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$2 Admission > -t w •«^ Tnn REVIEWS Disposable Party Supplies STATEMENT OF PURPOSE men. No viewpoint, except that ai WANTED: EDITOR FOR A WANT TO SEE MORE LOCAL from the invitation to the champagne glass OF THE EMPTY CLOSET hatred for gay and lesbian pec^le, is PART-TIME POSITION ON NEWS COVERAGE? The Empty Closet is the official anathema. We must be careful to pre­ THE EMPTY CLOSET HARVEY MILK T H E • P A P E R • S T O R E sent all viewpoints in a way that takes publication of the Gay Alliance of Ws about time the stoiy was told Genesee Valley, Inc. as stated in the into consideration the views of all The Empty Closet needs you to sub­ Paper and Party Supplies others — women, men, those of color, The Board of Directors has agreed to mit articles about your local events. All 175 Monroe Avenue (near the Inner Loop) 454-3796 by-laws of that organization. Its pur­ The Times of Harney Milk is worth Then came November 1978. when pose is to inform the Rochester gay young or old, and those from various fund a part-time position for the Editor of the writers are voltmteers and the walks of life. (rf the Empty Closet. The time required paper can not cover aU of the local cheering atxxjt It provides an education San Franisco must have had a full Having lived in San Francisco for ten Epstein has tfiankfuHy not interviewed community about local and national for nongay viewers and will broaden the moon all month. Sen. John Briggs* Pro­ Britt and other overexposed politkral gay-reli|ted news and events; to pro­ to produce a nionthly new^iaper ex­ events. Send us your announcements, years. Epstein was aware of Harvey Milk's ceeds the amount that should be ex­ press releases or article. horizons of all tnit ttie very tiest infomried position Six. which would bave barred triumphs and tragedies, but doesn't types. "We didn't want to do people who vide a forum for ideas and creative gays and their supporters from teaching had ot>vk>us access to tfie media," he .-^ pected for a volunteer petition. The DEAOUNE: AH artlciss imia| bs among u& claim any special connectkKi with tfie work from the local gay community; to NOTE TO SUBSCRIBERS: racslvsd by tbs 20th of sach monlti. in California schools, lost at the polls. says. Instead tfiey sought out "peopte help promote useful leadership in the It recentiy came to the attention of Empty Closet is an important voice for For narration. The film uses a gay man. "I wasn't a Milk loyalist"* he the gay community. Thc Board of literary light — Harvey Fierstein ~ who Dan White resigned from the board of fidmits. "I knew him mostly from going who were affected t>y Harvey, who are commimity; and to be a part of a na­ the Board of Directors of the Gay supervisors, then tried to retract his his legacy." tional network of lesbians and gay Alliance that sev^al issues of the Emp­ DirectOTs is committed to seeing that it is also an actor. If he sounds overly into his camera shop... I voted for him in continues. reverential it's t>ecause that's the app­ resignation. Before that situation was two elections and didn't vote for him in In tfie t>roadest sense, tfiat means all publications which exchange ideas ty Closet have not been mailed. J6b resolved. Jim Jones led the mass suicide and seek to educate. re^>onsibilities have been re-defined Some experience with editing, roach director and co-producer Rot>ert one." of us, from San Franciscans who view and we hc^^ this will eliminate this writing and working with volunteers Epstein has taken toward his subject of his People's Temple followers in The interviewees, selected from al­ tfie film as nostalgia to the rest of tfie A part of our purpose is to maintain a Guyana. Finally Dan White murdered middle position with respect to the en­ problem. Please let us know if you desired. Resumes and salary re- San Francisco's first openly gay super­ most a hundred who were considered, worid. wtiere much of the content will be qidrements should be submitted to Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor fresh, perfiaps startling. For the gay tire conmiunity of gay women and have any problems or concerns. We visor. are interesting choices. All follow the apologize fbr any problems this has the: Harvey Fierstein traces Harvey Milk Harvey Milk in cold Wood in San Fran­ film's line that Milk was a virtual saint community everywfwre The Times of created for you. Personnel Committee from his Woodmere^ong Island. New cisco City Hall. but tfiere is one welcome note of dis­ Harvey Milk serves as an inspiration to The Gay Alliance York boyhood through his transition The City mourned, the jury forgave, sension from the overall iTol'itical cor­ demand our share of ^e political pie 713 Monroe Ave. from stock analyst to theratrical pro­ the gay community (and outside agita­ rectness ofthe project After the 'White — Steve Warren Sharing brings comftxt, Rochester. NY 14607 understanding and ducer to San Francisco "immigrant" tors) rioted. Dan White served his brief Night" riots are shown and Harry Britt Various people whose lives he touched sentence and was released. He lives on, and others defend the gay community's growth... ACADEMY AWARD G,A.Ci.V. PEER but so in a more powerful way dees Har­ role in them. Sally M Gearhart recalfe (EDITOR'S NOTE: Thia article pick up the story with anecdotes and ia a partial re-run of an earlier BEST DOCUMENTARY FAGILITATORS reminiscerKes about Milks Castro vey Milk. her own participation. She was caught N.Y. FILM CRITICS CIRCLE AWARD Street camera store which doubled as a Not the best of times but far from tfie up in the mob's anger, she says, until Steve Warren piece entitlad headquarters for liberal community worst of times. The Times of Hamey she suddenly realized that it was con­ BEST DOCUMENTARY The Peer FacAtatmg Program Is truly « '^Screening Queens." It ap­ chatttable endeavor for vv!ik^ the doors causes. Milk looks more like a documentary a trary to what Harvey Milk stood for, that peared in Cruise Magazine. ''BRILLIANT" must be k«pt open and for wWch He started running for supervisor in TV station might have thrown together he never condoned violence. Few of Thm Empty Closet would like finanelai support must be fbund. TMs is Sheila Berwon. Los Angeles Times 1973 and lost three times, each time by in a couple of weeks than a feature film San Francisco's gay leaders have dared to thank Cruise Magazine and where people give of ttiemsefves, that's been a labor of love for years. to make tfiat point in the last five years. through donattans or vckmteer a narrower margin. Years before Jesse About half of the footage is-made up of In happier days Milk is shown in Gay Stcnre Warren, both of whom "SUPERB" fiadMatli^ to people M4K> hove a need. Jackson's "Rainbow Coalition" Milk have given ua permiaaion to Judy Stone, San Francisco Chronicle It b now belne used by mar^ other was building a support base among dis­ television news clips These are neces­ Day parades and Castro Street fairs. agendes and professional as a place to enfranchised minorities. When super­ sary for bringing out the facts and often Someone recafls his meeting with Jimmy reprint thia article. 'The wMch they cart refer people. Our Carter and his sister, evangelist Ruth ser^ce to lesbians and swy men Is visors began running from districts interesting for wfiat they reveal of media Timea of Harvey Milk" will t>e unique instead of citywide. he was elected t>y attitudes, but tfiey force personal stories Carter Stapleton. The latter ofFered to ahown at the Littie Theater, Our ovm relierral Ist of professlnab District Pive in 1977. At tfie same time. of Milk's politicat career to take a t>ack convert Harvey from t>oth his Jewish- 240 Eaat Ave., from May THETMESOF ^counselors, dMcal psychologtsts. District Eight elected Dan White. seat ness and his homosexuality. He respon­ Poients-FIAG. physklans, pastoral counselors arxl ded. 'Tm surprised you shook my fiand... 8-1 Sth. Tteketa are $5 and are others) has been created to asdst the Milk's first year in offk:e was marked Epstein says he knows San Francisco P.O. Box 601 Fakport, NV 14450 You never know where its been.' available at the following (716) 248-3123 peer taoKators m refemng tnev csencs t>y growing political awareness: he will be "our hardest audience" because locations: Gay Alliance, VEYmiLK who vM) to seek further assistance. ot>vk>usly has a natural flair t>oth for the peop>le there are so familiar with the Union representative Jim Elliot who TralTM-d peer fiKfltators staff the center job and for publkrity. He pushed for story. The response fias been enthusi­ nnakes frequent use of the word 'fmit' Metropolitan Ct>mmunity from 730-9:30 pm Sunday ttvoMS^ astic at film festivals iri . to show wh€?re he's coming from, is Church, Chatterly'a, Sillmfood Frfclcy. and Satu rday 9430 to mldri^ht. everything from gay rights to a pooper- .M-; to.' •'-.,. scooper law. (White was the only Telturide, Toronto and Nyon (Switzer­ p»erhaps typical of the non-gays whose Books, Parkleigh, and Ttie supervisor to vote against the City s gay land), and at screenings in other cities attitudes toward us were turned around Liberty.) LETTERS rights bill; how he voted on dogshit is "where people have never seen the by their contact with Milk not mentioned.) whole story told." ROCHESTER RECLASSIFIED AS MEDIUM RISK AREA March 25. 1985 TO ACQUIRE AIOS To the Editor. THEATRE TALK The following tetter from Dr, William Douglass. Susan B. Anthony, and contained must have t>een muffted by Valenti, Co-Chairman of the Abraham Lincoln. If the words they were the excessive echo and revertieration t am writing this letter to let off a little steam, and to complain at>out the lack of thanks from the community. ROCHESTER AREA TASK FORCE ON RELAX IN COMFORT assigned were, indeed, historically time of the auditorium's acoustics. Or AIDS and Hospital Epidemiologist at the accurate, only the dullest, least resonant, perhaps the point of it all was lost ir^ the On Sunday the 24th of March, I attended the Upstate Bar Awards dt Backstreets. and I was wondering where all the people by Isle Sitter . Strong Memorial and most plebeian statements by those high level of ambient noise from the were? I expected to go there and have to squeeze my way around, but instead tfiere was more empty space than there were people. new work takes place in a circus ring. Hospital, speaks to the changing AIDS PLANET FIRES» a new play by Thomas From prior exposures, it is known that famed orators were selected for repetitk>n mechanical system. Both of tfiese purely picture in Rochester. Since the writing in this context. physical defects will, it is hoped, be Most of the people there were there k>ecau8e they were nominated for an award and only a handful of people were there to Bat>e: directed by John Henry Davis; such efforts are usually populated by of the letter, 2 more persons with AIDS arnended before too long. However, the honor the people that work week after week to make our times out a little more enjoyable. produced at GeVa Theatre. mouthpieces for messages rather than The two protagonists were a former play*s putative content is prot>abiy kiest have k>een diagnosed, bringing the total First, the good news. From the wide motivated characters in dramatic con­ slave and a Confederate soldier on tfie to 26, and ttte numt>er of locally-acquired left to molder wherever it came to earth. I am glad that I was there because I have a lot of respect for all of the people who are involved in the t>ar8. without them we dout>le ramps for easy wheelchair access frontations that arise out of their con­ run together in the Rochester area (the cases to 6. Thus far this season, three plays con­ would not have anywfiere to go where we could meet people and enjoy ourselves. It really irked me to find out that most of the at the front door to the broad, well- flicts. With any luck, these presentations play was commissioned by the Sesqui- cerned with war have appeared under people that go to these twrs take them for granted and don't give a hoot at>out coming out just once a year and showing their padded seats inside, the new QeVa home are written aphoristically; the language centennial Committee). Both were the GeVa aegis. The scoreboard stand­ appreciation. is just plain comfortable. There is no they are coached in. then offers the enacted by young performers with February 28, 1985 ings at the midway point area: one feeling of a new building that must be piece's surprises. insufficient experience to compensate splendid production fora weak play: one Jackie Nudd broken in. All that an audience might Thomas Bat>e, the author of PLANET for the meager development tfieir roles I am proud of the people that put these awards togetfier. and I am sure that tt>ey will continue to do so even though the majority mediocre production for a good play; Executive Director want was available in terms of the FIRES. t>elied his newspaper experience contained. of the community could care less. I thank them for this. one inept production for an inept play; AIOS Rochester physical plant, including good lighting by having failed to even come up with Whatever message the expressionistic one k>eautiful tfieater awaiting suitable 153 Liberty Pole Way A Proud Member of ttte Community around the men's room mirrors. The pithy headlines for the actors to deliver. trappings of PLANET FIRES sfiould have use. Rochester, NY 14604 building itself invites you to have a good j And they were uniformly directed — or time. allowed— to shout tfie rhythmless lines Dear Jackie: Now. for the premiere production. whose exclamation points lack t>arfo. Experienced playgoers cannot help but Only pity could be felt for the men and TIMES OF HARVEY MILK This is an update on AIOS cases in the Rochester area. The case count is now 24. This means tfuit 24 persons with AIOS have be a bit apprefiensive when told that a women asked to portray Fredrick '*^ received nnedical care in the Rochester area since 1982. We have always classified th^se cases baeed on where the disease was G.A.G.V. acquired. Twenty (20) cases were acquired outside the area, 2 were locally-acquired. ar>d the other 2 were in the transition category of po8Sit>ly locally-acquired. COFFEEHOUSE MAY 8-15, 1985 Editor*: t am concerned about a new group of cases that is emerging in tfie Rochester area. There are 4 cases currently being evaluated Sue (Lowell here at Strong Memorial. If the disease is confirmed, two of the cases will be locally-acquired and 2 will t>e in tfie transition category New at CA.CV. 240 East Ave. (possibly who have lived in tfie Roctiester area for fnost of tfie time duringtfie past 3 years but have also traveled extensively to high Eveiy Saturday Night risk areas. Because these people fiave been sexually active locally it is quite peealble that ttie disease was acquired here but we Secretary: have no way of knowing. Even if it wasn't, ttie fact ttiat ttxese people have fiad a fair amount of sexual contact locaUy is very (Sodal) la/m Feeinan Ickets $5 - Good on any date and any time worrisome. Hosted and Staffed Graphics: The epidemiology of AIDS has changed locally. The emergence of tfiese cas«s in tfie transition category of possitMy 8:00 pm to Midn^ht locally-acquired is something that we have not seen before. In view of this. I think Roctiester sfiould now be conaidered a medium Jim Ger+iard Tickets Availabie At: risk area iristead of low risk. I do not kriow what the addniorial case load will t>e in 1985. but theae new cases suggest thirt Ages: 18 and up step up our educational activities of high risk groups. • 91JM «tdoor Typesetter: Gay Alliance — 713 Monroe Ave. DowntOMn I % fi keep you informed aa Ihe evaluation of tfiese people prograaaea. Piibllshers Metropolitan Community Church Very truly yours, , praMUndtar ti w hMMng bnprirad Chatterly'a — 667 Monroe Ave. E\«iy monttl«tpMlH •cMvMy Contributors AIDS Roch. Silkwood Books — 633 Monroe Ave. William M. Valenti. M.D. AMwnMlwK to the bw scene Inc. Co-Cfialrman. Rochester Area Taak Force on AIDS fmmumMmmmtm,umiiAAM. OMBQA Parkleigh — 215 Park Ave. MoMtayttmiFiMiy Sue Ccwell Uberty — Uberty Pole Way Jim Ide


LOCAL NEWS A DISTURBED PEACE ^i iJ^- .7:11 by Brian McNaught human status and thereby lost the pro­ are also encouraged not to use pet has upon many gay people wbo didn't A few years ago. I dipped an article tection of ethics and law. Their less names fbr me or for Ray which suggest believe it was possible to be happy. LESBIAN LIFE AND HAPPINESS IN ROCHESTER Aout a study on why German Chris­ than htm:ian status-was reflected in we are not men. What they call I'm not confiised about the horrible tians didn't stop Hitler. The findings of dehunumizing langtiage." themselves in their own home is thdr alcoholism, drug addiction and suidde I wmm recently asked to write to two memories and kjentities wfiere no one '^Organizations like the Gay Alliance and tfae at^y, wUch I periodically re-read, Fairy, fruit, queer, lezzie, feggot, business. Or is it? That's what really rates in our community. I am not con­ women wfio are planning a visit to can see them. Lies such as women being Metropolitan Community Cfiurch also baaR me and they confuse me. dyke, queen, flit, cock sucker, poof are ccmfusesme. fused about how beautiful gay men Roctaster and wanted to know at>out afraid to be with other women, even provide important services and need our Hans O. Tiefel, associate professor terms which, I feel, set me c^ as alien I feel that much of what we call and lesbians can be when they quit let­ the leablan community. It reminded me though in their hearts that is where they support — attend their events. Read the in nature. Tbey suggest less than ourselves (i.e. "faggot," "dyke," ting the heterosexual and the €»fnyyowrTexperiences of traveling to an are happiest. Empty Closet and suppori the adver­ of religion at the CoUege of William ANNOUNCING and Mary, was awarded a National En­ human status and they dehtunanize "queer," etc.} is oppressive abd leads homosexual worlds tell them who they unknown area and trying to seek out tisers. If you*re not happy with the to oppressive behavior. I feel that gay are. lesbians for companionship. Because amount of lesbian news in the paper, dowment for the Humanities to ex- me. I also think they dehumanize you, THE EVENT OF fdore wfay German Christians did not regardless of who is using the terms. male flightiness is c^>pres^ve. I fed If you're as concerned about and tffe Ie8t>«an cutture is usually so hidden Despite the oppression. Rochester is a then write something. Everything you that the dred, shallow conservations of from aie mtf nstream. it is also hidden to wonderful place for lesbians and we need to know afc>out events is in the THE YEAR oppose Nazism and the holocaust. He Kids today play a game called confiised by the role language has in otfier festifans. Whether someone is should all tpke pride in the networks that Empty Closet newspaper. You can get a preaented two startling findings. Tiefel "Smear the Queer." Littie gay kids many gay men are oppressive. I think our self-esteem and status in sodety, coming out or visiting a new place, we have been developed in Roctiester. sui>scription for a mere $6 per year and it *THE GAY 90'S said that the basis of the failure was the play the gAme too. "Faggot" is the that camp is of^nessive. I think that consider conducting an experiment. often fiave to be detectives and very Networks are built when each and is mailed in a plain envelope. The New intricate web of church and state in most horrible thing a young boy can be the culture we daim as uniquely gay is Some day soon, dt down with a couple persfistent to get the information we everyone of us reaches out to other Women's Times Is a local feminist news­ TO THE GAY 9a'S" called by his friends. Gay adults can more the deposits of a heterosexually- of close friends and ask them to lesbians and we t>egin to share our Germany. The two had been so closely need to survive and be happy. paper that also includes a lot of informa­ tied throughout Germany's history use the term with hostility too. Accor­ poUuted river, left upon the banks of honestly tell you how they fed about The I.ESBIAN HERSTORY SLIDE SHOW experiences and life. While t loved the tion important to lesbians. Support these history than it is any real expression of slide show, it always makes me feel sad that is was difficult for German Chris­ ding to a survey I conducted for the Ci­ being gay. Ask them to tell you how was presented by the Metropolitan newspapers and don't take them for A LESBIAN VARIETY what we are and where we are going. they feel when they are called faggot, Community Church ard the Qay Alliance to think there are other lesbians who granted. tians to distinguish between .the ty of Boston, 76% of the gay men and of the Qenesee Valley on March 17, would have loved to have seen tfie show FASHION SHOW MONDAY demands of each. lesbians who responded to the ques­ Our culture seems to be a sad reac­ queen, dyke. Ask them if they would Monroe Avenue is a center of activity feel comfortable in a gay setting talk­ T9K. The show was produced by Francis but somehow never heard at>out it. with the Gay Alliance located at 713 MAY 20, 1985 "There is always a nationalistic trend tionnaire reported being verbally tion to heterosexual oppression. Thay Rooney wfio shared powerful images of Monroe Avenue in the Genesee Co-op in any chtirch," said Tiefel, "because assualted on the street because they hate us, so we make them laugh and ing about their relationship vrith God. The Lesbian Resource Center (LRC) JAZZBERRYS Msk them about their hopes for love lestiten identity and lies that are often had regular meetings for many years. Building (left back entrance). In this 713 MONROE AVE. people are not only believers but were gay or lesbian. In many places, they they tolerate us. Our htmoor, bit­ told at>out us in attempts to keep our However, the LRC no longer formally building there is also Jazzberry's they're also citizens ... When Hitler such as Houston^ and certainly in the tersweet and often pathetic, self- and what they want out of life. Tell identities fiidden from the mainstream, exists and no meetings are happening. Restaurant where all women can feel PRODUCED BY came and put an end to the Weiinar nation as a whole, gay men and les­ depricating and pessimistic, becomes them honestly how you feel about all but more fmportantly from one another. The LRC provided a regular place for comfortable. A lesbian fashion show ROCHESTER'S MOST Republic, he asserted what he called bians have been "dropped from our self-mocking means of survival. I of the above. Lies such as two lovers who have been women to meet and it is important that it and musical review is scheduled for May TALENTED WOMEN positive Christianity, to appeal to human status and thereby lost the pro-" think that is unconsciously col­ If you have adopted bitchiness as a together for 50 years and to have their survives as a place for lesbians. Any at Jazzberry's and wilt t>e a benefit for laborating with the enemy and con­ relationship explained by others as a Bread forthe Worid. Silkwood Books is a FEATURING Christians of all kinds. In fact, this was tection of ethics and law." means of siuvival, or camp as an iden­ women interested in seeing a place for ^ The similarities between the status tributing to our being "dropp)ed from tity, just as an experiment try not to be need to reduce expenses and share lesbians survive should contact me women's bookstore on Monroe Avenue MUSIC, COMEDY AND a kixKi of nationalism, jiist a propogan- costs. Lies such as physically destroying near Oxford Square with a targe seiection da term and not Christianity at all/' of Jews in Germany and the status of human status and thereby (losing) the Joan Collins for a week. Instead, try to through the Gay Alliance at 713 Monroe FASHION protection of ethics and law." evidence of lesbian life by burying our Avenue, Rochester. NY 14607. of books for lesbians. Rosie's Bar on To me, it sounds very familiar. homosexuals in the United States be yourself and try to help other gay Monroe Avenue Is a favorite spot any BENEFIT FOR BREAD FOR THE Ronald Reagan, jerry Falwell Jesse haunts me. In the survey I conducted, On the other hand, I could be all wet. men and lesbians be themselves. night for women to gather. WORI.D - A NON-PROFIT WORLD Helms and their friends may not be called The Boston Project, 24% of the These expressed views of mine could . Sometimes, we keep our friends so i THERE IS LESBIAN LIFE AND HAPPI­ HUNGER ORGANIZATION - CON­ our Hitlers, but they are ail attempting respondents stated they had been be, as some will argue, an unconscious much on the defensive that they are NESS IN ROCHESTER. LET'S ALL DO TACT JAZZBERRYS FOR TICKETS. to replace the stars of the American physically assaulted because they collaboration with the enemy. I may afraid to reveal to us any of their APRIL IS AIDS AWARENESS MONTH OUR SHARE TO MAKE SURE IT IS LIMITED SEATING SO GET YOUR flag vnth crosses and those crosses were gay, 20% had experienced oppress gay men and lesbians, without weaknesses. STILL THERE FOR THE NEXT LESBIAN TICKETS NOW. often represent the burial grounds of discrimizxation in employment, 21% knowing it, by presenting a philosophy Just for a week, try not to use the LOOKING FOR US ... IT COULD BE minority people like me. I am thankful had been subjected to vandalism which is Uncle Tomism. Maybe I'm a terms faggot and dyke. Just as an ex­ YOU! for the American Civil Liberties because they were a fairy, fruit, queer, house nigger who has succeeded periment, try complimenting another Union, People for the American way, faggot, dyke, queen, Hit, cock sucker, because F m poUtely Midwestern. gay person for his or her healthy self- RGMC PRESENTS the National Gay Task Force, the Gay poof or what have you. Perhaps I will never be truly liberated image. Tell a gay couple you are proud OMEGA (Older Mature & Gay Rights National Lobby and other What really confuses me about these unti! I call myself a "faggot" and my of their relationship and tell a person similar groups to which my partner, facts is the notion ttiat we gay people lover "Mary Jane." Perhaps the who dares to be believe in God that "BEHOLD MAN" Ray, and I contribute. Their work might unknowingly be collaborating culture which we have produced is a you respect them. Action/Advocacy) The Rochester Gay Men's Chorus will ' Vaughn Williams, Gustave Hoist and helps diminish the chances of a Hitler with the enemy. I do not like the word true expression of the rich pathos If none of this makes any of us feel Who are we? We are about 70 people. arrangements have been made to make present its third annual spring concert, Gilbert and Sullivan are a few of the gaining total control. Nevertheless, I "faggot" and i don't use it. That's my which is unique to homosexuals. better about being gay and better wilimg to share identifying information, this a most exciting adventure trip. "Behold Man" Saturday evening April 27 composers whose works wiiJ be sung. A remain on guard. business and my privilege. I believe It could be. but I don't think so. Yet, about being alive, then all we have lost special addition to the program will be including (gasp) our ages ... and what Included will be lunch at Ancaster Old at 8:00 pm. This concert marks the first The other significant finding of that language betrays bias; that just as I'm not sure and I am therefore confus­ is a week. If however, we begin to feel performance foy RGMC ir^ Downtown the first appearance ir^ Rochester of the we w£mt In programs. We range in age Mill, a tour ot the Royal Botanical Tiefel frightens me far more and con­ ethnic jokes create false images of peo­ ed. a little better about this special gift from 30 to 75; we are 60%-40% female- Gardens, a tour ot Hess Village (restored United Presbyterian Church, 121 N. Queen City Chorale, a new mixed chorus from God we call "gay," then maybe male; 59% of us are 40 to 60 years old. mansions, antiques, art galleries, and Fitzhugh Street. Written by Ron Nelson from Buffalo. RGMC is particularly fuses me terribly. One of the major ple, such as the Polish, so too do terms What I am not confused about is that reasons that "decent" Christians really like "queen" create false images not self-hate is the Number One enemy of we will have started to develop an im­ It is already a year since we launched shops in downtown Hamilton), and a for the Brown University Glee Club, pleased to welcome this fledgling group buffet dinner at the St. Catherines "Behold Man" wilt be the opening to Rochester. Tickets for "Behold Man" never took a stand on behalf of Jews, only for the general public but also for gay men and lesbians. I am not confus­ age and a culture which more aptly our first brunch! So we're celebrating a captures our imique beauty and year of growth with a busy day on April Holiday Inn. The price of $42.(X) includes selection on the program as wel) as are available at a variety of establish­ he said, was the latent disUke of Jews the person being called a queen. ed about the fact that most gay people I meals, sights, transportation, tax, and serving as the theme for the concert. ments including the Parkleigh, Paul's that was reflected in language. I'm not confused about what I find to have met, young and old, want to live demands that society recognizes us as 20th involving four events, beginning wit fully human. h a potluck lunch (for OMEGAns only), a tips. Call 442-2986 (be assured of Other selections focus on some of the Grocery, the Village Green, the Paper "The Jews were classified by terms t>e healthy behavior in my home. For peaceful loving lives in the company of dessert with homemade birthday cakes, confidentiality), and make your reserva­ many aspects of being a male, failing in Store, GAGV or from any Chorus which set them off as alien in nature. instance, friends are asked not to tell a "significant other." I am not confus­ Copyright 1985 © Brian McNaught ice cream and both spirited and tions today. Space is limited. and out of love, seeking adventure, serv­ member. Tickets are priced at three They were, in effect, dropped from ed about the effect coming to our home dollars in advance and four dollars at the ethnic jokes when visiting us. Friends ur>6pirited punches (open to everyone in OMEGA expects to publish its phil­ ing in the military and several drinking door. our special community), and a stellar (!) osophy in the May issue of the Empty songs. Felix Mendelssohn, Randall show(also open to everyone), and finally Closet. Basically we're interested in Thompson, Sigmond Romberg, R. an opportunity to share a table at a jazzy identifying and meeting special social restaurant (again open to everyone). and educational needs of middle-aged Come join us! Call 442-2986 to make and older gays and lesbians in our area. I would like to thank all the your reservations; be assured of We will t>e happy to talk with you by ""'^^^ confMentiality. phone and send you information. Call people who voted for me as the TAKA Q And on May IB, when spring is in full 442-2986 (our call-t>ack system), leaving bloom, a chartered bus departs for the your first name, telephone numt>er and Forum's Best Bartender of Royat Botanical Gardens located in when best to reach you; we will respond. Cocktail Lounge Hamitton, Ontario. Canada. Special 1985. And to the other 153 Liberty Pole Way (716) 232-4719 bartenders at the Forum: Frankly, mv dear— we da giue a damn. OMEGA BIRTHDAY Better Luck Next Yean Happy Hoar daily noon 'til 7 pm Dale Ann Tara T-Shirt Day first Monday of each month CELEBRATION Fri., Sat. & Sun. Nites 'Sing-Along' 10 pm-2am AIDS ROCHESTER INC. BUfLDING FUND FOR A Sundays 2-8 pm: 'beulah' Specials, Hot Intemationai COMPREHENSIVE PROFESSIONAL BUILDING Coffees, Daiguiries. Pina Coladas & Muddled BkHidiay cake and punches will be old Fashioneds aerved from 2:30 to 4 pm. There will AIDS ROCHESTER INC. vice agencies such as AIDS Rochester. quality care that is non-judgemental to Sundays 9pm: 'Name That Music' Contest with be a ^teciftl space for celebration at the BUILDING FUND FOR A COM­ The building will allow AIDS individuals at increased tiA for AIDS. Planetarium on 657 East Avenue. PREHENSIVE PROFESSIONAL Rochester to consolidate its present A special building fund has been Steve Frajnk at the piano TlKFe will be a special show from BUILDING services under om^ roof. Currently, the established to receive all contributions 4-5:15 pra featuring the "Galaxy" and AIDS Hotiine, support groups and to be directed to this project. $7,000 Check our monthly buklins for ^tedabatthebtv "Skies of Spring." Venture to the The A.R.LE.S. Project, or AIDS other volunteer training sessions occur has been dcmated by the community. i center <^ the mi&y way, see a black Rochester, Inc Expanded Service Pro­ in many locations separate from the The goal is to raise $25,000 to supple­ kole, and search for life in distant ject will provide a building for com­ main office where staff is located. Ad* ment ou^de funding through grants. places. Then see what the stars and prehensive community services. A ditional space will allow AIDS D

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> ISSUE XS« NLW YORK STATE S OLDEST GAY NEWSPAPER FREE to (3> APRIL IS AIDS AWARENESS MONTH April is being designated AIDS are open to anyone in the community. Governor Cuomo and k>e the keynote AWARENESS MONTH in New York State During the month of Aprii they will be speaker. by Governor Mario Cuomo. AIDS held every Thursday evening at 153 If you would iike tickets, call 232-7181. ROCHESTER. INC. is making plans to Liberty PoleWay,at7:30 P.M. Beginning Donation tor the dinner is $25.00 per heighten awareness of ihe disease in the in May they will be held the second and person. greater Rochester area, and to speci­ fourth Thursday evenings of every month. > INTERPRETERS FOR HEARING fically address issues to members of It is important that the availability of IMPAIRED NEEDED •o high risk groups. In addition to educa­ these sessions is spread in the com­ CO tional outreach programs, there will also munity by word of mouth, so please Rochester has a large number of hearing III? be a fund raising activity to benefit the advise anyone whom you feel might impaired persons and AIDS 4^ Kj ARIES PROJECT BUILDING FUND. benefit from these sessions. ROCHESTER. INC. wants to make our Listed below are the various AIDS programs available to them. Interpreters SAFE SEX WORKSHOPS are urgently needed for open forums * •< ff AWARENESS MONTH PROGRAMS. "Get the word out,.,"; "Contact people at and Speakers Bureau presentations. If 3 I BUTTON INFORMATION PROGRAM risk ...*; "Offer alternatives ..;'; What is you know of anyone who could provide Beginning April 12th, volunteers from 'Safe Sex'..."; "Where can I find a good this service please contact, or have them AIDS ROCHESTER. INC. will be wearing doctor...?" are statements and questions contact the office 232-7181. this button in local bars. It will Identify heard frequently around the AIDS the wearer as a Button Information ROCHESTER, INC. office. To address

CM Person, trained and certified by AIDS these questions a series of Safe Sex m ROCHESTER. INC. to discuss the many Workshops is being instituted. The first 30 V ^ implications of AIDS, including trans* in the series wiil be held Tuesday even­ ing, April 23rd at "Tara's Cocktail •9 -< *5 G mission, prevention, safe sex practices, Lounge" at 5:00 P,M. and 8:00 P.M. CO the implications of HTLV-MI antibody testing, and how to obtain referrals to "Tara" is located at 153 Liberty Pole DONOR OPTION D UNITED WA Y CAM 1? O non-judgmental health care providers. Way! All programs will include informa­ H5 The Button information Program is tion on AIDS transmission, prevention, Reminder that the Gay Alliance ofthe designed to provide person to person HTLV-MI antibody testing, a slide show Genesee Valley Inc. and AIDS Rochester information for those who do not feel on safe sexual behaviors, and group Inc. are both eligible to receive donations comfortable to use the AIDS Hotline. discussion. The programs are being through donor option D. This allows the •^ -* ffi >• presented by Kenneth Dorner. RN. 2 rt m 5 CO CJ3 Any volunteer may be a Button Infor­ individual to specifically direct 100% of =3 mation Program person if they have Health Educator of AIDS ROCHESTER. oo CT -4 a their contribution to either organization. ::: fi^ o CO attended a training program and suc­ INC. These programs are also available ttl 3 '^ w i (D •«1 cessfully passed a written examination. as "home parties" for those who would The contribution can not be divided ^ ;^ 9 23. between two groups. Ask your individual Iiii » 5? o -< o The examination is to establish docu­ care to host one. > mentation that the Button Information United Way campaign worker for thc H5 ARIES PROJECT Program person has basic knowledge of FUNDRAISING DINNER, special form needed for Donor Option D. AIDS and related issues. All Button APRIL 26th All names and addresses are confidential Information Program persons will be One of the "fun" activities to be held and the individual can elect to not have required to attend educational meetings during AIOS AWARENESS MONTH will their contribution acknowledged by athe to update new information. o o» ^ be a fundraising dinner to benefit the receiving organization. Some institutions >- 2 »5 C M —c CO 3 INFORMAL RAP SESSIONS Building Fund of the ARIES PROJECT. will allow ehe individual to send the m » J. r« C" K 3 z 2 tii ^ * o There Is much confusion and many It witl be held Friday eventng, April 26th pledge form directly to United Way. In ^1 myths about AIDS and few places where at the 'TOP OF THE PLAZA 1984, both organizations received over people can go to find out facts. Informal RESTAURANT". 1400 Midtown Plaza. $3,000 each from the United Way. Please \/> Rap Sessions are being started so that Rochester. N.Y. The evening begins with give generously in 1985. people with questions and conc^erna have a cash t>ar at 6:00 P.M. and dinner at 7:00 a place to go to acquire accurate P.M. Mr. Peter Drago from the GoverrK>r'8 Information. The Informal Rap Sessions office will be bringing greetings from

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