Woodhull and Claflins Weekly V2 N2 Nov 26 1870
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PROGRESS! FREE THOUGHT! UNTRAMMELED LIVES ! BREAKING THE WAY FOB FUTUBE GENE BATI ONS. v o l 2.-X0. 2. w h o l e .V 23. NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 26, 1870. PRICE TEN CENTS. VICTORIA 0. W00DHULL & TËNNEE C. CLAFLIN, other one—thAt its nature requires moro heAt or cold ; more cation of vAnity. By these means the mAjority of children EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. Air And suushiuu i moro or loss exercise, or less or moro gov reach mAturity without Any definite and well-leArned busi ernment, is seldom if ever considered. ness to depend upon, and are compelled thereby to vAcillAte CONTEXTS OF THIS NUMBEK* From the hour of birth to that eventful period known As between different kinds o f employment, As chAnce offers or PAGE PAGE. “ out of leuding-strings," children are made to coniform in necessity compels, so that “ JAck o f All trades and good At Progress (Poetry); Industrial Correspondence ; A PrivAte Let Schools............. ..................... l ter : A Woman's Rights....... 6 stead of being conformed to. It isn't wbAt tbe child is best none” is true o f two-thirds, at least, o f All mAnkind. NAt The Amazons of the Seine; Sym My Rejection (Poetry) ; Labor urAlly inefficiency begets instAbility ; because persons who pAthy (Poetry); The Root of And CApitAl; Spiritualism And fitted for, but whAt is best for the child ; According to the the MAtter, or the Role of the Materialism ; QuAcks And opinion of parents As utterly ignorAnt of its reAl Dature and Are not masters o f their occupAtion, who only work becAuse Old Mythologies ; CAsh Value Quackery..............1 .............. t of A Laboring Man.................. 2 The CentrAl Pacific Railroad of requirements ns if it had never been born. they must, And not because they know how, can only retAin Be Gentle with thy \Vife<Poetry); CAlifornia; Something More And this system,begun At birth, is carried to and through their places, if fortunAte enough to get Any, until otne-rs mAy Proposal for A Society in SeArch of Real Estate And Insurance... 8 of A Creed; Mrs. S. F. Norton Frauds on Southern State Bonds; the period of school education. The teAcher tAkes up and be found better fitted to fill them. Reviewed................................. 3 In the Hands of the Sheriff; Constitutional EquAlity; Noth Lessons iu PoliticAl Financier continues in tiie course followed by the parents, And when Frequent chAnge Also begets a taste for chAnge; so thAt ing Good ShAll Ever Perish ing.......................................... 9 the child is “ finished” it is very likely to be finished out of All these effects Act and reAct upon each other to the increase (Poetry); Quips by FigAro; Minor EditoriAls; Smiles And General Items......................... 4 Tears (Poetry) ; Proceedings of all piActicAl usefulness, beAuty and grAce; tutored into A of all, and AlwAys to the end o f shiftlessness, to a greAter or The Need of AiwA to; A Circular Free Conference...................... 10 Missive from the Pantarch; Human Government; True Cur mere piece of -mechAnism, And not very good At th A t; be less extent, According to the naturAl tendencies o f the man. Alphabetic^ And Phonetics....... 5 rency Basis..............................11 cAuse All natural quAlities hAve been diverted And put to A I f these tendencies are not vicious, he remAins An honest, use for which they were never designed. poor man, expecting little, and getting i t ; and Although not PROGRESS. HeDce we bear mediocrity, of which the world is full, tAking Anything from the weAlth o f the State, perhAps, yet he E’er eArth wAs born "neAth heaven's celestial rAy, mutmuring throughout life lor whAt “ might hAve been” adds nothing to it. Or chAos fled before the light of dAy, with different trAiniug and education ; and in this fAct con I f viciously inclined, he becomes a first-clAss scoundrel, The great Creator's hAnd with power sdblimd sists the most conclusive argument AgAinst subjecting chil living in vArious wAys off other people to just the extent of Stamped “ Progress " on the infant brow of Time, dren to close and regulAr study before their tastes hAve so escAping the lAw ; or, whAt is still worse, becomes a criminAl. And thus amid the shAde of deepest night. developed As to indicAte their Abilities. This wondrous child receiv'd the impress bright. The lAst two are the more likely results, because idleness And in its heart wAs boro the firm resolve, UsuAlly among the poor And middle classes pArents ex is the pArent of crime. All, however, Are a means of loss to The gift to cherish while the worlds revolve. pend All they are able, And more than likely strAin a point, the State, either by whAt it does not gAin, or by ActuAl ex In ages dArk when vice mAde angels weep, to procure for their children whAt is cAlled a fAir educA pense. Time’s charge but gathered for a stronger leap. tion ; And this notwithstAnding the fAct o f free schools. For onward, onward still with giAnt stride. To Avoid All these evils should be the first cAre of a nAtion; Its mArch unwearied As is restless tide. Free schools are A step iu the right direction, but they Are not only As A question of morAlity, but economy As well, to Forever while the Universe shAll ring nevertheless inAdequAte As regArds prActicAl trAining. A ll both itself and individuAls, and the best meAns o f attAining With anthems to the great Jehovah, Sing, the obildren tAught caunot be teachers, and this is All this end is by industrial schools. Still onward. Time and Progress, brothers twin. the present system fits them for. Not the kind of schools thAt Arc dignified by this title be ShAll stay for naught, for SAtAn nor for sin; Economy of time demands thAt every sohool should com And ever while perfection tempts the aim, cause a little embroidery, plAin sewing or crotcheting is bine equAlly the theoreticAl And prActicAl. Or pompous mAn aloud new faults proclaim. tAught incidentAlly, and to no definite purpose of impArting As it is, about one-third of an ordinAry lifetime is Ab With purpose true as needle to the pole, A knowledge whereby future livelihoods mAy be obtAined; Their chariot wheels shAll never cease to roll, sorbed in the process of Acquiring A merely theoretic edu but extensive and well-orgAnized establishments, embrAcing Nor e’ er contented will they rest or pAuse. cation, and when boys And girls leAve school they Are As While earth hath life, And wondrous nAture, laws. every kind of trAde and profession where no distinction of helpless And ignorAnt o f any means of self-support As before Then, 0 immortal mAn, remember thou. sex is mAde or recognized in the Assignments of study and their education commenced. Among these same clAsses, who, I f fate refuse to bless thine effort now ; practice. I f on thy journey humAn wolves thou meet, by the wAy, comprise by fAr the lArger portion o f the people, There should he primAry depArtments of different grAdes for Who, like the shArk, would stricken comrade e A t; labor of some sort is the inevitAble future o f their children ; Or, lonely wanderer be through clouds of gloom, theoretic educAtion, where children might be tAught suffi indeed, it is taken for grAnted that At and After A certAin age, No fortune, fame ; no friend nor happy home, ciently for All prActicAl purposes of life under the sAme gen say from fifteen to seventeen, boys especially must provide That one with cheering smile extends A hAnd erAl supervisions—for every teAcher has A system of his or To guide thee safely to the summer land, for themselves, either pArtiAlly or wholly, and oftener thAn her own— and chAnge from one system to another is a check Nor will forsake thee e'en beyond the tomb ; otherwise Are expected to help somewhAt towArd pAying the to progress. In the same buliding, or surrounding it, should For there, for him, lies yet unmeasured room. expenses of the family. How and by whAt means are they E’en there, poor weary soul, thy sun may rise, be workshops aud offices, embrAcing All mAnner o f trAdes to do this ? The oue-third o f life spent in Acquiring an ordi And “ Progress," friend o f humble, greAt and wise, and occupAtions, with implements And mAteriAls complete to nAry theoretic education brings them to thAt period o f self- ShAll onward, upward guide thy fAlt’ring step each, And lAborAtories and extensive AgriculturAl grounds To realms where never yet immortal wept. dependence AlreAdy referred to. The parents hAve done to AttAched— in brief, a world by itself. 8. & M. the extent of their Ability, so that there is neither time nor Every pArent should be compelled by lAw, if necessAry, to means for apprenticeship to Any trade or profession, were INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS. give her or her children up at the Age of 5 yeArs, or before they both parents And children so inclined. But in these days had received Any kind of tutoring, to the Absolute supervision of hurry and competition, and eagerness to mAke money, THEIR USES TOWARD TETE REDEMPTION OF THE RACE. o f these schools; to be nursed, if need be, And boArded, neither Are disposed to devote two or three or more yeArs to clothed and educated. This, for severAl reAsons ; the first o f the leArning by the lAtter o f some definite trade, which pays ContemplAting the wonderful development from a dry, which is, thAt without pArentAl coddling children would the nothing m the intervAl.