ISSN: 2582 8894|UIA: AA1003/2020

Volume 1 Issue 2

|June 2021|


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International Journal of Legal Enforcement is an online peer review journal dedicated to express views on legal and socio legal aspects. This platform also shall ignite the initiative of the young students. We do not charge any publication charge for online publications. We process to bring out the analysis and thoughts of every socio legal and legal matters from the young powerful minds. With this thought we hereby present you, International Journal of Legal Enforcement.

“Dharma is to protect the Needy”


Research Article on


Anchal Kashyap



Arunim Kathuria






Bullying, a worse practice done by one or more than one individual to an innocent one. Just because the innocent one can’t do anything, so the defaulters commit such practice. If we define this word bullying, it implies an act done by any defaulter in order to harm, intimidate, or coerce that particular act for sudden or grave provocation. Bullying can be in any form, either verbal, physical or mental.

We all have been promoted from schools, or some of the readers might be in schools, we all have noticed the practice of Bullying by naughty kids to innocent kids. This practice directly affects the mental health of a child from the grass root level itself. The problem of fear, depression and negativity easily attacks the minds of the children and at the very early stage, they decide to harm themselves by committing suicide. The confidence, which is embedded in themselves results totally a big Zero.

And as usual, their self-esteem is estimated to be a big loss to their future. As we all are aware of the fact that bullying and ragging are one of the same things. In case of schools, it is defined as Bullying and in case of colleges, it is known as Ragging. If we see in many colleges, it is mentioned that our campus is an anti-ragging campus, and some of the colleges are very firm towards it. If they have declared that their campus is Anti-ragging, then they will make sure that no illicit practice is happening in that campus.

We all must have listened to some of the common words, used by the bullies to the innocent ones, “MEET ME OUTSIDE, I’M GONNA SEE YOU'', “WATCH YOUR STANDARD AND THEN TALK, YOU'RE SO POOR YOU CAN’T STAND IN FRONT OF US'', etc. if we see these bullies from their personal context, they are not as much strong as they pretend. They only take advantage of the innocence and they start bullying the person. As a result of which, the innocent one is not able to concentrate in his/her studies and don’t join their colleges, because of this fear only.



“The traditional approach to bullying in educational institution and workplace has been to set it aside, with excuses such as ‘boys will be boys' or ‘men don't complain', “men are strong” though it is possible that bullying which involves alarming or the threat of violence could trigger the offence of assault2 or battery3”.

“Examples of bullying which do not pretend to a traditional criminal offence are, classmates calling a schoolboy ‘fat' or ‘stupid' or an employee being shouted at by a senior or superior officer. When classmates threaten or rough up another in the school yard or when a subordinate is threatened with the imminent application of force or is slapped, an offence is committed, though such actions usually go unpunished”

“As more and more women enter workplaces, women become targets for bullying in such workplaces. At times, bullying takes the form of sexual ”.


Our well renowned board of examination CBSE had appointed bullying committees to stop it.

Anti-Bullying Committees

“In 2015, due to rising cases of bullying in schools, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)4, issued guidelines for the prevention of bullying which included the mandatory setting up of Anti-Bullying committees in schools. These committees would

2 “Section 351 of the , 1860 - Whoever makes any gesture, or any preparation intending or knowing it to be likely that such gesture or preparation will cause any person present to apprehend that he who makes that gesture or preparation is about to use criminal force to that person, is said to commit an assault” 3 “section 350 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 - Whoever intentionally uses force to any person, without that person's consent, in order to the committing of any offence, or intending by the use of such force to cause, or knowing it to be likely that by the use of such force he will cause injury, fear or annoyance to the person to whom the force is used, is said to use criminal force to that other” 4 “” 6 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL ENFORCEMENT ISSN: 2582 8894|UIA: AA1003/2020

comprise of the vice-principal, a senior teacher, school doctor, counsellor, parent-teacher representative, school management representative, legal representative and peer educators”.

The roles and responsibilities of this committee would include:

● “Development and review of School Bullying Prevention Plan,

● Development and implementing bullying prevention programs,

● Developing training programs for staff, students, and parents,

● Creating awareness through various programs,

● Being vigilant and observing signs of bullying and responding quickly and sensitively. Names and contact numbers of members of the committee should be clearly exhibited everywhere in the school premises, etc.”


Bullying is practice done at the college too. So in order to stop this scrupulous activity, the head of all the colleges named as The University Grants Commission (Hereafter, UGC), on account of increasing bullying-related suicides, issued “a landmark notification in 2009” to curb rampant ragging throughout higher-education institutions in . UGC has 3 amendments made to the circular, and it remains the primary government statute which pertains to ragging in higher education institutions.


“The UGC has given three definitions of ragging, they go as follows:

1. Any disorderly conduct whether orally or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or harassing a fresher or a junior student.

2. Indulging in an undisciplined activity which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, harm or to raise fear or anxiety thereof in a fresher or a junior student. 7 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL ENFORCEMENT ISSN: 2582 8894|UIA: AA1003/2020

3. Asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or Psyche of a fresher or a junior student.”


The college students, who are major (18 years or above), must be aware of the following provisions of the code:

“Section 506 (Punishment for criminal )5

Criminal intimidation is an act in which a person threatens any other individual either to body, reputation or property, and in return coerces him/her to do any illegal or heinous act or any routine act, that he would normally do. As per the provision of section 506, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment for 2 years or more than 2 years, with fine also imposed”.

Also, if the offender has threatened the other person to cause grievous hurt, or to cause destruction of the house by means of fire, the punishment must be imprisonment for life or it may extend up to 7 years or more with fine.

“SECTION 323- 326 (punishments for voluntarily causing hurt, grievous hurt, by the means of dangerous weapons):

These sections are in respect of the offenders who cause these heinous crimes. We are relating these sections in respect of bullying or threatening done by the bad students who are in colleges (18 years or above). Almost every serious case of ragging involves causing hurt of some kind to another person voluntarily and in full knowledge of his/her actions. We all might have seen in many of the colleges that some of the innocent students are being ragged or bullied by naughty students by physical means, or by using sharp or dangerous weapons. So, the punishment for these crimes, as mentioned in the sections 323-326, commonly all the punishments amount to either imprisonment of life or it may extend to the maximum period of 10 years”.


“Section 306: abetment to suicide:

This is also a common section under which ragging wrongdoers are charged. Many students from around the country are driven to committing suicide because they are exposed to such serious forms of violent and abusive behaviour by their seniors in college. The mental harm caused by the and ragging builds up and compounds over time, due to the continuous and repeating nature of the offences and takes the victim to a point where he feels completely helpless and does not see a way out of his difficulty”. It is indeed a failure of ours as a society, that a child stuck in such a tragic situation, finds no help from the college authorities, the legal authorities or even his own parents. “The punishment for encouraging someone of committing suicide is imprisonment for 10 years and fine shall also be applied”.


1. Verbal bullying: Verbal bullying is a form of bullying which includes “personal insults, or name calling on the basis of racial or financial backgrounds, or even sexually coloured remarks. Verbal bullying is one of the most common forms of bullying and can lead to a lot of mental trauma in the victim and harm his social life and adds to the feeling of helplessness.”

What has to be understood is that words have a large amount of power. Means, slowly however sure, once someone is subjected to constant , their self-image gets destroyed and their shallowness becomes low. Gradually, they begin changing into low on confidence and begin to check themselves through different people’s eyes

2. PHYSICAL BULLYING: “Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching and pushing or destroying personal belongings. Physical bullying causes both short period and long period damage. This is an early expression of power that is, physically harming someone. This sort of abuse, apart from causing wounds, also leads to low self-esteem and a loss of confidence in the victim’s life because of such a heinous act of crime.”

A difference must be made between an act of violence and physical bullying. “A unique act of violence doesn’t add up to bullying. Bullying occurs when the same person is exploited repeatedly. There also needs to be an intention to hurt, intimidate, control or dominate the other 9 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL ENFORCEMENT ISSN: 2582 8894|UIA: AA1003/2020

party.” Another requirement of bullying is that there needs to exist a real or recognized variance of power, arising out of brute physical capability of the oppressor or his higher social standing.

Middle school is the time when physical bullying really starts to take place. “This is the time when children start becoming socially active, start getting affected by their friends and start forming strong friendships with fellow classmates. This is also the time children start to develop serious bitterness towards each other which may sometimes take the form of bullying”.

3. SOCIAL BULLYING: This is a more precise kind of bullying but one which may separate a person even more than other types of bullying. This occurs when there is a united effort on the part of people in the social proximity of an individual to tease, insult, or try to lower the reputation of a person in the society.

“According to a survey done by Bullying UK6, it was found that 55% of young people have experienced social bullying. Out of those who have been bullied online (cyberbullying), 36% were left out on purpose and 51% had fake rumours spread about them”.

Why do people engage in social bullying?

1. Attention seeking behaviour: When people organize in groups, they often engage in attention seeking behaviour, this may be cracking jokes, constantly picking on someone, or any act to separate themselves and gain the attention of their friends.


2. Impressing someone or attracting the opposite sex: Misled boys often believe that if they assert their dominance among their peers and constantly pick on someone to attract the attention of the opposite sex. 3. Compensating for low self-esteem, confidence or having anger issues: This is another common reason why people engage in social bullying. People who need validation for their own low self-image and lack of confidence, turn to depraved ways of picking on someone weaker to assert their identity and gain attention. People often have aggressive tendencies in their nature, which may come to light from their domestic family situation in which they are acting out on people weaker than them.

4. They are victims of bullying themselves: This is another repeated reason why people bully others. In the past, they may have faced the same situation and developed bitterness because of it. This bitterness often changes into something more serious and then that person repeats the same behaviour he was subjected to, as a form of revenge.

Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying is often barefaced or indirect. It utilizes processed advancements, together with contribution, for instance, PCs and cell phones, and programming, “for example, internet-based life, texting, writings, sites and different on-line stages”.

Cyber bullying is usually seen as a less harmful kind of bullying that exists on-line and doesn't happen physically within the world. It's often ignored as being simply a “couple of comments online”, that are simply unnoticed. This can be a problematic opinion. Cyber bullying is often terribly dangerous, distressing for those who undergo it.

“A study by Microsoft Corporation in 2012, shows spread over 25 nations positioned India third in the quantity of internet cyberbullying cases. As indicated by the 2014 investigation led by the Internet security organization, McAfee, “Half of the young in India have had some experience with cyberbullying. The 2016 Norton Cybersecurity Insights Report expresses that 51% of guardians around the globe consider online bullying to be as likely as being bullied at school or work”. 11 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL ENFORCEMENT ISSN: 2582 8894|UIA: AA1003/2020

Relational Aggression

Relational aggression (RA) is a non-physical type of social bullying where the wrongdoer’s only goal is to threaten or harm relationships, as well as hurt the victim’s social standing or name in the society. This kind of aggression could lead to long psychological hurt to victims”.

Relational aggression is another type of bullying that happens once there's a deliberate conceit to manipulate or sabotage a person’s social standing. “Research has found that though such aggression is common among each gender, it's clearly visible or understood in females”.

Raghavan Committee Report

The Raghavan Committee was formed by the Human Resource Development ministry under the supervision of the and it submitted its report in 2007.

Examples of ragging

● Any demonstration that averts, upsets or irritates the academic activity of an understudy ought to be considered within the academics related part of ragging; comparatively, misusing power to force a junior student to finish the academic tasks relegated to an individual or a gathering of seniors is additionally a part of academics related ragging pervasive in numerous foundations, especially in professional institutions of medicine.

● “This was in repayment to the common practise in medical institutions around the country to get your academic work done by junior students and force them to complete the work allotted to you by making them afraid of punishment in the form of mental or physical violence”. Although this practise is not limited to only medical institutions it’s pervasive, that is where it occurs most frequently.

● Any form of financial coercion or forcing a junior student to pay for something or make use of him/her as a source of money is to be considered ragging as well. “It is often the practise in schools/colleges to make juniors pay for certain goods or to force them into lending money otherwise threatening them for facing consequences, this is considered ragging too”. 12 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL ENFORCEMENT ISSN: 2582 8894|UIA: AA1003/2020

● “Any act of physical violence, , homosexual assaults, forcing someone and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or person can be put in the category of ragging with criminal intention”. this is often the foremost intense style of ragging and is to be about criminal behaviour on the part of the wrongdoer for such an act

● “Any demonstration or ill-treatment by expressed words, emails, snail-sends, or open abuse has to be thought of within the psychological components of ragging. This viewpoint would likewise incorporate determinant sadistic delight, or twisted rush from effectively or inactively participating in slowing down different people”; the absence of reading ‘freshers’ as an introduction to their admission to advanced education and life in hostels to boost may be attributed as a psychological a part of ragging – adapting aptitudes in communication with seniors or outsiders may be presented by guardians collectively.”.

Landmark judgment:-

•Pradhan vs state of Uttaranchal7

In this case, praveen pradhan is the appellant and state of Uttaranchal and ANR is the respondent

A FIR (first information report) was lodged by Ambareesh Singh brother of Anurag Singh, the deceased. Ambreesh Singh said that the appellant, praveen pradhan has been forcing, pressurizing the deceased to indulge in wrongful activities at the workplace. Anurag singh was not comfortable with any of those activities So he started denying praveen pradhan and as a consequence he started harassing and insulting him in front of the staff of the entire factory, and told him "if there had been any other, he have died by hanging himself in the first place"

Anurag singh, the deceased even talked about this with his family members over phone. According to him the only option left with him was to end his life. Thus after bearing all the pain, harassment anurag singh committed suicide on 7th October 2005.

The deceased left a suicide note in which it was clearly stated that he is blaming praveen pradhan, the appellant for his death and according to the statement given by his widow wife and rest of the family members it was clear that the appellant is solely responsible for his death.

7 And ANR 4th October 2012 13 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL ENFORCEMENT ISSN: 2582 8894|UIA: AA1003/2020

"Upon conclusion of the investigation, the police filed charge-sheet No.208/2005 on 5.11.2005 against the appellant under Section 306 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860"8

Later, the appellant filed application no 420 of 2006 under section 482 of CrPc9 for the matter of rejecting the said charge sheet and proceedings but the high court continued the proceedings and later on dismissed the said application

Hence, the present appeal.

More cases on the same matter are as follows:-

•kishori lal vs state of MP10

•Sanju vs state of MP11

A remarkable number of students are bullied and ragged every year in our country, even after so many strict rules and regulations, out of which some suffer serious outcomes or problems, sometimes death.

The country has heard of the tormenting or Heart breaking case of Aman Kachroo, a medical student who was beaten to death by four other students of his college. That led to so many protests and movements against bullying but our country is still facing the worst side of it.

Recently, another awful incident came to light when the authorities at a Dehradun school buried a 12-year-old student's body after he was beaten to death by his seniors.

Here are some recent bullying cases that have occurred in our country.

8 9 Code of criminal procedure 10 19th June, 2007 11 1995(3) SCC 731 14 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL ENFORCEMENT ISSN: 2582 8894|UIA: AA1003/2020

A vision into the globe 15 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL ENFORCEMENT ISSN: 2582 8894|UIA: AA1003/2020

When we talk about bullying, it means an unwanted hurtful teasing, use of foul language, or aggressive behaviour by the bully towards others. Bullying is pervasive in nature, we can see bullies everywhere, basically a bully is a person who keeps on insulting, threatening others whom they suppose are weaker and smaller. The person who got bullied may experience

-Negative thoughts

-Socially, mentally and physically weakness



-Feeling of loneliness (left out)

And thus started losing interest in the things they used to love, which forces them (the victims of bullying) to choose the road to suicide. Bullying is most likely to be seen in schools/ colleges and it can affect anyone in any way.

Soo here are some real life incidents from around the globe to put a limelight on this issue:-

1) This story is of a fifteen year old Canadian high schooler girl named Amanda, who posted a video on YouTube narrating her struggling story. She was bullied by a man (not man a pervert) when she was in seventh grade, he forced her to do a live naked show for him but she denied to do so and hence he leaked her topless photo to everyone which leads her straight to depression.

She moved to another school but the pervert didn't stop her. He made a fake account of her and posted all of her pictures and the kids in her new school began to bully her and a group of girls beat her up and threw her in a ditch but she was rescued successfully but after that she tried to kill herself by drinking bleach but failed to do so.

Another school, another city couldn't help her with depression. Soo, a month after posting the video amanda killed Herself

2) Angel green, a 14th year old girl from Indiana hanged herself from a tree near her school bus stop because she wanted the oppressors to see her corpse like that, they made her life hell, they had been calling her with words like "slut" and a "whore" because of the fact that her father had been jailed because of her. She clearly wrote in her suicide note that "it was bullying that killed her". 16 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL ENFORCEMENT ISSN: 2582 8894|UIA: AA1003/2020

3) Being a popular girl in school or famous among boys wrote a suicide story for this girl

Amber cornwell, a sixteen year old girl from North Carolina was very famous among boys of her school and other girls were jealous of her and they used to bully her and on December 20, 2014, she was found hanged in her own bedroom.

4) This is another heartbreaking story where a twelve year old girl from Denver snapped and took her own life. The reason behind this tragedy was she was bullied by her own classmates for being tall and had a big scar on her face. Due to this she was called a "gorilla scar face" by her classmates.

5)A 15 year old, Andrie Pott resident of California was gang-raped by three boys at a house party on labour day in 2012, she was unconscious (not being in a state to respond or react) when they filmed her and leaked all her photos to local students. She got depressed by the fact that her story is being entertained like a web series.12

A week later she hanged herself to death.

No one knows the pain, no one cares about your situation that how one got affected by bullying, how one taunt can lead them to finish their life, no one can imagine what a child goes through after being bullied

It's you, yourself who has to fight for your legal right and not to just end your life this way.

The relationship between bullying and suicide Bullying is linked to suicide like bullying and suicide go hand in hand, the one who got bullied can't live with the fear and ends up in committing suicide by any way but most of the


youth who got bullied do not commit suicide or even have negative thoughts but they fight for themselves and put the wrongdoer behind the bars for the heinous crime of bullying.

Bullying Alone is not responsible for suicide but the side effects contributes the most and increased the risk of suicide for example- depression, anxiety, trauma and not getting supported.

Study shows that half of the suicide cases reported because of bullying are of small children aged 10-14 years and mostly it's the girls who commit suicide because of the thought that their life is finished.

In India, here people do not believe in depression, anxiety or actual teenage problems until and unless one commits suicide and then they say he/she should have talked out. Sometimes the victim didn't even try to tell their problems to their parents or loved ones so that they can help them but they also knew that , no one is going to support them, no one is going to understand their problems and sometimes one tries to speak up about the problems but again no one understands. According to Indian society or especially parents they thought the only duty of their children is to study, study and study.

They never listens to their problems by saying you have to study do not get indulge in these types of activities and no one is bigger in this entire world than your parents so the only option left with them is committing suicide and ending their life

That's how bulling leads the path to suicide

This can be stopped, everything can be stopped but with time and understanding.

Here are few things which parents can do to help their Children to overcome their problems:-

1)know the signs of bullying- One of the most effective ways in which to identify bullying in your children's lives is by looking at their moods. If they're suddenly anxious, stressed out or indicating that they hate going to school Also listen if they say that there is plenty of drama at school/college or that they have no friends note these things. Other signs of bullying can be avoiding school by expressing fake health problems like headaches and stomach aches, unexplained injuries, and sliding down of grades.

2)know the signs of depression- Symptoms like dropping grades, losing interest in favourite activities, withdrawing socially, being too angry, spending time alone, and sleeping a lot more 18 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL ENFORCEMENT ISSN: 2582 8894|UIA: AA1003/2020

than usual. This doesn't happen to everyone. Soo this explains the signs that someone could also be depressed.

3)know the signs of suicide- People who are thinking about of committing suicide may become very moody, started losing hope or become hopeless, experience changes in their personalities, started cutting off from friends and family, started giving or throwing away their precious things, and started asking questions about their existence in other people lives. If you notice signs of suicidal thoughts in a loved one, don’t delay in taking action.

4) Help your child overcome bullying- one of the best ways to help your child overcome bullying is to become friends with them, make sure them that you are going to stand for them no matter what, they can share anything with you without you being judgemental you should make a commitment that you are going to make things better, talk to them, be a good listener.

It is not going to be a short process, overcoming bullying can be a long process. There will be good or bad days but as a parent one should never lose hope.


Hence , this paper outlined the assorted efforts done by the supreme court of India like establishing, the raghavan committee, the CBSE and therefore the UGC13 together to raise awareness against bullying with alternative methods and educating them about the laws. It derived the history of ragging and bullying and the way over the years it has been formalized as now there are many strict rules and regulations in schools/ colleges which creates less doubtful impacts. And also shows what steps can be taken to prevent events like these. It also explains the various types of bullying and the rise of cyberbullying in society.

It outlines the two important actions taken against bullying which are the UGC circular of 2009 and the raghavan committee guidelines of 2007 for slowing down the danger of bullying. Mentioned some upsetting cases of bullying which shocked the entire globe and how bullying leads the victims of bullying towards the road to suicide plus shows how bullying can be excluded from the society.

Bullying can be experienced by anyone, at any place and at any age whether you’re a school student or a working person you can still be a victim of bullying, for example- in schools/colleges, at workplace, public transports( buses, auto-rickshaws, trains), parties, and

13 University grants commission 19 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL ENFORCEMENT ISSN: 2582 8894|UIA: AA1003/2020

through social handles, internet which is also known as cyberbullying, bullying shows mercy to no one. The bullies always figure out ways to harass and to achieve their miserable goals and to have pleasure, many bullies bully someone as a matter of fun. This makes them feel great about themselves and enable them to gain attention from everybody and thought it’s cool

Everybody experienced bullying once in their life in any way, whether on the basis of weight, height, colour, financial status etc. but as mentioned earlier most of the youth do not commit suicide they overcome their problems on their own way very nicely. Coming to “bystanders” these are the people who do not bully others but they do play a major role in bullying others, children who neglects, watch the act of bullying and didn’t come forward to lend a helping hand, they’re not aware of what they’re doing but these people are contributing a lot to the heinous crime of bullying and not about children many elder people who are mature enough who can take actions also didn’t speak up many times. It makes that individual no superior to the harasser.

Most of the children do not wish to speak up against what they have faced and saw because they’re afraid of the bullies and their powers, as they are not supported by friends and families plus they showcase that they are physically, financially strong and no one can defeat them but people need to realize that their power is much more than an individual bully, law got the back of the victims and they can put the wrong doer behind the bars with the help of laws and efforts.

Bullying is a disastrous disease that can destroy one's life and capacity to live anymore. That's why it's important in schools/colleges to have started an anti-ragging committee which can look after the cases and give assurances to the parents that their children are at a safe place. There's no harm because it's every child's right to have a safe and secure schooling experience.

In conclusion, it can be said that a lot of efforts are still lacking to cure the overall situation of bullying in India as well as in the country. There needs to be a united effort not by few people but by society at large to eradicate bullying from the roots. 20 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL ENFORCEMENT ISSN: 2582 8894|UIA: AA1003/2020