Hair Vigor, Apolis
to follow the course of Peru and the South our representative was both greatly sur- WASHINGTON. IIOTEL AREIVALS. DAILY American Bepublics. If Cubans desire to prised and astonished; surprised over the SECOND EUROPE. EXPRESS - be annexed to the United States, the action so soon taken, and astonished over Saturday j- OT. EDITION. o'clock !.. by American ( Jovernmer.t is willing to pur- the contents of the following letter, writ- A SUIT FOR LIBEL. i.VLT IIOl sK. Extent of the the liertlraai island from Spain for a sum of on of commercial Corner Main and k irst streets. tire. chase the ten a broken half sheet 2. money hereafter to be agreed upon. note: JO Poarce.NO L S Morris, Tenu 3 Pauls, October w A , O'CLOCKP. decision the Spanish Govern- conversa- j ,y,lllo,,1,ie,' da W I' iVcker, Ahi 3J. It is estimated that the loss by the fi: Whatever "'Assure Mr. Fisk that in the Ohio River Interests Attended to. J;rud,welU ment ma- - arrive at, if it persists in prose- J h vl Kantoiowick, Ark among the shipping at Lordeaux wi.t tion with the Sun reporter, yesterday, l'orohs, N W Clark. Scotland jolii to THE LOUISVILLE EXPRESS. cuting the war it must be done on humane what he says my imputing be- Mrs A D .N.aeUie, do II W Ferguson, do r.vaiivuie. r2.ich millions of francs. regarding A ne A w, do troupe of principle?, for humanity demands it." littling or derogatory respect- ka, F II Hozer, Ke The artistes now performing at October 2.
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