Final Technical Report of a NIAC Phase 2 Study December 9, 2014 NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Number: NNX12AQ60G NIAC Phase 2 Study Period: 09/10/2012 – 09/09/2014 An Innovative Solution to NASA’s NEO Impact Threat Mitigation Grand Challenge and Flight Validation Mission Architecture Development PI: Dr. Bong Wie, Vance Coffman Endowed Chair Professor Asteroid Deflection Research Center Department of Aerospace Engineering Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 email:
[email protected] (515) 294-3124 Co-I: Brent Barbee, Flight Dynamics Engineer Navigation and Mission Design Branch (Code 595) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771 email:
[email protected] (301) 286-1837 Graduate Research Assistants: Alan Pitz (M.S. 2012), Brian Kaplinger (Ph.D. 2013), Matt Hawkins (Ph.D. 2013), Tim Winkler (M.S. 2013), Pavithra Premaratne (M.S. 2014), Sam Wagner (Ph.D. 2014), George Vardaxis, Joshua Lyzhoft, and Ben Zimmerman NIAC Program Executive: Dr. John (Jay) Falker NIAC Program Manager: Jason Derleth NIAC Senior Science Advisor: Dr. Ronald Turner NIAC Strategic Partnerships Manager: Katherine Reilly Contents 1 Hypervelocity Asteroid Intercept Vehicle (HAIV) Mission Concept 2 1.1 Introduction ...................................... 2 1.2 Overview of the HAIV Mission Concept ....................... 6 1.3 Enabling Space Technologies for the HAIV Mission . 12 1.3.1 Two-Body HAIV Configuration Design Tradeoffs . 12 1.3.2 Terminal Guidance Sensors/Algorithms . 13 1.3.3 Thermal Protection and Shield Issues . 14 1.3.4 Nuclear Fuzing Mechanisms ......................... 15 2 Planetary Defense Flight Validation (PDFV) Mission Design 17 2.1 The Need for a PDFV Mission ............................ 17 2.2 Preliminary PDFV Mission Design by the MDL of NASA GSFC .