSl>Sd u Jtwublx, lUnrU-k.waUkj and Al«t»i*r Bar? ^gPWt^at, CteL.,, M«arCIaafW man Iil f h U _Br_»!rjua_!rjj j of uw abotaauiaabota-auiad wrtt af «arl readtog. but espeetaPy the farTu lo JM r- l»JL_Tr«Ht iaaUt leaaa Modem atqutpeunl defeuitu farTuu lo JM «ratt4d I ahall amoat far HH Pnaalifin, ot the* «ord an »"-»«"-' NOIICt ta«n»•"l• pnatlaea«a«Ti. - ^«« ^s"-" s." >y MbtMbtlle mmdmdu»TuTi thhe Dta^DtaU^tCotirt t Soow!! T and cccrfratlns; Notlre bt hereby «lrm that U» CoeajalaatoBera »y Tlftue of the abonauled wrll of Brtl By ilrtuc7of the abora-ataleil mil of Serl J Iha CCtrl Bowe h> tk.,«T oCBtlSSJ: appolhlrd be Iba Twnahlp CoeaaUUea of UM NEWJERSEYCENTRAl facUa to aaa dlrecled 1 aoall eipoae n* aale or farlaa lo aw directed I afcall anew tor atlt attend aereto vtth Townalilp of Craatord to nata I II tar WMtt »«*ie. la. Ih. uuuiLl Kurt »J5.* to by pnallc veadua la Uaa blatrlrt Ctari BAaae. a. TB1 ITTB DAT OF ^ifBtlm and prayer, re- ktaoaia ronfarred oat ;fcuoa and real Mata by jt Uoua. to tb, at, ^ BlnMb. -\ of .the Mlawlas IMad laun 3kb DAT or * da». WEDMtSlUT. TU UtU DAT pr ^3 ma>i THE CRANFDRD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. MAY 21. 1931 I Churches

RAILROAD PROBLEMS •that It would greatly Increase the toddem* lading up to tContinued from page one) your property value, and. Increase your HISTORIANS TO MEET •»•»/ legal • who went sation which has been studying this through its members In a quiet and Election. follows: 1931. nurkera. All dutf owners- ' •*•''• Committee. anticipating problem for the put three years. The dignified manner In ferreting out the "It is pleasing to know our efforts to work has progressed steadily, we know history of the community and. preserv- are urged to visit headquarters apparently -un-' Without a local contest,.the Kfnil- at once and have their pcUi out- f do an acceptable job In making the what il beat to do. how we'want to do ing It for future generations. It has While running on the Drmocratlc Her vast beteu her that day worth Democrats In the Primary T\IM- ntted witli the lam which nre iuccessful In the first district, wiling •ho started and thrilled at the Improvement which brings us together It, and what It will coat, and It is onalready accumulated a considerable llcket tor' that• party's nomination a> tonight have met with your approval amount of historical data which is today. nominated former Mayor' Oiwald txH'oinlnK more and more b«- 221 rqlM. airainut 100 ptUled by William """ryjstse made, forgot all about the last, feature that my ambition* NlUcllie a> their standard bearer In candidate for i mayor.''former Mayor Ilrutler. Mrs. Maraarot fiavld. Oi Ip- v We think It is a very good job. but our be compiled in a history of Cranford. comlng. to i'ui\tne IK'LH er 1 r- strike a snag. It will cost a little over the. mayoralty contest Qt_tJ>e-_genenil < Kwald NIlKhkp itlfo conducird a ke»n po's running mat*, .was... elected with It has also acquired many objects of pnKcr «in^»l ror the Republican ?*?l**5J SS"" P°* ""* "p*** taTOTOOOD To -completely electrify our election this tall. He received thirty 'Afler "a' frw .wrffat urtt«\\lhe JOS votes.- while her opponent; Met- arily differ greatly from your own. You local interest and will shortly open and nomination for the rtilef ruvutive po- t» use tatase with unusual fleet- suburban lines for the handling" of votes', sixteen" In the first district and police will >Urt a rumpalKii plck- Margaret Mejvr, imlloa 07. io tea out. rmsha-Jied, the dis- naturally view it as a fine improvement pasaer^trjdBc^rhls moneywm.ba.ye operate-a public museum"that all in- Inii'ui) and destroying all nnll- sition In thr borouxli in Ilir primar • to yoor-cftyTsr'an' almost ' to be secured from outside sources. To tereStea"''peraons"' jriiiy View': cmurd dugs. • Ti»iW»¥ :**-ifitckrVT W ^udge'cllriinn — —-- are those who search „ character, and also quite Jects. and become- familiar with IpcaJ Carl Qeores, the only regularly nom- hp8|ahl candidate,, was tedMktjesSegj secuteJv.-,we must »how that.the..eamt t ings wUTJuifUy nicHan'expenditure"; J«W^^FpsenF^nh»rt^"v*,::ir: • ' g his natural and legitimate the cost of future improvements of this A. Cr.oJ-Koarny 13-8 Hattmiay, that he may seek out Jesus and eration based on the. experience- of express this Interest to any member gf Rowan got nine, three in tile nr.it ami In the game walnut the Kenllworth piHi on pastrm In llu- lirpubllcan kind, and only -recently an act was others who have made such an im- Tlie vol« for local candidates, by dls- then his enquiry and study seem- the:' board - of trustees or the officers. six In the second. Both of these bnya, the Cranford team hit almost at primary nmdp • brltrr (howtng In Ills Irlcl and totals wtur a« [ollown: IvTnyor signed by the Oovemor relieving rall- provement, and we have carefully and There Is no Initiation fee arid theo an- Ilillil for tjicr councllnuiilc succ;^uL;TOndJd*^»Jftr,,vthe1.,IJ?^^^ MOk'i roads.oltajcaUon on,futureImprove- ilberaJiy je£Hma!e3~lhT4hcreased travel s > •'oettfijThe' came .'to contemplate nual dueti are nominal,-being only a llcan nonUhatTon as couiicllmcn may the. J<>gals 16 two scatU-red hlfs and i tT^^ii iT 207. n, JOB; Council, fuU tenn-nir- ments of this kind.. It is unfortunate that has followed such Installations for. us that the improvement here Is dollar. William J. Hoffman of Hanip- enter the Oenerol Election a» Deinor workeii well at bat. Frederlckion, a he full terms, he recrtved Uter I19.175JIM: Urbanowlt/. nil, 1,11, elsewhere.—When-thls-ts-done It falls ton street Is chairman of tho member newcomer with Crsnford. IIIIHIB ..fmir ust srvrnten 1CM than tlie low- mi ante. sElp cbmmlltee and unarles F. ^T' cratlc candldalri next-full, If they mi 337: tlraf Iflri. «!l 337: riwinii tll't, f.7, J A not-included: lt~ls auo unfortunate about four hundred thousand dollars desire. hits, In «lx-trlc». the three, bucked by the Hlahl •"* »- tlimr> » of aAfric taa nobeloniret quitHe ian for both of us that the Improvement ehon Is secretary. Interested persons a»; Council. »hort term-Ueck (HI. I1U, per year short of carrying (he Invest- members of the Democratic "Tlie store uroup, who wem elected. («r ton.. IT yon Uuugrit he was has not brought with It an Increase In ment, leaving nothing for profit or un- who would like to become affiliated 3(5; ItowaiL 146, 04, IDD; Clcori entitled. Two features bring with fifteen and thirteen votes, respec- Enrlght, 3rd In tito primary Although there was tbmk may be foond in many a * certain: amount Is ' due to prevailing this about: First, the fact that our vitation-to be present next Tuesday date fur the nomination to suirwil «»« the highways of America, ol tively from tho first district and Mr. smltli, If but u light votjr in the Democratic himself ran liltli on the tlikrt. Hrt wan conditions; and the balance Is due tocommutation rates are lower than any night Is extended, to all and It is hoped and Mrs. Carl Ocores, with fourteen Britain, of Russia, of' Japan, or Westghan, 1st lirlmnry. both NlUchke and Own* rndors&l by birth sides' of thn Krpub- other forms of transportation oper- line operating In the metropolitan area that Cranford will turn out a large ,nd thirteen, respectively, from the Burr, c were nominated,. for mayor ami three llcan inrty. In tho first district hn ri'- ating In competition with us through of Greater New York.. Second, the In- audience to hear Mr. Brewer. second district. ^,. .;. i with a question, men in whose Turpuck, r( -year term on couricll. respectively and crlvrd til votes, and In the wcohd, the streets of your city and from whom crease In taxes that will follow when DITullli), rr • iliac barni a quest; men who •,you have not seen fit to. exact any- The vote for others on the Demo- will line up against their foea of Tuea- 313, touting 433. suchi anJmpro'vement-U.7madeFTr=- i. BlUiful M. orl.i cratjcjlcket wan as_fpIlowsuDoyemor Hlnman, cf day .again In WieJDr.he.ral .Election In oUn» for bdn, who are, .reading thing in the-form of adequate taxes or 11 of course be necessary to in- In his contest for tho nomination to ng. hoptne. praring, -who are ^^ with keenest_ -rA. Harry" Moore, 14/ 16, 30; Assem- TrctlrTckjtoii ss succeed himself. Burroiialo George II. special-improvementsp . Imtead,,TU crease the commutation rates some, but pleaiure ilie jewel (lilnmt wo h«d to bly—Judson, 13, 14, In; daffney,* 14, 13, rTesicb, l> g for. the one man who can lead have actually provided taclllUes In the not excessively, In the light of present In stiueetliiK NIUchkt> and Oeorrs JolinsUin . was given good support 111 eat In our youth. Of course. It's not 36; Hodge, 13, 13, 36; Weltchek, 13, 13. both dlstrlcu. I In rrcnlvcd 107 votes forward Into the noonday light way of enlarged and paved streets for experience, some increase should be the food we recall, but the lusty appe- 35; County-Clerk—Klein, 14, 13. 30; nut, the 8t«hl forces »l»o carried Ihelr Totals II in the 'Tlrsf'TinoV' 140 In thn sfcatiil. ••to them at your own expense, I do not made whether we electrify or not. Astite of chlhlhoml.—Country Homt. Surrogate—Wolfs Kell, 10. 14. 30; Cor- other lundldales for local Omces KtNILWOItm maklW a liiUit of 313, while his oppo- was Uus man reading the an- mention this to criticise the actions of to taxes, we are at the mercy of the oner—Cheaster, II, 1.1, 33; Freeholder thrrjugh to ttw Rep^ibilcan iioinlna Plorlo, ill, p. J npiit nut OB In the first nnd (17 In the mltaiiu'es cosuns; from .and go-. anyone but to set before you in-a com- -ln>i—I—0—1; 'Slate II inn, I-\ir lhe..iWu places on the raun- public. I mention these, matters so you' Btupuck,. 1st 1 «««I_wiUi aich^rwafpund ther—he_ said evcryone_ was talking JMsraa Ortal Jnipcovrmtnt. _" 1_ ihahiniirrii. ~ •.-•••-— and~JSX"in~tlw~>econd: -Hlxtpen wt-ri" a MM aod. the soul. sin. sacrl- about It, but no one doing much about After a delicious dinner. Mayor: Ai- y welcomed tlui rirlriiatrs Blirt mortaltty. hrmveo and hell, that It. Our State taxes Its railroads higher p over the short, formal In .the.election'-trf~membera"to the •Jetted In-the first and.eight In' tlie gave a very • stlrrliiK addrru (in thnCoynty committee. Judjr (JrlMiu »a»set mid s an often baffled.. Do not be per mile of road than any State In the portion of tlie program. He called upon spirit otthe Rrd'CroM. BecreDiry- Wll- Hjed or distressed because today Union. The average taxes per mile of Mr McCullough U> read the letters of w,,A\m sting not see everything clearly. The rood In the United State* is $1711.00 as regret' from prominent men who. were talk on the Child's Hill nt IllaliU or the illllrri-lit cotnmilltea gave Uielr rr- 5buwt lrris*tiriti'l Valuv l certtnde is through doubC'The compared with S9165.0O In New Jersey. Clilld Character. John McDuffce, [lotts. Tlie delegate* dl»cns»«l thnnpro IrrlkiilMl Irftn in t \|,i ilint ulal plots Agau»r«tnee-i«0»rthe-average-nairoaartnwinI) t offf ththo ItInterioi r itrn. -In the evenlii« the »tu t» na cting to them as same- for highway construction .as New Jer- with the erection of the new passen- McKlnley High" School C«a mid a saperb critical facul- have higher truck registration fees rert's Fund and the work that Is being meuUiiK of the convention It wasskunk and raccoon. Iliera nru nliout than New Jersey, ana 41 States have ment of-preparatory plans for the Im- held In the U, 8. Chamber of Com- 1tW fur farms In tlie Cnllcil Stutes wonid not be put oHTrtlh the provement, Mayor Aldrlch expressed re- (lone with It, Hlic totil, In particular tataans that wUsfled other higher. gasoline taxes. The relative Prime Rib Roast the work the Piind U dohig In tonncc- merce Dulldirw. This meetlns was at> aod] Alasksi nml Abuiil'..t,BUO-In k'wv- truck registration fees, on a 3-ton cam- gret thai rormef To*nsW£*Uorhe£B: tendi-J by an Uie delflpiteu ut both the sdn." Tim mtljnrtly i,f ttif'Sn are ruts- * suta*.robust type. Your. C Austin and Judge Stein/ who work- id anrrrrirntty is something to" -mon carrier pneumatic tire truck in School. ' After her report an opcii du- Junior ii'rid'Benlor convention Ing silver or Mue fiitr*. New Jersey as compared; with other Fancy Large Fricassee Chickens ed together on the legal aspects of the a»: bat you win nerer^get rid I preparations, were not present at thecusslon followed which,hid to be car- •Atuln I wont to say sunwihlng about States is as follows: the spirit of the Junior lied Cross 01 yoo are honest and sincere dinner of celebration. When former ried over until tho next meeting. - In Historic Alima New Jersey $ 4800 Legs or Rumps of Veal Mayor Roach pressed'the railroad for the evening a dinner and dance was There is someUiliuc for every member to do. Everyone can play some-part In Tho-Alnimi In H m Antunlii, Texim; at a Ban with an open mind, Pennsylvania - 9000 the elimination of grade crossings, held at the Mayflower Hotel, for the was a Franelseiiii rnlcxloli tumin l.ullt this ijrest organization eaVamds are dosed. They Average for 48 States .... 268.00 Mayor Aldrlch stated, the railroad felt Juniors. A woman from Finland'spoke alMul ITU. and enllinl Knn Aiilnnlo lie Boneless Rolled ChadtroasL on 'International Friendship*.' Thelma Wild" sed._ barred and bolted them In 5 States over ... 900.00 the Improvement should be made In a Valrrlo- After I7'H It was mimellmcs doubt. They say they are In North Carolina. 900.00 larger-town. Although the railroad op- "Tuesday started-reports given by inert an a fort unit qc- ullc jUordv-U a lollar Issued by- the ozned- He recognised readily -necessity, and requiring the filing of fancy Long Island Spring Ducks 23c Ib Hansel wot not pnaent, Mayor Aldrlch Book In Cranford High School, In my e«M a* stiwtilleBlly coolrolled de- 1'ope to the whnle rhurrh. A ilecreial of a teacher. He was con- rates, and adherence thereto. In New velopuiut, Dosed on proper food—' Is s_ letter or reserlpt of tha Ityio's, artag wtthta hlmaeH^I with- a-no-tnick— regiil.tlnh lauded him for the work he has.carrlcd on for the benefit of Cranford and »t Bonnie Burn for the little children, -determining some potnt of ecdeslasd- a wadd antald this mysteryi whatever as to rates aria service. .other Union County municipalities, eal taw. id when he could not find the the Mrap'books we mode for them at "The effects of this discrimination Legs of Genuine Spring Lamb 28c Ib ThcLmfcyor—pointedVauti that the Im- .Christmas, our gifts for the veterans DIscrMt MM took to books. He did not against the railroads and subsidising of provements made by the Pork Commis- If wp,,|M4jk Into eoniuiunlirts! arid di- D«llcat« Sarcasm •etf np m Us own zelf-sufS- and"a few of our other activities, We -highway-traffic are that railroad men sion, in which Mr. .Hansel is active, 'made, several.'changes in. the .Minutes visions'of men, ~ we observe that the When the tnniulu wns reciirded as !*«, "1 know just as much as arc being thrown out of employment Roulettesjrf Sfringlamb _» Ib react, to the advantage of the railroad, Book. MabeTT. Boardrrun spoke about di«c>iw-t" gijj(O>«t the wftty, nor ths poisonous It was cullwl a love apple, wWch shnws yist there wu» jlcllcata In New Jersey, railroad purchases from as. well as the cotnrounlUw which re- the fiftieth anniversary.of the Ameri- yirjmt tinie± gul>trs tlie con- atrjtbinc that I local industries ore greatly reduced, Top or Bottom Round Roast 32c Jb ceive them, as they attract more peo- cari Red Cross, In the evening'we at- "ii, and sjlte* meaaurn to se- sarcasm In the Innininse n century or ttg was not tatdlec- and the Individual taxpayer is carry- ple. - ; *'," tended the* Senior Dlnntr in the Wll- Addlson. ' *, ago.—Mliinil (Flu ) Herald. * U we cannot Ing a tax burden that highway traffic In conclusion, the mayor asserted: lardHotl. •___ -•;" : the feet of a teacher, " should bear and the effect on railroad Choice Sirloin Steaksz__:n_ ...„ 34c Ib 'We an glad to have Mr. Mead; the "Every Junior that attended -that goose that lays the golden eggf" -43sner AM* Street in important occasion." , •- spirit. They have found that there, is Speaking of electrification. Mr. White V* : mayor - then lnwoduced * Mr. t/wide field opened for them and they W-srtsTs OUmt S*stt" - " TUak It Onr - /" odd- -We realise fully that electrnV wptth president of the railroad, whose have stepped la to take their part of SSon of our suburban lines 1» luW TKLKraONKCBANTOBOMttl pp The oidsat vounqt. ksown to «M Tbt first thing s kindness deterMP.' "" • * thl tha.responslbUitylbUi . optis&Dsnrtwka««BM tta ss.aecopteocei the Mcoodr-tiuada-. „ x chairman of '•*g*


Synopsis of Minutes of Report and resolution by 'Bridge mince authorizing the adwtbtaf for Committee No. > 1 recdnnmkdJS&c res Uda for^niBmeiaent of Brant lane, Polk. Akrm Teletype tad Board of freeholder! lutlon of January 15th. 1931. author- CUrkTown»hlptwsadoii(« few sateatsa. the- awa- Vfynnt. Ecrguson mlttec t*qu«tln» authnflty lo tlnrutl .t »»lthlngtnn. D. * to r of -pfACTICAX AUCTIOM B* call showed eighteen roeruBBrs present, necessary drainage cotjstractlon along wlde qnteus alnaMy tiara been add typewritten form on the utetypevrttrr hlx absent. " .... «uslt«rly side of Terrill road. Panwood, Resolution-by Dlicetar Mclbne ap- Art*" or Uw Union County Board of martUn— a* rapidly M'UMJ •» placetf was adopted. - pointing John S. Lager of 8mranlt a n nxmar ' Minutes of the .meeting of April 16th; T ^^HL - •vamam plan* pn Uw system from sendtas; stations. wore approved as per prtntedjeopies on y Report and resolution by Road Com- member of the Shade Tree Oommis- »r_U» intern, Insure* tta"nmrthrt t t.hp niombeni* desks. • -* mittee requesting~authority to carry out slorv VM adopted. ^ ' IiaUnaUon. It wtHJotn th« sUta-ide necessary drainage .construction along RooluUon bf Road Committee re- rf |la« *mr4»'ww aboct Aac- l-i I«-te bi? l»Hjihy..T>in't Freeholders Anlhea, Halbfostcr, Tet- Mountains avenue. Scotch' plains, ^was commending 'the taking over as a t. j. IMM;I e. t>•« Frw.Whed»f rl:r>urliunjii^iilr. nO and WIIRUS jreported.at this time. adopted. • '• * county road. Centennial avenue, Cran- i all .ijjaiilfU theni. All'bills pn"»nt«TVere npproved and pr«at» Report and resolution -by Bridge ford. was adopted. TO. CRANT. »-«*• The (otortnt Kilnmi «u iijion roll call ordered paid. Resolution by Road Committee au- b . Cnmmunlratron from Henry Kreh, Committee No. 3 requesting authority this taorolnc by Commissioner of Mo- Hearts--1».Q to repair bl-eounty bridge on Terrill thorizing the advertising of blds-for the or Vehicits, arald q. Hoffman: -ft fan engineer of Union Township, making improvement of Centennial avenue, V application for a. new bridge at therood in conjunction .with Somerset »m*to my attention that report* v* A U IJiarnoni ~O,9,.V County Board was adopted. Cranford. was adopted. -..-,. r . Z • Sixties -- A. Q, 7, 6, 4 West liranch dT the Elizabeth River Resolution by Finance Committee BBENNAN&TOYI Mix circulated W Uw effect that this was rchrrert to Bridge Committee No. 2- Report and resolution by Road Com- witl not r*prtment has prohibltM free-«lxel- •alt antl hill one J.cart, mittee recommending the county ap- fixing Balary'offtlerk, deputy clerk, No sairc. 7. ( Communlcation'frbin Judge Thomp- clerk typist and assistant clerk of the Uvr" Iff the BUU or Hew Jtney'. TM* ' A oiw rj»atle xl V I>.IT«CU.. What son, advising that tie had authorized propriate $800000 toward improvement II now Lid willi the foregoing . First Judicial District Court at Ellza- PLUMBING, TINNING i» not so. Pree-vhecUai, «Uti podtrt* Mlsi Lynrh, Chief Probation.Officer,- to of Locust "btjxet. Roselle Park was .! hand, at bolh Auction and'O>ntractr 'adopted* beth,-wus adopted. tear control, at now a S:ioui'I lie fijM or bid tvwuf niar^ arlend National' Convention, was rc» Report and resolution by Road Com- Resolution by Finance Committee and HEATING ttandanl-maka can, to entlnlr le«at firred to Finance Committee. fixing salary of sergeant-at-arms for : Two court orders appointing Elsie mittee teqw-tinij autlwrity to construct under Uw New Jersey Motor Vehicle • At Auction, Tl should certainly pass. the five Judicial District Courts was H. a AVt, R. dUNFOKlt • here is alt^Jutely- nothing to be- Lombard! and\S Iprrlla Ross as Women pave-ment' en Plrst avenue,Roselle, was Art, and no ..action Je - linpu hynukiriei*?iitnnitt"e-*5ary spade . adopted. adopted. ace. Ace Probation Offlcers, 'were referred to Pi- of C««ui oward the restrietlon of th& automo- 'd. /.IiA(i:a1re;iuy shown-hi* suit and nance Committee. - Report anil resolution by Elizabeth Resolution by Finance Committee ap- : V ' i m i?;e nn.iinnwctsarily high bid is to propriating %§0J0OOM to meet the man- , it Is pro bile feature. _ CoinmtmleaUon from County -Attor- .Brawbrldti! Corumi''ec advlslna omfili ••Some time.ago a statement was :A R :••}i-rn i*e*t"6 Z ami Tiis part nef thafyiiii datory expenditures for the'mainten- —children : Z t bnvc a crime liiimJ arm tliertfprc incite* ney Mlatz, advising of, the settlement of- received . lor cnn\'rui.ting new double 1 made to Uw effect that the Eu ance of five District Courts established, a reinlt tu overbid.to save tlic Runic/ L-lsiim ..ii^ralnst fetate of. Thomas W. Ic^f bascule bridge- at Summer street the Unit Mote Vrhkla-Adnloia. amifreeommpi}riu>p flwnrd of contract to- was adopted,, OSWALD NITSCHKEJr, tratort would discusa this subject with ithe low .bidder T*I " Resolution "by Finance' Committee * ' "' ' What

I understand^ be introduced by Colonel Commuillcation iroi: QO- Soldier^ and Eallon' Headstones. ing cost,and expense: Jersey, i coul'l'bc tvnji at-thrcc drfaiir'are forced 1. ' $3,500 00 drainags construction, K Austin Bughmann, Commissioner of ta liif.iirr IcVcU by on tifiriccessarity^ IIUMde .stotliiE all utiHUes. have been advising of bids rtreived for flafis for of til* f Motor Vehicle* of the StaU of Mary- *V> nw. Terrill road, Panwood. DECORATOR. Mg!i kir'f)f>i) atAihmlty aaii-.yuu \iiiLobLaiii.-Lliii.: Communlcaliori. frohi ; Xownshlp of wheeling , without ponlUve (ear con- Crnnlord slating: all rignts - 3..«ft600.0Q-new,.'surface pavement, '"". - -'-rr~ protect U trol" •isT! l*Tf wt»sp»iajid-1/ his p^rii final bid a trirtrnrua •clieafwr than if rrr kttsivoco Crua-*^ he •Itpulj hid been Kecijred for the relocating", and and.'resolution^by Elizabeth Locust street, Roselle-Park. - .- . • .of-the s i.'.u ftUirt a!F witfi'aj ....i^^ta^OOJlO ..paying, work,-First-ove-- «..,..«l. ittcr . Contract, of cnursc, II'H proper t y fm'rcd to lioad Committee. temporary appointment' of James A. nuo, "RoseUe. -„• . j* j 1'ii is four.fijudca. '1'iie fact that you '.. 8. $15p,000.00 new bridge, Summer Most o be Communication from Township of Lovctt as cmeri!ency operator of dec ing,'dlffe William Priestley Hillside req'uestini; appropriation of trie drawbridges and requesting action safety ac inckt at i'« bp«t «rt twl than at ft > »5('0.0O for maintaining detour during of committee be approveclr was adopted i., 'M300.00 .engineering, services, ad-' dlt(on-to Courthouser-was adopted. . public, p trump Ai»T3>-» tn«*t»1 (urtDcr'a i construction of North Broud street was Ileport and resojution by special the scho SURVEYOR Uttsup b^ui itacb a lunj. Qiirttlu'ti No. 4' -'Freeholder Keelan requested that pre- I!i'.ir(s-J,", 8.7, r,, ?, 2 referred to Road CommlttM,.J.r Bulldirii? Committee, stating- they had ' worth w rosT omci Bintomo Communication from "Master Plum- authorized Okley «rfon, architects, and vailing rate of wages be paid by con- safety. In R. J O-JI Utoo No. 2 ' ' . C<.h:i--<>, 7 tractors on county jobs. — lltuti— i, t : I it- iiiwuja —7,1 Iwra' Association of Summit anff'vleln- Perry West, conTulUnc engineer, id'ad- =_j : every-1« jty suggesting that (i smaJLcJalm.dl vertlsc ..for "bids-for—the-aUdltlort-to Therejjelng.JioJurther-buslness- and safety. E ; A B ; I>unMoUi — »>, 6, 2 slon be oruunized In connection with Courthouse, returnable June^tith, 1931, upon motion by Freeholder Harrigan build up z : Z : S^ulM—10, H V . at 1 o'clock? and-Teqnestlng actlon'of and- duly seconded, Director McMane MASON CONTRACTORS A 11- the District Court was referred to'i . tudes am , , . • AND DUILOEJtS iinnce Committee. . . • thn comrailtee be approVlKl, was adopt- declared Board adjourned until Thurs- K«> xxrr, 7. •Mosto Onmml OUMtraeUea of AH Klada. atttnatta Gladly 1 - "Z J4al» ac_L s-.- •Comimmicatiqn from~ l!anic',Secloy, ed. - ,, /L< • day, May 2lst, 1931, at 3:30 p. m. ——j-l^ »<—•- •l »^J* ^ ^ r^ JI^*I^ jm § r^ f^^T^ _ai£it_f- n * *\ • Jersey hi hl* an4 Maler l superintendent.of weinhts and meas- Ri-nort and resoljitipntiy'«oad-Cora= J: CHAS. M. AFFLECK, . V !• >;;Tii.i \V3ut ^aulj III ml willi -Sn.acorCi Z ilt'alt nml lii

-.-.iadGidlraclr', •*—.,.-• ^- iV-i-a-itti the fnrryoim; liuml, Ujtll ut expenses of lilmself and nssjstant to at,- •_ ; riicnt-rinir imglroyement of Cenjenntal remarkab \H>4*W---- B AHMU nn-Joutrfnfly rum *t lioth .Aurtiun and Cuntraccr . ' toiicl National Conferehec, was referred avenue, Crariford, was adopted. * : "~Z children^ Ajclim and Contract. It »-ouU l»j . Y klroulil cerlauily bid tlirce limits 16 Finance Commlfuc 1 very r*ta lo twj ihrre clubA. II hunt at both Auction' itml C'onUiict. Ilia Report nnd resolution by drounds THE McCARTER SCHOOL comniiDi r Communication from Cits of Linden "- ~ wit but riulw and, wliAr -hjiml • is al>«ilutrlv >nj HuHdlni; Committee rcrommend- CBANFORD, NEW JRS8BT to tills la j jit lhat suit. li-iiuip ;(ml yxl BIIDUIII t:il.c m.'.nv ttirlss rcqiiKittna Wood avenue from rtiritan in; Hip reslKnntlon of Mrs Mar} Harri- the child. Schoulei-Construction Company r. A;ibocMhid ttsret wth-hSMris tniirfp?. If Z'lus Iml t«6* rntid to Anuterrlam-atvnuv be paved ni son, cleaner trt thP* fur the purpose o( sluittinn a county road, »ai nferrrd to Road. ceiilcd, was adopted Blaih Cnili. ^^^^. our erer canis. ijodi Iwlduu ««uM 'prutabl jn»ncntfl, he Committee, d iH kU 3 lkn«-na trumi Reiiort and resolution by Road Com- TiltplMH CRuliri l-IUi ^^^^ streets a ALTERATIONS . - - .op-- , -.can now either let Vphy the lialliul Communication trom New .Tel-uej [ i * child hav •xd, U *»*»,, B «v«iltuUr > l«: duUdoubleld amdi A 11! UI licirH , Ili «nvt, il but>lil itt'iry. . liu' pennlstlon to submit libt ul iiononb b lo Etnf on Count) Welfare Doard »ai Solution tij l>iol'U rra'hpd tutd ordered filed Supervisor PAINTER AND DECORATOR l * I nrnds l\, 7 of no-idt, Jail Committee, EUubclli G. J. JANSEN Dranbrldce Committee. Stationery and 35 NORTIIAVENUILEAST, CRAINFCWJ* PHONE 6-M14 r MM- 0 '" "illciitlom Railway Drawbrldgo Com- ..: CARPENTER AND BUILDER —" Call EmsrsOn 2-0320 or Emerson 2-9246 "\* mittee, IXpanincnt oj Wilghts and Meaujrcs. Jail I'lijsltlan and Count} ^ Specializing in Billeting Fine Hdmaa to Order Engineer. Residence and Ofuce—2«!9 West Grand St, ELIZABETH, N J 11e.irt» Estimate* Cheerfully Given on All Work >AmTO VARNffiHES -O,(, 'I 1P 11 Efficient Mechanic* ,' - .• „ High Grade Work J . «IOTF STKUT. CBANVOKO - lf'«DatKiar« tntm«-.-r *I 7 i1* in Ibel tliiiiiiinui and, if A |>!<%* tie me V I HIV' TA CRanford fl-OMe-R _ _ luill- c-i \ i »J ll.rcc IIKLJ! 'ittuM [iliy tlicr km,; V / muit nciu tAi , t A (- —, ^•a. »i: tec (V- t ' i -ijt If ht- li ' ' , tlie Irrv ft iluln / fl "» iwt t J Csv ...c '. - -t. ip If/ * Get the tacts behind this 11 Lawo Mowers Sharpened By Electrdkeen Process SELECTIVE GENERAL BLACKSMITH ameaa amsoou uniun GU43AOTEE B. J. EICHUNGER THE NEW . IIMSW CRanfonl S-11U ' ~ ~ J' » men . „.._.- _i- . . ,',, " CBANFOKD, .V.

IUTOe liven ei|wnM-rn* Hr>lM la.ailUlMtaMBl IvttllllJSiaii l%j%sva^a*v rsTjt.a_j B^^^^t^^^l *" l HUDSON or ESSEX Elactrio (l»« a r«MttUbla (omalM and m low ri t " uew nnneawnli. Tr AUTOMOBILE 1 _,_ ' Utch. SUdlM thtlm. Allheal STRAPS cabuuu, with poraUtn Ualaf AB£ Thttunont Monitor Top meoli» FIRE aba openits auleily In • b>0> at only ofpU. Ansowwlbls Irmtwrslura extra eantnil prairtdes ful-freuuu of ' BURGLARY leacabHMldjdlJa

nuke •weeplna eaiy. IluUluK PLATE CLASS lion It »• tbpla as coaaooiaf so (lectrio isa. • TORNADO

GENERAL # ELECTRIC AIL.8TBBL •BrilSBIAT*! Ttms again Hudabn and £«« add a fine/costly^ detaU « Consult the Real] a great saving to you - ' Estate and THE GREATER HUDSON 8 V \ THINEW ESSEX SUPd-SIX insurance Dept. for 111* IPuainna

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Jhrth Are, at Aldm Street

••— " X TC,7J

• V.

THE CRANFORD CITIZEN ANfr CHRONICLE. THURSDAY,, MAY 21, 1931 ! aothortatas; tbe idvntWnc for r»r iiHUimimi, of Bmtune, Township, *u adopted. Public May Inspect HAROLD F. BENNER" jfcitjpn b» Finance Qosnmittee School Safety Activities Helping mendfns; the Invitation of the - Aerial Maneuver Craft AUTOMOBILE PAINTING

ro Reduce Accidents in New Jersey Every day tav til *be Visitors' Dav at •- By HAROLD G. HOFFMAN,. Kstlmates Olven DuUoo by Finance ' Committee Mitchell Field and other Long Island Tel CRanford 6-1I11 rising Isaac SeeJey to atttend Ha- nmtwIoiMr of Meter Vthlci**. Ntw airports ihal will house the 673 Arniv I North Avrnne, E. fif Wrtt-- -V^" —_. Jar say -^•^^~^T* COITIU j^. ^KlLaUlatt t^nnrKw flurlt\iltni vs^> | ^Jauls-^ivrVT*** «|J*LW-f*I ^Imi^ VI* i"t. ^ • adapted. '. ehlldren tn tbe schools are for the aerial maneuver*. jtLwns an- iJution by Director M«-*T—r ap- nounced' at Army.headijuarfe*!fln Oov- I showing the way to adults when ng Jobn S. Lager of Summit a ernors Island. y«UTday. Anxious tiir Dr. J. B. Engle er of tbe Shade Tree Oommls- 4 A It comes to the problem of reduc- Hie itvneral public to inspect the nlnnr* m adopted. ing accidents on the streets and high- Air Corps ornclals have made SIHH?UVI VETERINARIAN ways. While fatalities and Idjurlea to Tatuiemerits to receive, lame orqwd.i. I»OO AJfD CAT HOSPITAL flutian. by Road Coounlttee re- •dolts from motor vehicle accidents Hiding 'the liking over as a Hersuse of tile congestion antlclpati'il Morris Turnpike ana Ml«41« At • have increased markedly during the at thn tit-Ids, motorists will be required • , SUMMIT, N. J. - r road, Centennial avenue, fcran- last Ore years. rai adopted. 48. CHAMOIS IN THK LAWS '• lalls t»i pnxtueo thr reslstiaimtj, rd. ins adopted. •-.-..-.. sections . and itution by Finance Committee for a brief, concise summary of some rPRMmtion'rvriiiiratv'should b» in lit Thursday, May 2fl, nil the planen at Plumbing, Heating, Tinning cities there has of the more important chnngra in thepraHeriaitm. «{ ttu* person-in chfiiue o Mltrhrll FVId will be on the «muml salary of ftlerk, deputy clerk, been a distinct d< Telnphone CHanford 6.-0314 typist and assistant clerk of the motor vehicle laws passed by the logta Ilw car while it is operated on. tin or Inspection by the pubfU.\ Tile, opflrer IS, Inlnn Avenue ... CRANFORD 1 Judicial District Court at. Eliza- crease In acclilen. lature and made law by the sUniatun lays tin' uln-raft »ill either u>>vpnr- ras adopted. - .• • " tal deaths of chil- of Governor Larson. Ubtiihiinx a IkviLvt liy rniliil.ts I lully In. ftlKht or the Division will be In other cities, 'file arlir-cUilc <)f tin' Robert Theisz & Son liutlon. by Finance Committee dren. This la par- An Important change has bei-ii mud. bidden undvr the mtunJi'U inw. Non'-, r ticularly true of »llh regard lo automobile Hunts. Un- ic-idt'iit tlrtvm way now oivruto imneuver» calls for ihe Division, a'r- AM) ni'H.DINO . salary of Mrgeaht-at-arms for' 'tvlnw iiere. Tluirnday.. Miiy 31, Ui'.dtv- m Judicial District Courts was those ot school der the new law, the Commissioner of tHilcs iK^rtUji NV*v JrfirV hiense plules, CONTKACTORS " ace./According to the National Bureau Motor Vehicles is. authorised to Issue [Ki'VKi.'dtlu'v IOC >.-u'nlci'n vi'iirs of nirt Sntiiiay, May 24, f«r UoatuH/ Tl"' d. • •-.•-'• .v- -.:" . •• •• ItotUH's Built tn Order and Alterations, of Casualty and Surety Underwriters, regulatlona pertaining to lUihbt on .mo- a^E.or.older iiud hoi.i'n>lrivrr's llveuw ilnnen nre due bnck May 'M, but tlif •lutlon by Finance Committee sp- M1|O»1IIK day they will fly over. Now estimates Furnished. iting tgtfWMi to meet the man- It |f probable that over 6,000 lives ot tor vehicles. The law provides that all Ivmil.by tin' buitii- rilare. _ 1 •i. IIOI'••VWOOU_AVRV,LtlKAWOmp ttoior - vehicles • must be- erruirjperjrui ft?rspji--tn"Atlnn.tTP Cttyt Mn^ " -ik iVw expenditure! for the malnten- -children are being saved each jlmr is Ut'tWlU'i'. tnvneis. nti: Ihe.oiH'tutor?* llvhion will dt'imtt fin' ilw llnul iimn- ' T^fiJtne Cifnntord "-OOM-MI -•'* 1 Ono or roars spare lamj*r~or: lump 1 1 f five District Courts established, a result-ot child safety activities In hi •ovoilundiM VrhU.ii ^ illi to t»r %ub- M'n dver WttHhlnRion. D. .C-, thi'ti •the United-States. bulbs of n suitable type to make rc- lutlon Finance Committee WHst is "truer shout accidents in .'the p1a'c»nWm^*ilh«-n*'rp>Ti»n''a'rR)-Is ntl- feSiaaMil&tefcaslA it,and expense: If. While jo 1S20 .over 35 par cent - > street crossing l valuablel , part of tho. safety with the law' a.td. no coinplalnt sluill dd, avenue, Scotch Plains. By far the most valuable part of Ue rt..ible ii'iuleriiiUrihp '|il;i.iN'inny !»•• (li»- \lt|Hirt ul Parmiiigdnte", I—I. doubtedly the children, are learning; to program of a school particularly. If the be made asalant lilui. . I.CMIB Kxpisrli-nre and Careful Work lSQO.OIf new.'surface pavement, school program Is the-regular .-TCSSJIS; " - —-;'— protect' themselves against the dangers WSool&lo a?section where there is a. The new law provtdeirttir. street, Roseile Park. room instruction. In safety. As liii tbe A: little''CJautnrd .Ad. In thls'paitrr of the streets in a much better way heavy flow of trafllc. • ' " of a WisnriM HuUflfactui'y Service y h *,lU.toU..UuU-ulU. [ujrullutu-lurv.iuu,^... teacher holds the key poaltlon. i : oseUer •-V.\ Most ot the credit tor tlila astonlBD- been »o «iicrt«»!ul that In a recent conditional license- -has' been' Lvimd A lr" 'l"""r "'"' U Tei.-CHavnfpni «-0Ml'-••-.-: 150.000.00 new bridge, Summer Is where the youngster ge£t nalct Injj difference should be_given to the structlon day by day. r iia linht uT piiiib lictKluianU. on. p'ro- aizabeth, ; ... . ••-- ;f 1 ttt r 1 ' safety activities at the schools, both biles also provide opportunities to cm- cotwiaj a populailon of over 400,000 tlons, he^or she nhall bo siibji-el to » '' '"'' " •''> i"" ^ Hio. OoiiuiiP.slMnn-of B l.lniiilii Avejnue.^ .'- C!HANFOUi>r J.500.00 .engineering, services, ad-' t!uilll! iiitinn. tintl to nci'epl linen in Intitiiiu public private and parochial. It Is'ln phaslie variouB phases of safety and rtlidren In Tarious sertiona of thonno of: 1100.'. Heretofore no •'•punlBh-i " »"-lrt»-l>lu<:i? ul .ifsldi-iui> within to Courthouser-was adopted. . nfl K k l |lr tlu> lli'llli, exivpt In I'ltnes wlleiu- it tlmtuln- the schools that the youngsters get club activities also are useful In Inter- United States it wan found that of the ment has been provided for violation*j " "' * " >l"""»' t»-m«Uo. [>ry |>eniiUy is fixed by luw. older Kcelan requested that pre- worth while classroom Instruction In esting pupils In safer n\ethods of doing total a»id«nta to children only 8 per of condtttoniK™~*" ' • i , -\ p.-ri;iltv of -.$3S tn pmvldpd (nr Irnil- rate of wages be paid by con- safety. In fact ln.a good school system .things-Many schools use-motion-plc- ccm uv.it f,;«o«! -i;iht nil Ion iwllirnic »r i[ No-|,»'hk| li ihi-y unii l.»iii'!ar. . only plates, but driver's llcoiuiei as\ pile* to nn uiTnt tor a llccnta whlli- his Artlsllo and liiiit Deslfus In Funeral Win. C Golding Board adjourned until Thurs- -Most of the cities and towns of New chools. These are otten sponsored by well, may how be used oil and after j "ami! In I.Iill on.»>»»»>->»M^^ lo this important aspect ot the lite of fflcers inM4ie~pn>tectlon ot._street IANFORD, NEW JKK8EY must educate the Individual who in the the child. Consequently they are not as rossings. These patrols should not final analyst^ carrilo^ijo^rnuch to pr«h~ • 219 Broad Street —"wall able to control' accldents;"Wlth bei used' to direct vehicular traSIc but tent accWent.i. If wa_iiin!d reach the our ever Increasing trafflc on our busy hould confine their work to regulating motorist tlirouKh education as well as streets and highways and ivitb the the movement of children. Accidents wo are apparently reaching tho chil- ELIZABETH; N.J.. TIUPIMM CRMfm) 1-lUi child having to cross ninny streets on t street crossings protected by school dren-tn our schools half tho battle a school day, no school system cai I1OV UI.UK U At_ b"T patrols have ' been practically would bis won. - . lli'ltth ho, huw the ilaye.iiol., J •SEN V.I-H, sir, ymir Uni'ii? XJim* li"» :6RATOR • liarilly,Jiltislipil _(i story .WIIITI '•llm'weifk la ovi-r. iinii another -PHONE 6-3014 BY DAVipCORY to thic.;' Wlinwi'. .lliU.iiiaylW-_.. ' you" ur«"ji(ud Unit times Illii- St. ELIZABETH, N. J. Color a Picture and Win a Prize • VARNIBBES your old unkle..- Now, . BOV8 AND qiItI,S-€ut oul. today's pictures :«f l.llllc Jack li lnclttdltur'tlie coupon btlow-lfreomf N'wiftriBiiriWw'frilyorirflii mail or bring your picture to i/?* David Cory, the Jack Ital/bfy .Uan, nil all |»'ep Into tliu cilil ' ""•-••"""•"•• ;c/o The"Criinford t.'lllien anil ('••runlifri"." lilambli) IniHlies niyl.ujik Little David's beautiful Vnong Hlother 'iiHwn thmka, In fanry bines, each with a net ot crayons with wlilrh In rulur tliv plcturm, will tJack Icutdjll tn reiul.iiluiul a 73 of be given for the bent two pictures submitted. One will be fur children up_lo eJfht. years, of are and theollirr-fiituiowi uier *l«lit yearn old. rtory fronj^liln I'un.i In Owls,',, ,AIX PICTUKEH mutt be In by HV.InrMUy n blow"" refreshing. >our horn, 2 7,U05 Chevrolet*. Your (own arc trampling HuiiuaM and Hpeclalf, Too Karmer Ilrown's corn. " And xtrityed jiway ure Wesilielii Candy Kitclien, Inc. your wuoly sheep - - "TM CRishM B^IUri " "~ While you. Uoy Illuc, Corner Cnlorj Ave. and Alden 81. have Ix-cu sound L'UANrOBO , " i: 1. shouU'il IMisa Junior iu* lui Journeyed. through Mother • among the thanaanda of ears and trucks rnrutn only a minimum Oooiwland In siiiirch of a for- ooneenu using large fleets' of\CbevroIets of service •tirntion.Thalt thry ghvuti*^ an nan; of the.leaders of American factoryloft-mttirnSio»«rexceptionally tllllL' Industry. In fsct, 7J out«tanJln<- ' l«n«perioj»pfilmr. '_._-_;z_-:—^L-i—: "Dclir, oil dear I" alijhed »tltert,_ ~"busliie*s firms hate purchased a totsil ' • -, • '.,' ' ' . '. . Uttle Boy Dlujv. > ~<.. n »'i • • •' Naturally, a car with rath a of economy. repreiicnU an c "Why did I- xlrep the ••- i : <)fT760S Chevrolet can and trucks. .,._ • r Investment for any buyer! t^periaUyM,- pie And The reason for this preference lie* In rnortilim through? ^> w'ben yoO'Vonsfidejr the many advantage* ng the . the unocelled economy of .'Chevrolet " Where Is the lark tliat thai Chevrolet oOVn above and beyond desire. ears and-trucks,-as proved, by ofllclal olnm In tho brako eronomicai operaUoo. Come tn and learn . Krthing cost records. These records snow that At peep o' dawn lo-bld - a. • 10 mile* to tbe gallon Is a common occur- what I hew advantages «rr^»iuit they "I DON'T ~ renea~suitbns; Chevrolet" cars.'"That" oil niean in terms of»iy me asmko?" heeling" expense Is eitranely low, Tnat Chevrolet reUibUlty and value. BELIEVE IT" fyrocnt - IR-plleU l>uss In Ooota to sleepy Boy Blue, smost ' That Is. what many women say when "I'd never employ a laxi told about DIP, It doesn't seem possible NEW CHEVROLET SIX like you,— .Thm tlrmmt, A* that an ordinary Washing^ Powder ' A lad so lazy he sleeps could produce such wonderful results. * 'till noon But as soon as these women try DIP And never gives need to their doubts are removed. a pretty bird's tune." E»-SUC You will havo the same experience. Bo. learn, a Irwon, dear boys ~ Get a -package ,trom your trocer today. Put a tcaspoonful In your Hlff'p*i and glrlsrjDon't.be lazy. And Watch the dirt amT grease vanish,. You - - See yrar dealer betow now, get oul your paints and " too can "cut dlsbpon t|me In half." NAME™ .7^.., „.. „ „„„„ .„, . AGE »-». M.uw.».« crayons and do your best to \ _ BILLINGHAM-CHEVROLET ADDRCBS PHWHWWH.IWIIHMI.I..U..I., ..UM>t. tint' thls"pfcture. I *r •• i L

f 44.-46 NORTH: AVE,E, CRANFORD _ _ crnr on TOWNJ..«. * 11... "*' * J * " —H ' l • * 1 fey

r* *N. \


tWIta** Barlal H**Mr pr**id«« Bed Crosa. In which «fty- •he was buried beside her father and' wood Democratic Club a year ago! plans end. It tetemble* an American Indus- mother la the chnryord of Bast Wei- ••TCD nalloos ar« Joined la a B*d trial plant. The auditorium I* Inside In I*ocal Primary are now being completed for the first Cross trotnerbood, also wa* a*peaket> low near her old home In H«mp*hlre. annual anniversary me«(lng which takes AID IN 50 YEARS the column. A tower at ttie other end Knghuid, *• • * • as were Cbalrmsn John Barton Payne contain* a dock and I* surmounted place Uils evening In the Center street ot the American Red Crosa, and Ml** Defetfe Republican Club for All Nomination. «nd Elections club houne. There will be speeches by by a crwia. Miiertean Society to Celebrate •label T. Boartman, aecretary, aad Locattae *t Arcadia to County Committee. Snyder prominent County Democrats and' re- veteraii leader of UH'socleW. '.. fresiunenta will be served. . All aar Its Birth Year With Nation- Arcadia 1* a picturesque dlitrlct of Lorn by Thirteen. wood Democrats lutve been Invited to The Red Cross standard, whlcS Hie* "Persona non graU" Is . the Peloponnesus, Greece, and I* UM attend. The committee In charge' In- wide Observance •II arouDd the world wbere mercy I* phrss* Utarally neanlng a person not traditional home of pastoral poetry. needed, was Orst Introduced a* aa acnptable. -It I* used-to connection The name figure* largely hi Greek cludes Iticliard Rochford. Andrew TornadoM, Boods, toreat fires and Ideal-In our modern civilisation la Nominating all It* candidate* for lo- reject* and forty-one in the second, Mile*, Harry Englehart, Bernard P. with diplomatic appointments. When mythology. Figuratively "Arcadia" !* cal office* and electing Its candidates where ate was rejected otner calamltlea and opbeavals of oa Geneva Id Ib64, when Uie International a certain person In the diplomatic applied to any region of Ideal rustle Cotton^ and John Dushanek. tur* oav* visited the United States Red Cross conienUoiTafterward to be for County committee In both districts, 'In the contest Mr county committee The Ladles' Auxiliary to the club Mrvle* Is not sccepUble to, the goif simplicity and contentment — Path- the Oarwood Civic Republican League In the. flrsvdlstrict. Councilman John more than one tbon**od times In Ui» known a* 111* Treaty .of Geneva, wa* finder Magailnc. plans a large card party for May 27 In last half century. ' eipment of « foreign nation he i* said •cored a tweeplnt victory In the Pri-P. Dotfan, president of the Oarwood •lined by tweli* countries' agreeing to be persona noo grata to that gov- Democratic Club wop from Fred Du-the Lincoln Schor. All card games wll All of thesa were of severe' Intensity, tbat on the battlefield Uie wounded mary Election Tue»d»y against the be played and there will be many val- ernment W*tcJafoljy*lti»g. L_ L RepubMcan-Olubrlner^—r—~ eaualat losaol iu>and.greatj)ropetty. •houId while Herbert' J. while hi* opponent made U. , Unop- hand while accompanying It -on the the United States Sanitary Commla- poaed for woman member, Mrs. Julia Barton In Washington. D. C. that the •lon, a volunteer organisation of sym- fall then I* a deterioration in the - Old ladiaa Pastin. - Pause was named as the candidate for Irbmbone using her right. Next her value of the fur. FonUnnelll was elected with M votes. rendition of-old-favorite* on the violin American Association of the Red Cross pathizers with the North In our Civil A anow snake Is n,long slender Uie other vacancy In the Onion County was'"'"firstformed. Before the year was: War. facts they gave resulted In adop t delegation. Both of these results'fol, Bytwo votes, OTJonnell lost to pob- showed that she has mastered that ln- •haft, curved slightly at one end, to bin* In State committee fight, «tniment out, and before, Indeed," the United tlon o( some of the American M U..f«l CactM be launehed .so as to glide endwise lowed. Uie. County trendL. althouEh~£be 'Ptstw^tlovwiiiwent^^Dad'^'-ofllclally' .surrogate received a larger vote here, 'bfcbli t . i_ ™._ .-J ..» ™ >„ ap|)e(lrtll|I ^arv the public today. Bird i oier a surface of Ice or snow—a game moved to spprofe the Tr*sty of and Howies sought recognition of the Sahuaro cactus useful In making .which wan nonularjnrlth the American . - due JIQ dQUbUUi Uie.htavy. ballQtlng the second, while aDonneU got "20 In Genevaradding this nation to'th« com- which the local contest* brought out.. "Ifie HrsTand' SST'CTtti'T'iecohd:'"Fo ampies- of unusual versatility. MI Xe»yt7^.J^ rttt WayrpfeSerVefl. "ptckTM,- clime'ami' " Indian^'and Is 4ti|) phupd -to some pany or thirty-two others" adhering to beverages.' John Orlndlay ran high among the conunltteewoman,' Btate, Mrs. Acker- Allen has an Intenwtlonal rcpulaUon Istratlon" look oo Interest Under extent today. man defeated l£r*.M**kln 68-U. Mrs. for"her• excellence of enlertalnment"ana Ib* treaty to protect, wounded In ..war. Hayes, ths-same lethargy w*» en- -Jll four candidate* seeking nomination for (are. Miss Barton had plunged the small the two places on the borough council, Ackerman got 48 in Uie first and herartlatlc accomplishments and holdp.the countered. . Gaanally tk Latter ' RengUy Speaking opponent 10, while In the second sh world's championship as trombonist. •oolaty Into a disaster relief task. Clara Barton Founder - Tb be indifferent to public opinion," Of Uie 1^,000,000 Inhabitants of A* the Civic League-candidate, he poll- First Red Cross Unit polled 21 and her opponent (. She won this honor In 1014 and to date But thero bad emerged from the Civil •aid HI Ho, thfTMge of Chinatown, the globe, st least 000.000,000 speak ed 486, 347 In Uie flr»t and M» in the This waa. In the nortb wood* ot Jiecond. Hi* running mate. John Pear- Other unoppoaed Democratic candi no'one has boon able to supplant her War period a lulddle-aged womaa who "will' make you either a very great the. princlpaJEuropcan_tongue*. Be-' dates w«r« nominated, with votes rang.- Ui-hcr^tUle-although-U-ls open-to-com- JMIcttlim Jttre forest Bres •w«pt the CBtlse~o.r{he dominion* and the Unit- son came through with 4M, aSa in. Uie Ing from 83 to VI. that given' Moore for bomeateaa farm* ot pioneering fam- first and KM In the second. Council' petition, continuously. - ; Delda around Washington. Thl* was —Washlnirtra Star. ed. State*. English toe* the bill. governor. Arthur Lloyd, "The Card Index Man" ilies. Miss Barton, a* president of the Clara barton 111 health canted her to man Henry W. Acker, Republican Club Red Cross, had organised a branch In candidate for nomination to return to supplied plenty of humor. One of the Tnake aTrJp to Europe In 18M. There WarMV LaV«Mt Carllloa features of the evening was his ability Danaflll*. New York, where sh* was •he became Interested In the Red tlie council outdistanced his team-mate sojourning. This little group lmme- William Slacey. 3U-3T2. Acker-re- CjTbtJitrgeet carillon In tin world )• to produce immediately cards bearing Cross Idea, and Joined a unit which Briy-|cTTend~ ealledfforny^meujbeni; of dlitoljr raised money, food, 'clothing •aw service In the Franco-Prussian ceived 178 vote* In the first and 140 in a* Laura FiMluaa llock.WI.r Memo and other supplies and sent them to the second, while Btacey cot 1W In the rial carillon of Rlvenld* ehurcli.'New the audience. He carried over 2.600 war. Upon her return home, aha dlffercrit cards with him and when a the forest fire victims. ID Rochester launched'an active campaign for th* first and 120 In the aecond. The Civic tork city. There are 72 bell*, with a and Syracuse, New York, nearby, word I-rimue candidates for councUmanlc no- rang* of'alt, chromatic octavos. Tlic member-of the audience called for any treaty, but met the same opposition card no matter what It said, Lloyd •pread of thl* charitable enterprise, as her predecessor's. However, Presi- nilimlloiu made their but'run* In the Chime* weigh from 12 pounds to 40V and Ited'Cross auxiliaries were organ- CCRANFORD.N.J. ---second dlA»Hct. ;AlUiough-theUMrot» 026 pounds each._ Th*. large 0 Iwll would, produce It without, a moment': dent Gnrfleld. »hen be came Into of u hesitatiair'~llulT tricks of magic were ised there to help. 8o began the dltai- See," recognized, the merit* of the TBURSDAT and RUDAT -MA)r«tl and »- waa not as high as In the first, they en- ~il'm'^lbU6iaU6n)aiiulbui«:Th'iibi:'"he t«r relief work ot Uie Red Cross fltty Jojrd more comfortable margin*. chime* are a gift from John I), ltockv new nnil novel and many of thcirl orig- movement, and when death by asaaul- year* ago. In thai Intervening years, nation removed him,' his *ncce**0r. Daniel P. Snyder, endorsed by thefeller, Jr., In hnnnr of lil> inutliei inal With him and shown here for themillions of men, women and children first lime. He won called back time President Arthur, sought approval by Republican Club for the- nomination to hare been aided. Thousand* of homes the_U. S. Senate ot the treaty. Thus CRAWFORD Wtw*> Voa Thlok of It after time and In addition to Ma own - succeed himself as borough tax collec- ba»e been restored. ThouaandjL_ol was consummated.,- a_aeventeen-year tor and treasurer wu defeated by WfU When an acqualntauce of Tenny line of humor; ..he added local "wise persons, overwhelmed by"floodi, "tor Ogbt in this nation tor a humanitarian Ham Anger, Uie Civic League standard son's «ld to Mm thaHie-wa* so de- cracks" that went over In great shape nadoes, and Urea nntll all they. pos- Ideal. Clara Barton waa recognlted a* bearer. HI* was tho closest of all thepressed that he almost contemplnled with his listeners. •••-- •••••(:• sessed had been wiped away," have lithe society's founder abd was Us presi- contests nnd he wa* Uie only Repub- "•ndlng It all." Tennyson .advlspd him Eric Ooodwlh who Is nioreW less of been rehabilitated and prosperity and dent tor twenty-three yeara-^h* dl*d lican Club candidate to carry a district. to "Just! grimly ; go| on.i Why notan established favorite In Crnnford had Jocularly giTon? r There ar«' sonnnny r again amlled upon them, -— i Bnydor took the first M4 to 20}, but lost. gI\ eiruira~co"ncept~aaTe"lo1be' present This year has been dedicated by theJ|tt-191JatHlie-age-of-90ryear*.—^ — tblng* to.lamh at, Inclodlng ourseWea and the audience showed their appre It Is not generally thought of, but Uic fforond i58-aoa!._HisjU)tai_was_aw, Bed Cross and It* chapter* In 5.E00 Uie flag so familiar In every civilised while Anger received 406. Kd c.lntibn ~of "this -by the -generous ^np- coinmunlllea-to commemoration of the pin use they Bavo him, Ilo wn« with nation as the emblem of the-Red Cro**r In the •Democratic- primary; bearing Thr had a Blmple derivation. Because the Bnsla**s Not* unusually good cftect tind entered lit' aoclety In th* United States. the endorsement - of the Oarwood to,tho_splrlt o(..J,lic_£xcnlngJn..a'..way originator of the-movement" Henri ~ Democratic Clubr snydenweivedntne* Fe|o( Hoovsr-«p*ak* SATCKDAT (One Day Only) ' In the United Ststei. A chock Is nut that ppleased the. guests greaUy, Mile Dunant, was a Swiss, and; Uie first MAY tccn \ote«, Uilrtcen In Uie first district local tender, Jl»u ajlljoiilfbtliei* t»~tio iyonk_actt-a; -_-.- — ------'-•-^ Uie Democratic nomination for Uie pf- should be caibed, rm»oniibU diligence throughout the -evcnlntf during - the dinner, attended by many distin- the flag of .that Republic—a white crosa ' flee, he now holds, If he decide* to ac- rwjulre* that it should be .cashed various iHtrU of the. program, tlld his guished men ' and women, at which upon a red background—was revened, cent the .designation; 1 ChI«I Juitlce-CbarlM.Btaos-llugbei within M-honr*- - : •---—.-— full shore much to thettellght-of thi and tie Reil Cross cam* Into being. — - By a vote of 230-183, former Mayor who know him up well on account of : Darroch, leader of Uie Republican tilub, ' resslUy his 'frequent appearances here and ho GARWOOD scnoot N6TES fifty books'. Henry Rothsteln, Warren was unsuccessful In his effort* to oust Bomettme* we luaiwet the award too came. In for his full,share of appre- LINCOLN SCHOOL " , , Peterson, Joe -Koarlis, Teddy and Jos? Judge Ewald, civic League number, in ot.cnaiiiploii»hlp*_IlXbad_thiog._The ciation and npuhue. -._ •_—; eph KorczynskL •- . " ' We arc planning an exhibit in: the the election to the County Committee. greatnea* of th* gam* of draw poker President W. "W",' Biickley and Carl 6B1 English -class. We "have been Darroch's jmrtner, Mrs. OUulyi Steffen I* due in conalderabl* measura, we Hoe. Jr., acted as hbsU and - receivedstudying business tetters In clan so we KesiiiU of Track Mtet Held Hay IS ' also. went down. to defeat. before Mrs. think, to the fact that no annual clism- the guesU. During tho Intermission decided to bring in advertisement* of Track Meet class scores were: 5th, Florence Ulrlch, but Uie margin was plonahlp Is dttermlheuV-Kanus-aty the souvenir committee headed by J.things that we could send for. Wegrade—36 . points; ' 6th - grade—71 the closest of nny In Uie local contexts. Star. K. Cloud distributed beautiful souven- wrote Uie letters to class and brought points (winner); 7th grade—49 points; Mm. Ulrlch received 210 vote* and Mrs. irs to the ladies. After the program to-*tamps so that »;e could write the 8th grade—«7 points; 9th grade—11 . Btefleiu, 200 _. ii •• Civic league candidate* for Counlq . Thar* are, strictly. s|waklug, It "fin frestiment* headed by John Donlphon right. We hope-to have ajarge collec- Winners of the various event* were committee from the second district had ger lake*" In New York state. They served ice cream and cake. One of thetion of samples in reply to our letters. aa rollows:. Olrls—40 yard dash. Sth things prcfty much -their own wayan: Coneaus, lUiulock, Cmiadlce, notably pleasant feature* of the even- grade, A. Valentino; standing broad ntinlmt Uie Republican CuClub aspirantsp , Uotieote, Canandalgua.-Keuka, Swi- ing was the unusual display of floral FRANKUN SCHOOL Jump, 5th grade. P. Miller; SO yard 1 TQNELY WIVES" Knilnald Hffelle defeatetd FirFie ChieChif oca, CKyuga, Owaaco, Skaneatelea'snd decorations-oil Uie -Stage. These were JANew* dash, Oth, im and 8th: grades, light .BrllUln 22»-143, while Mrs. Olive Btarr from the conservatory of- Lisle' R. On Friday afternoon an original weight, M. Schnell; standing- broad WlUi ' • . Otlsco. The/ vary In area from 0U.7 : beat Mrs. Anna A. Thorn 223-1 J8,_The squar* mile* to .1)7 >qu(|iire mile. Beardsice and Uie arrangement was byplaylet-called "TheOentlst" was pre- Jump. 6 th. 7th and 8th grades, light EDWARD EVERETT HORTON ESTHER RALSTON successful cuic League candidates for Mr. John Thompson who Is in charge' sented by three members of 3A. Theweight. M. SchneU;' basketbaU throw. Sl stbff of the play! was about Billy" who 6th, 7th and 8th grades, light weight, N. SlTNDAT'and MONDAY MAY U and 25 Was af™id"WaTUie'Qehtlst would hurt Waiittt; .60" yard dasIC 6th grade, heavy Sli^^- Osnibusosa rcrformance Sunday—3-11 P. IK."''" - " Ilic ivote accorded oUicr candidates 81. Malschj's church-on rorty-njnth the entertainers was presented with * In Uic Republican Primary-was as fol' bouquet of flowcrf and Miss Allen ' him.- >Aft»r~an extraction, he told Uie weight, R. Pearson"; 00 yard dasH, 7U). Irtreet. J«l»t west- of Broadway; Is dentist that It didn't hurt after all. The 8th grades, heavy weight, A, Castalda, loan- Governor—Bttlrd, 307. 374, 5*1know; n .a*, th*; Actors' chnpel. ,.'Thj given o-hudc. armful of white snap- TERRIFIC AS ALL CREATION bl»Blt llftaiT aj7!WW - -Tt«) -I'veiilng wns plcasanay nieiubewiof-.the'. 'cast;^tacliWedjiBiil M... Valentino; staBrll'rtg broad .Jump, 370, 231. SOW OtU),"31B;'«7rB7Sr'Pa»Cor, Sti^^adili^KStp^CMS^re ^tstM^Tlarii^tit^ i eth, 7th and 8th grades, heavy weight, cal peoplfc imubers of th* sporting David; BUy'a mother-Unda Ouerriero. M. Pauls; basketball throw, 6th, 7th IDNA •100. MS, 46S; Compton". 164. IIS, 301; world and other realdent* otlhe sur program, Uic guest* engaged In a social Bass. 47, 61, 106, Mulr, 396. 330. 531; and 8th grades, heavy weight,'C. Sev- ronndlnie district. -. evening during Uie Intermission and ers; relay, th grade, O. Severs,. A, Cas- County Clerk—McLeod. 3«. 300, 943: after Uie close of Uie affair. . The 3A has learned. Uiat living on the Surrogate—Johnston, 336, 201. 437; Philippine Islands Is quite different talda. Y. Qeczy and M. Valentino. Boys FERBER'S evening's plan was under the auspces —00 yard dash, 5th grade, C." Speroa- Hand—1M, 116, 366; Coroner—long ...,_ :._ ."Low C«rm«m" of the- Executve Committee-and the from our country. A Philippine- farm street, 3fO, 2*1, 601; Freeholder— has been Illustrated In one corner of M; runnlng'hlgh Jump, 5th grade, K. COLOSSAL —Therlnhabltanta of the ^etbtrland* sub committees and proved to be a Woremky; ;.7s; yard dash, 6Ui grade, Drwjcher, 330, 373, 5M; Slate Commit- \n chiefly of the Low Oerman race, very succesatul aflalr from every point our room.: If contains a-house which tee-Smith. 309, 385. 570; Beatty, 383, Is built up on poles, animals, a rice field light weight, M. OTear^ TOyard . dash. 'Which I* comnoatd of thrw branches of view. Lost night Uie filial meeting 8th grade JieavyweightELorjnc«; 7S 330, SID. " •^•-••''-'•• '•-'}'•' and people' working. The committee h Snon and Frle«Un, • Th, '^HieBi^ttyeJDqmmltteef9r;jh« v 6th grade Jicavy-weight,E.Lorjnc«; 7S term "low" lr applied to this section prescht"season was held at the home in charge tncludesr "Charles Kremer," yard dash. 7Ui and Sth grades, light Although Uie vote generally through- Peter Bonglovannl. James Balogh, Eu- out the County was light. Oarwood of the world backus^U occuplea the of President W. W. Buckley In Cen- — , weight, H. Cree; 100 yard dash."7th and turned tfut a Itfgh percentage. In thelow region near the North tea. trnl avenue. Dinner was served to_ the gene Donaldson, Helen Ststalkowski.' 8th grades, heavy weight, J..Voil; runs first district, 4W were registered, with committee at seven o'clock and trie Many other chUdren of the claM helped nlng broad Jump. 8Qi grade, light Anal business meeling ot the year fol- In leathering th» material. Another weight, T. Urban: running broad Jump, one being rejected. In the second, the S»urf« of -S _total_»ote wa* 301 and five were re- lowed after which adjournment was committee Is worBng on a moving pic- 6th grade, heavy weight.; J. Coiole; run- Uary Wa* driving taketv-unUFitexl r\iuT~ luje of Uie-llfo of Uie FUiplnoa,- They ntng broad'jumpv lUi and-«th;- grades, DrmocraUe Coolest through tho country with her daddy are: Rose Ciapak. Doris Werme. Jean, light weight, J. Shack; running broad Contests for State committee, as well when, for. the lint tlm* In h« life, Ualenchek. John Benko.- Jump, 7Ui and 8th grades, heavy weight, as members of the County committee, sh* spied some cat-tall* In a swamp. En.bll.h.d Fncxlm ' H Peluslo: running high Jump, 6th, 7th RK5HARD DDE IRENE DUNNE ESTBLLE brought out a large vote for the Demo- "Oh, Daddy," sn« cried, shaking hi* Tlila ator)- !• IM of the Into Sena- JEPPKRSON SCHOOL and Btti grades, light- weight, O. TU- crat*. Sixty-eight Democratic votes arm, "look at the hot-dog garden I"— tor* Spooler of Wisconsin and Atlfebn llsch^ running high Jump, 6U>,7U> and TUESDAY aad VW0NE8DAY' MAY-M-aod «— were cast In Uie first district, with, two _New* of SBJ I'amot's Itagailna. of Iowa. They uerp leavlnf the C«p- With the paintings ot the Northern 8th grades, heavy weight, J. Chlnchar; lfi>l one evwilng and It was raining Ughts and Uie other picture* or Alaska shot put, -7th and 8th grades, heavy heavily. "Do you think It will stopt" on Uie walls of BB3, we are enjoying weight. W. Olodelr pole vault, 6th. 7th asked Slwoner. "II ninny* ha*,* an- etcryUilng but the "actual cllaate ot and 8U1 grades.-Ught-weight,-H.Cree: NOW. IS THE TIME TO swerwl Alllsflh. Uie country. pole vault, 6th, 7th and 8th grades, The boys are working hard to show heavy weight, J. Chlnchar. relay, 8th j p pa ta«_SMr_ JMCLOt, a_tom'" A'^rvw ii'ilng thf grade, V. Oalousky. H. Pelusio. P. Roth "BookcaJcV sliould KTiareKUj pro- warmer months. Everyone I* trying to d~wroEaa: - tected against dryyot," sajs an ax-collect picture*.and mfonnaUon. on Uw . _ Paint. Your_ Screens pert. But this t*>ery dlfflcolt, owing subject. Sand by FansU to Urare being a lot at It published The SA das* has added many new nowadays.— Opinion. OUead was a«v*r denuded at It* for- hooka to the library t*bj*_and the pu- est* a* wa* Jtidea, 104, aa a eona»- pils have entered into a contest to see 4U«ee. ne.»ir failed to recelv* rain* Matzen Company Do«U« Ck*ck who will read the greatest number of aad retain' mobtura. It I* today oai An lum oa th* editorial page ot a library book* before the end of theof tb. pastoral beauty spot* of th* aPBCIAl, ADDED ATTBACTlCTfrTaElMreNa lpTDTTER" papar av*. "to* longest boo* la tb* •ohooL Bine* ths contest began In earth, because It retained It* for***, —11 Eaatman St., Cranford - avtraie jtnohU th* thigh - Bebruary the fallowing pupUs are Inand did not l*tv« 1U rocky bills b '-.- ""-,-• ta • ABdtbulUdsstUUMikiiQ. tta* ted, each, harms read mar* than drought and buntuua*. -BOW,- ]" L>J.&;i£:&^^^^


. -»• - f .—. ^ 1 -yi ,1- -

THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. THURSDAY. MAY 21, 1931 1. Insolation Converts . F«p>r a Bare Attic Space REMODEL—MODERNIZE—BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Into Livable Rooms 18 AOK-OUJ !We» : Garwood j Witting In bla famous diary three -.ft The Appeal of th^Colonial Type House y the An i _sld_Sanucl..Bep]n unuf 8aturdoy evening, June s An Ooncrrte Instlmw of itandnrrl The tMfMaaHty Drrbr of the TBSi eiUOT! furm «pp*4fs below and mothers' said—"and mighty proud am I Chat. daalring to enter their children should I am able to have a span bed lor my While stucco, has bten known, and us«t »vtnue, Wralfteld; durinf the we»k/o1 fill In a coupon and moil It to the Elk's CCBBW Bwtal Heswr by builders for countless generation*— June i by. Wettneld Lolro. B,: P. o. \K. Sprint ProUo Headquarters, Elk's Club, Modi- and has been considered as. one of the noreacs Nightingale's dsatb the —How many persona would like to say No. i.VLV lut. b«vn offirlaily opened W Westfleld. There will be three division* One bulldlnt materials—«o far a-, ts M»ror Flrderlck Ttpaon. actinf as In connection with thu baby parade, of Westminster offend a burial the stone thing today—and cunt? The known there has never before tpcrn a for her remains ID the abbey, starter and AsrrmblTman Thomas If. fast: prettiest costume, second, nrlgin- apartment dweller's lot Is hopeless, bu definite standard whereby the quality Mulr. iu offlt'tel keeper. •Airty-eliht U and comedy costume, third prcttl-* t relatives declined the offer and of a stuccoing material could be meas- as burled beside her father ami thousands of. home owners, needing a Wntfirld and I lie sur- eat float or carriage Valuable prlzti ured town*, are striving- for the will be swarded for the wlmu n of om h r ta the chnryard of Bast Wd- apare room or twe^to w 1 tar her old home In Hampshire. Some idea of Uw strength rrquttf- crown a.* Qi»e«i of Pvrsanallty. * Al- division and each child rn'ried will guests or a growing family, have found ments for hnlsh-coat ponland rniinn renclve a handaomr souvenir mere Is nd, 'lioii^li >hr race la young. Interest has the answer In their attics. Stucco is given by the fact that tlv>*r Nftv liul.ljr amurd. Many of the no entry fee and a rummltire of xu II In homes built ten or more years ago, speclfiratloiis require tlutt » 3;<» 'i>ttt»?: tdtlm are. u^naj'their .untirlns; Kiiown relebrltits have consented to net Loutiaa »f Arcadia attics were seldom Intended to be used cube will withatand a pressure'"oi fuur trtnrn'to arquire the crowri. Ihe win- M Judges. adla U a picturesque district of tons before failure. ^To lititure wrather : tirr of: which tsAa Ue .avarded iv^th the for living. Hot in summer under the resistantetlus typt. of'.stucvu must not 'Ip'jPlfc-r ifrtowny. a «nap)f Chevrolet WnUteld tlkn ' elopohnnna, Greece, "and la tb* biasing sun, and cold in winter, attics absorb more than ton 'per mi! of water. Uport ruaifoicr with • brautlTul dumond HPRINO mil I C lonal home of pastoral poetqr. were simply space for storing old name figures largely In Greek Permanence of color Ir assured tey re- [run; tor .M-rowl lionor and a handsome Jura 1-11 trunks and broken-down household quiring that only pure mtneml oxldr b*1- 'logy. Figuratively "Arcadia" !» rvv^jiliam VfrtU v^irh as-thtrd. . 'South Av» at Palslead •i to any region of Ideal rustle furnishings. But today they can be used, gviaranlrcd by the niajiufni-i urn ] Tlw rlialnnan of the executive cocn- 'different. With building Insulation to be of uniform quality and proof | luittcf. iwrc II Riley. Sr., stales that nAHY PARADE ENTOY BLANK city and contentment — t'atii- Parade Takes 1'lace on Hie Prollc Magailnc attics can now be nude comfortably iliuit.«at'lk>n •—( llnK> Rmi tlw in.n. j i b ht'.ojitnieh, iwter ftrfope has any- cool In summer ana cozlly warm In Home builders should Iraht Hint jjf.iVt - crrated the Interest and rnihu* Orounds, Monday. June nth 'II 1_ quarters _ for J guests or land cement stucco tojie-tweil on tliclr » P M , BhaT _._WatcM»l_W«ttliit. L iromcs~filiAll riieet the rwitilit'im'nu uf' iJECT-.sLJlJf. ; b*Ue»*. In -moral, suasion," said members of the family, pleasant for srojm«l hy the Bit's Hprtng Name nf Child - - Ebon. "When ray .boy-don1 Bleeping, work or play. lie abii Malm Ills his lnlen- Address committee, lo gl\e to r what'll happen when he talks ..If-the attic in your home is access!* AttP r ?i»flof-t?«rr- ©a.s»Bie.«*.,i«w4>iessrta mV—- to,~ ltf ""transformation into Itvatye space M "simple' and Inexpensive, es- . _*rck .at. dleaaure.. icniuyiueuL »«i i)iv ma uiv rtUil logton Star. \ Arthur Howeil Knoi , For over two hunder years, no one from the same'sources and are but. ami fun that the township (Mark X In Dlvlnum J<) Ix cnUruli pecially at the present tune when A. T. A. Architect | style lias hod for Americans the'en- adaptations to topography and envir- cumlon uiw was usVil; .Th« fulliwliui dai riff witnrwd! Amonc some of ————— ii - building costs are lower than they haye' Age Limit 1 la 1(1 Yi ars Buildmg a house but onc^ as most | during appeal that the Colonial has onment of the same principles of de- main «*ra'popular nl ihnt lliuet Tli* i|lr f,.*iurrti to be rwld aw a water lit DHMon—l-retllnl ( miumr, Old ladiaa Pastin. - been for many yean. Adequate ta- men do, the error* we unconsciously I enjoyed. . The French 'discovered the sign. 1 If BlirlngMeld. Sharp's, llulfn; Snjil.ru. |•,•lnv_,t c.Mii|«w- Ind IllrWon—4>rlglnai anil Coiimly curved slightly at one end, to la of course the most Important thing. rt ent, nor usually until one lias lived In | old classical architecture, In Italy and plain exterior wall surfaces, correct msiiy other t)i»-« to thu tVii ,j,.n ,Sf iiulta sunl. many other trained (Nmtwiw. ^WtintjJMl.?SSrJ.I!lar!»HP9J?«Si >UPXJW^H5Je,»In9>I!Y,e.!J'iniT» o'.lAYiloped, fromjt, ^iHr.arnatiin.chat;,, .detail, and 3rd Ulvhian— IT»tUml Float or •3 i surface of Ice or snow—a game such as .Celgtex. ft Is possible tocom -plaiuung_jnay perhaps often TK remed-1 caux,_buHt remalned-for ihn Kngllsh- per-supporting i was pnpularjylth tlie American . h fi f 1 rmi 11 TS11 nn withledJote' r Jiy.change*.or.remodeling buLi uiunr-nior*-domestlc-by nature, to de- ~iK6t turner IlianM x& trelt r points, It became a definite style while No Cll|) thin Piirm and Mull II to Elkj. ns7 anil la still placed to aome an ..attractive. Interior finish. When the style of our home wiU abide with velop from Uie Renaissance of France^ allowing tlio designer the greatest lati- ^riii i}*iu..an(l.iuAuV ollvr most novel at- It today, In Hlsm 40 vuluuu* of uld IIIWS IIA\I:. Prnlio HeAdquarlerit, Klk.i Club, cone fibre. Insulation board is applied us aa long as It stands to proclaim, to and of- Italy an expression of purity, tude for originality. been rxltscovtrwl, ohil wt> unt1entnn«i i ructions. Includinc uut but not Jeatt Weatfleld. before Haturriay, Juno -31 to the inside of rafters and studding. all who pass the degree of our culture dignity and domesticity tliat we call HIS motifs based, upon the clansical that tlmre Is one among ilifm ttint a "baby |»r«r*^i 'he ••ti "cooler In summer and wanner In win' has, through generations, hod a pecul- wurlil Is salU to IUIVH III.I>II iiHtnhtKhi'tl k E ter Qnd will reduce your fuel costs by ELECTRICAL iar appeal and which hoi most satis- by a woman, Mi-m'tOllxub-'lh Mntk t, fti A .retarding the escape of furnace heat factorily answered the problems of the Louilon. March. .I7I& N during the cold_months of the year. CONTRACTING American family life. In Its typical form the plan was usually very simple. L.H.CHAFFEE T L Ineipensive to Apply Let me give you an estimate on A rectangle with a central hall running Because It comes In large boards four your wiring work. We will make an from front to back through the house, Carpenter and Builder A E feet wide and from seven-to twelve feet Investigation and suggest changM flanked on one side by the drawing Jobbing a Specialty L long, cane fiber Insulation lslnexpen- without any obligation to you. room, now become our living room, and S D.N.J. ~~slve to apply. Joints between the boards PROMPT AND EFFICIENT WORK on the other side by the dining roam Rates Moderate; Plus Bnttafactlim S may~be covered with v.ood battens or 17NORTH Avc.CRANr'ORD.N J •HAXtl and »- A.T RKA80NABU PRICKS and kitchen. From the lull a finely at SOUTH nth.LSTIIEET,.i ~ may be beveled. Either method will detailed stairway, mually with turned Telephone Cllnnford H-nilO add much to the attractiveness of the E. FRED SULZER balusters and with a double twist to finished room. If your attic is large the newel post, led to tho sleeping enough to permit, it may be divided in- Tel CRanford I-MM rooms above. Perhaps a wing was to two or more rooms by the erection of tit WsOui Are. CRANTORD later added at the back for additional light partitions consisting of two-by- rooms needed. This wing was one or >*> fours covered on one or both sides with two stories but tin.' central HUMS re- . Insulation board. < , mained a rectangle in plan The most Flooring is the only other large item economical tiling to do, a»aumlly, com- Involved In attic remodeling. If rough pared with angles, ba>s. iwlsta and rc- flooring Is already laid, either an In- \ Telephone CRanford 64)508 1 ccntrldtlcs which cost labor anil w:istc expensive finished flooring,' linoleum or material and usually result In but rest- carpet may be used If no flooring at lessness and ugliness." all has been previously laid in the at- Standard Lumber & Supply Co. In consequence the cost IXT cubic tic, the cost of installing a satisfactory oot was lew and the result more rcst- floor will of course be slightly higher. MAY t3 LUMBER FOR ALL USES ul and Inviting. Embellishment on he exterior was for the most part con- Wide Variety of Cses Full line of Standard Size Window and Door Screens of Clear White fined to a finely detailed cornice jiml " -Home owners-have found a wide V** perlmps molded (rirfdaw architraves, rlety for attic space, any one of which Pine/lM W thick, Cedar. Closet'Lining, Chestnut and Cedar Foals" Wr" Orape Arbors, Fences, Etc. pcdlmcnted portico or entrance" with more than Justifies the cost of remod- fluted Doric or Corinthian columns or " ellngf" "Among the uses to which-this cba. man AND CHESTNUT STREETS CBANFORO. N. J. pilasters or both, framing an arched • space has ben put are extra bedrooms, doorway wlthjin elliptic arch over the playrooms for the children, billiard door. The cost of large lights of glass rooms and study rooms for older boys determined the division of the uuiii dil Into small panes. • Before going far with plans for mod- In the Interior embellishments might ernizing your attic it will be,wise to Any one of be panelled dados or high wainscots, a cansult_a._rellable Jumber dealer. He real fireplace with panelled mantel to a will be glad to furnish you the name of corniced celling, cupboards Ingeniously a good contractor who In turn will give iKree million "numbenT concealed In the uoodwerk, delightful you on estimate on the cost of the Job. NeedecTHome Improverhents corner cabinet!, etc t but throughout a restraint and refinement-' or - detail in 75 seconds or less which gave the style at once the gent- lest, purest and most human of all do- And show you how you can pay for them mestic styles for gentlefolk. IVE_S" Many of these beautiful homes built in small monthly installments by our forefathers are standing today- ESTHER RALSTON a monument to their skill, tasto and A the materials they used In their con HFRI! is no good reason why your home cannot MAY M and 25 •traction,- •> * Tbe-- up-to-tlu;*minute^Jinjr»rovcni'cntis.»u«jli-ias z—*— day-4-11 P. 8t"''*" - " For of El«»«tlo«« new. roof, hardwotnl floors, new step saving and Ilypsophobla Is tb« fear of being In olgb pltist^Hyiisos" is tha Ore«k' other iiioderii-xonyfchiVnccs_can^.bcrliad^an4 en? LL CREATION for height joyed while paying for them ia irnall monthly in- • FERBER'S stalimcnts—sometimes a,s low as J 10.00 per month.- -

COLOSSAL • Call us today and let us give you, the benefit of t^_ our experience in home modernizing. There is no B your local i'ln-—.! obligation. , „• - , •: '• . *- formation-" operators -are>—| i7 the numbers and fiames of * .'. . We supply only "Certified Material" guaran- million! of telrr.i«_«"-_"ib»cribers; files of changed_ teed by a $1,000 bond, backed by z Ton can make your old ear A Rolled .^lookmsJsuUaat.md 4low.*t ft... number»; lists or new subscribers —all kept up to Ibis year's model. A law hoars " ' date to supplement your local telephone directpry •--- Roast otyourtpsn Unit sodnogrMI make* a tarty dinner if it your assurance of high quality, per- cipente is Involved U yon us* and your own telephone number booklet for falter, come* from this market manent material. There is no added more accurate service. ' i Nice, solid jneat — no y&fanize . Improved service on telephone numbers not in cbsrfor "Certified Material"—ask for -jfcm»CAREHAMEL3 - waste—easy to cook and your directory is one of the reasons why travel by details. . , ^' telephone is increasingly better and faster, at-consis- always pleasing to the appetite. vanish the car iaoaaoptntloa tently low costs. Convenient Parkins Zitac^i ^ A .pl-Hy milh i louih. WMlbarptooi lwtn By-teiephoneyoucan vithpoints-iooiniles away x " •„ _ • COME IN for oo cents, and place»4ialf way across the continent — for as little as £;.oo. MARKET CHOICE MEATS E^ 10 Union Avfe, Cranford CQ COAL- LUMBBB MASON *4IHW»>.y BABDWAJUt. *- TELEPHONE COKtPANY t-im-t-tm T~ - ^ >. ., «j- ,^


mtu&CUt* iertBHer about Wealfidd Council, K. C, ** Aagwt. Two much N. T. TO SOMEKV1IXE— Plans Cranford Night Do You Remejniber- tr applied, iwr daould a NINE HOl'RS IN 1»« to fan an much liter the * niij>inil«i Late application An interest ing sidelight on ttw The next,meeting of the Westfleld ' ABOUT CRANFOUD ?, development of railroads was >w^it.TO.*»>«» tJfflfflriUJfesOf C-. wlU be set apart as ' prrtemM at' the dlnner~"gfv*riP Cranford nlghtiSd wnrbe beM at tW _,„.. friend Hmdettu hMi Ue* OTT W« i ... the.keeping quality rallnml officials by tin- Township gym of Holy Trinity School, Westfleld, misted "he peculiar knock upon mi office door that ahMf announce* Ml «* ite nutt 1 Commllbv Is -'. Thursday, hlirht this evening at 8:15. entrance and I mtut amltuthaU_at^mUMdJhou ieUghtrut chat* I have »hen former To»nshlp Commlt- uAth him.' Chatt.did Tint- J}o~,haraliV^^fOrhedotBja7Vu talking, and. Plans for the election of next year's '** I hat matter*, answer* htjnself the autftiont 1 ~ "-" "* vJlccnrwIUpe^daoH..M •,nl l^ lalrf nnidi thUe rnHWrtp S ^ Ut£Tl^ c W^ teai-"--• • knand seemm tto oe Kptf »OiB« foltowinK advcrt)M;nifnt from fielegates'to U«r8tate Conveiitlon will : rcvlv At Out, when I um wondering if penhavtx offence fi given Mm. on —New York^mvavwiet-ot-Mi Be given lu tl«r CiHlliCilr: ~ ~ i5rii^cbmCJj^f: 1M2: 7 : • The meeting will also take up foramah and labored breathing. Jittlail I.It expected,d a veetlttl taletl brokebk forthfth Favor. Native Shad* Tww >• p «ui *- X 4caMI*nl "Peopfc'/i Line from New York discussion, certain properties offered to tUott in fiti and gatp. the more speBWndinji for Ut need! hetUahon. th BSw* ««« vf ntat. a widespread, de- By B. L. Semtt * *«••» w* cut (tea*' to Easton. Pa. Tlirouifh in-Hiae— TBe members as suitable for a club Do you remember what transpired on due or,untowara demonstration should aaw jtud dJtScorlng dlxease, can hourif. Pare only «. Leave Pier N. J| Agrlemiwal Exfeaato. BmiM iaZ-1 lip rantndlM] by frequent- and house. ThU Wll require a full attend- the evening of May 01.1STSJ_Of course not be indulged In by the exhuberant No. • 1. North' Illvcr. Battery ance of the members In order that ac- you don't. I do. Juveniles In the assemblage.'We are glad „ ' shoots. It u well, therefor*, to .(ja- appUntiaiu..-Ut a sulphur Place, at B'i a. m , Sundays ex- Hume ewdenwt are urged tion may; be taken by the officers and ••A spelling match unler the auspices tosay that with all the usual and natural il seems to be » tntt of human n»-' fine the growth fairly do* t» tte raw cepted, by Bt*amboatA Cinderella trustees. ' L • ture to desire the new and the unusual, -of lhe plant. xt&but dtuu rather than nl- of the Ladles' Aid Society of Cranf ord. manisfestations ot applause and rftlrth. and'Watrrwiteli-lh. Ellzabethport. Being the last meeting In May (the the utmost, decorum was preserved With most oommoalUes, even automo-| Bast result* art obtained «tt». poo>. 5&m!. agnwt pncwite they may He ap- Tlien to take the cars of .-the was held at the Presbyterian Church of b 21st ihst.t the members will be called during* the proceedings which com- bUes, UiU desire does not usually )ead sles and- violas tbaf an grown nn. Has* md rapidly. - ETtown and tfoinervlllc It. R to that place on Tuesday evening, a full to serious consequences becauM the; mi where there ta not to* much. Mud* IF £rft, urln» fast dry periodi of .. by far the most pleasant and ex- tluise in need of pecuniary assistance. had been prearranged by the.jfommlt- survivor of the struggle was Miss 1 periods of not, dry Mathac or model before It has had time to J> troqumtlj' pouuble to ex- peditious route to Easton. For For the "next inflation, all applications tee of ladles appointed by the" Society; Dwight. daughter of Professor Dwight • For cultivation in" beds or rock i ouMt.be handed In at this meeting. prove itself good or bad. And dissatis- dena, violas crow better than, toe few jienad between flusUngi to nests apply to A. D. Hope._73 Rev. W. K. Roberts officiated as direc- of Yale College, to whom the prize was faction but hastens the change to the ' * \ Cortland street, or on board. Mr. tor, and Mr. A. B. Bigelow as referee; awarded amid the warm congratula- hardy, pansies. Oardenra who. tamr . new. .•.•.,' '•••.".. ",: ilope will accompany the passr Plainfidd Paramount the prize to be awarded to the success- tions of her many friends. During tlie definite color schemes In theut ptuoc- i with black spot But with shade trees the situation Is tnga can buy named vsrt«ds» of «w«f engcrs' to Somerville and render ful contestant was a copy of Webster's recess of the exercises, the Cranford vastly different. A shade tree Is not tie tsUSkfi and burned without all atuistance necessary." . Theatre News Choral Union ravored the audience of both panrtei and: violas thai iiiitile-ehdesvored' to emulate— sratulated. plej no time to experiment.'Years are too ' S|«my PUnt lice Naw recehtly^wlth. tlicVirealifent, ldrs. Rus- picture are- Paul Lukas, last seen oppo- were distinctly read by th,e- conductor, . Crotiford's example' In Roselle; It valuable to waste on trees of unknown * a*r C CMHuBflfon '- 8dl A. SlnrrcfB,- the M'ssCiAsnfs and site Ruth-Chatterton in "Unfalihlul"; with a request to the audience that un- ' was a poor Imitation, however. qualities. And tlie chances of failure ably the. moat popular ElslpBimle a«4 Mrs. JohnftiCovM'rc- Wllliani 'Btage' Boyd, .Wynne Gibson \T. t JL Mgiinoimni E«prr1roral SUtlon 05 ' incurred in planting unfamiliar species plant jMtayc.;n M. mm.-us*e?_*_s!«% cclylng.._ Many mail ex] -tlWjSlSjv of aiid Ouy Klbbcs....,,..,-..' t "arVgreat. With no many valuable na- r SicJUcLaglenvle-foLJioiiora. In. the{rln. _The; comlng-ttttractlons for the j'ange of conditloris, but reruuit tun- tiie opiiortuiiiiy to' ttowliivBiS^Br »M "City. 8trppis^nWts~c'olorful,;JJ3iKhlK Voh;-'s,fcernberg thrllljr; ""DJsHonored." week'' and: playdates ' Include Sklppy, tive shade trees available for planting, damcnUU in ILa cuJturn apply - m>>e nwictrt. jiwiod of cool, damp Information uir-sarricninB utifHn|gon dramatic. picture into which . li eftec- ufoolhardj»t».*»p«r4msnt "it is said' that the facts were taken City Lights, Connecticut Yankee, Ftghtlng Caravans'juid other equally— _*,. ijwclfk that, have not been tested_un- H.hi(. nupilrra Mil that to fttig- iC jilimt iitrr. *Jilcb also^re known as count of bin city racketeering- different fflmaffl r notable productions which-xairr be re- - •der WeW Jcrwy conditions. ~-"- wTRwen«e«THHw Trwn~«ByniIngTentrtyp*'Tfeirl'lMn--on European woman.'.Whether or notrthis ly op>ifln"*Uxlure~bTut"iiBle j "OKtrdfiJff," anxlolis T6"IeSm ITfirnifrnes is so, Dietrich gives glamorous Interpre- viewed and enjoyed by every age. It Is advisable, therefore, to plant nnnw»«*-4n numbers-oT;plant_af Howcni, worked Industriously with the audible-screen. The action Js fast- moisture. ;This sou BhotiltT Be"- ««• tation to its subtle, always exciting only native species and let the profes- «!*«'insects which feed flower calaldBtu'S nnd seeds and g paced, the situations suspense-flHed. Officer Fran deeply to permit full devtloprai'nt of chief-character, beautiful, clever, dls- sional foresters do the experimenting. the rooU. and In it an ample supply at ,,»™. Mwxn aumot develop as. rapidlly dc'n magazines. Mrs". Slilrrcfs will wel- and the dialogue pointed and dramatic. department an Local county agricultural agents and rotted manure »houJA b« ! iiL. IUBUI .»-pnt»iKr as .can the plant lice. conio donations of |)UuUs and secda fur Directed by- Rouben. Momoulion. noted Ulustloned, the amozuig actress plays 208 Casino aye foresters of tlie New Jersey Department line *» now appearing in large the enclinli* conducted cabhr-Wednsfc drrcctb'r&rthe New York Theatre Guild, men it their dwngame, and wlns,"un- TIIE NEW AND GREATER zinet to the I Select roots for planting on a bouti nc tll one reckless youth throws love Into of Conservation and Development are a good healthy growth the ttmnnmoUt New Jersey and, day. A request has been made al«*-for "City Streets," through the Imaginative stone Park S prepared to give advice on the species season. Plant-Bo .shoveled roots- an,- .^^r ...uotral mcaeures are adppftd garden inagariiies; And. Illustrated pi use.of the. camera, emerges as one of tpe game-—and then? Then comes the makes regular ot trees best adapted to New Jersey less they have been previously 'plume* mtn«im»Mite;,itriudh Injury may be done odlculs. - " A ; the most unusual and entertaining pic- climax which-makes "Dishonored" the that purpose, tlirobblnBljy great drama It Is. . . conditions. cd up In moist soil or sand and: snuw ui aitnutm.. onuuneiital shrubs, and Tlie exterior of the cottage hu» been tures of the new season. As the result old magazines life. ..' •-"'-•• decorated with large window boxes do- or his splendid directorial efforts Mr. Thursday, May 28, a double-feature tlents at the t The dahlia does -not require tt Hiue «c «f¥y to controlif tlie nated by the Union County Pork Com- Mamoullan has been rewarded with a offering of considerable merit Is the at McUahon's Growing Pansies and Violas fertilization, and the application at tun ! .iimliirlalj are thoroughly applied mission. Pliik gerauTuni, nrgcraturm long Paramount contract. current bill. "Outward Bound," an un- son's residence By A. C. MeUan much of a nitrogenous 'tarUIbin at ftia j2 elhr'Siinirt time. Tliete iniall soft- and hanging vines have bi>cii contri- "City Streets" JeHs- the absorbing usual type' of picture, shares Honors E. Front SU Phone Plfd. 8-J8M N...JI Agricultural Extension Semite beginning of the season will cauiw auMicu obtain tlielr food by buted by Mrs.--John J. Stdmlcr'and story of two young lovers who became with a comedy of exceptional mirth, plant to grow to too and produc* fir* iuuien fijan beneath the «ur-planted by Mrs'. Covas and Mrs. Ed- "Big Money," in which Eddie. Qulllen is 'tote SU-TOS, and fruits, or embroiled in the sinister intrigue of no Probuuly no plants sown during May flowers. Since depth of plunUnr to ward R. O'Brien. toriotu gangsters. It reveals the girl the principal funster. Patrons will regulated by the texture of th* il inle«ted jilants. The appll- The ganlcii center committee held a surely enjoy the. plot and humor of will make better fall bloom than rlth' m stomach poisons, such as taking the-^Kip^or a crinje she never _ er pun»lc» or vlola«. Given rea«oii- dahlias, may. b* »et_ 3 Inches .deep, in biwlness mecfTnii yesteriluy' ttiomhjK £onimitted._ It shows the man she loves "Big Money" as It JsrBneTBnne~BuE: n a l 1 heavy soils and 5- or *hu:he* He#p-i«» -iHaaiC .Kffiiwrjdtt^^plant.XW wTlh -Mrs;-•Bfiirrefs--uresldUTg, Gthera i -standing pictures^ of its type of the :±i^l»rt! tt^ i l »J*y ablc care, they Hat oklly WU1 produce a Jin.ir CTHtrol calls-lor-.materials that uttoptlng-'the • racketeer buslneM-lir or linn display- of llowen in aeptetnber sandy sous. present were.Mrs. Oscnr B. Mathlascn der to save her from the treachery of current season. -It also.offers satisfac- i.iu_ OT noniintt in direct contact with Mrs. SninucI Relbol, Mrs. IjaWrence D Wry entertainment for the* family cir- and octubrr, but enough of them wll Spray tlie young plauU with nicu>- ittnr. Such materials are called the gangsters' cruel and debonair chief. ' survive the winter to bloom again In tlne and soap or pynthnun and Baker, Mrs. Covns. Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs And finally It reveals the boy and girl cle. A Dozeiv Sweethearts—and Krnivit H • niihlifrii'y nml'Mrs. Karl VL the spring - soon-os-tlwy— »»t jri-a-deBperate-eiIort-to-flglit~thclr-w*y --&lday-and-SatUrday, May 29 and 30, -EveryOno-Landed Him above ground. Ui control Ulripikjwclw jCTww kinosaf contact lnsecticTdea Parsons; put of a world controlled by racketeers. "liango," Paromount's wild animal Most amateur gardeners are more Jampii at dfug'stores, hard- in More Trouble nurrwiful wltli |»n«le» and vlolaa aown lluwct-praU; mpecUkUjcnm; smnir«in»- There is a climax that It at once com thrill will be seen with a second fea- 1 M,. »J|a ««d stores. The,Ui- tu May than Uiey are" with BUinmer- Ura of dalUUu: - Cultivate,! the JwiiC elo- pt'lHttg pnri ffiflnnf.lng 1 ] ' i' ture, fJune; Moon," In .which Jack BUSTER. Wiially ^intaiii some form of : • • TIKI.i Fltl.V SAT. - - There was a. sown plants of UICM siiRles<'[{Thla U quently alld applr wtitit" whVtt *£ ititwiaw. c two plojnla gcr- sary '. In watering, remember Uf la bne- : Out of the Booby Hatch Sylvln Sidney Is cast as the girl. Both end attraction nothlns could be more KEXTON smoker which t mnH osJiir klUtnK *»«nt. . rve- — and Onto tlio Screen! Club presented mln»l« iworlyln liot wcaUier, when tcr to soak Uie soil pcco«luniiilst e* a i •thtwe jmlKmotu materials may ol these talented :players contribute appropriate, as it a mixture of excel- : '- in over IS degreca depth, of D or 8 Inchik-tatller tnum tu IIEKT lierformances of distinctive merit. And lent comedy and a spectacular wild the Fire House Uio trinixraturc ts *itli soap or some other . exhibitions jiei --PnhmitiVlt- - 1t.rlnkl» It >v#rY dag. Prtnl T.nlfn. q. thf [pit^y.»i>r fVtiPf) pnri ."Rango'-.stands.out_as „ .i'PAJRLOR, _ . EacbE . gnrdencd r shotilh d _W»1>»-._B8u>ia Ouk-KiBbcs as a crafty.racketeer,.are containing were given by t -i ^ —Early »ow|mr of swd l» prriaucUve of tlUMstti imn-- - -BEDROOM to meet his Individual eotidiUuua. TU RU11T. all the ingredients that youth alld Oeorge H. Jc better itund*, and larger and more .vig- Wni3 * iruuu-t insecticides now olTered effective in well drawn roles. obtain large flowers, hawnet;.Ji la: nw- old age crave. , It enjoyed a >cry suc- Herbert J^ Past . orous plants. VloUu and pansles with- n w3t UH TfllKblr and should be-unrd WOOLSEY & -andBATK" . . stand New Jorsoy's winter better it they ctsary to disbud, it may Iw'aitvtauii 'cessful run 'on Broadway and would " -1 with "ton for asaem also to apply- manure water, it mc-anic lo tiie dlrpctluns furnished RisJto Theatre township comn UnVC been moderately pruned. When oa«- miMWduHum'. iipray thorouith-, stand up alone, .but the management CIIABLOTTEXIBJEENWQOD ' "CRACKEP . , .^ -' I"- •"" " " oUUng painlra or- violas Siwiir liir drwlapment of plant lice, Drama, Torn From tlie Heart v. aunt Hr iirtnrwar) Ui make three or umph, "Reaching for the Moon." In itr • of Womeiii CRANFORD FEED & GRAIN STORE &nur.K>BilWM\\ \% Jit intt*r\(ils iSt* this .production Doug has thrown aside armor, steed, sword and buckler for the "THET first time In ten jears, has attired him- 104 SOUTH AVE^ EAST LADY self in a well-fitting business suit, has neck C4asKUH!!U ^utlHwtric imr vxuit run HOME OF. PARAMOUNT PICTURED* Added to this program Is a Chlmpanzle m, nil rnnunwd 41r«lld J'jAiitM are «>M A rubllx Theatre comedy, talking monkeys that ate run- Hit- nwnt,««r iittvr» r«(-r|>thtlidl l«lu^ nine a close race with the talking dog- ClUnford 0-OMi 1 M Writ* ui gies, a ta\orl(e brand of comedy that is • • ' —.Open Kvtntttti UmJ:U,MI-,Cilll

& SUPPLY CO. CRAtiFORD , A Publlx Theatee- CO., N..JL Home "bt Paranwunt WetaWLl S^'.^^\C"iTii&14l!vV^k4;,^I?&^l^M

* * JL -'5A' , / ^ \ •'. „* "j ^ ^.^ , *

1- • —. V . ' r , K •* _ ^=-=----die TOE CRAfffORD, QTgEN AM? CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. MAY 21. 1931 _ C E. Wffl Entertain MALE CHORUS IS NOW AT Tins TADINO I CKANTOKO ROTAEV CUB CALVAKV LUTHERAN Group Fran Union Church CRANFORD GLEE CLUB Duekpta frame but Wednesday were •„*„ mm ,„,,, vblUinl t ^ Friday monUng there will be a cake 1 high niMtuw of Cranrowt Rotao' Club today sale »t Tlitmian'. utore. 1 ijorth Union otthe Week iimrr next with 1M Lot frum Raaelle and WesUleld Clubs. avenue, given under the aiuptcea of Uio Vsesl Orgsalialtoa Seeks 8a»>sit ef vT*t Cjtrtsttan Endeavor Society will Saturday, Fay »«» high with 175. clu*c- Hei .M^ Wome.n's. '.puUd,. ..Mrs. Pens ..and. >Irs_ v .^Psyncr pran|om>M«th.- ; bold a aipper m**tin» on Sunder AH liJssitafHart.t to Va*a, trfoBowed tlrHoae Mia 1« arsi K3.odist Church Was the speaker of the Noble arevlrf^liarse; ;•;'""-- :::-" :.'.:'. "• f Mi' Mackenste had t»u> ganin of ltt each htand AobttfTbwn evening, May M at • p. a. Tbe guest* day, hu subject ^Hanoty." «nd On FrlUay. Jiuw 5tli,JLto^«_iL_nu.ii «/«l etato 1 terns at the cupper win b» th* members of ' The Kores. fallow • hu tallk wa* a'° thoroughly good oti* birthday »ut»por will be held In the' Lth tettt, and. Fay . 130 104 l£3 109 in the Christian Endeavor of the Con- The Olee Club, formerly known as full ol food for thought and greatly ap- iliurch) 29 South Union avrnue. to cVle- i ot offletra-wfll tate piar* at the Cranford Mai* Chorus was onan- LltteU iM_JM _1SSL_M_W by Ulr ctub mtmU-'ra. brate the wroml year cf l*aatnr Ueh- - MMM rtSJOBdWft nvof Use mh Befool JPartnt- Mrs. Frank K Cttrier and daoghter Union. A commltu* with Dorothy Ixed in IMS by a group of men Wadsworth , «8 1099 M 130 93 rens at-rvice at Calvary Church. You fd gires Mm. on r Association Monday at 1 p. m, lately enjoyed a visit to AUantie Otty. Cremertus as chairman I* planning the Cranford whs were interested In music Kigble . <3 85 93 T3 70 to your OIIF. one cent fur • VBcftWI. ,,-. _iJ7.. and enjoyed the fellowship of men such Sale hrtkt lorth Mr. sad Ita. M. a &aO and Un. j supper and a good meal is assured. Tbe f: Ito you knsw ~wr clean and reshape £ Mrs. Bthmu Him litr com - as is found In an organisation of that 410 ietUaUm". . A. Planner and cBddrcB we regular'meeting which will take place 41? necktie*. • six (or one dollar? Also millec are'wurkliu: hard to innke thin i R. OooxUr. WUUara S. Roy- type. Since Ita'lnoeptlon. which has Plummrr 110 140 98 nutrition should visttornmmaane c«yXXy. after the supper at 7 o'clock Is to he II* ladles" and gents' tutu c!cun«l and a limit sutvess, tlicri-furv come and John ,J. Raffertj. J. Enmett toad by Katsertn* Hashlm. Th* sub-furnished considerable entertainment Perna* „...... : l*a no 100 y the exhuberant Mn. Henry W. WMppto accompanied u blocked, uwnty-tlve rents up. Pttrs- brtiuc your frliriid.i. and FrederickH. Walter have ject wffl be 'Why is the Bible Worth In Cranford and surrounding commuhi- Welnpahl » 91 111 mouni Cleaners. Phoiw. Cllanforil >lage.'We are glad selected to serve on the aeeood her husband to AUaotfe City: several concerts have been pro- 104 All miTlliwj arr lukl In ihi' church Knowtngr ' All member* ot the Tomllnson 63 81 94 «-Oa»JL ' -iAdv. Ui rtwinii, 2U Houth Union avt'iiuiv usual and natural I of the May term. Petit Jury. Thunday. when they attested the con- Christian Endeavor are asked to be duced together, with a yoarly minstrel: plause and inlrtii. tention of the Mew Jersey state Bank- priwnl to enjoy meeting with the lively The. Olee Club hat contributed-^; .407 4M «» 430 1«9 I was preserved ers- Association: ' Mrs. HoagoflM-North Avenue. East' group from Connecticut Farms. talent as whole ot In itbups to nu-Hlgble ... H 111) It H (i ngs which cotn- t that dahlias Wt In the ground itrs. Oeocfe Kdlr of merpus-local social and civic affairs Mackenilo ... Hi \U 152 118 115 aln calling on hi* Last Sunday the meeting vat led by I winter with no protection were not former welrfcnt of GMnford, was given and "Will continue this policy. , .117 .1341 Vtt ISO 166 Why be Stout arid Uncomfortable Uon, the_word-as F. W. Lang*. Tbe subject. "War the ai usually happens, but\ came a stork shower last Saturday night by It U the aim of the dub to develop Zundfl i...L._...... m ;93 U« 98 .'•-.' V.'.. . ATTOU THE KEDUC1NO CLASSES the director. The Enemy of Christian ClrUlxstlon" was i all right and are now a Toot Mr. and Mis. Ira KMUe, Mr. and Mrs. a Olee Club of high standard and sup- Cree .: ...... '. 96 87 96 ' •uggle was Miss especially Interesting and occasioned F. J. Defler. Mr. and Ho. Barry a Car- much discussion. ported by a consistency of associate and Handicap ...... „.. •'. ^_ ' _ JO FOR WOMEN AND YOUNG GIRLS Professor Dwight hart and Mr. and Mra. Joseph Oaut. active members ana ta accomplish this lorn the prize was Tuesday evening an execuUife meet- AT CRAIO'H GYMNASIUM. iri-cenUy removed from Garwoodi.'.now lotnUil The Cranford A. c. baseball team Alran B. C. Denman, of «6 Spring- purpose. The men of Cranlord who i Ml 493 474 4111 rann, congratiila- ing of the society was held at the home ; ' will play the Cranford Dixie Giants fleld- sremae. son of Township Clerk Interested in the development of an Tatnall '. Kl 75 111 CIIANFORD AT 9 EASTMAN STItEET, tortnerly Hoil Mi'ri.1 Hall. ends. 'During the of Mrs. mason. At thl* meeting the m iou : Saturday afternoon, on the B. & O. and Mrs. A. R. Denman, Is a member organisation of this type are cordially Prrnaa ...... 117 01 73 104 the Cranford following "people wen unanimously •'-. •' U»4»r ift* rvriaital SuitrvlittK al' •Oround*. Sunday afternoon, the A. C.of the RamOton College trade team this Invited to file their application* and Utteil ...; .(.!»-. 91 100 115 ed the audience elected a* honorary members: Mrs. ' will the Sanford Proa on Noma- spring. He runs the 440-yard dash, hi Blbson. Rev. Wm. R. Sloan, Mr. andbecome members. Application blanks Fay ...,...' Mi 139 ind well executed . MRS. MATTIE SCARBROUGH which event be starred last year. Mr. Mrs. F. W. Vtbtt. Mr. H. C Bostwlck, can be had from any member of the WadsworU't ;S4 103 110 81- 80 Denman la a Junior: and. a member of Oeorg* 8. Teller and Mrs. Oeorge E. chorus or its oBlcers. : Classes In •Ilod'y nulldtrui fctr> Olrls ' -'.-' at-the-votaries-to- D«tt» 0 Osterheldt. It was deemed to-bold —The-qmcers-ot-the-club-foi—the year In Westfleld,have pany smoked cigars and ate chocolate* 1930-1931 are as fallows: director, J, H. Miss Virginia Barnes of Ninth street Strawberry Festival Saturday, June 13. Rath: president, P. W, Lofstroih; -vice M0UH8: • ta II A. M.' (STAOLIDHIID HINCt dng the Cranford yesterday at the expense of Treasurer (VlNINQ OVM CLASS entertained * group of her friends at The ticket* will be J5 cent*. It wa*prtsfdent,1 H.-LT W DuC secrttary. Art DtttSest.** " j-'B. thirand. th«uhipp)r occasion, betog r*rJcmeoo'S«tuidaye«nlng"ln honor unanimously decided (6 "extend' an'fri- .HERODOTUS. the arrival of a One boy in the Durand •tin ofci aaraabfffiPffi tTinrordMetnoaiir Church to fiol J a svored to emulate- gratulated. plenty-- aiuL-then., which was carH*rcont.r—T.nwi'U. . tton, however. The Republican Club will' present a "Several members ot the Society are letic*, A. I. Benson;-welfare, t>. Rlt- John W. Heins & Son party Saturday evening. May 21 ent were the Misses Edna Axtt, Agnes planning Jto go on* the annual Christian T. • ."'... in the dub~house. Mri. Oaston Frank. Janice Barnes and Mildred Endeavor excursion up the Hudson The musical director Is J. II. llalh. ttractlons for the Crosby. Hr», ft. FJugrath, Mrs. Walter ^TJ^*A!•• r\t *\««#B •sjltr\ Itrsa lias put a limit on whul he call dn. amusement, ah exchante of~remlnir- (1hlHHll==i that purpose. Friends, wishing to give Miss Mary Jean Prior, daughter of Mr.cerices was made the gesture of the been heard frequently throughout the aND old- magazines for the pleasure, of pa-and Mrs. Ernest Prior of Short Hills afternoon. Each wa* asked to relateState and middle, west. The honorary- tients, at the hospital may leave them and Fort Meycn. Fla, were married the most thrilllnf experience of her membership of the club lias on lUroll Solitary ScheUr«U|> at McUahon's store, or at Mr. Fergu- May I in New York. They were at- life, exclusive of betrothal: and mar- Frank Meyer, former director, and Win son's residence. tended by Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Weg- riage; and all responded with enthu- ' .Ttiu uiily man wtiu_ t:HU_iruthfull| Angus, welT known for his munical say that lie la In a dnu by hlnwelf Is ne Plfd. 6-J&M lau ot Plainfleld. .'•'.., '""' siasm. A great variety of curious and talents.-~ '". -—-...--•.-. -..- Said, to have attempted to take hi* Miss Prior attended Kenwood School Inlerestlng tales was unfolded, which a rorrrsponili'iK'n nclioor pupil.—Liiuls- The musical activities of the club are vllltTlinea and Collet* In Albany. gave much entertainment. somewhat curtailed during the sum- This waa followed by a short talk mer month*. However, on July 1st the is recovering In Elizabeth. Oeneral At the present time. Mr. and Mrs. » - Hospital. The ambulance • was called from Miss Amato, one of the art In-Olee' Club will participate In an even- aturday LuU are residing In CranfortL . structor* In the Cranford schools, who Ing program at Warlnanco Park, spon- by^Dr. intend ".BSGUpln. who _wa* -rNowlf the Time to Buy a summoned to the Zobal home: John told of the work she Is studying at sored by the Union County Tarli Com- ScluniU al the Are department, a»- 8ANDCXS-KIOLET Columbia University, and showed ex- mlssion for the Yearly Nationalities Mis Rose A. Ridley, daughter of Mr*. amples of woodcut* and monotypes. Festival. A' concert Is 'scheduled for hearts—and sisted by Sergt Bonnellused the In- Delicious "pure food" refreshment* halator to return him tb conscious- Elizabeth Ridley, of Us Centennial October with a., musical and ~ comedy N O V 7> •ndedlUm were served. Mrs. A. H. Warnock and irogram scheduled (or January, ness, atler which he was.taken to theavenue, and Victor Sanders wen ITS Touble unlted-ln'rnarriage at RoseDe Monday Mr*. F. E. C. Wlnckler pouring the tea The Cranlord Glee Club deeply ap- hospital. and coffee.-- .'••.. " ^ _ Lawn Mower L evtninr and are now spending their preciates the support received In' the "Guaranteed far a Lafe- ER, There' was"a?large~attendance at thehoneymoon m Pennsylvania. Upon The guest* present, in addition to past and looks forward to greater par- -FLY:IM SAFETY ticipation by the resident* of Cranford . time I Besides its superior ON smoker which the Cranford Republican their return, they will make their home those already named were: Mn. John ..: .-I •,-"•••',;••••••]{—*T— Club presented last Friday, evening in with the bride's mother. A wide circle Banker, Mrs. Fred Fay, Mr*. John the future which will, ultimately, constifuction, it ia easy the Fire House. Several lively boxing of friends extend best wishes to theLow, Mr*r Moae* Craig, Mrs. Curtis rtlh all"'cooperating' to"that end, ;re- running, clean cuttjhg, CRANFORD AIRPORT exhibitions were staged and addresses newlywrds. - Cultn. Mn. Daniel Burr, Mrs. Everett ult In an organisationj)f_aj>lgli »uindt LOR, _ . were given by the following candidates; Damon, Mrs. W. J. McKee, Mrs. J A. i.atyd will J)«: trouble-free . Licensed Planet — Licensed Pilott POM Oeorge H. Johnston- for=TSrroeatei ANNOUNCE CNOAOSMKNT. Knowlea..uMlss...Barah.. Edmond.- Mis* .for-yearsT- Come in anil- Herbert J Pascoc and Henry L. Comp- Mr- snd Mrs. John E. MacPhaU of Barnett. Mr*. Roderick Crockett. Mrs. Announce Winners in see this Inwn mower. ton" for assembly: A. W. Buriey. for Columbia avenue have announced the J. Dellar, and Mrs. Grace B.-.A. PASSENGER HOPPING $1 ITH" . . township committee and August Ber»- engagement M their daughter. Dorothy, Cook. . W. C. T. U. Competition l> - the peace. Charles to William .aroanan of-Bayonne. The S T U D E N T_ J N S T R ILC T I O N _ _ RJEENWQOD Mtefly y "ud«rm "Edward ticinir of 8A Sherman school 7 'DENNT":'' •" Bayonne. The date of the weeding wUl Many Local Women a_the first prize, winner In the W. C. controlling SPECIAL CHARTERED" TRIPS ANYWHERE WARDS At the 40th annual meeting- ot thebe announced, later. . Attend W. C T. U. Rally U. poster contest. Becond print was •teel ilceve . I'RICKH qUOTKD ON KEQUEHT i Wednesday' Morning 'Club yesterday. won by Robert Laucr, TB Sherman and moke* poiilble _ these officers to Oil terms expiring thl* third by Floyd Howard, 8D Lincoln the genuine A huge delegation from the Crantord in the essay and booklejjllvlslan^7th year, were elected^Second vice presl- Uao4 Bex Alien aaya: "As known W. c, T, U; attended the County In- CRANFORD AIR SERVICE dent—Mrs. MerrlU W. Haynes; record- and 8th~ grades, the prire wffihera WCTQ Self- In Japan, tbe concepUon of a dragon stitute held In the Third Presbyterian follows First, Dorothy Wolf. 8A C. R. Silkman — Matthew Scleski Ins! secretary— Mrs Paul N. Crispin; to udonbtedly derived from tbt prod- Church In Elizabeth last Tuesday af- Adjustincf • treasurer-Mrs. Usie R. Beardslee. and Lincoln; second, Donald de Groat, 7D sets of tbsi ImaglnstloD of the early ternoon and evening. The meeting Lincoln and honorable mention, Edna Tel. CRanford 6-1303 auditor—Mrs. Frank Ryder. All will Chlneef. wbo wen especially food of was presided over by Mrs. Edythe Cur- Ooble, Anna Radllnskl of Lincoln- 8A. toil Bearing* Walnut Avenue and Rnritan Road , .serve _two_years. Other_ offleera^ have lri«g Jynuhinl ftima_bjr com- ie. County president. A demorutra-, Florence Bracken of Sherman 8 and - Cranford, N. J. — — one more year to their term*. Preced- blalag parts of varioss animal*. It Is Ion was given by members of Cran- Margaret Olllon of the same grade, ing the election.'committee chairmen uautlsny a terpeDt. with born* of a ord Union which was very, much en- Robert Satter and Edward Latane, Fertilizers Inteclicidet presented report*. deer, the head of a horse, eyes Uk* a joyed byjhe audience.' Those attend- Kilh. oI_Eoo»fivelt_flA^j[cre_wlnners ol Garden Hote PainU devil, neck like a snake, bally Ilk* that ing were: Mr*. Edythe Currle, Mrs. J. Irst and second prizes, respectively for Tawn Sprintleri JACK-BABBIT' WBNKBS of a red worm, scales Ilk* those of a Angus Knowles, Mrs. W. A. Ireland, ,y and booklet fork In the 6th and SPECIAL LUNCHEON 12 TO 2 P. M. Jack BabeuU«. » Hlllcrest avenue carp. They will also receive passe* lor the •as Hit. thM «C Japan three."—Waso- Ml** Jessie Robertson. ., Sherman and honorable mention, Mir- ; , Table d'hote Dinner Served lagUaStar, . _, _„,, iam Graf, 4A Lincoln, Lorraine yance. HARDWARE _, New ffranford.Theatre. glyer^by Manr The speaker ot tbe evening was the —: -rC^ n»«>— -.- * ' ager Harry "S. Carhart. " - - " ' — lotte, same-grade and Jane Royce, 3A — - From 6 to 7P. Jvl, for 85c. $1.00 and $1.25n . . Hon. Agnes E. Slack, of London. Eng- 12 North Ate, W. Tel. G-OMI Those wbo won pasta atone were: wbo Is secretary of tbe World's jrant. Ethel M. Susen, «. 35 Manor Place; AHa J. T. U, Announcement was made The Community Store - Marian Leqr, 7..210 EUsaottfi avenue; Breatkua; Bla mild protest agalMt of the convention of. the World's W. C. m* gnat American gam otWflff ant f t t HAYASHI RESTAURANT Howard. Taylor, 10, 113 pine,*tr««tjnd T. 0- which will be'htlh d III TorontoTt , mpre*»ive Scene* m ' --- ON STATE HIOHWAY PHONE CRANFORO 0-0437 Mary EUen Perkins. «, 15 Alden street. brag, a timid aool addresses th* Ar- kaua* Tbcoaa Cat. "Do you not Canada, early hi June. A number of ' Fijian National Dance Honorable mention was -given to members of the.Cranford Union will James Straughan. ». Millstone; Dor- OUnk." be veoturea. "that la this great The meke, or national dunce of tliu country of oors there Is, to a dagrw, attend the .sessions of thl* convention. FfJInni, plays an Irtporlant part In oil othy Johnson. II. and Queen Esther ceremonies on the Islands. "As Sfaliy lane. too *>«ch of mftlraifrtg demeanor and, perhaps, a tnodlcmn of-rU I may say Note- -—— _ .••_two_litioilred youDg unlives, mq»t Permanent It-deceltr Tea masfleated • swoth- D(ek!*Vtwo aunts, of whom be wa* gorgeously dressed. wlirtalte"psrt 1* Long Distance , t Rauu U—i CoacraU fal,-brother.- snorted tbe editor. "H «*H* tood, were vlaltlog at his bom*. a meke, which nay ha descrliicj) ss a Waving-: ' The part ot the Coloaseun at Bon* all tbe ban this) cosntry prodoce* wen Oci day some boy frlsnd* came along legend told' In song and dance. Some- which la still atandlsf 1* mads of con- i 3 Day* beet, porterboas* sutk would s*U for and whistled for him to con* out. II* imes It deals with * fatuous tribal SPECIAL OFFER- crete. This material was eomblasd 10 cants a too.' went to the door and "said with an ba'ttA) of old. with marble, but the marble ha* law air of great Importance. "Can't come; The dancers carry either spears or UMITED TIME ACRO88 THE CONTINENT •inc* been removed. got aantav" • , , clnbs, and go through 'many of the —Wllh this ad. we offer encep- movements of thejmjtle—the sleilthy ; Witt* Trawl Bm tlonol values on all.perma- UttleDca^ad a cotd. asd hi* moth- agaagM approach.to 'the enemy'*"lines, tbe nent wavti, guaranteed Irom AUSTIN'S EXPRESS The nnbsppleat people hi tb* world. er case latohtsbedtoseeJwwbe 1 >fl jiwi-Jhat Jlojak. i»_so_cla»*lx. JmrJlJirnl/ of the combat,. «nd then q nionthf t/> y r / MffWNCL -STQRAGE- ——*my*-*n -obwi ler.-are too-rlth Aaerj-- wiurgrttligTfloe* -ki tvHrtDtrna-- allied to Ossch that most scholars the triumphant return when the ess*, driven hysterically tton place to CBANFORO 6-lllfl alag. dsarr* she mflatiwl "So, mam- •crlb*.K a* a dialect -Tills alphabet warriors are greeted by tbelr chiefs, DIDa 224 Soalh Ave, East BMldence 211 North Ave.. East In Marvelous place by the tear that some nltastuw ma,- laid a avriow voice. If* Jnst Is founded on th* Cetclk Slovak books their sages, sod their women. Fpr an 2 Genuine Frederic* might elude them.—Country Home. staadiBg atflir '. - ware-ran before tb* World war, but boor or more, without tbe least In- Waves, $8 (Inearth* formation of tb* Cucbft- tervaL a_Dek*_wlll contloti* Its way, __ .or 1 for $5 i'Sf FrasABs. 1 VITA ACT alorak-etat* mani hare appeared. every ictloo eiplalnlupg Itself, every J ROUGH- ~ Tbe - American.. Philosophical soel- Poetry, walcb, by a Uad of snthu- il td Other Steam OH Proem Wave* HOUSES FOR SALE ' v ety I* th» oldest scientific society In step most precisely executed. slassa ar seliamdlnary easdta of tk* Fne*a ffsat Prafeerss The leaders of tb* meke* ar* always KM loW , V. Aowriea. It was fooaded by Benjamin soil. Bekee ,tt ssess to •* tkst w* FOR RENT — 6 rooms and bath, 108 South Ave., V FranlillD and some of his acqualat- Tkat froaea maat 1* mor* tsadsr parUctuarls fine men, and they wear t •etaldtlMM tUogs which the.seet aad hk* bettor flavor If cooking 1* . pur 25c Special* '* aneM. wonderful Upps robes with train* ' "H V WhD* the swat U stfll trosea four to flr« yards long, whjcb they FINOER WAVBB, UABCXLB, opposite R. R. Station. $35.00 per month. Is the repnt of British health mansge with all tb* grace of a" court BHAUPOO. WATER WAVE, , ..„, r ws-have »4ree camphor Jady.-»lo»tr*a!.B*ra|d. , • xtalnment •^packing service for all articles cleaned? HAlRttrt-WWj; PAC1AE8T- " FEUCE-E^DIFABIO— - — —-i HENNA PACKS—7Se .,-.,_ Articles are packed ta —*"f**» bags. i Wid- - . _ *h*n* Crsnford (-tttt... „ j;. ..._'. J 'j , jjo JEuillktr protection seeded. * Paf*>- Th* term* "*oipenna*y Ji applied An old Roman Inscription, lately JtT'0LOfOOLM 'mount Cleaners: Phone CRanford to the tall gronp'fC analrplan*—tb* •»b*T*d, Is a win In which money _jUUtr.J$L -redder. stsMtan and steraton. • Isft tor the* support of 100 orpbu- lThe25ciead|Jfcop-- till*. j II Broad gtreel, ElisabeUi' Why not.join, our Do you we spedaUse in deaa- RvwHtta ntwMdmaBtUr.jp., Also aod curtains?. Prices n- Phone EUiabeth 3-«7U Cmu.Tm I** N*MUt»,- - " ft Omisn Am; Newark , dlsooamV on att p ^ Pa> u"t la a.aennaa name lltarally mount' CkanenT Phon* CBsnfard "of."! ItU.tb be ftmad In to* 3-«l» - -

c ' anfeBL*y» ammaz

d»n Wttaet V-eay FOR WARM WEATOER at wander aboard now Una m UM IM post-war yesr, UM. ec- cordlni to statistic* ' —-. . How BUKk do Amrlcsne ependjffcfii_ on a Jortlgn Jamboreet la 18=9. U» lesson .-^pgJ|Il^gs^fJf^jaB^-^0ejBjBBajajaa>iKpaiT«t»ts^U3£tb*> tfw—^"'i...., -ca^.i-:*1 *-f\ .fc^J. r-.^.b *-l »' scattered IBK.OM.WO about the globe, flam's travel cards. •coresof tanist laden tlflpa will writ and IB^ 1828.J5W.00O.0WI, To» J«» —Last -year-SMW:.- UatJes dm morre Americana traveled eetved passports, aa compared with figure la Dotcomplete,'barofoelalaes- , i« m -DtMi* BattW* ibwH In IBMdaeptto the depression. pert It. to rival that of 1923. 103J72 In 192». In both years our *Went Tourist.* _ m Bttle! taa Kate department pasav IbuUIHV. dtisena mslnfsited a wider uric* JMUt P"E»ARINO FOrt THI CNR rr travel tssn In IKS when prosperity The depression, however, has had tkay are phasing to lav tittle Decrease. written long before the WorldI war terse afcilerti»^t»rtn« Official* se* little diminution so far waa -mortal along nailer full eteam. one effort on travel. The Commerce GOLDBN TEXT—Ani he took brass, department, delving Into thousands of now there u No. aB to ba< added •Washlnftoa.—Cp u » tnVust. It is the leeood Battle of aas cave thanks, aad brake It, aa* Lltoa, according to (hi pleasure and business trtps, found amve unto than. wins. Tbla la my -health service. more persons 'went * tourist"-ia 1«*> tbe Msroe. which began otTthe oorn- boor which U aiv«n for row: this do 18 lt n tri In remtmbrsnee of me. it advances In than In earlier years, when nrst-clase lsg of July 18. » - •»» " J** LESSON TEXT—Luke JM-M. achievement have be TRYIMG'TD RE- accommodations were In wide demand. ny for Allied victory. From thst time PRIMARY TOPIO-J«»«a Wants Oe among tbe lower age gi Nevertheless, Commerce department onward-until JSovember.il. 1918. «ben U Ramsmber Him. JUNIOR TOPIC—Bow We C»a Re- - of course, thst tbe gr TWO TMIMSSTHAT re»srcbes were surprised to nnd Ibr^ralstlce -ss signed, the German forma, such, aa the flit initiative which had existed from member Jesus. t MAKB US' SRCATUE spending "per class" was much freer INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP- supplies, nave remark Isst year than the one-before. August 191V ceased to be and theIC—Meanlns of the Lord'* Supinr of certain k Germans were Disced on the defensive TOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP* ages and. classes of t In the first two months qf this year and kept there.- '• /-^ IC—lf«»nln« of tbe Lord's Spppur. the State department Issued about actual saving of Ufa Onder the cover of a 110*01 which pronounced among" 2 000 fewer .passports than In Jaouary raged during the night of July 17* the I. the Last Passover (vv. 7-18). snd February, IMP. But this Is ex. lTTbe Passover prepared (vv. 7-1S). . especially little childr Allied forces were moblllxed la the . It Js for this, reason fl plained In part b'y a recent ruling wooded area known aa tbe *°"«J* a. Peter and John sent to prepare p&longlng the life of passports. Many tlon of life at birth—t VUIera^otterets. They were the Amer- the Passover (v. 8). As the time had • age length of time tl persons went abroad without applying ican Hrat division, composed of thearrived for the killing of the Passover. for new ones. . «bon at a given t)ro< Eighteenth. Twenty-elghth. Sixteenth, Jeaua commanded these: disciples to ; Increased from 48 to- snd Twenty-alxtb regiments. :ba Amer- make ready for It ' a la the last aryean. ican Second division, composed of the b.. The disciples' Inquiry (v. 9). . Thla is very encoun ••»*« Fifth and "Sixth marines and Nlntn They Inquired of Jesus as to where S shows clearly that mm snd Twenty-third Infantry of the reg- they should prepare tbe Passpier. The Efrom which-the. humai ~;Tfo~Paiiingof Time rtir Smy. and' the crack- •>?"**•» true disciple It notTinly-ready to do Vsmfferlng. and many e division of General ManguVs French the Lord's.bidding,' bnf snxloas to |»e avoided If speclalls know erectly hla will. f. sanitary ^ssn t i ! !Ji: ly THOMiS^AWai CLX*K ; For the warm daya of aummer thete ITencb dlvlalona,. placed B "'•••:-:*"i''dic..TneMaa^raSira^iFa1r*Wimfv-';i ' w £*••*•*-•i -*at" '*iji'itoi i I'.tfea, But while It la gr llLbe innumerable, dreatea of gtojg- caote Foch mad Petaln were ubt «er- (w." 10-12). They were toga Into the that the ballon la. on Oeaa •< Mem, Ualverslty el lJ^^A»|*caM^ ( y ^illmaterlaU 3arjL-^hei»raej!^wouluSjBe«L-«-_4naa---j-ahalSe«L«4naa , «g picture"" shows a youthful modeV handle the. job. bearing a pitcher of wateK~TheTisual7^- f that there-Is another white pique blp-length blouse wtja were not needed. ,:,, cuttom. waa. far the -women to carry ture—a great waatagi ' "la all the actions that a man per- plsid (tinghain skirt. The blouse show, Preceded by a heavy artillery fire, the water. Thla unusual occurrence ••< Ufa still continues, di ~ an indent writer says, "some s scalloped fluster Drown collir with tii. Americans'and tie Moroceana would make It easier tor them to find ' to apply existing kne part of his life a plaid tie. whIU a plaid belt outllnea jumped off on the morning of July IB. thelmao._He.aatured tfcejn that they - Avoldsnce-WII passeth.' .We - - the waistline, of, the scsllopetfedged By the evening of July• TTne Sewmd" would then be"shown « large upper with doing that for division had advanced six miles, baa There are aoc^f din blouse. The skir. U kalfe-pleeted. room furnished. ba controlled and eve 'bt«h "only \vnite'otf6rd» a^bwteejeplela lbs* 'efcsared nare. than iaiMO,,Bri*Mera, .=-iUsolpla»,».u sliding Ufa waa and bsd snffered~lta1>es.Tlest-casual-- : costume, lS)._They did aa ftsua directed by the community Ii granted. Nay. tlea. It was then withdrawn; Th* them. 'They' did not"atop'Ho question though -we do noth- First division also-hsd suffered.-lta dividual .cltjien Is sel oooooooooo©ooooo<>oooooooe|» the-aanlty'of-thir command but aa -- to take paic.' There a ing, Time keeps' heaviest essoslHes of the war, loslne true dltdplea, obeyed. bit constant pace, about 7,500 men, but It was not_re- other diseases, nonet Hair Texture as Ethnological Clew POTPOURRI ^ 2. The.Paaaover eaten (vv. 14-18). yet no general meat asd Hies as fast In Ueved until the night of July 22. Tha a. By whom (v. 14). Those »ho Idleness aa In em- loooooooooooooooooooooooo First was commanded In this battle by devised, and In the av aat rfown to' this last Passover Fenst the Individual ll calli ployment Wheth- and the Bering atralt territory,— -. Gen. Qobert Lee Bnlisrd. Ister com- we play, or la- Denver, Colo.—By the hair on their llah Aalatlc migration of the North Known Giants mander of the American Second army. were the. Matter and the twelve his own Initiative. Co It |» (input, he iinlil. to emablUh den such— diseases' are- bor, or sleep, or heada ye aliall know them, « ^American-Indian. :—-^ nltely that the American Indian cams msnorr "r »"" ",»",^»" "-^ ostlear _ dream, or study, llevea Dr. Orarge Woodlmry, curator lie took hit cue'from an Invettlga- born at Cbnrknow, WM <> feet 3 snd the Second was commanded b. Jesns1 words onto the dlBdplea wlilch are prevented from the tame region In Atla thought Inches tnll at age twenty-three It may be freely | the Sunns poateth of archeology and ethnology at^the lion made In On-many teveral yean to he the~brlgln of all men. Gen. James G. Harbord. W'inisi;" :•'" , and the sand runnel," Colorado aiate muaeum. whole study Dgo which revealed that certain typet and weighed 300 pounds. Cap- • • • •' .'• • . (1) "I have desired to eat this Pass- Inoculation of Indlv of people and varloua meet had til»- tain Batca of Kentucky and over with you before I suffer" (v. 13). to render them Imm It was a custom mother had wben of the origin of-the American Indian, WINS TENNIS HONORS Easy—J>7 Comparison! may prove of major •clentlflo lntereat tlnctlve hair texture, color, and cwavU "Anne Swan, his wife, from Nova He greatly desired to show them the ease nr another lt n we were ready aa children lo aay our Scotia, were both over 8 feet tail. Dr. Kene Klrby-Smlth. wiK>jrecelvea meaning of the passion through, which cedute. Health offldn Doctor Woodbury,' while withholding neta. jt bis msll st Sewnnee. Tenn»-home of prayer* before going to bed at night IVKto'r WooduurjFaald thlt devel- Chanrvru-gopnrChlnese super he was to go^ : aa tny one else- does to ask ua whit we had done during announcement of the reaulta of eiperl- tbe University of the Sooth, comes of menla he'liaa made until he baa more oped from croaa tectlon atudy of three man wss 7 feet 9 inches tall. (2) "I will not any-more eat there- some simpler genera (he day that was, worth doing. It was The world avenge height for fighting stock, nil father was Gen.of until It be fulfilled In the kingdom would makb this pr • searching question and one which definite, proof, Indicated he may eatab- typea of halrj the mongolold. or E. Klrby-Smlth who commanded troops atraight, black, coarse hair with round ', men Is shout S feet 5 Inches.' of Ood" (v, IB). His death wnt the sary; In fact, for t often taxed our'binds to flud a satis- IB. IMt.WMt«B .Sfwfiww ?nlo».l for the:Confederscy and who, tnttne ' tntltjTjlcal fulflllraent of the Pnssover. have been attempt factory answer. crota tectlonlT the brown, wavy hair Impoverished : dsyt" "following-"the) waa at>iri5*BSa"aileep and tti« Tlr *lfhoVarWIo*th-kra*y " (8)"Take thla cup and divide It such meant as qnai The years in pasting Just as tha half gone. William atandi on theklilnoy-ahapcd type. Civil war refused an annual fee ofjimong yourselves1' (w. 17. 18). r.y and disinfection lo i days did In childhood, and to quickly atrret comer whittling a little atlek The curuliir began hla own ttudy 173.000 to bead the Louisiana lottery the token of the cup the dlsclplen were of communicable waa exnmlhcd; '- •—-.;•• earliest days of the'wsr snd wss sent ^\£ltappearlng point airport at Itelnckendorfwest In AprIL bollc of the heavenly j«allty. , " • if water and What have I done during the year (Ik 1(11, Wa*i«>-Nawip>ixr Vnl»-> , ! Doctor Woodbury then procured It la only a baby projectile, less than' with an American lied Crosi detach- II. The Feast of the Nav» Covenant iamplea from ttluny living Indiana ment to hospital duty st Belgrade. !r and bul just passed tlmt was really worth do- set en feet high, but, It is expected to Instituted (vvj. 10. 20). I ' controlle Ing, and what have you done? And GETS HIGH COMMAND from tha United Slatm': retervatlont. attain a height of over twelve miles. A typbos twept 8erbls. Major Thlt featt took place at the clone of what are we going to do with the Kcaulla of holh ttudlea were compared. Klrby-Smlth was the only survivor of , Jltlet by men lt will he driven by s mixture of oxy- the paschal BURpcr. / mosquito and the n -present-year and-thoee-whkh-come - One of the mott notable pnlimlnary- "gen and" gasoline. bis" detachment and he stamped ont 1. The "bread a Byrnhflt-of-ChrWa- after It bewevw many there may ba retulta of till* lnveallgallon,.-lie;je- 4be plague. Then, In the fall of 1013, ^ _On_'tho otfier hum vcaled, wat the dlacovcry that the The rocket wfll be" Btlcil with sdeov body P ' " " ~ - More otnlnoui If spenhr^hat It-|s pass* po»tlMa"future lineellgaUoa:ot tte N. C, whisra h«_iaplur*d ,the_ Sojth_ J summer; --" - • ,'_' "~ •^ae^rt^lo^renge-ttlabardyjnoui^ -P«, -Tne-ctiV .-i3Wl>o|- of •Cnrtsfe- 3BHJ Ing so quickly, so Inevitably. people* and early Ulbet of Siberia and South tenult champlonahlp. taineer for whom not-even a deadly blood IV. 20). This was. symbolic of Tha saddest thing about It all U plague held terror*. the atonement which was made by the that f sea ao many young people un- —Major-Klrby-Smlth sat on a bed In his hotel room. In one.. hand : be shedding or hit Mood on Calvary's moved by thle passing of time. I cross. He said, "Tlrfa cup It the new called Harold yesterday at noon, lie clutched bis eon Rene, Jr., In the other Henry KlrbrSmlth. both aged eleven, testament In my blood which wat shed NIW "Got the boya down here for a ton-- for you," Indicating thnt each one must personally accept the atonement •y WALTER TRUMBULL: all*tonjy." he explained breathlessly. -D—n yon. Henry: be stllL Here, made by the shedding of his blnod. JBenel Get back on the bedf III. The Wicked ^Behavior at the :Tha man-wbo aaya- nrki >"r '•'« nwnm-.. sh~» itoga not dveraupplT-ot theaters. Many of them r ha asked_hla Interviewer. Heart (vv. 21-27). _ "TSera"la~aola»"forni of^allroadH»Urr m eaas.-. »T*a> ••••*l^ -!••• mm-i - I ^iaa— •••! aa^ M^ w II "1. The "treachery of Judos— (w. • hli wife doeau'tun- tuaT Insurance which covert1 the hun- feed him nnd he regards her with cannot Ond good attractions. Typhusf De regarded .the squirm- deratind him prob- suspicion and disapprobation. • • * ing boy*. "Oh h-11 They were easy M-23). _ 1- _ dreds of employees In the big ataUona a. The tlroejif Us jnanlfestatlon (v. ably dooau't talk In of New Xork. When a man dlea, th • • •* • • • One New Tork night club, which haa compared to thla Jobl" the lame language Forty-second street In New Tork la suffered from lack of patronage, haa 21), It v.ns while they were cntlns' , fund la euppoieii to take care of hla the last Passoier that Jesus made the aa In the daya of hta courtahlp. dependents, out there waa a cose^aot fait passing at a theatrical district decided to close. It has sent notices There now are two burlesque houses to: all the customers on Its list, which Tbe First Shot for Americaw announcement of the betrayal, per- long ago which la still awaiting settle- haps that Judas might be Rl%en an op- Aaotkar Power Preblebi ment One of the etatlon portera and a (lea. circus on It, and; most of read: "Last Two weeks. Everything- Old Soixante Qolnxe Number 13479. Ueut Com. Charles B. Itoaendaht, passed away and the proper authorl- the successful shows are to be found at cost; even the cover.chaise." a French 75 with a notable Vecord ln> portunity at) this last moment to re- The trouble with the younger gen- J •pent— - -- — L- - - —«. eration today It that It Ii demanding America's foremoat authority on dirig- tle* made In!»a^l»^J«.ltr^ French gun fired tbe lint shot for Even the-slnful-acts of-wlcked nwn _V hail gone through Btuppotealy leg come within the t>ermls8lve province marriage ceremony but. from none of America In France at 0*5 o'clock the whom he'ever had ben dlvoRjedranil morning of October 23,1917. at Ba(n- of God. This dees no$, howeier. les- aeventeeoi children; ltmont France, a few miles portb of sen the/ guilt of tinners, for Jemn said, -)-'- STRANGE AS IT SEEIVIS^ Johit Hix J' Nancy.' The shot was flrtd tiyMai "JViieTinto-the-tnan by whom-he Is ! to \he proper procedure." The"flrat John R. Starkey of the Sixth Field betrayed." - „ wife nnd family are lawful heirs, but Artillery, First division, who today la c The sorrowful question (v. 28). >_, - The oldest hoi a lieutenant colonel, on reserve duty The disciples drd not seem to »us|iect x*ork In a cetebra the third wlfo ana family are the real la California. dependents, one another but made the question a (tore. The car WE • a-» I — ~O"fd No. mre belched ont something personal one, - i Admiral 'RlchaoL.Kvelyn Byrd was tike 12,000 shells after that first salvo 2. • The selflsh ambition of the dis- lecturing In a small city of the Middle wfore It was moved back for recondl- ciples (vv. 24-27). In this traffic hour West In the hotel where he stopped, tlonlnc and finally returned to tbla the disciples were so concerned with there br a deik clerk_who,' has been countryountry. the thought of "positioposition that "Ihey*- there for many years and jlealt with 'Something of a cha.-m hovered were ttrlvlng among-themselves as to f?_ several generations of traveling^men. about the history-making gun during who should be the gipatcst. The owner of the fcoWand the chalf. Its Ufe-ln~sctIon.~--Many crewa ap- IV. _Tha_ApoitlaaL_PJaeaJn_thaJ. even selected tbe dorse It" wBen she finally gave way from^the ei, who every day are bankrupt deM ^ to bang at th - AfTlR *S JOtKtY rtW MtH it house, - Trytowtr K "We STAW *— - T- . a a a TOOL ors to the meamrelets mercy »' Practically every resident of Miami Major (now Lieut CoL) Starkey. In- Informatlor, nlte love—for us n6 paltrlnessr an Interview, with] knows Mack Oxford, motorcycle police- ddentally la a native of Boodbpnse, sufflce.—C H. -math-but atUL inojBLJteopleJtaowltla nt. and down that way theyhope' to la charge i and-furnls buinioc. Boso. A rery fdeodly boll- Great Tata«a~F»«» •?, dor. Bo» «««• »U over the dty mak- tasting aauvenlr of the war. But._We.ahonrd,eipect jreat thl.MP> 'lni?frlenda wlththe eookC'A. aw- they've got to wear tbe old girt out at n ault although Oxford tries to keep God. He U a great God s he »>» West Point or make her obsolete habit of doing great things. W, him on a diet he U fart becomln* the before Roodhouse gets Its chance, Und shape of a irapetfult Every cook In thlujj.«•«••• Prince Heira'count rot:vPsW6oly-son of thv due de Guise, pretender town'and many of their amptojera J feed him. The only took with whom to the throne of Vrance. aid kla bride," Princess Isabella iTOrleani-lkaxania. The pootograpa wa«--take» ahorUjr aftat their weduTn* ' ITaot rrtendl. ta-Uia one who 1 *v Battle on " Car; Dili m W—• Lea a insist t -step- taja. Basked at a jteattw* hero tad OUR COMIC SECTION fraak U Uvttt. slrty see, nroesjht bit asteaaehlls to • hsR. Ghild Diseases Wkea tbe -ae* tKa cssse the Other laotortsU h<«»sd awisV F Life at Birth a tlsse-and. aoy other thaa by accsally im» gate*. Uvett had died ftesa It Increaaed From sack tnaccptlble todlildual. heart disease. - FOrt'THI CNR 48 to 58 Yean. According to tbe public health serv- * not, •Wasolnftoa.—Cp to. the present ice there U really nsTaeed tor any one DUBIOUS RECOMMENDATION Lttee. according to (he United-State*, nowadays^tver u have either small- Pigeons Coo at Guest*, .Here pabllc health service, the most sig- pox or diphtheria, and tboee diseases, LOM White House Home While In 8wltssflsnd a Iraveler was _it« of nificant advmnces In public health as Is well know, hawi. been toth e past jlwut to intake an asrrnt, when he nt _A i*_ JI:I1«. achievement hsve been manifested among the moat deadly of scourges. Washington.—The eaves of the front Ihought he might- as well Institute luted. lasus full Us among the lower age groups. It Is true, Vaccination against smsHpoT. repeated portico ol tbe White. House are be- some Inquiries about the guide who Word. - of course, that ^he great sanitary re- In a few years, will protect against ing remodel jd lo dispossess a horde of was to accompany him. " 'Wble - forms, such as Ihe nitration of water smallpox. ' . . .. • • cooing pigeons that had established -la he a thoroughly skilled etlmberr first i supplies/have remarkably diminished Such great Improvements hsve themselves there. Across from the: be asked hla hiil«lkee|ier. * Supiwr. diseases of certain kinds among all been made since the Introduction of White House Is Lafayette park, which -1 should, say so." was the reply, * mper ADULT TO*- this method that no one shqold hesi- Is almost as famous an abode for pig- "lie has lost two parties of tourists -Jbc- »ro"s Snppsr. aces and classes of persons,, but the , actual saving, of lift has been most tate to have bis children vtcctnatad eons as St Mark's squar*. Venire. down the mountainside, and each tlnm )<1 or pronounced among" children, and during the Brat year of Ufa, , The birds found tbst fresh peanut* lisa cflihe off without as nucbas a Qod sr (TT. 7-18). were being placed on tbe White House pared (TV, T-1S). especially little children and Infants. scratch, lilinself.' llaiis It Js for this, reason (bat the expects- lawu for native squirrels and moved tzley «ent to prepare 1 X-Ray May Determine across the street to dip Into the* squir- tlon of life at birth—that Is, the aver- 1 WeeU Take a.Trala » to As tlie time hid rels larder. . sge length of time that all children ' Old Painting Existence Aa BngHshwostaat walked Into she Huly of the Passover, i at a given time will live—has Carpenters were put to work to 0 oe ese disciples to' Philadelphia.—The X-ray method of tlcftcVS nltlce at Chicago and asked for | Increased from 48 to about 88 years determining, whether an old jnlhtlng place pasteboard across the tares la e tlrtet to New York. -. lday ; in the last M-jreara. , la genuine mar be otlllied to learn It order to keep out the unwelcome vis- "Do you want to go by Dulfalor h it . This fa very encouraging, because It a Gilbert Stuart masterpiece hides un- itors, who st times set- up a din of asked (be clerk. Ue- ^ shows clearly that much of tbe disease der the more recent coat of paint ap- cooing when famous guests snd "tales- liut men were arriving and departing from "Certainly Trot,^ said the Itogllsh. loly ffrom which the human race has been plled tff tbe f*gn *if the old-king of woman.:. v.llj.lra.ln,1*. -:.::_ ((•Sering, and many early deaths,, can tje WniteHi>use._' • the Prussia tarern. ami f be avoided If specialists put their best The sign Is now owned by the Oer- trkngy difiitfonr .. ... j*sw.toWrifR,r tnantown-aisJorioal- society,, ]L«al .Jou ,, f tlct But while It la graUfylng torknow traditions say that Stnart painted the Berlin,' Germany.—The newspspet irds re to go Into the i that the nation Is on the ri(ht track original, and many old residents of reported from Warsaw that' 8 I

•; ; mterr HS7 r that there-Is snotherSlde to the pic- ...-.which witnessed the. march of chatoft ambushed and killed their high • in' , 'Women *!o carry ture—a great wastage,of health and the continentals under Washington. school Instructor, Professor Chodsko, In usual occurrence : life still continues; due to the failure was covered with "paint during tbe whom they'held -responsible for tbslr- to (or them to find to spply existing knowledge. last SO years. poor report > csrds. - mt d them that they Avoldsnee-*tlll- le-Need. •n a large upper There wsos^f diseases which may en be controlled and eventually eradlcat- tut : "lit,' by the community In which the In- dividual citizen Is seldom called upon 36"States ~Use~ 5± to take pui.' There are a great many other diseases. hov.e\er. fpfwhlch ss yet no general measures have been devised, and In the avoidance of which ..Central Buying F THE FORCE Is That Nice. Mrs. Snoop? the Individual Is called upon to exert "When n player klcka the ball over his own Initiative. Conspicuous among that pole dues It nwnn h« Is oulT' anch—diseases'are those -conditions Forinil estimates, and contrnllHKl pur- "That depends upon how Hard hit into the disciple* -4j which are prevented by Immunization. Survey Show* Big Saving chasing con save on the average of ftoSlTk3M-Cf ABTISTS eppunent lilts him Just bofore he made It may be freely granted that the Result* From Thit 10 to IS per cent of the total, be be- ttMi MCETWeurnfi the gual."- |d to eat this Pass- Inoculation of Individuals In order New Practice. . lieves. ' ••- , • LAOV 11 suffer" (T. 13). to render them Immune to one dis- Ho cites many Illustrations as proof to show them the ease or another Is not an Ideal pro- New Yortc—Contrnllzed..purcbaslng of this. Under the old system.of de- Vk- Iliaory *o» i>tlu> «lilrks — Ion through, which cedufe. Health officials wish as much' has been adbptBFliriStiSiftes and In centralised purchasing' he found dif- It! ylir|)(tK« »• It atoPNi as uiy one else- does that there were more than 200 cities of the United ferent branches of the some govern- It's truly miUnOia nt»n It works, |iy more ent there- some simpler general measure which States and In three prtvlnces and 25 ment paying different, prices to the llul «wful whon II flovs. would makb this procedure: unneces- ed In the WnKdora cities of Canada, according to a sur- 'same dealers. He found favored deal- '/CKsgelar D.vll "/I sary; In fact, for many years they ers, rebates to politicians and all sorts Us death was the vey Just completed by Dr. Ilussell A liashful youlh had Into presented nt of the Pnsnover. -s- f have been attempting control by Forbes, secretnry of Ihe National Mu: of expensive methods which favored such means as quarantine, Isolation private. Instead of public Interests. - to e flapiier anil for ten, minutes ho, cop and divide It nlclpal .league and associate professor sat Kpcochiess, growing redder and (T». IT. 18). r.T and disinfection la check, the spread of government at New lork university, Under the new system, In one con- of communicable disease. n more embarrassed. . i the dlsciplex were for the National Association of Pur- tract for gasoline far the state high- At length the girl said, sweetly, led blood. Prlnk- These efforts have met wltB^seme chaalng Agents. - way department, the purchasing de- measure of success In the case M cer- "And now let us'-talk of soinethhia) igdom of Ood dues "A sentry at the tax exit gate U partment of California saved more I"—Hummel, llamborg. leaven this service tain diseases. For example. It hflsbeen than three times the annual cost of sfble; to ijeduce typhoid fer|r to the the phrase wltli'whlch Doctor Forbes it that It »as sym- ^ describes this system of governmental operating the purchasing system. On Not !• Ike Bedgel iljr j«allty. , ippearlrig point by the-sanitary a.long-term contract, the state secured wntsr arid milk supplies, and- buying^ It le "the-j delegation to onol Iralo I'npu—Wjmll Vau want te> the New Covenant offlce of the authority to purchase sup- n base price of 12*4 cents per gallon • and bubonic plague; may of gasoline; st the same time the inaTry my ilauxliier—why,' you don't |»). I/ plies, materials and! equipment needed controlled lnjl#|irogre«slve dealer's price was 16 cents per gallon Iri &} HAPPV XO jiukn eiiuunh trpiiy Iho rent I lace at the clone of \ for use by all the several branches of Diiinblssluio—Well, Klolse and I ^^MM...... J by measures asalnut the the .organization." f. o. b. refinery and the retail market M 'qosunlto .and the rat, respectively. TUIS -OU- nsiln't expocled you to charge us any syinhflt-of-ChrWe-- --A-bllllOD. dollars a year-is spent by. rail." ""' lire'ad nonrl»h. WE NtWMODEL-AMI jdles. so Christ Is other common Infections have never govcrnmeuTt for this purpose, Doctor ml nnttvre. Unle«» In Maryland virtually every Item WAMT TO et rae FIRST >n Christ, we shnll used by the state was reduced In cost under centralized purchasing. On TO CONQBATCHEQLA'Tr BSWltol- of •Chrlsfs-- Is was> symbolic of S0.O per cent. Bond pupcr was "cut :h was maile by the 24.? per cent, llacon was, reduced Mood on Calvary's 21.7 per cent. PMs cup Is the new Similar savings were revealed by the surrey In virtually every government ood which was shed which-hud adopted centralized pur- Ins; that each one chasing. •cent the atonement Jlng of his blnod.. 8avlngs In tho price of goods are only niu> of the many advantages of \4 -Bthavlor at the this s>sti!in. Doctor Forbes reimrts. Qtber_s_lnclude_be!ter delivery jwvlce^ 'itiffil nient of Invoices and the Mr. Joox—Whut iltd she throw at. last moment to re- elimination of favoritism In buying. lilmt 1 was by the deter- App*nstly Pla.ld Slreass Tin river (lcwln« un Its war Ood (v. 22 Cf. Acts Man Carrie* Piece of < Nuw lilda 6ur tarts r«Aouble. ikes place by chance, I-"' ' The wat«rpuw'r It may dlsplsjr acts of—wicked men _ Copper in Head 11 Yean C all «lm). *t «ro«Ma. permissive province " Ellington," Conn.—Eleven yean aft- m not., howeier. les- er J. D. De Carll, garageman, lost an Lesraed. Better nners. for Jesm said, eye In an explosion, he suffered pains Harmon—lines your wife still sharp* nan by whom-he Is la his threat, .X-ray, pictures were eu pencils trltli-yoiir rasorT - takes at Hartford hospital and alarge Sinytho—Wot she's learned belter tul question (v. 28). >_, • The oldest horse car In the country u It made Its appearance In New piece of copper waa discovered near since she started slaving her own eye- not seem to suspect the root of his tongue. An operation brows.• - - , *ork In a celebration marking the fifty-ninth anniversary of a department was successful. made the question a store. The car wurbutltin 1857. Needed Helpl 1 ambition of the dl»- say about what went Into the orlg. "lleavenar cxilulmed the preacher, . In this tragic hour HOME WAS Inal Mount Vernon, but It was Oeorgi "whaft the Idea of that stream of e so concerned with MOUNT VERNON who did the ordering, and In search- profanity I" "position that Ihcy- BY WASHINGTON ing through old records and docu- "Well," replied the tougb little cad- ong~theniselves as to f _ FURNISHED ments we found .that he did most ot dy, "after a shol like Ihv twful on* le greatest. the arranging when the furniture ar- you Just made somebody hsd to cuss, s»!_P!aee_ln_ths_Klt. sketchesj>f them* and then harethenv made up. "It bis all beeh'terTltWHn- caught \i tWs'part of the state-wta- • nice long walk In the park! Caller (enthuslasUcslly)-Ob, noel t«nstlnc*~bat Wec hate had ouri -exhibited recently bj Bad Woodward, I supplied practically all of troubles," she added, • state trooper. The U. r^-Tben don't let nM bold yea ..jre' at well at tbe clothes weighed TO pounds. back. iqttfit and Martha,- said "Martha may bare-bad « lot to '*K "*Jtf*

'•* *

». I. - - . 9- -^.r '•'•j,». T T37 - --'

9 . * * CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. MAY 21. 1931 pulpUb»t»Jlttot**atasttaflnit«.oddi ^ Isaesslac yiiirhTT whs> wSSI ssy* It has to deal with so unprepared rTbetsr«j> that Jesas ChrM 1st the Son of Ood.* Former Cranford Man (Continued from Church page) ' He was reading at that pises In the Scriptures, not to flnd the Isaih, of oq«i being wounded sod btdsed. PHONE ruth, but proofs for our own position. -Sweet sttcy. saend story, ttnaft Addresse? Bankers o»t» .-«•*»-* discover* but ilnd r - JS0--WI0 ^a«H#. iiijiMi ^tw«w CRANFOW) lomethlng to conHnn us tn our upto* and for another's sin, "Bofst

--t- ' "• ^- v-^-l—j- il. — ;J.