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Analytical philosophy, legal in the German-speaking countries in Argentina 823–7, 835 in Nazi thinking (Höhn) 277 Alchourrón and Bulygin 824–5 law and society in Renner 228–9 Carrió 825–6 living law in Ehrlich 146 Garzón Valdés 827–8 living law in Spengler 212 Guibourg 827, 832, 836 in Greece Nino 833–4 Anastasiadis 531–2 Vernengo 826–7 Litzeropoulos 536 in Bulgaria 687–8 Triantaphyllopoulos 532–5 in Finland 786–8 in the Low Countries analytical hermeneutics 787–9 Glastra van Loon 801 in France Van der Eycken and De Page 808–9 Troper 448–50 in Norway in the German-speaking countries 308–14 Hoel 766 in Italy Knoph 767 and legal positivism 310 Schweigaard 761–2 Bobbio 396–8, 412, 448, 451 in Serbia Scarpelli 398–401 Spasojević 656 in Norway in Sweden 727–32 Eckhoff and Sundby 775–6, 778–9 see also Critical legal studies; Legal realism; Eng 776, 779, 780–2 Sociology of law; Teleology, teleological Hagerup 765 in Poland 568 Christian thinking and legal positivism 582–3 in the German-speaking countries in Portugal and neo-Hegelianism in Schönfeld 207 Sousa e Brito 522–6 conception of natural law in Verdross in Sweden 699–704 120–3 after 1960 721–7 rejected by Nazism (Baehr) 250–2 and the Uppsala school 736–7 renaissance of natural law 286–9 Marc-Wogau 704–5 Moritz 705–6 in Italy Wedberg 699–704 Catholic bioethics 403 see also Language, legal spiritualism 404 in the Low Countries Dooyeweerd 798 Antiformalism in Portugal Free law movement Gomes da Silva 511 and phenomenology in Schreier 184–7 neoscholasticism Kantorowicz 133–9 in Argentina 818–9 in Denmark in Brazil 846 Bentzon 742–6 in Poland 562 Ørsted 740 in Spain 474–5 in Finland Brusiin 786–7 Coercion Makkonen 788 and freedom in Tsatsos 538 in France and power in Kelsen 104 Duguit 412, 422–8 and social communities in Höffe 335–6 Gény 412, 438–42 as distinctive of law in Duguit 425

© Springer Netherlands 2016 1023 E. Pattaro, C. Roversi (eds.), A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1479-3 1024 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

as inherently unfair in the Low Countries in Tolstoy 591 Tange e Raes 806–7 in Unamuno 460 in Mexico 881 as not distinctive of law in Weyr 617–8 in Portugal as a reestablishment of ethical balance in Carvalho 512 Polak 798 Sousa Santos 527–30 Italian “positive school” 374–5 in Spain vs. order in Ehrlich 147–8 alternative use of law 494 in Sweden 732–4 Communism see also Marxism; Postmodernism advent of in Croatia 667 Democracy in Czechoslovakia 613–4, 626 and constitutional preambles in Schmitt 253 in Hungary 643–7 and moral discourse in Nino 833 in Poland 654–5 as dictatorship in Adler 231–2 in Romania 693–4 as the basic value in Kelsen 109 in Russia debate on advent of 600–11 in Brazil 861 advent of Stalinism 606–7 in the Low Countries 807–8, 812 reformation of legal theory 607–8 and constitution in Habermas 341–4 vs. meritocracy in Vinding Kruse 749

Constitution Deontic logic see Logic, legal and deontic as an ongoing process in Smend 221 as an effective ordered structure in Ehr- Discourse theory lich 147 in the German-speaking countries in the German legal system 305–6, 326–7 Habermas and Alexy 341–7 critique of a moral reading in Habermas in Portugal 344 Baptista Machado 514–5 principles as true in Carré de Malberg 435 in Russia proceduralistic concept of in Habermas Polyakov and Chestnov 610–1 344–5 see also Law and morality; Legal reasoning Schmitt on 248–9 as based on nation 251–2 Dworkin see Neoconstitutionalism as different from constitutional laws 253–4 Egology see Ontology, legal as sovereign and neutral sphere 249 critique of constitutional review 254 –7 Evolutionism, legal Konstitution vs. Verfassung 251–4 in Brazil 844, 846 in Denmark Critical legal studies law and social evolution in Vindig Kruse in Argentina 837 748–9 Cárcova 832 in the German-speaking countries Marí 831–2 three stages in Wundt 154 in Brazil in Italy 376–8 Unger 860–1 critique of 378–81 in Colombia in Portugal López Medina 870 Barreto 843 in Croatia 668 see also Positivism, philosophical in the German-speaking countries law and politics in Radbruch 38 Existentialism, legal in Italy in Argentina Barcellona’s alternative use of law 403 Cossio’s egological theory 820–2 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 1025

in the German-speaking countries vs. pure theory in Schreier 186 and natural law 289–93 see also Kelsen Validity and temporality in G. Husserl 167–8 Francoism 480–91 in the Low Countries and Catholic thinking 480–5, 487 Langemeijer 800 and Nazism 482 in Spain 486, 488 critique of Kelsen under 481 see also Postmodernism ideological defense of 478–80 legal-philosophical critique of 492–3 European law vs. Christian personalism 477–8 as based on reception in Schmitt 256–67 see also Fascism as fragmented in Wilhelmsson 790–1 as order out of chaos in Varga 649 Functionalism, legal see Teleology, teleo- lo gical Facts and Values see Is–ought question Gender Studies see Feminism, legal Fascism Grundnorm see Kelsen; Norms in Brazil Integralismo 851 Hart, H. L. A. in Italy as influenced by Ross 773 as supported by legal positivism 395 influence of in Chile (Peña) 876 Gentile 387 influence of in Spain 498–9 liberal Fascism in Sander 128 internal point of view see also Francoism; Nazism as anticipated by Wedberg 700–4 internalisation in Eckhoff and Sundby Feminism, legal 768–73 in Chile 875–6 rule of recognition in Colombia 870 critique of in Brito 724 in Finland 793 twofold nature of in Dahlman 725 in Italy 405 in Sweden 733–4 Hermeneutics, legal in Bulgaria 689 Formalism in Denmark in Bulgaria Jørgensen 751–4 Torbov 682–3 in Finland 788–9 in Czechoslovakia Tontti 794 legal science as a formal science in Tuori 759, 791–2 Lukács 235–6 in the German-speaking countries 323–30 Weyr 56–7, 617–20 Esser 325–6 in the German-speaking countries Gadamer 324 as criticized by Binder 197 Habermas 324 as criticized by Neumann 246 A. Kaufmann 325 Stammler 22 Kriele 329 in France 412 F. Müller 326–8 as necessary in Carrè de Malberg 411, in Italy 408 430–1 in Norway of a Kelsenian type in Troper 449, 451 Doublet 777 in Italy in Portugal critique of in Ascarelli 390–1 Brito 323 in Serbia diatopical in Sousa Santos 529 Perić 655 Machado 515–6 Kelsen’s 76, 99–100, 112 in Spain 500 in the pure theory of law 107–9, 451 in Uruguay 886 1026 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Historicism 131 International law in France 413 and human rights in Battaglia 392–3 in the German-speaking countries basic norm of in Verdross 119–24 A. Kaufmann 325 constitutionalization of 347–52 Koellreutter 280 Kelsen on 85 Larenz 203 possibility of in Hold-Ferneck 130 law and history in Münch 45–6 state as subordinated to in Renner 230 Schmitt 260 Schönfeld 205 Interpretation, legal in Denmark according to the Vienna school of law 184–6 law and history in Jørgensen 753 and pure theory of law in Schreier 184–5 in Hungary antiformalistic theory of in Tryantaphyllo- Varga 649 poulos 532–5 in Italy 371–2 as a definitional activity in Eng 780–1 in Portugal as based on a rational legislator in Nowak vs. natural law in Machado 513–4 577–9 as connected with justice in Tsatsos 542 Human rights as creative of law in Moncada 507 as the foundation of law in Kistjakovski 595 as interpretatio in a normative sense in as defended by international law in Batta- Neves 517 glia 392–3 as logical development in Waśkowski 561 as grounded on three principles in Nino 833 as necessarily teleological in Tsatsos 537–9 as serving emancipation in Sousa Santos as not teleologically oriented in Hjierner 528–30 713 as separate from the rule of law in Bloch as productive of norms 291–2 in Tarello 407 as the result of instinctive forces in Calisto in Troper 449–55 505 constructivist theory of in Rozemond 811 as used against Francoism by Díaz 490 debate on contractualist conception of in Matulović in Colombia 871 671 in Italy 408–9 debate on in Poland 568–74, 582 in Argentina 836 derivative conception of in Ziembiński in Latin America 864–5 572–4 in Spain 500 extensional theory of in Woleński 571–3 in Soviet legal philosophy (Javitch) 608 integration principle as a Grundnorm in Habermas on 350–1 Schreier 185, 188 Marxist view of in Klenner 358–60 procedural conception of in Tashev 688 Kelsen on 114–6, 185–6, 448, 451 Institutionalism realistic conception of in Czechoslovakia in Frydman 558–9 Weinberger 319–20, 623–4 in Troper 448–54 in Finland three types of in Miró Quesada 883 Siltala 789 semantic concept of in Wróblewski 569– in France 71 Hauriou 412, 414–22 within a “total anthropology” in Machado in the German-speaking countries 515 Neumann 245 see also Reasoning, legal Schmitt 252, 259–60 in Italy Is-ought question, 144–5 Levi 380 behind the concept of validity in Larenz 203 Romano 394–5 facts and norms, Sein and Sollen in Spain 474 as confused in Stammler 22–3 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 1027

as distinct in Renner 227–8 Rawls as identified in Binder 200 criticized by Eng 775 as identified in Schönfeld 205 criticized by Kersting 336–7 as intertwined in Moór 638 reception of in Germany 330–3 as intertwined in Weyr 58 as intertwined phenomenologically in Kelsen, H. 72–83 F. Kaufmann 177 and formalism 76, 91, 99, 107–9, 112–4 as intertwined through culture in Kan- and Freud 77–8 torowicz 135 and irrationalism 89 as intertwined through history in and phenomenology 174–5 Schwind 131 in F. Kaufmann 176–80 fused descriptive and normative modality in Schreier 181–8 in Eng 781–2 and neoempiricism 97–8 Sein des Sollens in Seidler 153 and neo-Kantianism 88–9 “ought” derivable from the “is” in Mai- and universalism (with Spann) 216 hofer 300 and value relativism 74–6 “ought” making up the essence of the “is” and voluntarism 89 in Spann 215 basic norm, Grundnorm 84, 105–8 synoptic view of in Horváth 639–41 as a fiction in the later Kelsen 87 see also Kelsen Kelsen’s vs. Schreier’s 188 coercion 104–5 Jurisprudentialism see Validity, legal critiques of 124–32 Eckhoff and Sundby on the basic Justice norm 775–6 abstract and concrete in Junger 219 Höffe on law and justice 334 alternatives in the theory of in Brito 525 Hold-Ferneck on sociology 130–1 as a struggle in Braz Teixeira 509–10 E. Kaufmann on the purity of Sollen 191–2 as based on mutual convictions in Lange- Pitamic on law as Sein vs. Sollen 677–8 meijer 833–5 Sander on law as Sein vs. Sollen 126–8 as connected with the idea of law in Tsat- Weyr on coercion and norms 617–8 sos 542 democracy as a basic value 109 as employed in various contexts in Eck- efficacy and validity 93 hoff 771 imputation 87, 113 as guiding judicial interpretation in Gény freedom as a byproduct of 113 440 international law 85 as the common good in Brandão 508–9 influence of in Argentina as the outcome of judicial activity in Vil- Cossio 820 ley 446 Gioja 823 as the outcome of simmetry in Miró Que- Vernengo 827–8 sada 883 Guibourg 836 as unreal in Santos 510 influence of in France debate on Troper 448–51, 453 in the German-speaking countries influence of in Hungary 330–3, 336 Moór 637–8 in the Low Countries 807–8 influence of in Italy deontological research in Del Vecchio Bobbio 396–7 383–4 Scarpelli 399–401 functions of fairness in Marković 658 influence of in Poland 558, 562 from a Kantian perspective in Torbov 683 influence of in Spain 497–8 Kelsen on 82 Legaz Lacambra 471 as peace and order 108–9 is and ought, Sein and Sollen 90 critique of in Höffe 334–5 no distinction between in later work logicizing idea of 105–6 89–90 1028 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Sollen autonomous in early work 91–2 Law and Economics justice 82 debate on as peace 108–9 in Chile 875–6 logicizing idea of 105–6 in the Low Countries 806 legal interpretation 114–6, 185–6 in Venezuela 889 legal science exchange theory of law in Mamut 609 scientificity of 83–5, 97 exchange theory of law in Pashukanis vs. natural science 99–100 601–2 legal system subordination of law to economics in as a Stufenbau 115 Croce 386 static and dynamic 95 norms Law and Literature as correlatives of acts of will 91 in Chile 905–6 as independent from facts 86 in Finland pessimistic anthropology 103–5 Hirvonen 793–4 precursors of 51–64 in Italy 408–9 pure theory of law and history 19 Law and morality as a legal logic 112–4 as necessarily connected as a moral theory 102, 107–9 ethics and legal science in Cohen 28–9 as connected with natural law in Pita- Habermas’s critique of Alexy 342 mic 677–8 in Spann 214 as defended by Schreier against for- incorporation thesis in Dreier 329–30 malism 186 “noninsularity” of law in Nino 834 as formal 112–4 “special case thesis” in Alexy 340–1 as natural law theory devoid of content through culture in Münch 47 107–9 values inherent to law in Cossio 821 as not truly pure 75–6, 96–7 as separated as politics and ideology 101, 106–7, 111 definitionally in Hoerster 311–2 main tenets of 84–5 in Binder 195 peace as the basic value of 108–9 in Croce 386 vs. natural sciences 105 in Dahlman 724–5 vs. sociological concept of law 98–9 in Gentile 388 vs. sociological jurisprudence in Wur- as synthetically related in Natorp 31 zel 150–1 controversy between Cohen and Stam- sovereignty 72, 85 mler on 29–30 state 100 debate on as a legal order 77, 84 in Poland 582 as a religious ideology 81 in the Low Countries 802–4 as a system of norms 81 difference in emotivistic terms in Pe- validity 93 trażycki 555–6 vs. Kantorowicz on methodological dual- theory of ethical jurisprudence in Goos ism 136 741–2 see also Natural law (theory); Positivism, Language, legal legal; Principles, legal as articulating a critically reflexive form in Eng 773–5, 780–2 Legal argumentation see Reasoning, legal as parole in Gizbert Studnicki 580 law and speech acts in Reinach 161–3 law as a language game in Varga 648 Legal doctrine see Science, legal legal and juristic language in B. Wró- blewski 579 Legal interpretation see Interpretation, see also Analytical philosophy, legal legal INDEX OF SUBJECTS 1029

Legal language see Language, legal in Mexico 877–8 in Sweden 715–27 Legal logic see Logic, legal and deontic in Venezuela 888 Jörgensen dilemma Legal norms see Norms, legal as treated by Hollander 631 as treated by Weinberger 622–3 norms and propositions in Miró Quesada Legal philosophy see Philosophy, legal, 882–3 and legal theory Marxism 223–46 Legal science see Science, legal Austro-marxism 224 in Argentina 827–8 Legal system see System, legal Marí 828 in Chile Legal theory see Philosophy, legal, and Novoa Monreal 58–9 in Croatia legal theory as connected with social law 664–5, 667 Perić 664–5 Liberalism in Czechoslovakia in Argentina Knapp 626–7 Farrell 832 in Finland in France Eriksson 790 as social conservatism in Duguit 428 Wilhelmsson 790–1 in the German-speaking countries in the German-speaking countries as nihilism in Jünger 217–8 as philosophy of law 223 critique of in Nazi ideology 272–3 as theory of law 313–4 liberal Fascism in Sander 128 Baumgarten 362–5 vs. universalism in Spann 214 Bloch 291–2, 360–1 in Russia in the GDR 352–5, 360 critique of in monarchical ideology Klenner 354–5, 357–60 589–90 Menger 223 in contemporary legal thinking 610 Polak 356 in Brazil in Greece 539–42 vs. corporativism 846 in Hungary rejection of command theory in Peschka Logic, legal and deontic 645–7 Åqvist on 720–1 I. Szabó 644–5 Alchourrón and Bulygin on in Italy 403 later works 830 in Poland 564–6 normative systems 824 in Russia 354 as a separate normative logic in Weinber- advent of, and its critics 591–5 ger 319 after Stalinism 608–9 as a tool to analyze legal language 580–1 Lenin 601 as based on decision logic in Bouzov 688–9 Magerovsky 606 as descriptive of reasoning in González Pashukanis’s exchange theory 601–2 Solano 873 Reisner’s psychologistic class theory as impossible in Moritz, Hedenius and 602–5 Hägerström 705 Soviet and post-Soviet period 600–11 as transcendental in Vas 642 Stučka’s class theory 602 critique of in Gény 441–2 Vyshinsky’s command theory 606–7 debate on in Serbia in the German-speaking countries 317 Lukić 659–60 in the Low Countries 810–1 in Slovenia 679 1030 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

in Spain in France during Francoism 488 Villey 413, 442–7 after Francoism 494–5 in the German-speaking countries in Sweden Cassirer 32, 34 neo-Marxism 734 Coing 314 Marx’s conception of law 353–4 existentialist 289 socialist normativism in Nazi legal thinking 270–1 I. Szabó 644–5 its role in jurisdiction 302–5 Knapp 626–7 renaissance of 286–9, 302–7 Vyshinsky 643–4 Schönfeld 207 see also Communism; Critical legal studies in Italy as historical in Fassò 406 Natural law (theory) critique of in Croce 387 and Kantian philosophy in Eng 775 Del Vecchio 383–4 and natural reactions in Weinberger 623–4 in Mexico 878 and solidarity in Duguit 425–8 in Norway and the nature of things (Natur der Sache) Castberg 763–4 298–302 Eng 774–5 as an instrument for the proletariat in in the Low Countries Korsch 240–1 critique of in Westerman 803 as based on historical or formal concepts Luijpen 800 in Vicén 490 Meuwissen, van Neste, van Dun 802–3 as connected with pure theory in Pitamic in Portugal 707–8 Moncada 507 as critical realism in Verdross 120–3 in Romania 691 as history-dependent in Maihofer 300–1 in Russia 595–8, 609–10 as necessary law in Nelson 39, 41 in Slovenia as not based on natural rights in Villey 446–7 connected with positive law in Pitamic as secular and changing 677–8 in Castberg 763–4 in Spain 465–7 in Gény 440–2 with respect to Francoism 487–91 in Stammler 19 Radbruch’s Formula 297–8 behind legal science in Lukács 236–7 a similar thesis in Pitamic 677–8 Christian conception of vs. constitutive historicity in Machado in Spain 457–61 513–4 in the German-speaking countries 286–307 Nazism 269–84 in Argentina 819–20, 837 and communitarianism Massini 837 in Jerusalem 279 Vigo 837 in Larenz 273–5 in Brazil and his roots in neo-Hegelianism Barreto 842–3 Binder 194–202 Gonzaga 842 E. Kaufmann 192 neoscholastic influences 846 Larenz 273–6 in Bulgaria and historicism in Koellreutter 280 Torbov 682–4 and natural law 270–1 in Chile and punishment in Larenz 276 Orrego 876 and technology 261–2 in Colombia 869 and the Radbruch’s Formula 297 in Croatia as antiformalism (Höhn vs. Gierke) 277 Lukšić 698 as anti-individualism 273–5 in Denmark Baehr 283 ethical jurisprudence in Goos 741 Höhn 277 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 1031

Jerusalem 279 in Hungary against legal positivism in Larenz 274 synthesis with neo-Kantianism in Moór against liberalism 272, 276, 278–80, 449– 637–9 50 in Italy against the idea of rights 272–3, 276–7, as a reaction to philosophical positiv- 449–50 ism 381–8 against Christian thinking in Baehr 282–3 Croce 385–7 as total politics vs. the Rechtsstaat in demise of 389–93 Schmitt 251, 261–4 Gentile 387–8 community as a biological entity 270 in Portugal 508 Führerprinzip 271, 276 in Russia 598 in Denmark Ross vs. Vinding Kruse 749–50 Neo-Kantianism 13–49 in Romania 693 and Kant 8 in Spain 473–4, 482 and phenomenology in Schmitt 266 state as a mere instrument 271, 276–7 as a basis for the Vienna school of law 119 state allows the people to act as one 281 as criticized by neo-Hegelianism 189–93 war as a juridical action in Nicolai 270 as formalism 10 at the root of legal sociology 134 Neoconstitutionalism in Argentina 818 Alexy’s “special case thesis” (vs. Haber- in the German-speaking countries mas) 342–4 after WW2 297 in Argentina Baden vs. Marburg school 13–8 Cassirer 31–4 Nino 833–4 Cohen 16–8, 26–9 in Chile Lask 15–6, 23–6 Dworkin’s influence 875 Mayer 47–9 in Colombia 870–1 Münch 45–7 Dworkin’s influence 870 Natorp 29–31 in the Low Countries Nelson 39–41 Dworkin anticipated by Scholten 809 philosophy of culture 42–9 in Spain Rickert 13, 15 Dworkin and Alexy’s influences 498–9 Stammler 18–23 Radbruch’s Formula 297–8 in Greece Triantaphyllopoulos 533 Neo-Hegelianism 189–207 Tsatsos 537 and Christian thought in Schönfeld 207 in Hungary and historicism Bibó 641–2 in Larenz 203 Horváth 639–40 in Schönfeld 205 Moór 637–8 and Nazism Somló 635–7 Binder 194–202 J. Szabó, critically 641 E. Kaufmann 192 in Italy 381–5 Larenz 273–6 Del Vecchio 381–2 critique of Kelsen’s pure Sollen in E. Ravà 384–5 Kauf mann 191–2 in Mexico 878 critique of formalism in Binder 197 in Spain 461–3 in the German-speaking countries Roces 465–7 Berolzheimer 193–4 in the Low Countries Binder 194–202 Mertens 804 E. Kaufmann 189–93 Kelsen on 88–9 Kohler 193–4 Larenz 202–4 Normativism 51–132 Schönfeld 204–7 as criticized by Heller 242–3 1032 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Brno school of law 615–26 competence Vienna school of law 116–24 according to Eng 780 see also Kelsen according to Spaak 723–4 conditional structure of Normativity, legal in G. Husserl 168 and obligatoriness in Kelsen 110–2 constitutive as axiologically neutral in Gioja 823 Carcaterra and Conte 405 as autonomous in a social democracy in Znamierowski 563 Adler 232 definitions debate on its ontology in Norway 762–4, in Eng 780–1 768–75 Kelsen on on a sociological explanation of law 142 as correlatives of acts of will 91, 451 see also Law and morality as independent from facts 86 basic norm, Grundnorm 84, 105–8 Norms, legal state as a system of 81, 451 as derived from social norms in Duguit 425 primary and secondary as distinguished from imperatives in Weyr in Weyr 58 407–8, 618 rules and principles in Alexy 340 as distinguished from laws of nature in technical 384 Weyr 617–9 thetic and axiological in Znamierowski 563 as distinguished from maxims in Weyr see also Principles, legal 617–8 as distinguished from other social norms Ontology, legal in Ehrlich 148 and constructive norms in Znamierowski as distinguished from regulations in Ziem- 563 binski 572 and “methodonomology” in Bronze 519– as distinguished from rules in Weyr 617–8 20 as embodiment of the Sollen in Somló 636 apriori elements of law in Reinach 159–65 as meanings in Troper 448, 452 debate on in Norway 762–4, 768–75 as only one component of law in Lukić egological theory in Cossio 820–2 660 law as a real nonsensible being in Monca- as psychical entities da 507 classification of in Ehrlich 148 law as both ratio and voluntas in Tuori in Petrażycki 555 791–2 and coercion law as false ideology in Varga 648 not a necessary part of norms in Weyr law as made up of human actions in Moór 617–8 638 not distinctive of legal norms in Du- law as superior but conscience-based in guit 425 Brandão 508–9 and facts law as reflection of reality in Peschka 646 and values: three-dimensional theory law as the outcome of three stages in G. in Reale 852 Husserl 198–200 Sein and Sollen in Renner 227–8 law as the outcome of reification in Sein and Sollen in Weyr 58, 619 Lukács 234–5 and imperatives, secondary and primary legal ought as axiologically neutral in Gio- norms in Weyr 60 ja 823 and interpretation multilayered productive of norms in Tarello 407 in Lande 566–7 productive of norms in Troper 452–5 in Stalev 685 basic norm(s), Grundnorm possible and real law in Schreier 183 and auxiliary norms in Wundt 155 three-dimensional in Schwind 132 in Fernández Sessarego 884 Kelsen on 84, 105–8 in García Belaunde 884 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 1033

in García Máynez 877–8 in Geršić 654 in Goldschmidt 820 in Hjerner 713–4 in Kantorowicz 134, 137–8 in Kubeš 626 in Radbruch 34–8 in Strömberg 710 in Reale 851–2 in Vanni 379 in Tuori 791 in Visković 668–9 Pluralism, legal see also Evolutionism, legal; Normativity, in Finland legal; Norms, legal; Psychologism, le- Tuori 791–2 gal; Teleology, teleological Wilhelmsson 790 in France Phenomenology 157–88 Duguit 412, 426 and free law movement in Schreier 187 state and institutions in Hauriou 412, and Kelsen’s pure theory 174–5 420–2 merged in F. Kaufmann 176–80 in the German-speaking countries merged in Schreier 180–8 Spann 214–6 in Argentina in the Low Countries 812 egological theory in Cossio 820–2 see also Institutionalism Gioja 823 in the German-speaking countries Positivism, legal G. Husserl 165–74 as criticized by Schmitt 260–1 F. Kaufmann 174–80 as distinguished from juridical positivism Reinach 159–65 in Wintgens 803 Schreier 180–8 as distinguished from philosophical posi- in Portugal tivism 369 Moncada 506 in Argentina 836 in Russia Carrió (prefigures inclusive) 826 Alekseev 593 Guibourg 832 in Uruguay in Bulgaria Azevedo 885–6 critique of in Torbov 682 Philosophy, legal, and legal theory in Chile 873–4 critique of in Atria 876 debate on Squella 875 in the Low Countries 796–7 in Peru 881–2 in Colombia 875 in Sweden 735–7 in Finland method of critical in Tuori 791–2 analytic in Troper 450 in France 412–3 dialectical in Lukács 233–4 Carré de Malberg 411, 428–36, 448 evolutionary in Schiattarella 377–8 Troper 411, 414, 448–55 paraphrase (Bentham) in Brito 525–6 in the German-speaking countries phenomenological in E. Husserl 157, Hoerster 312 159 in Hungary transcendental in Cohen 28 as an outcome of Marxism 644 transcendental in Eng 774–5 in Italy transcendental in Kelsen and Stamm- as an ideology in Scarpelli 399–41 ler 21–2 as instrumental to Fascism 395 trialistic in Kantorowicz 135–8 crisis of 398–401 within cultural sciences in Lask 24 tripartition of in Bobbio 398–400 tasks of in Mexico 881 in Agge 711–2 in Norway in Del Vecchio 382–3 Eckhoff and Sundby 768–73 in Frandberg 721 Hagerup 762–3 1034 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

in Peru as possibly destroying positive law in inclusive in Sobrevilla 884 Neu mann 245 in Poland 581 constitutional (and supra-) in Troper 450–1 in Portugal 523–4 debate on inclusive in Brito 524–5 in Norway 777–9 in Russia in Poland 582 command theory dominant after com- in the Low Countries 803–4 munism 609 of international law in Verdross 121–2 command theory of law in Vyshinsky of legal ethics in Bydlinski 340–1 607 critique of after Stalinism 608 Psychologism, legal Shershenevitch 598–9 in Bulgaria in Serbia Ganev 684–5 Perić 655 Stalev 684–5 in Slovenia 675–6 in France interiorization in Hauriou 418 Positivism, philosophical in the German-speaking countries in Argentina 818 Erhlich 148 in Brazil 843, 846 Sander 127–8 in France Seidler 153 legal science in Duguit 411–2, 422–4 Wundt 154 in Italy in Hungary and its impact on law 369–81 law and neuroscience in Losonczy 643 reaction against 381–8 in Italy 373–4 in Portugal 503–5 in Norway in Russia 588 Eckhoff and Sundby 768–73 in Serbia Hagerup 762–3 Geršić 654–5 in Poland Petrażycki 554–6 Postmodernism in Russia in Finland and class theory in Reisner and others and Marxism in Wilhelmsson 790 602–5 Hirvonen 793–4 as inconsistent with Soviet law after Tolonen 792–3 NEP 604–5 in Norway see also Realism, legal Bergo 777 in Portugal Pure theory of law see Kelsen; Formalism Linhares 504, 521 Santos 526–30 Realism, legal in Peru American Trazegnies 884 and Ehrlich’s three types of law 146 see also Existentialism, legal and Wurzel 149 as anticipated by Ørsted 740–1 Principles, legal as criticized by Hjerner 713 as distinguished from rules as discussed by Kantorowicz 133 in Alexy 340 Scandinavian in Eckhoff and Sundby 778–9 and analytical philosophy (in Sweden) in Eng 779 736–7 in Scholten 809 philosophical and philosophically ag- as jus and foundational warrants in Neves nostic 768–73 517 in Colombia 869 as part of the rule of recognition in Carrió in Denmark 826 “real grounds of law” in Bentzon 742–6 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 1035

in Finland in Peczenik 730 Brusiin 785–6 in Sundby 778–9 in France Weinberger on 624 pragmatism in Gény 441–2 see also Interpretation, legal; Logic, legal rights as hypostasis of the soul in Du- and deontic guit 423 in Hungary Relativism Losonczy 643 and postmodernism 8–9 neorealism in J. Szabó 641 value relativism in Italy 406–7 in Kelsen 51, 74, 103, 107–9 Castignone 407 in Radbruch 35 Guastini 407 in Troper 448 Pattaro 407–8 in the social sciences in Wurzel 150 sociological natural-law theory in Fassò 406 Rights Tarello 406–7 as based on duties in Weyr 619 in Mexico 881 as intermediate concepts in Wedberg 701 in Norway 768–73 as hypostasis of the soul in Duguit 423 in Poland as unable to ground law in Villey 444–5 law as social engineering 574–6 see also Human rights Petrażycki 551–6 see also Antiformalism; Psychologism, le- Rule of law gal as a moral concept in Cohen 27 as against human dignity in Spengler 210 Reasoning, legal as formalistic and superfluous Alexy on 316–7 in Bloch 291–2 as a dialectic between system and prob- in Schmitt 249–51 lem in Neves 517–8 as impersonality of law in Krabbe 67–8, as a form of know-how in Bentzon 744 70 as based on analogy in Furlan 678–9 concept of used against Francoism in as connecting facts with norms in Pavčnik Díaz 490 680 in the socialist state 605 as governed by regularity vs. concretiza- vs. Nazi Unstaat in Neumann 246 tion in Bentzon 744–5 see also State as “methodonomology” in Bronze 520 as open to social considerations Rules see Norms in Bolding 728 in Knoph 767 Science, legal 136, 138 in Litzeropoulos 535–6 and definitions in Eng 780–1 in Tryantaphyllopoulos 532–5 and empirical science 13, 22, 52–3, 137 coherentist theory of in Peczenik 728–32 and social factors in Renner 229 constructivist theory of in Rozemond 811 and truth in Stuer Lauridsen 754–6 scepticism as a critically reflexive form in Eng 773–5 in Astrup Hoel 766 as a logicizing endeavour 101 in Makkonen 788 as a philosophical science in Schönfeld 206 syllogism only used for justification in Jør- as analytic and explicative in Sander 126 gensen 752–3 as axiologically neutral in Troper 449–50 synoptic method of in Horváth 640 as based on a rational legislator in Nowak Viehweg’s topics 315–6 577–9 weighing-and-balancing model as based on coherence critique of in Bergo 777 Peczenik 728–32 in Alexy 340 Stuer Lauridsen 754–9 in Knoph 767 as based on reception in Schmitt 258 1036 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

as connected with practice in Ørsted 740 in Venezuela as creative of law in Moncada 507 Perdomo 888 as deduction in Alchourrón and Bulygin Kantorowicz on 133–9 825 Kornfeld on 139–42 as empirical Luhmann on 321–2 and neurosciences in Losonczy 643 neo-Kantian roots of 134 Barreto on 842–3 no sociological concept of law in Kelsen Duguit on 422–8 98–9 Kordatos on 540 Seidler on 152–3 Kornfeld on 140–1 Wurzel on 149–52 Kraljević on 659 see also Antiformalism; Legal realism Petrażycki on 554–6 as normative and social in Wurzel 152 Sources of law as empirical and evaluative in Vinding as based on custom in Sundberg 712–3 Kruse 747 as disconnected from precedent in Eng as pure and autonomous in Weyr 55 776 as a rigorous science in Bobbio 397 as linked with societal considerations in debate on its methodology 7, 58, 24–5 Bolding 728 in Croatia 669–71 as not simply social in Brito 523–5 in Norway 764–7, 775–8 as social motivations in Kornfeld 141 different kinds of in Moncada 506–7 expanded doctrine of in Ziembiński 582 Kelsen on 80–1, 83–5, 97 positivist theory of multilayered conception of in Lande 566 in Carré de Malberg 429–31 purity of 52–3 in Gény 441–2 Ross vs. Kruse on description and evalua- in Troper 451–2 tion 747–8 primary and secondary in Somló 636–7 see also Ontology, legal; Validity, legal Sein/Sollen see Is-ought question Sovereignty Sociology of law 133–9 and institutions in Hauriou 421–2 as anticipated by social law in Bogišić 663–4 and legal consciousness in Nelson 40–1 as grounding legal science in Duguit 423–4 and the state in Krabbe 67–8 as necessary for judicial activity in Bold- as universal decision-making unity in ing 728 Heller 243 Ehrlich on 142–9 three concepts of in Carré de Malberg 433 in Colombia 871 Kelsen on 72 in France 413 of the legal system in Weyr 62–3 in Hungary of the state, criticized in Duguit 427 Kulcsár 647 of the state, criticized in Nazi thinking Pokol 650 276–7 Sajó 649–50 see also Rule of law; State in Italy 375–6 inspired by philosophical positivism State 370 as a form of bourgeoise domination in Treves 395–6 Korsch 239 in Norway as a goal vs. as a means in Dissescu 692, 693 Aubert 772–3, 783 as a juridical organization of men in Pita- Eckhoff 771 mic 678 in Peru as a precondition of the legal system in Villarán 881 Heller 243 in Russia as an institution in Hauriou 415–6, 420–2 allowed after Stalinism 608–9 as functional to a moral purpose in Wun- Petrażycki’s disciples 599–60 dt 155 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 1037

as functional to social solidarity in Duguit in Weyr 57–64 426–8 as abstract (vs. living law) in Jünger 218 as identified with the law in Troper 451 as produced by interpretation in Troper as illusion of invincibility in Jünger 218–9 452–5 as incompatible with socialism in Bloch based on the state in Heller 243 291–2 constitutionalization of in Germany 326–7 as integrating different communities in continuity of as a value in Hjerner 714 Spann 214–6 internal and external aspect in Wedberg as part of society in Adler 231 700–4 as the outcome of integration in Smend static and dynamic in Kelsen 95–6 220 as under the international community in Systems theory Renner 230 in Argentina Binder on Guibourg 836 and nation 197 in the German-speaking countries neo-Hegelian vs. Nazi conception of Luhmann 321–3 200 in Hungary Carré de Malberg on 428–36 Varga 648 as necessarily a legal person 432–3 in Norway not as a people, territory, and govern- Eckhoff and Sundby 771, 775 ment 431 Doublet 776–7 in Nazi thinking see also Teleology, teleological allows the people to act as a whole 281 as a mere instrument 271 Kelsen on Teleology, teleological as a legal order 77, 97, 84, 451 account of imputation in Larenz 202 as a religious ideology 81 concept of oeuvre in Hauriou 416 as a system of norms 81, 451 connection between law and culture in Krabbe on Münch 47 and law 71 goals presupposed by legal systems in and sovereignty 67–8 Brusiin 786 rule of law 67, 70 law as function Schmitt on 266–7 in Glastra van Loon 801 as identical with a constitution 248–9 in Ravà 384–5 formal vs. political element of 250 in Schönfeld 206 law not reducible to 259 in Tapani Klami 788 Weyr on 54 in the later Bobbio 400 and law 54, 62 model of legal interpretation in Tsatsos as a series of legal relations 54 537–9 sovereignty of criticized 276–7 normative sciences as teleological in Weyr see also Rule of law; Sovereignty 60 social planning and systems theory 320–3 System, legal vs. causal and normative rationality in En- and judicial law in Kühn 633 gliš 621–2 as deductive in Alchourrón and Bulygin 824–5 Validity, legal as hierarchical and progressive in Sander as fused descriptive and normative in Eng 127 781–2 as a multilayered open unity in Neves as intertwined with force in Wurzel 152 517–8 as reconciliation of Sein and Sollen in Lar- as a Stufenbau enz 203 in Kelsen 115 as temporality in G. Husserl 166–9 in Merkl 57–64, 116–9 effective vs. normative in Kornfeld 140 1038 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

juridical validity vs. possibility in Fränd- Kelsen on the Grundnorm 105–8 berg 723 three criteria of in Visković 669 Jurisprudentialism Weyr on Neves and the School of Coimbra vs. causality 53–4 516–22 vs. effectiveness 618 Kantorowicz on 138 see also Norms, legal INDEX OF NAMES

Aarnio, A. 730, 759, 785–90, 871, 891, 917, Alvaro Dueñas, M. 480, 893 977 Alves, J. Lopes 504, 893, 902, 970 Abad, A. 886 Alzamora Valdez, M. 883, 893 Abbagnano, N. 393 Amoroso Lima, A. 846 Abel, A. 823 Amselek, P. 955 Abel, A. Rodríguez 871, 1008 Ananiadis, G. 231, 893 Abramovich, V. 836, 892 Anastasiadis, E. 531–3, 893 Abril, E. 836 Andersson, U. 733, 893 Achterberg, N. 90, 891 Andrade, M. da Costa 961 Ackerman, B. A. 891 Andrassy, J. 674, 893 Adams, M. 812, 892 Andrés Ibáñez, P. 494, 955 Adler, M. X, 225, 227, 230–2, 891, 893, 930, Anschütz, G. 33, 190 952, 979 Anscombe, G. E. M. 523 Adorno, S. 840, 891 Ansolabehere, K. 881 Adorno, T. W. 323, 361, 860, 891–2, 928 Antonio, M. 892 Aeschylus 661 Antonov, M. XV, 587, 600, 611, 893, 928 Aftalión, E. R. 818, 823, 891 Anzulović, Ž. 673, 893, 900, 956 Agge, I. XVII, 709, 711–3, 735, 891 Apel, K.-O. 513–4 Aguiar, F. 892 Apitzsch, U. 237, 893 Aguinsky, E. 885, 892 Apostolov, I. 688, 893 Ahlander, B. XVII, 706–8, 892, 1015 Åqvist, L. 705, 720–1, 893–4, 919 Ahlberg, A. 737, 892 Arabeyre, P. 438–9, 894, 929 Ahrens, H. 843 Arango, R. 870, 894 Ajdukiewicz, K. 557, 569, 892 Aranguren, J. L. 488 Alas, L. 457, 892 Arantes, P. E. 848–50, 855, 857, 894 Alberini, C. 818 Aravantinos, Y. 543, 894 Albert, H. 309, 323, 891–2, 957 Arbousse-Bastide, P. 847 Albrecht, S. 241, 892 Ardigò, R. 370, 376, 379, 894 Alchourrón, C. E. 448, 824–5, 830, 832, 835, Arístegui, A. 823 879, 892, 976, 1012 Aristotle XIII, XXX, XXXV, 34, 82, 191, Alegre, M. 835 226, 248, 286, 288, 293–4, 307, 315, 331, Alekseev, N. 593, 892 334–5, 408, 441, 443–6, 523, 526, 620, Alekseev, S. 609–10, 892 646, 734, 793, 828, 849, 886, 912, 924, Alem, L. N. 818 927, 977, 1013 Alencar, J. De 841 Arndts von Arnesberg, L. 843 Alexy, R. 316–7, 340, 342–3, 499, 583, 729– Arnholm, C. J. 752, 937 30, 758–9, 779, 791, 804, 830, 834, 837, Arnold, T. 641 858, 862, 870–1, 884, 891–2, 939 Aron, R. 247 Alfonsín, R. 829 Arrarás, J. 473, 894 Alighieri, D. 83, 409 Arruda, J. 845 Almeida, G. A. de 850, 970 Aržanov, M. A. 626, 894 Alonso, J. P. 836 Ascarelli, T. 390–1, 894 Alsina, R. 818 Ascoli, M. 391, 894 Althusser, L. P. 828 Asís, A. de 485, 493 Álvares de Azevedo, M. A. 841 Askol’dov, S. 592, 894 Álvarez Gardiol, A. 893 Aspelin, G. 705 Alvarez, S. 829 Astrada, C. 818

© Springer Netherlands 2016 1039 E. Pattaro, C. Roversi (eds.), A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1479-3 1040 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Ataliba, G. 856 Barragán, J. 868, 889, 892, 896 Atienza, M. XIX, 492, 495, 497, 817, 832, Barreto, T. 842–3 871, 880, 884, 894 Barrios de Angelis, D. 886 Atria, F. 876, 894 Barros Carvalho, P. de 856 Attwooll, E. 973 Barros, E 875, 896 Aubert, V. 772–3, 783, 895 Barros, R. S. M. 845, 853, 896 Aubry, C. 438, 895 Basta, D. 653, 661, 896 Auer, A. 287, 302, 895 Bastide, R. 847 Aufricht, H. 96, 895, 994 Bator, A. 584, 894 Augustine of Hippo (Saint) XXV, 122, 282, Battaglia, F. 384, 392–3, 896 335, 391, 508 Bauer, O. 224–5, 897 Austin, J. 309, 430, 486, 588, 598, 636, 661, Bauer, W. 112, 191, 897 690, 716–7, 907, 995 Baum, K. 552, 897 Austin, J. L. 161, 405, 563, 715, 718–20, 895, Baumgarten, A. 4, 124, 362–5, 892, 897, 935, 921 940, 944, 968 Avé-Lallemant, E. 161, 895 Bauzon, S. 443, 897 Avelar Brotero, J. M. de 842 Bayer, V. 672, 897 Ávila, H. de 862, 895 Beaud, O. 266, 434, 897, 931 Azaretto, M. I. 827 Beccaria, C. 522, 842 Azuela, A. 881 Bechtler, T. 148, 897 Becker, H. 342, 897 Babić, D. 671, 895 Becker, M. 52, 897 Bachelard, G. 828 Behrend, J. 87, 897 Bachofen, J. 6, 375, 486 Bendersky, J. W. 994 Bačić, F. 674, 895 Bentham, J. 309, 330, 525–6, 671, 716–7, Backman, E. 788, 895 775, 842, 907 Backs, A. 812, 895 Bentivegna, G. 370, 898 Bacon, F. 259, 1012 Bentzon, V. XVIII, 741–7, 753, 898 Bacqué, J. 827 Berdyaev, N. 592–3, 898 Baehr, A. X, 269, 282–4, 895 Bergbohm, K. 5–6, 10, 19, 195, 236, 898 Baeten, S. 895 Bergo, K. 777, 898 Bagolini, L. 97, 106, 399, 406, 895 Bergson, H. 15, 415, 505, 531–2, 642, 690 Baitin, M. 609, 895 Berlin, I. 751, 898 Bakotić, B. 674, 895, 974 Berljak, M. 673, 898 Bakunin, M. 590, 895 Berman, H. J. 666, 898 Balis, G. 536, 895 Bernal Pulido, C. 870–1, 898 Ball, H. 266, 896 Bernt, J. F. 777, 898, 914 Ballweg, O. 301, 896 Berolzheimer, F. IX, 3, 41, 193–4, 636, 898 Balmes, J. 474 Bersier, N. XXXIX Bandeira de Mello, C. A. 856 Berthold, E. 600, 893 Barandiarán, L. 882, 896 Berumen, A. 881 Bárány, E. 630, 896 Betancur, C. 869 Baratta, A. 24, 399, 896 Beuchot, M. 881 Barbarosch, E. 836 Bevilacqua Piccolo, C. H. XIX, 839 Barbeyrac, J. 444 Bevilacqua, C. 843–4, 898 Barbosa Filho, B. 850 Beyer, W. R. 302, 898–9 Barbuy, H. 853 Bibó, I. XVI, 641–2, 898, 943 Barcellona, P. 403, 896 Bielefeld, H. 351, 898 Barcesat, E. 828 Bierling, E. R. 6, 10–1, 57, 127, 151, 898 Bardazano, G. 886 Biernat, T. 585, 898 Barišić, P. 673, 896 Binder, J. IX, 3, 9–10, 20, 22, 39, 147, 193– Barnouw, J. D. 216, 896 203, 206, 269, 508, 898, 914, 935, 994 Baron Wrangel, G. 213, 896 Bindreiter, U. XVII, XXII, 697, 729, 899 INDEX OF NAMES 1041

Bindschedler, R. L. 108, 899 Brito, J. de Sousa e XIV, XXIV, 503–4, 522–6, Björne, L. 767, 787, 899 901–2 Blandhol, S. 739–40, 899 Broad, C. D. 704 Blas, A. de 913 Brockmöller, A. 310, 902, 940, 973 Blau, J. 241, 899 Broda, C. 952 Blegvad, M. 937 Broekman, J. 309, 807, 902 Bloch, E. 15, 232, 291–2, 352–4, 360–1, 899, Bronze, F. J. Pinto XIV, 519–22, 902–3 958, 968 Brooks, J. 592, 903 Bluntschli, J. C. 693 Bröstl, A. XV, 613, 630, 903, 933, 960 Bobbio, N. XXIV, XXX, XXXIII–XXXV, Brouwer, P. W. 796–7, 803–4, 810–1, 903, 92, 108, 164, 175, 181, 370–2, 381, 384, 963, 1009 393, 395–400, 402, 405–6, 412, 428–9, Brożek, B. 579, 585, 903, 1001 448–9, 451, 463, 489, 498, 673, 825, 856, Brugi, B. 372, 374, 379, 903, 960 858, 861, 875, 885, 899–900, 992, 1000 Bruncken, E. 1019 Bobrizsev-Pushkin, A. 593 Brunet, P. XII–XIV, 411, 428, 434, 903 Böckenförde, E.-W. 295, 632, 900 Brunner, E. 146, 289, 903, 935 Bogišić, B. 663, 666, 900, 907, 913, 1002, 1020 Brusiin, O. 785–6, 788, 903, 937 Boguszak, J. 627, 629, 632, 900, 1012, 1015 Bucharin, N. 232, 540 Böhler, D. 313, 900 Buchland, W. W. 134, 938 Böhmer, M. 835 Bulgakov, S. 592 Bohrer, K.-M. 216, 900 Bullard, A. 884 Bolaños, B. 880 Bulygin, E. 88, 448, 824–5, 830, 832, 835–6, Bolzano, B. 1015 879, 892, 967, 976 Bonald, L. de 147, 212 Bund, E. 318, 903 Bonavides, P. 862, 900 Bunge, C. O. 818 Bonfante, P. 372, 390, 900 Bunge, M. 823 Bonilla, D. 872, 901, 1008 Burity, T. 856, 903 Bonnard, M. 270, 901 Burke, E. 212, 671 Bonnard, R. 422–3, 428, 901 Burkhardt, A. 161, 903 Bonnecase, J. 436, 901 Burman, M. 734, 903 Bonorino, P. 829 Burr, J. R. 1003, 1015 Bornemann, F. C. 743 Buruma, Y. 964 Bornheim, G. 850, 901 Busch, K. 125, 129, 972 Botero Bernal, A. 830, 832, 838, 901 Butterwegge, C. 225, 903 Bottomore, T. 225, 901 Buzov, V. 686, 903 Bouckaert, B. 908, 901 Buzzo Sarlo, J. B. 886 Bourdieu, P. 412, 441, 871, 901 Bydlinski, F. 340–1, 903 Bourquin, M. 642 Byrnes, R. F. 589, 904 Boutroux, E. 442 Bouzov, V. XVI, XXII, 654, 681–2, 687–9, 901 Cabanis, P. J. G. 842 Bovino, A. 837 Cacciola, M. L. M. O. 849, 904 Bracher, K. D. 959 Caetano, G. 886, 904 Brandão, A. J. XIV, 503, 508–10, 901, 991 Caetano, M. 504 Brandt, R. 348–9, 901 Calardo, E. XXXIX Brandt, W. 308 Caldwell, P. C. 356, 904 Bratholm, A. 916, 920 Calisto, A. C. XIV, 503–4, 904 Brauch, B. 899 Callejo de la Cuesta, E. 459, 463–4, 480–1, 487 Braudel, F. 847, 971 Calsamiglia, A. 88, 94, 495, 904 Braz Teixeira, A. XIV, 508–10, 1004 Calviño, G. 886 Bréhier, É. 848 Calvo, M. 495 Brentano, F. 121 Cammarata, A. E. 389–90, 399, 904 Brinkman, K. 295, 901 Campagna, N. 447, 904 Brito, A. J. De XIV, 508, 522–6, 901 Campi, A. J. W. 994 1042 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Campilongo, C. F. 861, 904, 918 Cecchi, E. 370, 907 Campora, H. J. 828 Cerar, M. 680, 908 Campos, F. 845–7 Cerdio, J. 881 Canotilho, J. J. G. 954 Cerezo Mir, J. 488 Cantimori, D. 216–7, 219, 904, 1013 Cerroni, U. 495 Capella, J. R. 489, 496, 904 Cesarini Sforza, W. 384, 390, 908, 984 Capograssi, G. 384, 391–2, 404, 904, 920 Chakhotin, S. 593 Caracciolo, R. 836, 904 Champeil-Desplats, V. XII, 411, 1007 Carbonell, M. 880, 1020 Chanos, A. 543, 908 Carbonnier, J. 413 Charmont, J. 286, 908 Carcaterra, G. 405, 904 Chauí, M. 849, 908 Cárcova, C. 828, 832, 837, 905 Chazel, F. 901 Cárdenas, J. 880 Chicherin, B. 589–90, 908, 921, 927 Cardoso, F. H. 861–2, 905 Chomsky, N. 581, 826 Carle, G. 371, 905 Chorão, M. E. F. Bigotte 511, 908 Carlsonin, B. C. 965 Chorus, J. M. J. 997 Carmignani, G. 374 Choumenkovitch, I. (see also Šumenković, I.) Carnap, R. 175–6, 308, 311, 525, 704, 706–7, 1002 781 Christensen, R. 292, 908, 968 Carnelli, L. 886 Christie, N. 916 Carnelutti, F. 390, 905 Cicero 315, 740 Carpentier, A. 866 Cirell Czerna, R. 853 Carrara, F. 374 Ciuro Caldani, M. A. 837, 908 Carré de Malberg, R. XIII, 411–3, 428–35, Claes, E. 813, 908 448, 897, 905, 961–2, 994 Clas, B. 785 Carrillo, R. 869, 878, 905, 977 Clavreul, J. 113, 908 Carrino, A. VII–X, 3, 5, 13, 15, 51, 72, 83, Clemens, C. 316, 908 87, 92, 94, 112, 133, 136, 189, 209, 223, Cliteur, P. B. 903 247, 269, 905 Coccopalmerio, D. 404, 908 Carrió, G. R. 822, 825–6, 830, 833, 905, 971 Cohen, H. V, XXIII, 3, 15–8, 23, 25–32, 53, Carrión, R. 888 84, 86, 88, 94, 102–3, 111, 113, 119, 151, Carter, J. 359 175, 177, 198, 617, 828, 909, 919, 933, Carthy, A. 120, 216, 905 944, 956, 961, 968, 1018 Carvalho, N. de 504, 905 Coimbra, L. 505, 510, 909 Carvalho, O. de XIV, 512, 905 Coing, H. 294, 298, 300, 909 Casares, T. 819 Collazo, M. 886 Casaubón, J. 819 Colotka, P. 630, 909 Caso, A. 868 Commailles, J. 901 Cassirer, E. VII, 3, 16–7, 29, 31–4, 69, 72, 80, Comte, A. 370, 531, 818, 841, 844 86, 94, 804, 906, 909 Coniglione, F. 370, 547, 898, 909 Castaño, M. 463 Conte, A. G. 398–9, 405, 909 Castberg, F. 763–5, 773, 891, 906, 931 Contreras Peláez, F. J. 444, 909 Castignone, S. 406–7, 906, 955, 973 Conze, E. 308, 331–2, 909, 935 Castillejo, J. 461–2, 479 Corbisier, R. 851, 854, 909 Castro Alves, A. F. de 841 Corradini Broussard, D. 403, 909 Castro Cid, B. de 466, 906 Corrêa de Sá e Benevides, J. M. 841 Castro, A. 886 Correas, Ó. 829, 837, 879, 909, 961 Catania, A. 405–6, 906, 962 Cortés Rodas, F. 871, 909 Cattaneo, M. A. 78, 370, 398–9, 409, 907, 929 Cortina, M. 863 Cavalla, F. 404, 907 Corts Grau, J. 461, 469–70, 474, 481, 485, 909 Cavallar, G. 347, 907 Cossio, C. 669, 673, 818, 820–3, 825, 832, Čavoški, K. 661 868, 886–7, 909, 1013 Cayla, O. 440, 907 Costa, J. C. 843, 845, 848, 910 INDEX OF NAMES 1043

Cot, P. 270, 910 den Hartogh, G. 807, 912 Cotarelo, R. 913 Dernburg, H. 298, 912 Cotta, S. 110, 403–4, 910, 935, 937, 963, 992 Derrida, J. XXI, 521, 560, 777, 789, 794, Courtis, C. 832, 836–7, 891, 910 860, 954 Couso, J. 864, 910 Descartes, R. 259, 506, 849, 927, 1004 Coutinho, C. N. 861, 910 Despotopoulos, C. 543, 912 Coutinho, M. 970 Deustúa, A. 868 Couture, E. J. 886 Dewey, J. 459 Cramer, J. U. von 843 Di Giovanni, P. 370, 912 Crippa, A. 853 Dias, J. de Figueiredo 902–3, 954, 960–1 Cristi, R. 876, 910 Dias, R. W. M. 144, 912 Croce, B. 385–90, 909–10 Díaz Cosuelo, J. M. 819 Cruz Costa, J. 845, 848 Díaz y Díaz, M. 881, 912 Cruz Parcero, J. A. 880, 910 Díaz, E. 457, 461, 488–93, 495, 912 Cserne, P. 649, 910 Díaz-Nosty, B. 475, 1002 Cueto Rúa, J. 823, 910 Dietz R. 942, 981, 986 Cunha, P. Ferreira da 504, 910, 960 Díez Alegría, J. M. 488 Czepita, S. 562–3, 584, 910 Díez Canseco, L. 459 Czerkawski, R. 547, 910 Dilthey, W. 5, 13–6, 294 Czerna, R. C. 853, 910 Dimoulis, D. 862, 913 Djulinac, P. 653 (see also Ðulinac, P.; Julinac, D’Agostino, F. 403–4, 408, 910 P.) D’Amato, A. 409, 911 Djuvara, M. 690–1, 913 D’Herbigny, M. 590, 911 Dobretsberger, J. 92, 107, 164, 175, 913 D’Holbach (Paul-Henri Thiry, Baron) 842 Doering-Manteuffel, A. 331, 913 Da Costa, N. 831, 1012 Dojčák, P. 629, 913 Da Costa e Silva, A. 851 Dollfuß, E. 287 Dachev, L. 689, 911 Donati, B. 384 Dahlman, C. 721, 724–6, 732, 737, 911 Donoso Cortés, J. 474 Dahrendorf, R. 307, 891, 911 Dooyeweerd, H. 798, 913 Damaška, M. 672, 891, 911, 935 Doublet, D. R. 759, 776–7, 898, 913–4 Darwin, C. 818 Douzinas, C. 543, 914 Daskalakis, G. 536, 911 Drath, M. von 930 Davidović, D. 653 Dreier, H. XXIV, 109, 297, 306, 337, 914 Dawson, C. 959 Dreier, R. 111, 115, 194, 197, 200, 286, 302, De Castro, F. 480 309, 312–3, 316, 329, 340, 352, 914, 939 De Condorcet, N. 365 Dubischar, R. 322, 914 De Corte, R. 928, 983 Duguit, L. XII, 66–7, 411–2, 414, 419, 422–8, de Geest, G. 806 432–3, 436, 463, 505, 562, 567, 658, 673, De Hert, P. 812–3, 911, 928 852, 858, 901, 914, 916, 931, 965 de Lange, R. 807, 984 Ðulinac, P. 653 (see also Djulinac, P.; Julinac, de Moro, G. 910 P.) De Page, H. 799, 808, 911 Ðurić, M. 660 Debrun, M. 848–9 Dürig, G. 305, 914, 962 Del Vecchio, G. 381–5, 389, 462–3, 468, 507, Durkheim, E. 142, 412, 415, 419, 424, 437, 643, 659, 690, 858, 911–2, 982 440, 461, 503, 594, 599, 690, 915, 967 Deleuze, J. 860 Dussort, H. 17, 915 Delgado Ocando, J. M. 887, 912 Dutton, M. 988 Delgado Pinto, J. 488, 491, 493, 912 Dworkin, R. XXIX, XXXIII, 339–40, 342, Delsol, C. 443, 897 408, 498–9, 525, 539, 583, 673, 681, 725, Delva, J. 801, 924 736, 759, 778–9, 791, 805, 809, 826, 831, Demmerling, C. 15, 902, 912 834, 837, 858, 862, 870, 875–6, 915 Demolombe, C. 438, 912 Dyzenhaus, D. 241–2, 915 1044 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Ebenstein, W. 106, 175, 181, 915 Fassò, G. 369, 399, 406–7, 409, 918 Eberhard, R. 270–1, 915 Fausto, B. 950 Echave, D. T. 915 Fausto, R. 849, 918 Eckert, J. 356, 897, 914–5, 966 Febbrajo, A. XXI, 407, 918 Eckhoff, T. XVIII, 763, 768–9, 771–3, 775– Fechner, E. 102, 289–91, 293, 306, 443, 513, 80, 915 918 Eckmann, H. 311, 915 Feijó, D. A. 840 Ehrlich, E. IX, 7, 52, 84, 98, 133–4, 139, Fernandes, M. J. M. 908 142–9, 151–2, 187, 193, 205, 212, 278, Fernández Sabaté, E. 819 317–8, 440–2, 531, 663, 915–6, 935, 940, Fernández Sessarego, C. 883–4, 918 972, 975, 979, 985, 997, 1020 Ferneck, A. H. von VIII, 7, 113, 124, 129–31, Eichler, W. 916 174, 181, 926, 933 Eisenmann, C. 424, 428, 448, 916, 1007 Ferrajoli, L. 405–6, 499, 918 Eisler, R. 154, 916 Ferrante, M. 835 Ekelöf, P. O. 698, 701, 712–3, 719, 916, 1002 Ferraz Jr., T. S. 840, 845, 849, 852, 862, 918 Elías de Tejada, F. 481, 483, 486, 491, 916 Ferreira, W. 504, 846, 853, 868, 885, 910, Ellscheid, G. 296, 916 918, 960 Elster, L. 999 Ferrero, G. 642 Emge, C. A. 23, 916 Ferri, E. 374–5, 437, 505, 919, 1020 Eng, S. XVIII, 715–6, 761, 764–5, 770, 773–6, Feuerbach, L. 292, 958 779–82, 916 Fichte, J. G. 110, 196, 198, 273, 385, 654, Engel, S. 753, 895, 977 661, 849, 899, 1006 Engels, F. 77, 224, 233, 239, 313, 363, 605, Figal, G. 27, 29, 919 611, 644–5, 648, 690, 917 Fikentscher, W. 133, 646, 919 Engisch, K. 318, 513, 924, 958 Filangieri, G. 842 Engliš, K. 51, 64, 621–2, 625, 917 Filipović, J. 653 Entelman, R. 828, 837 Filipović, T. 653 Era, V. XIII, XXII, 468 Finnis, J. 671, 837, 862, 876 Erben, K. J. 615 Finžgar, A. 676–7, 919 Eriksson, L. D. 790, 794, 917, 938, 1008 Fischer, K. 23, 951, 986 Ermacora, F. 109, 917 Fischer, M. W. 933 Ernst, C. VII, IX, 16, 31, 42, 45, 47, 69, 72, Fix Fierro, H. 881, 1020 94, 124, 131, 152, 216, 232, 259, 263–4, Flamigni, C. 403, 919 267, 272, 291, 295, 352, 354, 360–2, 661, Flavius, G. (H. Kantorowicz) 745, 919 804, 836, 843, 900, 904, 917, 926, 934, Flechtheim, O. K. 101, 919 956, 958, 968, 995, 998 Fleerackers, F. 807, 919 Esmein, A. 439 Flores, I. 880 Esparza, J. 888 Flusser, V. 853 Esquivel, J. 878, 881, 917 Fokkema, D. C. 801, 919, 950 Esser, J. 325–6, 408, 513, 523, 917, 1019 Foljanty, L. 286, 919 Evald, J. 748–9, 917 Fondevila, G. 829 Evers, J. 700, 710, 917 Foqué, R. 812, 908, 919, 928 Eymar, C. 495 Forsthoff, E. 263, 267, 919 Fortes, L. R. S. 849, 919 Facchi, A. 405, 917 Foss, K. 773, 919 Faenza, F. XXXIX Foucault, M. XXXIX, 403, 789, 791, 831, Falcão, J. Arruda 861, 917 860, 886 Faralli, C. XII, XXXIX, 369–70, 403, 405, Fraenkel, E. 102, 124, 133, 919 407, 906, 917 Fragapane, S. 376–9, 919 Faria, J. E. 861, 918 Fragueiro, A. 819 Farías Brito, R. de 868 Franca, L. 846 Farina D’Anfiano, G. 209, 918 Franco, F. 346, 464, 473, 475, 480, 485, 488, Farrell, M. D. 827, 832, 834, 836, 918 492–5, 913, 922 INDEX OF NAMES 1045

Frändberg, Å. 697, 699, 701, 705, 707, 710, Gaston Granger, G. 848 712–3, 717–8, 720–3, 728, 731, 734–5, Gauchet, M. 251 919–20, 976 Gavazzi, G. 398, 405, 923, 988 Frank, H. 23, 271, 920, 992 Gavrilović, M. (M. Gavrilovitch) 656, 923 Frank, Jerome 52, 149, 454, 641, 920 Gehlen, A. 334, 950 Frank, Julius 842 Gelsi Bidart, A. 886 Frank, Semen 592–4, 920 Gentile, F. 404, 923 Frank, Stanko 666 Gentile, G. 385, 387–9, 392, 395, 923 Franken, H. 804, 903, 920 Gény, F. XIII, XXXV, 412, 436–42, 463, 531, Fransson, S. 733, 920 656, 808–9, 907, 923, 929, 936, 978, 1013 Frege, G. 849, 991 Gerhardt, V. 348–9, 924 Freud, S. 77–8, 920, 940 Gerloch, A. 632, 924, 945 Friedrich, M. 101, 314, 326, 920 Gershezon, M. 592 Frommell, M. 133, 920 Geršić, G. G. 654–5, 924 Frosini, V. 77, 398, 402, 920 Gerver, P. H. M. 997 Frycz-Modrzewski, A. 548 Gewirth, A. 671 Frydman, S. 558–60, 568, 921 Geymonat, L. 393 Fuchs, A. 113, 921 Geyser, J. 120 Fuchs, E. 143, 262, 921 Ghiliani, A. M. 927 Fuller, L. L. 607, 632, 673, 804, 921, 1018 Giacometti, Z. 942 Funk, J. 287, 921 Gianformaggio, L. XXXI, 398, 405, 924 Funke, A. 637, 921 Giannini, A. 384, 910 Furberg, M. 715, 719, 921 Giannotti, J. A. 849, 854, 924 Furlan, B. 678, 921, 949 Gierke, O. von X, 54, 70, 205, 207, 262, 277, 280–1, 933 Gaakeer, A. M. P. 804, 956 Gijssels, J. 796, 812, 924 Gadamer, H.-G. 324–6, 328, 408, 504, 513, Gil Cremades, J. J. 457, 461, 463, 468, 475, 522–3, 646, 750, 788, 858, 871, 886, 921, 491–3, 497, 924 1019 Galán Gutiérrez, E. 484–5, 921 Giner de los Ríos, F. 457, 479 Galiano, F. 885 Gioja, A. L. 821–3, 826, 868, 924 Gamburg, G. M. 590, 921 Gits, C. 801, 924 Ganev, V. 684–5, 922 Giuliani, A. 408, 924–5 ć García Amado, J. A. 922 Givanovitch, T. (see also T. Živanovi ) 1020 García Belaúnde, D. 884, 922 Gizbert-Studnicki, T. XV, 547, 580–1, 584 García Huidobro, J. 876, 922 Glader, M. 726, 911 García Jaramillo, L. 868, 871, 922 Gladiator, R. 895 García Lorca, F. 472 Glastra van Loon, J. F. 800–1, 925 ć García Manrique, R. 490, 922 Glinti , T. 661 García Máynez, E. 868, 877–8, 880, 885, 922 Gmelin, J. G. 143, 925 García Olano, F. 891 Godau-Schüttke, K.-D. 304, 925 García Pelayo, M. 469, 887 Goddard, A. 986 García Queipo de Llano, G. 1008 Goerlich, H. 306, 925 García Rebolledo, J. 881 Goethe, J. W. von XXVI, 645, 969 García San Miguel, L. 488–9, 493, 496, 912, Gogacz, M. 547, 925 922 Goldoni, C. 409, 907 García Villegas, M. 871, 922 Goldschmidt, V. 820, 837, 848–9, 925 García, R. 823 Goldštajn, A. 665 Gardella, J. C. 828 Goldwin, R. A. 1008 Gardies, J.-L. 158, 922 Goller, P. 113, 181, 925 Gargarella, R. 835, 866–7, 923 Gómez Arboleya, E. 472–3, 475, 481, 483, Garin, E. 371, 376, 923 485, 487, 925, 964 Garzón Valdés, E. 826–7, 829, 831, 834, 836, Gómez Robledo, A. 878 865–6, 879–80, 884, 923 Gómez, J. V. 887 1046 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Gonzaga, T. A. 842 Gumplowicz, L. 6, 54, 550, 902 González de Castejon y Elio, F. J. 458 Gunnarsson, A. 733, 927 González de la Vega, R. 863 Günther, K. XXIV, XXXI, 52, 74, 153, 288, González Morfín, E. 878 307, 309, 342, 858, 927 González Oliveros, W. 458, 463–4, 470, 473, Güpping, S. 356–7, 927 475, 479–81, 925 Gürke, N. 269, 927 González Solano, G. 872–3 Gurvitch, G. XX, 15, 479, 484, 590, 600, González Uribe, H. 878 642, 664, 801, 893, 899, 927–8, 934 González Vicén, F. 469–70, 474, 478, 486, Gusy, C. 257, 928, 981 490–1, 495, 925–6 Gutwirth, S. 805, 811–3, 895, 928 González, Z. 458 Gysin, A. 44, 928 Goode, P. 237, 901, 926 Goodman, N. 781 Haba, E. P. 872–3, 886, 928 Goos, C. 739, 741–4, 747, 926 Häberle, P. 328 Górecki, J. 552, 926 Habermas, J. XXI, XXXIII, 316, 323–4, 326, Görtemaker, M. 307–8, 926 338, 341–7, 350–1, 499, 504, 513–4, 521, Gosepath, S. 352, 926 527, 579, 610, 750, 775, 791, 806, 833, Grabowski, A. 583, 585, 926 857–8, 860, 862, 869, 884, 891, 897, 928– Graf Von Krockow, M. 216, 926 9, 953, 966 Gräfin Schlieffen, K. 926 Hackel, V. M. 347, 929 Gramm, C. 291, 362, 926 Hacker, P. M. S. 308, 929 Gramsci, A. 233, 861 Haesaert, J. P. 799, 801, 929, 1012 Graßberger, R. 129, 926 Haft, F. 316, 929 Gray, J. C. 690 Hage, J. C. 730–1, 811, 920, 929 Griffa, N. 827 Hägerström, A. 90, 373, 556, 697, 699, 704– Griffin, J. 889 5, 719, 725, 735–6, 746, 750, 761, 769, Grimm, D. 272–3, 310, 926 920, 959, 971, 975, 1008 Grompone, J. M. 885, 926 Hagerup, F. 762–3, 765–7, 778, 929 Gromski, W. 584 Hakim, N. 436, 929 Gropp, R. O. 362, 926 Halem, F. von 593, 929 Groppali, A. 374, 380, 926 Halldén, S. 704, 720, 929 Gröschner, R. 316, 926 Halliday, F. 946 Grossi, P. XXXVI, 932, 1013 Haloulos, A. 893 Grotius, H. XXXV, 32–3, 67, 123, 240–1, Halpérin, J.-L. XXV, 411, 436, 438–9, 894, 444, 522, 548, 842, 898, 926, 999 929 Gruchmann, L. 264, 926 Haney, G. 357, 929 Grueso, D. I. 871 Hannak, J. 226, 929 Grujović, B. (T. Filipović) 653 Hanuš, L. 634, 929 Grün, E. 836, 927 Hardy, H. 898 Gründer, K. 947, 1017 Häring, B. 511 Grünhuts, C. S. 951 Harris, J. XXIX, 1006 Grussmann, W.-D. 963 Harsanyi, J. 889 Grzegorczyk, C. 1007 Hart, H. L. A. XXII, XXVI, XXVIII–XXX, Grzegorczyk, K. 585 86, 309, 311–2, 320, 333, 339–40, 398, Guardini, R. 511 405–6, 409, 429, 448, 497–9, 522, 563, Guariglia, O. 836, 927 567–8, 623, 632, 673, 681, 701, 725–6, Guarinoni, R. V. 836, 927 736, 758, 773, 775–6, 782, 789, 825–6, Guastini, R. XXIV, 407–8, 453, 906, 918, 927 858, 876, 879, 894, 914–5, 917, 928–9, Gueroult, M. 849, 927 935, 945, 961, 973, 996, 1009, 1018 Guggenheim, P. 641 Hartmann, N. 15, 121, 289–90, 294, 503, Guibourg, R. A. 827, 831–2, 836, 894, 915, 507–10, 625, 638, 642, 646, 823, 877, 885, 927 930 Guizot, F. 256, 927 Hartwich, H.-H. 332, 930 INDEX OF NAMES 1047

Hasanbegović, J. XVI, 653, 661 Herrigel, E. 951 Hassemer, W. 358, 939, 983 Hervada, J. 886 Hauriou, M. XII, 252, 394, 411–2, 414–22, Hespanha, A. M. 530, 931 436, 463, 504–5, 624, 858, 916, 930, 962, Hesse, B. 547 965 Hesse, K. 328 Hausheer, R. 898 Hevia, M. 835 Hausner, R. 575, 930 Heydte, F. A. von 260, 899, 931 Hayek, F. 225, 260, 646 Hierro, Liborio L. 492 Häyhä, J. 1005 Hilgendorf, E. 302, 310, 316, 931, 940 Heck, P. 488, 531 Hillis, W. B. 986 Hedemann, J. W. 482 Hinsch, W. 339, 931 Hedenius, I. 697–701, 703–5, 736, 761, 769, Hintikka, J. 786, 789 920, 930, 971 Hirvonen, A. 793–4, 931, 1008 Heeger, R. 807, 1009 Hitler, A. 23, 166, 192, 201, 207, 244, 257, Hegel, G. W. F. VIII, XXV, 5, 9, 26, 30, 48, 262, 264–5, 271, 276, 278, 280, 304, 361, 77, 103, 110, 113, 131, 190–1, 194, 196, 363, 613, 992 198–200, 202–5, 207, 214, 219, 225, 233, Hjerner, L. XVII, 709, 713–4, 735–6, 931 237, 239–41, 248–50, 257, 260–1, 264, Hobbes, T. 72, 334–5, 339, 444, 522, 671, 271, 273–4, 279, 306, 314, 353–4, 361, 907 504, 508, 638, 645, 654, 664, 668, 743, Hobhouse, L. T. 639 800, 802, 849, 857, 893–4, 896, 909, 919, Hobsbawm, E. XXXVI, 3 922, 930, 934, 943, 945, 950, 967, 982, 994 Hoel, G. A. 766, 932 Heidegger, M. 15, 167, 172, 219, 262, 266, Hoerster, N. 311–2, 334, 340, 929, 932 290, 292, 300, 356, 404, 488, 504, 508, Höffe, O. 334–5, 349, 884, 901, 932 510, 513, 522, 794, 804, 858, 886, 912, Hofmann, H. VII, XI, XXIV, XXXVI, 3, 99, 926, 930, 981 257, 260, 285–6, 288, 291, 293, 296–7, Heineccius, J. G. 444, 842 305–7, 309–10, 335–6, 338, 348, 351–2, Heinrich, W. 13, 42, 206, 215, 295, 298, 537, 362, 932 637, 843, 930, 998 Hohenhauer, G. 5, 28, 92, 932 Heintel, P. 230, 930 Hohfeld, W. N. 698, 705–6, 715–7, 720, 933, Helin, M. 785, 930 967 Heller, H. X, 7, 66, 124, 190, 241–4, 468, Höhn, R. X, 200, 202, 276–8, 281, 933 472, 479, 892, 915, 930, 964, 967, 987, Hol, A. M. 806, 933 992 Holbergs, L. 919 Hellner, J. 981 Hold-Ferneck, A. 130, 174, 926 Hempel, C. 308, 311 Holländer, P. 623, 630–2, 680, 933, 960, 982 Henkel, H. 295–6, 298, 930 Holmes, O. W. 442, 690, 782 Henne, T. 305, 930 Holzhauer, R. W. 806, 933 Hennis, W. 70, 931 Holzhey, A. 29–30, 93, 126, 933, 964 Hensel, P. 899 Hondius, E. H. 997 Heraclitus 296, 931 Horkheimer, M. 860 Herbart, J. F. 91, 154, 373 Horthy, M. 642 Herbe, D. 289, 302, 931 Horváth, B. XVI, 639–42, 934 Herberger, M. 318, 931 Horwitz, M. 860 Herbert, U. 307, 931 Housden, M. 270, 934 Herget, J. E. 286, 931 Howe, M. 356, 934 Hermerén, G. 705, 931 Hoyos Vázquez, G. 869 Hernández Gil, A. 480 Hruschka, J. 513 Hernández Rico, L. 460 Hübbner, H. 942 Hernández, A. 872, 931 Huber, E.-R. 272, 934 Hernando Serra, M. P. 464, 931 Huerta, C. 880 Herrera, C. M. XII, XXV, 411, 422–3, 829, Hugo, G. 654 931, 965 Huls, N. J. H. 903 1048 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Hume, D. 330, 407, 524, 641, 849, 901–2, 966 Jiménez de Asúa, L. 465 Hungr, P. 625, 630, 934, 948 Jiménez Sandoval, E. C. 889 Hurri, S. 938, 1008 Jiří, G. 627, 629, 632, 1015 Hürstel, S. 194, 197, 199, 201–2, 206, 934 Jöckel, H. 93–4, 96, 936 Hurtado Bautista, M. 491 Jöckel, W. 59, 124 Husserl, E. XXX, 23, 89, 100, 120, 157–61, Joerden, J. C. 318, 936 163–4, 167–8, 174–7, 179, 181–3, 185–8, Jordan, E. 547, 936 293, 404–5, 503, 506, 820, 823, 844, 849, Jörgensen, J. 318, 622–3, 631, 933 851, 856, 885, 899, 934, 939, 967, 995–6, Jörgensen, S. XVIII, 751–4, 759, 936 1001, 1009, Jori, M. 398, 405, 408, 929, 937 Husserl, G. IX, 9, 18, 158–9, 165–73, 201, Josserand, E. L. 439 205, 934–5, 985, 1019 Jovanović, M. 661 Huxley, T. 844 Jovanović, S. 657, 661, 937 Hydén, H. 733–4, 935 Julinac, P. (see also Djulinac, P.; Ðulinac, P.) 653 Iazzetta, O. 972 Jung, C. G. 403 Ibáñez, P. A. 494, 955 Jünger, E. IX, 210, 216–20, 259, 900, 904, Iljin, I. 151, 598, 935 926, 937, 956, 995 Ilting, K.-H. 288, 935 Ingenieros, J. 818, 868 Ipsen, J. 305, 935 Kafka, F. 77 Iriarte, J. 481 Kaila, E. 706, 785, 937 Irrlitz, G. 361–2, 364, 935 Kaiser, J. H. XXIX, 320, 897, 914, 937 Isomura, T. 143, 935 Kallab, J. 51, 621–2, 937 Izaga, L. 481, 935 Kanellopoulos, P. 535, 937 Izgoev, A. 592 Kangas, U. 786, 891, 903, 937 Kanger, H. 671, 717, 937–8, Jabloner, C. 102, 181, 935, 944, 962, 994, 1001 Kanger, S. 671, 698, 705–6, 715–7, 720, 937– Jacob, E. 196, 198, 935 8, 953 Jacobi, E. 124 Kant, I. XVI, XXIV, XXXV, 8, 13, 17–8, 20– Jacobs, F. C. L. M. 807, 935, 960, 968, 1009 1, 23, 28, 30, 41, 51, 53, 58–9, 62, 67, 81, Jacobson, A. J. 915, 930 89, 91–4, 101–2, 126, 151, 162, 170, 190– Jagiełło, W. 548 1, 194–6, 198–9, 202, 204, 214, 225, 237, Jahr, G. 309, 935 274, 294, 299, 321, 329–31, 334, 336–7, Jakab, A. 635, 935 339, 347–50, 369, 384, 471, 486, 522, 526, Jakobs, G. 858 538, 552, 617, 622, 638–9, 646, 661, 668, James, W. 362–3, 365, 505 681–3, 690–1, 704–5, 741, 775, 793, 798, Jamin, C. 437, 936 804, 818, 820, 823, 840, 842, 849, 857, Jareborg, N. 715, 719–20, 735, 936, 955 886, 899, 901, 906–7, 919, 924–5, 928–9, Jarra, E. 561, 575, 936 932, 934, 938, 946, 949, 964, 968, 990, Jaspers, K. 290 1002, 1005, 1007 Jauss, H. 670, 936 Kantorowicz, H. U. IX, 7, 84, 98, 133–8, Jaworski, W. L. 557, 562, 936 143, 166, 187, 440, 488, 531, 666, 670, Jazshenko, A. 596–7, 936 745, 919–20, 938, 968, 980, 1019 Jellinek, G. XXXI, 21, 53–4, 151, 234, 236, Kaplan, M. 863–4, 938 428, 431, 434, 442, 621, 686, 936, 1001 Karhu, J. (see also Pöyhönen, J.) 787, 791, Jeřábek, J. 615 895, 903, 917, 938, 958, 1020 Jerusalem, F. X, 277–80, 936 Kasparek, K. 550 Jestaedt, M. 637, 936 Katičić, N. 666, 669, 674, 938 Jestaz, P. 437, 936 Kaufman, A. 1008 Jhering, R. von 90, 100, 133, 153, 334, 402, Kaufmann, A. 108, 296, 298, 301, 303, 309, 438, 442, 505, 531, 585, 673, 743–5, 765, 325, 333, 358, 646, 678–9, 916, 938–9, 785, 843, 932, 936, 938 958, 975, 983 INDEX OF NAMES 1049

Kaufmann, E. 7–9, 15, 23, 33, 109–10, 112, Klutchnikov, J. 592 124, 133, 189–93, 197, 211, 218, 269, 939 Knapp, V. 626–7, 632, 945 Kaufmann, F. IX, 89, 92, 119, 126–7, 158–9, Knoph, R. 767, 945 172, 174–81, 641, 706, 899, 939–40, 1000, Koch, H.-J. 317, 669, 945 1014, 1018, 1020 Koellreutter, O. X, 66, 212, 277, 280–2, 945 Kaufmann, M. 362, 365, 940 Kohen, A. 828 Kautsky, K. 224, 232, 917 Kohler, J. IX, 3, 9, 193–4, 462, 531, 945 Kawakami, R. 143, 149, 940 Kohlmann, G. 1014 Kazimierczyk, S. 584, 940 Kojève, A. 247 Kazimierz, J. 557, 566, 569, 584 Koktanek, M. 210, 945 Kečekjan, S. F. 626, 894 Kołłątaj, H. 549 Keller, H. 269, 940 Koller, G. P. 309, 349–50, 945 Kelsen, H. VIII, XXII–XXIII, XXV–XXVI, Korb, A.-J. 7, 124–6, 128–9, 131, 946 XXVIII–XXX, XXXI, 3, 5, 7–8, 10–1, 14, Kordatos, Y. 539–42, 946, 1000 16, 18, 20–1, 25, 28, 32–4, 36–40, 49, 51–5, Korn, A. 818–9, 868 57–132, 135–7, 139–43, 145, 148–53, 159, Kornfeld, I. IX, 7, 52, 139–42, 152, 946, 951 168, 174–88, 190–3, 197, 205–6, 215–6, Korsch, K. X, 232–4, 237–41, 926, 946, 996 220, 225–8, 230–1, 234–5, 242–3, 246–7, Korybski, A. 584 254, 256, 259–61, 274–5, 278, 306, 309, Kość, A. 565 311, 318–9, 328, 332, 334–5, 343, 358, Koskenniemi, M. 793, 946 395–400, 405–6, 413, 429, 431, 442, 448, Košutić, B. 661 451–4, 468–9, 471, 479, 481, 484, 489, 495, Kotarbiński, T. 557 497–8, 513, 515, 522, 556, 558, 562–3, 567, Kozak, A. 584, 946 588, 616–8, 633–4, 637, 639, 641–2, 645–6, Krabbe, H. VI, XXXI, 40, 63, 65–71, 798, 946 658, 660, 666, 668, 670, 673, 677, 681, 689, Kraft, J. 158, 946 692, 700–1, 746–8, 750, 772, 775–6, 804–5, Kraft, V. 295, 308, 947 807, 820–1, 823, 825–6, 836, 852, 856, 868, Kraft-Fuchs, M. 102, 111, 947, 1001 878–9, 885–6, 891, 895, 897, 903–5, 915, Kraljević, N. (Kralyevitch, N.) 659, 947 917–20, 931–3, 935–6, 939–40, 943–9, Krämer, L. 1017 951–2, 955, 958, 961–4, 972–3, 975, 977, Krause, F. 522 979, 982, 986–7, 990–2, 994–5, 1001, Krause, K. C. 842–3 1005–7, 1009–13, 1015–7 Krawietz, W. XXIII, 97, 312, 319, 323, 891, Kennedy, D. 527, 860, 870, 917, 933, 945, 947, 949, 964, 974, 982, Kennedy, E. 342, 943 1009, 1015–6 Kersting, W. 336–8, 349–50, 352, 943 Krbek, I. 667, 947 Kervégan, J.-F. 247, 261, 943 Krejčí, J. XV, 620, 947 Keuth, H. H. 318, 943 Kriele, M. 108, 312, 326, 329, 947 Kevelson, R. 902 Król, M. 584, 947 Kimmel, H. 94, 943 Kropotkin, P. 591, 947, 967 Kinander, M. 777–8, 944 Krupar, M. 615, 948 Kiskinov, V. 688, 944 Kruse, F. V. XVIII, 746–51, 753, 917, 948 Kiss Lajos, C. 651 Krynen, J. 894, 929 Kistjakovsky, B. 592, 594–5, 944 Krzymuski, E. 550 Klami, H. T. 788, 944 Krzywicki-Herburt, G. 547, 948 Klein, J. 18, 944 Kubeš, V. XV, 51, 90, 616–7, 620, 625, 633, Kleinheyer, G. 133, 944 948, 1011, 1015–7 Klekatsky, H. R. 943, 1011 Kubitschek, J. 854 Klenner, H. 354–62, 364, 929, 944, 992 Kuderowicz, Z. 547, 948 Kletzer, C. 124, 128, 944 Kühl, K. 286, 298, 302, 948 Klimowski, G. 823 Kuhlenbeck, L. 41, 949 Kluback, W. 17, 944 Kuhn, H. 895 Kluchnikov, N. 592, 944 Kühn, Z. 633, 949 Klug, U. 88, 318, 943, 945, 1014 Kühne, D. 95, 949 1050 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Kühnhardt, L. 351, 949 Lazarović, E. 653 Kulcsár, K. XVI, 645, 647, 949 Lazarus, M. 154, 373 Külpe, O. 360 Lazzaro, G. 398 Kunz, J. L. 126, 175, 949 Le Play, F. 437, 951 Kunz, K.-L. 310, 817, 949 Leben, C. 916, 930, 964, 969, 990 Kušej, G. 678–9, 949 Lebrun, G. 848–9 Kutschera, F. von 318, 949 Ledesma Ramos, R. 473, 951 Legaz Lacambra, L. 458, 461–2, 467, 469, 471, La Croix, J. 102, 949 473–4, 477, 479, 481, 484, 486, 493, 951 Laband, P. 101, 428, 430–1, 949 Legón, F. 819 Labbé, J. E. 439 Lehrer, K. 730, 952, 988 Lacan, J. 794 Leibholz, G. 158, 160, 952, 959 Lafer, C. 852, 862 Leibniz, G. W. 32, 97, 120, 158, 183, 522, Lagarde, P. De 283 952, 966 Lagerspetz, E. 789, 949 Leiminger, K. 83 Lahtinen, O. 787, 949 Leist, B. W. 6 Lamounier, B. 846, 950 Lenin, V. I. L. 77, 232–3, 240, 314, 354–6, Lampe, E.-J. 309, 318, 950 363, 587, 591–2, 600–1, 605, 607, 611, Lampiris, M. 536, 950 627, 629, 644, 646, 667, 690, 693, 828, Lande, A. 592 907, 936, 944, 952, 978, 1002 Lande, J. 558, 565–7, 583, 685, 950 Lenk, H. 318, 952 Landim, R. 850, 950 Lensing, H. 804, 964 Landshut, S. 292, 961 Leoni, B. 107, 398–9, 952 Lang, W. XXIII, XXVI, 566–7, 583, 902, Lepsius, O. 8, 952 919, 925, 950–1, 959, 1012 Leser, N. 227–8, 230, 232, 952, 1014 Langemeijer, G. E. 798, 800–2, 950 Lessa, P. 844–5, 952 Lanović, M. 666, 950 Leszczynski, L. 579, 584 Lapenna, I. 672, 950 Leus, K. 895 Laporta, F. 492 Levi, A. 374, 379–80, 390, 953 Lara, N. 889, 892 Levinas, E. 521, 800 Lara, R. 880, Lévi-Strauss, C. 847 Larenz, K. IX–X, 3–4, 9, 23, 92, 96, 166, 169, Lewkowitz, A. 18, 26, 953 193, 198, 202–4, 269, 271–6, 341, 482–3, Liberal Arnaut, J. 908 488, 508, 513, 646, 935, 950 Lieber, T. 343–4, 953 Lariguet, G. 837 Lima Lopes, J. R. de 840–2, 844–6, 861, 953 Larraín, J. 865, 951 Lima Vaz, H. de 849–50, 953 Larrañaga, P. 880, 951 Linares Quintana, S. V. 818 Larsen, J. D. 739–40, 751, 951 Lindahl, H. 812–3, 953 Lasars, W. 330, 951 Lindahl, L. 698, 701, 706, 715–8, 720, 735–6, Lask, E. V, XXIII, 3, 6–10, 13–6, 20, 23–26, 953, 996 34, 92, 134–5, 151, 189, 196, 238–9, 266, Linhares, J. M. Aroso XIV, XXI, 504, 512, 468, 484, 849, 856, 905, 912, 921, 951, 516, 519, 521, 953 957, 967, 988, 998 Lipps, T. 360 Laski, H. 639 Lissarrague Novoa, S. 484, 954 Laso, J. M. 494 Litschewski Paulson, B. XXIII, 943 Lassalle, F. 38, 941 Litt, T. 220, 954 Latouche, M. A. 889 Litzeropoulos, A. 535–6, 954 Laukyte, M. XXXIX Livingstone, R. 957 Laun, R. von 7, 139, 142, 668, 673, 951, 983 Llambías de Azevedo, J. 885, 954 Launhardt, A. 316, 951 Llewellyn, K. 133 Lauridsen, P. S. XVIII, 751, 753–9, 951 Lochak, D. 450, 954, 1007 Lautmann, R. 321, 951 Locke, J. 548, 671 Lavalle, J. B. de 881, 951 Löfmarck, M. 719, 955 INDEX OF NAMES 1051

Loidolt, S. 181, 955 Maine, H. 375, 378, 636, 907, 1010 Lombardi Vallauri, L. 406, 955 Maistre, J. de 147–8, 212 Lombroso, C. 374, 437, 955 Makarewicz, J. 551, 557, 562, 958 Lopera, G. 870 Makkonen, K. 788, 958, 1008 López Ayllón, S. 881 Makowski, W. 551, 958 López Calera, N. M. 491, 493–5, 955 Makris, P. G. 1007 López Medina, D. 870, 955 Malem, W. J. 829, 836, 959 López Sánchez, P. 458 Malherbe, H. 885–6, 959 López-Rey, J. 466, 955 Manessis, A. 538, 959 Lorenzen, P. 316 Mangabeira Unger, R. 860 Losano, M. G. 77, 398, 402, 673, 955 Mangoni, L. 904 Loschiavo dos Santos, M. C. 894 Manigk, A. 273, 959 Losonczy, I. XVI, 643, 956 Maňkovskij, B. S. 894 Loth, M. A. 796–7, 804, 956 Manzoni, A. 409, 907 Loukitch, R. (see also Lukić, R. D.) 957 Marañón, G. 473 Lourau, R. 414, 956 Marčić, R. 672 Löwith, K. 18, 257, 956 Marck, S. 4, 15, 96, 124, 127, 959 Lübbe, H. 28, 210, 956 Marcuse, H. 306, 860, 959, 969 Lübbe-Wolff, G. 321, 956 Marc-Wogau, K. XVII, 699, 704–6, 737, 929, Luby, Š. 629, 956 959 Luf, G. 295, 956 Marí, E. E. 828, 831–2, 837, 910, 959–60 Luhmann, N. 309, 321–3, 358, 403, 610, 633, Marinho, J. 510 650, 670, 734, 759, 860, 928, 956–7 Marino, G. 372, 960 Luijpen, W. 800, 957 Maris, C. W. 805, 960 Luk’janov, S. 593 Maritain, J. 474, 476–7, 488, 494, 852, 861–2, Lukács, G. X, XXXI, 15, 107, 232–8, 264, 960, 976 645–6, 648, 893, 957, 988, 1010 Marković, B. S. 656–8, 960 Lukić, R. D. (see also Loukitch, R.) 659–60, Marques, J. Dias 902 671, 680, 946, 957, 976, 1004 Marques, M. Reis XIV, 519, 521–2, 960 Lukšić, B. 671, 957 Márquez, G. 481 Luna García, A. 469 Martim Francisco (Martim Francisco Ribeiro Luna, F. 819, 829, 957 de Andrada) 840 Lundstedt, V. 90, 697, 713, 761, 769 Martín, M. 481 Lundström, K. 733, 957 Martin, R. 671, 961 Luño Peña, E. 458, 461, 481 Martinetti, A. 26, 961 Lustosa, E. 819 Martínez Barrio, D. 470 Luther, M. 170, 207, 288 Martínez Paz, E. 818 Luxemburg, R. 224, 233 Martino, A. 827, 832, 961 Lyotard, J. F. 521 Martyniak, C. 94, 562, 961 Martyniuk , C. 837 Mably, G. B. de 842 Marx, K. X, XII, XIV, XVII, XXIII, 4, 37–8, MacCormick, N. 320, 408, 414, 448, 499, 77, 133, 189–91, 197, 211, 213, 215, 223–5, 624, 724, 759, 858, 871, 957, 1015 227, 229–35, 237–41, 243, 245–6, 283, 285, Macedo Jr., R. P. XIX, 839, 849, 862, 957 291–3, 295, 306, 313–4, 323, 331, 352–64, Machado, J. B. XIV, 504, 512–6, 958 371, 392–3, 403, 459, 467, 472, 487, 494–5, Machalová, T. 633, 958 539–40, 542, 564–8, 584–5, 587, 590–2, MacIntyre, A. 805 601–2, 605–8, 611, 625, 627, 629, 635–6, Maggiore, G. 390, 958 644–8, 660–1, 664–5, 667–9, 671, 673, 679, Magnano San Lio, G. 370, 898 681, 685–6, 690, 698, 727, 733–4, 790, 802, Mahlmann, M. 340, 958 806, 818–9, 821–2, 826, 828, 830, 834, 849, Maihofer, W. 288, 292–3, 298, 300–1, 306, 856–7, 860, 874, 879, 884–6, 891, 893–4, 309, 314, 352, 357–8, 488, 800, 918, 929, 897, 899–901, 903, 907, 909, 917–8, 924, 935, 957–8, 975, 983, 1016 926–7, 930, 934, 936, 941–2, 944, 946, 952, 1052 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

956–8, 961–2, 967–9, 973, 975, 977–80, Meuwissen, D. H. M. 802–3, 964 982, 984–6, 992, 1002–4, 1014 Meyer, T. 41, 104, 964, 985, 999 Maschke, G. 993–4 Meyer-Hesemann, W. 104, 964 Massarenti, A. 403, 919 Miceli, V. 373, 390, 964 Massini Correas, C. 961 Michailidis-Nouaros, G. 543 Mateusz of Kraków 547 Michelakis, E. 543 Matić, D. 653 Michels, R. 403 Matulović, M. 666–7, 671–4, 961, 974, 984 Michoud, L. 432, 965 Maugüé, J. 847–8 Mickiewicz, A. 557 Maulin, E. 434–5, 961 Micklitz, H.-W. 1017 Maunz, T. 305, 962 Mihailova, M. 689, 965 Maura, M. 468 Mihalchev, D. 681, 965 Maurras, C. 251, 267 Milet, M. 422, 965 Maus, I. 346, 962 Miličić, V. 668–9, 671, 674, 965 Mauss, M. 412 Mill, J. S. 330, 373, 554, 775, 832, 844, 849, 924 Mayer, H. 101, 962 Millas, J. 868, 874, 965 Mayer, M. E. VII, 42, 45, 47–9, 484, 962 Minin, K. 589 Mayer, O. 54 Minkkinen, P. 785, 793–4, 965 Mayer-Maly, C. 963 Minuesa de los Ríos, M. 911 Mazères, J.-A. 420, 962 Miraglia, L. 371–2, 965 Mazzarella, G. 375–6, 962 Miró Quesada, F. 868, 882–3, 965 Medina Echevarría, J. 469–70, 472, 478, 962 Mitrović, D. 661 Meijers, E. M. 797, 962 Mitsopoulos, G. 543, 966 Meinhard, L. 180, 962 Mitteis, H. 295, 966 Meireles, H. da Silva Seixas 504, 962 Mock, E. 933 Mejía Quintana, O. 869, 871, 962 Molina, E. 868 Meliante, L. 886 Moll, W. L. 916 Melkevik, B. 649, 962 Mollat, G. 32, 966 Mello e Souza, G. de 848 Möllers, C. 344, 966 Melzer, F. 634, 963 Mollnau, K. A. 352–3, 356–7, 914, 966 Mendes, J. Jr. 844–5 Monbeig, P. 847 Mendive, J. 458 Moncada, L. Cabral de 503, 966 Mendizábal Martín, L. 458, 963 Montada, L. 336, 966 Mendizábal Villalba, A. 458, 470, 473–4, Montaigne, M. de 442 476, 963 Montanari, B. 404, 966 Menéndez Pidal, R. 479 Monteiro, J. P. 849, 966 Menezes, D. 853, 902, 963 Montejano, B. 819 Menger, A. X, 223–4, 352, 963, 985 Montero, D. 459 Mercadante, F. 404, 963 Montesquieu, C.-L. de Secondat 142, 298, Merêa, M. P. 505, 963 360, 417, 522, 916, 944 Merkel, R. 6, 151, 943, 945, 971 Montoro, A. F. 846, 966 Merkl, A. VIII, 57, 60–2, 84–5, 95, 97, 99, Moór, G. (J.) XVI, 4, 48, 95–6, 105, 124, 101, 104, 114–20, 127, 174, 225, 319, 429, 637–42, 644, 966, 998, 1003, 1010 431, 620, 641, 897, 963, 986, 1016–17 Moore, G. E. 330, 563, 704, 754, 959 Merleau Ponty, M. 856 Mora, A. 931 Merrill, C. 919, 972, 989 Morawski, L. 579, 583, 689, 966 Mertens de Wilmars, J. 812, 964 Moreira, G. 503 Mertens, T. 804, 812, 963–4 Moreso, J. J. 967 Mesas de Román, P. J. 472, 964 Morgan, L. H. 375 Messner, J. 287, 964 Mori, M. 403, 919 Mestad, O. 762, 964 Moritz, M. XVII, 697–9, 704–5, 715–6, 931, Métall, R. A. 125, 175, 895, 913, 964, 977, 967 979, 995, 1016–7 Morris, B. 591, 967 INDEX OF NAMES 1053

Morris, C. W. 316, 873, 886, 967 Nicolai II (Emperor of Russia) 589 Mortati, C. 250, 967 Nida-Rümelin, J. 349, 971 Mortensen, A. T. 755, 967 Niemi, M. I. 789, 971 Mosca, G. 403 Nieto Arteta, L. E. 868, 971 Motta, C. 870, 967 Nietzsche, F. 6, 14, 33, 219, 283, 403 Motyka, K. 552, 967 Nigro, M. 250, 267, 971 Motzkin, G. 25, 967 Nino, C. S. 448, 823, 827, 830–1, 833–7, 879, Mouffe, C. 893 971, 987 Mounier, E. 477–8, 967, 996 Nipperdey, H. C. 942 Moura, C. A. R. 849, 902, 967 Noack, P. 265, 971 Mourgeon, M. 962 Nobre, M. 849–50, 852, 854, 857, 971 Moutet, M. 910 Nonnenbruch, F. 261–2, 971 Mucchielli, L. 437, 967 Nordin, S. 699–700, 704–5, 707, 737, 971 Muguerza, J. 923 Nousiainen, K. 793, 971 Müller, C. 29–31, 154, 241, 930, 967 Novais, F. 848, 971 Müller, F. 314, 326–9, 967–8 Novak, A. 680–1, 972 Müller, J. P. 346, 968 Novak, M. 680, 972 Müller, M. 513 Novgorodtsev, P. 588, 593, 595–6, 972 Müller-Eisert, F. A. 42–3, 968 Novoa Monreal, E. 874, 972 Mulligan, K. 161, 968, 995 Nowacki, J. 583, 972 Münch, F. V, 42, 45–7, 468, 968 Nowak, L. 577–9, 972 Münster, A. 33, 190, 312, 326, 360, 939, 941, Nowiński, C. 558 968 Nozick, R. 671 Murphy, T. R. 923 Nunes, A. 970 Muscheler, K. 133, 968 Nussbaum, A. 71, 143, 972 Musschenga, A. W. 807, 960, 968, 1009 Nussbaum, M. 871 Mussolini, B. 387, 463, 923 O’Day, J. 146, 972 Nader, P. 841, 968 O’Donnell, G. 865, 972 Naess, A. 700, 972, 706 Oakes, G. 11, 972, 1015 Nagy, I. 642 Oberkofler, G. 362, 364, 944 Natorp, P. VII, 3, 16, 21, 29–31, 86, 103, 119, Obradović, D. 653, 937, 999 906, 933, 944, 968 Ockham, W. of 413, 444 Naucke, W. 310, 362, 365, 968 Odelstad, J. 701, 920, 953 Navarro, P. E. 836–7, 967–8 Ofstad, H. 772, 972 Nawiasky, H. 124, 190, 309, 939, 968 Ogorek, R. 114, 972 Needham, P. 920 Öhlinger, T. 319, 972 Negt, O. 313, 352, 968 Olaso, L. M. 887 Negulescu, P. 693, 969 Olbrechts-Tyteca, L. 752, 977 Nellemann, J. 926 Olechowski, T. 125, 129, 972 Nelson, L. 39–41, 195, 682, 916, 964, 969, 1006 Olivecrona, K. 90, 407–8, 556, 710, 715, Nenon, T. 934 718–9, 721, 724, 732, 736, 761, 769–70, Nenovski, N. 681, 685–6, 689, 969 879, 893, 906, 972, 975, 998 Neubauer, Z. XV, 620, 969 Ollero, A. 492, 496 Neumann, F. L. X, 244–6, 969–70 Øllgaard, H. 926 Neumann, U. 286–7, 302, 316, 939, 970 Ollig, H.-L. 919, 956 Neumann, V. 244, 970 Olsen, H. P. XVIII, 739, 748, 758, 973, 988 Neurath, O. 403, 706 Olson, R. E. 1018 Neves, A. Castanheira XIV, XXVII, 504, Oñate, A. 881 512, 516–9, 521, 902–3, 954, 960, 970 Onganía, J. C. 822, 825 Newman, R. A. 972 Opalek, C. Van 90, 1018 Newton, I. 831 Opałek, K. 547, 566–7, 581, 584, 586, 973 Nicolai, H. X, 262, 270–1, 934, 971 Opocher, E. 29, 404, 907, 973 1054 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Oppen, B. von 23, 973 Peczenik, A. XXXIII, XXXV, 585–6, 710, Orestano, R. 408 718, 723, 728–32, 758–9, 871, 891–2, 899, Orrego, C. 876, 973 920, 976 Ørsted, A. S. 739–41, 743, 745, 748, 899 Pella, V. V. 690–2, 977 Ørsted, H. C. 739 Peña, C. 458, 461, 481, 876, 977 Ortega y Gasset, J. 403, 460–1, 829, 877, Pereda, C. 886 886, 973 Pereira, M. B. 970 Orti y Lara, J. M. 458 Pereira, O. P. 849–50, 977 Ortiz, J. 881 Perelman, C. 448, 500, 560, 631, 648–9, 661, Orunesu, C. 837, 968 752–3, 795, 871, 886, 924, 977 Ossorio y Gallardo, Á. 465, 973 Perenič, A. 672, 679, 977 Ost, F. 795, 973, 980 Peretiatkowicz, A. 562 Osterkamp, T. 340, 973 Pérez Blesa, R. 458, 481, 483, 487 Pérez Bueno, F. 457, 463, 977 Paasto, P. 787, 973 Pérez Carrillo, A. 878, 977 Pachman, S. V. 670, 973 Pérez Luño, A. E. 444, 457, 488, 909, 977 Paci, E. 393 Pérez Perdomo, R. 888, 977 Paczolay, P. 651 Pergolesi, F. 409, 977 Padjen, I. XVI, 653, 662, 665–7, 670–1, 673– Perić, B. 664, 668, 673, 977–8 4, 973–4 Perić, Ž. 655–6, 978 Pagano, A. 384 Perón, J. 819, 828 Paim, A. 853 Perreau, B. 842 Paine, T. 671 Perroux, F. 263, 978 Papa, E. R. 370, 975 Perticone, G. 390, 978 Papachristos, A. 536, 975 Peschka, V. XVI, 158, 164, 645–7, 978 Papageorgiou, C. 543, 975 Peset, M. 931 Paparrigopoulos, X. 543, 975 Péteri, Z. 645, 647, 978 Pareto, V. 403 Peters, T. 908, 992 Parmentier, S. 812, 975 Petit, C. 442, 978 Paroussis, M. 543, 975 Petraschek, K. 164, 978 Parsons, T. 321 Petrażycki, L. 41, 551–8, 561–2, 566–7, 574, Partridge, P. H. 148, 975 585, 599–600, 602–4, 661, 685, 897, 926, Pascal, B. 508, 516 967, 978, 985 Pashukanis, E. B. 354, 357, 459, 495, 601, Petroni, A. 403, 919 605–9, 645, 667, 921, 962, 975, 996 Petrović, N. 653 Patryas, W. 581, 584, 975 Petzäll, A. 705–7, 979 Pattaro, E. VII, XXVII–XXVIII, XXXIV– Pfabigan, A. 230–2, 891, 952, 979 XXXV, XXXIX, 108, 369, 400, 402, 407– Pfaff, D. 354, 979 9, 973–5, 977 Phalén, A. 704 Patterson, E. W. 133, 975 Philipps, L. XXII, 954 Paul (Saul) (Saint) 82 Piacenza Otaegui, E. 886 Paul, A. M. 1018 Piaget, J. 734 Paul (Roman jurist) 619 Pieler, P. E. 262, 979 Paul, W. 295, 313, 353–4, 975 Pigliaru, A. 394, 979 Pauli, T. 919 Pihlajamäki, H. 785, 979 Paulson, S. L. XXIII, 136, 184, 396, 761, Pikler, G. 635, 979 807–8, 943, 975–6, 991, 1010 Pincione, G. 835, 979 Pavčnik, M. XVI, 94, 653, 674, 676, 679–80, Pinto, A. Vieira 851, 854 933, 976, 980 Pintore, A. 405, 937 Paz, O. 863, 976 Piret, J.-M. 813 Pazos, M. I. 829, 881 Pitamic, L. XXVIII, 94, 110, 119, 123, 174, Peces-Barba, G. 488, 490, 492–4, 496–7, 976, 225, 677–8, 976, 979 987 Pitch, T. 405, 917 INDEX OF NAMES 1055

Pizani, R. 868, 887, 980 Punzi, A. 444, 982 Plato 17, 73–4, 81–2, 191, 248, 335, 510, 538, Pusić, E. 664, 669–70, 982 604, 620, 700, 793, 870, 912, 943, 1015 Puy, F. 491, 922 Plekhanov, G. V. 591–2, 668 Plessner, H. 294, 801, 980 Queiró, A. Rodrigues 503, 508, 983 Płeszka, K. XV, 547, 585, 980 Quiles, I. 819 Plümacher M. 286, 308, 980 Quine, W. V. O. 755–6, 774, 983 Podgorac, T. 661 Podgórecki, A. 575–6, 980 Rabinowicz, W. 891 Podlech, A. 316, 320–1, 980 Rabossi, E. 826–7, 834, 836, 983 Pogge, T. 871 Radbruch, G. VII, XI, 6, 8, 15, 23–4, 34–8, Pokol, B. XVI, 650, 980 49, 78, 133–5, 170, 198, 287–8, 293, 295– Pokrovac, Z. 662, 665, 670–3, 907, 980, 997 9, 301, 312, 330, 468, 484, 522, 583, 585, Polak, K. 356, 362, 934, 981 681, 802, 804, 851, 914, 932, 964, 981, Polak, L. 798, 981 983, 1012, 1020 Polanowska, B. 585, 981 Radić, S. 664, 908, 983 Polčak, R. 634, 981 Raes, K. 806–7, 811, 813, 983–4 Pol-Droit, R. 247, 981 Raisch, P. 310, 984 Ponte, G. 982 Ramirez, S. 481 Pontes de Miranda, F. C. 844–5 Ramos Sobrino, B. 459, 461, 470, 475, 478–9 Popović, J. S. (Sterija, J.) 653 Ramos, R. M. de Moura 902 Popović, M. 661 Ramos, T. 848 Popper, K. R. 82, 323, 556, 734, 891 Randa, A. 615, 626 Porchat Pereira, O. 850 Rangel, J. de la Torre 881 Portalis, J. E. M. 439 Ratica, J. 628–9, 984 Porttikivi, J. 931 Rau, C.-F. 438, 895 Poscher, R. 37–8, 981 Ravà, A. 384–5, 984 Pospisil, L. 309, 981 Rawls, J. XXIV, XXVI, 330–4, 336–7, 339– Post, A. H. 6, 375, 843 41, 500, 526, 661, 671, 673, 730, 775, 781, Postema, G. J. XXXIV, XXXVI–XXXVII, 806, 833, 837, 858, 871, 876, 917, 922–3, XXXIX, 86, 981 930–1, 961, 977, 983–4, 989 Potekhin, J. 593 Raz, J. 499, 666, 729, 830, 862, 984 Poulantzas, N. 495 Reale, G. 885 Pound, R. 142–3, 146, 321, 556, 941, 972, 981 Reale, M. XX, 820, 841, 845–6, 850–6, 859, Pöyhönen, J. (see also Karhu, J.) 791 868, 884, 910, 984 Prado Jr., B. 849, 857, 981 Rébori, J. 828 Prakken, H. 811, 981 Recasens Siches, L. 5–6, 458, 461, 466–7, Prawitz, D. 720, 953, 981 469, 471, 475, 817, 868, 877, 885, 906, Preciado Hernández, R. 877–8, 981 984, 987 Preti, G. 393 Redeker, R. 985 Přibáň, J. 632, 891–2 Redondo, C. 829, 836–7, 967–8, 985 Pribytkova, E. 598, 982 Register, L. B. 1019 Priester, J. M. 102, 982 Rego, J. M. 849–50, 852, 854, 857, 971 Primo de Rivera, J. A. XIII, 463–7, 473, 479, Rehbinder, M. von 138, 143, 146, 916, 972, 982 985 Primorac, I. (Primoratz, I.) 672–3, 982 Rehmke, J. 681, 985 Procházka, A. XV, 319, 620–1, 630, 982 Reich, N. 189, 194, 223, 246–7, 250, 253, Prusák, J. 629–30, 934, 982 255, 272, 352, 551, 934, 940, 963, 971, Puchta, G. F. 144, 843 978, 985, 1017 Pufendorf, S. von 444, 522, 842 Reidhav, D. 721, 724, 726–7, 911, 985 Puigdollers Oliver, M. 481, 982 Reinach, A. IX, 9, 158–66, 172, 174, 183, Pulka, Z. 579, 584, 982 205, 468, 563, 799, 903, 910, 934, 968, Pulszky, A. 635–6, 982 985, 995–6 1056 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Reiner, H. 172, 985 Rol, C. 928 Reisman, G. 986 Romano, B. 404, 987–8 Renard, G. 421, 474, 504, 899, 909, 985 Romano, S. 252, 380, 394, 414, 420, 858, 988 Renner, K. X, 7, 37, 130, 149, 223, 225–30, Romero Otazo, F. 466, 988 238, 244, 929, 952, 985–6 Romero, F. 818, 863, 868–9 Rentería, A. 880 Romero, S. 844, 988 Rentsch, T. 902 Rorty, R. 308, 832, 988 Requate, J. 305, 321, 986 Rosenbaum, W. 288, 302, 988 Reulet, A. S. 818 Rosenberg, A. 200, 283 Rhode, E. 73, 986 Rosenkratz , C. 835 Ribas, A. J. 986 Rosier, T. E. 808, 988 Ribas, C. 843 Rosmini, A. 286, 392 Ribeiro, Á. 510 Ross, A. XVIII, 90, 94, 110, 369, 405, 407–8, Ribeiro, J. A. Pinto, 970 448, 450, 497–8, 556, 701, 736, 746–55, Rickert, H. VII, 3, 5, 8, 11, 13–6, 24, 42, 100, 758–9, 761, 769, 772–3, 776, 779, 782, 133–4, 137–8, 189, 196, 206, 224, 360, 789, 856, 869, 878–9, 886, 917, 937, 972– 537, 638, 972, 986, 998 3, 988 Riebschläger, K. 114, 986 Rosshoff, H. 15, 988 Riedel, M. 331, 986 Rossi, A. 879 Riedlinger, A. 305, 930 Rossi, P. 374 Rijpkema, P. P. 810, 986 Rotolo, A. XXXIX Ringhofer, K. 115, 943, 986 Rottleuthner, H. XXXIII, XXXV, 145, 310, Rintelen, F.-J. von 13–4, 986 900, 914, 969, 975, 989 Río, M. M. del 819 Rouček, F. 614, 622, 989 Ripepe, E. 403, 986 Rougés, A. 818 Ripoli, M. 407, 906 Roumeliotis, M. 543, 989 Ristić, M. H. 653 Rousseau, J.-J. 67, 253, 273, 278, 314, 337–9, Ritter, J. 331, 947, 1017 346–7, 522, 661, 798, 807, 849, 893, 919, Rivaya, B. XIII, 457, 459, 466, 473–4, 481–2, 960, 967, 981, 1002, 1020–1 491–2, 922, 986 Roxin, C. 858 Rivera López, E. 835, 987 Rozemond, K. 811, 989 Rivera Pastor, F. 461–2, 987, 1001 Rubenstein, R. L. 77, 989 Robbers, G. 241, 987 Rubio Castro, A. 457, 989 Robinson, E. 641 Ruiz de Santiago, J. 881 Roca, V. 833, 987 Ruiz Giménez, J. 481, 483–4, 487, 490, 493, Rocco, Alfredo 395, 987 989 Rocco, Arturo 395, 987 Ruiz Manero, J. 495, 894 Roces, W. 459, 462, 464–5, 470, 987 Ruiz Moreno, A. T. 818 Rocha-Cunha, S. da 960 Ruiz Tagle, P. 868, 876, 910, 989 Rödig, J. 318, 320, 987 Ruiz, A. 828, 837 Rodríguez de Cepeda, R. 458 Rundstein, S. 562, 989 Rodríguez Molinero, M. 496 Russell, B. 525, 704, 706, 754, 942 Rodriguez Paniagua, J. M. 488 Rüßmann, H. 317, 945 Rodríguez Tirado, A. 881 Russo, E. A. 827, 830, 961, 989 Rodríguez, A. J. 818 Rüthers, B. 288, 299, 312, 989 Rodríguez, C. 871, 922, Ryffel, H. 332–3, 989 Rodríguez, G. H. 877–8 Rodríguez, J. 835, 837, 968, 987 Saavedra, M. 955 Rodríguez, M. I. 882 Saba, R. 835 Roellecke, G. 305, 987 Sacristán, M. 488–9, 989 Roemer, A. 881 Sadurski, W. 585–6 Roffenstein, G. 101, 987 Sáenz, M. 818, 869 Röhm, E. 264 Sáez, M. 870, 967 INDEX OF NAMES 1057

Sajó, A. XVI, 649–50, 989 Schlick, M. 97, 175–6, 308, 706, 992 Sakkoulas, A. 894, 954, 975, 998, 1000, 1008 Schlink, B. 326, 329, 348, 915, 930, 992 Salas, M. 868, 872–3, 989 Schluchter, W. 241, 992 Salazar Ugarte, P. 880, 989 Schmaus, M. 511 Salazar, A.de Oliveira 504 Schmidt, A. H. J. 903, 968 Saldaña, J. 460, 881 Schmill, U. 878–9, 992 Saleilles, R. 436, 439–41, 505 Schmitt, C. X, XXIV, XXIX, XXXI, 7, 9, 66, Salgado, P. 851 69–70, 102, 116, 124, 158, 219, 221, 231, Salinas Fortes, L. R. 849 241, 243–4, 246–67, 269, 271, 280, 301, Salles da Silva, J. C. 904 342, 356, 414, 472, 479, 482–3, 508, 598, Salmerón, F. 879 804, 893, 896–7, 915, 926, 931–2, 943, Sampaio Ferraz, T. Jr. 849, 852, 862 946, 956, 967, 970–1, 981, 985, 993, 995, Samu, M. 647 1001, 1012–3, 1017 Sánchez, L. M. 458, 818, 884, 989 Schneider, E. 318, 994 Sancho Izquierdo, M. 458, 463, 470, 475, Schneider, H.-P. 310, 994 479, 481, 484, 924, 989 Scholten, P. 809, 994 Sander, F. VIII, 62, 84, 92, 95, 104, 115–6, Schönberger, C. 434, 994 119, 124–9, 175, 199, 215, 933, 944, 949, Schönfeld, W. IX, 200, 202, 204–7, 272–3, 972, 989, 991 994 Santos, B. de Sousa XIV, 504, 526–9, 991 Schopenhauer, A. 53, 617, 849, 904 Santos, D. XIV, 504–5, 510, 991 Schramm, A. 994 Santos, J. Beleza dos 503 Schreiber, R. 318, 994 Santos, L. H. L. dos 849, 991 Schreier, F. IX, 92, 125–6, 158–9, 164, 172, Sapegno, N. 370, 907 174–5, 180–8, 205, 899, 962, 994, 1015 Saraiva, J. H. XXIX, 508, 910, 918, 957, 966, Schreiner, H. 316, 318, 995, 1004 984, 991, 1005 Schrey, H.-H. 287, 995 Sarlo, O. 868, 886, 904 Schröder, J. 133, 944 Sartor, G. XXXV, 402, 991 Schuhmann, K. 158, 166, 985, 995 Sartre, J.-P. 421, 488, 856, 991 Schultes, K. 263, 995 Sasso, J. 886 Schulz, W. 311, 995 Sauer, W. 124, 164, 658–9, 915, 951, 991 Schünemman, B. 858 Savigny, F. C. von 5, 144, 205, 236, 248, 260– Schuppe, W. 10, 995 1, 308, 310, 330, 372, 522–3, 538, 654, Schwab, G. 993–4 666, 691, 843, 899, 901, 991–2 Schwartz, D. 886 Sayre, P. 941 Schwarz, A. B. 636, 995 Scantimburgo, J. de 853 Schwarz, H.-P. 216, 995 Scarpelli, U. 398–401, 403, 405, 448, 975, 992 Schweigaard, A. M. 761–2, 765–6, 899, 964, Schäffle, A. 6 995, 998 Schale, F. 244, 1009 Schwemmer, H. 316 Schambeck, H. 963 Schwind, E. IX, 124, 131–2, 995 Scharpf, F. W. 320, 992 Schwinge, E. 258, 995 Scheinin, M. 792, 992 Searle, J. R. 161, 405, 434, 858, 995 Scheler, M. 121, 289–90, 293–4, 508, 885–6, Sedláček, J. 614, 622, 625, 989 899, 992 Seibert, T. M. 316, 995 Schelling, F. 198, 202, 204, 273, 654 Seidler, E. von IX, 152–3, 995 Schelsky, H. 291, 891, 947, 949, 964, 982, Seidler, G. L. 583 992, 1009 Seidl-Hohenveldern, I. 121, 996 Schenk, D. 271, 992 Seifert, J. 163, 240, 920, 996 Schenk, H. G. 125, 992 Seip, J. A. 762, 996 Scheuermann, W. E. 246, 992 Seitzer, J. 994 Schiattarella, R. 376–7, 992 Seleme, H. 837 Schild, W. 94, 105, 992 Selmer, K. 937 Schleiermacher, F. 325 Semprún Gurrea, J. M. 477, 996 1058 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Sen, A. K. XXXIII, 858 Somló, B. (F.) XVI, 18, 124, 152, 235, 635–7, Seoaje, M. 819 921, 997 Sepp, H. R. 158, 161, 934, 996 Sommerhäuser, H. P. 16, 998 Serafini, F. 372, 396, 941, 977 Sørensen, Ø. 762, 998 Serpe, A. XIV, 522 Soukup, M. L. 972 Seydel, M. von 52, 897, 996 Sourlas, P. 531, 537, 543, 998 Shakespeare, W. 193, 945 Sousa, A. P. Loureiro de 508, 998 Sharankova, Z. 689, 996 Sousa, B. de 871, 922, 991 Shershenevitch, G. 588, 598–9, 996 Sousa, S. 848 Siebert, W. 482 Souto, C. 861, 917, 998 Siegel, H. 161, 996 Souza, M. de Lourdes 494, 998 Sighele, S. 374, 996 Spaak, T. 718, 721–4, 735, 998 Siltala, R. 789, 996 Spann, O. IX, 120–1, 212–6, 278, 280, 284, Silva Dias, A. 954, 961 896, 905, 930, 990, 998 Silva Telles Júnior, G. da 851 Spasojević, Ž. (Spasoïevitch, J.) 656, 999 Silva, A. da 510 Specht, M. 916 Silva, L. V. A. da 862, 911 Spector, E. 835, 979, 999 Silva, M. Duarte Gomes da XIV, 504, 511, 911 Spector, H. 835 Silva, V. Ferreira da 853 Spektorski, E. V. (Spektorskij, E. V.; Spektor- Simić, M. 658, 661, 996 sky, E. V.) 597, 657, 678, 999 Simma, B. 121, 123, 996 Spencer, H. 370, 424, 437, 503, 635, 818, Simmel, G. 15, 23, 88, 94, 100–1, 145, 237, 844, 885 294, 938, 996 Spengler, O. IX, 5, 15, 209–12, 262, 280–1, Simmonds, N. E. 710, 717, 736, 997 918, 945, 956, 999 Simões Gaudêncio, A. M. XIV, 519 Speranţia, E. 690–1, 999 Simon, D. 318, 931, 970 Spiegel, L. 143, 207, 930, 933, 945, 999, 1015–6 Simon, T. 662, 948, 981, 997, 1001 Spiegelberg, H. 158, 161, 999 Šimonović, I. 664, 673–4, 947, 997 Spinoza, B. 548, 798, 849, 908, 963 Simpson, T. M. 823 Sprenger, G. 298, 357, 929, 1000 Sinzheimer, H. 143–5, 997 Squella, A. 875, 1000 Siqueira Cavalcanti, T. 853 Stadler, F. 102, 175, 935, 1000 Skarbimierz, S. of 548 Stadtmüller, G. 288, 1000 Škarda, J. 615 Staff, H. I. 967 Škop, M. 634, 997 Stalev, Z. 685–6, 688, 1000 Slagstad, R. 762, 997 Stalin, J. 232, 292, 314, 354–6, 358–9, 361, Ślipko, T. 547, 925 363–4, 587, 605–6, 608, 614, 643–4, 647, Smend, R. IX, 7, 124, 220–1, 249, 468, 472, 667 997 Stamatis, C. XIII, 531–2, 538, 540, 543, 1000 Smith, B. 166, 842, 985, 995 Stammler, R. VII, 4, 9–11, 18–23, 29–31, 40, Smith, J. C. 823 89, 145, 151, 170, 191, 195–7, 215–6, 224, Smith, M. 731, 997 228, 235, 301, 382, 441, 459, 462–3, 465– Smits, J. 813, 997 6, 468, 475, 484, 507, 533, 535, 556, 588, Smolak, M. 584, 997 636–7, 818, 856, 878, 899, 916, 951, 968, Soares, J. C. 843 987, 998, 1000–1, 1015 Sobek, T. 634, 997 Stark, B. 126, 989, 1001 Sobrevilla, D. 868, 884, 997 Stavropoulos, N. 543, 1001 Soeteman, A. XIX, 795–6, 803–6, 912, 997 Stegmüller, W. 311, 1001 Solari, G. 395–6 Stein, E. XXXV, 850, 932, 1001 Soler, S. 823, 826, 997 Steinthal, H. 154, 373 Söllner, A. 969 Steinvorth, U. 341, 1001 Solonevitch, I. 589, 997 Stejić, J. 653 Soloviev, V. 590, 592–7, 911, 927, 936, 997, Stella, G. IX, 65, 92, 157–8, 161, 170, 1001 1007 Stelmach, J. 568, 579, 583, 585, 1001 INDEX OF NAMES 1059

Stępień, A. B. 547, 910 Taekema, S. 803–4, 813, 1003, 1009 Stodola, E. 615 Takács, P. 651 Stojšić, P. 653 Tamás, A. 650 Stolleis, M. 102, 265, 948, 968, 981, 1001 Tamayo y Salmorán, R. 878–9, 1003 Stone, J. 394, 1001 Taminiaux, J. 158, 1009 Stoppino, M. 399 Tamm, D. 742, 1004 Storme, M. 802, 809, 1001 Tammelo, I. 318, 658, 672, 959, 1004 Stoyanovitch, K. 495 Tanghe, F. 806, 1004 Strahl, I. 701, 723, 1001 Taranovski, T. (F.) 657, 667, 1004 Strangas, Y. 543, 1002 Tarde, G. 437, 503, 690, 692, 1004 Strasser, S. 934 Tarello, G. 399, 406–7, 448, 453, 1004 Stratenwerth, G. 301, 1002 Tarski, A. 824 Streck, L. L. 954 Tashev, R. 688, 1004 Strogovič, M. S. 894 Tasić, Ð. 658–9, 661, 678, 996, 1004 Strohal, I. 663, 666, 962, 1002 Taubes, J. 896 Strömberg, T. XVII, 697–8, 709–11, 713, Taylor, C. 858 732, 734–6, 1002 Teijl, R. 806, 933 Strömholm, S. 709, 713–5, 723, 728, 920, Teixeira de Freitas, A. 843–4, 1004 936, 1002 Teixeira, A. Braz XIV, 508–10, 843–4, 848–9, Stroynowski, H. 549 901, 1004 Struck, G. 316, 1002 Teixeira, L. 848–9, 1004 Struve, P. 592 Tekelija, S. (see also Tököl, S.) 653, 1004 Sturm, A. 41, 1002 Tella, T. di 835 Sturzo, L. 474, 477, 1002 Telles Jr., G. da S. 851, 1005 Suárez, F. 120, 123, 445, 458, 469, 484–5, Tenbruck, F. 321, 1005 492, 507, 522, 894, 924–5, 964, 1002, 1011 Ter Heide, J. 801, 1005 Sucar, G. 968 Terra, R. 849, 891, 894, 905, 909, 918, 955, Sueiro, D. 475, 1002 1005 Sulikowski, A. 584, 1002 Tesón, F. 835 Šumenković, I. (I. Choumenkovitch) 656, 1002 Teubner, G. 860 Summers, R. S. 915, 917 Tezanos, J. F. 913 Sumner Maine, H. 375, 378, 1010 Tezner, F. 94, 1005 Sundberg, J. W. F. 709, 712–3, 1002 Thieme, H. 443 Sundby, N. K. XVIII, 701, 763, 768–73, 775– Thion, P. 812, 1005 80, 783, 915, 988, 1003 Thomas Aquinas XIII, 89, 282, 288, 408, Sundfeld, C. A. 856, 1003 443, 445, 469, 483–4, 522, 792, 837, 846, Sutton, J. 590, 1003 876, 1013 Suvtchinsky, P. 593, 1003 Thomasius, C. 444, 522 Svensson, E.-M. 733, 1003 Thomasset, C. 936 Swabey, M. C. 906 Thoss, P. 272, 1005 Swabey, W. C. 906 Thurn-Taxis, R. 615 Świrydowicz, S. 584 Tidmarsh, K. 589, 1005 Szabadfalvi, J. 636–7, 643, 651, 1003 Tierney, B. 445, 1005 Szabó, I. XVI, 640, 644–5, 978, 1003 Tikhomirov, L. 589, 1005 Szabó, J. XVI, 641, 1003 Timasheff, N. S. 148, 552, 600, 1005 Szabó, M. 651 Titulescu, N. 691 Szaniawski, J. 547, 1003 Tobor, Z. 583, 1005 Szigeti, P. 651 Todescan, F. 404, 973, 1005 Szilágyi, I. H. 651 Tokarczyk, R. 584, 1005 Szyszkowska, M. 582, 585, 1003 Tököl, S. (see also Tekelija, S.) 653, 1004 Tolonen, H. 785–8, 790, 792, 891, 1005, 1008 Tadić, L. 660 Tolstoy, L. 460, 589, 591, 598 Tadjer, V. 685, 969, 1003 Tomsa, B. 628, 1005 1060 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Tonner, K. 1017 Van Dun, F. 802–3, 812, 1009 Tönnies, F. 5, 23, 26, 212, 218, 252, 1006 van Eikema Hommes, H. J. 798, 1009 Tontti, J. 794, 1006 van Gerven, W. 802, 809, 1009 Topitsch, E. 72, 308, 1006 Van Haersolte, R. A. V. 800, 1009 Torbov, T. 682–4, 1006 Van Hoecke, M. XIX, 795–6, 803, 809–10, Torres Filho, R. R. 849, 1006 813, 924, 973, 1009 Torres Lacroze, F. 819, 1006 van Klink, B. 813, 1009 Toulmin, S. 330, 871 Van Maanen, G. 928 Trakal, J. 616, 1006 Van Neste, F. 802 Trazegnies, F. 884, 1006 Van Ooyen, R. C. 244, 1009 Treves, R. 94, 372, 395–6, 941–2, 1006 Van Roermund, A. G. 1010 Triantaphyllopoulos, C. 531–5, 539, 1000, 1007 van Willigenburg, T. 807, 1009 Triepel, H. 7 Vanderlinden, J. 936 Troper, M. XIII, 413, 435, 447–55, 1007 Vanni, I. 373–4, 378–82, 881–2, 1010 Trubetskoy, E. 596, 1007 Varela, A. 902 Truyol y Serra, A. 124, 481–7, 503, 1007 Varga, C. XVI, 635, 637–8, 641–3, 648–51, Tryzna, J. 634, 1007 691, 910, 943, 962, 966, 974, 998, 1010 Tsatsos, C. 534, 536–9, 542–3, 998, 1007 Vargas Cullell, J. 972 Tsatsos, T. 543 Vargas, G. XXIX, 845–7, Tuka, V. 628, 1008 Vargas, M. 853 Tumanov, V. A. 645, 1008 Varisco, B. 381, 1010 Tuñón de Lara, M. 465, 475, 1008 Vas, T. XVI, 642–3, 1010 Tuori, K. 759, 787–8, 790–4, 1005, 1008 Vasconcelos, J. 868 Tur, R. 1011, 1015 Vasić, R. 661 Tusell, J. 468, 494, 1008 Vassiliou, G. I. 1007 Tushnet, M. 860 Vaz Ferreira, C. 868, 885 Twardowski, K. 557 Vázquez, G. H. 445, 869 Twining, W. 1011, 1015 Vázquez, R. XX, XXXI, 829, 863, 880, 1010, 1020 Ulbricht, W. 356, 934, 944 Večeřa, M. 633, 1011 Unamuno, M. de. 460, 464, 473, 1008 Vega, J. 863, 881 Undén, Ö. 701, 1008 Venâncio Filho, A. 840–1, 1011 Unger, R. Mangabeira 527, 860, 1008 Verdross, A. VIII, 3, 85, 95, 116, 119–24, 174, Uprimny Yepes, R. 871, 1008 216, 225, 639, 641, 643, 899, 905, 913, Urdaneta de Maracaibo, R. 888 939, 966, 979, 995–6, 1007, 1011, 1016 Urdánoz, T. 481 Vernengo, R. J. 91, 826–7, 830–1, 836, 879, Uribe, Á. 870, 872, 878, 934, 1008 927, 1011–2 Urmson, J. O. 895 Vest, H. 297, 1012 Urquijo, A. E. 915 Vesting, T. 267, 1012 Urraburu, J. 458 Viagas, P. F. 494 Ustrjalov, N. 593 Vianna, F. J. de Oliveira 846, 1012 Vico, G. 370–2, 391, 406, 852, 918, 1012 Vacca, R. 384 Victor, D. 734, 1012 Vale, L. Meneses do XIV, XXVII, 519 Victor, R. 799, 1012 Valente, F. XXXIX, 369 Viehweg, E. 886 Valindas, F. 537, 1008 Viehweg, T. 315, 358, 500, 513, 752, 871, 1012 Van Bellingen, J. 812, 1009 Vieira, O. V. 862, 1012 Van Breda, H. L. 158, 1009 Viera Ruiz, L. A. 886 van den Herik, H. J. 903 Vigna, M. 886 Van der Burg, W. 804, 806–7, 1009, 1018 Vigo, R. 837, 1012 Van der Eycken, P. 808–9, 1010 Vilanova, J. M. 823, 891 Van der Ven, J. J. M. 800, 1009 Vilanova, L. 853, 856, 1012 van der Wal, G. A. 808, 1009 Vilhena, O. 865, 1012 INDEX OF NAMES 1061

Villafañe, A. K. 819 Wehler, H.-U. 286, 302, 308, 1015 Villar Borda, L. 870, 1012 Weinberger, O. XV, 51, 58, 83, 89–90, 183, Villarán, M. V. 881, 1012 289, 318–20, 414, 618, 620, 622–5, 633, Villari, P. 369–71, 1012 917, 933, 945, 948, 957, 1015–7 Villegas, A. N. 869, 871, 922 Weinkauff, H. 289, 302–4, 931, 1016 Villey, M. XIII, 413, 440, 442–7, 648–9, 897, Weischedel, W. 295, 302, 938, 1016 904, 909, 982, 1012–3 Welsch, W. 334, 1016 Villey, P. 442 Welzel, H. 15, 299, 486, 513, 858, 1016 Villoro, M. 878–9 Werner, A. F. I. E. XXIII, 288, 292, 298, 300, Vinx, L. 109, 1013 309, 312, 314, 323, 352, 357, 800, 820, Viola, F. 408, 1013 891, 975, 1005 Viola, O. 819 Westerman, P. 803, 1016 Visegrády, A. 651 Westermann, C. 316, 1016 Visković, N. 665, 668–9, 671–4, 900, 1013 Weyembergh, M. 812, 919 Vita, L. W. 853, 955, 988, 1013 Weyr, F. VIII, XV, 51–64, 319, 435, 616–22, Vitoria, F. de 120, 445, 483 625, 633, 958, 982, 1016 Vodinelić, V. 672, 1013 Wieacker, F. 286, 288, 443, 858, 1017 Voegelin, E. 92, 175, 1013 Wielgus, S. 547, 910 Voigt, A. 331, 1013 Wielikowski, G.A. 5, 20, 26–7, 30, 41, 1017 Vojinović, L. 653 Wielinger, G. K. 94, 115, 1017 Volpe, G. 190, 1013 Wikström, K. 788, 1017 Volpicelli, A. 263, 396, 941, 943, 1013 Wildt, A. 286, 1017 von der Pfordten, D. 920 Wilhelm II (of Prussia), 246, 273 Vračar, S. 660 Wilhelm, W. 767, 1017 Vranjanac, D. 661 Wilhelmsson, T. 790–1, 1017 Vrban, D. 668–9, 672–3, 1014 Wilk, K. 263, 1017 Vukadinović, G. 661, 1001 Williams, B. 858 Vulchev, D. 687–8, 1014 Winch, P. 665, 670, 1017 Vyshinsky, A. J. 354–5, 357, 587, 606–7, 627, Winczorek, P. 585 644–5, 667, 921, 1014 Windelband, W. VII, 3, 8, 11, 13–5, 23–4, 88, 94, 189, 224, 637, 986, 1017 Wachsmann, P. 897, 931 Winkler G. XXIV, XXXI, 52, 74, 153, 174– Wahl, R. 305–6, 932, 1014 5, 184, 307, 940, 1017, 1019 Wahlberg, L. 726, 1014 Winter, E. 18, 27, 30, 938, 986, 1018 Waibl, E. 262, 1014 Wintgens, L. 803, 812, 1018 Waitz, G. 373 Witte, J. Jr. 666, 898 Walicki, A. 590, 598, 1014 Witteveen, W. 804, 807, 1018 Waline, M. 1007 Wittgenstein, L. XXVI, 308, 670, 704, 706, Walter R. 91, 184, 187, 319, 935, 943–4, 948, 715, 786, 788–9, 798, 825, 858, 929, 1015 962, 994, 1001, 1014, 1017 Włodkowic, P. 547–8 Walz, G. A. 96, 175, 1014 Wojciechowski, B. XXII, 584, 1018 Walzer, M. 661 Woleński, J. XV, 547, 557, 568–9, 571, 585, Warat, L. A. 827, 832, 860, 961, 1014 599, 1018 Warnock, G. J. 895 Wolf, E. 123, 270, 288–9, 292, 356, 915, 958, Waśkowski, E. 560–1, 568, 1014 994, 1018 Wassermann, R. 321, 1014 Wolff, C. 71, 109, 112, 123, 444, 522, 956, Weber, M. 7–8, 11, 22, 24, 75, 98, 100, 134, 1018 137, 142, 193, 212, 234–5, 248, 257, 267, Wolff, F. 848 278–9, 559, 645–6, 670, 791, 945–6, 967, Wolff, R. P. 959 972, 978, 1015 Wolter, W. 547, 973 Wedberg, A. XVII, 697, 699–704, 706–7, Wong, C. 697 735, 941, 1015, 1018 Woods, B. 331 Weffort, F. 861, 1015 Worms, R. 437, 1018 1062 TREATISE, 12 (1) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Wright, G. H. von 448, 523, 706, 718, 786, Zajadło, J. 583, 585, 1020 788–9, 824, 830, 878–9, 888, 917, 1015, Zajkowski, J. 558 1018 Załuski, W. 585, 1001, 1020 Wróblewski, B. 558, 579, 921, 1018 Zapatero, V. 492, 495, 912 Wróblewski, J. 558, 566–71, 576–7, 582, 584, Zeleny, K. 935, 944, 962, 994, 1001 586, 730, 789, 973, 1018 Zement, H. 309, 1020 Wronkowska, S. 576, 584, 1019 Zepos, P. 531, 1020 Wundt, W. IX, 6, 154–5, 373, 1019 Ziegert, K. 1020 Würtenberger, T. 133–4, 172, 295, 938, 958, Zieliński, M. 572, 574, 576, 584, 1020 985, 1019 Ziembiński, Z. 563, 566–7, 572, 575–6, 580– Wurzel, K. G. IX, 52, 84, 149–52, 1019 3, 584, 586, 1019–20 Wüstendörfer, H. 143, 1019 Zilian, H. G. 175–6, 1020 Wyclife, J. 547 Zirk-Sadowski, M. 579, 584, 1020 Zitelmann, E. 6, 87 Xavier, J. T. 843 Zitting, S. 787, 1020 Živanović, T. (see also Givanovitch, T.) 656– Ymaz, E. 823 7, 1020 Znamierowski, C. 562–3, 565, 584, 910, 1021 Zaccaria, G. 404, 408, 1013, 1019 Zolo, D. 403, 1021 Zachariae, K. S. 438, 1019 Zuleta Puceiro, E. 837, 1021 Zacharopoulos, I. 1008 Zuleta, H. 835–7, 1021 Zaffaroni, E. R. 865, 1019 Žun, A. 679, 1021 Zagrebelsky, G. 499 Zupančič, B. M. 680, 1021 BIBLIOGRAPHY

For ease of reference in the indexes that follow, letters belonging to alphabetic systems having a different arrangement than English have been slotted into the place they would occupy in the English alphabet. To this end we have adopted a criterion of similarity (for example, å = a). If an original work has been trans- lated into English and the contributor has deemed it necessary, the title of that translation will appear next to the original title even if the former is not a lit- eral translation of the latter.

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Analytical philosophy, legal 647–64 in Maritain 51–2 analysis as a tool in Wróblewski 652–5 in Passerin d’Entrèves 52–3, 149 and legal positivism in Bobbio 253–5, 647–9 Coercion in Bulygin 283–5, 649–52 Habermas on 274–5 in Scarpelli 255–7 Hägerström on 350–4 in Troper 258–9 Kelsen on 202, 205–7 and legal realism Olivecrona on 373–6 continental legal realism 305–10 Petrażycki on 471, 533 in Ross 655–8 Ross on 408–10 Italian legal realism 257–8, 658–64 and neoconstitutionalism Constitution in Garzón Valdés 265–6 and natural law theory 75–8 in Nino 266–9 in Germany 105–8 see also Language, legal in Hungary 158 in Italy 147 in Spain 131–2 Antiformalism 601–25 Carré de Malberg on 220 and natural law theory 24–42 Hägerström on 333–5 Continental legal realism 297–318 Kelsen on 211–4, 511–3 free law movement 608–18 Petrażycki on 485–6, 500, 511–2, 523 in Ehrlich 609–13 Strömberg on 427–8 in Gény 601–8 Troper on 258–9 in Kantorowicz 613–8 Weimar debate 220–31 in Kelsen’s “skeptical phase” 247–53 see also Neoconstitutionalism Italian legal realism 257–8, 658–64 jurisprudence of interests 618–22 Defeasibility see Logic, legal and deontic Scandinavian legal realism 319–442, 655–8 see also Institutionalism; Legal realism; Democracy Teleology, teleological Habermas on 276 Nino on 269 Christian thought and institutionalism Deontic logic see Logic, legal and deontic in Hauriou 28–30, 113 in Renard 31–2, 113 Discourse theory and natural law theory 7–12, 28–32, 114– in Alexy 83–4, 269–72, 679–86 5, 122–6, 135, 141–4, 151–2, 155–7, in Habermas 272–9, 673–8 168, 170 see also Law and morality; Legal reason- in Capograssi 56–7 ing in Cathrein 9–11 in Charmont 6, 114 Dogmatics, legal see Science, legal in Cotta 150–1 in Fassò 53, 149 Emotions see Psychologism, legal in Fuchs 71 in Höffe 74 Existentialism, legal in Kalinowski 52 and natural law theory 57–9, 102–3, 135–7

© Springer Netherlands 2016 829 E. Pattaro, C. Roversi (eds.), A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1479-3 830 TREATISE, 12 (2) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Formalism in Renard 31–2 and legal interpretation 66 in Romano 231–5 in the Begriffsjurisprudenz 589–600 in the exegetical school 565–81 Interpretation, legal 561–756 and legal positivism 182, 187–8, 221 Aarnio on 686–93 and natural law theory 12–24, 95, 100–1, Alexy on 679–86 156–7 Gény on 601–8 and the principle of legality 498–503, 511 in analytical legal philosophy in Kelsen 191–208, 223–4, 511–3 Bobbio on 647–9 Petrażycki on formalization 472–5 Bulygin on 649–52 Vienna school theory of the legal system Wróblewski on 652–5 208–18 in hermeneutics Betti on 635–44 Grundnorm see Kelsen; Norms Esser on 645–6 in legal realism ż Hart, H. L. A. Petra ycki on 463–4, 502 and Continental legal realism 317, 333 Ross on 655–8 and legal positivism 64, 183–4, 281 Tarello on 658–64 in Bobbio 254–5 in the Begriffsjurisprudenz in Carrió 259 Jhering on 590–7 and neoconstitutionalism 184 Windscheid on 597–601 in Garzón Valdés 265–6 in the exegetical school 565–81 in the free law movement 608–18 Ehrlich on 609–13 Hermeneutics, legal 61, 634–46 Kantorowicz on 613–8 in Betti 635–43 in the jurisprudence of interests 618–22 in Esser 643–4 in the pure theory of law 622–5 Viehweg on 630–4 Historicism von Savigny on 582–9 and natural law Wróblewski on 652–5 in A. Kaufmann 103 see also Reasoning, legal in Capograssi 56–7 in E. Kaufmann 95 Justice in Fassò 149 Alexy on 83–4, 269–72 in G. Husserl 60 Cathrein on 11 in Hauriou 29 Del Vecchio on 145 in Stammler 16, 93 Ehrlich on 612 Betti vs. Gadamer on the “historicality” Gény on 34 of interpretation 643–4 Habermas on 83, 276–7 Italian neoidealism 144–5 Hägerström on 328–9, 337, 350–4 Kantorowicz on legal interpretation 616 Hauriou on 29, 113 Lask on legal philosophy 20 Horváth on 155 von Savigny on legal interpretation 582–9 Kantorowicz on 37 Legaz Lacambra on 127 Human rights Lundstedt on the common sense of justice and natural law 87–90, 131–4 384–6 Habermas on 276 Nino on 268–9 see also Rights Petrażycki on ethical convictions 453–64, 539 Institutionalism Radbruch’s formula 22–4, 48–9, 244–7, and Schmitt 236–9 104–7 in Hauriou 30–1 Stammler on 16 in MacCormick 665–73 Villey on 116 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 831

Kelsen, H. Legal doctrine see Science, legal basic norm, Grundnorm 213–6, 247–9, 251–2, 509–16 Legal interpretation see Interpretation, coercion 205 legal is and ought, Sein and Sollen 192–9, 203– 4, 249–50 Legal language see Language, legal law and morality 202–8 legal interpretation 622–5 Legal logic see Logic, legal and deontic legal science 191–202 natural law theory 191–202 Legal norms see Norms, legal norms 202–8 skeptical phase 247–53 state 193–5, 206–7, 217 Legal science see Science, legal the legal system as a Stufenbau 208–18 Legal system see System, legal Language, legal Aarnio on language games 692 Logic, legal and deontic 709–56 Alexy on the claim to correctness 270–1 Alchourrón and Bulygin on 259–60, 745–6 Hägerström on legal transactions 344–50 and defeasibility 748–53 Hedenius on legal statements 435–8 Bayón on 287–9 Lande on legal dogmatics and prescrip- Rodríguez on 287–9 tive grammar 524–6 Bolzano on 724–5 legal performatives 310–3, 370–1, 442 Frege on 725–6 Lundstedt on 380–1 Höfler on 726–7 Olivecrona on performatory imperatives Hohfeld on 727, 744 370–1 Hume on 724 Rodríguez on vagueness 290 Husserl on 727–8 Ross on 405–6 Kalinowski on 733 see also Analytical philosophy, legal Kelsen on 249, 252 Leibniz on 723–4 Law and language Mally on 728–9 Bobbio on 647–9 Menger on 729–30 in Continental legal realism 308–9 normative systems 745–8 paradoxes 736–8 Law and morality Poincaré on 726 Bulygin on 284–5 prehistory of 721–8 Del Vecchio on 18 principle of noncontradiction 474, 503, Ferrajoli on 86–7, 277–9 508 Habermas on 272–9, 677–8 principle of the excluded third 474, 508 in neoconstitutionalism Ross on 731–3 Alexy on 81–7, 269–72, 679–86 Ross’s paradox 732 Garzón Valdés on 265–6 standard system of 733–6 Nino on 84–6, 266–9, 292–3 the Jörgensen dilemma 719–20 Zagrebelsky on 279–80 von Wright on 733–6 Kelsen on 202, 211–2 Petrażycki on 447–50, 464–75 Marxism Radbruch’s formula 22–4, 48–9, 104–7, and natural law theory 74, 100, 157–8 244–7 Stammler on 16 Natural law (theory) 1–177 see also Natural law (theory); Neoconsti- and anti-formalism 24–42 tutionalism; Principles, legal and formalism 12–24, 39–42 and legal science 5–7 Legal argumentation see Reasoning, legal and Marxist thought 74, 100, 157–8 832 TREATISE, 12 (2) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

and Nazi thought 96–100 Rodríguez’s arguments against defeasi- and neoconstitutionalism 81–7 bility 287–9 and Polish-Russian realism 462, 539–42 and the nature of things (Natur der Sache) Neo-Kantianism 93–5, 121–2 54–63 and legal positivism 187–91 Christian conception of 7–12, 70–4, 121–9 in Kelsen 192–202, 221–2 in A. Kaufmann 60–1 in Somló 155–6 in Cathrein 9–12, 94 and natural law theory 13–4, 121–9 in Cotta 150–1 in Del Vecchio 18–9, 145 in Del Vecchio 18–9, 145 in Radbruch 22, 104, 245–6 in Gény 33–5 in Stammler 14–7 in Hauriou 28–31, 113 in Höffe 74 Normativism in Kalinowski 52 as rejected by Nazism 44 in Kantorowicz 35–7 in Bobbio and Scarpelli 254–5 in Lask 20–2 in Kelsen 191–218 in Lazerson 539–42 in Troper 258 in Maihofer 58–9, 103 socialist 157 in Maritain 51–2, 114 Vienna school of law 208–18 in Radbruch 22–4, 104–5 vs. institutionalism 231–2, 235–8 in Renard 31–2 vs. legal realism 531–4, 658–9 in Scheler 95 Weimar debate 221–3, 229 in Stammler 14–7, 93 see also Formalism; Kelsen in Villey 62–3, 116–7 neo-Kantian approaches to 121–9 Normativity, legal Radbruch’s formula 22–4, 48–9, 104–7, and the nature of things (Natur der Sache) 244–7 54–6 renaissance of in Germany after World basic norm, Grundnorm 213–6, 247–9, War II 49–63, 100–8 251–2 with a changing content 16, 32, 93, 539 Hägerström on the idea of right 329–30 in neoidealism 55 Nazism in neo-Kantianism 22–4 and natural law theory 96–100 Kelsen on 202–4, 211–2 Nino on 84–6 Neoconstitutionalism 263–93 Petrażycki on normative convictions 453– and natural law theory 81–7 64, 537–8 Habermas’s complementarity thesis 272–9, see also Law and morality 677–8 in Alexy Norms, legal claim to correctness 82–4 as psychic phenomena in legal realism nonpositivist concept of law 269–72 302–5 theory of legal reasoning 679–86 basic norm(s), Grundnorm in Atienza 261–2 in Lande 509–16 in Garzón Valdés 265–6 in Vienna school theory 208–18 in Nino 84–6, 266–9, 292–3 Ehrlich on 27, 609–10 in Ruiz Manero 261–2 Hägerström on 330–5 in Zagrebelsky 279–80 Kelsen on 202–8 positivist answers to 281–93 Petrażycki on Bayón’s arguments for defeasibility kinds of normative facts 484–94 287–9 normative convictions 453–64, 537–8 Bulygin’s “simple” positivism 283–5 Strömberg on 416–25 Moreso’s soft positivism 285–7 Tarello on 659 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 833

Znamierowski on thetic norms 549–55 vs. institutionalism 231–9 see also Principles, legal vs. neoconstitutionalism 281–93 in Bayón 287–9 Ontology, legal in Bulygin 283–5, 649–52 A. Kaufmann on 60–1 in Moreso 285–7 and natural law theory 81–7 in Rodríguez 287–9 Cotta on 150–1 Weimar debate 220–31 G. Husserl on 41 Hägerström on Principles, legal 86–7, 259, 264–5 logical vs. effectual reality 305–10, Alexy on 82–4, 88, 269–72 322–5, 355–63 Atienza and Ruiz Manero on principles the world of duty 328–9 and policies 261–2 Lukács on 157 Ferrajoli on 278–9 Olivecrona on legal validity 365–71 Habermas on 677–8 ż Petra ycki on Heller on 230 kinds of normative facts 484–94 Laurent on 576–7 legal vs. moral phenomena 464–75 Lundstedt on social welfare in 394–6 theory of projections 451–3 MacCormick on 672–3 Ross on legal validity 403–5 Rodríguez on 289–90 Strömberg on legal validity 425–30 Zagrebelsky on 279–80 Znamierowski on 542–57 see also Normativity, legal; Norms, legal; Psychologism, legal Psychologism, legal in Continental legal realism 302–5 in Hägerström 329–30 Phenomenology 40–2 in Lazerson 527–42 and legal psychologism 534–7 in Petrażycki 447–64 in Cotta 150–1 in Znamierowski 542–3 in G. Husserl 41 sense of duty in Ekelöf 431–2 in Reinach 40–1 see also Realism, legal Positivism, legal 179–293 and Fascism 240–1 Pure theory of law see Kelsen; Formalism and Nazi thought 182–3, 246–7 and neo-Kantianism 187–91 Realism, legal 297–557 exegetical school 565–81 and Kantianism 321–2, 355–8 in Alchourrón and Bulygin 260 and natural law 539–42 in Bobbio 253–5, 647–9 and phenomenology 534–71 in Caracciolo 260–1 Continental 297–318 in Carré de Malberg 218–20 Continental vs. American 301–2 in Kelsen 191–202 in Ekelöf 430–4 law and morality 202–8 in Hägerström 319–63 legal interpretation 622–5 in Hedenius 435–42 legal science 191–202 in Lande 505–26 natural law theory 191–202 in Lazerson 527–42 norms 202–8 in Lundstedt 379–400 the legal system as a Stufenbau 208–18 in Olivecrona 365–78 transition to the “skeptical phase” in Petrażycki 443–503 247–53 in Ross 401–14, 655–8 in Laporta 261 in Strömberg 415–30 in Scarpelli 255–7 in Tarello and the Italian school 257–8, in Troper 258–9 658–64 the Begriffsjurisprudenz on legal interpre- in Troper 258–9 tation 589–600 in Znamierowski 542–57 834 TREATISE, 12 (2) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

main tenets of 297–8, 317–8 Rule of law 86–7 Polish-Russian 443–557 and Nazi law 44–5, 48–9 Scandinavian 319–442 Lande on the principle of legality 511 see also Antiformalism; Psychologism, le- MacCormick on 666–7 gal Radbruch on 48–9 Schmitt on 227–8 Reasoning, legal 559–756 Stammler on 15–6 Aarnio on 686–93 Alexy on 679–86 Rules see Norms, legal defeasibility of 748–53 Bayón on 288–9 Science, legal and natural law theory 5–7 Rodríguez on 289–91 and neo-Kantianism 12–24 Habermas on 673–8 Ekelöf on 432–3 in hermeneutics Hägerström on pseudojudgments 325–7 Betti on 635–44 Hedenius on internal and external legal Esser on 645–6 statements 435–8 in legal realism Kantorowicz on 613–8 Ross on 655–8 Lande on 505–26 Tarello on 658–64 Lazerson on 527–31 in the Begriffsjurisprudenz 589–600 Lundstedt on 397–400 Jhering on 590–7 naturalization of Windscheid on 597–601 in Continental legal realism 305–10 in the exegetical school 565–81 in Ehrlich 27–8 in the free law movement 608–18 Kelsen on 191–202 Ehrlich on 609–13 Petrażycki on 490, 498–503 Kantorowicz on 613–8 topics 630–4 in the jurisprudence of interests 618–22 truth vs. correctness of legal statements in the pragma-dialectical theory 701–8 in Lande 516–23 in the pure theory of law 622–5 in Petrażycki 313–7 in topics 630–4 Viehweg on 631 State MacCormick on 665–73 Carré de Malberg on 218–20 Peczenik on 693–701 crisis of state’s law 75–6 Perelman on 627–30 Fascist concept of 239–41 von Savigny on 582–9 institutionalist concept of 28, 235 Wróblewski on 652–5 Kelsen on 193–4, 204–6, 212–3, 217 see also Interpretation, legal; Logic, legal legislative and constitutional 181, 184, and deontic 264–5, 278–80, 282, 286–7, 291–3 Nazi concept of 44–5 Rights Olivecrona on 375–6 as compared with interests, claims, and Petrażycki on 466, 498–9 powers in Hägerström 330–1, 338–43 Strömberg on 426–8 Ekelöf on 433–4 Weimar debate 220–31 Hedenius on ownership 440–2 Lundstedt on 386–90 System, legal Olivecrona on 371–3 Alchourrón and Bulygin on 260, 284, 289 Petrażycki on as a Stufenbau 211–2 kinds of legal relationships 475–84 Bobbio on 253–4 ownership 483–4 Caracciolo on 260–1 Ross on 405–8 Carré de Malberg on 219–20 Strömberg on 422–3 Kelsen on 208–18, 251–2 see also Human rights legal dynamics 753–5 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 835

MacCormick on 667 G. Husserl on 41 normative systems 745–8 Hedenius on 438–9 Peczenik on 695–7 Kelsen on 198–9, 202–18 Rodríguez on defeasibility 289–90 Olivecrona on law in force 365–71 Romano on 233–4 Radbruch’s formula 22–4, 48, 104–7, Savigny on 588–9 244–7 Ross on 403–5 Validity, legal Schmitt on 226–7 as bindingness in Polish-Russian legal re- Strömberg on 425–30 alism 501, 509–16 see also Norms, legal


Aarbakke, M. 819 Aubry, C. 566–7, 571, 573, 576, 585, 782 Aarnio, A. XVI, 69, 244, 652, 665, 672, 680, Aucher, G. 755, 760 686–93, 698–701, 757–8, 766 Auer, A. 51, 72–3, 760 Abbagnano, N. 189–90, 196–7, 199, 214, 757 Augé, G. 116–7, 760 Abignente, A. 210–1, 757 Augustine of Hippo (Saint) 57 Aguiló Regla, J. 262, 757 Aune, A.-C. 115, 760 Aguinski de Iribarne, E. 174, 757 Austin, J. 64, 74, 78, 155, 266, 288, 406, 716, Ahrens, H. 5, 342, 757 Austin, J. L. 269–70, 344, 348–9, 370, 442, Albert, H. XX, 108, 299, 309, 317, 521, 731, 680, 760 757, 775 Ayer, A. J. 321, 436, 716, 760 Alchourrón, C. E. 67, 250, 259–61, 283, 285, Azzoni, G. 153, 760 289–90, 437, 564, 594, 596, 649, 661, 663, 717–8, 739, 743, 745, 753, 757–8, 766 Babb, H. W. 464, 470, 484 Alexy, R. VIII, XVI, 13, 47, 49, 82–4, 88, 105, Bacon, F. 445 128, 185, 199, 202, 214–6, 245, 247, 261– Baier, K. 65, 680 3, 265–7, 269–72, 279–80, 283–7, 292, Bailhache, P. 741, 760 564, 622, 633, 652, 665, 668, 675, 678–86, Baker, E. 821 688–91, 693, 697–700, 752, 757–9, 763, Ballesteros, J. 80, 126, 128, 133–4, 760–1 766, 769, 774, 777, 784, 792, 798, 806, 811 Ballweg, O. 634 Al-Hibri, A. 735, 737, 757 Banfi, A. 17, 761 Alighieri, D. 171, 778 Baratta, A. 55, 761 Ambrosetti, G. 149, 759 Barberis, M. VII–VIII, XIX, 181, 207, 210, Amselek, P. 219, 759 232, 243, 263, 281–2, 292–3, 761 Andenas, M. 776 Barbero, D. 146, 761 Anderson, A. R. 735, 740, 759 Barcellona, P. 151, 761 Andreae, S. 790 Barnes, J. 759 André-Vincent, P.-I. 114, 759 Barnes, W. H. F. 321, 761 Andruet, A. 166 Barth, K. 45, 53, 102, 761 Angeloni, R. 50, 759 Bartlsperger, R. 224, 761 Anschütz, G. 92, 204, 759 Bartolomei, A. 17, 761 Anscombe, E. 550–1, 759 Barzotto, L. F. 169, 761 Antoni, C. 55, 145, 759 Basave, A. 171, 761 Antoniou, G. 779 Bassiouni, C. M. 245, 761 Antonov, M. B. 780 Bastit, M. 117, 761 Apel, K. O. 65 Battaglia, F. 29, 57, 761 Åqvist, L. 735, 737, 739, 744, 759 Bauer, W. 221, 225, 229, 231, 762 Aristotle, XXVI, 11, 19–20, 30, 62, 65, 73, 81, Bauzon, S. 117, 762 100, 112–13, 116, 120, 144, 159, 170–1, Baxter, H. 273, 275, 762 445, 509, 534, 545, 551–2, 631, 635, 710, Bayón, J. C. VIII, 283–4, 287–91, 762 721–3, 726, 759, 777, 785, 789, 794, 798 Becchi, P. 582, 762 Arnauld, A. 710 Becker, O. 52 Arndt, A. 100, 759 Beling, E. 96, 762 Arsac, P. 816 Bellver, V. 134, 762 Artosi, A. 191, 759 Benavente, J. W. 175–6, 825 Ascarelli, T. 68, 759 Bench–Capon, T. J. M. 750, 762 Atienza, M. 85–6, 88, 261–2, 714, 757, 759–60 Bentham, J. XX, 173, 395, 716, 768, 782 Atria, F. 289, 760 Berdjaev, N. A. 58, 762

© Springer Netherlands 2016 837 E. Pattaro, C. Roversi (eds.), A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1479-3 838 TREATISE, 12 (2) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Berg, J. 764, 787 Bonnecase, J. 112–3, 565–8, 577, 579, 765 Bergbohm, K. M. 3, 7, 92, 159, 762, 798 Boström, C. J. 297, 320, 380 Bergson, H. 29, 35, 51, 113, 320, 608 Bowden, J. 793 Berkeley, G. 299, 319 Brandom, R. 270, 765 Berlin, I. 183, 292, 476, 762 Bratholm, A. 776, 819 Bernadotte, J.-B. 427 Brentano, F. 307, 445, 536, 726 Bernard, G. VI, XIX, 111 Breuer, S. 107, 765 Bernstoff, J. von 194 Brieskorn, N. 12, 765 Bernuz Beneitez, M. J. 602, 762 Brimo, A. 29, 118, 765 Bertea, S. XXIV, 270, 633, 762 Brkić, J. 713, 765 Besoli, S. 768, 785, 804 Broad, C. D. 323, 329–30, 362, 733, 765, Best, W. 96–7, 762 781–2, 804 Betti, E. XV, 61, 68, 563, 627, 635–45, 654, Brockmöller, A. 765 658, 763 Broderick, A. 783, 812 Beuchot, M. 171–2, 763 Brunner, E. E. 53–4, 102, 765 Beyer, W. R. 100, 763 Brunner, O. 787 Beyleveld, D. 248, 763 Bülow, O. von 609, 765 Bibó, I. 156–7, 763, 789 Bulygin, E. VIII, XV, 67, 250, 259–61, 283– Bierling, E. R. 195, 458, 475, 477–9, 763 5, 289–90, 292, 436, 564, 594, 596, 647, Bigot de Préameneau, F.-J.-J. 570 649–53, 658, 661, 663, 717–8, 739, 743, Billington, D. 779 745, 757–8, 760, 765–6, 768, 812 Binder, J. 38, 43, 93–4, 763, 783 Burge-Hendrix, B. 283, 766 Binding, K. 195 Burkhard, A. 817 Bindreiter, U. X–XI, XIX, 215, 319, 379, Burkhardt, H. 723, 766 401, 415, 421, 763 Burman, E. O. 320 Bismarck, K. von 811 Bisogni, G. 227–31, 763 Cabral de Moncada, L. 135–7, 787 Bix, B. 247, 763 Caetano, M. 137 Bjarup, J. 5, 362, 380, 394, 397, 400–2, 434– Caiani, L. 68, 147, 766 5, 437, 763, 818 Calamo Specchia, M. 218, 766 Black, M. 776 Calardo, E. 709 Blackburn, S. 439, 763 Caldwell, P. C. 221, 223, 225–6, 229–31, 766 Blackwell, K. 763–4, 776, 782, 784, 796, 818 Calvin, J. 53, 102 Blair, J. A. 809 Cammarata, A. E. 12, 766 Blanco Miguélez, S. 764 Campbell, T. 256, 281, 766 Bloch, E. 74, 100, 139, 764 Canale, D. 762 Blondel, M. 608 Capella, J. R. 261, 766 Bobbio, N. VIII, XV, 4, 18, 25, 31, 40, 55–6, Capograssi, G. 57, 128, 146–7, 760, 766 66, 145, 148–50, 177, 183, 187–8, 207, Carbonnel, M. 767 239, 243, 253–6, 258, 264, 267, 279, 283, Carcaterra, G. 148, 154, 767 287, 564–6, 568, 582, 647–9, 652, 659, Cárdenas, C. A. 173, 767 661, 663, 764, 767, 817 Carlson, E. 782 Böckenförde, E.-W. 46, 764, 790, 818 Carlson, L. 401 Böckle, F. 53–4, 72, 764, 790, 818 Carmo, J. 743–4, 767 Bódig, M. 158–9, 764 Carnap, R. 776, 788 Boella, G. 746–7, 753, 760, 764, 782 Carneades 779 Bolzano, B. 724–6, 764 Carnelutti, F. 68, 569, 767 Bongert, Y. 115, 764 Caro, M. A. 173 Bongiovanni, G. VII–VIII, XIX, 187, 193–4, Carpintero Benítez, F. 80, 767 213, 243, 263, 272, 765 Carré de Malberg, R. VIII, 32, 218–20, 258, Bonhoeffer, D. 54, 99, 765 766–8, 777, 801, 816 Bonilla San Martín, A. 122, 765 Carreño, P. M. 173, 767 Bonino, S.-T. 73, 765 Carrino, A. 20, 767 INDEX OF NAMES 839

Carrió, G. R. 84, 259, 649, 652, 767 Croce, B. 144–5, 770 Carroll, R. 365, 376, 435–6, 438, 441, 818 Croce, M. 234, 236–9 Casas, de las B. 72, 172, 763, 797 Croft, W. 460–1, 770 Casares, T. D. 163–4, 767 Crosby, J. F. 812 Casaubon, J. A. 164, 767 Cruet, J. 25, 770 Cassese, S. 232, 768 Czepita, S. 542, 554, 770 Cassirer, E. 98, 188, 192, 199, 214, 768, 776 Castanheira Neves, A. 136–7 D’Agostino, F. 80, 146, 151–2, 770 Castaño, S. R. 176, 817 d’Onorio, J.-B. 117 Catania, A. 232, 234, 238–9, 768, 788 Dabin, J. 6, 11, 34, 168, 770, 795, 811 Cathrein, V. 9–12, 16, 24, 34, 47, 73, 94, 174, Dancy, J. 291 765, 768 Darwin, C. 455, 770 Cattaneo, M. A. 152, 768 De Asís Roig, R. 132, 806 Cavalla, F. 147, 768 De Castro Cid, B. 133, 770 Cayla, O. 782 De Maistre, J. 169 Celano, B. 207–10, 213, 215, 281, 768 De Vecchi, F. XXVI, 542, 770, 827 Centi, B. 198, 768 De Waal, F. 487, 770 Chabot de l’Allier, G. A. 566 Deflem, M. 273, 770, 811 Chabot, J.-L. 816 Del Vecchio, G. 17–9, 123, 145, 150, 175, 770 Champeil-Desplats, V. 821 Delgado Pinto, J. 287, 771 Chardin, T. de 29 Delhaye, P. 51, 771 Charmont, J. 6, 114, 768 Delos, J. T. 31, 175, 771, 783, 812 Chellas, B. 740, 768 Delvincourt, C. 566 Cherubini, D. 769 Demante, A. M. 566, 571, 576–7, 580, 585, Chiassoni, P. XIV–XV, XIX, 188, 561, 565, 589, 771 573, 601, 627, 635, 647, 655, 658, 661, Demmer, K. 760, 785 663, 768, 802 Demolombe, C. 566, 568, 571, 576–9, 581, Chimenti, A. 219–20, 768 771 Chisholm, R. 736, 768 Depassier, C. H. 175, 771 Chrisippus 722 Derbolav, V. J. 772 Christensen, R. 109, 768 Descartes, R. 319, 321–2, 324, 631–2 Cianciardo, J. 165 Di Blasi, F. 760 Cicero 100, 112, 114–5, 631, 710, 722–3, 769 Di Carlo, E. 144, 771 Cohen, H. 188–9, 192, 199, 214, 772, 802 Di Lorenzo, W. G. 169 Cohen, M. R. 6, 769 Di Lucia, P. XXII, 544, 771 Cohn, G. 58, 769 Dickson, J. 283, 771 Coing, H. 59, 101, 769 Dietrich, D. J. 46, 99, 771 Coleman J. 281, 769, 807, 824 Dietze, G. 76, 771 Collina, V. 35, 769 Dietze, H.-H. 96–7 Comanducci, P. 253, 263–4, 268, 282, 658, Dilthey, W. 14, 88, 95, 194, 635, 771 766, 768–9 Dirks, W. 811 Conte, A. G. XXII, 151, 314, 482, 522, 554– Dreier, H. 191, 245, 771 5, 735, 769, 827 Dreier, R. 108, 215, 769, 811 Conze, W. 787 Dubislav, W. 251, 772 Cook, W. W. 785 Duguit, L. 6, 29, 33, 135, 395 Cooter, R. 514, 769 Dung, P. 751, 772 Cornides, T. 738, 769 Duranton, A. 566, 569, 571, 577, 772 Cortés, D. 169 Durkheim, E. 6, 29, 232, 548, 608 Corts Grau, J. 125–6, 128, 769 Duxbury, N. 409, 413, 772 Cosi, G. 154, 769 Dworkin, R. XXII, 36, 78–80, 87–8, 128, Costa, P. 239–41, 765, 769, 795 137, 153, 158, 173, 184, 259, 261–5, 267– Cotta, S. 59, 150–1, 176–7, 770, 787, 818 9, 281–2, 285, 288–9, 292, 671, 767, 772, Crifò, G. 763 796, 803 840 TREATISE, 12 (2) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Dyde, S. W. 783 Ferraris, M. 635, 774 Dyzenhaus, D. 226–7, 229–30, 285, 758, 772, Ferreira da Cunha, P. J. 137, 774 793 Feteris, E. T. XIV–XV, XX–XXI, 69, 561, 665, 701, 704, 707–8, 774–5, 787, 793 Eagleson, J. 780 Feyerabend, P. 316, 775 Ebbinghaus, J. 101, 772 Fézàs Vital, D. 135, 775 Eckhoff, T. 765 Finkelkraut, J. 808 Edel, G. 192, 772 Finnis, J. 12, 73, 80–1, 83, 153, 159, 165, Edelstam, H. 432–3, 773 169, 176–7, 283, 775, 822 Edhill, E. M. 759 Fioravanti, M. 6, 193, 218, 228, 240, 775 Edmundson, W. A. 763 Fittipaldi, E. IX, XI, XIII, XX, 297, 304–5, Eemeren, F. H. van 700–2, 704, 774, 809, 822 308–9, 443, 449–50, 452–3, 455, 457, Egidi, R. 766 460–2, 469, 473–6, 478–80, 484–5, 489, Ehrlich, E. XIV, 25–8, 36, 195, 601, 608–13, 491, 496, 498, 500, 502–3, 505, 508, 514– 619, 772, 792, 820, 823 6, 521–3, 526–7, 529–30, 537, 541–2, 775 Eichhorn, K. F. 582 Flavius, G. (H. Kantorowicz) 35, 613, 789 Eid, É. 117, 772 Fløistad, G. 765 Eisenmann, C. 258 Foljanty, L. 50, 776 Ekelöf, P. O. XI, 411, 414, 430–4, 772–3, 797 Forero, C. H. 173 Ellul, J. 54, 101, 114, 773 Forrester, J. W. 739, 776 Engisch, K. 66, 773 Forsthoff, E. 43, 102, 776 Epicurus 710 Fraenkel, E. 45, 776 Erbguth, W. 769 Fragueiro, A. 166, 776 Erdö, P. 159, 773 Franco, F. 65, 124, 129, 131, 261 Ermarcora, F. 773 Frändberg, Å. 411, 435–6, 439–40, 442, 776 Errera, A. 721, 773 Frank, H. 96, 776 Escudero, R. 282, 773 Frank, J. 302, 776 España, A. 807 Frege, G. 439, 536, 725–6, 776 Esser, J. XV, 60, 563, 627, 645–6, 773 Freud, S. 308, 413, 450, 455, 458, 487, 508, Etcheverry Estrázulas, N. 174 776 Etcheverry, J. B. 165 Freyer, H. 229, 776 Euclid 526, 632, 723 Friedman, L. M. 756 Evans, R. 44, 773 Friedman, M. 189, 198, 776 Fries, M. 93, 322, 361, 776, 781–2 Fabro, C. 166–7 Frivaldszky, J. 160–1, 776 Fadda, E. 797 Frosini, V. 805 Faller, H. J. 107, 773 Frydman B. 566, 776 Faralli, C. 119, 347, 773 Fuchs, E. 35 Fassò, G. 4, 53, 129, 141, 149, 188, 232, 773, Fuchs, J. 71, 760, 777 797, 805 Fuller, L. L. 48, 86–7, 152, 247, 777, 783, 805 Fausbøll, A. I. 813 Fußer, K. 283, 777 Fechner, E. 103, 774 Fehr, H. 96–7, 774 Gabbay, D. M. 759, 767, 779, 800, 809–10 Fenstad, J. E. 740, 774 Gadamer, H. G. XV, 52, 61, 154, 563, 627, Fernández Concha, R. 174 635, 643–6, 654, 658, 777 Fernández García, E. 133, 774 Galán, E. 125, 777 Fernández Sabaté, E. 167, 774 Galizia, M. 218, 777 Fernández, E. 128, 134, 761 García Figueroa, A. 263, 777 Ferneck, A. H. von 195 García Huidobro, J. 176–7, 777 Ferrajoli, L. VIII, 87, 239, 257, 265, 277–80, García Máynez, E. 171, 777 774 Garcin, M. 117, 777 Ferrari, M. 189–90, 196–7, 200, 774 Gärdenfors, P. 753, 758 Ferrari, V. 499, 774 Gardner, J. 87, 270, 283, 777, 806 INDEX OF NAMES 841

Garriga Domínguez, A. 133, 777 Gründer, K. 778, 793, 812 Garzón Valdés, E. VIII, 261, 263, 265–6, Grzegorczyk, C. 821 284, 758, 771, 777, 807 Guastini, R. 87, 257, 263, 564, 658–9, 766, Gavazzi, G. 207, 235, 777 768, 780 Geach, P. 439, 776 Guelfi, F. 144 Geiger, T. 302, 777 Guenthner, F. 759, 767, 810 Geldard, T. 762 Guidetti, L. 768, 785, 804 Gentile, F. 147, 777 Gupta, A. 779 Gentile, G. 144, 239, 778 Gurvitch, G. 31–2, 534–5, 764, 780, 796 Gentili, A. 171, 778 Gustafson, J. M. 71, 780 Gény, F. XIV, 6, 28, 33–6, 113, 563, 568, 573, Gustafsson, H. 192, 197, 780 576, 581, 601–9, 622, 762, 778–9, 782, 790 Gutberlet, C. 8, 780 George, R. 764, 777 Gutiérrez, G. 72, 780 Gerber, F. W. 92, 195, 229, 590 Guzmán Brito, A. 176 Gerth, H. 329, 778 Györfi, T. 158–9, 780 Ghirardi, O. 166, 778 Gianformaggio, L. 766 Haack, S. 69, 780 Giaro, T. 723, 778 Haag, K. 741, 824 Gidyński, J. C. 542–3, 778 Häberle, P. 107, 181, 780 Gierke, O. von 20, 27, 44, 195, 821 Habermas, J. VIII, XVI, 65, 83, 108, 137, Gioja, A. 259 263, 265, 269, 272–7, 292, 564, 665, 673– Giuliani, A. 69, 148, 778, 796, 807 8, 680, 689, 693, 700, 706, 762, 770, 780, Gizbert-Studnicki, T. 759, 824 811–2, 820 Goane, R. 167 Hadelmann, F. 48, 781 Goble, L. 728, 739, 778, 784, 797 Haensel, C. 104, 781 Golding, M. P. 763 Haferkamp, H. P. 195, 781 Goldmann, S. 632, 778 Hage, J. C. 741, 781 Goldsworthy, J. 266, 778 Hägerström, A. IX–X, 188, 297–8, 302–7, Gomes Canotilho, J. 137, 778 309–12, 314, 317–8, 320–31, 333–63, 366, Gomes di Lorenzo, W. 169 379–81, 384–5, 387, 389–90, 393, 396, Gómez Arboleya, E. 124 401–2, 405–7, 421–2, 430–1, 435–7, 442, Gómez Lobo, A. 177, 778 451–2, 471, 481, 486, 763, 765, 773, 776, Gómez Robledo, A. 170–1, 778 781–2, 798–9, 801, 804–5, 807 Gonella, G. 50, 779 Haines, C. G. 5–6, 782 Gonzaga, T. A. 167, 779 Haldemann, F. 247, 782 González Morfín, E. 170, 779 Halldén, S. 759, 819 Gordon, T. F. 750, 752, 779 Halpérin, J.-L. 566, 602, 759, 782 Gorecki, J. 779, 793, 795, 806 Hanley, T. R. 813 Göschen, J.-F. 582, 817 Hansen, J. 744, 746, 782 Governatori, G. 750–1, 753–4, 760, 779, 814 Hansen, K. B. 738, 782 Gozzi, G. 224–5, 765, 775, 779 Hansson, B. 744, 782 Grabmann, M. 8–9, 779 Hare, R. M. 65, 255, 345, 441, 675, 680, 782 Grabowski, A. 713, 779 Häring, B. 71, 782 Graneris, G. 51, 143, 779 Haring, J. 8, 782 Gratian 779 Hart, H. L. A. XXII, 47–8, 64, 66, 74, 77–8, Gray, C. B. 30, 779 80, 86, 128, 148, 173, 177, 183–5, 210, Gray, J. 257 243, 245–7, 254–5, 257–9, 263, 265–7, Green, L. 283, 779, 806 281–3, 285, 287–9, 292–3, 302, 314, 316– Grootendorst, R. 700–2, 704, 809, 822 7, 333, 402, 404, 409, 411, 419, 421, 436, Grossi, D. XVII, XX, 743–5, 760, 779, 821 442, 521, 526, 533, 565, 649, 652, 677, Grossi, P. 240, 602, 608, 762, 779 696, 748, 767, 769–70, 782, 796, 798, 801, Grosswald Curran, V. 37, 779 804, 807, 810, 812–3, 818, 824 Grotius, H. 7, 171, 492, 778–9 Hartmann, N. 61, 88, 95, 100–1, 783 842 TREATISE, 12 (2) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Hartshorne, C. 807 Hörcher, F. 159–60, 786 Hauriou, M. 28–33, 113, 135, 175, 182, 226, Horn, N. 633, 786 231–2, 234–6, 258, 765, 779, 783, 799, Horney, K. 786 801, 809, 812 Horovitz, J. 714, 786 Hayek, F. A. von 301, 514, 783 Hortta, E. de Jesús 173 Heck, P. 38–9, 502, 601, 618–22, 641, 762, 783 Horty, J. 752, 760, 779, 786 Hedenius, I. XI, 387, 430, 435–42, 783, 804 Horváth, A. 155–6, 786 Hegel, G. W. F. 17, 19–21, 30, 93–4, 96, 108, Hösle, V. 74, 108, 786 121, 144–5, 156, 174, 221, 255, 319–20, Hoyos Castañeda, I. M. 173, 786 359, 757, 783, 808 Hruschka, J. 69, 787 Heidegger, M. 61, 66, 102, 125, 635, 643, 776 Huber, E.-R. 97–8, 787 Heidemann, C. 192, 194, 197–200, 204–7, Hubmann, H. 100, 787 249–50, 784 Hughes, G. 813 Heinecke, J. G. 573, 784 Hugo, G. 172, 582, 798 Heinze, E. 715, 784 Huisjes, C. H. 714, 787 Heller, H. VIII, 220–1, 226, 229–31, 763, Hume, D. 198, 215, 243, 267, 298, 305–6, 772, 784, 802, 805 319, 321–2, 452, 647, 724–5, 728–9, 735– Hendel, C. W. 768 6, 787 Herget, J. E. 37, 784 Husserl, E. 40–1, 61, 95, 150, 250, 307, 445, Heritier, P. 760 535–7, 542–4, 710, 727–8, 787 Hernández Franco, J. A. 172, 784 Husserl, G. 41, 60, 787 Hernández Gil, A. 130, 784 Husson, L. 566–8, 787 Hernandez, H. 166–7, 784 Herrera, D. 165 Ibánez Santamaría, G. 176, 787 Herrera, F. J. 173 Ibáñez, A. 176 Herrestad, H. 745, 784 Ilting, K.-H. 74, 787 Herrigel, E. 795 Inda, C. 780 Hertling, G. von 8, 784 Irti, N. 76, 787 Hertogh, M. 792 Irvin, T. 759 Herzig, A. 760 Isay, H. 95, 783, 787 Heydte, F. A. F. von der 100, 102–3, 784 Hieke, A. von 802, 825 Jabloner, C. 194, 824 Hierro, L. 281, 784 Jansen, H. 701, 707–8, 787 Hilgendorf, E. 765 Jareborg, N. 776 Hilpinen, R. 735, 744, 757, 769, 784, 793 Jaspers, K. 139, 784, 787 Hitler, A. VI, 47, 97–100, 771 Jaworski, W. L. 506, 787, 794 Hobbes, T. XXV, 7, 84, 255, 374, 784 Jayme, E. 136, 787 Hobe, K. 20, 784 Jeand’Heur, B. 769 Hochhuth, M. 103, 784 Jellinek, G. 21, 26, 92, 194–5, 201, 203–6, Hoerster, N. 108, 785 224, 787 Höffe, O. 73–4, 108, 785 Jestaedt, M. 192, 787, 792 Höfler, A. 726–8, 785 Jhering, R. von. XIV, 6, 25, 35, 38, 174, 187– Hofmann, H. 222, 226, 762, 785 8, 195, 342, 388, 398, 563, 565, 582, 589– Hofstadter, A. 730–1, 785 97, 600–1, 607, 613, 619–20, 757, 787–8 Hohfeld, W. N. 300, 457, 479, 727, 744–5, Jiménez Cano, R. 788 785, 802 Jones, A. J. I. 743–5, 767, 779, 788 Höhn, R. 44, 785 Jones, H. 29, 788 Holcot, R. 723 Jörgensen, J. XVII, 252, 321, 719, 730–1, 788 Hollerbach, A. 8, 100–1, 785 Jori, M. 66, 253, 256–7, 769, 788 Holmes, O. W. 302, 615, 785 Holstein, G. 95, 785 Kalinowski, G. 51–2, 165, 177, 258, 714, 716, Holtzendorff, F. von 800 723, 733, 740, 742, 788 Holzhey, H. 191, 785 Kambartel, F. 65 INDEX OF NAMES 843

Kamlah, W. 65 Krabbe, E. C. W. 395, 752, 824 Kanger, H. 745, 788 Kraevskij, A. A. 534, 775, 793 Kanger, S. 735, 745, 788 Kramer, M. 281, 285, 793 Kant, I. VI–VII, IX–X, 5–6, 9, 11–5, 17–22, Kraus, H. 98, 791, 793 24, 28, 52, 57, 59, 72–4, 84–5, 88, 92–6, Krawietz. W. 713, 757, 793 100–1, 104, 108, 111, 113, 121–3, 128, Kreuzbauer, G. XV, XXI, 627, 634, 645 135, 142, 144–5, 154–6, 183, 187–94, Kriele, M. 61, 68, 793 196–9, 202, 214, 221–2, 245–6, 249–50, Krijnen, C. 806 253, 319–25, 324, 355–7, 359, 462, 492, Krogh, C. 745, 784 533, 635, 640, 713, 724–5, 758–9, 761, Krynen, J. 759 769, 772, 781–2, 784–5, 789–90, 795, 797, Kubes, V. 216, 793 802, 804–8, 812, 819, 821 Küchenhoff, G. 103, 793 Kantorowicz Carter, F. 35, 789 Kühl, K. 49, 793 Kantorowicz, H. XIV, 35–7, 195, 601, 608, Kuic, V. 817 613–9, 622, 789 Külpe, O. 298, 316, 793 Kaptein, H. 810 Küng, H. 73, 793–4 Karácsony, A. 157, 789 Kurczewski, J. 443, 469, 483, 494, 499, 521, Kaufmann, A. 43, 49, 58, 60–1, 103, 109, 534, 794 173, 245, 645–6, 789 Kutschera, F. von 714, 794 Kaufmann, E. 19, 93, 95, 221, 790, 806 Kwaśniewski, J. 793 Kaufmann, F. 54, 107, 764, 790 Kayser, P. 602, 790 La Torre, M. 224, 229, 231–9, 269, 794 Kelsen, H. VII–VIII, XIX–XX, XXII, 11, Laband, P. 92–3, 217, 221, 229 13–4, 16, 19, 25, 46–7, 54, 58, 64–6, 74, Lacasta Zabalza, J. I. 135, 794 78, 85, 92, 107, 135–6, 148, 156, 171, 173– Lachance, L. 31, 794 4, 182, 191–224, 229, 236, 241, 243–4, Ladusans, S. 168, 794 247–55, 257–8, 260, 279, 288, 299, 366–8, Lagerspetz, E. 244 401–4, 409, 412, 419, 436, 458, 467, 471, Lamanna, E. P. 189–90, 214, 794 489, 491–2, 499–500, 502, 505, 508, 511– Lamas, F. 166–7, 794 5, 521, 523–4, 527, 530–4, 542–3, 601, Lande, J. XIII, 297–9, 301, 303, 305, 310–2, 616, 619, 622, 624–5, 637, 658, 663, 696, 314, 316–7, 443, 457, 468, 473, 480, 482– 713, 716, 726, 758–9, 762–3, 765–8, 771– 3, 491, 498, 500–1, 505–26, 530, 533–4, 2, 775, 781–2, 784–5, 788, 790–8, 802–3, 794, 799, 824, 826 805–6, 814, 817–8, 821, 823–5 Lang-Hinrichsen, D. 4, 795 Kennedy, E. 226–8, 792 Langner, A. 785 Kirste, S. VI, XXI, 91, 103, 784, 792 Laporta, F. 261, 758, 771, 795 Kitz, A. 197, 792 Laquièze, A. 218, 795 Klatt, M. 270, 777, 792, 806 Larenz, K. 43–4, 94, 633–4, 795 Klecatsky, H. 791, 801, 822 Lask, E. 7, 20–2, 94, 192, 557, 767, 784, 795, Klink, B. van 27, 792 811 Kloosterhuis, H. XV, XX–XXI, 627, 630, Laun, R. 95, 795, 811 701, 707–8, 775, 787, 792–3 Laurent, F. 566–81, 597, 795 Klug, U. 248, 720, 741, 793 Lazerson, M. XIII, 305, 515, 527–34, 537– Knuuttila, S. 723, 793 42, 795 Köbler, G. 793 Lazzaro, G. 590, 796 Koellreutter, O. 44, 793 Le Fur, L. 35, 37, 114, 769, 796 Kojder, A. 443, 446, 505, 793, 808 Leawoods, H. 246, 796 Koller, P. 157, 793 Leclercq, J. 32, 796 Korb A. J. 188, 191, 221–2, 793 Legarre, S. 165 Kormanicki, W. 495–6, 793 Legaz Lacambra, L. 123, 126–7, 131, 796 Koselleck, R. 787 Leibniz, G. W. XXII, 299, 319, 710, 723–4, Kotarbiński, T. 446, 555, 793, 825 727, 766, 788, 796 Kozyr-Kowalski, S. 794 Leiter, B. 258, 281, 796 844 TREATISE, 12 (2) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Leng, P. H. 762 Majetti, A. 615 Lenk, H. 714, 796 Makarewicz, M. 506, 799 Lenzen, W. 723, 796 Makinson, D. 744, 746, 750, 753, 758, 799 Leo XIII 8, 28, 142 Makkonen, K. 653 Leoni, B. 464, 796 Maleville, J. de 570 Leśniewski, S. 536, 796 Mally, E. 728–30, 733, 797, 799, 802, 825 Levy-Bruhl, H. 28, 796 Manassero, M. de los Angeles 165, 799 Lewis, D. 455, 796 Manero, J. R. 261–2, 714, 757, 760 Lewis, M. 744, 796 Manning, C. A. W. 814 Licki, J. 808 Manzoni, A. 525 Liesa, C. R. F. 806 Marcadé, V. 566 Lijoi, F. 194, 796 Marcic, R. 13, 106, 785, 791, 799, 801, 815, 822 Lima, A. A. 168, 780 Marcos del Cano, A. M. 134, 799 Lindahl, L. 745, 747–8, 796, 825 Marc-Wogau, K. 320, 322, 327, 345, 361–3, Lindblom, P. H. 433, 773, 797 430, 799, 804 Lira, O. 176, 797 Marín, E. A. 173 Litschewski Paulson, B. 766, 772, 782, 792, Marini, G. 141, 582, 799 805, 811, 814 Maritain, J. XXII, 9–10, 51–2, 114, 148, 153– Litt, T. 95, 224, 772, 797 4, 167–8, 173, 176, 787, 799, 820, 823 Liu, F. 821 Mark (the Evangelist) 497 Llamas Cascòn, A. 806 Marmor, A. 183, 285, 292, 799 Llambías de Azevedo, J. 174, 797 Marques Dip, R. 169 Llano Alonso, F. 128, 797 Marshall, G. 401, 799, 821 Locke, J. 7–8, 11, 74 Marsilius of Padua 169, 818 Lodder, A. R. 750, 752, 797 Martin, M. 408, 799 Lokhorst, G.-J. C. 728, 797 Martino, A. A. 437, 758 Lombardi Vallauri, L. 35, 67–8, 152, 797 Marx, K. 100, 531, 582, 799 López Bravo, C. 128, 797 Masala, A. 796 Lorca Navarrete, F. 126 Maspétiol, R. 28, 799 Lorenzen P. 65, 740, 797 Massini Correas, C. I. VII, XXII, 163, 165–6, Lorenzi, G. 141, 797 800 Lorini, E. 760 Mata Machado, E. 168 Lorini, G. XIII, XXI, 527, 542, 544, 548–9, Mathieu, V. 154, 800 760, 797, 827 Matte Blanco, I. 508, 800 Losano, M. G. 197, 240, 248–50, 252–3, 582, Matthew (the Evangelist) 465, 497 797–8 Mausbach, J. 8, 174, 800 Lottin, O. 9, 798 Mautner, T. 435, 442, 782 Lukács, G. XXV, 157, 822 Mayer, J.-J. C. 741, 800 Łukasiewicz, J. 508, 798 Mayer, M. E. 36 Lundstedt, A. V. X, 297–8, 304, 306, 343, Mayer-Maly, D. 785, 788, 815 379–402, 405, 411, 431, 435–7, 473, 763, Mazzacane, A. 815 798, 804, 819, 826 Mazzarese, T. 263, 800 Luño Peña, E. 123, 128, 798 McCormick, J. P. 221, 800 Luther, M. 45, 53, 102, 525 McCoubrey, H. 297, 413, 800 McKinsey, J. C. C. 730–1, 785 MacCormick, N. XV, 244, 270, 291, 564, McNamara, P. 735, 778, 799–800, 803 665–73, 682, 698, 794, 798 Meinecke, F. 224 MacIntyre, A. 7, 798 Meinong, A. 307, 445, 536, 728 Mackie, J. L. 78, 314, 798 Mendez, J. R. 167, 800 Maher, M. J. 779 Mendizábal Martín, L. 123, 800 Maihofer, W. 58–9, 61, 103, 784, 792, 799 Mendizábal Villalba, A. 123, 800 Mailher de Chassat, M. A. 567, 571–2, 574– Menger, K. 729–30, 740, 800 6, 578, 581, 799 Mengoni, L. 89, 800 INDEX OF NAMES 845

Menozzi, D. 143, 800 Navarro, P. 260, 268, 284–5, 760, 762, 802–3 Menzel, A. 25, 800 Nelson, L. 93–4, 191, 803 Mercier, D.-J. 174 Neumann, U. XXI, 83, 99–100, 803 Merêa, P. 135, 137, 800 Neumann, V. 769 Merkel, A. 13, 194, 800 Neurath, O. 788 Merkl, A. J. 182, 208, 210, 212–3, 601, 616, Nicole, P. 710 622, 625, 637, 757, 800 Nicolin, F. 772 Merleau-Ponty, M. 58 Niemöller, M. 99 Merlin, P. A. 566, 571, 575 Nino, C. S. VIII, 65, 84–5, 183, 261, 263, Merryman, J. H. 147, 801 265–9, 283–4, 287, 290, 292, 764, 794, Mertens, T. 246–7, 801 803, 812 Messner, J. 51, 101, 801 Niort, J.-F. 117, 803 Meyer, L. H. 8, 758–9, 784, 806, 811 Nogueira Dias, G. 192, 803 Meyer, T. 8, 801 Noras, A. J. 806 Mihailov, P. E. 535, 801 Nordin, S. 435 Mill, J. S. 395 Nortmann, U. 737, 803 Millard, E. 28, 232, 801 Novgoredcev, P. I. 808 Mindus, P. 301, 303, 305–7, 309, 312, 314, Nowak, L. 445, 803 320, 801 Nowakowa, I. 445, 803 Mineur, D. 218, 801 Nute, D. 741, 750, 803 Mitteis, H. 106, 801 Mock, E. 807 Obama, B. 316 Montanari, B. 151, 801 Odelstad, J. 747–8, 796, 825 Montejano, B. 165, 801 Oertmann, P. 783, 825 Montoro Ballesteros, A. 126 Oesterreich, K. 191, 803 Montoro, A. F. 168, 801 Ogden, C. K. 321, 803 Moór, J. 156, 801, 819 Ohlbach Bonn, H. J. 809 Moore, G. E. 320, 801 Olbrechts-Tyteca, L. 69, 628–9, 631, 807 Moore, M. 288, 802 Olgiati, F. 51, 143, 803 Moore, W. E. 796 Olivecrona, K. H. X, XXIV, 297–8, 306, Mora Restrepo, G. 173 310–2, 314–7, 330, 333, 335, 343–4, 347, Morange, J. 117, 802 349, 354, 362, 365–78, 381, 387, 390, Morauta, J. 283 401–2, 404–6, 415–6, 418–9, 422–5, 430, Moreso, J. J. VIII, 260–1, 268, 283–7, 292, 435–8, 442, 449, 479, 520, 526, 533, 763, 760, 768, 802–3, 812 781–2, 804, 818 Moritz, M. 727, 802, 819 Ollé-Laprune, L. 608 Morris, C. 6, 788 Ollero Tassara, A. 80, 126, 790, 804 Morscher, E. 728, 802 Ollig, H. L. 190, 795, 804 Moscovitch, M. 319, 816, 826 Opałek, K. 244, 297, 464, 481, 714, 717, 739, Möser, J. 582 795, 804, 826 Motyka, K. 297, 308, 443, 446, 453, 464, 468, Opocher, E. 57, 147, 804 499, 802 Oppetit, B. 33, 804 Mounier, E. 58, 114, 168, 176, 787, 802 Opsahl, T. XXVI, 819 Mourlon, F. 566–7, 571, 802 Orrego, C. 172, 177, 804, 814 Müller, C. 15, 229, 802 Ossowska, M. 464, 804 Muller, F. 769 Otte, G. 633, 804 Müller, G. 50, 802 Ousset, J. 115, 804 Muller, S. XXVI Murphy, M. 184, 802 Pacheco Gómez, M. 175, 805 Pacuit, E. 760 Nanejšvili, G. A. 534–5, 803 Padovani, A. 773 Napoleon 566–7, 570, 577, 771 Paksy, M. VII, XXII, 155, 159, 805, 820 Natorp, P. 188, 802 Pallard, H. 816 846 TREATISE, 12 (2) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Papaefthymiou, S. 198, 805 Portalis, J.-E.-M. 569–70 Parent, X. 779 Portella, J. G. 165 Pasquino, P. 230, 805 Porter, J. 7, 810 Passerin d’Entrèves, A. 52–3, 149, 805 Posner, R. 514, 810 Pattaro, E. IX, XXII, 4, 27, 119, 149, 256–8, Postema, G. 64, 87, 287, 333, 479, 514, 810 297–8, 300, 302–3, 305–8, 310–1, 319, Poulantzas, N. 56, 810 321, 323, 325–31, 333, 335, 361–2, 443, Pound, R. 51, 149, 191, 432, 796, 798, 804, 453, 456–7, 464, 466, 486, 492, 496, 502, 810 522, 528, 537–8, 710, 773, 805 Pozzolo, S. 263, 810 Patterson, E. W. 37, 789 Pradel, J. 115, 810 Paulson, S. 24, 47, 94, 104, 191–200, 202–3, Prakken, H. 741, 744, 749–53, 778–9, 799, 205, 207, 209, 213–4, 244–8, 250–1, 758– 803, 810 9, 766, 772, 782, 784, 792, 805–6, 811, 814 Preciado Hernández, R. 170, 810 Peces-Barba, G. 128, 132, 261, 806 Preterossi, G. 228, 810 Peczenik, A. XVI, 244, 297, 406, 473, 500, Preuss, U. 195 502–3, 652, 665, 680, 693–5, 698–701, Prieto Sanchís, L. 88, 132, 263, 810 710, 757, 806–7 Prior, A. N. 735–6, 810 Peirce, C. S. 302, 807 Proudhon, A. 566 Peláez, M. J. 126, 128, 769, 774 Pureza, J. M. 137, 810 Peragallo, R. 175, 807 Puy, F. 124–5, 810 Perelman, C. XV, 65, 69–70, 120, 165, 563, 566, 627–31, 659, 680, 692, 712, 799, 807 Quintana, E. M. 165 Pérez Luño, A.-E. VI, XXIII, 119, 121, 128– 9, 131, 133, 141, 807, 810, 821 Rabbi-Baldi, R. 166, 810 Perry, S. R. 183, 768, 807 Radbruch, G. VIII, 13, 16, 22–4, 35, 45, Peschka, V. 157, 807 48–9, 55, 58, 83, 92, 94, 99, 104–8, 122–3, Petersson, B. 323, 361, 807 135, 183, 191, 195, 244–7, 267, 272, 280, Petrażycki, L. XI, XX, XXIV, 27, 297–9, 464, 758, 763, 772, 781–2, 789–90, 792, 302–9, 311–4, 317–8, 443–503, 505–16, 795–6, 801, 805–6, 811, 814, 818, 822 518–21, 523–42, 770, 775, 779, 793, 795, Rand, R. 730, 811 799, 802, 804, 806–9, 814, 820 Rasmussen, D. M. 275, 811 Petricioli, M. 769 Rassat, M.-L. 117, 772 Petrone, I. 17, 144, 809 Ratti, G. B. 289, 768, 811 Petropulos, W. 824 Ratzinger, J. A. 72, 811 Petrus Hispanus 710 Rau, F.-C. 566, 571, 573, 576, 585, 782 Phalén, A. 320 Rawls, J. 51, 108, 128, 137, 165, 263, 752, Piaget, J. 450, 452, 455, 460, 809 800, 811 Pietropaoli, S. 226–8, 236–9, 809 Raz, J. 183, 185, 265–8, 270, 281–3, 286–8, Pigozzi, G. 764, 782 292–3, 758, 783, 806, 811 Pintore, A. 253, 281, 769, 788, 809 Reale, M. 168 Piovani, P. 50, 152, 809 Recaséns Siches, L. 126–7, 171, 811 Pius XII, 50, 146, 779 Redondo, M. C. 268, 281, 284–5, 292, 762, Pizzorni, R. 71, 809 802–3, 811–2 Platas Pacheco, M. Del Carmen 172, 809 Rehg, W. 273–4, 276, 676, 812 Plato 80, 112, 171, 182, 710, 778 Reinach, A. XXVI, 40–2, 299, 457, 542–3, Platon, J. G. 30, 809 545–6, 548, 552, 556, 770, 812, 816, 827 Plug, H. J. XX–XXI, 701, 707, 775, 787, Renard, G. 31–2, 113, 135, 175, 764, 783, 812 793, 809 Rescher, N. 740, 752, 812, 818 Podgórecki, A. 27, 505, 534, 793, 809 Rhonheimer, M. 73, 812 Poincaré, H. 726, 809 Rials, S. 823 Polin, C. 116, 809 Richards, I. A. 321, 803 Pollock, J. L. 749, 751, 810 Rickert, H. 20, 188, 192, 196–201, 557, 768, Popper, K. 108, 309, 317, 470, 521, 810 812 INDEX OF NAMES 847

Ricoeur, P. 68, 635, 812 Saldaña, J. 171–2, 814 Riedel, M. 61, 65, 812 Saleilles, R. 6, 33, 113, 814 Ringhofer, K. 248, 792 Saliger, F. 244–5, 814 Ripert, G. 7, 33–4, 812 Salmond, J. W. 334–5, 814 Risse, W. 710, 812 Salvatore, A. 236–8, 770 Ritchie, D. G. 395 Samek, R. 442 Ritter, J. von 778, 793, 812 Sancho Izquierdo, M. 123, 814 Rivera Pastor, F. 122, 812 Sandin, R. T. 361–2, 765, 782, 814 Robert, J.-H. 115, 812 Santos, B. de Sousa 137–8, 815 Robles, G. 132 Santos, J. A. 790 Roca, V. 267, 812 Sanz, C. R. 165 Rodingen, H. 634 Sartor, G. XIX, 453, 710, 713, 748–51, 753, Rodríguez Paniagua, J. M. 127 760, 810, 814–5 Rodríguez, J. L. VIII, 260, 283, 288–91, 762, Saussure, F. de 299, 815 774, 813 Savigny, F. C. von XIV, 6, 19, 37, 67, 92, 113, Romagnosi, G. D. 142 128, 563, 565, 582–90, 597, 601, 640–1, Romano, B. 151, 813 769, 788, 799, 815 Romano, S. VIII, 143, 182, 231–9, 253, 761, Sayre, P. L. 796, 798 768, 770, 777, 809, 813 Sbisà, M. 760 Rommen, H. 10, 34, 45, 101, 135, 813 Scarpelli, U. VIII, 58, 75, 145, 253, 255–7, Rosch, E. 316, 521, 813 281, 659, 767, 788, 805, 815 Rosenbaum, W. 49, 107, 813 Schambeck, H. 60, 791, 801, 815, 822 Rosenberg, A. E. 46, 97, 813 Scheler, M. 59, 88, 95, 100–1, 174, 535, 797, Rosetus, R. 723 815 Rosmini, A. 8, 57, 124, 142, 807, 813 Schelsky, H. 757 Ross, A. XI, XV, 52, 148, 183, 244, 254, 257– Scheuerman, W. E. 221, 228, 766, 815 8, 302, 333, 337, 362, 365, 373, 381, 387, Schild, W. 98, 815 394–5, 397, 401–15, 417–9, 424, 426–30, Schlieffen, K. von 634, 815 434–5, 437, 440, 442, 493, 533, 554, 564, Schmidt, A. B. 762 647, 652, 655–9, 719, 731–3, 736–40, 763, Schmidt, F. 390, 394–5, 815 798, 813, 816, 818, 825 Schmitt, C. VIII, 6, 43–5, 89, 181, 220–3, Ross, W. D. 759 225–9, 231, 236–9, 763, 768, 770, 772, Rothe, T. 114, 814 775, 785, 792, 800, 809–10, 815 Rotolo, A. XVII, XXIII, 743, 753–4, 779, Schoch, M. M. 783, 814 814 Schönberger, C. 218, 816 Rottleuthner, H. 710, 789, 814 Schramm, A. 757 Rousseau, C. 116, 809 Schreckenberger, W. 634 Roversi, C. XXIV, 297, 301, 325, 443, 505, Schreiner, H. 741, 820 814 Schüller, B. 760 Royakkers, L. 741, 814 Schuppe, W. 21, 816 Rozmaryn, S. 449, 814 Schurz, G. 724, 816 Rudziński, A. W. 450, 476, 479–83, 814 Schwab, G. 236, 816 Rüfner, V. 105, 819 Schwartländer, J. 107, 816 Ruiz Giménez, J. 126–8, 814 Schwemmer, O. 65 Ruiz Manero, J. 261–2, 757, 760 Scillitani, L. 154, 816 Ruiz Rodríguez, V. 172 Seager, W. 319, 816 Rujah, H. 764 Searle, J. R. XXVI, 300–1, 316–7, 325, 442, Rümelin, M. 37–8, 762, 783, 814 544, 546, 548, 550–1, 553–5, 745, 816 Russell, B. 320, 454, 543, 764, 814 Segerberg, K. 735, 738, 816 Seibert, T.-M. 634 Sacco, R. 308, 769, 814 Seidler, G. L. 449, 816 Sahlin, C. Y. 320 Seifert, J. 41, 816 Sala, G. B. 153, 814 Seitzer, J. 221–2, 792, 816 848 TREATISE, 12 (2) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Sergot, M. J. 744–5, 788, 810, 816 Stone, J. 414, 819 Serianni, L. 525, 816 Strachey, J. 776 Sériaux, A. 117, 816 Stratenwerth, G. 103, 819 Sertillanges, A. D. 9, 816 Strömberg, T. XI, 305, 415–29, 819 Sextus Empiricus, 722, 817 Strömholm, S. 381, 434, 773, 819 Shils, E. 776 Stuhlmann-Laeisz, R. 724, 819 Shiner, R. A. 710, 817 Suárez, F. 166, 171–2, 778 Silva Abbot, M. 177, 817 Summers, R. S. 666, 671–2, 703, 798, 819 Simmel, G. 191–2, 197, 817 Sundberg, J. 413, 819 Simon, D. 803 Sundby, N. K. 424 Simon, P. 117, 817 Sundell, J. O. 379, 819 Simon, P. M. 815 Süsterhenn, A. 105, 819 Simon, Y. 52–3, 79, 817 Szabadfalvi, J. 155–6, 819 Simons, P. M. 785, 788, 815 Szabó, M. 160, 819 Śliwinski, R. 782, 825 Sztykgold, J. 314, 479, 820 Smend, R. VIII, 93, 220–1, 223–5, 229, 231, 761, 763, 817 Takács, P. 159, 161, 805, 820 Smith, B. XXVI, 546, 817 Tammelo, I. 741, 820 Smith, N. K. 789 Taparelli d’Azeglio, L. 8, 142, 174, 820 Soaje Ramos, G. 166 Tarde, G. 113 Socrates 171, 778 Tarello, G. XV, 67, 231–3, 235, 257, 259, 564–6, Sohm, R. 73, 817 568, 582, 630, 647, 652, 658–60, 820 Sokolowski, M. 109, 768 Tarski, A. 260 Solari, G. 6, 582, 817 Tattay, S. XXII, 161, 820 Sólyom, L. 158, 817 Tawney, G. A. 395 Somek, A. 222, 817 Tejada, F. E. de 124, 169 Somló, F. 92, 155–6, 195, 817 Terrell, B. 764 Soper, P. 79, 266, 817 Thibaut, A. F. J. 572–3, 820 Sordi, B. 193, 216, 817 Thieulloy, G. de 114, 820 Sorokin, P. A. 527 Thoma, R. 92, 221 Soto Kloss, E. 176, 817 Thomas Aquinas 8, 60, 73, 116, 130, 141–2, Sousa, J. P. Galvao de 169, 817 149, 153, 155, 163–4, 168, 172–6, 723, Spaak, T. X–XI, XXIV, 23, 251–2, 310, 315, 760, 763, 765, 767, 779, 786, 789, 794, 365, 415, 419–20, 435, 526, 818 798, 801, 803, 809, 812, 816, 823, 824, Spaemann, R. 77, 90, 109, 818 827 Spaventa, B. 145 Thomassen, L. 276, 820 Spiermann, O. 412, 818 Thompson, E. 319, 816, 826 Spranger, E. 103, 818 Thornhill, C. 792, 816 Sprenger, G. 103, 758–9, 784, 792, 806, 818 Timasheff, N. S. 478, 534, 808 Staff, I. 226, 228, 230–1, 547, 802, 818 Timoshina, E. V. XIII, XXIV, 297–8, 307, Stalnaker, R. 744, 818 309, 443, 445, 450, 453–4, 462, 486, 491– Stammler, R. 14–20, 22, 32, 34, 36, 93, 122–3, 2, 494, 509, 527, 530, 534–5, 537–8, 542, 135, 191–2, 195, 611, 802, 818, 824 775, 793, 808–9, 820 Stein, E. 41, 818 Todescan, F. 147, 821 Stein, P. G. 773 Toller, F. 165 Stelmach, J. 759, 824 Tonkov, D. E. 775 Stenius, E. 740, 818 Topitsch, E. 108, 821 Stenlund, S. 796 Toullier C.-B.-M. 566, 569, 571, 821 Stevenson, C. L. 321, 441, 680, 716, 818 Toulmin, S. 65, 631, 680, 821 Stewart, I. 248, 818 Treves, R. 19, 187–8, 821 Stoll, H. 762, 783 Treviño, A. J. 27, 821 Stolleis, M. 188, 221–4, 789, 806, 818 Troeltsch, E. 43, 224, 821 Stolpe, A. 754, 819 Tronchet, F. D. 570 INDEX OF NAMES 849

Troper, M. VIII, 88, 258–9, 821 Viola, F. V, VII, XXIV, 3, 10, 52, 63, 68, 74, Troplong, R. T. 566, 571 82, 86, 141, 148, 151, 153, 235, 775, 823–4 Trujillo, I. XXV Vitoria, F. de 72, 171–2, 778 Truyol Wintrich, I. 821 Vives, F. 175, 824 Truyol Wintrich, M. 821 Voegelin, E. 13, 824 Truyol y Serra, A. 121, 127, 133, 821 Vogel, H. H. 434, 819 Tur, R. 252, 821 Volpicelli, A. 239–41, 798, 824 Tzitzis, S. VI, XXIV, 111, 117, 821 Von Bernstoff, J. 194, 762 Voronina, L. V. 780 Ueding, G. 815 Vreeswijk, G. A. W. 750–2, 810 Ugarte Godoy, J. J. 176 Ulen, T. 514, 769 Wagner, H. 741, 824 Uribe, H. G. 170, 779 Wahlgren, P. 806, 818 Urmson, J. O. 760 Waldron, J. 256, 281, 824 Ütz, A. F. 51, 821 Wallace, S. 37, 784 Uusitalo, J. 765–6 Walter, R. 194, 248, 252, 769, 788, 792, 818, 824–5 Vaihinger, H. 195, 251–2, 790, 821 Walther, M. 99, 824 Valentiner, T. 789 Walton, D. 752, 779, 824 Valentini, C. XIX Waluchow, W. 281, 824 Vallançon, F. 116, 821 Waśkiewicz, H. 505, 824 van Acker, L. 168 Weber, M. 15, 93, 195, 224, 293, 300, 431, van Benthem, J. 755, 779, 821 450, 475, 498, 523, 677, 824 van der Meyden, R. 779 Wedberg, A. 430, 439–40, 791 van der Torre, L. 744, 746–7, 760, 764, 779, Weinberger, O. 157, 216, 244, 248, 633–4, 782, 799, 822 666, 714, 716, 718–20, 740–1, 757, 793, van Eck, J. 741, 822 798, 824 Van Steenberghen, F. 73, 822 Weinkauff, H. 102, 107, 825 Vannier, G. 117, 803 Weiss, G. 824 Varga, C. VII, XXIV, 155, 157–60, 793, 801, Weiss, P. 807 807, 817, 822 Welling, M. 783, 812 Vassalli, G. 245, 822 Welty, C. A. 764 Vázquez de Mella, J. 169, 176, 797 Welzel, H. 59, 101–2, 825 Vera, A. 145 Westermarck, E. 716 Verdi, G. 299, 310 Weyr, F. 216, 219, 825 Verdross, A. 51, 78, 103, 157, 213, 822 White, I. 815 Verhagen, H. 782 White, M. 187, 565, 825 Vermeersch, A. 174 White, N. D. 297, 413, 800 Vernengo, R. 259 Wieacker, F. 25, 825 Vico, G. 52, 57, 128, 141–2, 144, 147, 153, Wiederin, E. 248–53, 825 631–2, 797 Wiegand, M. A. 22, 825 Vidal Gil, E. 133, 822 Wieringa, R. 741, 800 Viehweg, T. XV, 69, 563, 627, 630–4, 786, 822 Wilhelm, W. 188, 582, 590, 825 Vigna, C. 823 Wilk, K. 795, 811 Vigo, R. L. 165, 822–3 Willard, C. A. 809 Vildé-Lot, I. 762 William of Ockham 723 Villa, V. 291, 823 Williams Benavente, J. 175–6, 825 Villeco, A. 167, 823 Williams, B. 441, 825 Villegas, A. N. 173, 803 Williams, M. 764 Villey, M. 26, 33–4, 52, 62, 113–4, 116–7, Winczorek, J. 793 160, 165–6, 176–7, 258, 762, 766, 777, Windelband, W. 188, 192, 196, 768 788, 803, 810, 816, 822 Windscheid, B. XIV, 5, 195, 563, 565, 589, Vinx, L. 222, 823 597–601, 620, 825 850 TREATISE, 12 (2) - 20TH CENTURY: THE CIVIL LAW WORLD

Winkler, G. 757 Zaccaria, G. 68, 147, 235, 824 Winston, K. I. 777 Zacher, E. 74, 826 Winx, L. 825 Zadeh, L. A. 69, 826 Wittgenstein, L. 66, 149, 454, 680, 686, 692, Zagrebelsky, G. VIII, 87, 181, 263, 265, 278– 700, 769 80, 826 Woleński, J. XVII, XXIV, 555, 709, 717, 728, Zamboni, M. XI, XXIV, 396–7, 401, 415, 735, 737, 739, 804, 825 430, 826 Wolf, E. 53, 129, 825 Zambrano, P. 165 Wolfe, H. 526, 825 Żełaniec, W. XIII, XXII, XXIV, 527, 542, Wolff, C. 8, 613 555, 797, 826 Wolff, H. J. 97, 826 Zelazo, P. D. 319, 816, 826 Woods, J. 800 Zeleny, K. 194, 824 Wright Mills, C. 329, 778 Ziemba, Z. 741, 826 Wright, G. H. von 52, 424, 436, 717, 733–5, Ziembiński, Z. 468, 741, 770, 826–7 738–40, 766, 769, 787 Zitelmann, E. 195, 458, 826 Wróblewski, J. XV, 67, 505, 564, 647, 652–5, Znamierowski, C. XIII, 306, 310, 449, 453, 682, 688, 698, 716, 807, 826 506–7, 542–57, 770, 778, 794, 797, 799, 826 Würtenberger, T. 102, 826 Zucchini, G. 773 Wurzel, K. G. 36 Zuckert, M. 11, 827