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[email protected]:/ *(5:+<470,: 3,465 18x340ml 18x330ml :[YPJ[S`UV[YHKLYZc>LYLZLY]L[OLYPNO[[VSPTP[X\HU[P[PLZ ,HUK6,:WLJPHSZH]HPSHISLH[)HSSP[VIYHUJOVUS`6MMLYZ ]HSPKMYVT[VVY^OPSLZ[VJRZSHZ[ No 1461 Vol 33 | Tel: 032-9460276 | www.northcoastcourier.co.za | Friday, July 27, 2018 5V[MVYZHSL[VWLYZVUZ\UKLY[OLHNLVM MON - FRI 8AM - 7PM, SAT 8AM - 5PM SUN 10:30AM - 3:30PM Lunar Sizzling Iron man Steenhuizen eclipse of Salsa in sets sights spells it out the century the village on Italy Page 6 Page 17 Page 14 Page 32 Cracking the whip on grants Erica Abrahams of parliament Dean Macpherson met with staff and the agency The Democratic Alliance is manager to address complaints cracking the whip on social grant of unprofessional conduct, poor agencies that are accused of infrastructure and long queues. mistreating the most vulnerable “Sassa has been on the news people in society. for all the wrong reasons and During an onsite inspection we wanted to see for ourselves of the Stanger branch of the how benefi ciaries are being South African Social Grant treated. We have visited some of Agency (SASSA) on Tuesday the main branches in Pinetown, afternoon, which serves more Phoenix and Stanger and we are than 52 000 people, DA shadow not happy. minister of social development, Bridget Masango, and member Cont. on Page 2 DA members of parliament Dean Macpherson and Bridget Masango interviewing Home Aff airs assistant manager N Kisten (left) and grant benefi ciary Olwethu Macebo (right) in Stanger on Tuesday.