Nawaz Shareef as a Chief Minister of Punjab

1988-90 (A Critical Study)

Thesis for M.Phil History & Study

Session 2010-12

Presented by: Supervised By:

Khalid Rashid Prof. Dr. S. Muhammad Asif Ali Rizvi

Roll No. 22 Head of the Department History & Pak. Study.

The Islamia Univeristy of Bahawalpur II


1. Introduction

2. Entrance Nawaz Shareef in politics

3. Nawaz Shareef as a Chief Minister, the Politics of Confrontation

4. Achievements of Nawaz Shareef As a Chief Minister

5. Conclusion

6. Bibliographies


Preface There is an escapable verdict of history. Those nations which ignore their history are ignored by their geography. History is not simply a record of past events. Its relevance and its importance assume greater worth and value, specially, for a nation which has suffered geographical split in the recent past. Study of the history of Pakistan in this regard, presents a classic example of a struggle for freedom, a villainous neglect of its ideology and a criminal betrayal of the idealism of its founding-father. All the great nation of the world, therefore remain devotedly attached to achievements of their ancestors, learn valuable lessons from their mistakes and determined their future course of action accordingly. Unfortunately, we are a nation, which is utterly oblivious of past. In Islam it was said that the Muslim could not get harm again on the same spot. We adopted the Islamic way of life and made the same mistakes of past again and again. To get power is easy but to pay the duties of the responsibilities are difficult. One wanted to hold the great responsibilities but to perform one’s duty be very tough. Pakistan was an idea in 1930, and ideal in 1940 and reality in 1947. Pakistan appeared on the map of world as a result of an incredible miracle but it also had to grapple with very great painful turmoil. It is the duty of all Pakistani that they think for Pakistan and do well for the country and never think bad for anyone. One also had good feeling for one’s enemies and opponents. It was the things that seem to be good in the books but in the hurdles of life one might forgotten them.


In the first chapter of my thesis the discussion was made on the biography of Nawaz Shareef. His family came from Amritsar now situated in India. He belongs to the village of Jutti Amro from there they migrated in Lahore of Pakistan. In Pakistan they worked hard and became the well renowned family of Pakistan. After two years of freedom Nawaz Shareef was born in 1949. He got his education of religion from the native Qari and then got education from Lahore College and then from Punjab University he got the degree of law. In second chapter of the thesis the circumstances of Pakistan politics form the independence had been discussed. After the death of the great leaders of nation Quaid-i-Azam and Liaqat Ali khan the country went into the hand of the bureaucrats and the politician who had no love with the country. They came in the country and went away abroad or sent them foreign to secure his . No constitution was adopted that the man who made mistake, punishment could be given him. That was the great tragedy of Pakistan throughout in its politics. Public masses was given deceive all the history of Pakistan. No one tried to change the situation. One tried to give security his government and power. No one thought about the masses, they were just ruling over them. The political atmosphere of Pakistan was discussed before joining the field by Nawaz Shareef. The main reason of Nawaz Shareef to come in politics of Pakistan was late Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who took the industry under the control of government and the owner of the industries made shelter less. So Nawaz Shareef came in politics of Pakistan and became a well known personality of Pakistan.


In third chapter The Elections of 1988 are discussed and establishment of center and provincials . In center PPP established her government and Benazir Bhutto elected as prime minister of Pakistan while in Punjab Nawaz Shareef on the Platform of IJI elected the Chief Minister. Presidential election also discussed in which president Ghulam Ishaq Khan elected as president. The confrontation between Benazir Government and Nawaz Shareef Government are discussed. In forth chapter the achievements and success of Nawaz Shareef Government in Health, Education, Law & Order Situation and Welfare of public are discussed. At the end of this chapter the confrontation of president and prime minister discussed that made the cause of dismissal of federal and provincial governments as well as Punjab government. As a result the progressive period in Punjab stopped. At last the conclusion was made. At the end of the thesis the bibliography was given from which the material was taken to prove the facts At the end of preface of the thesis I wanted to thank to my respected teachers who made me able to do such work. It could complete due to the guidance of my teachers and the prayers of my parents and I also thanked all those who helped me in this work directly or indirectly. Khalid Rashid Roll No.22.




Background:- After the First World War 1914-1919 the wave of economic crisis rose in all over the world. No country could save her against the effect of the wave. Such was happened in subcontinent. This wave was on full swing that distressed the economy of the world (1). A lot of factories were closed. UNO (2) an international organization was working for the interest of big countries. The movement of freedom against the big powers was on the way. The name of Pakistan was also proposed. Two young men from Jutti Amrao (3) of Amritsar came in Lahore for job. Those were the uncles of Nawaz Shareef Mr. Barkat and Shafi who got a job in a foundry. Although that job was a difficult but they were hard workers and were happy on getting the job (4). When they were established there, Barkat the elder brother decided to bring his other brother Bashir and Shareef in Lahore of Punjab. The last was the father of Nawaz Shareef. All of them established themselves and saved some money for the business (5). All brothers were very worked hard with unity and got place in business community. The foundry where they were employed, now due to their hardworking became the owner. (6). Shareef was an important character for the progress of the family (7). His hardworking and determination could be presented as example for others. Very rare persons were there who made so progress and became the hero from zero. In 1939 they saved much money to run their own business and at that time Shareef had also got education to do so. They purchased a foundry (8) and worked there because they were expert in foundry work, so they established 3 their business very soon. In Second World War the demands of foundry items for war tools increased. So they made progress by leaps and bound (9). War ended many other foundries were got bad effects. It was due to Shareef‘s truthfulness and administration; they remained successful in the business (10). In 1945 Shareef introduce a foreigner who was expert to make cast iron from scrape; so Shareef offered him job in his Ittefaq foundry. Ittefaq paid him one thousand and five hundred as salary at that time; it was a huge amount that was paid him by Ittefaq (11). All the progress was due to the skill of Shareef (12) consequently although he was younger but his all brothers respected him very much because he was running the business and was an educated man (13). They were very prosperous when Pakistan came into existence. As Pakistan emerged on the map of the world the English and Indian National Congress created a lot of administrative, economic, accession of states and moral problems for newly born Pakistan (14). But the top of the list was the arrival of millions of refugees from east Punjab and other non majority area of Muslim in Pakistan. The Mian Brothers left no stone unturned to help and serve the poor for establishing themselves. The main cause of helping the refugees was that they had also seen the rainy days. So they took part to stabilize the refugees (15). After the emergence of Pakistan the Hindus were dominant in business and industry sector. A vacuum was created in Pakistan after their departure in which Mian Brothers got further chance to made progress and served the country to fill the vacuum (16). Nawaz Shareef was born on December 25, 1949 after nearly two year of creation of Pakistan (17). His father belonged to 4 upper middle class in business comunity (18). He got religious education from his home by Hafiz Muhammad Rafi (19). In the age of five year he was admitted in Saint Anthony High school (20). He got admission in Government College Lahore for graduation and later on from Punjab University he received the degree of law (21). After completing his education he joined the business of his father as chief executive officer of the Ittefaq Group of Industries. In 1972 Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (1928-1979 here after Bhutto) (22) nationalized the industry so Ittefaq foundry was also nationalized and he had to lose the control over his industry and his business merged in National Institution (23). Nawaz Shareef and his family had to face the financial problems during that period because industry had gone into the hands of the government that time brought a change in the life of Shareef and he put a first step in politics to join Tehreek e Istaqlal(24) of retired air marshal Asgher Khan( 1921 Here after Asgher)(25). But in that party he did not play an active role. In 1976 when Bhutto was very famous leader of Pakistan he joined the Pakistan Muslim League. Initially he focused to regain his industry from government of Bhutto (26). On the mid night of 4th and 5th July, 1977 General Zia ul Haq (1922-1988 Here after Zia) (27) enforced the martial law and took the control over the country (28). He joined the government and appointed the member of Punjab Advisory Board under the government of Zia. It was his first step in any government that he held any public post (29). He made close relationship with generals (30). The close relations with generals made it possible that he succeeded to regain his industry. After getting his industry back they became prosperous once again (31). Since Bhutto was a supporter of 5 nationalization while Nawaz Shareef got his industry from the government so he was against the thought of Bhutto and strongly supported the capitalism and opposed the nationalization policy. So he advised to the chief of army staff to denationalize and deregulate the industry to improve economic conditions of the country due to his influence Zia agreed with his proposal and denationalized the institutions of the country (32). Nawaz Shareef played a vital role in the regime of Zia. So in the Provincial government of Punjab he was appointed the finance minister in the cabinet of Ghulam Jilani (1925-1999Here after Jilani) (33). So Nawaz Shareef as a finance minister attempted to denationalize the industry and return it to their real owner. With good management the loss of the industry changed into profit and the economy position of the province was going to be better (34). Nawaz Shareef presented progressive budget of Punjab as finance minister that gave him popularity and fame in the country. So the financial policies of Nawaz Shareef got the support of Zia and he allotted special fund to Nawaz Shareef for development of the Punjab (35). Due to huge capital in 1980‘s Punjab became the richest province of the country. As a result the living standard of Punjab became very well (36). In the elections of 1985 on non party basis Nawaz Shareef secured victory on both seats of National and Provincial Assemblies. Earlier in the presidential referendum he made rallies in favor of Zia and became closer to the president. Performing a strong role in politics he took hold the native seat of Provincial Assembly so that he could serve better (37). After the establishment of Assemblies, Nawaz Shareef became the Chief Minister of Punjab with the support of president. But some politicians were against him 6 and they did not want that he became the Chief Minister of Punjab. In which the top of the list was a politician Peer Pagara (1928-2012 Here after peer Pagara) (38). He tried to disgrace Nawaz Shareef. He wished to form his brother in law Mukhdoom Zada Hassan Mehmood as a Chief Minister of Punjab (39). But Nawaz Shareef remained successful to be the Chief Minister of Punjab and he served as Chief Minister in two consecutive terms from1985 to 1988 and from 1988 to 1990 respectively. Punjab Assembly elected him with a heavy majority as a Chief Minister of Punjab. (40). He gave more preference to the welfare as well as law and order of the province. So he got the nickname ―The lion of Punjab‖. On May 29, 1988 Zia dismissed the National and Provincial Assemblies issuing a proclamation (41). But Nawaz Shareef remained again the Chief Minister of Punjab in caretaker government. After the dismissal of Assemblies and before the next election an incident of air crushing near Bahawalpur happened on August 17, 1988 in which several generals as well as Zia were died (42). The chairman Senate Ghulam Ishaq Khan (1922-2008 Here after Ishaq) (43) according to constitution became the acting president of the country and Mirza Aslam Baig (1945 Here after Baig) (44) was appointed as chief of army staff. Before the election The Muslim League was split into two groups one was in the leadership of Fida (45) and other in Jonejo (46). The Muslim league had a support of government and the armed forces. So Baig said that he wanted the unity of Muslim league. In election 1988 the Director of ISI Hamid Gul had a hand in forming of the alliance (47). So he succeeded in his mission and an alliance of nine parties against PPP had been established. (1931-2009 Here after Jatoi) (48) became the leader of 7 the alliance. This alliance could not get majority in center but won majority in Punjab and Nawaz Shareef became the Chief Minister of Punjab while in the center the leader of PPP Muhtarma Benazir Bhutto (1951-2007 Here after Benazir) (49) took oath as prime minister on December 2, 1988 (50). In first tenure of Benazir there was conflict between center and provinces that made Nawaz Shareef more powerful and famous in the country. Benazir could not keep her status well so she had tussle with president as well as generals and the provinces. Ishaq dismissed the government of Benazir on august 6, 1990 (51) and proclaimed to hold new election on November 16, 1990(52). In this election Nawaz Shareef got mandate in center as well as in all provinces. The conservative forces got majority and Nawaz Shareef became the 12th prime minister of the country. He got 153 votes with favor of PNA and JUI (53). As he took the oath of the Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef declared withdrawal of emergency. Since he was the supporter of the privatization therefore he established privatization commission for fair and transparent process (54). He tried to reduce the government corruption and improved the infrastructure in the country as well as digital communication. In his premiership he privatized government banks and struggled to open the door for further industries in the country. In his government with the mutual understanding an agreement was made to resolve the unjust division of water among the provinces (55). Nawaz Shareef took many steps to initiate Islamization and conservatism. He continued the policy of Zia of Islamization. He also talked about the Kashmir Issue (56) and peaceful transfer of power in Afghanistan. Bait ul Maal was established through the presidential ordinance on June 19, 1992 to 8 help the depressed class (57). Nawaz Shareef got Sharia (58) bill approved from the National Assembly in May 1991 and became operative with the signature of president on May 16, 1991. He was also in favor of forming Muslim block so he extended the membership of Ecnomic Cooperation Organization (59) to all central Asian countries. During first term of his premiership he got difficult to work with PPP and MQM. These parties criticized on beautifying Lahore and Kashmir neglecting other provinces. Another step was taken to overcome on unemployment, government launched self employment scheme on April 2, 1992. For that purpose unemployed persons were provided the loan from 50 thousand to three hundred thousand to purchase taxi, mini bus, bus and truck. In Multan and Bahawalpur it provided motor rickshaw to the cycle rickshaw‘s deriver (60). He also launched yellow cab taxi (61) scheme to overcome the unemployment. But it could not run successfully. In this scheme one could borrow 90 % loan without interest from bank to purchase a vehicle He introduced and inaugurated several large projects to improve the economy, Kala Bagh dam became the issue among the provinces. In this situation the government announced to construct the Ghazi Brotha Hydro power project which would help to meet the need of electricity. This project provided employment to ten thousand families and produced 1352 mega watt electricity. World Bank and other international financing institution were ready to provide assistance for the project (62). Nawaz Shareef continued his policy during his premiership to denationalize the industry while Bhutto was against the privatization during his regime. The PPP 9 charter was against the charter of Nawaz Shareef government. The policies of Nawaz Shareef government brought good changes in economy of the country (63). His policies of denationalization and privatization remained continue his following government. After his first premiership Benazir took oath as prime minister she not only continued his project in her government but also the government of Shokat Aziz followed his policy of privatization and denationalization in the country. In very short span of time he denationalized the 90 per cent industry of Pakistan (64). Motorway project was the biggest project of the Nawaz Shareef government. It was inaugurated in January 1992. It was 337 kilometer long and 80 meters wide. Its cost was 23.686 billion rupees. The contract was given a company of Japan. It was completed in his second premiership. He inaugurated it on November 26, 1997. This project was a grand design for the modernization of the Punjab and a prelude to the construction of a widespread network of roads and high way for speedy development and integration of country‘s economy. It was a great achievement of Nawaz Shareef government (65). Nawaz Shareef took several steps to make progress in science and technology. As like Benazir the nuclear weapons and energy program remained top priority of Nawaz Shareef government as well as to provide the most benefits to the public masses. He set his nuclear policy was to build civil and peaceful nuclear power. Nawaz Shareef government used the atomic power for the progress in medical and economic fields. His policy was considered by experts as the atom for peace. In 1993 Nawaz Shareef government established an institution of nuclear energy (66). He declared the 1997 the year of science and allotted special funds 10 to INSC on theoretical Physics (67). USA put pressure on Pakistan in this connection, the assistant secretary of state Terasta Scheffered asked to the finance minister Surtaj Aziz (68) when he was on official tour of USA to halt the Uranium enrichment program (69). Sartaj held meeting to solve the crisis but USA tighten the sanctions over Pakistan. On December 1990 France agreed to give 900 MW power plant for commercial purpose to Pakistan but plant could not provide because France demanded to provide entire financial funds and Pakistan could not do so. In December financial sanction was imposed on Pakistan and in the regime of Nawaz Shareef the economy of the country disturbed. So Nawaz Shareef used Munir Ahmed Khan (1926-1970 Here after Munir) (70) that he convinced International Atomic Energy Agency to allow Pakistan for a nuclear power plant in Chashman. So in December IAEA allowed to establish the plant in Chashman. Nawaz Shareef government intensified his non nuclear weapon policy and Benazir also followed his policy. It was the needs of time that peaceful policy of nuclear remained continue for the development of Pakistan. So Nawaz Shareef and his successor government acted upon the policy. The crash of the cooperatives in Punjab was the worst crisis that made the cause of suffering to the province and effected about half million peoples. The poor people lost their saving when cooperatives societies went bankrupt (71). That scandal made the reputation of Nawaz Shareef seriously damaged. The peoples who were affected had the saving range from twenty five thousand to one hundred thousand (72). In 1993 a serious constitutional crisis arose when Ishaq dismissed the National Assembly with the help of armed forces and 11

Mir Blukh Sher Mazari (1928 Here after Mazari) (73) appointed as the caretaker prime minster of Pakistan (74). But his government could not run more than forty days. Nawaz Shareef rejected the order of president and moved to the Supreme Court of Pakistan. In May 1993 Supreme Court restored the government of Nawaz Shareef. The court declared that the presidential order was unconstitutional and illegal (75). The president could dissolve the Assemblies if it breaks down the constitution or made corruption. The lager bench of Supreme Court gave the verdict 10 by 1(76). After restoration of Nawaz Shareef government, within two months under the pressure of armed forces, resigned from the premiership. He advised the president to dissolve the Assemblies because the other elements of the country did not accept the court verdict. According to an agreement among army, prime minister and president the step to dissolve the Assembly was taken and later on Ishaq was also resigned from his office. Moeenuddin Ahmed Qureshi (1930 Here after Moeen Qurashi) (77) became the caretaker prime minister of Pakistan and chairman senate Wasim Sajjad (1941 Here after Wasim) (78) appointed as acting president (79). Elections for National and Provincial Assemblies were held in October 1993. In these elections PPP got majority and Benazir became the prime minister of Pakistan once again. While Nawaz Shareef played the role of opposition. Nawaz Shareef made an alliance with brother of Benazir, Mir Ghulam Murtaza Bhutto (1954-1996 Here after Murtaza Bhutto) (80) and both worked tirelessly to pressurize Benazir government. Nawaz Shareef blamed her government of slowing down the economy progress of the country. After the controversial death of her brother she also lost the 12 control over the native province Sind (81). In 1996 she lost the popularity in all the provinces and was blamed of corruption and her spouse (1955 Here after Zardari) (82) was also considered to be involved in the death of her brother. So the situation became too critical and the president Farooq Laghari dismissed the government of Benazir and announced to hold new election. Miraj Khalid was appointed the caretaker prime minster of Pakistan (83). In new election Nawaz Shareef won a huge victory and Public masses hoped that he would give a stable and progressive government and the benefits of his government would reach to the public masses of the country. Besides Bhutto no other leader got so heavy mandate, Nawaz Shareef took thirteen hour to reach to president house. On 17 February 1997 he swore as prime minister for second term (84). After passing of 14th amendment (85) he became the most powerful prime minster. No prime minister had such extreme power of premiership. Nawaz Shareef continued his previous policies (86). The issue of atomic capability was an established fact. Hence the debate on this issue came to an end. Nawaz Shareef announced that Pakistan made progress and left the stage of development far behind. Pakistan would not be made hostage to India by signing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (87) before India (88). On returning from USA prime minister told that Pakistan was ready to sign and become the member of CTBT if India signed, ratified and became the party of CTBT first(89). Under the leadership of Nawaz Shareef the nuclear program of the country became the very important in Pakistan economy policy (90). To sign on CTBT 13 armed forces and opposition criticized on Nawaz Shareef government because it was ready to sign the document. India wanted to achieve her superiorty because of her atomic power. On other hand USA and other western countries were pressurizing Pakistan to halt from carrying out atomic bomb experiments to observe the aptitude of patience (91). But in the internal situation Nawaz Shareef government pressurized by armed forces, opposition and public masses of Pakistan wanted to carry out atomic bomb experiments. So in these situations he took very right decision in May 1998 to make atomic explosion (92). Becoming the atomic power, the whole nation congratulated him on taking such a bold step. This could be taken by a strong person so Nawaz Shareef became the hero of the nation. The explosion of atomic bomb was carried out on the Chaghi hill (93). Nawaz Shareef said that we have gained a score and have carried out six successful nuclear tests. Pakistan had become the atomic power (94). Pakistan academy of sciences was also pleasured on this and thanked the prime minister to show its capability (95). Nawaz Shareef and his party took all the credit to conduct nuclear test. There was no doubt he became the most famous prime minister of the country. Due to economic sanctions he halted the space program so he was criticized by the members of the space institution (96). In February 1999 Atal Bihari Vajpayee (1924 Here after Vajpi) (97) desired to visit Pakistan which Pakistan accepted it and officially invited him to visit Pakistan. The armed forces, the opposition and public masses were angry on the visit of Indian prime minister. He was received on Wagha Border but the armed 14 forces avoid to solute him (98). Negotiation on mutual affairs and issues were held and proclaimed Lahore declaration on February 21, 1999 (99). Another important incident was Kargil war with India. In winter Mujahedeen had occupied on Kargil. The Indian army‘s connection with Srinagar and siachin broke (100). Indian started air attack and she made her best efforts but Indian could not capture the mountains (101). So when she failed to take the region she initiated the diplomatic struggle and presented her in front of international world as a country on which it was made the aggression by Pakistan. Occupying of Pakistan on Kargil hill was unfair so she would take it back on any cost (102). The defense minister of USA said Nawaz Shareef and ISI of Pakistan had no hand in Kargil clash (103). Indian prime minister wrote letter to Bill Clinton the president of USA that his country would attack on Pakistan and it might begin the atomic war. So under the international pressure Nawaz Shareef called army from Kargil back unconditionally (104). Coming back from USA Nawaz Shareef ordered to make inquiry to highlight the officers who were involved in Kargil war. Musharaf made tours of army garrison and took the army into confidence and said addressing to the army that the public masses were with them so conflict between prime minister and chief of army staff started once again (105). Armed forces and opposition strongly protested against Nawaz Shareef and said that accepting Washington declaration he ruined the moral of Pakistan army and made Pakistan alone and they also demanded to resign the Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef (106). 15

In this way the differences between Nawaz Shareef and Musharaf became so wide that they could not come close to each other. Chief of army staff took the army in confidence and dismissed the government of Nawaz Shareef and imposed the martial law in the country once again (107). Musharaf accused him the allegation of kidnapping, attempting murder, terrorism and corruption (108). Nawaz Shareef was imprisoned in Adiala jail for trial. Nawaz Shareef was given the sentence of death and in other case of corruption imprisonment of 14 years (109). On the intervention of King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz (1921-2005Here after King Fahad) (110) and the president of USA Nawaz Shareef was exiled and traveled to Sodia Arabia where he warmly welcomed by Saudi officials (111). Nawaz Shareef remained there till 2007. He returned in his homeland in November 2007(112). He came before a week the election 2008, when nomination paper was filed. He started his political career once again and participated in elections and made agreement with his opposition party leader Benazir who died in December 2007(113). In general elections 2008 PPP government got majority in center but like in 1988 position the Punjab remained under the government of Pakistan Muslim league and Shahbaz Shareef was elected the Chief Minister of Punjab (114). The agreement to restore the chief justice could not fulfill and later on the supreme court of Pakistan gave verdict against Shahbaz government, so the government imposed emergency and president rule imposed in Punjab and the public masses gathered around the 16 house of Nawaz Shareef and marched to Islamabad then the prime minister with an executive order restored the judiciary and the government of Punjab was also restored (115).


Conclusion is not only a system but also compulsory to run the system of states. Democratic way of life may solve many problems. In the early Islam nearly fifteen hundred years ago taught us that we should choose the right way and principles. That is why after the profit of Muhammad (Peace be upon him), his followers adopted the right way. Whenever they felt that they were not right they made consult others. After knowing the right thing they changed their decisions but now being a Muslims we are not following the principles of Islam. In democratic system the freedom was given every individual and was also given the security of the basic rights. This is a system that could not be run without opposition. The government has double responsibilities to run the country and to satisfy the opponents. It could be only possible if the rules and regulation are adopted in the life and performed the duties according to constitutions. But in developing country like Pakistan any public officer of the administration was not sincere. They joined just for getting the superiority and have no spirit of services for the public masses. That is why conflicts were created and the image of the country demolished. After the death of Quaid-i-Azam the country could not run in better way. The behaviors of politicians were not positive and many times the army took the country in their hands while the constitution made for the people, dismissed many time. It was not the army who alone did so the civil governments were also doing the same practice. 157

Although we got the freedom of land but could not make free ourselves. Our landlords and feudal considered that they could served the country better but they came to get power. In these situation the ray of light appeared for the poor that now the civil government had come to serve them. It was first time in the history of Pakistan that two major parties were in power one was in province and other was in federal. So they should solve the problems of the public but they started war between them. In that way the problems of the public became double and public started think that no one could solve their problems. Nawaz Shareef was one of the principal actors on the political stage of contemporary Pakistan. Premiership is not necessary for merit and ability although these are valuable assets in a politician aspiring for its occupancy. Aspiration by itself, however, cannot carry a politician to the pinnacle of power unless he is possessed of extraordinary qualities that go into the making of leadership. In the era of politics in which we live, a leader has to have the magnetism to evoke the loyalty of multitude, especially in societies like our own. Nawaz Shareef must have had them in ample measure to win public recognition at an early age since he had no family background. The Punjab was his sphere of influence, which incidentally happened to be the largest province of the country in terms of population, material resources, and manpower for its armed forces. It is the provider of the personnel of the civil service which came to wield immense power after the eclipse of the politicians. Bureaucracy, in fact, had the reputation of being a permanent party in power, whether the country would be under military or civilian 158 rule. Neither the bureaucrats nor the feudalist were ready to solve the problems of public masses. They were both allies of dictator, had no will and wisdom to solve the problems of the people. Among the new generation of politician Z.A. Bhutto had courage and competence to give politics a new sense of direction and purpose, but he also eventually fall a prey to the very forces of feudalism he had set out to destroy. He could not disown his past. Although Nawaz came through the martial law, He was the closest to Zia. He did not enter from the gateway of politics through the democratic process but was groomed for it in doctorial nursery. In the life of Zia he worked for the freedom of politics. In the life of Zia he was considered a respectful person who got the success due to Zia. After the death of Zia he considered himself a legitimate heir to his legacy. After his death he proved it was his policies that public masses liked and once again came in power of province by climbing the electoral ladder. After coming in civil government he served the public in better way and developed the province in all fields of life. So it was said by the Sindh public that Nawaz was more competent leader than all the leaders of their province. They further said all their leaders take the Punjab and given them Nawaz Shareef in return. He was basically in favore of a free market economy, who saw in the free play of the forces of supply and demand, the key to the economic progress of the country. From it, he believed, the public masses would also get benefits. He was a successful businessman; the business community was his natural ally, entitled to all the benefits the state could confer on it in the reconstruction of 159 the economy. That was why in the reign of Nawaz Shareef as a chief minister, Punjab made progress in all field life. Democracy means the government of people, by the people and for the people. So the politicians should think for the people in better way and give preference to the interests of the public and country over their personal interests. In this way the politicians could serve the public masses better. If the democratic government could not solve the problems of the peoples then what is the difference between doctorial government and the democratic government. The spirit of tolerance was necessary in all field of life but in politics its importance increase. So politician should tolerate each other and come in politics to serve the peoples in a better way. When Hazart Abu Baker Siddique (R.A.) was appointed as the first caliph of Islam he was asked about his salary. He replied that his salary should be equal to daily wages of a worker. One asked if he could not meet his necessities under that salary. He answered that he would meet, yet if it could be possible to line in this package, he would increase the salary of common workers. This was the real democracy and the feelings to improve the life standard of public masses.