LOtBKKAN CsTOBCH . May 14. at 8 p. m, tin as-will how their monthly toy 1». at » p. n. the» Ida! meeting of the church is** jBehs-enr-iirsisr _r to attend (bit meeting. iy %>a Women1* OuU_ cake sale hi Thennan"s CRANFORD. N. J~ THURSDAY. MAY 21, 1931 FIVE C! h Pnlon avarae- Mn\ Dwr Vol. XXXIV. No. 16. ble wtll be In charge. F supper «*l be sent** at Sslvmtioa Army to Have Veto of Fmigii Wart by the Women** ftaOi on Conduct Buddy Poppy Sale 6. from e to 0 p. m. Keep Railroad Improvement rtNAMCfeS G. H. Johnston Wins ben and teU your Meads II are welcome. Wmhnw To raise funds for the Oahration Ar- Flak* Post, Veterans of Foreign Wan. lompwh, Noelker and Hc- my work which U canted on here, Mrs. i uut orgaauau will start Its annual Uisady Poppy sale Surrogate Nomination Celebrated At Dinner Saturday, in the intrresu of disabled ie committee. R. B. X. Craig has completed plans for Individuals, y-_ igs are held In the church the showing of "Clmarrto" la UM New Rrtkf Enterprises World War veterans slnd for other re- ruth Union avenue. Urt work which Uw Veterans of For- Central R__road Executives, Cranford Theatre Monday, uiBtl. Otto, Muir, Ward and Pascoe Picked for Republican Assembly President Whits Sp-lrs vatlon Army benefit. The army will Total HSUtn eign Wan carry on IBS SEBVICK Township OflkMb- ami On Raibassd Problems receive a percentage of proceeds from Former Commander Bernard Yansch Nominations. O'Donnell and Mrs. Meekins Win in all tickets sold in advance of the show, beads the committee In rhame of Uw ip Erkman, Jr. Other Prominent Men At- hence'Mrs.. Craig and her committee Investigation and super- local, sale and the post ,1s br-ira asalated the Democratic State Committee Contest. ig, Heating, Tinning tend. • __j i R. B White, president of the Central Urge all who plan to «ee Ttmarron" to by the Ladle*' Auxiliary Members of Railroad ot New Jersey was the only purchase their tickets from them. Store Room the post will conduct U)e sale at the Light Vote All Over County. Ive, E. '!' Craafsr* HAS railroad official to speak at the dinner Clmarron" is the screen dramatisa- Relief Enterprises trains early in live morning. »hUe tlw . CBanferd MM To commemorate the unmpi.n.^ oflast Thursday night given by the Town- «iu» tion of Edna PerbeT's novel of the his- Omce _ , .. womeu «U1 carry It on during the day The vote In tho primaries Tuesday Members of the County Committee I the elimination of'grade crossings on | ship Committee to commemorate the tory of Oklahoma and how, one family Food . - l^BUT through all sections of Uio town Tlir . the Central Railroad of New Jeney tocamnletlea of the railroad Improve, «aa light all aver thr County except elected were: 1st District-Alter If Del- moulded Its progress from Iu earliest Coal popple* are made by disabled \clerans n a few ot the- smaller municipalities ler and'James E, Warner; 2nd'District Cranford, as well as the erection of ment. Mr. White gave an Interesting Clothing . in Ooveniment hospitals and the name the new passenger railroad station, the address. in which he) touched upon days. It has been acclaimed as an where lively local contests were op —Florence Pou-rson nnd Samuel II. historical epic, replete wlUrTomt of Water . -Buddy I'oppy" Is cop>lighted by tlio The primary coining In May, a month Tool; 3rd District, R. R. Ilorrett ami Township Commlttn tendered a dinner present conditions of railroad opera- and reception to railroad the moat thrilling action ever prepared Vetrrans ot Forrliw Wars earlier than usual had Mimelhum Jo Wtiinlrrcd CM: 4Ui District—Mrn. tions, ss well as plans for the future. Total . The project has Uw endorsement of do ftlth this Tlirrr «erc no ronlesta Bey and George O Teller; S(h Dh- !>, Thursday night at the Echo Lake for screen entertainment. Richard DU, f Be stressed tha point that railroads In Irene Dunne and Estelle Taylor play Piealdent Hoover,-as fullows - I wtkrtit- m CranrordrtlKi wimle Intercut being trlct -Nelllo Ftc and J Edw- Wolf; . Country Club. Offfcen of the railroad New Jersey, which pay a large amount , 'who were presett were: R. a White, the leads. 1) cuuuiHMid Uie annual lludily I'oppy on I hi- 8urroirale and Assembly con- (Ith niatrict -Oroct W; llnlUT ami Rob- to the 8tat£ In. taxes are facing'unfair, CRANFORD RUNNERS cwnpulgn which J« carried on under test» Tha tola) vote hero combining ert W. Nlttdrach; 7th IJIstrlct^Mrs, __prealdent;.O. H. Stein, assistant. to,the competition from, motor tracks. and president; -JOeorge Holmes, special - WIN STATE RELAY iJM"au»pi<'<w<«r.Ui<>--Vetei»tw of For- tr»> RuiuWfcata and' Denfocrats was T>fffll alra-WrfffyA~Bf4lhStr,. 8U1 dl«-" ' buses,'for which the State registration lgn Wars'of tlu> Unltod Htntea u&jk » IX-mucraUq btflloVM>eittSnCast, liMA rMrs. Jones anil Wltt._Au»UBT-»v^ fees-are very-tow-arsr which are not ger; W. V. Shipley, passenger traffic Junior Red Cross mrani of gentnil -(Ivllian contribution ami 1JB1 Iti'tiubllcan, tliftofal bolnu * fn Uic ThTru"T1Mrlrt,"a plistf'r* I'Tnh- taxed'otherwise In proportion to rail- Htswsartst storsml sa LaasHssg in the rrlirf work lor dlublrd ami lew Ulan 30 per ('('lit or Ihe Registra- imlgn OKUlurt Mr Ilarrcll for JaincarA. manager and A. _'Owen, chief engi- roads. • ilessl at lUansy Sf«rt Laat . tion Tin" 3rd Dlslrkt pollrd UIL> larg- neer. iM-rdy veterans and their dependent!!. Knowlpii was actively ciirrh'U un but— As to future improvements, Mr. la It not only gives employment to dla- est number of votes, 2$), about 3d per this falled,;tlii> yoU;,bclni|-10l to (IS. In Township officials, as well as-mem- cent. ' ' •' •"•.• ',. ' the anvphtli, Mr.v Tcrrill' had opiKial- bers of tbe Township Committee, and White declared electrification of the uhled veterans, but also aids In tlw Central Railroad to give service for the Running on si »it.'"slow. Irack. aitd maintenance" of a Natlona} llomo for Cleorge It Johnstun was uaminated (Inn. her vuta^rliiit 143 to IX) tor Mrs |V. -other Cranford residents.were..In at- Younger Members' Hear of Hnrmer. tendance. Among them, were the.pres- Continued on Kenllworth page; acing ii'stlrtiVina. the Crmnlonl Ill»rt lows and Orphans of deceased vet- bjr"a majority of 'approittihately'''3U0, Work as National Organiza- School Jialf-mile rtUj uam earned oil erans in Eaton Hapldai Michigan^-^— complete .returna not yet being nvall- Democrats rlccfril to the Oouiity tion "Merles STJBti Anniver- «m«nT^Tt^e^-ra^DISlTtT-•Wnr^'— sided as (oastmaster; Oeorge A. Luts, Meet last Satunbty at Kcamy. Since ryliig four dlitrlclf aim Iliiurfuur. In TT'OauTx'tt nniTMary 'Arnolitj~3iiOils7" the Prnn Relays, Coach Weeklty had LST cute—always, James a. Beggs, Oeorge._,. Osterheldt Yellow Dogs Honor those municipalities whern tho Repub- trlct-i-Jamos W. Darrt'tl and Mrs. Ilur- and Frank McCuUough, who served as been preparing- his runners for* the Memorial Day Plans lican voto wa< heavy by reason of lo-rett; 3rd Olstrict-W. K, Cooper" and hall-mile team event and they turned cal"contests - (he Johnston"majorities delivery—always, chairman of the committee on arrange- Cranford members ot the Junior Red Mrs. Cooper; 4lh District— mini': mil ments for the" dinner, and Laurence B. Township Conpittee In splendid time, conrfng the courae wire big. In his homo town of Scotch DIMrlct-avurgc Bauer and Helen Mc- larket with a repu- Mason and. George K. Warner, -who Cross are.taking a,Jeadlng part In, the in-lust oae-attiu*.*. Neariog Completion Plah»,-Mr. Johiulun-hud I0M to hl»MHIIOII; mil- District—Jnm™ O'Neill served as members of the Township celebration of -th« 60th anniversary ot second shy of the Stale Oati^'B" : opponent's 134, a truly remarkable en- and Union I'hdan: 7th Dlstrlct,-f:d- ddiver your order Committee while the Improvements the American Red Cross, which la be- scholastic record.- .'•..-„' _. ' -*»»' ~~^ - 7' — dnriMntnt. •"••.• wurd' Black; Bth District-Cuilvy ulu( were being carried on. Gifts as Fellow-Caninea at ing observed nationally and Interna- Tile half-mile errnt. In which «ch Committee Hits Final Meeting The vote for Assembly candidate* In Mrs. 11. U. J. Cralit. ' . ._ runner coteied 330 yards, was con- Other Cranford guests were: Fred W. 1 tionally today. Tomorrow Night. Appeals Um County was, appronlmauly: Otto, Prcclmlder Drorsclirr' had the blRuest Park, Judge L. L. Lovela&d, Postmas- Republican Club Dinner ducted in two beau. Without touch' 96.750;' Muir, M.M0; Ward, 23000; Pos- votn of any candidate 011 tlm ticket, ter Elmer O. Houghton. Township At- Last Night °. At the assembly last Friday morning difficulty.Cranford wacMts preliminary Made for Funds and Cora. o«, 20,000; Compton, lB.'JOO; Mqffltt, 1,139; with Albert Hurley, for Towiwliii) torney Carl H. Warsinskt, Dr: James L. the program' "related \ to junior Red heat, with Uasbnuck IIHghU In tec- 3,«00 and Bass, B.BO0. _ Cnmmlttee, lolluwlng clone wlUi 1,1011, Perkins. Dr. Rowland P. Blythe, George Cross activities. Thelma WUd~oT~Eh> ond place. In the sUier heat. Wmfleld No Justice of the reaco CMidldaUi AlUiuutflt Assemblyniati Muir drew lust Final platu for tha community ob- H Bates, Harry R. Heins, Freeholder Arranged by. the Yellow Dogs, Inner Junior Class, who was the delegate at and Onion were the winners, so Cran- IUI itrliitcil oil the It«piibllcan ballot placo tit tho Assembly BroiUL li" WIUI servance of Memorial Quy will be made S.R.
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