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1? '\i^—€^A P (S^y K A monthly newsletter of the 201 Todd Union, fliver Station •^ University of Rochester Rochester, N. Y. 1U627 .' /. Gay Liberation Front Phone (716) 275-6181 OecemLii:r 1^J7? Wumber 23 NEWS AT A GLANCE HAPPENINGS ROCHESTER NY: County court jud^e David Boehm has SUI\i 3 DEC: "THE GEWOER GAPI A discussion of placed an admitted homosexual on probation rather alienation que^^tions and role limitations for than send him to Attica because he felt the man gay uomen and gay men. Todd Union, 7:30pm, would be "de^iumanized if not killed". The defen- dent pleaded guilty to first de.^ree assault in a PDLlTICAL-LEGflL ACTlOW COFOniTTEE: meets at case Involving a lovers quarrel. Conditions of 6:30, room 201 Todd Union. the prohation state that the defendant will get SUf^ 10 DEC: "UWOER-AGE GAYS: HOW CAN WE psychiatric treatment If recomended. HELP THEn?" Legal, moral, ethical and logistical problems in doing so. Report on new gay youth HUCHESTER, fVlY: fl man reported ta GLf th;]t he group. Todd Union Dusic Lounge, 7:3Dpm. WAS arrpsted for parking in Duranri Eastman late at night, and uns threatened uith being I\IEU HEHBER ORIEWTATIOAJ: 7:30 pm, room 201 charged uith "loitpring for purposes of Todd Union. comitting deviate sexual intercourse" before SUM 17 DEC: "HOW CAN THE CHURCH ADVANCE GAY -qre- ing to plead guilty to a less ieriuus» RIGHTS?" Working with ministers, priests, but false charge of public intoxication. He rabbis and cannons to further gay rights. w^ts fined 550. Todd Union Husic Lounge, 7:3Dpm. POLITICAL-LEGAL ACTION COnHITTEE: meets HLlCHLSTLR, f\lY: Plainclothes policeman are patrol- at 6:30, room 201 Todd Union. ling the rest rooms of sevL-ral larye department BUN 2^ DEC: HOLIDAY GREETINGS! stores to ensure that Yuletido season luill not (BUT NO (MEETINGS) be gay in the "T" rooms. GLF has reCE2ived reports that a nvjmber of people have been "moved SUN 31 DEC: HAUE A GAY NEW YEAR'S DAY RUT rriH nFETif\iG. STAY AWAY! nn" for initrring too long. Wo arrests have DEADLINE FOR JANUARY E^PTY CLOSET be-n reported, although some customers uere SUN 7 JAN: "LIVING TOGETHER" Gay communes, netained and questioned by police. (Presumably housemates, etc. Living together, not as they uiere warned that loitering too long on a lovers, bijt as brothers or si^tc,r*=- toilet causes hemroids—ed.) WEW nEHBER URIENTATION: 7:30 pm, room 201 E.UCHE5TER. f\)Y: fl 29 year old man uas arrested for prostitution after aprroaching an undercover Todd Union, rifficer in a (\Inrth Clinton Bar and offering to SUN lU JAN: COFFEE HOUSE NIGHT. Games, "coTtrnit an unnatural act* for SlO. (kJE ll/l'*/72) checkers, chess, entertainment, photo and art exhibit, tarot repdings etc. Plans iljJCHLhTLR. fVY: The Democrat 4 Chronicle Is planning tentative—check GLF office for time and ii four-part series on Gay life beginning in Sunday's neuspaper- It is being written by Handl Harris. location. POLITICAL-LEGAL ACTION CDHfllTTEE: meets RUCHLJTER, j\IY: As a part of our public relations at 6:3Dpm, room 201 Todd Union. Drogram, the Gay Libpration Front is purchasing advertising in theater programs and other media. > 5TAHRE0 PIEETI^GS UJILL HAVE INTERPRETER FOR DEAF Uur first ad will appear in a program for a shoui i^nonsored by the Tonroe Cuunty Police and Sheriff's rlepartmRHts at the rnaspnic Temple on 8 December. ANNOUNCEMENTS NUCHLSTER. (\1Y: The GLP ncuj has a public relations dirfjctor. He is ch^arged uith establishing relations • The GLF office is staffed daily from 12:3Q-lXp». i.jith the press, radio, and television stations. Sunday evening meetings are held in the dd Union Wuslc Lounge 7:30-9:30 pm on the Univeiolty of HLiCHESTEh. f\JY: This past Sunday, several members Rochester Campus (Alumni Road, off River Road) of the UJompn *s cummi tter met at the RiverviBLJ for a "paint-in" and general spruce-up of the bar. Mf terjards, the uomen's comnittfte held a meeting • FOR yOP.EN ONLY, an informal get-together in t.tip neujly re-df!carated bar. sponsored by the GLF ujomen's Committee meets Sundays 5:30-7:30 pm. Check with GLF office for meeting location and topic. ;; THiaiKIfViG ^QUUT JIIIMI(\)G GLF, BUT UfiPJT TU J ;; K!\i(Jhj nORE ABOUT IT BLFURE YtJU 00? CUPIE TO *j • The PULITICAL-LEG.'-L ACJTION ClrjlITTEE meets rjltf-rnatn Sund^j/s at 6:30 in the GLF office. INew Metnbej* Orieni&iion 201 Todd lininn. SHP " HappeninQs" calendar ;; ^iJHOAY lt> Dec 7.30 P^\ Zo I rooo U AliOw for exact iJ^itP'. "ANNOUNCEriENTS" CONTINUED ON bACK PAGE M The University of 8ocbMt«r Qm, Ub«-«tloo Frotit i« d«lie.t«l to th* aKolnc atru«(l« for ••'^•j"*^*f "^ fr»ed«. M ae«k llb.r«tl«i tnm our ow, md tiw blgotir mA«ii»«tioD of >^^«^»?™2' H».tlnc8 mrt> h«U .vvry 3mdtf rt 7f30 pii, Todd Dtoloo Ifaalc LOOBC*. IfalToraitar of Bochostw- »«r Ci^«. 0. L. F. MMtlAcs an opaD to .^wfoa. ifho boUawa in baalc CITII ri«ht« mA iamm dlnHty for mix. THE WORLD IS WHAT YOU r.AKE IT. LET'S MAKE IT TOGETHER. COWE OUT! '^7 -? STATEWIDE GAY MEETING GLF CQMFRDIUTS riAYDR OPPURTUNITIES FOR GAY LIBLRATIOM ChitlSTKAS aiFT IPaAS How about giving a copy of The New York State Coalition of nayor of Rochestar Stephen As in all volunteer organizat- Letters Hay met uith Four membgrs of Society and the Healthy Hamosexual Gay Organizations held a meeting of ions, there is more work to be can keep our paranoia within to your favorite irlend* Also the GLF polltical-lerjal action To the editor: the states Gay organizations Nov.11 done than people to do it. manageable limits by keeping makes a nice gift for those affli- in Utica. The meeting was hosted by committBB in the mayor's office Considering the importance of This writer, who For years during his monthly open-house our assets liquid, and keeping cted with homophobia. George Utica College Gay Liberation and Gay Liberation to your life, has L'agrd a battle within in mind that from Rochester, Weinberg's hardback book la chaired by Jim Zais of Buffalo on Sat, 11 Wov to respond to shouldn't you become involved? himself against incipient a letter the committee sent at least, freedom-land is just available from the Gi-F office Mattachine ^ociety. Representing Here are some projects that paranoid, has retrenched in him regarding existing in- a short drive or a long swim at ^4.00 per copy (#4.75 If you Rochester Gays were Joe Alange and could be fun, beneficial or deciding that a certain amount equities practiced against the away. want it mailed to you;* Jim Olin. Other areas represented both. of healthy paranoia is probably city's homosexual community. If you haven't anyone on your included, New York City, Brooklyn, rnwmiifti];iY riM'^^T PRnirrT- a useful thing. ihe value of gift Hat that fiocloty and the Bronx, Suffolk and Westchester The discussion revolved ar- To foster good community relations, having an early-warning system Dear Brothers & Sisters ound five points; a) proper Healthy Homosexual will maka an counties, Albany, Pottsdam-Canton, and to become known at the no doubt outweights the obvious I am uriting on behalf of action against those policemen appropriate gift try donating Ithaca, Buffalo and Ferdonia. Community Chest organization, disadvantages of having to deal the "Gays For Human Liberation" involved as decoys in the Sept one to your local library. GLF Ron Alhlem of Albany evaluated we need to collect funds for with constant urges to liquid group at Uswego ^tate. Ue 2D Court Street incident; will make the arrangements, be the new state legislature. He community chest through Gay ate one's assets and dump them passed around a copy of "The b) a pledge by the city council sure to Include which library characterized both the state Ass- Lib. l\low we need a project in a bwiss bank, and to renounce Empty Closet" at our last for non—enforcement of all city you want the book donated to, embly and Senate as more conser- coordinator—later we'll need one's Social becurity number. meeting,..we like the wide ordinances which support "crimes variety of current, politically and weather you want your name vative than last year. He also workers, btill, there remains the included. stated that in most cases legis- without victims", such as those nAY WFTFHfll\ttc n RAT- To battle to ke. p paranoia within oriented items you print. It's prohibiting free speech, the Far more interesting and Madeline Davis has recorded lators who voted for Gay rights commemorate the thousands of reasonable and useful limits, right to assemble, and the purposeFul than the usual group "stonewall Nation" a eong she bills in the last session were gay citizens who have served and that battle suffered a basic right to live free of a newsletter that just talks wrote. The song commemorates not hurt by that action and the their country and those liio have cfied minor defeat at the hands of one religious-inspired moral code about its own group and the event that served as the vocal supporters of that legis- for their country in the armed luorman C. nurphy, Ph.O, in a (Haf; the recent decision of members• rallying point for the libera- lation generally got re-elected.