Tickhill & 19

Select Ward: Tickhill & Wadworth

Tickhill & Wadworth Ward Profile 2015


Page 1. Location Maps; Population Distribution Page 2. Demography; Ethnicity; Table Guide; Deprivation Page 3. Life Expectancy; Perceived Health; Mortality Page 4. Mortality Maps and Trends; Cancer Incidence

Page 5. Hospital Activity; Life Course Approach

Page 6. Life Course Approach Page 7.Wider Determinants of Health; Ward Assets Page 8-10. Metadata

The data presented in this profile is based on the population living within this ward.

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2013. All rights reserved. Licence number 0100019782 Distribution of Population by Community

Tickhill Woodfield Plantation Wadworth Stainton Micklebring* *

52.6% 21.0% 11.6% 8.3% 2.8%

* Less than 2.5% of the ward population. Page 1 Demography

Tickhill & Wadworth Tickhill & Wadworth Doncaster Category Age # % # % Ethnicity # % # % Starting Well 0-4 525 5.24 19,188 6.32 White 9,575 97.11 288,066 95.26 Developing Well (School Years) 5-14 947 9.45 34,723 11.44 Mixed 66 0.67 3,321 1.10 Developing Well (Training) 15-24 914 9.12 37,022 12.19 Asian and Asian British 119 1.21 7,614 2.52 Working Well 25-64 5,282 52.73 158,408 52.17 Black or Black British 67 0.68 2,337 0.77 Ageing Well 65-74 1,330 13.28 29,517 9.72 Chinese or Other Ethnic Group 33 0.33 1,064 0.35 75+ 1,019 10.17 24,764 8.16 Total 10,017 100 303,622 100 Total 9,860 100 302,402 100 Table Guide

Tickhill & Wadworth Doncaster KEY: Ward Values: Category Rate Rate Significantly better than Doncaster Doncaster # # (95% CI: Lower, Upper) (95% CI: Lower, Upper) Doncaster Ward Worst Ward Range Statistically similar to Doncaster Ward Indicator Doncaster Value Significantly worse than Doncaster Best Statistical significance not available Number Rate for comparison of areas Indicator Description e.g.: per 100,000 population Worst Rate Grey bar presents range from the worst and the best of the Best Rate for of Events. 'Sup' is supressed data, where the number is 5 or less. Confidence intervals in brackets. for Doncaster selected Ward. Red Line: Doncaster average. Doncaster Deprivation

This map shows differences in deprivation in this ward, based on national quintiles of the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010 by Lower Super Output Area (LSOA). The darkest colour represents most deprived areas.

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2013. All rights reserved. Licence number 0100019782 Page 2 Life Expectancy KEY: Ward Values: Significantly better than Doncaster Doncaster Tickhill & Wadworth Doncaster Doncaster Ward Range Statistically similar to Doncaster Ward Doncaster Value # Rate # Rate Ward Worst Significantly worse than Doncaster Best Category (95% CI) (95% CI) Statistical significance not available 80.8 77.9 1 Male Life Expectancy at Birth n/a n/a 73.90 83 ( 78.8 , 82.9) ( 77.6 , 78.3) 85.5 81.8 2 Female Life Expectancy at Birth n/a n/a 78.89 86.10 ( 84.0 , 86.9) ( 81.5 , 82.1) 20.6 17.8 3 Male Life Expectancy at 65 n/a n/a 14.99 20.63 ( 19.4 , 21.9) ( 17.6 , 18.0) 22.5 20.4 4 Female Life Expectancy at 65 n/a n/a 18.24 23.89 ( 21.4 , 23.6) ( 20.1 , 20.1) 5 Deprivation 21 n/a n/a n/a 1 Not Applicable 21 1-4: Calculated with mortality and population data 2010-2014 using SEPHO life expectancy tool; 5. Index of Multiple Deprivation Rank for 2010. 1 represents most deprived ward and 21 least deprived ward. Self Reported Health KEY: Ward Values: Significantly better than Doncaster Doncaster Tickhill & Wadworth Doncaster Doncaster Ward Range Statistically similar to Doncaster Ward Rate Rate Ward Worst Doncaster Value # # Significantly worse than Doncaster Best (95% CI) (95% CI) Statistical significance not available 80.6% 76.4% 6 Good and Very Good Health 8,071 231,867 67% 84% (79.8% ,81.3%) ( 76.2% , 76.5%) 7.2% 10.4% 7 Disability (day to day activities limited a lot) 724 31,688 14% 7% (6.7% ,7.8%) ( 10.3% , 10.5%) 6. Proportion of population who perceive their health as good and very good (2011) 7. Proportion of population who perceive their day to day activities being limited a lot by their disability (2011). Mortality KEY: Ward Values: Significantly better than Doncaster Doncaster Tickhill & Wadworth Doncaster Doncaster Ward Range Statistically similar to Doncaster Ward Ward Worst Doncaster Value Significantly worse than Doncaster Best # Rate # Rate (95% CI) (95% CI) Statistical significance not available 821.6 1,086.3 8 Mortality All Causes 451 14,893 1,452 789 (745.5 ,903.3) ( 1,068.4 , 1,104.3) 250.7 408.0 9 Mortality All Causes <75 years 611 5,213 580 251 (208.3 ,299.1) ( 397.0 , 419.2) 124.9 177.0 10 Mortality All Cancers <75 years 63 2,276 247 125 (95.5 ,160.4) ( 169.8 , 184.5) 21.9 48.3 11 Mortality Lung Cancer <75 years 11 622 74 13 (10.7 ,39.6) ( 44.6 , 52.3) 52.2 90.6 12 Mortality Circulatory Disease <75 years 26 1,160 125 52 (33.9 ,76.6) ( 85.5 , 96.0) 24.3 56.0 13 Mortality Coronary Heart Disease <75 years 57 2,059 85 24 (12.4 ,42.6) ( 51.9 , 60.2) 12.9 26.2 14 Mortality Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease <75 years 7 333 50 6 (5.1 ,26.7) ( 23.5 , 29.2) 22.0 20.9 15 Mortality Chronic Liver Disease <75 years 11 275 48 2 (10.9 ,39.4) ( 18.5 , 23.5) 18.5 47.3 16 Mortality All Respiratory Disease <75 years 10 602 96 15 (8.8 ,34.1) ( 43.6 , 51.3) 8. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (all age). 9 Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Under 75).10. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Under 75) ICD10 C00- C97. 11. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Under 75) ICD10 C33-C34. 12. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Under 75) ICD10 I00-I99 13. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Under 75) ICD10 I20-I25 14. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Under 75) ICD10 J40-J44. 15. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Under 75) ICD10 K70-K77, B15-B19, C22, I81, I85, T86.4. 16. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Under 75) ICD10 J00-J99.

Page 3 Mortality by Lower Super Output Area

The map shows all age and all cause mortality rates by LSOA. This shows the dispersion of mortality within the ward. The darkest colour represents highest mortality.

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2013. All rights reserved. Licence number 0100019782 Mortality Trends

Mortality caused by Circulatory Disease under 75 Mortality caused by Cancer under 75 Mortality All Causes under 75

800 800 800

600 600 600 Tickhill & 400 Tickhill & Wadworth 400 Tickhill & Wadworth 400 Wadworth Doncaster Doncaster Doncaster

200 200 200

DSR per 100,000 per DSR DSR per 100,000 per DSR DSR per 100,000 per DSR 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Cancer Incidence KEY: Ward Values: Tickhill & Wadworth Doncaster Significantly better than Doncaster Doncaster Doncaster Ward Range Statistically similar to Doncaster Ward Worst Ward Best Doncaster Value Significantly worse than Doncaster # Rate (95% CI) # Rate (95% CI) Statistical significance not available 519.7 657.0 17 All Cancer Registrations 280 8,907 855 520 (460.1 ,590.6) ( 642.9 , 671.0) 80.2 80.1 18 Colorectal Cancer Registrations 42 1,070 105 63 (57.9 ,115.2) ( 75.1 , 85.2) 69.1 110.7 19 Lung Cancer Registrations 37 1,471 161 50 (49.0 ,101.7) ( 104.8 , 116.6) 175.9 162.6 20 Breast Cancer Registrations (Females) 51 1,223 232 122 (129.5 ,236.8) ( 153.6 , 172.0) 169.0 161.2 21 Prostate Cancer Registrations 43 997 192 133 (121.2 ,236.0) ( 151.1 , 171.9) 10.9 18.8 22 Skin Cancer Registrations 6 260 35 9 (4.7 ,32.7) ( 16.4 , 21.2) 17. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population; all age ICD10 C00-C97 (2009-2013). 18. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population; all age; ICD10 C18-C21 (2009-2013). 19. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population; all age; ICD10 C33-C34 (2009-2013). 20. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population; Females only, all age; ICD10 C50 (2009-2013). 21. Directly age standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population; Males only; all age; ICD10 C61 (2009-2013). 22. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population; all age; ICD10 C43 (2009-2013).

Page 4 Hospital Activity KEY: Ward Values: Tickhill & Wadworth Doncaster Doncaster Significantly better than Doncaster Doncaster Ward Worst Ward Range Statistically similar to Doncaster Ward Best Doncaster Value # Rate (95% CI) # Rate (95% CI) Significantly worse than Doncaster Statistical significance not available 10,122.2 12,843.7 23 All Emergency Admissions 1,044 38,162 15,567 9,331 (9,505.0 ,10,768.3) ( 12,712.9 , 12,975.6) 38.7 133.9 24 Emergency Admissions For Self Harm 4 408 290 36 (10.2 ,99.9) ( 121.2 , 147.6) 1,658.0 2,731.1 25 Avoidable Emergency Admissions 868 41,496 3,488 1,658 (1,547.1 ,1,774.5) ( 2,704.4 , 2,758.1) 578.1 989.2 26 Alcohol Specific Admissions 303 14,572 1,748 384 (514.1 ,647.8) ( 973.1 , 1,005.5) 2,140.8 3,126.9 27 Alcohol Attributable Admissions 1,142 43,294 3,875 2,141 (2,016.1 ,2,271.0) ( 3,097.1 , 3,156.9) 23. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (2014/15). 24. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population ICD10 X60-X84 (2014/15). 25- 27. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (2009-2014).

Lifecourse Approach KEY: Ward Values: Tickhill & Wadworth Doncaster Doncaster Significantly better than Doncaster Doncaster Ward Range Statistically similar to Doncaster Ward Worst Ward Best Starting Well (0-4 Years Old) Doncaster Value Significantly worse than Doncaster # Rate (95% CI) # Rate (95% CI) Statistical significance not available 28 Low Birth Weight 7.2 9.2 46 1,656 11 6 (5.4 ,9.4) ( 8.7 , 9.6) 29 Mothers Breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks 43.8% 25.9% 42 904 10.2% 47.1% (34.3% ,53.7%) ( 24.5% , 27.4%) 30 Mothers Breastfeeding at 10-14 days 68.9% 42.8% 62 1,368 29.1% 68.9% (58.7% ,77.5%) ( 41.1% , 44.5%) 28.Babies with low birth weight (<2500g) as a % of all live and still births where the weight was recorded (2009-2013). 29.Women recorded as breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks as a % of all those recorded on TPP/System One (2014-2015), 30. Women recorded as breastfeeding at 10-14 days as a % of all those recorded on TPP/System One (2014-2015).

KEY: Ward Values: Tickhill & Wadworth Doncaster Significantly better than Doncaster Doncaster Doncaster Ward Range Statistically similar to Doncaster Ward Worst Ward Best Developing Well (5-24 Years Old) Doncaster Value Significantly worse than Doncaster # Rate (95% CI) # Rate (95% CI) Statistical significance not available 71.0% 52.3% 31 School Readiness 186 5,673 37.9% 77.0% (65.2% ,76.2%) ( 51.4% , 53.2%) 6.9% 23.2% 32 Children in Poverty 125 15,045 35.3% 6.9% (5.8% ,8.2%) ( 22.8% , 23.5%) 2.2% 4.8% 33 School Absences 18 2,151 7.9% 2.2% (1.4% ,3.5%) ( 4.6% , 5.0%) 86.0% 73.6% 34 Key Stage 2 Level 4+ 178 6,199 60.5% 86.0% (80.6% ,90.1%) ( 72.6% , 74.5%) 64.5% 52.9% 35 GCSE ≥5 A*-C (inc. English & Maths) 160 5,346 38.8% 77.8% (58.4% ,70.2%) ( 51.9% , 53.9%) 1.6% 4.4% 36 NEETS 5 497 7.8% 1.3% (0.7% ,3.7%) ( 4.1% , 4.8%) 8.7% 9.5% 37 Highest Qualification: Apprentice 348 10,958 13.1% 7.2% (7.8% ,9.6%) ( 9.3% , 9.7%) 25.2% 21.4% 38 Highest Qualification: Level 3 946 26,126 15.5% 29.3% (23.6% ,26.8%) ( 21.2% , 21.7%) 70.2% 35.3% 39 Highest Qualification: Level 4 2,777 41,714 20.5% 70.2% (67.6% ,72.9%) ( 35.0% , 35.6%) 16.9% 30.6% 40 Obese And Overweight Children in Reception 23 2,417 38.4% 16.9% (10.7% ,25.4%) ( 29.4% , 31.8%) 36.6% 43.2% 41 Obese And Overweight Children in Year 6 41 2,803 50.5% 28.1% (26.3% ,49.7%) ( 41.6% , 44.8%)

Page 5 28,239.2 37,256.9 42 A&E Attendances (Under 18) 513 24,479 53,489 27,921 (25,830.4 ,30,811.0) ( 36,789.4 , 37,728.8) 10,564.1 10,011.6 43 Emergency Admissions (Under 18) 201 6,942 12,221 8,406 (9,145.8 ,12,139.0) ( 9,776.4 , 10,251.0) 11.3 11.2 44 Sexually Transmitted Infections (Age: 11-19) 97 3,510 15 9 (9.3 ,13.6) ( 10.8 , 11.5)

31.Proporion of reception children achieving good level of development for KS1 by the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (2012-14)- note pupils may not be residents of the ward. 32.Children living in a household receiving workless tax benefit per 1,000 0-15 year olds (2013). 33.Proportion of children missing more than 15% of their school session between September 2014- December 2014 (Authorised and Unauthorised). Children that attend school are not necessary residents of the ward. 34. Proportion achieving Level 4 and above at Key Stage 2, including both English & Maths, (2012-2014) - note pupils may not be residents of the ward. 35. Proportion achieving 5 or more GCSE grades A* to C including both English & Maths (2014) - note pupils may not be residents of the ward. 36. Proportion of population aged 16-18 not in education, employment or training (2014-2015). 37. Proportion of population whose highest qualification is apprentice; aged 16 and over, (2011). 38. Proportion of population whose highest qualification is 2+ A Levels/VCEs, 4+ AS Levels, Higher School Certificate, Progression/Advanced Diploma, Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma, NVQ Level 3; Advanced GNVQ, City and Guilds Advanced Craft, ONC, OND, BTEC National, RSA Advanced Diploma and are aged 16 and over (2011). 39. Proportion of population whose highest qualification is Degree (for example BA, BSc), Higher Degree (for example MA, PhD, PGCE), NVQ Level 4-5, HNC, HND, RSA Higher Diploma, BTEC Higher level, Foundation degree (NI), Professional qualifications (for example teaching, nursing, accountancy); aged 16 and over (2011). 40. Proportion of children aged 4-5 classed as overweight or obese (2012-2014). 41. Proportion of children aged 10-11 classed as overweight or obese (2012-2014). 42. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (2014/15). 43. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (2014/15). 44. Crude rate per 1000. Cases of Sexually Transmitted Infection; 11-19 year olds (2010-2014).

KEY: Ward Values: Tickhill & Wadworth Doncaster Doncaster Significantly better than Doncaster Doncaster Ward Worst Ward Range Statistically similar to Doncaster Ward Best Working Well (25-64 Years Old) Doncaster Value # Rate (95% CI) # Rate (95% CI) Significantly worse than Doncaster Statistical significance not available 4.7% 9.7% 45 Individuals Receiving Benefits 400 23,830 16.5% 3.2% (4.3% ,5.2%) ( 9.6% , 9.8%) 0.7% 2.4% 46 Individuals Receiving JSA 55 5,640 5.5% 0.7% (0.5% ,0.9%) ( 2.3% , 2.4%) 3.7% 6.0% 47 Individuals Receiving ESA 315 14,655 8.8% 2.1% (3.4% ,4.2%) ( 5.9% , 6.0%)

45.Poportion of individuals receiving benefits (November 2014). 46. Proportion of individuals claiming Job Seekers Allowance (November 2014). 47. Proportion of individuals claiming Employment and Support Allowance (November 2014).

KEY: Ward Values: Ageing Well (65+ Years Old) Tickhill & Wadworth Doncaster Doncaster Significantly better than Doncaster Doncaster Ward Range Statistically similar to Doncaster Ward Worst Ward Best Doncaster Value # Rate (95% CI) # Rate (95% CI) Significantly worse than Doncaster Statistical significance not available

7.5 17.4 48 Excess Winter Deaths (All age) 11 814 38 1 (4.3 ,13.0) ( 16.3 , 18.5) 9.2 19.0 49 Excess Winter Deaths 65+ 12 725 37 2 (5.3 ,15.6) ( 17.7 , 20.2) 12,843.4 16,802.8 50 A&E Attendances 742 23,285 22,593 12,685 (30,861.4 ,35,814.9) ( 42,877.5 , 44,020.7) 33,270.8 43,446.4 51 Emergency Admissions 492 15,590 54,232 33,271 (20,597.8 ,24,751.5) ( 28,835.7 , 29,779.9) 1,709.9 1,998.6 52 Emergency Admissions Relating to Falls 52 1,858 2,585 1,173 (1,180.6 ,2,389.0) ( 1,879.3 , 2,123.4) 816.3 1,125.7 53 Emergency Admissions Fractured Neck of Femur 107 3,614 1,517 731 (654.5 ,1,004.9) ( 1,086.0 , 1,166.3) 112.9 93.1 54 Providing Unpaid Care 1,165 33,150 118 67 (106.4 ,119.8) ( 92.0 , 94.1) 46.1% 43.5% 55 Place of Death (Home and Care Home) 208 6,473 60.0% 33.0% (41.6% ,50.7%) ( 42.7% , 44.3%) * 89% of Excess winter deaths occured in population age 65+; 77.71% of excess winter deaths are caused by respiratory/circulatory diseases.

48. Mortality ratio of non-winter deaths to winter deaths (Dec-March), all age (2009-2014). 49. Mortality ratio of non-winter deaths to winter deaths (Dec-March), aged 65+ (2009-2014). 50. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population; aged 65+(2014/15). 51. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population; aged 65+ (2014/15). 52. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population; aged 65+ (2014/15). 53. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population; aged 65+ (2009-2014). 54. Directly standardised rate per 1,000. Unpaid carers- all age (2011). 55. Proportion of individuals of all age dying at home and care home (2010-2014).

Page 6 Wider Determinants of Health KEY: Ward Values: Tickhill & Wadworth Doncaster Significantly better than Doncaster Doncaster Doncaster Ward Range Statistically similar to Doncaster Ward Worst Ward Best Doncaster Value Significantly worse than Doncaster # Rate (95% CI) # Rate (95% CI) Statistical significance not available 210.8 307.2 56 Overall Crime 2,112 87,259 483 162 (201.9 ,220.0) ( 305.1 , 309.2) 18.9 40.1 57 Antisocial Behaviour 186 12,141 100 16 (16.3 ,21.8) ( 39.4 , 40.9) 118.2 160.5 58 Theft/Burglary/Robbery 1,184 48,735 560 76 (111.6 ,125.1) ( 159.1 , 161.9) 47.8 132.8 59 Criminal Damage and Violence Against Others 479 40,326 411 44 (43.6 ,52.3) ( 131.5 , 134.1) 15.0 7.4 60 Noise Pollution 150 2,257 16 2 (12.7 ,17.6) ( 7.1 , 7.7) 2.5% 2.7% 61 Void Properties 114 3,562 4.7% 1.1% (2.1% ,3.0%) ( 2.6% , 2.8%) 80.8% 89.3% 62 Living Close to: Takeaway 6,642 213,189 99.8% 59.1% (80.0% ,81.7%) ( 89.2% , 89.5%) 70.7% 61.2% 63 Living Close to: Restaurants 5,808 146,129 97.4% 4.0% (69.7% ,71.7%) ( 61.0% , 61.4%) 91.6% 94.2% 64 Living Close to: Off-License Shops 7,525 224,866 100.0% 67.1% (90.9% ,92.1%) ( 94.1% , 94.3%) 66.8% 65 Living Close to: Betting Shops n/a n/an/an/a 159,327 98.7% 0.4% ( 66.6% , 67.0%) 66 Green space 150 n/a 154 n/a n/a Not Applicable n/a

56-59. Crude rate per 1,000 population (2009-2013). 60. Crude rate per 1,000 population (2014-2015). 61. Proportion of void properties (2015). 62. Proportion of people living in the 1km buffer from available take-away (2015). 63. Proportion of people living in the 1km buffer from available restaurant (2015). 64. Proportion of people living in the 1km buffer from available off-license shop (2015). 65.Proportion of people living in the 1km buffer from available betting shop (2015). 66. Green space per head of population in each new electoral ward; square meter (2007). Ward Assets

Tickhill & Wadworth Doncaster Population per # Population per Asset Asset Dentist 2 5,009 13,801

GP Practice 2 5,009 7,405

Pharmacy 1 10,017 4,744

Schools (5-16 Year Olds) 4 2,504 1,972

Children centre None N/A 17,860

Support/Social Groups 37 271 317

Community Centres None N/A 16,868

Criteria Definition Source HSCIC data downloads Health Assets Dentists, Doctors & Pharmacy’s Yell.com Education Assets Schools, Colleges & Children Centres

Adults Commissioning Team and St Community Assets Housing scheme/establishments leger (homeless centres, housing advice points, supported living facilities) Localism bill initiative – Assets & Property/ Community Asset register Regeneration & Environment Community groups Community Area team

Community centres Yell.com

Page 7 Metadata Period Source Additional Notes

1 Male Life Expectancy at Birth 2010-2014 (PCMF)- Provided by HSCIC Calculated with mortality and populations from 2010-2014, and using the SEPHO life expectancy tool.

2 Female Life Expectancy at Birth 2010-2014 (PCMF)- Provided by HSCIC Calculated with mortality and populations from 2010-2014, and using the SEPHO life expectancy tool.

3 Male Life Expectancy at 65 2010-2014 (PCMF)- Provided by HSCIC Calculated with mortality and populations from 2010-2014, and using the SEPHO life expectancy tool.

4 Female Life Expectancy at 65 2010-2014 (PCMF)- Provided by HSCIC Calculated with mortality and populations from 2010-2014, and using the SEPHO life expectancy tool.

5 Deprivation 2010 www.communities.gov.uk IMD 2010 Rank of deprivation. 1 represents most deprived ward and 21 least deprived at Doncaster.

6 Good and Very Good Health 2011 NOMIS Proportion of population perceiving their health as good or very good. Self reported health.

7 Disability (day to day activities limited a lot) 2011 NOMIS Proportion of population perceiving their day to day tasks being affected a lot by their disability. Self reported health.

8 Mortality All Causes 2010-2014 (PCMF)- Provided by HSCIC Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (all age).

9 Mortality All Causes <75 years 2010-2014 (PCMF)- Provided by HSCIC Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Under 75).

10 Mortality All Cancers <75 years 2010-2014 (PCMF)- Provided by HSCIC Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Under 75). ICD10 C00-C97.

11 Mortality Lung Cancer <75 years 2010-2014 (PCMF)- Provided by HSCIC Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Under 75).ICD10 C33-C34.

12 Mortality Circulatory Disease <75 years 2010-2014 (PCMF)- Provided by HSCIC Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Under 75). ICD10 I00-I99.

13 Mortality Coronary Heart Disease <75 years 2010-2014 (PCMF)- Provided by HSCIC Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Under 75). ICD10 I20-I25.

14 Mortality Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease <75 years 2010-2014 (PCMF)- Provided by HSCIC Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Under 75). ICD10 J40-J44.

15 Mortality Chronic Liver Disease <75 years 2009-13 (PCMF)- Provided by HSCIC Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Under 75). ICD10 K70-K77, B15-B19, C22, I81, I85, T86.4.

16 Mortality All Respiratory Disease <75 years 2009-13 (PCMF)- Provided by HSCIC Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Under 75).ICD10 J00-J99.

17 All Cancer Registrations 2009-13 Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (all age). ICD10 C00-C97.

18 Colorectal Cancer Registrations 2009-13 Ward incidence data presented are taken Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (all age). ICD10 C18-C20. from the National Cancer Registration 19 Lung Cancer Registrations 2009-13 Service Cancer Analysis System, CAS Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (all age). ICD10 C33-C34. snapshot CAS1405. Doncaster CCG / LA 20 Breast Cancer Registrations (Females) 2009-13 incidence data are taken from the Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Females, all age). ICD10 C50. CancerStats system, CAS snapshot 1402. 21 Prostate Cancer Registrations 2009-13 Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (Males, all age). ICD10 C61.

22 Skin Cancer Registrations 2009-13 Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population (all age). ICD10 C43.

23 All Emergency Admissions 2014/15 CCG Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population.

24 Emergency Admissions For Self Harm 2014/15 CCG Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population. ICD10 X60-X84.

25 Avoidable Emergency Admissions 2009-2014 CCG Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population.

26 Alcohol Specific Admissions 2009-2014 CCG Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population.

27 Alcohol Attributable Admissions 2009-2014 CCG Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population.

28 Low Birth Weight 2009-2013 Public Health Intelligence Team Babies with low birth weight (<2500g) as a % of all live and still births where the weight was recorded.

29 Mothers Breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks 2014-2015 Rash Women recorded as breastfeeding as a % of all those recorded on TPP/System One.

30 Mothers Breastfeeding at 10-14 days 2014-2015 Rash Women recorded as breastfeeding as a % of all those recorded on TPP/System One. Education Data, Intelligence and Proportion of reception children achieving good level of development for KS1 by the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. Pupils may 31 School Readiness 2012-14 Performance Team not be residents of the ward or Doncaster.

32 Children in Poverty 2013 Doncaster MBC Proportion of children living in a household receiving workless tax benefit, 0-15 year olds.

Page 8 September- Proportion of children missing more than 15% of their school session between September 2014- December2014 (Authorised and 33 School Absences December 2014 Unauthorised). Children that attend school are not necessary residents of the ward. Education Data, Intelligence and Proportion achieving Level 4 and above at Key Stage 2 (including both English & Maths). Figures are produced from data relating to Performance Team 34 Key Stage 2 Level 4+ 2014 pupils that attend Doncaster Schools not Doncaster residents. Proportion achieving 5 or more GCSE grades A* to C (including both English & Maths). Figures are produced from data relating to 35 GCSE ≥5 A*-C (inc. English & Maths) 2014 pupils that attend Doncaster Schools not Doncaster residents.

36 NEETS 2014-2015 NI117 return for DFE Proportion of population aged 16-18 not in education, employment or training.

37 Highest Qualification: Apprentice 2011 NOMIS Proportion of population whose highest qualification is apprentice (aged 16 and over). Proportion of population whose highest qualification is 2+ A Levels/VCEs, 4+ AS Levels, Higher School Certificate, Progression/Advanced Diploma, Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma, NVQ Level 3; Advanced GNVQ, City and Guilds Advanced 38 Highest Qualification: Level 3 2011 NOMIS Craft, ONC, OND, BTEC National, RSA Advanced Diploma (aged 16 and over).

Proportion of population whose highest qualification is Degree (for example BA, BSc), Higher Degree (for example MA, PhD, PGCE), NVQ Level 4-5, HNC, HND, RSA Higher Diploma, BTEC Higher level, Foundation degree (NI), Professional qualifications (for example 39 Highest Qualification: Level 4 2011 NOMIS teaching, nursing, accountancy); (aged 16 and over).

40 Obese And Overweight Children in Reception 2012-14 NCMP Proportion of children aged 4-5 classed as overweight or obese.

41 Obese And Overweight Children in Year 6 2012-14 NCMP Proportion of children aged 10-11 classed as overweight or obese.

42 A&E Attendances (Under 18) 2014/15 CCG Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population.

43 Emergency Admissions (Under 18) 2014/15 CCG Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population.

44 Sexually Transmitted Infections (Age: 11-19) 2010-14 Public Health Crude rate per 1,000. Cases of Sexually Transmitted Infection; 11-19 year olds.

45 Individuals Receiving Benefits Nov-14 CCG Proportion of individuals receiving benefits.

46 Individuals Receiving JSA Nov-14 CCG Proportion of individuals claiming Job Seekers Allowance.

47 Individuals Receiving ESA Nov-14 CCG Proportion of individuals claiming Employment and Support Allowance.

48 Excess Winter Deaths (All age) 2009-2014 Public Health Intelligence Team Mortality ratio of non-winter deaths to winter deaths (Dec-March). All age.

49 Excess Winter Deaths 65+ 2009- 2014 Public Health Intelligence Team Mortality ratio of non-winter deaths to winter deaths (Dec-March). Individuals aged 65+.

50 A&E Attendances 2014/15 CCG Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population; individuals aged 65+.

51 Emergency Admissions 2014/15 CCG Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population; individuals aged 65+ .

52 Emergency Admissions Relating to Falls 2014/15 CCG Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population; individuals aged 65+.

53 Emergency Admissions Fractured Neck of Femur 2009-2014 CCG Directly standardised rate per 100,000 European Standard Population; individuals aged 65+.

54 Providing Unpaid Care 2011 NOMIS Directly standardised rate per 1,000. Unpaid carers-all age.

55 Place of Death (Home and Care Home) 2010-2014 ONS Mortality Files Proportion of individuals of all age dying at home and care home.

56 Overall Crime 2009-2013 DMBC Policy and Performance Teams Crude rate per 1,000 population.

57 Antisocial Behaviour 2009-2013 DMBC Policy and Performance Teams Crude rate per 1,000 population.

58 Theft/Burglary/Robbery 2009-2013 DMBC Policy and Performance Teams Crude rate per 1,000 population.

59 Criminal Damage and Violence Against Others 2009-2013 DMBC Policy and Performance Teams Crude rate per 1,000 population.

60 Noise Pollution 2014-2015 DMBC Enforcement Crude rate per 1,000 population.

61 Void Properties 2015 DMBC Policy and Performance Teams Proportion of void properties .

62 Living Close to: Takeaway 2015 DMBC Business Safety and Licensing Team Proportion of people living in the 1km buffer from available take-away.

63 Living Close to: Restaurants 2015 DMBC Business Safety and Licensing Team Proportion of people living in the 1km buffer from available restaurant.

64 Living Close to: Off-License Shops 2015 DMBC Business Safety and Licensing Team Proportion of people living in the 1km buffer from available off-license shop.

Page 9 65 Living Close to: Betting Shops 2015 DMBC Business Safety and Licensing Team Proportion of people living in the 1km buffer from available betting shop.

66 Green space 2007 DMBC Green Space Audit Green space in square meters per head of population in each new electoral ward. Page 10