Ciikun Am., at the Churdi

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Ciikun Am., at the Churdi f 1 f) (\W W ^ ^ i \ \ \ it, MARCH 27, ifl PAGE TWBNTY^UE Slicing \ ' ■ • ATwage Daily Net Prese Run • \ le Weather For Hw Week Ikided Increffiatg cloudlnoH, not oo Manchester Child Study Townpeople JanuMy 14, 1975 cold t(^ight, chenoo a t ohowon Qroup wtB meet Tuesday at mixed with ole«t or mow. Sun­ About Tomu 7:80 p.m., at the Buckley School To Receive day cloudy, cooler; high immp library. "Our Curriculum, What Announce Engagements executive board o t Bent­ 15,890 40. It ts end What It Could Be." ley School PTA will meet Mon­ Census Forms Manchetter——4 City of Village Charm ’ will, be discusseld by Oeorge day at 8 p.m., In the achool li­ Bnadau, assistant superintend­ brary. Now that postal service in the ent oif Mcuicheeter schoola; Dr. area Is back to normal, the VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 151 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1970 (OlMoUled Advertloliig o . Pave U) PRICE TEN CENTS Thomas Coodklnd, professor of Maltha Circle of Bmanuel census, to be delivered to homes education a/t the University of all over Manchester by mail­ Lutheran Church will have a Connecticut; and Robert Nolte, aew-in Monday etartbne: at 10 men tomorrow, will airlve on director o f education at the schedule. CiikUn am., at the churdi. Westtedge School, Simsbury. FV>ur out of five househoMs / The event Is <^>en to ell inter­ will have a brief, 38-quesUon Camhodian Inmates Wear Keeps Maiiy Dr. Craig Daniels of the Uni­ ested parents. Strike versity of Hartford will lecture form to flM out which should on "Motivation and the Middle take about 15 minutes to com­ Easter Finery plete, according to census Officials Fear Age Child,”. Monday at a Man­ Jobless Claims bWIOHT, lU. (AP) — The chester Phiblic Health Nursing authortUes. • Home for Holiday Show 7% Drop For one in every five house­ Blaster parade at the Illinois Association aes^ion of its staff Couritercoup Reformatory for Women will WASHINGTON (AP) — Trav- better chance of getting out of education series fromi 3 to 4 holds, there are additional Ques­ Fine Selection of Corsages & Plants Forj A 7.5 per cent drop in unem­ tions, with the largest num ber- become a permanent thing. «ling by air at Ekistertime tova- Newark. I was mipposed to p.m., at the agency's ofiace, 71 ployment compensaiton claims 89— geing to one in 30. If the SAIGON (AP) — The Cambo­ Inmates will be wearing rlably Involves crowds and de- leave at 1 p.m., but now Urn B. Center St. waa reported for last week in fanUly la In the one in five cate­ dian state radio called <m all bright yellow, green, pink, laye. This weekend, a strike-re- rught Is scheduled tor 8. I Imag- the Miwchester office of the gory, It should take about 45 army veterans and reservists to blue or violet cotton dresses duced force of air traffic con- toe I'll get there eventually." Hie VFW Auxiliary will spon­ State Labor Department. The minutes to fill out the form. return to active duty today in indiiddually complemented troUers made such travel torml- By 11 p.m. the delay* id Ne- sor a Mtchen social Tuesday a totals were 797 t w the week The form should be filled out the face of continuing demon- with Bcarves, rlckrock dable, though possible. work and other New York eir- 7 :80 p.m., at the VFW Post ending March 21, compared to Easter straUons near the capital, braids or other trim. Hem Eispectaliy to the Midwest and porta were down from os much and mcdled to the Hairttord of­ Home. Refreshments will be 863 for the week ending March fice before or on April 1. Phnom Penh. lengths will be above the East, flying from one place to as four houra to 15 minutes, ITw served. Members are reminded 14. Though no one has ever been Hie raddo, monitored to Sai­ knee. another meant enduring ticket FAA said only 75 of 149 control- to bring articles for the social. Statewide claims decreased by The engagement of hOas Lin­ After Eiaster, the colorful counter lines, snackbar lines, lers cam e to yrerk on the even- Hie engagement of Miss Jailed for not filling out a cen­ gon, renewed a government ap­ 1,264 or 2.9 per cent, to a da Jo OrflteUl' o f Miancheuber to Adds A Touch Of Sfjring To Every Home!! peal to the Viet Cong and the outfits will be worn regiUar- waiting room lines and finally, ing shift as IsHp, N.T., wMch Manchester Property Owners Carolyn Anne Besaer of Man­ sus, there is a law making co­ 42,691 total. The state figure was North Vietnamese to meet with ly as part of the prison uni­ sltttog to planes lined up on run- oontrola hlgh-altltude flights Association will meet Monday Charles L. Baker of Rochester, operation mandatory. was 30,561 for the corresponding chester to Richard John Harris a Cambodian delegation and ar­ form. By order of the Illtoois ways. into New York's I^eiviedy end at 7:30 p.m. in the circuit N.Y., has been announced by week last year. of Minneaptrits, Mtim., has been range withdrawal of the 40,000 Department of Corrections, As one of every four—by their LaOuanha airports and Ne- courtroom at ihe Police Station. her petrents, Mr. and Mrs. Mi­ Bridgeport, with 6,111 claims, to 60,000 Vietnamese troops to the drab sear-sucker uni­ count—air traffic controllers wark. announced by her parerAs, Dr. chael A. OrflteBl Jr. of 3 Vil­ was the state leader last week. Winners Named ^ Orchid Corsages the country. forms, no longer will be re­ reported he was sick, it A federal Judge ordered ottor- Tbe Rev. Robert W. Ihloff, and Mrs. Edward L. Besser of lage St. ' It was followed by Hartford But it did ru>t seem likely the Quired. meant watching departure and ney F. Lee BaUey, executive dl- vicar of St. Oeorge's Elplscopal 114 Adelaide Rd. Her fianoe is the son of Maj. •with 5,426, New Haven with In Rec Events appeal would be heeded, since The Bhister parade end arrival boards for Informa­ Church of Bolton, will conduct 6,119, and Waterbury with 6,106. and Mrs. Chotbee Baker of (See Page EIgM) Her fiance is the son of Mr. the North Vietnamese and the breakfast wUl serve as an tion, ninntog from ata-ltoe a service Sunday at 8:15 a.m. Manchester was 18th among BellevMe, N.J. Trophies were a'warded re­ and Mrs. John Lee Harris of Viet Cong withdrew most o4 inaugural for the new dress­ counter to airHne counter check­ on nadlo station WINF. The pro­ the state's 19 offices. Only Wil- Miss Orfitem is a 1965 grad­ cently to first place wtonens In MUmeaipoUe. their diplomatic persoimel from es. Inmate seamstresses ing for alternate flights, taking gram is sponsored by the Man­ Hmantlc, with 680, had less uate of Manchester Higli Schoof plug pong and pool tournaments Mdss Besser attended Man­ Phnom Penh Friday. have been working overtime edreedy crowded trains and chester Council of Churches and claims than Mandiester, which chester High School and Is a and a 1969 graduate of Southern held by the Recreation Depart­ 1.99 With the new government ap­ to complete the outfits. buses, or simply staying home the Clergy Association of Man­ includes the Rockville sub- senior at Meeatester Ooflege, Oonnedtijcut State College, New ment at the Community Y. parently concerned about the "Ihls is part of our con­ and phoning Easter greettogs. Mail Dispute chester. office. St. Paul, M lm. Haven. She wiD receive her Winners in the ping pong cept of helping offenders to The Professional Air Traffic master's degree in June at the Choose from our huge assortment o f cymbidium orchid possibility of a counterooup by Mr. Harris ts also a student competition w<^ Rick Oobellle Improve their image,” said ControUeni Organizatton. PAT- Southern Connecticut State Col­ corsages in a protective greenhouse package. supporters of ousted chief ot at Macalester Coilege winere he In the Junior division, Stan Peter B. Bensinger, director CO, claimed 3,600 of Its mem­ lege where she Is a mieimiber of state Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Negotiations Is a member o f Alpha Kappa Sharskl to the Intermediate of the Department of Correc bers heeded its coll for a gener­ EASTER GREETINGS fROM EERO'S Omicron Psl Lambda honorary both of Cambodia's internation­ Delta honorary soclote^ division, and Kirk Owen in the tlons. al walkout to a hmg-slmmertog WHO HAS EVERYTHINQ FOR YOUR FEASTING! socieity. She is employed as a al airports remained closed tor society. He Is now on aettve senior division. "We want to eliminate the feud with the F^ederal Aviation ORCHARD FRESH: Macs, Corttands, Red and GoIden Dellc- graduate assistant at the col­ the second day to a row. Stick to Pay duty at the U. 3. Air Forxje Base In the pool tournament win­ dehumanization process,” he Administration over pay, work ious. Russets and WIneaaps. lege and teaches in the Midway Airlines soufees to Bangkok at Plattsburg, N. Y. ners were Rick Fournier, added, "People 'who look load and eQuipment The FAA, WASHINQTON (AP) — Union FRESH: AQiaragUB, Spinach, G r ^ , YeUow Squash, IhaUand, reported scheduled The wedding is planned for I>rogram In Bridgeport. Junior; Tim Bycholski, inter­ hotter generally feel better, tiowever, said only about 1,000 and government worlc- Peas, Egg Plant, Brussels Sprouts, Leeks, Shal' Mr.
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